ADM :: Volume #6

#547: Mo Fan, real strength

[Intense Fist]!!!!” 烈拳!!!!” Same style, same Magic, Mo Fan in the same fashion ruthlessly counterattacks the action of Dongfang Lie this villain! 一样的招式,一样的魔法,莫凡以同样的方式狠狠的还击东方烈这小人之举! This behavior looks like in many people are the stupid diameter, Dongfang Lie that peerless talent makes him smile sufficiently arrogantly same level, no one can with him just the upfront, no one dare certainly with his Magic to the bang. 这种行为在很多人看来都是愚蠢之径,东方烈那绝世天赋让他足以笑傲同级,绝没有人可以与他刚正面,更没有人敢与他魔法对轰。 He has entire Pearl Academy strongest [Intense Fist], irresistible, let alone is a person, even if will be a team is also destroyed to attack. 他拥有整个明珠学府最强的烈拳,势不可挡,别说是一个人,哪怕是一个团队也会遭受到毁灭打击。 Mo Fan counter-attacks with [Intense Fist] at this time, will not die also absolutely rumbling paralyzes by Dongfang Lie! 莫凡此时用烈拳反击,不死也绝对会被东方烈给轰得瘫痪! Rumble rumble ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “隆隆隆隆~~~~~~~~~~~~~~” Dongfang Lie eventually is first make a move, his column of flame dragon from different directions Mo Fan embezzling, people see only then big vigorous tumbling the tail of fire dragon, where can also see tiny Mo Fan. 东方烈终究是先出手的,他的火柱化龙已经从不同的方向将莫凡给吞没了进去,人们看见的就只有一大片蓬勃翻滚的火龙之尾,哪里还能够看见渺小的莫凡 fire cloud changes, not far away Bai Yulang and the others in have to support the defense, resists the might of this [Intense Fist] surrounding. 火云翻动,就连不远处的白宇郎等人都不得不支撑起防御,抵挡这烈拳外围的威力。 Is away from such a to be away from them to feel this Magic fearful thermal energy, not to mention by great antiquity fire dragon embezzling in most central Mo Fan!! 隔着这么一段距离他们都可以感受到这魔法的可怕热力,更不用说已经被洪荒火龙给吞没在最中央的莫凡了!! The roaring flame play burns, people stared in a big way the eye. 烈焰剧燃下,人们都瞪大了眼睛。 At the Mo Fan embezzled last minute, he has not called any to defend, even if he majors in Fire Element, is basic the function by his a little bit flame resistance. 莫凡被吞没的最后一刻,他都没有唤出任何防御来,即便他是主修火系,以他那一点点火焰抗性是根本起不到作用的啊。 ...... …… hū hū hū hū shouted ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!” 呼呼呼呼呼~~~~~~~~~!!” The flame burns audience stunned, but in a while, in the Dongfang Lie flame the surges had another overbearing flame breath suddenly! 火焰燃得全场一片错愕,可没过多久,东方烈的火焰之内猛然间翻腾起了另外一种霸道至极的炎息来! Grey red is bunch of bright red! 灰红中是一簇嫣红! It seems like Mo Fan commonly used Rose Flame, is actually compared with the Rose Flame bright redder as blood!! 看上去像莫凡常用的玫炎,可是却比玫炎更鲜红似血!! Just like body of casting, in the large flame dances in the air partly visible, but floods starts instead to raid the surrounding grey red in his whole body the blood flame of bright red as blood unexpectedly!! 一个宛如熔铸的身躯在火舌飞舞间若隐若现,而充斥在他全身的嫣红似血的血炎竟然开始反袭周围灰红色!! The fist shadow breaks open suddenly, was a chaos arrow arrow broke open the fog completely, the revolving air wave rapid also this world pure brightness of curls up...... 拳影豁然破开,完全就是一柄混沌箭矢破开了雾霭,所卷起的旋转气浪迅速的还这片天地一片清明…… Flame great column that has not rushed, has not melted making threatening gestures of dragon, the roaring flame of this bright red as blood condenses on that hot fist, howls, swiftly and fiercely, regardless of the grey red flame swept across how big range, its bright red does not reduce, striking punctured all...... 没有澎湃的火焰巨柱,也没有化龙的张牙舞爪,这嫣红似血的烈焰凝聚在那一火拳上,呼啸、凌厉,无论灰红色火焰席卷了多么大的范围,它的鲜红丝毫不减,醒目的打穿了一切…… Is the meteor daybreak, the day falling crack is spatial! 是流星破晓,天陨裂空! Perhaps this cannot call it [Intense Fist], but is [Meteoric Fist]!! 或许这已经不能称之为烈拳了,而是陨拳!! Mo Fan´s roar slowly has covered howling of roaring flame, Rose Flame of his whole body bright red as blood evaporates the Dongfang Lie grey red spirit fire unexpectedly completely!! 