ADM :: Volume #6

#545: Death news

The handset data is inducting, that side referee has hinted the player to mount the stage. 手机数据正在导入,那边裁判已经示意选手上台了。 Bai Yulang walks in the forefront, getting two teammates to pass through Barrier following the stair. 白宇郎走在最前面,领着两名队友顺着台阶穿过了结界 Mo Fan sluggish following on the heels, looks on the phone screen that percentage to beat, has jumped to 90%, about one minute can all induct. 莫凡慢吞吞的跟在后面,看着手机屏幕上那百分比在跳动,已经跳到90%了,一分钟左右就能够全部导入进来。 In the Mo Fan cell phone many important information, for example every day and Xinxia ambiguous those child not suitable WeChat and WeChat voice, that may be is obscene | Swings the crystallization of wisdom. 莫凡手机里还是有不少重要信息的,就比如说每天和心夏暧昧的那些儿童不宜的微信与微信语音,那可都是自己淫|荡智慧的结晶啊。 Another side, Dongfang Lie and his three teammates also got on the stage, the expression on Dongfang Lie face had some that changes, the facial expression was seemingly sloppy, actually unintentional will sweep Mo Fan one. 另一边,东方烈和他的三位队友也走上台了,东方烈脸上的表情有那么一些变化,神情看似散漫,却有意无意的会扫莫凡一眼。 His Dongfang Lie and Zhou Suming paid attention to Mo Fan this goods to be very long, this person took to them to be many, this thinks that the strength were most is the department list 20-30 appearances, but, has gradually threatened their group of top students now unexpectedly. 东方烈周书茗关注莫凡这货已经很久了,此人带给他们不少惊讶,本以为实力最多是系榜20-30名的样子,可现在来看,竟然已经逐渐威胁到他们这群顶尖学员了。 Can have such strength as freshman / rebirth, is very extraordinary! 作为一个新生能够拥有这样的实力,很了不得! This time was ran upon, I had not forgotten you had said in 12 rounds solved him.” Zhou Suming stands in the one side, say/way that adds inflammatory details specially. “这次算是撞上了,我可没忘记你说过一两回合之内解决掉他。”周书茗站在一旁,特意添油加醋的道。 Immediately draws lots, that same can cheat, whose if Zhou Suming wants with one team, so long as the method were OK slightly. 随即抽签,那一样是可以作弊的,周书茗要想跟谁一队,只要稍加手段就可以了。 This team has them, any adds on two again, then sweeps away all obstacles! 这个队伍有他们两个在,再任何加上两个,便所向披靡! Relax, words that others have not been in the way, my [Intense Fist] can strike down him instantaneously.” Dongfang Lie smiles, seems especially self-confident. “放心,没别人碍事的话,我的烈拳可以将他瞬间击倒。”东方烈笑了笑,显得格外自信。 That actually, how your inborn talent said also placed his Inborn Dual Element previous.” Zhou Suming said. “那倒是,你的天生天赋怎么说也排在他天生双系前一名。”周书茗说道。 ...... …… Dongfang Lie, the talent is ranked fourth, variation fire Elemental Stars, his Fire Element skill is higher than first-level compared with the normal person.” Bai Yulang said to the team members with the low and deep sound. 东方烈,天赋排行第四,变异火星子,他的火系技能比正常人高出一级。”白宇郎用低沉的声音对队员们说道。 Similarly was the top player, Bai Yulang too understands Dongfang Lie. 同样是顶尖选手,白宇郎太了解东方烈了。 This fellow most fearful solely is not his cultivation base, lies in his astonishing inborn talent. 这个家伙最可怕的不单单是他的修为,更在于他那惊人的天生天赋。 Only important matter Fire Element skill, so long as is displayed by him, will be higher than a rank compared with he cultivation base inexplicably...... 只要事火系的技能,只要由他施展出来的,就会莫名比他自身修为高出一个等级…… This means that if Dongfang Lie this time cultivation base is third level of Middle-Order, [Intense Fist] that then he displays will rumble the Level Four might! 这就意味着如果东方烈此时的修为是第三级中阶的话,那么他所施展的烈拳将轰出第四级的威力! This talent made Mo Fan also somewhat praise to the heavens. 这个天赋让莫凡也有些叹为观止了。 