ADM :: Volume #6

#546: Flame Fairy takes possession

Ancient Capital undead is chaotic, dispatches the western rainbow group of rescue survey party including the Zhang Xiaohou doing an inspection military officer, is annihilated!” 古都亡灵乱,派遣救援勘测队的西虹小组包括张小侯巡查军官在内,全军覆没!” Is annihilated!! 全军覆没!! This word like digging to a Mo Fan ice sword at heart, making the Mo Fan body cold and hard is not mobile the blood. 这一词就像扎入到莫凡心里的一柄冰剑,让莫凡身体冰硬得连血液都不流动了。 cold intention passes the soul, the whole person crashed into a world of white ten thousand lonesome extinction, for a long time for a long time is unable to draw out! 冷意直透灵魂,整个人坠入到了一个白茫茫的万寂绝灭的世界里,许久许久都无法从中拔出! Mo Fan dull standing there, near the ear actually transmitted lord the sound that referee read out loudly starts, but he with has not heard to be the same, in the brain all was the character of that painful whole body. 莫凡呆呆的站在那里,耳边却传来了主裁判高声宣读开始的声音,可他跟没有听见一样,脑子里全是那个扎痛全身的字。 Did Zhang Xiaohou die?? 张小侯死了?? Did he really die? 他真的死了? Which bastard that is also tells itself, will major in Wind El­e­ment minor Earth Element who possibly dead he not dead only?? 那又是哪个混蛋告诉自己,主修风系辅修土系谁都可能死唯独他不会死的?? ...... …… Noise arena still high calls, the showdown of expert, even if not need Magic rushes to sweep across, can still let those students person blood Boil with rage. 喧嚣的赛场仍旧一片高呼声,高手的对决即便不需要魔法的澎湃席卷,也能够让那些学员们人血沸腾 The supporters have own views, who in their heart win who lost/carrying can 11 list enough evidence. 支持者各持己见,他们心中的谁胜谁负都能够一一列出足够的证据来。 But when everyone is anticipating this Pearl Academy top showdown, the mind of some people actually already not. 可就在所有人期待着这场明珠学府顶尖对决时,有人的心神却早已经不在了。 referee teacher, waits for......” Bai Yulang soon to detect right, quickly lord referee that called to start had not said to that. 裁判老师,等等……”白宇郎很快察觉不对劲,急忙对那位已经叫开始的主裁判说道。 What matter?” Lord referee earnest saying. “什么事?”主裁判认真的说道。 Snort, is on site to escape, I have been waiting for this day.” Dongfang Lie sneered. “哼,临场脱逃吗,我可是一直在等着这一天。”东方烈冷笑了起来。 In fact the discerning people can see are not right, since the competition starts, the player should stand in the respective resistance position, but Mo Fan as in display spot, motionless is staring at the cell phone, appearance that a cell phone must unable to assert with confidence. 事实上明眼人都可以看出不对劲了,比赛既然开始,选手就应该站在各自的对抗位置上,可莫凡依旧在展示位置,一动不动的盯着手机,偏偏一副手机都要拿不稳的样子。 Since has read out starts, do not say again those some do not have, war!” Zhou Suming said. “既然已经宣读开始,就不要再多说那些有的没的,战!”周书茗说道。 Zhou Suming does not have the enmity with Mo Fan without the injustice, the woman but who he settles on actually lives together one room with him, said that the point of pleasant to hear is joint renting, who does not know that matter both hot romantically of this type of advantage of being close to somebody is very easy to have an accident? 周书茗莫凡无冤无仇,可是他看中的女人却和他同居一室,说好听点是合租,可谁不知道这种近水楼台的事情干柴烈火很容易出事? His Zhou Suming has to find the person to warn Mo Fan, does to big demon Mo Fan not to treat as a matter his school tyrant Zhou Suming from the start. 周书茗不是没找人去警告莫凡,奈何大魔头莫凡压根没把他校霸周书茗当做一回事。 But Dongfang Lie, his matter to this rival for love is uninteresting, what he cares: Why others are being a ticket nomination win badly beaten, your Mo Fan has three tickets, your what character what energy?? 东方烈,他对这种争风吃醋的事情毫无兴趣,他在意的是:凭什么别人都在为一票的提名权争得头破血流,你莫凡却已经拥有了三票,你何德何能?? Lord referee, since read out the competition to start, that can start, so long as defeated this person who on this sports field open and aboveboard had the decided but not yet announced quota, his Dongfang Lie can enter the school country team...... 