ADM :: Volume #29

#2825: He is Forbidden Magic

Chapter 2825 第2825章 He is Forbidden Magic 他是禁咒 Pearl Academy 明珠学府 The azure campus, has above a track and field area of grass soccer field, presented a giant gap, the sky that lacks seems like a seabed abyss, when stares then gives people a being afraid feeling. 青校区,拥有一个绿茵足球场的田径场上方,出现了一个巨大的缺口,那缺掉的天空像是一个海底深渊,凝望时便给人一种不寒而栗的感觉。 This gap empty condition will continue merely for ten minutes, ten minutes the tides of massive sea will fall from now from inside, if only the ordinary waterfall, it pours into to the Magic Capital City sea water quantity is not cannot arrange to go out, is really this gap is much bigger, the azure campus lawn is then covered by White Dragon who that hangs thoroughly, then sea Shuicheng turbulent potential rapid sweeps across the proliferation toward surrounding area several kilometers! 这个缺口这种空洞的状态仅仅会持续十分钟,十分钟过后大量的海洋之潮就会从里面倾倒下来,倘若只是普通的瀑布,其注入到魔都的海水量也不是不能够排出去,实在是这缺口大得出奇,青校区绿茵场便被那垂下来的白龙给彻底覆盖,然后海水成汹涌之势迅速的往方圆好几公里席卷扩散! The extreme time, the track and field area of azure campus, the teaching buildings cluster, the stadium, the cafeteria, the Magic practice arena was soaked over one meter entirely, moreover in unceasing rise. 极端的时间,青校区的田径场,教学楼群,体育场,食堂,魔法练习场统统被浸泡了超过一米,而且还在不断的上升。 After the water depth exceeded two meters, on that day lacked in the waterfall then to present lots of Sea-Monster soldiers, their operational capacity was extremely terrifying, can sweep those scattered Mage shortly...... 当水深超过了两米后,那天缺瀑布中便会出现大量的海妖士兵,它们作战能力极其恐怖,可以顷刻间扫荡那些分散的魔法师…… The Sea-Monster soldier is sly, Mage in their very clear human can pose the real threat to them, therefore they will not waste the time to slaughter those to have no person of resistance ability, but is staring at Mage of human! 海妖士兵非常狡猾,它们非常清楚人类之中的魔法师才能够对它们构成真正的威胁,所以它们根本不会浪费时间去屠杀那些没有什么反抗能力的人,而是盯着人类的魔法师 They must eliminate the human in the shortest time the armed forces, once lost the Mage group, entire Base City many people are also the domestic animals that they rear in a pen, can slaughter at will. 它们要在最短的时间里消灭人类的武装力量,一旦失去了法师团体,整个基地市再多的人也不过是它们圈养的牲畜,可以随意屠宰。 Pearl Academy is the Mage accumulation quite crowded place, after all is the Magic school. 明珠学府魔法师聚集比较密集的地方,毕竟是魔法学校。 Powerful fish people in these average strengths only in front of the Middle-Order Magic students is fiendish people, their whole body scales can defend most Middle-Order Magic, the bone awl big stick in the hand having pose the enormous threat to the vulnerable Magic students. 强大的鱼人大将在这些平均实力只在中阶魔法学生们面前就是一个个魔王,它们全身鳞甲可以防御绝大多数中阶魔法,手中持有的骨锥大棒更对脆弱的魔法学生们造成极大的威胁。 Hurries the lay-by, everyone hurries the lay-by!!” Several Magic teacher call loudly. “赶紧去紧急避难所,所有人赶紧到紧急避难所!!”几名魔法老师高声喊道。 Base City is equipped with the lay- by the construction in each key position, these refuge shelters are prevent the flames of war to spread directly the city, majority uses to the average person. 基地市在建造的时候就在各个关键位置设有紧急避难所,这些避难所就是防止战火直接蔓延到城区的,大部分是给普通人使用。 „!!!!!!!” “啊啊啊!!!!!!!” Run!!!!” “快跑啊!!!!” Do not run toward that side!!” “别往那边跑!!” Teaching building, the troop has is attending class, here probably more than 1000 freshman / rebirth, are one month ago enters the school. 教学大楼处,有一大群心生正在上课,这里大概有一千多名新生,都是一个多月前才入校的。 