ADM :: Volume #6

#541: Black devil, Ai Jiangtu

Ai Tutu was shocked, turning the head to look that is which fellow prevents itself to hit Gu Jian. 艾图图愣住了,转过头去看是哪个家伙阻止自己打顾剑 But after Ai Tutu sees that person dark resolute face, the complexion all of a sudden changed. 可是当艾图图看到那个人黝黑刚毅的脸后,脸色一下子就变了。 Gu Jian also raised the head, discovered that Ai Tutu is standing behind tall and straight a physique such as a man of black treasured sword, on his face of not happy no anger has one share dreadful dignity unexpectedly. 顾剑也抬起头来看,发现艾图图身后站着一个身姿挺拔如一柄黑色宝剑的男子,他那张无喜无怒的脸上竟带着一股子令人害怕的威严。 Obviously is one with the youth who everyone age is similar, why can have such imposing manner? 明明是一个跟大家年龄相若的青年,可为什么会有着这样的气势? Sorry, the family/home younger sisters are always negligent to teach......” dark tall and straight male from beginning to end not to loosen the hand of Ai Tutu, on the face do not have the expression, the words that but uses an apology said to Gu Jian. “抱歉,家妹一向疏于管教……”黝黑挺拔男子始终没有松开艾图图的手,脸上也没有表情,只是用一番歉意的话语对顾剑说道。 You...... you are...... Ai Jiangtu!!” Gu Jian recognized this person actually, then some cannot believe looked at inexpensive women who slapped oneself two, taking advantage of saying, she...... is she your younger sister??” “你……你是……艾江图!!”顾剑倒是认出了此人,然后有些不敢相信的看了一眼打了自己两个巴掌的贱女人,又借着道,“她……她是你妹妹??” Elder Brother, I......” Ai Tutu to seeing the severe father is the same, the Little Demoness makings received thoroughly, is clever like a docile blamed kitten. “哥,我……”艾图图就跟看见自己严厉的父亲一样,小魔女气质彻底就收了起来,乖得如同一只温顺的被责备的小猫。 Ai Jiangtu nods, loosened the Ai Tutu that somewhat dissolute hand slowly. 艾江图点了点头,缓缓的松开了艾图图那有些放肆的手。 He arrived at the Gu Jian front, then said: My father leads the army to slaughter with magic beast year to year outside, to my younger sisters is indulges, but is, if there is a place that anything offends......” 他走到了顾剑的面前,接着说道:“家父常年带军在外与妖魔厮杀,对我妹妹都是放纵而为,如果有什么得罪的地方……” Gu Jian heard these words, on the face had some expressions reluctantly. 顾剑听到这句话,脸上勉强有了一些表情。 It seems like this Ai Jiangtu must look that in the face that he looks after the household does not dare too certainly, but the issue that the matter is done how is this goods does not come out earlier, oneself crawled crawled, two palms of the hand also suffered!! 看来这艾江图怎么也还要看在他顾家的面子不敢把事情做的太绝,可问题是这货怎么不早点出来,自己爬都爬了,两巴掌也挨了!! Snort, my time is willing to bet to concede, but she assumed a false identity to harm me to lose the nomination like this, my family elder will not give up!” Gu Jian immediately restored the imposing manner, said anything also to the face looking. “哼,我这次是愿赌服输,不过她这样冒名顶替害我失去了提名权,我家长辈不会就此罢休的!”顾剑马上恢复了气势,说什么也要把面子给找回来。 My father has a ticket power, later will officially inform one, as this matter to your compensation.” Ai Jiangtu seems like very sincere say/way. “家父有一票权,稍后会知会一声,作为这件事对你的补偿。”艾江图看上去很诚恳的道。 These words, surroundings person in an uproar. 这句话一出,周围人一片哗然。 Has the voting rights, that is the country great person, on certain Representative estimate does not have the ticket, association President not necessarily has the ticket, the Ai Jiangtu this anything background, the father really has a ticket! 拥有投票权的,那都是国家大人物啊,某些议员估计手上都没有票,协会会长都未必有票,艾江图这什么背景啊,父亲竟然有一票! „Do this words take seriously?” The Gu Jian whole person eyes shone. “此话当真?”顾剑整个人眼睛亮了起来。 If can obtain the vote, that suffers the third palm of the hand today, he is gains! 