ADM :: Volume #6

#544: Opponents, Dongfang Lie!

Every day fights, every day installs X, comes back to cultivate the cultivation, sexually harasses the Academy goddess, this easy life really has may be comfortable! 每天打打架,每天装装X,回来修修炼,调戏调戏学院女神,这小日子过得可真舒坦! Mo Fan had proposed to Mù Nujiao very really opinion, whether she accepted the matter that was not must consider, as the man, these words was aggressive enough! 莫凡已经给牧奴娇提出了很实在得意见,她是否采纳就不是自己要考虑的事情了,作为男人,这句话够霸气了啊! However, lives together a room, Mo Fan also understood that the Mù Nujiao temper, she will definitely not concede, hoping her because of this temporary backwardness, finishing in a hast works as own to the family, in the future must turn over/stand up very difficultly is very difficult. 不过,同居一屋,莫凡也了解牧奴娇的性子,她肯定不会服输的,但愿她不要因为这一时的落后,急于求成的把自己的一切都当给家族,往后要翻身真的很难很难。 Mù Nujiao this matter made Mo Fan remember actually neutralized that Mu Ningxue talked in Golden Forest Araki that broken church initially, obviously Mu Ningxue also loaned a great sum of money to the family, the speed that otherwise her cultivation base promoted will not arrive quickly such terrifyingly...... 牧奴娇这件事倒是让莫凡想起了当初在金林荒城那个破教堂中和穆宁雪谈的那番话,显然穆宁雪也向家族贷了一笔巨款,否则她的修为增进的速度也不会快到这么恐怖…… Oh, hopes loan too much money, when the time comes must redeem her to come, does not know goes to how much ground and soaked black beans. 唉,但愿贷款太多钱啊,到时候要赎回她来,不知道得去多少钱钱。 Xinxia is good, the junction School Fee, gives her the money to make the living expenses, she uses minimal. Even her Healing System earns the extra income the ability is quite terrifying, original(ly) to that bankcard that she spends freely currently estimates that compared must be many...... last last month to take her to come, she also gave Little Flame Fairy to buy many import powdered milk, the keeping a family metropolis/can! 还是心夏好,交交学费,交给她一大笔钱做生活费,她用得微乎其微。甚至她治愈系赚外快的本领相当恐怖,原本给她挥霍的那张银行卡现在估计都比原来多得多了……上上个月接她过来,她还自己给小炎姬买了许多进口奶粉,养家糊口都会了! Speaking of money...... 说到钱…… Mo Fan is mentally and physically exhausted. 莫凡心力交瘁。 Raises Little Flame Fairy, his deposit has spent not to remain many. 小炎姬,他的存款已经花得不剩多少了。 Now Mo Fan on only has a Terror Monster seed on hand, originally presses the bottom, at present has to sell out, buys Shadow System Spirit-Seed, remaining buys the Spirit-Seed fragment. 现在莫凡手头上只剩下一个怖魔种子,本来是压箱底的,眼下是不得不卖掉了,买上一个暗影系灵种,剩下的买灵种碎片。 Calculates the deposit, considered again with own wife increases, the spending place are more, Mo Fan does not dare to loaf inside the room again, dialed the Lingling telephone. 算了算存款,再考虑到随着自己老婆增加,花钱的地方更多,莫凡没敢再在屋子里头偷闲,拨通了灵灵的电话。 „Does girl, have the form?” “丫头,有单子没?” Must have a gate, can't go?” “要出趟门,去不去?” Several days?” “几天?” „About three days.” “三天左右。” That with enough time, five days later has my nomination competition, how much money.” “那来得及,五天后才有我的提名比赛,多少钱。” Many, but the magic beast quantity are perhaps many.” “不少,但妖魔数量恐怕很多。” All right, happen to I lacked Soul Essence.” “没事,正好我缺精魄了。” Speaking of Soul Essence, Mo Fan unconsciously had strengthened 29 th Elemental Stars in Fire Element Nebula, to the Level Four [Intense Fist] also less than half projects, therefore one hear kills the monster massively, Mo Fan is also very positive. 