ADM :: Volume #6

#587: Overbearing baby Little Flame Fairy

Let me tell you, my wife remained a widow, my son did not have the father, that was does obeisance you to bestow, they jumped to this tomb are jump from an upper story to commit suicide......” Shorty still to talk endlessly. “我跟你说,我老婆守寡,我儿子没了爹,那都是拜你所赐,他们自己跳到这墓穴里就是自己跳楼自杀……”矮男仍旧在喋喋不休。 Mo Fan makes Little Flame Fairy guide, its Perception actually be keener than Mage. 莫凡小炎姬带路,它的感知力倒是要比魔法师更敏锐一些。 Little Flame Fairy seems like to play to this very interesting tomb for the first time, seems especially excited, swung flame Red Clothes on to give Mo Fan and a Shorty finger/refers of road. 小炎姬好像是第一次到这种非常有意思的墓穴中来玩,显得格外兴奋,摇摆着身上的火焰红衣就呼啦呼啦的给莫凡矮男指路了。 Follows!” Mo Fan shouted Shorty. “跟上!”莫凡喊了一声矮男 Shorty does not certainly dare to stay there, quickly caught up with Mo Fan and his small pet. 矮男当然不敢自己一个人留在那里,急忙追上了莫凡和他的小宠物。 The tomb is very spatial, imagines compared with them spacious, because Death Qi fills the air to cause the flame the ray to be very difficult to proliferate to a farther place. 墓穴很空,同时也比他们想象中的宽敞,只是由于死气的弥漫导致火焰的光芒很难扩散到更远的地方。 The flame of flame has the effect of illumination, but it eventually is not the Light Element strength, Light Magic has the effect of scattering and purifying, [Brilliant Light] not only can make surrounding Death Qi and miasma all diverge, can this entire gigantic tomb chamber lightening! 火焰的火光是拥有照明的效果,可它终究不是光系力量,光系魔法本身就拥有驱散与净化的效果,一个光耀不仅可以让周围的死气瘴气全部散去,更可以将这整个硕大的墓室给点亮! Lets loose him, your disgusting corpse!!” Angry roaring transmits from the front dark hidden place. “放开他,你这个恶心的尸体!!”一声恼怒的咆哮从前方昏暗处传来。 Mo Fan decides clearly looks, precisely Yu Qingsu, she has to concave-convex around the body is also rotating the angry thunder and lightning electric arc, incites to make noise in the air. 莫凡定晴一看,正是余青素,她凹凸有致的身子周围还回转着愤怒的雷电电弧,在空气中滋滋作响。 Mo Fan proceeds to look again, discovered front presented a azure slightly become moldy big pillar, the pillar should be the middle axle of this tomb chamber supported, just like a heaven ancient wood torso, towers to support the zenith of entire tomb chamber to most peak. 莫凡再往前看去,发现了前面出现了一根青色略微发霉的大柱子,柱子应该是这个墓室的中轴支撑了,宛如一棵苍天古木的躯干,耸立到最顶端支撑起整个墓室的天顶。 In big stone column half of altitudes, the cross scar male was restrained the neck by the white shroud stubbornly, the four limbs also tied hands, was forced for a long time, even if he has the Magic Armor Equipment protection not to help matters, once is unable to breathe enough oxygen again, he will be choked to death! 大石柱一半的高度上,十字疤男被白色的裹尸布死死的勒住了脖子,四肢也被五花大绑,被勒了这么长时间,即便他有铠魔具保护也无济于事,一旦无法再呼吸足够的氧气,他就会窒息而死! In the stone column toward the place that extending outstretches, Bandaged Corpse just like the spider hero will hang upside down generally by the cross scar male, that pair gloomy and cold, cunning the eye has several points of playing tricks on meaning to stare at Yu Qingsu. Its that rotten in half of shoulders also had the black blood to drop by the thunder and lightning bang downward, but this fellow does not care. 在石柱往外延伸开的地方,裹布尸将宛如蜘蛛侠一般倒挂在十字疤男旁,那双阴冷、诡诈得眼睛正带着几分戏弄之意的盯着余青素。它那被雷电轰烂了一半的肩膀里还有黑色的血往下滴,只是这家伙根本不在乎。 gū gū gū gu ~ ~ ~ ~ strange laughter sends out the mouth from Bandaged Corpse, holds its prey like a sly fox. 咕咕咕咕~~~~”古怪的笑声从裹布尸将嘴里发出,就像一个狡猾的狐狸已经抓住了它的猎物。 