ADM :: Volume #29

#2826: Day hole fine rain

Chapter 2826 第2826章 Day hole fine rain 天孔雨丝 treasure mountain thinks of outstanding high school 宝山思卓高中 In the past stood on thinking of the library flat roof of outstanding high school, can see the muddy azure sea, although was far from ends of the earth that type of blue , was very suitable a person who imaginary made one immerse time here calmly was in a daze. 过去站在思卓高中的图书馆露台上,一眼就可以望见浊青色的海,尽管远没有天涯海角那种令人沉醉的幻蓝,却也很适合一个人的时候在这里静静发呆。 Has that a while, because various strong requests in family, Mù Nujiao at the rebel condition, she left the school in Jing'an, oneself arrived at 有那么一阵子,因为家族里的各种强硬性要求,牧奴娇处在叛逆状态,她离开了静安的学校,自己到了宝山的这座思卓高中,远离了家族里那些复杂的争斗与毫无意义的攀比。 At that time she always liked on the flat roof of library, can a person study, peacefully sea level that can also a person look at not far away outstanding...... 那个时候她总喜欢到图书馆的露台上,可以一个人学习,也可以一个人安安静静的看着不远处卓的海面…… Now, she held a concurrent post the associate director who thinks of the table high school, arrived here time again, seen is actually one stands tall and erect, but Sea Wall, on the dike has many soldiers to go on patrol, could not see the sea level again. 如今,她兼任了思桌高中的副董事,再一次到这里的时候,看到的却是一座高耸而起的海堤,堤坝上有许多士兵在巡逻,再也见不到海面了。 Today is to think of outstanding Magic high school arranges the to gain experience day to the students, if now this time wants to make these release the incomplete student to find a right to gain experience place Magic is not an easy matter, but this is each high school must conduct. 今天是思卓魔法高中给学生们安排历练的日子,现在这个时代要想让这些连魔法都释放不完整的学生找到一个合适的历练地方可不是一件容易的事情,但这又是每一个高中必须进行的。 Clear weather, Mù Nujiao taking advantage of midday rest profound cultivation of time on to flat roof, before this is her a custom, let when she was shiwuliu years old agitated heart here tranquil, therefore there is a worrying matter time, she would this, the cultivation was also good, the study was also good, ponder also good...... 天气晴朗,牧奴娇借着午休这点时间到露台上冥修,这是她以前的一个习惯,也是在这里让她十五六岁时烦躁的心宁静了下来,所以有烦心事的时候,她总会来这,修炼也好,学习也好,思考也好…… How raining in good condition?” Mù Nujiao is just about to close the eye, suddenly felt that drop of icy cold raindrop falls in own volume. “怎么好端端的下雨了?”牧奴娇正要闭上眼睛,忽然感觉到一滴冰凉凉的雨滴落在自己额上。 She looks up, discovered that in this rare clear sky presented a strange sunspot impressively, if cloud heaven is a light blue drawing board that is covering the land, then among the drawing boards a then chiselled eyelet, that ice-cold water-drop precisely falls from there, was blown actually to flutter oneself here by the wind. 她抬起头望去,发现这难得的晴空中赫然出现了一个诡异的黑点,假如云天是一个遮盖着大地的浅蓝色画板的话,那么画板中间便被凿开的一个小孔,那冰冷的水滴正是从那里落下来,被风一吹却飘到了自己这里。 Mù Nujiao is staring at it, discovered when the waterdrop did not know including the city a careful firn-line, straight falling on school training ground . 牧奴娇凝视着它,发现水滴不知道什么时候连城了一条细细的雨线,笔直的落在了学校操场上。 The students have gathered on training ground one after another, after they a half hour, will embark to go to the Base City north boundary, said that goes to to gain experience, nothing but is visits the army stopper of Security edge, magic beast that present Sea-Monster and outside eyes covetously is not they can cope! 学生们已经陆陆续续在操场上集合了,他们半个小时后就会出发前往基地市的北面边界,说是去历练,无非是去参观一下安界边缘的军塞,如今的海妖和外面虎视眈眈的妖魔已经不是他们可以对付的了! Rains, this rain is quite strange, how is a line??” On training ground , some people had voiced the question. “下雨了,这雨好奇怪,怎么是一条线的啊??”