ADM :: Volume #6

#548: Blood Clan also calculates undead

...... …… ...... …… Pearl Academy today piece of Boil with rage. 明珠学府今日一片沸腾 In the morning matter has evolved the innumerable editions to disseminate inside and outside the school, original(ly) on the character who the reputation big chirp Mo Fan turns into the legendary rank simply. 早上发生的事情已经演变成了无数个版本在校内外传播,原本就名声大噪的莫凡简直变成传奇级别的人物。 Not tranquil, more people were anticipating the struggle of this nomination was ranked finally. 不平静下,更多的人期待着这场提名之争最终排行了。 The familiar Mo Fan´s person, has also known including Mo Fan´s that three teammates, he will not be presenting any competition, he will leave Magic Capital City quickly, goes until now in flustered Ancient Capital. 只是,熟悉莫凡的人,包括莫凡的那三位队友也已经知道,他不会在出现任何一场比赛,他很快就会离开魔都,前往至今都在人心惶惶的古都 Now countless people are fleeing Ancient Capital, undead make too many people die a violent death randomly, some people forecast that this is for over a thousand years the most terrifying cholera, some people said that is some thieves is exaggerating intentionally......, but most splendid Hunter Mage is not willing to talk about any related event from there return continually, hidden danger strategy subscriber Zhu Meng has arrived lonely, the Military Mage frequent reassignment, had shown that this matter is not a rumor. 如今无数人正在逃离古都,亡灵之乱让太多人死于非命,有人预测这是上千年来最恐怖的一场霍乱,也有人说那不过是一些贼人在故意夸大其词……但连最出色的猎法师从那里归来不愿意谈及任何有关事件,隐患战略提议者祝蒙都已经亲临孤独,军法师频繁调动,都已经表明这事并非空穴来风。 Actually Ancient Capital had anything, no one can explain. 古都究竟发生了什么,没有人可以解答。 Mo Fan is not solves this terrifying riddle, he is only finds a person...... to retrieve this to grow up together the partner, retrieves this actually to go to the trouble of traveling a long distance Dong Ting Lake to look for own partner in own incarnation Devil. 莫凡不是去解开这个恐怖的谜团的,他只是去找一个人……找回这个从小一起长大的伙伴,找回这个在自己化身恶魔却不远千里来洞庭湖寻找自己的伙伴。 That two Soul Essence that exhausts all savings to buy, Mo Fan has not hated to use. 那两个耗尽了所有积蓄买来的精魄,莫凡至今都没有舍得使用。 Right, what in the message transmits is the death news. 没错,短信里传来的是死讯。 However to such a friend, the Mo Fan´s principle is: Living to see the person, dying to see the corpse! 但是对这样一个朋友,莫凡的原则是:生要见人,死要见尸! This short one line of characters, cannot rule death penalty of good friend, cannot represent him to vanish in this world since then, is lives with great difficulty from the Bo City disaster, in the blood and sacrifice understands that the life is how valuable. 这短短的一行字,决不能判决自己挚友的死刑,更不能代表他从此消失在这个世界上,都是好不容易从博城灾难中活下来的,也是在鲜血与牺牲中明白生命何其可贵。 If he really died, even if the skeleton not saves, that also wants to confirm personally! 假如他真的死了,哪怕尸骨无存,那也一定要自己亲自确认过! If he is living, lives in some not well-known corner, even if lives boundlessly in such as the undead pile of sea, oneself will also certainly kill a bloody road to live the belt/bring to come back him. This was the commitment between brothers, Zhang Xiaohou achieved initially. 假如他活着,活在某个不知名的角落,哪怕活在茫茫如海的亡灵堆里,自己也一定会杀出一条血路将他活着带回来。这是兄弟之间的承诺,张小侯当初做到了。 The present is oneself...... 现在是自己…… ...... …… Is looking up to by the lively city that the black mist covers, walks Mo Fan on long street to remember Ai Jiangtu had spoken that words suddenly. 仰望着被黑色雾气笼罩的这座繁华城市,走在冗长街道上的莫凡忽然间想起了艾江图说过的那番话。 