莫凡的吼声慢慢的盖过了烈焰的呼啸,他周身鲜红似血的玫炎竟然将东方烈灰红色的灵火全部蒸发!! Yes, evaporation!! 是的,蒸发!! When another flame tyrannicalally, then sufficiently another weak flame evaporating. 当另一种火焰强横至极的时候,便足以将另一种弱的火焰给蒸发掉。 This moment Dongfang Lie grey flame was then evaporated by Rose Flame, this arena bright red like blood, but stands in blood red roaring flame most central Mo Fan, is the whole body is attached by the flame, the flesh showed not the humanlike flame color! 此刻东方烈的灰炎便被玫炎被蒸发了,这片赛场已经鲜红的像血一样,而站在血红色烈焰最中央的莫凡,更是周身被火焰依附着,肌肤透出了不似人类的炎彩! The crazy demon arrives, this is true irresistible. 狂魔降临,这才是真正的势不可挡。 Under when the arena, was just Zhao Manyan that Mo Fan worried about sees this secretly, remembered at that time Mo Fan suddenly by Blazing Sorceress took possession the condition. 赛场下,正为莫凡担忧的赵满延看到这一幕后,猛然间想起了当时莫凡火焰魔女附体时的状态。 This time Mo Fan like, if Blazing Sorceress has the ability of attachment, is Little Flame Fairy that he raises laboriously same has the special energy!! 此时的莫凡像极了,假如说火焰魔女拥有依附的能力,是不是他辛辛苦苦养大的小炎姬一样具备这样的特殊之能!! Is Little Flame Fairy, certainly is Little Flame Fairy!! 小炎姬,一定是小炎姬!! Little Flame Fairy is attached to Mo Fan´s, making the Mo Fan´s Fire Element ability rise suddenly. 小炎姬附在莫凡的身上,让莫凡的火系能力暴涨。 Dongfang Lie thinks his unique Level Four [Intense Fist] can rule all, the fellow who as everyone knows Mo Fan this receives the Heavenly Tribulation life favor is the true flame overlord! 东方烈自以为他独一无二的第四级烈拳可以统治一切,殊不知莫凡这个受到天劫生灵青睐的家伙才是真正的火焰霸主! Compared with the flame, Dongfang Ming found fault the person absolutely!! 比火焰,东方明绝对找错人了!! [Meteoric Fist] is extremely quick, all actually only happen in several seconds, Mo Fan was embezzled by the flame, he resembles Rose Flame of blood to evaporate all, Mo Fan this [Meteoric Fist] bang approached Dongfang Lie. 陨拳极快,一切其实都只在几秒钟发生,无论是莫凡被火焰吞没,还是他似血的玫炎蒸发一切,莫凡陨拳轰向了东方烈 Dongfang Lie stands there, dumb as a wooden chicken...... 东方烈站在那里,呆若木鸡…… In his eye wrote all over the shock, wrote all over the nightmare, writing all over was incredible! 他的眼睛里写满了震惊,写满了噩梦,写满了不可置信! He sweeps away all obstacles by the might, now his [Intense Fist] arrogance was evaporated, the fire dragon was punctured, what is more terrifying, [Meteoric Fist] of opposite party toward own is rumbling to come, the long flame tail is gorgeous. 他以威力所向披靡,如今他的烈拳气焰被人蒸发,火龙被人打穿,更恐怖的是,对方的陨拳正朝着自己轰来,长长的火焰尾巴绚丽无比。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!” [Meteoric Fist] fell on Dongfang Lie Magic Armor Equipment and Magic Shield Equipment, two expensive defense equipment changed into the scrap iron under the strength of this terrifying, the separation of fragments of armor and armor, fell place. 陨拳落在了东方烈铠魔具盾魔具上,两件昂贵的防御装备在这恐怖的力量下化为了废铁,铠与甲的碎片飞散开,掉落了一地。 The Dongfang Lie body in same place stagnates, the next second of whole person was rumbled to fly upside down by the front seat strength, is the abdomen is hit by a shell simply, in the midair the fresh bloody stool spurted crazily. 东方烈身体在原地一滞,下一秒整个人被前座力轰得倒飞出去,简直就是腹部被一个炮弹击中,半空中鲜血便狂喷了出来。 Wipes bright red opens following the Dongfang Lie flying upside down arc line drawing, being startled the audience is completely silent. 一抹嫣红顺着东方烈倒飞的弧线画开,惊得全场鸦雀无声。 Finally Dongfang Lie was given to catch by soft Barrier, if he boneless paper person same fell, the hair hangs loose all of a sudden, the body lies on the ground. 最终东方烈被柔软的结界给接住,他如无骨纸人一样滑落了下来,头发一下子披散开,身子趴在地上。 He incomparably strenuous raising head, with astonishment looks up at madman Mo Fan that the distant place flame play is burning, the pain and shame, in his unwilling eye pupil happened simultaneously. 他无比吃力的仰起头来,仰视着远处火焰剧燃的狂人莫凡,痛苦、耻辱、惊愕在他不甘的眼眸中交加。 12 rounds......” “一两回合……” Zhou Suming has stayed stupidly, forgot thoroughly must hold own companion. 