Own Elemental Stars altogether strengthens 29 now, but also misses 20 to cultivation 4 th level of [Intense Fist] to come, but Dongfang Lie this fellow, does not need any Soul Essence, does not need to strengthen, so long as cultivation base reaches the third level, the inborn talent then makes him control Level Four! 自己星子现在一共强化了29颗,还差20颗才能够修炼出第四级的烈拳来,而东方烈这个家伙,不需要任何精魄,更不需要强化,只要修为达到第三级,天生天赋便让他掌控第四级 Third level of [Intense Fist] then has the overwhelming destruction ability in same step same level Domain, not to mention was Level Four, had to defend magical equipment, couldn't resist?? 第三级的烈拳在同阶同级领域里便已经有压倒性的毁灭能力了,更不用说是第四级了,有防御魔具,也根本抵挡不住吧?? His Wind El­e­ment ability is the same, but do not let him display [Intense Fist], otherwise we lost directly.” Bai Yulang emphasized specially. “他的风系能力一般般,但千万别让他施展出烈拳,不然我们直接就输了。”白宇郎特意强调道。 I will stare at him.” “我会盯他。” „The words that Mo Fan, your thunder and fire add, the might should not compare Dongfang Lie to be weak are too many, but the opposite party is star atlas can create the destruction attack to us after all, therefore......, what thing on your shoulder is?” 莫凡,你的雷与火加起来的话,威力应该不会比东方烈弱太多,但对方毕竟是一个星图就可以给我们造成毁灭打击,所以……咦,你肩膀上是什么东西?” Bai Yulang just about to arranges the plan, actually discovered on the Mo Fan shoulder to flee suddenly a reunion toot toot the flame, at first sight moe moe's flamelet rubber ball, carefully looked likely, unexpectedly was an exquisitely carved flame small life! 白宇郎刚要布置计划,却发现莫凡肩膀上突然间窜起了一团圆嘟嘟的火焰来,乍一看像个萌萌的小火焰皮球,仔细看去,竟然是一个玲珑剔透的火焰小生灵! oh, my Contracted Beast...... Little Flame Fairy, who made you run!” Mo Fan speechless twisted Little Flame Fairy, must hit the fart | Stock appearance. ,我的契约兽……小炎姬,谁让你跑出来了!”莫凡无语的将小炎姬拧了下来,一副要打屁|股的样子。 ling ~ ~ ~ ~! ling ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” A grievance of Little Flame Fairy face, cheeks tender wanting water leakage. “呤~~~~!呤~~~~~!”小炎姬一脸的委屈,脸颊嫩的要出水了。 She is obviously telling Mo Fan, I must help the father cope with the powerful enemy!! 她明显是在告诉莫凡,我要帮爸爸对付强敌!! Since is your Contracted Beast, that first summoned also well, but...... your Contracted Beast has not grown up.” Bai Yulang said. “既然是你的契约兽,那先召唤出来也好,只是……你这契约兽是不是还没长大啊。”白宇郎说道。 Em, the young stage......” Mo Fan said. “恩,幼年期……”莫凡说道。 Young...... the young stage...... called to sell to sprout/moe.” Bai Yulang speechless say/way. “幼……幼年期……叫出来卖萌的吧。”白宇郎无语道。 Although everyone is not Summoning System Mage, but usually in attended class natural(ly) to study, summoned beast of young stage can go against an egg to use. 大家虽然不是召唤系法师,但平日里上课自然有学,幼年期的召唤兽能顶个卵用啊。 I thought that you first called that only Swift Star Wolf......” “我觉得你还是先把那只疾星狼叫出来……” All right, Swift Star Wolf is Basic Magic, is good to summon. This fellow must draw star atlas to come out, first summons will be good.” Mo Fan said. “没事,疾星狼初阶魔法,好召唤。这家伙要描画星图才能出来,先召唤会好一点。”莫凡说道。 Spoke these words, Mo Fan felt own these words are unnecessary. 说完这句话,莫凡觉得自己这句话多余的。 Little Flame Fairy this goods do not draw star atlas to drill from the contract space!! 小炎姬这货不要描画星图都能够自己从契约空间里钻出来!! The competition has the stipulation, Summoning System Mage can only have summoned beast before the competition in the side, must summon are more, after must waits for referee to call to start, look for the right opportunity. 比赛是有规定,召唤系法师在比赛前只能够有一只召唤兽在身边,要召唤更多,必须等裁判叫开始之后寻找合适的机会。 