freshman / rebirth overwhelming majorities Novice-Order, their battle efficiencies are unable compared with the old student, not to have the old student to have the organization strength, the operational capacity. 新生绝大多数还是初阶,他们的战斗力根本无法和老生相比,更没有老生们那么有组织力,作战能力。 In this dangerous time, students, although is unable independent combat with the those Commander Level fish people, but they learned closely to hug the agglomerate, formed the emergency Mage team comprised of not fellow-student of the same department Mage. 在这个危难时代,学生们虽然无法和那些统领级的鱼人大将单打独斗,可他们都学会了紧紧抱成团,形成了一个个由不同系法师组成的应急法师团队。 These Mage teams join up to be able with fish people to resist one...... 这些法师团队联合起来是可以和鱼人大将抵抗一番的…… But freshman / rebirth, is Novice-Order. 新生,都是初阶 Their Magic the scale skin will unable to scrape off fish people, their over a thousand people hug the agglomerate unable to resist one crowd of fish people the destruction attack! 他们的魔法连鱼人大将的鳞皮都刮不掉,他们上千人抱成团也抵挡不住一群鱼人大将的毁灭袭击! Fish people the quantity will still be increasing, on that day lacked in the waterfall to clash over a hundred heads, Sea-Monster as if has own operational disposition, knows that this Magic university can create the hindrance to them, therefore dispatched a strength extremely terrifying Unit Sea-Monster!! 鱼人大将的数量还在增加,那天缺瀑布里冲下来上百头,海妖们似乎有自己的作战部署,知道这魔法高校是可以对它们造成阻碍的,所以派遣出了一支实力极其恐怖的海妖!! At least is the Commander Level fish people, to freshman / rebirth too brutal, let alone presented over a hundred in the azure campus, they even such as destroy soldier such neat steamroll to come. 至少是统领级的鱼人大将,对新生们来说真得太残酷了,何况在青校区出现了上百只,它们甚至如毁灭士兵那样整整齐齐碾压过来。 Suffocates, desperate, radical collapse! 窒息,绝望,彻底崩溃! People laborious establishes the Magic civilization, the students study Magic diligently, expected that one day can change the world, but when they saw when these cruel Commander fiendish people same kill, will then feel Magic that for more than ten years study is petty and low how, Mage, really can have the significance of existence?? 人们辛辛苦苦的建立魔法文明,学生们努力的学习魔法,期望有一天可以改变世界,可当他们看到这些残暴统领魔王一样杀来时,便会觉得十几年来学习的魔法是多么的卑微,魔法师,真得有存在的意义吗?? Rolls your seabed!!!!” “滚回你们的海底!!!!” Wept and wailed in the sound, recited dignified in the teaching building highest place resounds, his sound was full of the deterrent effect, just like the great bell hit to reverberate unceasingly. 哭喊声中,一个庄严吟唱在教学大楼最高处响起,他的声音充满震慑力,犹如巨钟撞击不断回荡。 A plain white clothing robe, flutters, but beard, whole body silver blue color radiance is dazzling makes the day glow be overshadowed. 一身朴素衣袍,飘扬而起的胡须,周身银蓝色光辉耀眼得让天芒都黯然失色。 His palm falls, immediately soaks in the moving restlessly sea water of entire azure campus starts to flow with the inconceivable path, the water current is quite rapid, all sea water by this vegetarian robe man to the control, were instead walked in reverse, starts fierce revolving near the lawn!! 他手掌落下,顿时浸泡在整个青校区的躁动海水开始以不可思议的轨迹流淌,水流相当湍急,所有的海水反被这名素袍男子给操控,逆向行走,在绿茵场附近开始剧烈的旋转!! Looks from the high place, will discover the sea water that those falls changed into a huge vortex unexpectedly, the vortex strength is extremely strong, will see fish people that those original(ly) must sin to be pulled the section by the vortex to unceasing attracting. 从高处望下去,会发现那些倾倒下来的海水竟然化为了一个庞大的漩涡,漩涡力量极强,就看见那些原本要造孽的鱼人大将被漩涡给不断的吸扯到底部。 Where the bottom of vortex does not know, over a hundred fish people, will be one will disappear the army, was attracted unexpectedly entirely pulls to under vortex another space in...... 