说到精魄,莫凡不知不觉已经将火系星云中的第29颗星子强化了,离第四级烈拳还有一小半工程,所以一听是大量杀妖的,莫凡也特别积极。 ...... …… ...... …… The white clouds fill Magic Capital City in North Korea and Japan, matches on the fashionable haze again, therefore the tall building competition towers above cloud Qi, just like heaven. 白气弥漫在朝日里的魔都,再搭配上时尚的雾霾,于是高楼大赛耸立在云气之上,宛若天堂。 Pearl Academy same covers in the middle of the early morning air/Qi, pitch-dark. 明珠学府一样笼罩在晨气当中,伸手不见五指。 Mo Fan was crazy on the road, the symbol building that big school several he knows vanishes, this goods do not know where oneself are. 莫凡本来就路痴,偌大的学校几个他认识的标志建筑物一消失,这货就根本不知道自己在哪。 Mother, meets the request time, cell phone being injured by falling down, but then good, asks anyone not to know that......” Mo Fan strolls in the campus blindly, walks while complained. “妈的,接委托的时候,手机给摔坏了,这下可好,找谁都不知道……”莫凡在校园里瞎逛,一边走一边抱怨。 Found the sports field with great difficulty, Mo Fan is also almost late, his new teammates worry, but also thinks and bumps into on -hook. 好不容易找到了比赛场,莫凡差点又迟到,他的新队友们都捏了一把汗,还以为又碰到挂机的。 This person are many.” Mo Fan is looking all around all around, discovered that this sports field is very big, and attended a banquet is quick completely, referee were also more than ordinary competition. “这次人很多啊。”莫凡环顾着四周,发现这次比赛场很大,并且坐席都快满了,就连裁判也比平常比赛多了一些。 Our opponents are very strong.” Bai Yulang said to Mo Fan. “我们的对手很强。”白宇郎莫凡说道。 After three competitions, draws lots, what is very skillful was Mo Fan this and Bai Yulang is in the same group. 三场比赛之后就是重新抽签,很巧的是莫凡这次与白宇郎分在了同一组。 This Bai Yulang is the Gu Jian their second opponents, is extremely strong, wants to come the Mo Fan impossible luck is so bad, runs into some rank people near the bottom each time. 这个白宇郎就是顾剑他们第二场的对手,实力很强,想来莫凡不可能运气那么差,每次都遇到一些排行靠后的人。 Mo Fan and this group of people have hit two, two win total victories, even is of steamroll, everyone cooperates is very happy. 莫凡和这组人已经打了两场,两场都大获全胜,甚至是碾压的那种,大家合作的都很愉快。 Today is third, but, should runs into the strong team. 今天是第三场,不过,应该是遇到强队了。 Which people have?” Mo Fan asked. “有哪些人?”莫凡问道。 Bai Yulang 11 has not put out the name of opposite party, only said one: Dongfang Lie!” 白宇郎没有将对方的名字一一吐出,只说了一个:“东方烈!” The mist dissipated finally at this time, the man who Mo Fan saw clearly in opposite rest position to sit the smiling face of looks down on the world finally, this person of was very not high, his name was resounding, first saw that his person will think he was idling about fine white silk retinue Zidi, precisely Dongfang Lie! 雾气在这个时候终于消散开一些,莫凡终于看清对面休息位上坐着的一个笑容玩世不恭的男子,此人个头不算很高,要不是他名字响当当,第一眼看到他的人都会觉得他是一个游手好闲的纨扈子弟,正是东方烈 Mo Fan has long known Dongfang Lie, wants for the first time initially the time of entering Fire Institute, Wei Rong also specifically called this person in the big school. 莫凡早就知道东方烈了,想当初第一次进火院的时候,魏荣还特意在偌大的学堂将此人叫起来。 The hot list rank position is changing, but this fellow named Dongfang Lie wrests away the first list until now, fully explained that this fellow deserved the Fire Institute first strength! 火榜排行名次一直在变,可这个叫东方烈的家伙至今霸占首榜,足以说明这家伙当之无愧火院第一的实力了! The strength overall of this Mo Fan teammates is quite luckily strong, fights to be insufficient with Dongfang Lie this group of people without the odds of success. 幸好这次莫凡队友们的实力总体比较强,和东方烈这组人打不至于毫无胜算。 