ADM :: Volume #6

#539: Do not let his!!

Forgot you also to have Summoning System......” “都忘了你还有召唤系……” Good, good!!” “好,好!!” Liu Xin and on the Li Jie two faces had the smiling face immediately. 刘欣和李杰两个人脸上马上有了笑容。 This summon made the situation all of a sudden initiative, the opposite party at least must send out a person to go to and Swift Star Wolf plays slowly, but them can draw star atlas unscrupulously. 这一个召唤让局势一下子变得主动了起来,对方至少得派出一个人去和疾星狼慢慢玩,而他们这边就可以肆无忌惮的描画出星图来。 Basic Magic to spelling to seek to release higher Magic opportunity eventually, a Swift Star Wolf appearance, their star atlas then more frequent shone. 初阶魔法对拼终究是为了寻找到释放更高魔法的机会,疾星狼一出现,他们星图便更加频繁的亮了起来。 [Storm Wave]!!” 暴浪!!” Time that Li Jie shen fat body young tiger, roars also has the imposing manner especially. 李杰神肥体彪,吼出的时候也格外有气势。 Both hands raising high from bottom to top, emerges out of thin air the rivers that simultaneously instantly behind together tumbled, the river water from Li Jie's both sides rapid accumulation before him, changed to a turbulent flood tide. 双手同时由下往上的高扬,霎时身后凭空出现了一道翻滚的河流,河水从李杰的两侧湍急的聚集在他面前,化作了一股汹涌的洪水浪潮。 The water splash splashes randomly, the wave hit the wave vanguard, [Storm Wave] such as a quality compensation flood dragon same surges crossed the long sports field, in position that collision ruthlessly in Xu Mingcong and the others were. 水花乱溅,浪打浪前行,暴浪如一条水蛟龙一样翻腾过了长长的比赛场,狠狠的撞在了许明聪等人所在的位置上。 [Rock Barrier]!!” 岩障!!” That muscle Earth Element student responded but actually quickly, immediately stands in the forefront of team, made one like the Oyamayama screen same defense, the [Storm Wave] flood dragon resisting again outside. 那位肌肉岩系学员反应倒很快,立刻站在了队伍的最前面,制造出了一座如同小山山屏一样的防御,生生的将暴浪蛟龙给抵挡再外。 [Storm Wave] hit the rock, was huge waves pound agaist the shore general curled up the spray high, there is more than ten meters high. 暴浪撞到了岩石,更是惊涛拍岸一般高高卷起了浪花,有十几米高。 Snort, wants to use this trick before me?” The muscle Earth Element student stands behind [Rock Barrier], before maintaining , the hand that pushes received. “哼,在我面前还想用这伎俩?”肌肉岩系学员站在岩障后面,保持着前推的手收了回来。 Is careful that wolf!” The red lip student calls one immediately. “小心那只狼!”红嘴唇学员立刻叫了一声。 The rock muscle male turns the head, discovers that hair tall Star Pattern wolf beast suddenly, in the water splash splashed to fly to flee randomly, the mouthful white fang transformed one to be big ten times of potentilla cryptottaeniaes under the strength of wild animal...... 岩石肌肉男一转头,猛然间发现那只毛发颀长的星纹狼兽在水花乱溅之间飞窜了过来,满嘴白色的獠牙在野兽之力下幻化成了一个大出十倍的狼牙…… The wolf fang gnaws, the even the mountains screen broke to pieces one piece, that muscle strong man frightened the complexion to be white, in used Magic Armor Equipment to protect the body in a panic. 狼牙啃下,连山屏都碎了一片,那名肌肉猛男吓得脸色都白了,仓惶之中使用出铠魔具来保护身体。 Magic Armor Equipment, means that raised the card in a hand. 铠魔具一出,就意味着掀底牌了。 Swift Star Wolf really became a ghost, saw opposite party Magic Armor Equipment used, deeply does not pursue, turns around to remove. 疾星狼真是成精了,一看到对方铠魔具都用了,更是不深追,转身就撤。 Several [Ice Chains] follow to hit, almost Swift Star Wolf tying hands, the decisiveness that good Swift Star Wolf retreated, will otherwise welcome other Mage groups to attack immediately. 几道冰锁紧随其后打来,差一点就将疾星狼给五花大绑了,还好疾星狼撤退的果断,不然马上就会迎来其他法师的群攻。 This domestic animal!!” Lip bright red female Mage face angry scolding. “这畜生!!”嘴唇嫣红的女法师一脸恼怒的骂道。 