操场上,已经有人发出了质疑。 White firn-line merely together, is so supple slow stroking on cement training ground , the young people who one crowd wears the school uniform feel unusual fun, encircles water splash that looks at that to splash in side. 白色的雨线仅仅一道,就那样柔缓的击打在水泥操场上,一群穿着校服的青少年都觉得稀奇好玩,围在旁边看着那溅起的水花。 The Mù Nujiao vision has not put aside, she soon discovered that small day hole is increasing, that together fine rain that descends is also coarsening, hair such changed into a finger/refers of thickness from the beginning, stroked has been able to hear the sound on training ground . 牧奴娇目光没有移开过,她很快就发现,那个小小的天孔在变大,降落下来的那一道雨丝也在变粗,从头发丝那样化为了一指粗,击打在操场上已经可以听见响声了。 The Mù Nujiao facial expression changes in a little bit, when she discovered that hole of that day also when expansion, she realizes anything suddenly! 牧奴娇神情在一点点变化,当她发现那天孔还在扩张时,她突然意识到什么! Leaves there quickly!!” “快离开那里!!” Leaves there quickly!!!” “快离开那里!!!” Mù Nujiao is calling loudly, making those still hurry to evacuate in the students of kidding around. 牧奴娇高声叫着,让那些还在嬉闹的学生们赶紧撤离。 The day hole is getting bigger and bigger, impressively is the together sturdy water column that descends, the ice-cold water overflowed completely entire training ground . 天孔越来越大,降落下来的赫然是一道粗壮的水柱,冰冷的水溢满了整个操场 Rumbling rumbling!!!!!!!!” “轰轰轰轰!!!!!!!!” The water current is getting bigger and bigger, is getting more and more fierce, unconsciously was the diameters of four people of round tables, that white water column hits, gave to crush the training ground ground, the water splash splashed dozens meters high, unfolded the water that to achieve near the sand beach toward all around the degree of ocean waves, the person who has not come to a stop will be wrecked in the place! 水流越来越大,越来越猛,不知不觉达到了四人圆桌的直径,那白色的水柱撞击下来,将操场地面都给击碎了,水花溅到了几十米高,朝着四周铺开的水更达到了沙滩边海浪的程度,没有站稳的人会被冲倒在地! Arrived the lay-by, quickly, lets all students to the lay-by!” Mù Nujiao emphasized again. “到紧急避难所,快,让所有学生到紧急避难所!”牧奴娇再一次强调道。 Vice- Dong, this possibly is only the temporary strange weather, unimportant??” The principal said. “副董,这可能只是一时的古怪天气,不要紧的吧??”校长说道。 The principal is a middle-aged female, the hair burns to curl, dyed the pretty color, is covering her day by day the senile trace. 校长是一位中年女子,头发烫极卷,又染成了靓丽的颜色,掩盖着身上她日益衰老的痕迹。 Regarding Mù Nujiao proposed decision that immediately seeks asylum, Principal model/pattern thought that some big topics slightly did, after all they have made the time to go the north visit battlefield, if the large-scale going refuge shelter, is equal to this time visiting to gain experience to delay now directly! 对于牧奴娇提出立刻避难的决定,范校长觉得有些大题小做了,毕竟他们已经约好了时间前去北面参观战场,若现在大规模的前往避难所,等于将这次参观历练直接耽搁了! Every day that we go, possibly the eruption war, this absolutely is not the common climate, is the high-level monster technique, to gain experience cancels, leading the students to go to the refuge shelter!” Mù Nujiao very affirmative saying. “我们接下去的每一天,都可能爆发战争,这绝对不是寻常的气候,是高级妖术,历练取消,带学生们去避难所!”牧奴娇很肯定的说道。 Mù Nujiao went to sea , went to Japan , has had to do with many Sea-Monster, although this monster technique has never seen, in the ice-cold sea water that but that falls in torrents is unusual. 牧奴娇出过海,也去过日本,更与诸多海妖打过交道,虽然这种妖术从未见过,但那倾泻下来的冰冷海水里却不寻常。 Mù Nujiao does not have the positive evidence to indicate that this is the Sea-Monster behavior, but the intuition told her, this was the Sea-Monster behavior!! 