ADM :: Volume #6

#549: Ancient Capital

The black cloud density must look like the black velvet, covered all sunlight. 乌云密得像黑色的丝绒,遮盖住了所有的阳光。 Has not rained, gray and dry color that a world gloominess, in addition in the season brings, therefore did not have the a little bit vitality/angry. 没有下雨,天地一片晦暗,再加上季节里带来的灰色与枯色,于是没有了一点点生气。 Last class of passenger plane slowly descends from the dark clouds, means that this is last wave of the passenger who dares in undead randomly to Ancient Capital has arrived in this place is apt to get into trouble. 最后一班客机缓缓的从黑云中降落,也意味着这是最后一波敢于在亡灵之乱到古都的旅客已经抵达这片是非之地。 Even the aviation must stop unexpectedly, we catch up with last luckily.” Alit from the airplane, Liu Ru sighing. “竟然连航空都要停了,幸好我们赶上最后一架。”下了飞机,柳茹不由的叹了一口气。 Her that double belting the pupil of several points of spirit beautiful is sizing up Xianyang Airport...... 她那双带着几分灵美的眸子打量着咸阳机场…… strictly speaking, this is her first going far, understands besides Shanghai Magic Capital City that international city tone entirely different the Ancient Capital city. 严格来说,这还是她第一次出远门,领略除上海魔都那份国际都市之外气韵截然不同的古都城。 Two were sorry, each falling to the ground passenger needs to show the status, and reported the bright purpose in coming.” The person who wears the uniform/subdue blocked two people in the exit, and serious saying. “两位抱歉,每一位落地的乘客都需要出示身份,并且禀明来意。”一名穿着制服的人在出口处拦住了两人,并且严肃的说道。 „Was my flies the overseas?” Mo Fan frowns, had not heard also has this questioning. “我这是飞到国外了吗?”莫凡皱起眉头,没听说过还有这项盘查的。 Very special period, please coordinate.” Overpowers the man to say. “非常时期,请配合。”制服男子说道。 Traveling, this is my small honey, the status does not facilitate to disclose.” Mo Fan direct decline. “旅游的,这位是我小蜜,身份不方便透露。”莫凡直接回绝了。 Liu Ru hear of Mo Fan´s replied, face elegant red. 柳茹莫凡的回答,脸都俏红了起来。 Lies cannot scatter a normal point, what small honey! 撒谎就不能撒个正常点的吗,什么小蜜啊! That puts on the uniform/subdue man expression one stiffly, has not seen the belt/bring slightly three to come out so to be righteous. 那穿制服男子表情一僵,没见过带小三出来还这么理直气壮的。 Liu Ru does not have the status, because in the regular document, Liu Ru had died, precisely that medical examiner Nie Dong does the good deed. 柳茹是没有身份的,因为在正规文件里,柳茹已经死亡了,正是那个法医聂东干得好事。 Afterward Liu Ru the incarnation Blood Clan, left the life of her original(ly) quietly, therefore the document appears upside down not to change. 随后柳茹又化身了血族,悄然离开了她原本的生活,所以证件倒现在都还没有更改过来。 What as for taking plane...... Liu Ru uses is the original ID card, what is interesting is that side the airline had the loophole but actually, the ID card of death person can still board craft unexpectedly effectively. 至于坐飞机……柳茹用的是原来的身份证,有趣的是航空公司那边倒存在漏洞,死亡人的身份证竟然仍旧可以有效登机。 Naturally, Blood Clan converges undead one kind freely, but with Liu Ru these days contact, she besides filling in belly by blood, other aura have no difference from human, even is also maintaining initially the vitality and vigor of young female, beautiful enough to eat! 当然,血族尽管归为亡灵一类,但和柳茹这段时间的接触来看,她除了填肚子是靠血液之外,其他气息跟人类没有任何差别,甚至还保持着当初妙龄女子的朝气与活力,秀色可餐! ...... …… This in broad daylight, undead will sleep in oneself tomb. 这会还是大白天,亡灵们都在自己的坟墓里睡觉。 Xianyang to the Ancient Capital also distance, Mo Fan and Liu Ru was also disinclined to go by car, summoned Swift Star Wolf directly, sped along along the highway edge the Ancient Capital Xi'an. 咸阳到古都还有一段距离,莫凡柳茹也懒得坐车了,直接召唤出疾星狼,一路沿着高速公路边缘飞驰到了古都西安。 Can look, Ancient Capital at a strict abstention condition, even can see that also towered unexpectedly high city wall in the entire outer city area. 