Also rubbish with it anything, butchered its us to hurry to follow the large unit.” Running over of Shorty pants said. “还跟它废话什么,宰了它我们赶紧跟上大部队。”矮男气喘吁吁的跑了过来道。 Mo Fan does not want to waste the time again here, he is staring at that Bandaged Corpse that exudes the strange laughter, will be able to look at this to have a brain to result in the fellow in the waiting cross scar male Magic Armor Equipment expiration, the words that Magic Armor Equipment expires, its shroud can strangle the cross scar male with ease! 莫凡也不想再在这里浪费时间了,他凝视着那个发出奇怪笑声的裹布尸将,看得出来这个拥有一点脑子得家伙在等待十字疤男的铠魔具失效,铠魔具失效的话,它的裹尸布就可以轻松勒死十字疤男! Little Flame Fairy, extinguished it!” Mo Fan said. 小炎姬,去灭了它!”莫凡说道。 ling ~ ~ ~ ~!” “呤~~~~!” Little Flame Fairy was excited, exudes the bell cry of pleasant to hear to fly toward Bandaged Corpse, in entire flight flame also in gradual exuberance and fierce. 小炎姬兴奋无比,发出铃铛好听的叫声就朝着裹布尸将飞了过去,飞行过程中身上的火焰还在逐渐的旺盛与剧烈。 You are useful with summoned beast of this young stage, is taking our life to crack a joke!!” Yu Qingsu sees this is angry. “你拿一个这种幼年期的召唤兽有什么用,在拿我们生命开玩笑吗!!”余青素见到这一幕更是愤怒至极。 Mo Fan with not paying attention , the eye is taking a fast look around the surroundings. 莫凡不与理会,眼睛扫视着周围。 Why does not know, he always felt that this tomb chamber has not seemed like is so simple and spacious. 不知道为什么,他总感觉这个墓室并没有看上去那么简单和空旷。 Spacious can understand, now most zombie have crawled to the ground in exposes to the sun darkness, a nest bareness corpse is very normal, but here Death Qi is really somewhat rich makes people not quite relieved, itself has he of darkness department can detect this darkness the unusual aura. 空旷可以理解,现在大部分腐尸都已经爬到地面上晒黑暗了,窝空无一尸很正常,可是这里的死气实在浓郁得有些让人不太安心,本身拥有黑暗系的他是能够察觉到这个黑暗之所的不寻常气息。 ling ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “呤~~~~~~~~~!” Little Flame Fairy flies high, Heavenly Tribulation flame even more is then fierce, changed to the diameter to surpass two meters rushing fireball from a original(ly) flame group! 小炎姬飞得越高,身上的天劫火焰便越发剧烈,从原本的一个小火团化作了直径超过了两米的澎湃火球! Fireball straight will hit toward Bandaged Corpse, Bandaged Corpse will respond actually is also quick the transformation position of use corpse arrange/cloth in the midair, Little Flame Fairy melts results in that group of fireballs equally to be flexible, after all that is the Little Flame Fairy body. 火球笔直的朝着裹布尸将撞去,裹布尸将倒是反应很快得利用尸布在半空中转换位置,小炎姬所化得那团火球却也一样灵活,毕竟那是小炎姬自己身体所化。 A of diameter two meters fireball in the midair, hits immediately toward the place that Bandaged Corpse will dodge. 直径两米的火球在半空中一顿,马上又朝着裹布尸将闪躲的地方撞去。 But the process of this change attacking track, the big fireball increased impressively one meter, has three meters diameter! 而这个变化攻击轨迹的过程,大火球赫然变大了一米,已经拥有三米的直径了! Bandaged Corpse will continue to dodge, the those corpse that it leaves behind fired the ashes quickly, it is estimated that this wisdom quite high corpse has not thought such a little fellow actually has the so violent energy, can turn into such a big fireball! 裹布尸将继续闪躲,它留下的那些尸很快烧成了灰末,估计这个智慧颇高的尸将也没有想到这样一个小家伙竟然拥有如此暴力的能量,能够变成一个这么大的火球! ling ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!” “呤~~~~~~~~~~!!” Fireball most central location, Little Flame Fairy exuded the breathless cry, probably will be saying to Bandaged Corpse: Runs a egg, comes to hit with this baby happily!! 