The Military Mage time is taking the head, is a companion with magic beast God of Death, whether on the day of Zhang Xiaohou will have, how Mo Fan will not have to consider. 军法师时刻都提着脑袋,与妖魔死神为伍,张小侯是否也会有这一天,莫凡怎么会没考虑过。 Initially Zhang Xiaohou chose into the army time, he wants to overrule for him, but thinks Zhang Xiaohou held He Yu to cry initially the rending picture, Mo Fan this was the big brother was very then clear, oneself cannot calm down his. 当初张小侯选择入军的时候,他就想替他否决,可是一想到张小侯当初抱着何雨哭得撕心裂肺的画面,莫凡这个做大哥的便很清楚,自己是劝不住他的。 These years, Zhang Xiaohou grew, encounters a difficulty calmly, magic beast savage under is without turning a hair, is splendid Military Mage. So long as stands before oneself, this fellow returned to the child appearance, shows off eagerly, always follows. 这些年,张小侯成长了很多,遇事冷静,妖魔凶残下面不改色,是一个出色的军法师。可只要是站在自己面前,这家伙就回归了小孩模样,急于炫耀,又言听计从。 Actually Mo Fan is clear, this fellow wants oneself this approval that is the big brother. 其实莫凡清楚,这家伙就是想得到自己这个做大哥的认可。 Street light orange yellow, hits on Mo Fan, drags long to be very long his shadow very much...... 路灯橙黄,打在莫凡身上,将他的影子拖得很长很长…… Is the night, area some some neon lights, are not make noise reluctantly very much, peaceful sound of footsteps that can hear the passer-by. 已经是深夜了,这一带勉强有一些霓虹灯,却并不是很喧嚣,安静的都能够听见路人的脚步声。 Under the street light, orange yellow radiance can shine to the lots, the automobile that anchors randomly, handles the fine road garden, each passer-by lonely figure of...... gloomy place that but on the street light, the ray cannot shine, in that shadow that no one detects, a physique several points of thin outline just like the female of Shadow Division, is standing still slenderly above the street light, does not make a sound the pedestrian under distant staring street light. 路灯下方,橙黄色光辉能够照耀到很多东西,乱停靠的汽车,打理精致的路圃,每个路人孤独的身形……而在路灯上,光线照耀不到的晦暗处,无人察觉的那片阴影中,一个身姿纤细略带几分清瘦的轮廓宛如司夜之女,正静立在路灯上方,不发出一点声音的远远凝视路灯下的行人。 Suddenly, that this solitary one shadow stopped there, his turning around of slowly, the vision is gazing at this dead angle on others opinion one group of darkness street light. 突然,那个孤影停在了那里,他缓缓的转过身来,目光就注视着这在别人看来一团黑暗的路灯上死角。 Don't forget, I also had the shadow ability.” Mo Fan floated off a smiling face, on the strange female to street light said. “别忘了,我也拥有暗影能力。”莫凡浮起了一个笑容,对路灯上的灵异女子说道。 The females appear several points of startled, turning around to fly into darkness...... 女子显得几分惊慌,转身要飞入黑暗…… Do not walk.” Mo Fan stopped by calling out her. “别走。”莫凡叫住了她。 The female then the body on the street light somewhat sways, but she still had not come from darkness, but bright such as the moon/month not humanlike pupil is actually gazing at Mo Fan with that pair. 那女子这才在路灯上身子有些摇晃,可她仍旧没有从黑暗中现身,只是用那双明亮如月却不似人类的眸子注视着莫凡 I need your help.” Mo Fan said. “我需要你的帮助。”莫凡说道。 I?” That clear spirit very carefully sound fluttered finally. “我?”那个清灵小心翼翼的声音终于飘了出来。 Mo Fan nods. 莫凡点了点头。 The female in darkness seems somewhat chuckled, nearly from jumping down. 黑暗中的女子看上去有些窃喜,险些从跳落下来。 How wants me to do?” The voice of female fluttered, seems especially elusive in this night. “要我怎么做?”女子的声音飘了下来,在这夜里显得格外空灵。 I must go to Ancient Capital, there is flooding fearful undead creature, as far as I know......” the Mo Fan words told only half that has not said. “我要去一趟古都,那里充斥着可怕的亡灵生物,据我所知……”莫凡话说到一半并没有说下去。 vampire is also undead one.” The girl added. 