ADM :: Volume #6

#543: I can raise you

Drinking could not solve the problem.” Mo Fan in deadly earnest’s tastes rim remaining that a little bit lip to be fragrant. “喝酒是解决不了问题的。”莫凡一本正经的回味着杯口处残余的那一点点唇香。 I am resting, drink the liquor promotion sleep.” Mù Nujiao gets angry as before, really does not understand why oneself must be dissolute the person to live together a room with such a. “我只是在休息,喝点酒促进睡眠。”牧奴娇依旧嗔怒,真不明白自己为何非得和这样一个浪荡得人同住一屋。 oh, oh, I think you in depressed, but also wants saying that the point encourages your words......” Mo Fan to smile awkwardly. ,,我以为你在消沉,还想说点鼓励你的话……”莫凡尴尬一笑。 The Mù Nujiao bright red small mouth dug, rarely in that virtuous somewhat youngest daughter stance, it is estimated that before Mo Fan came she has drunk several cups. 牧奴娇嫣红的小嘴都撅起来了,难得在那份贤淑中有几分小女儿姿态,估计在莫凡来之前她已经喝了好几杯了。 You said the point encourages, I also want to listen.” Mù Nujiao lazy on toward the sofa, put down of past to guard probably, unexpectedly comfortable lay down, is rolling up slightly. “那你说点鼓励的吧,我也想听。”牧奴娇慵懒的往沙发上一趟,好像放下往日的那一丝防备了,竟然舒服的躺着、微微蜷缩着。 Her whole body that is drunk is passing the attractive charm, the neckband that does not open wide carefully revealed the gulley of perfectly round extrusion, looked at the Mo Fan saliva quickly to flow. 微醉下的她浑身都透着诱人的魅力,不小心敞开的领口更露出了滚圆挤压的深沟,看得莫凡口水都快流出来了。 His, since lives after these two little girls, oneself paper goods amount used has to rise suddenly, when can a prospect point, let own generation after generation no longer air-drying in the cool breeze and intention seal!! 丫的,自从和这俩妞一起住后,自己纸巾用量极具暴涨,到底什么时候才能够出息一点,让自己的子子孙孙不再风干在清风、心相印上吶!! How to speak?” A Mù Nujiao trapped/sleepy appearance, looks up Mo Fan. “怎么不说话?”牧奴娇一副困困的样子,微抬起头去看莫凡 The result happen to bumps into Mo Fan like a number of wild wolves to the yeanling mouth-watering greedy appearance, thinks own this rests the posture to arouse, the Mù Nujiao liquor awoke all of a sudden, sat straight, a face angry looks at Mo Fan! 结果正好撞见莫凡如同一批野狼在对小绵羊流口水的贪婪模样,想到自己这睡姿过于撩人,牧奴娇酒一下子醒了很多,端端正正的坐了起来,一脸恼怒的看着莫凡 Hooligan!” Mù Nujiao scolded one in a low voice. “流氓!”牧奴娇低声骂了一句。 Hehe......” Mo Fan all kinds smile. “嘿嘿……”莫凡色色一笑。 Mù Nujiao sets out to walk, Mo Fan stopped by calling out her. 牧奴娇起身要走,莫凡叫住了她。 Actually Mo Fan also looks, because Mù Nujiao truly the matter of struggle of school bothers, will otherwise not drink wine like today, will not seek a comfort like this, she usually in firm and resolute with diligently, Mo Fan is even less. 其实莫凡也看出来,牧奴娇确实因为学府之争的事情过于烦扰,不然也不会像今天这样饮酒,更不会这样寻求一丝安慰,她平日里的坚毅与努力,连莫凡都不及的。 „Do you care about the struggle of this school?” Mo Fan asked. “你那么在意这学府之争?”莫凡问道。 Several months, Mo Fan cannot see Mù Nujiao, explained that she invested all time into the cultivation and training during. 都好几个月了,莫凡不怎么能够看见牧奴娇,说明她把所有的时间都投入到修炼与训练之中了。 Un......” Mù Nujiao looked at Mo Fan, discovered that his clothes have doubts the appearance that does not understand very much very much, therefore smiled bitterly a sound said, you in the family, had not known about the situation of Noble Family juniors very much.” “嗯……”牧奴娇看了一眼莫凡,发现他衣服很疑惑很不理解的样子,于是苦笑了一声道,“你没在家族,对世家子弟的情况不是很了解。” Tonight I happen to have free time.” Mo Fan will lie down to say in the future. “今晚我正好有空。”莫凡往后一躺道。 „The Noble Family juniors divide two types, one type is to idle about, abuses power, this person was actually looked down upon in Noble Family very much, as long as relates to the family interests, they were sacrificed the object, the family request them to make anything, requesting them to marry anyone, where requesting them to be dull, they do not dare to defy...... to put it bluntly, you ate the family, drank the family, all your must listen to the family, all!” Mù Nujiao these two characters aggravated all. 世家子弟分两种,一种就是游手好闲、作威作福的,这种人在世家其实是很被看不起的,但凡关系到家族利益,他们就是牺牲对象,家族要求他们做什么,要求他们娶谁,要求他们呆在哪里,他们不敢违抗……说白了,你吃家族的,喝家族的,那你一切都得听家族的,一切!”牧奴娇把“一切”这两个字加重了很多。 Mo Fan opens mouth, wants to say anything, does not know that should say anything. 莫凡张了张嘴,想说什么,又不知道该说什么。 Another type, that relies on the resources that the family is giving, but continually promotes. Probably loan, you to exceed, remarkably, gained many loans from the family, this truly can let your to win on the starting line, but accordingly, you must produce enough result to repay this loan in the future, otherwise all your will still be controlled by them...... arrange you to make anything, this most people will accept reluctantly, but most common , the most involuntary control, was marries. Between the family and family would the cooperation, but this cooperation does not trust, then needs two to marry to make the safeguard. This is also why that in the novel and movie the association/will presented the rich and powerful family so-called to compel the marriage bridge section.” Many that Mù Nujiao should truly drink today, in those days in she will not annotate Noble Family with such extreme words. “另一种,那就是凭借着家族给的资源而不断提升的。像是贷款,你为了超越、卓越,从家族获取走了多少贷款,这确实可以让你嬴在起跑线上,但相应的,你在将来就要拿出足够的成绩来偿还这个贷款,否则你的一切仍会由他们来支配……安排你做什么,这大部分人会勉强接受,但最常见,也最身不由己的支配,就是联姻咯。家族与家族之间总会有合作,可这个合作相互之间不信任,便需要两家联姻来做保障。这也是为什么那么小说、电影里总会出现豪门所谓逼婚桥段了。”牧奴娇今天应该确实喝的不少,往日里她绝不会用这样一番偏激的话来诠释世家 Mo Fan hears earnestly, because he has not truly carefully examined the Noble Family juniors from this angle, earlier time, almost all civilian juniors must complain that the world juniors are advantageous. 莫凡听得认真,因为他确实没有从这个角度来审视过世家子弟,更早的时候,几乎所有平民子弟都要抱怨世界子弟得天独厚。 Your meaning is, those will be compelled the rich and powerful family juniors of marriage, from behaving badly?” Mo Fan said following the concept of Mù Nujiao. “你的意思是,那些会被逼婚的豪门子弟,就是自作孽?”莫凡顺着牧奴娇的观念说道。 Majority is, naturally also has Ai Tutu such exception.” Mù Nujiao is saying, in the eye has several points to envy. “大部分是,当然也有艾图图那样的例外。”牧奴娇说着,眼睛里带着几分羡慕。 Mo Fan has been very curious, why the normal woman like Mù Nujiao can play well with Ai Tutu that mental disorder, had this reason. 莫凡一直很好奇,像牧奴娇这样的正常女人为什么会和艾图图那个神经病玩得那么好,原来还有这层原因。 Ai Tutu envies the Mù Nujiao look and stature to be outstanding all day long, the makings Gao Yaru goddess, each man saw her Divine Soul inversion...... 艾图图可是成天羡慕牧奴娇相貌、身材出众,气质又高雅如女神,每个男人见了她都神魂颠倒…… However is very obvious, the Mu Ningxue situation is like me.” In the Mù Nujiao eye the gloss changes, suddenly locked Mo Fan, might see through the Mo Fan´s innermost feelings general. “而很显然,穆宁雪的情况跟我是一样的。”牧奴娇眼中光泽一变,忽然间锁定了莫凡,像是要看穿莫凡的内心一般。 Mo Fan has not really thought that Mù Nujiao will mention suddenly own big wife, immediately is awkward says with a smile: How to raise her?” 莫凡还真没有想到牧奴娇会突然提到自己大老婆,当下尴尬一笑道:“怎么提起她了?” „Don't you pay attention her?” Mù Nujiao asked one. “你不关注她的吗?”牧奴娇反问了一句。 What pays attention to?” Mo Fan puzzled asking. “关注什么?”莫凡不解的问道。 