可以看得出来,古都处在一个严戒状态,甚至可以看到在整个外城区竟然也耸立起了高高的城墙 The Ancient Capital Xi'an has ancient city wall, the region in ancient city wall was a town center, outside ancient city wall was the wild goose tower, stele forest and other city area, in city wall used as the sightseeing trip more often...... 古都西安有古城墙,古城墙内的区域便算是市中心了,古城墙外则是雁塔、碑林等其他城区,内城墙更多的时候是作为观光旅游之用…… Now, in beside city wall also built scale huger outside city wall, beyond this city wall diameter compared in city wall broad about five times, original(ly) is distributed in the different city area including suburb people, has requested to move to this beyond in completely city wall. 如今,内城墙之外还修造了一个规模更加巨大的外城墙,这个外城墙直径比内城墙广了五倍左右,原本分布在不同城区包括郊区的人们,已经全部要求迁居到这个外城墙之内了。 Has seen such broad in scale Security for the first time.” Liu Ru raised the head, is looking up to continuously like the mountain ridge same outer wall. “第一次见过这么规模宏大的安界。”柳茹抬起头,仰望着连绵如山脊一样的外墙。 Does not know that many Earth Mage casting get up, truly magnificent...... also indicated that here situation was very stern, beside city wall is not the peaceful place.” Mo Fan said. “不知道多少土系法师铸造起来的,确实壮观……同时也表明这里的局势很严峻了,想必城墙之外就不是安生之地。”莫凡说道。 Outside the city wall project is vast, looked that from Mo Fan here the feeling is two faces upwards unexpectedly, cannot look outside city wall border at the same time. 城墙工程浩瀚,从莫凡这里看去竟然感觉是两段朝天,一眼望不到外城墙其中一面的边沿。 Remembers that in Ancient Capital the city wall perimeter is also close to 14 kilometers, outside city wall that but this includes most city area did not know many kilometers continuously, thorough a Xi'an city protection in inside...... 记得古都城墙周长也不过是接近14公里,可这把大多数城区都笼括进去的外城墙更不知得连绵了多少公里,彻彻底底的将一座大西安城保护在了里面…… Person who the city gate place has Magic Association is guarding, Military Mage is responsible for questioning. 城门处有魔法协会的人在把守,军法师负责盘查。 In broad daylight, the live person passes in and out actually not very strictly, but to was close to at dusk, the military then did not allow the person to go out of town, because who knows, will go out of outside city wall average person of this protection then to degenerate into the undead grain ration directly...... 大白天,活人进出倒不是非常的严格,只是到了接近傍晚时分,军方便不怎么允许人出城了,因为谁都知道,走出了这保护的外城墙普通人便会直接沦为亡灵的口粮…… Passed through with large army guard outside city wall, the situation in city wall is but actually good, has no difference from other cities, because actually distributed the person in different suburbs strongly to these city area, the street in all directions appeared particularly lively lively. 穿过了重兵把守的外城墙,城墙内的情况倒还好,和其他城市没有什么区别,倒是由于分布在不同城郊的人集中到了这几个城区,街道四处显得分外繁华热闹。 Has huge city wall of together new casting, then just like a big dragon long body the city protection in inside, the residents does not need to worry about because of outside reactionary reign of terror completely, or they have seen the those thing, how should cross also how to cross! 一道新铸造的巨大城墙,便宛如一条巨龙冗长的身躯将城市保护在里面,市民们完全不需要因为外面的血雨腥风而担忧,或者说他们早已经见惯了那些东西,该怎么过还怎么过! ...... …… Mo Fan has not stopped over in other city area, goes to bell tower Magic Association directly. 莫凡没有在其他城区逗留,直接前往钟楼魔法协会 Bell tower Magic Association and Gulou Hunter's Union can be said as most central point of Xi'an, in city wall the wind and rain stands erect, Mo Fan original(ly) wants first to arrive at the military region that Zhang Xiaohou subordinates to know the situation, may think that and does not have any necessary, simply the direct examination that to the person who handles arrival and departure the death news...... 