ADM :: Volume #6

#540: Three palms of the hand!!

[Fierce Fist - Nine Pillars]! 烈拳-九宫 Nine roaring flame crazy columns erupt, but time, Xu Mingcong and the others were roasted by the flame ********. 九道烈焰狂柱喷发而起的时候,许明聪等人被火焰烤得********。 Under the bombardment of [Thunderbolt], they Magic Shield Equipment and Magic Armor Equipment had used, [Nine Pillars] again, their all defenses were also disintegrated thoroughly. 霹雳的轰击下,他们已经盾魔具铠魔具都使用了,九宫再临后,他们所有的防御也都被彻底瓦解。 The astonishing destructive power made the sports field disrupt a big piece, Barrier presented the fierce stir, the large flame between great columns also in aimlessly danced in the air...... 惊人的破坏力让比赛场都碎裂了一大片,结界出现了剧烈的轰动,巨柱之间的火舌还在漫无目的的飞舞…… Gu Jian under stage looked at dumbfounded, he was majors in Thunder System and Fire Element, similarly belonged to violent Mage, was the similar two skills, Mo Fan´s [Thunderbolt - Vicious Dance] and [Fierce Fist - Nine Pillars] might then exceptionally astonishing, making Gu Jian unable to believe completely! 台下的顾剑都看得呆住了,他是主修雷系火系的,同样属于暴力型法师,可是同样的两个技能,莫凡的霹雳-狂舞烈拳-九宫威力便异常的惊人,让顾剑完全不敢相信! Spirit-Seed!! 灵种!! Gu Jian realized suddenly is the difference of Spirit-Seed, caused the might phase difference! 顾剑猛然间意识到是灵种的不同,导致了威力相差! Mo Fan´s Rose Flame is the simple and crude type, the Fire Element might promotes 2. 5 times. [Fierce Fist - Nine Pillars] this skill precisely simple and crude, are more than other Spirit-Seed that 0. 5 times of might can obtain a bigger display in nine fierce columns. 莫凡的玫炎是简单粗暴的类型,火系威力提升二。五倍。烈拳九宫这种技能正是简单粗暴,比其他灵种多出的那0。五倍威力在九道烈柱中可以得到更大的发挥。 But Thunder System Supreme[Qian Jun], the might of its [Thunderbolt] dance is similar to his Gu Jian, but the space shakes makes those have the people of magical equipment defense to be in an extremely difficult situation. 雷系千钧,其霹雳狂舞的威力跟他顾剑差不多,可是空间震荡却让那些魔具防御的人都狼狈不堪。 The Spirit-Seed slightly different, brought effects are quite astonishing. 灵种的稍稍不同,带来的效果却相当惊人。 After thunder and fire bombardment, felt the victory and defeat already the minute. 雷和火轰击过后,感觉胜负都已经分了。 Defense magical equipment that the opposite party four people all can use used, but the equipment equipment of other Mo Fan here people equally excellent, have no reason, in the opposite parties had been rumbled to must the bone also to break in the situation to lose to the opponent. 对方四个人所有能够用的防御魔具都用了,而莫凡这边其他人的装备装备一样精良,没有理由在对方都已经被轰得骨头都要散架得情况下还输给对手。 As the situation is getting more and more clear, the Gu Jian complexion is ugly. 随着局势越来越明朗,顾剑的脸色更是难看至极。 Won, did we win unexpectedly?” Li Jie and Liu Xin some cannot believe looks at Mo Fan. “赢了,我们竟然赢了?”李杰和刘欣有些不敢相信的看着莫凡 Haha, we won, Mo Fan you were too graceful!” Ai Tutu happy jumps, under big crowd of people kissed one toward the Mo Fan face on. “哈哈,我们赢了,莫凡你太帅了!”艾图图高兴的跳起来,大庭广众之下更是往莫凡脸上亲了一口。 But Ai Tutu authentic child | Face great } breast, this must kiss, that team of great rabbit extrusions on the chest, the astonishing elasticity make the Mo Fan nearly nosebleed spurt. 艾图图可是正宗的童|颜巨}乳啊,这要亲上来,那一队巨兔挤压在胸膛上,惊人的弹性让莫凡险些鼻血都喷出来。 His mother was too exciting!! 太他妈刺激了!! Ai Tutu estimated that also realized oneself were somewhat rude, blushes to turn over to blush, in deadly earnest’s said: This was purely happy, does not have other meaning, do not let one's thoughts wander!” 艾图图估计也意识到自己有些失态了,脸红归脸红,却一本正经的说道:“这纯粹是高兴,没别的意思,你不要乱想!” Mo Fan badly bad smiles, has not said anything. 