ADM :: Volume #6

#542: shameless man

Boom!!!!!” “嘣嘣!!!!!” The invisible strength is the thousand gold (daughter), must pound the Gu Jian entire body flatly, the pavement gets down hollowly a pit mark of human form, the surroundings splashed a Gu Jian blood splash. 无形之力重达千金,把顾剑整个身子都要砸扁了,水泥地凹陷下去一个人形的坑痕,周围溅开了顾剑的一片血花。 The Gu Jian good and evil is Middle-Order is close to the peak Mage, may not have a strength to hit back in front of Ai Jiangtu, if not for this fellow also called Magic Armor Equipment to protect the body finally, this gravity crazy hammer estimated that can press the meat sauce him!! 顾剑好歹是一个中阶接近巅峰的法师,可在艾江图面前没有一点还手之力,若不是这家伙最后还唤出了铠魔具来保护住身体,就这重力狂锤估计能将他压成肉酱了!! This strikes, Ai Jiangtu has not shown mercy, even the principle has not paid attention to Gu Jian whether also has Magic Armor Equipment. 这一击,艾江图一点都没有手下留情啊,甚至理都没理会顾剑是否还有铠魔具 If Gu Jian Magic Armor Equipment is still cooling, it is estimated that really direct passed deadly. 顾剑铠魔具还在冷却,估计真就直接死过去了。 The cement fragment splash, dust also raised, the surroundings are silent, no one dares to come out to prevent, no one dares to examine the Gu Jian situation. 水泥碎片飞溅,一片尘土也扬了起来,周围寂静无声,没有人敢出来阻止,更没有人敢去查看顾剑的情况。 The strength that whole body dark Ai Jiangtu shows with their group of students is not a rank, even many people have not seen the strength that he has controlled from the start! 浑身黝黑的艾江图展现出来的实力跟他们这群学员不是一个级别的,甚至很多人压根没有见过他所掌控的力量! Spatial...... Space System!” “空……空间系!” Crossed for a long time, Mo Fan put out these words slowly. 过了许久,莫凡才缓缓的吐出了这句话来。 If not for Blazing Sorceress Jiang Feng also uses this strength same, Mo Fan will have been confused with other students. 若不是火焰魔女-姜凤也使用过这种力量,莫凡也会和其他学员一样一头雾水。 Dimension class Magic Space System! 次元类魔法-空间系 Summoning System also subordinates dimension class Magic, but Space System Magic it is said only then High-Order Mage will awaken, and awakening probability is extremely low. 召唤系也隶属次元类魔法,而其中空间系魔法据说只有高阶法师才会觉醒,并且觉醒概率极低。 Elemental Magic is the most common strength, the high school starts to study, University sublimation. 元素魔法是最为常见的力量,高中就开始学习,大学升华。 But in University, will also study White Magic, Black Magic and Dimensional Magic knowledge. 而在大学,又还会学习白魔法黑魔法以及次元魔法的知识。 White Magic, Black Magic and Dimensional Magic these categories, initially, Middle-Order Mage contact will not be many, in Dimensional Magic Space System is more suitable rarely! 白魔法黑魔法次元魔法这些类别,初、中阶法师接触的都不会太多,其中次元魔法中的-空间系更相当少见! The Space System ability that this Ai Jiangtu displays was extremely tyrannical, was shocked by it including three referee teacher. 艾江图展现的空间系能力太过强横了,连三位裁判老师都被其震慑住。 Before Mo Fan , has been very curious, actually another same is the person of decided but not yet announced player has any special ability with oneself, now he is looks clearly, hangs!!! 莫凡之前一直很好奇,另外一个和自己一样是内定选手的人究竟有什么特殊本领,现在他是看得真切,吊得不行!!! Gu Jian buries in the cement, does not know that is dies lives. It is estimated that half life removed. 顾剑埋在水泥里,也不知道是死是活。估计半条命是去掉了。 Surprised half-day Mo Fan recovered finally, this discovered that previous second of black devil same Ai Jiangtu has also turned at this moment favored to drown the siscon Big Brother, gently is touching the head of Ai Tutu with the hand, that feels attached to a point not to conceal. 