周书茗已经呆傻了,彻底忘记要去扶自己的同伴。 He remembers clearly Dongfang Lie has said that so long as gives him 1-2 rounds he to solve Mo Fan, is clearly is finally opposite! 他清楚的记得东方烈说过,只要给他1-2回合他就能够解决掉莫凡,可是结果截然相反! This Mo Fan, the talent is not Inborn Dual Element, why will be controlling so terrifyingly such as the strength of demon, is this true strength of decided but not yet announced player??? 这个莫凡,天赋不是天生双系吗,为何会掌控着如此恐怖如魔的力量,难道这就是内定选手的真正实力??? The arena quiet for a long time was very very long. 赛场沉寂了很久很久。 No one believes that their eyes, they even suspected that actually lies in that person who the ground spits blood is hot list's first Dongfang Lie. 没有人相信他们的眼睛,他们甚至怀疑趴在地上吐血的那个人究竟是不是火榜第一的东方烈 Finally their double pupils also bring to look that neatly monster general panic-stricken is gazing at arena central Mo Fan. 最后他们双瞳又齐刷刷带着看妖怪一般的惊恐注视着赛场中央的莫凡 At this moment, the roaring flame of Mo Fan whole body is extinguishing slowly. 此刻,莫凡浑身的烈焰正在慢慢的熄去。 People do not remember actually what he uses is what strength, in brief this type has gone beyond their cognitive range overbearingly. 人们不记得他究竟使用的是什么力量,总之这种霸道已经超出了他们的认知范围。 Decided but not yet announced player...... 内定选手…… This is the decided but not yet announced player!! 这就是内定选手!! If everyone also had Jianghai huge disdaining and envy about Mo Fan in the past, then they do not dare now again some least bit questions. 假如以往大家还对莫凡心存江海庞大的不屑与嫉妒,那么现在他们不敢再有半点质疑了。 Not...... Mo Fan??” “莫……莫凡??” Mù Nujiao, Zhao Manyan and Ai Tutu these three most familiar Mo Fan´s people had discovered that the person on stage is so unexpectedly strange, or this is his true strength, hid several months! 牧奴娇赵满延艾图图这三个最熟悉莫凡的人已经发现台上的这人竟然如此陌生,或者说这才是他真正的实力,隐藏了数月! Then, is actually what caused him no longer to hide?? 那么,究竟是什么导致他不再隐藏了?? When the roaring flame all disperses, why is that grief and indignation in his eye? 烈焰全散时,他眼里的那份悲愤又是为何? Quack ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “嘎嘎嘎嘎~~~~~~~~~~~~” The cell phone that fist loosening slowly, buys newly had turned into one pile of powder, fell from Mo Fan´s finger/refers of seams all. 拳头缓缓的松开,新买的手机已经变成了一堆粉末,从莫凡的指缝间尽数滑落了下来。 Mo Fan inspires layer on layer/heavily, does not have to look at Dongfang Lie one again. 莫凡重重吸了一口气,却是没有再多看东方烈一眼。 Mo Fan...... do you go???” 莫凡……你去哪???” Competition had not ended......” “比赛还没结束啊……” During a piece shocks, Mo Fan has stepped down the competition stage, people do not know that this fellow is making anything, some, only then awes with one dreads. 一片震撼之中,莫凡已经走下了比赛台,人们根本不知道这家伙在做什么,有的只有敬畏与一丝畏惧。 Mo Fan does not listen to everyone's words completely, blocks him until Mù Nujiao and Zhao Manyan, he has returned to a god slightly. 莫凡完全听不进大家的话语,直到牧奴娇赵满延将他拦住,他才稍稍回过一点神来。 How??” Zhao Manyan quickly asked. “到底怎么了??”赵满延急忙问道。 I must go to Ancient Capital.” Mo Fan returned to normal a mood, earnest said to them. “我要去趟古都。”莫凡平复了一下情绪,认真的对他们说道。 Chaotic of there undead.” “那里亡灵之乱。” I know.” “我知道。” „The struggle of your school what to do?” “你的学府之争怎么办?” Came back to say again.” “回来再说。” We go with you.” “我们跟你去吧。” Mo Fan shakes the head. 莫凡摇了摇头。 He understands Mù Nujiao and Zhao Manyan affection, but this after all is own matter, cannot therefore hold up their future. 他明白牧奴娇赵满延的情意,但这毕竟是自己的事情,不能因此耽误了他们的前程。 ( Excessive time you do not vote, attractive time hasn't voted???? Hurries to hand over entirely the ticket, this is not the exercise, said one again this is not the exercise, is the entreaty ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~) (过度的时候你们不投票,好看的时候还不投票????赶紧把票统统交出来,这不是演习,再说一遍这不是演习,是哀求~~~~~~~~~~~~)
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