火球的最中央位置,小炎姬发出了气急败坏的叫声,像是在对裹布尸将说:跑个卵,来跟本宝宝打个痛快啊!! Bandaged Corpse mostly is a living corpse, absolutely does not have corpse of wisdom, after it Little Flame Fairy clamors, is estimated also thought the face countenance damages greatly, but it does not run is not good, it most practical binding arrange/cloth does not have an function in front of the Heavenly Tribulation flame, in addition Little Flame Fairy whole body that fireball, fuck this can four meters! 裹布尸将多半是一个活死人,不是完全没有智慧的尸物,它被小炎姬这么叫嚣后估计也觉得颜面大损,可它不跑又不行,它最实用的裹布在天劫火焰面前没有一点作用,再加上小炎姬周身那一圈火球,尼玛这会都四米了! The fireball of four meters diameter, this was one is very exaggerating the concept, wanted on big 2nd compared with SUV, such flame hit, even if the those hard-skinned thick flesh big corpse will unable to withstand! 四米直径的火球,这是一个很夸张得概念了,比一辆SUV都还要大上两号,这样的火焰撞过来即便那些皮糙肉厚的大尸将都承受不起! Stares is making anything, life-saving.” Mo Fan saw Yu Qingsu to look at dumbfounded, quickly shouted one. “愣着做什么,救人啊。”莫凡余青素看得呆住了,急忙喊了一句。 Yu Qingsu truly looks at the eye to stare the pocket, the flamelet female version fresh-faced bottle gourd kid of this young stage pursues cunning Bandaged Corpse to run all over the place the full tomb chamber unexpectedly, that picture was as good as one on just the little miss in kindergarten to take the cigarette lighter to pursue grown hooligan full street to scurry about crazily! 余青素确实看得目瞪口袋,这一个幼年期的小火焰女版粉嫩葫芦娃竟然追着一只诡诈的裹布尸将满墓室乱跑,那画面不亚于一个刚上幼儿园的小姑娘拿着打火机狂追一个成年流氓满街乱窜! After Yu Qingsu has turned round, hurriedly controlled the vine to rescue the cross scar male, the cross scar male blue vein entire violent, did not save him to get down he to be air/Qi certainly. 余青素回过身后,急急忙忙操控着藤蔓去解救十字疤男,十字疤男青筋全暴了出来,再不救他下来他都要气绝了。 Yu Qingsu is operating the vine life-saving, but when her concentrate one's attention completely, her back presented a strange shadow. 余青素正在操纵藤蔓救人,可就在她全神贯注的时候,她的背后出现了一个诡异的影子。 This shadow stood from the Yu Qingsu back, the outline on the monster sheep that such as stands vigorously and healthily, even the corner/horn is in that type the curved Devil sheep's horn! 这个影子就从余青素的背后站了起来,轮廓就如一头健壮站立的妖羊,连角都是那种内弯的恶魔羊角! On this shadow sheep's horn creature takes is being similar to the dagger same sharp object, precisely wants quietly the throat of Yu Qingsu lacerates directly...... 这个黑影羊角生物手上拿着类似于匕首一样的尖锐物体,正是要悄无声息的将余青素的喉咙给直接割破…… Yu Qingsu knows nothing about unexpectedly, after all that is only one group of shadows, he even thinks that is not far away Shorty by the military might shadow body that the flame shines to project, where can think that a that shadow precisely malicious ghost, shears the ghost thing of person throat!! 余青素对此竟然浑然不知,毕竟那只是一团影子,他甚至以为是不远处矮男被火焰照耀投射过来的威武影躯,哪能想到那影子正是一个恶鬼,割人喉咙的鬼物!! [Light Protection - Holy Shield]!” 光佑-圣盾!” When quiet actually matter of life and death, Shorty displayed Light Magic unexpectedly! 悄无声息却生死攸关之际,矮男竟然施展出了光系魔法来! Light Magic really had the deterrent effect on this darkness undead ghost, even if were Magic of defensive nature, this [Light Protection] Sacred Shield protected the later that ghost Yu Qingsu is also similar to bumps into the iron that the burning hot smelted, burnt it to send out sharp crying out strangely! 光系魔法对这种黑暗亡灵鬼怪实在太有震慑力了,哪怕是一个防御性质的魔法,这个光佑圣盾余青素保护起来之后那鬼怪也如同碰到了炙热熔炼的烙铁,灼得它发出了一声尖锐的怪叫!
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