惊讶了半天的莫凡终于回过神来,这才发现前一秒还黑魔鬼一样的艾江图此刻已经变成了宠溺妹控的大哥哥,轻轻的用手抚摸着艾图图的脑袋,那份爱怜没有一点掩饰。 „Won't he...... die?” Ai Tutu slightly asked one low voice. “他……不会死了吧?”艾图图小小声的问了一句。 Did not treat dead.” Ai Jiangtu replied. “不治疗就死定了。”艾江图回答道。 „......” “……” Mo Fan took this violent hiding shortcomings crazy Ai Jiangtu, hurriedly signals with the eyes to referee teacher. 莫凡是服了这个暴力护短狂艾江图了,急急忙忙裁判老师使了个眼色。 The referee teacher estimate has not recovered, good long while buckles from the cement tile Gu Jian, delivering medical office hurriedly. 裁判老师估计也没回过神来,好半天才把顾剑从水泥板中扣出来,急匆匆的送到医务室。 If the students died under their safeguarding, they must take the big responsibility. 学生要是在他们的看管下死了,他们得负大责任啊。 Here person are many, we first leave.” Ai Jiangtu swept around one, opens the mouth to say slowly. “这里人多,我们先离开吧。”艾江图扫了一眼周围,缓缓开口道。 However, has not waited for him to leave, the surrounding student to damn is the same, shortly will vanish without a trace, is very afraid this anomaly to want quietly, cleaned up here person. 不过,没等他离开,周围的学员跟见鬼一样,顷刻间消失得无影无踪,深怕这个变态想要清静,把这里人都清理了。 Li Jie, the Liu Xin who two people keep see Gu Jian that pitiful condition, rejoiced that secretly they complained turn over to the complaint, has not scolded Ai Tutu. 留下来的李杰、刘欣两个人看到顾剑那惨状,都暗暗庆幸他们埋怨归埋怨,却没有骂过艾图图 ...... …… Everyone left together, Ai Jiangtu was like the bystander probably, asking everyone to drink. 大家还是一起离开了,艾江图好像跟个没事人一样,请大家去喝酒了。 The Ai Jiangtu obvious alcohol addiction is big, the words had not said that several drank several large bowls on oneself, drinks up him after liquor not to have that dignity, instead has no too big difference from ordinary youngster. 艾江图明显酒瘾大,话还没有说几句就自己饮了几大碗了,喝完酒后的他倒没有那股威严,反而跟平常年轻人没什么太大的区别。 Also perhaps when drinking, he will be unloading a serviceman austere murderous aura qualitative armor. 也或许只有在着喝酒的时候,他才会卸下一身军人肃杀气质的铠甲。 oh, you are Mo Fan.” Ai Jiangtu looks at Mo Fan, seems very accidental/surprised. ,你就是莫凡。”艾江图看着莫凡,显得非常意外。 Entire China by decided but not yet announced school player altogether two, one is his Ai Jiangtu, stems from the military academy, another is decided but not yet announced that who the Ai Jiangtu actually also curious this person is, has not thought that this goods and younger sister are roommates. 整个中国被内定的学府选手一共就两个,一个是他艾江图,出自于军校,另外一个就是准内定,艾江图其实也好奇这人是谁,没有想到这货和自己妹妹是室友。 Em, must know your is the big brother, me does not need to jump for Ai Tutu over.” Mo Fan said with a smile. “恩,要知道你这个做大哥的在,我就没有必要跳出来替艾图图出头了。”莫凡笑着说道。 This Ai Jiangtu tidies up the person more ruthless! 艾江图收拾人更狠! Different, you as the friend, I...... Ai Jiangtu shake the head as the big brother, face earnest saying. “不一样,你是作为朋友,我是作为大哥……”艾江图摇了摇头,一脸认真的说道。 Good.” The Mo Fan forced smile, illuminates Ai Jiangtu this theory, the Ai Tutu friend and relative so many, tidies up Gu Jian one by one, how many do't that can die back and forth? “好吧。”莫凡苦笑,照艾江图这理论,艾图图朋友、亲戚那么多,逐个把顾剑收拾一遍,那不得死几个来回? No matter what, can know you happily ahead of time, I am very harsh to the team member, not only is the strength, what is more important is the courage and wisdom and breadth of spirit, you are qualified.” Ai Jiangtu said. “不管怎么样,很高兴能够提前认识你,我这人对队员很苛刻,不仅是实力,更重要的是胆识和气魄,你算是合格的。”艾江图说道。 Member?” Understood very much detected the detail Ding Yumian sent out doubts. “队员?”很懂得察觉细节的丁雨眠发出了一丝疑惑。 Ai Jiangtu gawked, quickly beckons with the hand, conceals with other words. 