牧奴娇没有直接证据表明这是海妖的行为,但直觉告诉她,这是海妖所为!! Herd chairman, you provide the resources for our school, catches many practice opportunities for our school, this truly is we extremely thanks, but the regulation of school cannot, because such a minor matter said that cancels cancels, let alone act of rescue needs to apply to the treasure mountain officials, or is sent out the warning signal by treasure mountain Security Department directly, we have not received the say/way that the related document...... Principal model/pattern treats a matter seriously by the present. “牧董事长,您为我们学校提供资源,为我们学校争取到许多实践机会,这确实是我们万分感谢的,但学校的章程不能因为这样一件小事说取消就取消,何况紧急避难需要向宝山官员申请,或者由宝山警戒部门直接发出警戒信号,到现在我们都没有收到有关文件……”范校长郑重其事的道。 Mù Nujiao frowns. 牧奴娇皱起眉头来。 The school business truly does not turn over to her to manage, but this phenomenon was extremely strange, said that anything cannot take risk with the lives of these students. 学校事务确实不归她管,可这个现象太过诡异了,说什么也不能够用这些学生的性命来冒险。 I also hope that this has a false alarm, but if you make the student gather in insisting on here, I immediately propose to the board of directors am transferred, your sense of crisis was not suitable to continue to be the principal.” Mù Nujiao does not want to make the struggle of insignificant argument with this Principal model/pattern again. “我也希望这是虚惊一场,但如果您在执意让学生聚集在此,我会立刻向董事会提出调任,您这种忧患意识不适合继续担任校长了。”牧奴娇不想跟这个范校长再做无意义的口舌之争。 Mù Nujiao, you are only an associate director!” Principal model/pattern numerous say/way. 牧奴娇,你只是一个副董事!”范校长重重的道。 Principal model/pattern air/Qi, when thought of outstanding high school to be one's turn this girl here gesticulate while talking, herd Noble Family can so act willfully! 范校长气得不行,思卓高中什么时候轮到这个丫头在这里指手画脚了,牧氏世家就可以如此一意孤行吗! This school each director is the member of natural talent international combination school, but I am President. Either you make the student evacuate now immediately, go to the lay-by, either you pack the thing to leave job now, I organize to evacuate personally!” Mù Nujiao like does not play the those meaningless trick with this headmistress. “该校每个董事都是天资国际联合学府的成员,而我是会长。要么你现在马上让学生撤离,前往紧急避难所,要么现在你收拾东西离职,我亲自组织撤离!”牧奴娇根本不像跟这个女校长玩那些毫无意义的把戏。 Principal model/pattern impedes repeatedly, keeping some Mù Nujiao educational ideas from carrying out, usually is situated between the opposite party is the elder, is the old qualifications, Mù Nujiao then does not haggle over with her, but relates now significantly, Mù Nujiao did not allow oneself make concessions again! 范校长多次掣肘,让牧奴娇一些教育理念无法执行,平常介于对方是长辈,是老资历,牧奴娇便不和她计较,可现在关系重大,牧奴娇根本不容许自己再退让! Some people, lived satisfied, even if in such a dangerous time, the sea dike that because that together towered high became neglects, became ignorant, routine manipulated the insignificant thing in the authority! 有些人,活得太惬意了,哪怕在这样一个危险的时代,因为那一道高高耸立的海洋堤坝而变得怠慢,变得愚昧,习惯性的在职权上摆弄无意义的东西! This will kill many many people! 这会害死很多很多人的! Easily and comfortably was longer in the metropolis, more cannot smell the crisis!! 越是在大都市中安逸久了,越嗅不到危机!! Several other directors and teacher with astonishment look at Mù Nujiao, they have not thought that this young associate director so will be strong today. 其他几个主任和老师都惊愕的看着牧奴娇,他们也没有想到这位年轻的副董事今天会如此强硬。 Let the principal curl spread evenly over to leave...... this is not the average person can achieve. 让校长卷铺盖走人……这可不是一般人做得到的。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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