漩涡的底部也不知通向何方,上百只鱼人大将,本是一支泯灭大军,竟然统统被吸扯到漩涡下方的另一个空间中…… Sea water also in pouring into this vortex bottomless pit, the azure campus gradually restored the original appearance, is only in all directions wet. 海水也在灌入这个漩涡无底洞中,青校区逐渐恢复了原来的样子,只是四处湿漉漉的。 Crash-bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “哗啦啦啦~~~~~~~~~” The upper air, the day lacks is still falling the sea water. 高空,天缺还在倾倒海水。 In the lawn, the vortex the sea water volume to other places, was actually forming balanced reluctantly. 绿茵场中,漩涡却在将海水卷到其他地方,勉强形成了一个平衡。 Dean Xiao, can the gap, stop up on this day??” Teacher Baimei is anxious. 萧院长,这天缺口,堵得住吗??”白眉老师焦虑起来。 Difficult!” Dean Xiao only put out a character. “难!”萧院长只吐出了一个字。 Actually this is what god law, can rip open the day unexpectedly, flows in backward the sea, so many Sea-Monster armies went into the city directly, how can our war hit??” Minister Wu said. “这究竟是什么神法,竟然可以将天撕开,将海洋倒灌,那么多海妖大军直接闯入到了城市里,我们这一场战要怎么打??”吴部长说道。 Week teacher, first hurries to lead the children to the lay-by...... , if willing to fight, can stay behind.” Dean Xiao similarly is the continuous anxious look. “周老师,先赶紧将孩子们带到紧急避难所……如果愿意战斗的,可以留下。”萧院长同样是绵绵愁容。 Too suddenly, was too fearful. 太突然,也太可怕了。 Dean Xiao as Magic Capital City sits town-level Saint Mage, even if will know Sea-Monster in these days general attack, will unable to think of them absolutely in this manner! 萧院长作为魔都的坐镇级的圣法师,纵然知道海妖会在这几天全面进攻,也绝对想不到它们会用这种方式! Can rip open the day, can pour into with such way the sea water arrives at the sorcery of city, which monster king is also displays, if not shut off the technique of this direct access to the highest authorities, their campaign being doomed disastrous defeat! 能够撕开天,能够将海水用这样的方式灌入到城市的妖法,又是哪个妖王施展出来的,若是不扼杀掉这通天之术,他们这场战役注定惨败! Sea-Monster have not operated with the ordinary citizen, actually stubbornly is staring at human Mage, this indicated that they likely want to enslave and rear in a pen human, did not have Mage, the entire Base City person will degenerate into their servants!! 海妖们没有拿普通市民开刀,却死死的盯着人类魔法师,这表明它们很可能想要奴役、圈养人类,没有了魔法师,整个基地市的人都会沦为它们的奴仆!! Their this behaviors, revolving fears extremely!!! 它们这种行为,细思极恐!!! Dean Xiao!” 萧院长!” In the midair, a man of on the back grows eagle wing flies, the facial expression is callous. 半空中,一个背生鹰翼的男子飞来,神情冷酷。 Dean Xiao looked up eagle wing man one eyes. 萧院长抬头看了鹰翼男子一眼。 Forbidden Magic can assign/life me to come......” eagle wing man to open the mouth to say. 禁咒会命我前来……”鹰翼男子开口道。 I know, but here need I.” “我知道,可这里需要我。” You are Magic Capital City only Water Element Forbidden Magic, Magic Capital City need you.” Eagle wing men's serious say/way. “您是魔都唯一的水系禁咒,魔都更需要您。”鹰翼男子郑重道。 Teacher Baimei heard these words to be shocked, panic-stricken incomparable is staring at Dean Xiao. 白眉老师听到这句话更是愣住了,惊骇无比的盯着萧院长 Entire Pearl Academy knows Dean Xiao of noble character and high prestige, Focus has trained freshman / rebirth in the azure campus. 整个明珠学府都知道萧院长德高望重,一直专注在青校区培养新生 Also knows that his cultivation base is as deep as a well beside, is an incomparably outstanding strategy Grandmaster...... 也都知道他修为高深莫测之外,还是一名无比出色的阵法大师…… But no one knows that- he is Forbidden Magic!! 可谁都不知道-他是禁咒!! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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