艾江图愣了一下,急忙摆了摆手,用其他话语来掩饰。 It seems like Ai Jiangtu was were many, ahead of time put out some information that drank. 看来艾江图是喝的多了,提前吐出了一些信息来。 Mo Fan is not stupid, understands instantaneously in Ai Jiangtu revealed the hidden meaning accidentally. 莫凡也不笨,瞬间就明白艾江图无意中吐露里暗藏的意思了。 With this fellow is Captain of school country team, is not only the decided but not yet announced player, even position also decided but not yet announced. 和着这家伙就是学府国队的队长啊,岂止是内定选手,连职位也都已经内定了。 To come is also, the fellow of this military academy family background risks one's life year to year, the actual combat experience is extremely definitely strong, the command capability and discipline are other students have no way to compare, in addition a that high place contemporaries big section of terrifying strength as well as mysterious Space System strength...... 想来也是,这个军校出身的家伙常年出生入死,实战经验肯定极强,指挥能力和纪律也是其他学员没法比的,再加上那高处同龄人一大截的恐怖实力以及神秘空间系力量…… Captain of school country team is this person of words, Mo Fan somewhat anticipated faintly this World School grand feast, will have many peerless rare talent to gather, what kind of powerful enemy will also welcome! 学府国队的队长是这人的话,莫凡隐隐有些期待这场世界学府盛宴了,会有多少绝世奇才聚集,又会迎来怎样的强敌! ...... …… Initially knew, Ai Tutu then drew his big brother to stroll big Shanghai, Ai Jiangtu in spite of being very busy came to see the younger sister, other person of natural(ly) were not good to disturb. 初识了一番,艾图图便拉着他大哥去逛大上海了,艾江图百忙之中来看妹妹,其他人自然不好打搅。 Returns to the apartment, Mo Fan lies down on the sofa thought aloud that sighed with emotion one: „......” 返回到公寓里,莫凡躺在沙发上自言自语的感慨了一声:“没想到啊……” What hasn't thought?” Mù Nujiao just like a female spirit equally after small bar the facing set, on fair element is taking one cup of red size shapes liquor, the color is very attractive. “什么没想到?”牧奴娇宛如一个女幽灵一样从小酒廊后面钻了出来,白皙素手上正拿着一杯红色浆液状的酒,颜色挺漂亮的。 oh, does Brother Ai Tutu, you know?” Mo Fan said. ,艾图图哥哥,你认识吗?”莫凡说道。 You say Ai Jiangtu?” In the Mù Nujiao eye flashes through an awe. “你是说艾江图?”牧奴娇眼中闪过一丝敬畏。 Right, this person very powerful.” “对,这人好强啊。” Truly, I very small time heard his legend...... he is also a madman, walked the military academy, killed magic beast, the strength casts off the person who our these trained hard earnestly to be many.” Mù Nujiao seems somewhat thin and pale exhausted, sat on Mo Fan nearby sofa, put the wine glass one side. “确实,我很小的时候就听过他的传说了……他也是个狂人,走军校,杀妖魔,实力更甩开我们这些埋头苦练的人很多。”牧奴娇看上去有些憔悴疲惫,坐在了莫凡旁边的沙发上,将酒杯放到了一边。 You how, but also drinks?” Mo Fan saw Mù Nujiao some is not right, inquired one. “你怎么了,还喝起酒来?”莫凡牧奴娇也有些不对劲,询问了一句。 Mù Nujiao miserable smiles, sighs: Also can, because anything...... I was very perhaps difficult to capture the struggle of nomination. Cannot have this ticket, inside I will miss homeland will not use energy to strive for other thing for me again.” 牧奴娇凄苦的一笑,叹了口气道:“还能因为什么……我恐怕连提名之争都很难夺得了。拿不到这一票,我想家里头也不会费劲为我再争取别的东西。” Is speaking these words, Mù Nujiao wants to drink liquor, who knew Mo Fan to take away the cup calmly, then he began supinely drain the cup in one gulp. 说着这番话,牧奴娇又想喝上一口酒,谁知莫凡不动声色的拿走了杯子,然后他自己仰起头一饮而尽 Mù Nujiao stared in a big way the eye, having several points to shame angry. 牧奴娇瞪大了眼睛,带着几分羞恼。 This shameless man, that is own cup!! 这个不要脸的男人,那是自己的杯子!!
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