假如能够获得有票,那今天把第三巴掌挨了,他都是赚的啊! I have four tickets, competes on behalf of the military academy. My father that ticket also had no use......” Ai Jiangtu to say. “我已有四票,代表军校出赛。家父那一票也没有什么用处了……”艾江图说道。 These words saying, the surroundings person was all insane. 这句话说完,周围人全都疯了。 Four tickets!! 四票!! This goods have four tickets!!! 这货已经有四票了!!! This fellow is the truly decided but not yet announced player!!! 这家伙才是真正内定选手啊!!! Nearby Mo Fan is also startled secretly, has to reexamine this looks has the Military Mage makings dark youth extremely. 一旁的莫凡也暗暗吃惊,不得不重新审视这个看上去极有军法师气质的黝黑青年。 Own this special figure three tickets, half decided but not yet announced player, hears besides oneself early also the orthodox school decided but not yet announced player, has not thought that unexpectedly is Brother Ai Tutu, and what represents is the military academy! 自己这个特殊人物才三票而已,半内定选手,早听闻除了自己之外还有一个正宗内定选手,没有想到竟然是艾图图哥哥,并且代表的是军校! World School Championship, domestic natural(ly) the match from all local schools elects, natural(ly) included the military academy. 世界学府大赛,国内自然是从所有地区学府中赛选,其中自然包括了军校。 This matter I have......, since you who hears are willing to compensate, that this matter can certainly consider as finished.” In Gu Jian surface an appearance that pushes someone take on a difficult job in light of this giving up, the heart actually jumped madly excitedly. “这事我还是有听说的……既然你愿意补偿,那这事当然可以算了。”顾剑表面上一副勉为其难就此罢休的样子,心脏却激动的乱跳了。 The priceless ticket, Gu Jian is clear about this ticket value compared with anyone. 千金难买一票,顾剑比谁都清楚这票的价值。 oh, I had not said that considers as finished.” Ai Jiangtu said. ,我没说就此算了。”艾江图说道。 What's wrong, how you also want, I to call the slap in the face her , because I make with this Mo Fan´s gambling, but the Noble Family custom you also understand, she harmed me to lose the nomination, we will look after the household will not say like this calculate, your my father had a ticket...... Gu Jian to call as the compensation all of a sudden, was very afraid Ai Jiangtu to renege on a promise. “怎么,你还想怎么,我给她打耳光,是因为我跟这个莫凡的赌约,可世家规矩你也懂,她害得我失去了提名权,我们顾家也不会这样说算,要不是你家父有一票作为赔偿……”顾剑一下子叫了起来,深怕艾江图反悔了。 The Ai Jiangtu vision looked to Ai Tutu, Ai Tutu is shaking the head, hints the matter noisy big appearance. 艾江图目光望向了艾图图,艾图图摇着头,示意不要把事情闹大的样子。 But Ai Jiangtu pulled the corners of the mouth, that both eyes eyeball put aside after Ai Tutu all of a sudden becomes thorn ruthlessly like two swords to Gu Jian! 艾江图只是扯了扯嘴角,那双眼睛从艾图图身上移开之后一下子变得像两柄剑一样狠狠的刺向了顾剑 Gu Jian must retrocede several that this look stared. 顾剑被这眼神瞪的都不由要后退几步了。 Wrong thing that she does, I have given you to compensate. However you insulted her words......” “她做的错事,我已经给你补偿了。但是你侮辱她的那番话……” Ai Jiangtu like changing a person, in the black body the incomparably fearful energies are gushing out suddenly. 艾江图就像变了一个人,黑色的身躯里猛然间有一股无比可怕的能量在涌出。 He grasps void, then the invisible hands raised from the ground Gu Jian instantaneously, twisting a chicken is simpler than!! 他虚空一握,便有一只无形的手瞬间将顾剑给从地面上提了起来,比拧一只小鸡还要简单!! Gu Jian tread the leg, the whole person was being separated from the ground, was seized the throat by anything completely, on the face the blue vein exploded completely. 顾剑蹬着腿,整个人脱离了地面,完全是被什么掐住了咽喉,脸上青筋都全部爆了出来。 The accident comes is too quick, the people who the surroundings watch were frightened retrocede. 