莫凡坏坏的一笑,没有多说什么。 Quick three referee teacher announced the result of the competition, after Xu Mingcong and the others by Mo Fan consecutively two third-level Middle-Order Magic crazy bang, obviously lacked the ability to do what one would like, the later resistance had the enormous problem quickly. 很快三位裁判老师宣读了比赛结果,许明聪等人被莫凡连续两个三级中阶魔法一番狂轰之后就明显力不从心了,之后的对抗很快就出现了极大的问题。 Actually Liu Xin, Li Jie or Ai Tutu, their strengths are not weak, so long as Mo Fan seized the overwhelming superiority after his might of that explosion, Xu Mingcong and the others natural(ly) has no way to resist, on Ai Tutu that Magic Attack Equipment might explosive table, compared favorably with Middle-Order Magic that let alone a Mo Fan full power displayed. 其实无论是刘欣、李杰还是艾图图,他们的实力都不弱,莫凡只要用他那爆炸的威力抢占了绝对优势之后,许明聪等人自然没法招架,更何况艾图图手上那件斩魔具威力爆表,比得上莫凡一个全力施展的中阶魔法了。 What Xu Mingcong you do, did this lose???” The Gu Jian whole person fell insanely, bellowed toward Xu Mingcong. 许明聪你搞什么,这都输了???”顾剑整个人都疯掉了,朝着许明聪大吼了一句。 Snort, on you you also lose!” Xu Mingcong lost the competition, the mood was not feeling well, finally was also given the roar by Gu Jian. “哼,你上你也输!”许明聪输了比赛,心情本就不爽,结果还被顾剑给吼了。 How can Xu Mingcong? 许明聪能怎么样? He is Wind El­e­ment and Shadow System Mage, the effect that can play truly is to divert and harassment. 他是一个风系暗影系法师,真正能够起到的效果就是牵制与骚扰。 The opposite party thunder and fire Dual Cultivation, the might explodes, Swift Star Wolf that summoned again in addition, where they could divert! 对方雷与火双修,威力爆炸,再加上一只召唤出来的疾星狼,他们哪里牵制得住! This Mo Fan, the strength is extremely truly strong, eventually is the hot list first ten. 这个莫凡,实力确实极强,终究是火榜前十的。 „A competition, cannot show that anything, you wait to me!” Xu Mingcong also has several points to be unwilling, points at Mo Fan to say. “一场比赛,说明不了什么,你给我等着瞧!”许明聪还带着几分不甘,指着莫凡说道。 When with just entered the sports field compares, Xu Mingcong this moment head and face filthy with grime and clothes ragged, a azure hair is more common with the begging for food beggar, where also has a little bit to be charming, before those, for the female students who he screamed cannot believe that this is that always hand inserts big evil President commander Xu Mingcong of pants pocket! 和刚进入比赛场时相比,许明聪此刻灰头土脸、衣裳褴褛,一头青色的头发更是跟个要饭乞丐一般,哪里还有一点点帅气可言,那些之前为他尖叫的女生都不敢相信这是那个总是手插裤袋的大邪帅总裁-许明聪 Xu Mingcong is not willing to be here disgraceful, turns around to walk. 许明聪可不愿意在这里丢人现眼,转身就走了。 He walks, the Gu Jian person stupidly fell. 他一走,顾剑人就傻掉了。 Ai Tutu is also not sensible, hurriedly runs back the place that sat a moment ago, small fat fart | The stock turned turning, sits respectfully specially! 艾图图也是一点都不懂事,急急忙忙的就跑回到刚才坐的地方,小肥屁|股扭了扭,特意正襟危坐! Since this competition won, before the explanation, will lose the issue not all when her, itself Gu Jian this person selects the ability to be good only, the team coordinates acts willfully, how with understanding of use Mo Fan of good entire team not fellow-student of the same department to form the sharp contrast! 这场比赛既然赢了,就说明之前会输问题并不全在她身上,本身顾剑这人单挑能力还行,团队配合时就一意孤行,和懂得如何利用好整个团队不同系的莫凡形成了鲜明的对比! It looks like in Ai Tutu, the Mo Fan strength is much stronger, but in this fight he that time establishes the enormous superiority besides the thunder and fire crazy bang, more often is exchanging with the team member...... 