裁判既然宣读比赛开始,那就可以开始,只要在这比赛场上堂堂正正的击败了这个拥有内定名额的人,他东方烈何尝不能够进入学府国队…… Let alone, like Mo Fan this role, his hot list's first Dongfang Lie only needs a fist to be able him to beat!! 更何况,像莫凡这种角色,他火榜第一的东方烈只需要一拳就能够将他击垮!! Puts on airs. Even if you give way before difficulties now, that must eat Dongfang Lie is waiting for this day. “装腔作势。就算你现在知难而退,那也得吃上我一拳!!”东方烈就等着这一天。 The fist and an air friction, grey red flame of fleeing burning hot burnt instantly, the thermal energy reserved in Dongfang Lie surrounding one meter range, the imposing manner is imposing. 拳头与空气一摩擦,霎时一窜炙热的灰红色火焰燃了起来,热力内敛在东方烈周围一米的范围,气势凛然。 Unreasonable!! 不讲道理!! Dongfang Lie may, no matter opposite party ready or not, since is the competition stage, since lord referee to read out start, he wants to pile up for a long time resentment to divulge a happiness himself today!! 东方烈可不管对方准备与否,既然是比赛台,既然主裁判宣读了开始,他今天就想把自己堆积已久的怨气宣泄个痛快!! He must tell the person in school, the so-called decided but not yet announced player, collapses at the first blow in front of his Dongfang Lie!! 他要告诉全校的人,所谓的内定选手,在他东方烈面前也不堪一击!! hū hū hū hū shouted ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!!!” 呼呼呼呼呼~~~~~~~~!!!!” star atlas drew, changes to a roaring flame fire formation to be stepped on by Dongfang Lie in the under foot, the hot skirt front of dance raises but actually, will be wild, fierce Dongfang Lie to support irresistible. 星图描画,化作了一个烈焰火阵被东方烈踩在脚下,狂舞的火裙裾倒扬而起,将狂暴、凶猛的东方烈承托得更加势不可挡。 Damn, didn't I stop??” Bai Yulang sees Dongfang Lie that imposing manner, exclaiming that immediately is angry. “该死,我不是叫停了吗??”白宇郎东方烈那气势,顿时大怒的吼道。 Do not be in the way to me, this is I with his contest!” Dongfang Lie does not pay attention to Bai Yulang completely, pupil that pair burns stubbornly stares is standing in ringside most central Mo Fan. “别给我碍事,这是我跟他的较量!”东方烈完全不把白宇郎放在眼里,那双焚起来的瞳孔死死的盯着站在赛台最中央的莫凡 Bastard, you make anything!!” Bai Yulang roared angrily. “混蛋,你做什么!!”白宇郎怒叫了一声。 Dongfang Lie simply was insane, others Mo Fan very because obviously anything had no interest in compete scared, he attacked toward him unexpectedly at this time, if Mo Fan has not put on Magic Armor Equipment with enough time, Mo Fan likely in this has not gotten back one's composure is reduced to ashes! 东方烈简直是疯了,别人莫凡很明显因为什么事情失魂落魄无心比赛,他竟然这个时候朝他攻击,要是莫凡没有来得及穿上铠魔具,莫凡很可能在这没回过神之间呗化为灰烬啊! This Dongfang Lie, does not bring anger and discontented, harbors killing intent simply! 这个东方烈,根本就不是带着怒意与不满,简直是怀着杀意 This action nearby Zhou Suming has a scare, oneself add inflammatory details side Dongfang Lie like this, has not thought of Dongfang Lie to the Mo Fan´s complaint already huge to this degree. In the Is it possible that Mo Fan´s three tickets actually has original(ly) to be his Dongfang Lie number of votes?? 这一举动就连旁边的周书茗都吓了一跳,自己这样在东方烈身边添油加醋,未想到东方烈莫凡的怨念已经庞大到这种程度。难不成莫凡的三票之中其实是有原本属于他东方烈的票数?? Guess of Zhou Suming is right, Representative Zhu Meng transferred Hangzhou Tribunal in Hangzhou initially, the supreme headquarters actually and Zhu Meng is on good terms in Hangzhou Dongfang Noble Family extremely, in the normal condition Zhu Meng that ticket will certainly throw to his Dongfang Lie! 周书茗的猜测是对的,祝蒙议员当初在杭州可是调动杭州审判会,大本营就在杭州东方世家其实和祝蒙极其交好,正常情况下祝蒙的那一票一定会投给他东方烈的! The Zhou Suming thoughts are very simple, provokes strength strong Dongfang Lie intentionally for the matter air vent of own rival for love. 周书茗的心思很简单,就是故意挑衅实力强的东方烈替自己争风吃醋的事情出气。 