Said is also, but you summoned that wolf to come as soon as possible, completed the diversion, once......” “说的也是,不过你尽快召唤出那只狼来,做好牵制,一旦……” Once lets Dongfang Lie make a move, we ended.” “一旦让东方烈出手,我们就完了。” Captain you said more than ten.” 队长你说了不下十遍了。” Damn, my called to do best to convince!” 我草,我这叫苦口婆心!” ...... …… Mo Fan took a fast look around surrounding, at this time the mist all diverged, in the arena that entire is fully occupied can see the familiar face. 莫凡扫视了周围一圈,此时雾气全部散去了,整个人满为患的赛场里可以看到许多熟悉的面孔。 Said Mù Nujiao that must support , the side follows Ai Tutu. Her Elder Brother should go back. 说要包养的牧奴娇在,身边跟着艾图图。她哥哥应该是回去了。 Mysteriously appearing and disappearing good student Ding Yumian also, side precisely that tomboy Huang Xingli, the side point is of being haunted by the ghost said that again very graceful Liu Qian, he also really never says die to Ding Yumian. 神出鬼没的好同学丁雨眠也在,旁边正是那个男人婆黄星丽,再旁边点是阴魂不散的那个自称很帅的刘黔,他对丁雨眠还真是锲而不舍。 Zhao Manyan also, sits in the quite position near the top, this fellow was missing long time, Mo Fan almost forgot the rubbing face of this goods, what was very astonishing, his side did not have the new girlfriend...... 赵满延也在,坐在比较靠前的位置,这家伙失踪了很长时间,莫凡差点忘了这货的搓脸,很惊人的是,他身边没有新女朋友…… That was discarded Young Master Fen of bow tie by oneself also, Mo Fan forgot him to name, this goods obviously mixed with Zhou Suming and Dongfang Lie together, sneering waited to watch the good play. 那个被自己扔掉领结的粉公子也在,莫凡忘了他叫什么名字了,这货明显是跟周书茗东方烈一起混的,正冷笑的等着看好戏。 Old friend Shen Mingxiao and Luo Song fat pig , after these two people arrived at the inner courtyard is always also together, does not know initially the Golden Forest Araki escaped time, they had any ultra friendship thing. 老朋友沈明笑罗宋肥猪也在,这两个人到了内院后形影不离,也不知道当初金林荒城逃命的时候,他们发生了什么超友谊的东西。 Although oneself big wife risk one's life [Ice Crystal Temple Bow] rescued his two dog's lives, but these two goods as before are that hostility full appearance, must not exposed to own good. 尽管自己大老婆舍命冰晶刹弓救了他两狗命,可这两货依旧是那副敌意十足的样子,见不得自己的好。 Pitifully these two strength had only cast off, therefore are less before oneself shakes. 只可惜这两人实力已经被甩开了,所以更少在自己面前晃。 Ding!” “叮!” Competition prepares......” “比赛预备……” Induction and referee of last readout handset data almost also resounds. 手机数据的导入和裁判最后一声宣读几乎同时响起。 Mo Fan looked at lord referee, sees to advocate referee still to clear throat, therefore looked at one to induct the full cell phone information while convenient...... 莫凡看了一眼主裁判,见主裁判还在清嗓子,于是顺便看了一眼导入完整的手机信息…… original(ly) Mo Fan looked that then throws under the field to make Ai Tutu take care the cell phone, finally discovered that related Zhang Xiaohou information ball that seal's precisely Lingling on screen said horizontal. 原本莫凡就看一眼便把手机扔场下让艾图图保管,结果发现印在屏幕上的正是灵灵说的那条有关张小侯的信息弹横。 Monkey promoted, reported good news...... Mo Fan to think aloud that to me said one. “猴子是不是又晋升了,给我报喜呢……”莫凡自言自语的说了一句。 When the convenient point opens, near the ear also transmits angrily rebuking of referee, calling him to put down the cell phone. 顺手点开之时,耳边还传来裁判的怒斥,叫他把手机放下。 However, that moment of entire information separating, short one line of characters made the Mo Fan whole person such as be trembled by the [Thunderbolt] common whole body play got up...... that bright eye even to be hit the soul somewhat unable to find!! 然而,整个信息弹开的那一刻,短短的一行字却让莫凡整个人如遭霹雳一般浑身剧颤了起来……那双有神的眼睛更被打得连心魂都有些找不到了!!
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