She obtained the struggle of nomination in Im­pe­r­ial Capital Academy, news that today just publishes.” Mù Nujiao said. “她在帝都学府获得了提名之争,今天刚公布的消息。”牧奴娇说道。 Mo Fan surprised opening mouth. 莫凡惊讶的张了张嘴。 Mu Ningxue this girl so awesome? 穆宁雪这丫头如此牛掰 Im­pe­r­ial Capital the struggle of nomination should be more intense than the pearl, she same takes freshman / rebirth, captured the nomination unexpectedly directly, in these days that it seems like has not seen, her strength also has the big progress...... 帝都的提名之争应该比明珠这边更激烈才是啊,她一样作为新生,竟然直接斩获了提名权,看来没有见的这些日子里,她的实力又有大长进啊…… oh...... …… No wonder Mù Nujiao is sad today, appearance that disappointed needs to comfort. 难怪牧奴娇今天心情不好,一副受打击需要安慰的样子。 Originally she is knew that same Mu Ningxue has captured the nomination! 原来她是得知同一届的穆宁雪已经斩获了提名! Similarly is the proud woman, similarly is good-looking such as the monster woman, similarly stems from Noble Family, similarly is in the school receives the goddess that the person respects, others have taken an important ticket, but Mù Nujiao may be eliminated very much! 同样是骄傲的女人,同样是长得漂亮如妖的女人,同样是出自世家,同样是学府中受人敬仰的女神,别人已经拿下了重要的一票,而牧奴娇自己很有可能被淘汰! Mo Fan also wants is very difficult and slippery customer by freshman / rebirth one contends to comfort Mù Nujiao, had words on the tip of the tongue says. 莫凡本来还想以新生一届很难和老油条抗衡来安慰牧奴娇,话到嘴边就说不出口了。 Mù Nujiao with and Mu Ningxue this going against heaven's will female Mage makes a comparison. 牧奴娇是拿将自己与穆宁雪这种逆天女法师做对比。 I can also request from the family, this can make my strength be promoted again, but...... I was somewhat afraid.” Mù Nujiao pulls back the topic, revealed oneself truly biggest bothering. “我还能向家族索取,这可以让我的实力再一次得到提升,但是……我有些害怕了。”牧奴娇将话题拉了回来,吐露了自己真正最大的烦扰。 You were afraid this time demanded, without achieving them to your expectation, all your personal freedom did lose?” Mo Fan said. “你害怕这次索取了,一旦没有达到他们对你的期望,你的一切人身自由都失去了?”莫凡说道。 Mù Nujiao is nipping the lip, nods. 牧奴娇咬着唇,点了点头。 She willing does not lose, Mu Ningxue can achieve, she thought that she can also achieve, but she is also afraid, demands again, thoroughly the puppet who oneself turn into a family, all hear of they organizes. Regarding the woman, a lot can obey, but does the marriage, marry not to have a wee bit favorable impression people? 她不甘心输,穆宁雪可以做到,她觉得自己也可以做到,但是她也害怕,再索取,自己就彻底变成一个家族的傀儡,一切听他们摆布。对于女人来说,很多事情都可以听从,可婚姻呢,嫁给一个自己没一丁点好感的人? Since Mù Nujiao so seeks the opinion earnestly and sincerely, Mo Fan natural(ly) cannot be perfunctory, immediately thinks, opens the mouth saying: Since you felt afraid, that gave up.” 既然牧奴娇如此认真、诚恳的寻求自己意见,莫凡自然不能敷衍,当下深思熟虑一番,开口道:“既然你自己觉得害怕了,那放弃吧。” Why?” Mù Nujiao gawked, ready listened in reverent attention. “为什么?”牧奴娇愣了一下,准备洗耳恭听。 You do not use that diligently......” Mo Fan smiling face bright say/way, I can raise you.” “你不用那么努力的……”莫凡笑容灿烂的道,“我养得起你。” The Mù Nujiao liquor awoke, sets out suddenly, the panting in indignation flinging body walks. 牧奴娇酒都醒了,豁然起身,气呼呼的甩身就走。 The smelly man, this smelly man, oneself should know that early seeks the opinion of this fellow not to have any proper answer, must have selects the anticipation! 臭男人,这个臭男人,自己早该知道寻求这个家伙的意见是不会有什么正经的答案,非要有那么点期待! Steps on the staircase, the Mù Nujiao footsteps were heavy, is taking the wooden staircase to go flat simply probably. 踩在楼梯上,牧奴娇脚步都重了,简直像是在拿木楼梯撒气。 Quick, the back also passes on the Mo Fan´s sound. 很快,背后还传莫凡的声音。 I am earnest, Jiaojiao.” “我是认真的啊,娇娇。”
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