No wonder today so many people, it seems like the gravity head match.” Mo Fan looked all around around one, discovers in many lists the experts to arrive at the arena. “难怪今天这么多人,看来是重头赛了。”莫凡环顾了一下四周,发现不少榜内高手都亲临赛场。 This competition quality is extremely high, in Mo Fan this group four, are Dongfang Lie that side player, basically is each is first five first three, the resistance of truly top student, such competition is very easy to attract other for the expert of knowing oneself and other side, the expert, other person of natural(ly) are also willing to look at the expert to hit, therefore the arena viewer is continuous. 这场比赛质量极高,无论是莫凡这组里面的四位,还是东方烈那边的选手,基本上都是每个系前五前三的,真正顶尖学员的对抗,这样的比赛很容易吸引其他为了知己知彼的高手来看,高手来看,其他人自然也愿意看高手打,于是赛场观看者络绎不绝。 Rests, waited starts.” Bai Yulang as the direction, reminded the team members specially. “休息一下,等等就开始了。”白宇郎作为指挥,特意提醒了队员们。 The two are critical situation, appears very grave appearance. 其他两人如临大敌,显得很庄重的样子。 Mo Fan along with the person of nature, pulls out the make a move machine to answer the telephone, because Lingling happen to hits. 莫凡就蛮随性的人,掏出手机来接电话,因为灵灵正好打过来。 Mo Fan, I induct in your new cell phone the cell phone telematics that you rot now, first do not close down.” Lingling said. 莫凡,我现在把你烂掉的手机信息远程导入你这个新手机里,你先别关机。”灵灵说道。 I was about to compete.” Mo Fan said. “我快比赛了啊。”莫凡说道。 Soon, your broken data card was about to abandon, now on revolutions, moreover in your cell phone had the hunter to authenticate the overall, this lost, affected the evaluation of your hunter position...... I to help you look, the diligent point can be promoted Master Hunter again, can meet a bigger form.” Lingling said. “用不了多久,你那破数据卡快废了,得现在就转,而且你手机里有猎人认证积分,这个丢了,影响你猎人职位的评定……我帮你看了一下,再勤奋点就能够晋级猎人大师,可以接更大的单子了。”灵灵说道。 Good.” Mo Fan nods. “那好。”莫凡点了点头。 Once the competition starts, cell phone natural(ly) must put on the scene under. 比赛一旦开始,手机自然要放在场下。 However, to accept the hunter data, Mo Fan can only take for the time being in the hand, waits for referee to call to start to put is not late again. 不过,为了接受猎人数据,莫凡只能够暂且拿在手上,等裁判叫开始再放下去也不迟。 Right, in your cell phone had a important information probably, you wait/etc. looked.” Lingling said. “对了,你手机里好像有条蛮重要的信息,你等等自己看一下。”灵灵说道。 What to be related?” Mo Fan asked one. “有关什么的?”莫凡问了一句。 I have not opened looks completely, probably about Zhang Xiaohou, led the past time you glanced over again.” Lingling said. “我没打开看全部,好像是关于张小侯的吧,导过去的时候你再浏览吧。”灵灵说道。 Ok.” “行。” A Lingling such reminder, Mo Fan then thinks, in the past will not have come the electricity each to the death monkey that oneself will report the work some time for a long time, does not know mission conducted how, to have a moon/month? 灵灵这样一提醒,莫凡这才想起来,往常每个一段时间会给自己汇报工作的死猴子已经很长时间没来电了,不知道任务进行的怎么样,有个把月了吧? ( Sidereal revolution that chapter renewed each time in the evening, forgot to ask recommendation ticket, as net document this guilty of the most heinous crime bad custom was to certainly let general most book friends who liked voting felt that very fearful, this did not interact with fans, did not sell to make every effort ticket, had what distinction with traditional writer!) (每次周天晚上那章更新了,都忘了求推荐票,作为网文作家这个罪大恶极的坏习惯一定是让广大最喜欢投票的书友们感到很心寒啊,这样不跟粉丝互动,不卖力求票,又和传统作家有何分别!)
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