艾图图看来,莫凡自身实力已经强得惊人了,但在这场战斗中他除了雷与火狂轰那次奠定巨大优势之外,更多时候都在和队员交流…… How to deal, how to tear down the move of opponent, when evades the point temporarily, when counter-attacks, really compared Gu Jian that can only curse at people too to be many by actual combat capability Mo Fan!! 如何去应对,如何拆掉对手的招数,什么时候暂避锋芒,什么时候反击,论实战能力莫凡真的比只会骂人的顾剑强太多了!! Ai Tutu smiled finally, narrows the eye to look at Gu Jian. 艾图图总算笑了起来,眯着眼睛看着顾剑 She to the Gu Jian face, do whatever needs to be done, who will not make him such scold oneself! 她可不会给顾剑面子,该怎么办就怎么办,谁让他那样骂自己的! Stares is making anything, crawls.” In the Mo Fan dictionary may never have rich/forgive Renchu, and rich/forgive people, unrestrained/no trace of politeness said to Gu Jian. “愣着做什么,爬过去啊。”莫凡字典里可从来就没有得饶人处且饶人,毫不客气的对顾剑说道。 The Gu Jian tooth soon bit. 顾剑牙都快要咬碎了。 Damn, Xu Mingcong not compared with Bai Yulang also strong, how to lose, how his mother lost!! 见鬼了都,许明聪不是比白宇郎还强的吗,怎么就输了,怎么他妈就输了!! The surroundings all are the person, Gu Jian natural(ly) do not dare to renege on a promise, can only be black that face squatting down body...... 周围全是人,顾剑自然不敢出尔反尔,只能够黑着那张脸蹲下身子来…… He crawled one step, then feels that immediately the shame same swats like the sea high sea, making him wish one could to crawl to fight to the death with Mo Fan now. 他爬了一步,便立刻感觉到耻辱如同大海狂浪一样扑打过来,让他恨不得现在爬起来跟莫凡决一死战。 Finally, Gu Jian continues to proceed to crawl, that both eyes eyeball poisonous resentment. 终于,顾剑还是继续往前爬,那双眼睛毒怨至极。 From is not far, but this crawling makes Gu Jian feel more painful than the crawling road to Hades, crawled with great difficulty the front of that inexpensive woman, actually a discovery this woman unexpectedly villains holding sway smiling appearance. 距离不算远,可这段爬行却让顾剑感觉比爬黄泉路还要痛苦,好不容易爬到了那个贱女人的面前,却发现这女人居然一副小人得志的笑盈盈的样子。 „!!!” “啪!!!” Ai Tutu where will be polite with Gu Jian, a resounding palm of the hand clapped. 艾图图哪里会跟顾剑客气,一个响亮的巴掌就拍了下去。 The Gu Jian face is burning, when scolded that a series of bad language he has not thought certainly day of time overflowed, was used the Palestinian slap by this woman! 顾剑脸火辣辣的,在骂出那一系列脏话的时候他绝没有想到一天时间都没过,便被这女人用巴掌扇了回来! „!!!!” “啪!!!!” This palm of the hand told you this trash, other dog mouth shooting off the mouth person, this young lady located | Female!” “这一巴掌告诉你这渣渣,别狗嘴乱喷人,本小姐还是处|女!” A backhand palm of the hand, the Ai Tutu succuba temper was manifests again thoroughly, this pulled out around the even/including person one breath but actually. 反手再一巴掌,艾图图魔女性子算是彻底体现出来了,这抽得连周围人都不由的倒一口气。 Do not annoy the woman, do not annoy the woman, then a graceful face, two palms of the hand get down to be swollen quickly, when this always proud and arrogant Gu Jian receives this type of air/Qi. 别惹女人,千万别惹女人啊,那么帅的一张脸,两巴掌下去都快肿了,这个一向心高气傲顾剑何时受过这种气啊。 This last palm of the hand......” “这最后一巴掌……” Ai Tutu held up the big hand, must put forth the vigor that nurses to pat this smelly man simply. 艾图图举起了大手,简直是要使出吃奶的劲拍死这个臭男人。 However, the hand brandishes the peak time, the wrist/skill of Ai Tutu suddenly by a slightly obviously several points of dark hand gripping, the steel pliers held her generally, keeping her from wielding again. 不过,手抡到最高点的时候,艾图图的手腕突然间被一个略显几分黝黑的手给握住了,钢钳一般抓住她,让她无法再挥下去。 The Gu Jian eye shut, is thinking at heart how in the future to revenge, actually some discovery unexpectedly people prevented, was been oppressive wants dead at heart suddenly one happy. 顾剑眼睛都闭了起来,心里想着日后怎样报仇,却发现竟然有人阻止了,被虐得想死的心里突然一喜。
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