Swift Star Wolf runs fast, where [Ice Chains] can catch up with it, the red lip girl drew star atlas with great difficulty, the result drove back the follow-up attack of this wolf, what owed was the muscle male also gives Magic Armor Equipment with...... 疾星狼跑得飞快,冰锁哪里追得上它,红嘴唇女孩好不容易描画了一个星图,结果只是逼退了这只狼的后续袭击,更亏的是肌肉男还把铠魔具给用了…… This is next, was in chaotic situation by Swift Star Wolf such a, perhaps the opponent also drew several star atlas! 这都是其次,被疾星狼这样一阵鸡飞狗跳,对手恐怕也描画出了几个星图来! Damn, does not make you look at Mo Fan!” Xu Mingcong yelled one suddenly. 我草,不是让你们看着莫凡吗!”许明聪突然间大叫了一句。 everyone the attention on Swift Star Wolf, waited to recover a moment ago, that Mo Fan already terrifying drew Thunder System star atlas. 众人刚才注意力在疾星狼身上,等回过神来,那个莫凡已经恐怖的描画出雷系星图了。 zī zī zī ~ ~ ~ zī zī zī ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 滋滋滋~~~滋滋滋~~~~~~~~~~” The Mo Fan whole body purple electric arc dances in the air, maps the crazy demon that him such as in thunder dance is born. 莫凡周身紫色电弧飞舞,将他映射得如雷舞中诞生的狂魔。 The smiling face flies upwards, controls Mage of strength of thunder and lightning then to have a thunder to be dignified, once star atlas draws completes, the same level between fight must have half victory and defeat surely. 笑容飞扬,掌控雷电之力的法师便自有一股雷霆威严,一旦星图描画完成,同级之间的战斗必定要出半个胜负了。 Supreme-[Qian Jun] [Thunderbolt]......” 千钧-霹雳……” You gave up any idea of!” Xu Mingcong yelled angrily, his index finger moves, finally initiated the last shadow pear thorn. “你休想!”许明聪恼怒大叫,他食指一动,终于引发了最后一枚暗影梨刺。 Has me, [Brilliant Light]!” At the same time, the Ai Tutu sound races against time from this resounds. “有我在,光耀!”同一时间,艾图图的声音从这争分夺秒之间响起。 The milky white light group splits open above the Mo Fan´s top of the head suddenly, immediately said surely dazzling radiance sprinkles, around that region Mo Fan shines incomparably brightly, shone cannot see clearly any object. 乳白色的光团在莫凡的头顶上方豁然绽开,顿时千万道刺眼的光辉洒落下来,将莫凡周围那一片区域照耀得无比明亮,亮得都看不清任何物体了。 Light such, needs to puncture to be shone by the shadow pear that the shadow maintains immediately, the shadow pear punctures the flight to be not quick, when it arrives in front of Mo Fan was given the melting by the glare thoroughly!! 光如此之强,需要靠阴影来维持的暗影梨刺立刻被照耀了出来,暗影梨刺飞行不算很快,当它抵达莫凡面前的时候便彻底被强光给融化!! Under the arena, was dodged Gu Jian of dog eye almost to jump blindly...... 赛场下,被闪瞎了狗眼的顾剑差点跳了起来…… what situation, this woman with oneself one team of times, [Brilliant Light] cannot distinguish friend and foe, this time with the Mo Fan same place, unexpectedly intelligent to using [Brilliant Light] makes a bright region in the Mo Fan top of the head, the last shadow pear punctured for discarding! 神马情况,这女人跟自己一队的时候,光耀就敌我不分,这次跟莫凡一起,竟然聪明到用光耀莫凡头顶上制造一片光明区域,生生的最后一枚暗影梨刺给废掉了! This [Brilliant Light] utilization must strike the advantage, simply like seeing through the opponent met started the last shadow pear thorn at this time. 光耀运用得敲打好处,简直就像看穿了对手一定会这个时候发动最后一枚暗影梨刺一样。 Was finished!!” “完蛋!!” Was the big deal!!” “出大事了!!” magical equipment, uses magical equipment quickly!!” 魔具,快用魔具!!” The shadow pear punctures that moment of dissipation, Xu Mingcong and other people of complexions were white. 暗影梨刺消散的那一刻,许明聪等四人一个个脸色都白了。 Middle-Order destroys Magic strongly, is not jokes absolutely!! 中阶最强毁灭魔法,绝对不是闹着玩的!! Enjoys the anger of thunder well......” “好好享受雷霆之怒……” Mo Fan stands in same place, the mind actually controls that group hot tempered incomparable thunder clouds that sky over the sports field is condensing. 