吸血鬼也属于亡灵的一种。”女孩却补充道。 Em, therefore I hope you with me together.” Mo Fan earnest saying. “恩,所以我希望你跟我一起。”莫凡认真的说道。 You are my elder, told that I worked am OK.” The appearance that the girl instead jumps for joy very much, that pair of pupil has been glittering. “你是我的长辈,吩咐我做事情就可以了。”女孩反而很雀跃的样子,那双眸子已经在闪烁。 Good...... good.” Mo Fan hear this name, finds it strange. “好……好吧。”莫凡听起这个称呼,还是觉得怪怪的。 At this time, Liu Ru already slowly fell gently from the above, but also before vampire her several minutes of spirit is elegant, the neighbor unrequited loves her young fellow more certain from all sides, but after incarnation Blood Clan, her makings have the obvious change, the figure already not initially such clear emaciated bone, on the contrary situated in shy and mature, the pure flaw and pretty and coquettish moistens, coexists with the sex appeal simple and elegant. 此时,柳茹已经缓缓的从上方飘落了下来,还在吸血鬼前她就几分钟灵秀美,想必前前后后街坊暗恋她的小伙一定很多,而化身血族之后,她的气质有着明显的变化,身段已经不似当初那样清瘦弱骨了,反倒介于青涩与成熟之间,纯瑕与艳冶均沾,清雅与性感并存。 The fragrance fills the air, will be that type unknowingly the smell that the man soul will cancel, will come from fills the young blood flesh her. 香味弥漫,是那种不经意间就会把男人魂魄勾走的气味,来自于她充满青春活力的肌肤。 Blood Clan Death Qi heavy could not see at Liu Ru here 1 point, increased many mysterious noble makings to ordinary girl Liu Ru that original(ly) took in everything at a glance on the contrary. 血族死气沉沉在柳茹这里一点都看不到,反倒是给原本一览无余的普通女孩柳茹增添了许多神秘高贵的气质。 Very attractive, Mo Fan must acknowledge that Liu Ru attractively were too initially more than her of delicate time. 很诱人,莫凡必须承认柳茹比当初柔弱时候的她诱人太多了。 Thinks that such a woman would every night sneaking secretly to oneself room, will then lie in own side will be drunk the fragrant lip of beautiful to paste bright red, Mo Fan bloodlines will then inflate. 想到这样一个女人总会每天夜里偷偷的潜入到自己房间,然后趴在自己身旁将鲜红醉美的香唇贴过来,莫凡便一阵血脉膨胀。 What is up?” Liu Ru collected, low voice asking. “你怎么啦?”柳茹凑了过来,小声的问道。 „, No, words saying that in Magic Capital City has had other vampire to bully you, some words told me freely.” The Mo Fan hurried shift topic conceals awkwardly. “啊,没什么,话说魔都里有没有别的吸血鬼欺负你,有的话尽管告诉我。”莫凡急忙转移话题掩饰尴尬。 „Has, but they do not dare to come to this domain now.” “有倒有,不过他们现在不太敢来这块地盘。” What's wrong, do our city area have strong Blood Clan to cover?” Mo Fan shoulders the eyebrow to ask. “怎么,我们这个城区有很强的血族在罩着吗?”莫凡挑起眉毛问道。 Liu Ru looks at Mo Fan, the eye winked purely. 柳茹看着莫凡,眼睛单纯的眨了起来。 „...... Are you covering?” Mo Fan responded quickly, some surprise say/way. “呃……你在罩着?”莫凡很快反应过来,有些诧异的道。 Liu Ru embarrassed smiling. 柳茹不好意思的笑了笑。 Generally speaking the up-and-comers in Blood Clan must by bullying, may be called the respectable family young girls like Liu Ru this type, must be rubbed to pinch by other Blood Clan about. 一般来说血族中的新人都是要挨欺负的,像柳茹这种堪称良家少女的,更得被其他血族左右揉捏。 Liu Ru truly is at first frequent is harassed, temperate Liu Ru also exercises forbearance as far as possible, may exercise forbearance she to discover from now on the those small monster small demon is intense. 起初柳茹确实频繁遭到骚扰,性情温和的柳茹也尽量忍让,可忍让过后她发现那些小妖小魔变本加厉。 Without other means that has to use force. 没别的办法,只好动用武力了。 After using force, Liu Ru discovered that own strength calculates strongly in Blood Clan! 动用武力之后,柳茹发现自己的实力在血族中算蛮强的!
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