钟楼魔法协会、鼓楼猎者联盟可以说是西安的最中心点,在内城墙中风雨矗立,莫凡原本是想先到张小侯隶属的军区去了解情况,可觉得那并没有什么必要,索性直接询问起那个给直接发死讯的人…… That person told Mo Fan, Zhang Xiaohou was carries out the relief operations to vanish, the skeleton had not found, has not sent the rescue again, but can determine a point is, the place that he had an accident was the danger occupies between Sunny Goat Village and Flowery Village of village. 那人告诉莫凡,张小侯是执行救援行动而消失的,尸骸没有找到,没有再派救援,但可以确定一点是,他出事的地点是危居村落的羊阳村华村之间。 By such a undead period recklessly, but also dares outside the city wall life, only then the danger occupied a person of clan, their villages until now come out unscathed, because what a pity these villages did not use the modern equipment, the information transmission might be called slow, delivered a letter/believes to on long time...... 到了这样一个亡灵肆意的时期里,还敢在外城墙生活的,也就只有危居一族的人了,他们的村落至今安然无恙,可惜由于这些村落不使用现代设备,以至于信息传递堪称缓慢,送份信都得过上好长时间…… The news of being annihilated is their villagers delivers, the military has had no way to verify actually. 全军覆没的消息便是他们一个村民递送来的,军方这边其实一直都没法去核实。 Telling Mo Fan that Mo Fan with that Zhang Xiaohou military instructor Fei Jiao chatted long time, military instructor Fei Jiao with every effort will also know, this Fei Jiao military instructor also cares about the Zhang Xiaohou life and death very much obviously very much, is only more important mission in the body, is unable to inquire about the truth. 莫凡与那位张小侯教官飞角聊了很长时间,教官飞角也尽力的将所知道的告诉莫凡,很显然这位飞角教官也很在意张小侯的生死,只是更重要的任务在身,无法去探寻真相。 „Do we go?” Liu Ru inquired. “那我们去哪?”柳茹询问道。 Looks for several person who experiences the old say/way goes Sunny Goat Village with us together.” Mo Fan said. “找几个经验老道的人跟我们一起去羊阳村。”莫凡说道。 Mo Fan is not familiar with here all, undead is more fearful than magic beast every so often, verifies the reason to save others, must have a credible team. 莫凡对这里的一切都不熟悉,亡灵很多时候比妖魔更可怕,无论是去探明原因还是去救人,都得有一个靠谱的团队。 original(ly) Mo Fan counts on to look for several experts in Magic Association, does to Magic Association here person in going out is not interested very much, finally Mo Fan has to arrive at that side Gulou Hunter's Union...... 原本莫凡指望在魔法协会中寻找出几个高手,奈何魔法协会这边的人对外出都不是很感兴趣,最后莫凡又不得不到了鼓楼猎者联盟那边…… In Hunter Mage, does not fear death grasps big! 猎法师里面,不怕死的一抓一大把! In the hunter hall the person are many. 猎人大厅里人非常多。 Where danger, the hunter where, the more dangerous place buried treasure are also more, Ancient Capital Hunter's Union especially is actually active! 哪里危险,猎人就在哪里,越危险的地方宝藏也越多,古都猎者联盟这边倒是格外活跃! Mo Fan looked at a Bounty big screen of tumbling, the discovery rescue this request are most...... 莫凡看了一眼翻滚的悬赏大屏,发现其中“救援”这个委托最多…… The undead riot, should have many people also to get sucked into the danger outside city wall, those safe person natural(ly) has been able to pay the high price to ask Hunter Mage to go to rescue. 亡灵暴乱,应该有很多人还深陷城墙外的危险之中,那些已经平安的人自然会出大价钱请猎法师们前去救援。 Basically is rescues, it seems like also many people place the danger......” Liu Ru to say to Mo Fan. “基本上都是救援的,看来还有很多人身处危险……”柳茹莫凡说道。 Anything rescues, gathers up dead bodies the team.” A sound of duck throat rushes. “啥救援呐,都是收尸队。”一个鸭嗓子的声音闯了进来。 Liu Ru has turned away, saw puts on exploration very much diminutive Hunter Mage stands, needs to lower the head at her height can see the face of this goods. 柳茹转过脸去,看到一位穿得很“探险”的矮小猎法师站在旁边,以她的身高都需要低头才能够看见这货的脸。 The short people see the beautiful woman to take a look at him, therefore shows off the experience saying: those round of request, but does not hope that their family members turn into outside those dirty thing, therefore, our Ancient Capital Hunter's Union soon turned gathers up dead bodies the alliance.” 矮个子见美女瞅他,于是卖弄起经验道:“那些发委托的,只是不希望他们的亲人变成外面那些脏东西的一员而已,所以啊,我们古都猎者联盟都快要变成收尸联盟了。”
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