莫凡站在原地,心神却操控着比赛场上空凝聚起来的那团暴躁无比的雷云。 The vision flashes, a hand finger/refers of day, the together cloudless day [Thunderbolt] wild incomparable bang falls among Xu Mingcong and the others instantly, the thunder and lightning magnetic field that blasts out lets the sports field firm post rock ground powder splash!! 目光一闪,手一指天,霎时一道晴天霹雳狂暴无比的轰落在许明聪等人之间,炸开的雷电磁场让比赛场坚固的岗岩地面都粉末飞溅!! Again come!” “再来!” Mo Fan moves Mind Power again, was the dragon of together purple black crazy thunder as anger pounds equally straightly to the ringside, the precisely bang withstood/top in the head of Xu Mingcong. 莫凡再动意念,又是一道紫黑色狂雷如愤怒之龙一样笔直砸向了赛台,正是轰在了许明聪的脑袋顶上。 Xu Mingcong also looks to hides with the extremely quick movement, who knows is around two thunder and lightning divided to fall, did not give him the dodging leeway. 许明聪还望向用自己极快的身法来躲,谁知又是两道雷电前后劈落了下来,根本就不给他一点闪躲的余地。 Magic Armor Equipment transformed finally, but resisted thunder and lightning that terrifying the strength of stroking, the residual space shake made the Xu Mingcong bone probably be rumbled as before to break. 铠魔具终于幻化了出来,可是抵挡了雷电那恐怖的击打之力,残留的空间震荡依旧让许明聪骨头都要被轰散架了。 The effect that the space shake of Supreme[Qian Jun] supplementary when first level of [Thunderbolt] and second level of [Thunderbolt] manifest is not very tangible, may obtain very terrifying effect third level of [Thunderbolt - Vicious Dance] here...... 千钧附带的空间震荡在第一级霹雳和第二级霹雳的时候体现的效果还不算特别明显,可在第三级霹雳-狂舞这里得到了非常恐怖的效果…… The together thunder makes surrounding space one piece shiver, the thunder falls again, this shake then superimposes, the continual thunder and lightning dance pounds to fall, whatever your good magical equipment to resist most thunder and lightning strongest injuries, but that shivers just like the strength of actually terrifying that shake must crush fiercely, after Xu Mingcong four people by such a crazy bang, stood continually somewhat cannot come to a stop! 一道雷就让周围空间一片颤抖,雷再落,这种震荡便叠加,连续的雷电狂舞砸落,任凭你一身好魔具抵挡了大部分雷电最强的伤害,可那剧烈颤抖宛如要粉碎的震荡之力却恐怖至极,许明聪四人被这样一番狂轰之后,连站都有些站不稳了! That slightly fat woman is good, oneself have the defense capability, the position that in addition she 那个微胖的女人还好,自己拥有防御能力,再加上她所在的位置最远,没有遭受到致命雷轰。 But others, Magic Shield Equipment and Magic Armor Equipment can use basically used. 而其他人,盾魔具铠魔具能用的基本上都用出来了。 Magic Armor Equipment is quite eventually expensive, is not everyone's Magic Armor Equipment is good, therefore the crazy thunder bombardment, they must link Magic Shield Equipment to use together...... 铠魔具终究比较昂贵,不是所有人的铠魔具都非常好,所以狂雷轰击,他们必须连盾魔具一起使用…… So, except for slightly fat female auxiliary Mage, others defended magical equipment to cause. 如此一番,除了微胖的女辅法师,其他人防御魔具都使出来了。 Rose Flame [Fierce Fist - Nine Pillars]!!” 玫炎-烈拳-九宫!!” However, the fearful sound resounds again. 然而,可怕的声音再一次响起。 Displays Magic to Mo Fan, no matter many people, many defenses, must covered head and snuck away like a rat!! 莫凡施展魔法,甭管有多少人,有多少防御,都得抱头鼠窜!! After the thunder, comes the purgatory crazy fire again, the column of flame and of column of flame spout rushes, can make each get sucked into Mage absolutely to be lifelong unforgettable!! 雷霆之后,再来炼狱狂火,火柱与火柱喷涌的那份澎湃,绝对可以让每一个深陷其中的法师终身难忘!! ( Which fellow said Thunder System must truncate!! This season, Thunder System must strengthen!!) (哪个家伙说雷系要削的啊!!这赛季,雷系还要加强!!)
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