But he has not thought certainly, even if he does not provoke, will not blow the neglected advice, Dongfang Lie will certainly not let off Mo Fan!! 可他绝没有想到,即便他不挑衅,不吹耳边风,东方烈也一定不会放过莫凡!! hū hū hū hū shouted ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 呼呼呼呼呼~~~~~~~~~~~” The roaring flame rushes, the Dongfang Lie inborn talent makes [Intense Fist] that he rumbles compared with other Mage stronger much, that moment that the fist has, then can see clearly nine plate extensions the dragon of flame spews out!! 烈焰澎湃至极,东方烈的天生天赋使得他轰出的烈拳远比其他法师强得多,拳出的那一刻,便可以清楚的看到九道盘转的火焰之龙喷涌而出!! Nine column dragons, have danced in the air the long competition stage, they interlock and are intertwined mutually, the roaring flame spirited body was the true great antiquity beast of prey, the air/Qi of destruction also shakes this to tremble compared with the soccer field big arena. 九柱化龙,飞舞过长长的比赛台,它们相互交错、交缠,烈焰激昂的身躯便是真正的洪荒猛兽,毁灭之气都震得这比足球场还大的赛场颤栗了起来。 Level Four [Intense Fist]!! 四级烈拳!! [Nine Pillars] is a column , sweeps across and rushes at the fixed areal eruption, but this Level Four [Intense Fist] changed to the great antiquity fire dragon [Nine Pillars] completely, such as the dragon wave rumbles generally, this might easily embezzled about half competition stage, swallows toward Mo Fan there. 九宫为柱,在固定的区域喷发、席卷、澎湃,而这第四级烈拳完全是将九宫化作了洪荒火龙,如龙波一般轰出,这威力轻易的吞没了近半个比赛台,也朝着莫凡那里吞去。 Mo Fan!!” 莫凡!!” Mo Fan!!” 莫凡!!” Hides quickly!!!” “快躲啊!!!” Ai Tutu, Mù Nujiao under and Zhao Manyan stage stood suddenly, toward fright shouts toward Mo Fan greatly. 台下的艾图图牧奴娇赵满延都猛然站了起来,朝着惊魂的朝着莫凡大喊道。 Mo Fan is making anything, the roaring flame must destroy him! 莫凡到底在做什么,烈焰都要将他摧毁了! ling ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!” “呤~~~~~~~~!!” Little Flame Fairy in the Mo Fan shoulder, has seen time that the danger bang curls, she is anxious called in the Mo Fan ear. 小炎姬一直在莫凡肩头,看到危险轰隆卷来的时候,她更是焦急的在莫凡耳边叫了起来。 Even if Mo Fan that both eyes eyeball cannot see an intelligence, but did not represent him really to put behind anything. 莫凡双眼睛纵然看不到一点神智,可是并不代表他真的忘却了身边任何事情。 He knows that referee read out start, he heard the Bai Yulang request to suspend, he also felt that Dongfang Lie that resentment, smelled the dragon of death to throw to well up. 他知道裁判宣读了开始,他听到了白宇郎要求暂停,他也感觉到东方烈那股怨气,更嗅到了死亡之龙正在扑涌过来。 He is motionless, he is atheistic , because he was unable to accept that fact, because this time he did not have the a little bit hidden strength to play tricks on the thoughts of opponent!! 他不动,他无神,是因为他还无法接受那个事实,更因为此时的他没有了一点点隐藏实力戏弄对手的心思!! You roll the distant point to me!!!!” “你给我滚远点!!!!” The Mo Fan blue vein sticks out suddenly roared, nearly the anger of sad news, in this roared releases, the sound such as got angry deafening sound. 莫凡青筋暴起的咆哮了一声,近乎是将噩耗的怒火在这一声咆哮中释放,声音如怒雷震响。 Little Flame Fairy when Mo Fan roars this understands, the exquisite flame body bangs into the body that Mo Fan must erupt unexpectedly directly, completes to take possession! 小炎姬莫凡吼出这一声的时候更是心领神会,玲珑火焰身子竟然直接撞入到莫凡要爆发的躯体中,完成附体! hū hū hū hū shouted ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!!!!!” 呼呼呼呼呼~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!” The roaring flame chaotic dance, has innumerable flame crazy demon stay recklessly probably on a body human bone, on Mo Fan fierce suddenly/violently leisurely/scatter who therefore the fierce flame of surging forward shocks the audience, that vigorous imposing manner unexpectedly compared with Dongfang Lie really several points!!!! 烈焰肆意乱舞,像是有无数个火焰狂魔栖息在一具躯骸上,于是更加汹涌澎湃的烈炎在莫凡身上震惊全场的剧烈暴散,那蓬勃的气势竟然要比东方烈更甚几分!!!!
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