变故来的太快,周围观看的人都被吓得后退了。 Ai Jiangtu is manipulating all black devils like one simply, the hand of his black pincers is only empty grasps obviously, Gu Jian mentioning half meter high place, the strength of darkness was tumbling hot tempered, ice-cold must make all students feel the immersion in the cold water!! 艾江图简直就像一个操纵着一切的黑色魔鬼,他那黑色的铁钳之手明明只是虚握,却已经将顾剑给提到了半米高的地方,黑暗之力暴躁的翻滚着,冰冷得让所有学员都感觉浸泡在寒水里!! Stop, stop, this student do not cause trouble here.” Three referee teacher smelled murderous aura, immediately jumped from the position. “住手,住手,这位同学你不要在这里闹事。”三位裁判老师都嗅到杀气了,马上从位置上跳了起来。 And a referee teacher under foot has star atlas to draw, must the behavior that prevents Ai Jiangtu to go. 其中一位裁判老师脚下已经有星图在描画,显然是要阻止艾江图接下去的行为。 Other meddling in other people's business!” The Ai Jiangtu imposing manner is imposing, another hand ruthlessly pushes toward three referee teacher. “别多管闲事!”艾江图气势凛然,另一只手狠狠的朝着三名裁判老师推去。 Buzz ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!” “嗡~~~~~~~~!!” An invisible dashing strength curls up in the air, referee teacher that three must prevent was promoted more than ten meters away unexpectedly completely, if not for the body hits on soft Barrier, by the might of that strength, will perhaps receive some minor wounds including them. 一股无形的冲撞力量在空气中卷起,三位要阻止的裁判老师竟然全部被推出了十几米远,身子若不是撞在柔软的结界上,以那股力量的威力,恐怕连他们都会受些轻伤。 Nearby Mo Fan and Ding Yumian were shocked. 一旁的莫凡丁雨眠都惊呆了。 Since this person is also a player, means that he and everyone age is almost the same, and is a student of military academy. 此人既然也是选手,就意味着他和大家年龄相差无几,并且是一名军校的学员。 But three referee teacher stepped into High-Order Domain mostly, without stepping into, that is not far, they were promoted by a Ai Jiangtu palm unexpectedly directly were so far, even if they do not have the protection, that still indicated this Ai Jiangtu abnormal strength sufficiently!! 而三位裁判老师多半都是踏入了高阶领域的,即便没有踏入,那也相去不远,他们竟然被艾江图一掌直接推出了那么远,就算他们毫无防备,那也足以表明这个艾江图变态实力了!! You...... you must make anything, told you, our looking after the household entire family was not affable!!” The Gu Jian sound is shivering, was blocked him of throat is the voice is more difficult. “你……你要做什么,告诉你,我们顾家整个家族也不是好惹的!!”顾剑声音都在颤抖,被扼住喉咙的他更是发声都难。 „Did you discuss the family with me? Our Ai Family is a serviceman, every day takes the head to defend north the Great Wall border, the only girl never the troops arrange in this Pearl Academy, does not dare to scold her half a word my father. If not for killed you to affect the struggle of Our country Level School, I make that flock of clothes eating insects that you looked after the household come for you to gather up dead bodies now!!” When Ai Jiangtu sound roar simply is magic beast, shakes the person eardrum to make noise! “你跟我谈家族?我们艾家上上下下全是军人,每天都是提着脑袋守着长城以北的国境,唯独一个女孩从不涉军旅安排在这明珠学府,连我父亲都不敢骂她半句。若不是杀了你会影响到我国级学府之争,我现在就让你们顾家的那群蛀虫过来替你收尸!!”艾江图声音吼时简直就是一个妖魔,震得人耳膜作响! Gu Jian frightened the leg to be soft, but Ai Jiangtu obviously was not a being afraid of getting into trouble person, his had unable to see clearly is star atlas or the star path thing flashes to pass, Gu Jian to suffered struck the heavy hammer equally fierce head toward the place, pounded loudly to the ground!!! 顾剑吓得腿都软了,可是艾江图明显不是一个怕事的人,他脚下有看不清是星图还是星轨的东西一闪而逝,紧接着顾剑向是遭受到了一击重锤一样猛的脑袋往地,轰然砸向地面!!!
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