ADM :: Volume #29

#2827: Black security

Chapter 2827 第2827章 Black security 黑色警戒 Principal model/pattern the complexion is ugly. 范校长脸色难看至极。 May think many positions that Mù Nujiao holds a concurrent post, she does not have the capital to dispute again with Mù Nujiao. 可一想到牧奴娇兼任的诸多职位,她也没有资本再与牧奴娇争执下去。 The international combination school, this is coordinates the school organization that by Pearl Academy and temple schools and Alps three big international schools unites European School, the temple school and St. Petersburg School many top universities to form, the principals in many well-known colleges and universities in this/should organization are only the member, Mù Nujiao are actually President. 国际联合学府,这可是由明珠学府、神庙学府、阿尔卑斯山三大国际学府牵头联合欧洲学府、神殿学府、圣彼得堡学府诸多顶级高校组建的学校组织,许多名校的校长在该组织里都只是成员,牧奴娇却是会长 Associate director status is the same, but President of joint school really had the weight/quantity! 副董事这个身份是一般般,但联合学府的会长却实在太有分量了! She did not have the courage. 她没有了勇气。 But Principal model/pattern refuses to admit being inferior. 但范校长还是不甘示弱。 Lost this rare to gain experience opportunity, your Ministry of Education explains. Because the immaterial reason takes the lay-by, you explain to the treasure mountain officials!” After Principal model/pattern threw down these words, immediately issues the act of rescue instruction to teacher at all levels. “失去了这个难得的历练机会,你教育部交待。因为无关紧要的原因占用紧急避难所,你向宝山官员交待!”范校长丢下了这句话后,立刻向各级老师发布了紧急避难指令。 The students do not have the sense of crisis mostly, they are still surrounding that the water column that irrigates from the space...... 学生们大多数没有忧患意识,他们还在围观那从天上灌溉下来的水柱…… This water column has turned into one not to know that has many meter waterfalls , the water current that attacks hit training ground disrupts a big piece, the those discharge tunnel started to shoulder, was unable to arrange completely the sea water that these fell. 只是这水柱已经变成了一个不知道有多少米的瀑布,那冲击下来的水流将操场打得碎裂了一大片,那些排水道开始负荷,已经无法将这些落下来的海水完全排出去了。 The water product is higher, in short time water to ankle area, and is still rising!! 水越积越高,短短的时间内积水到了脚踝,并且还在上涨!! What's the matter, this appearance of the water is getting bigger and bigger, the precipitation surpassed the cloud burst!” Thought of teacher of outstanding high school also to start to reveal several points of anxious color. “怎么回事啊,这水势越来越大,降水量超过了大暴雨了!”一些思卓高中的老师们也开始露出了几分不安之色。 „Did student evacuate?” Mù Nujiao asked. “学生撤离了没有?”牧奴娇问道。 Also in school entrance.” “还在校门口。” Stupid, leads them to leave quickly!!” Mù Nujiao is angry to say. “愚蠢,快带他们离开!!”牧奴娇大怒道。 The day hole has been expanding, strange phenomenon from the beginning gradually evolved a terrifying picture, that huge sea water quantity dropped out from the upper air, blasted out in the land, changed to the innumerable mighty currents to fire into all directions, nearby training ground some simple practiced to be shattered, did the cafeteria building sway, the class furniture all floated! 天孔一直在扩大,从一开始的怪异现象逐渐演变成了一种恐怖的画面,那庞大的海水量从高空抛下,在大地上炸开,又化作无数条洪流冲向四处,操场附近的一些简易练习蓬被冲垮,食堂楼摇摇晃晃,课桌椅全部漂浮了起来! Bang!!!!!” “嘭!!!!!” Suddenly, a giant heavy object pounds, training ground downcast fiercely a big piece. 忽然,一个巨大沉重的物体砸下来,操场猛的陷落了一大片。 The water waterfall hits what object probably, but also without falls to the ground in opens completely on sprinkling recklessly, saw black xu xu Specter from the white waterfall class/flow, that was covered with the ugly head of stinger to appear in the lines of sight of numerous teacher all of a sudden, many people were frightened the paralysis at the scene in the place!! 水瀑像是撞击到什么物体,还没有完全落到地面上就肆意的溅洒开,紧接着就看到一个黑魆魆的魔影从白色的瀑流中走了出来,那长满毒刺的丑陋头颅一下子出现在众多老师的视线中,不少人被当场吓瘫在地!! Sea...... sea...... Sea-Monster!!!” Principal model/pattern is pointing at Bao flow, the put out character is shivering. “海……海……海妖!!!”范校长指着瀑流,吐出的字都在颤抖。 Moo!!!!!!!!” “哞!!!!!!!!” This Sea-Monster made the sound of cow roar, the fearful roar sound wave raised the surrounding sea water completely, the building that periphery those will sway gives to shake entirely but actually! 海妖发出了牛吼之音,可怕的吼音波将周围的海水全部掀了起来,更将周围那些摇摇晃晃的楼房统统给震倒! That sea cow beast saw human, wild is lifting two matchmakers, directly flushed, in the running process, its ice axe flung ruthlessly, two axes present one to interlock the shape to cut several were scared the Magic teacher body, later also brought the blood to return to both hands of this ice axe sea cow beast!! 那海牛兽见到了人类,狂暴的举着两柄冰斧,直接就冲了过来,奔跑过程中,它的冰斧狠狠的甩了出来,两斧呈现一个交错状切割开几名吓傻了的魔法老师身体,随后又带着血回到了这冰斧海牛兽的双手上!! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!!” “啊啊啊~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!” Does not have the student of evacuation to see this, frightened to scream. 一些没有撤离的学生看到这一幕,吓得尖叫了起来。 That several director teacher then realize to use Magic, but their those could not injure the sea soldier of this type of whole body sea ice armor Spirit-Seed no Middle-Order magic arts, scratched an itch in the boot! 那几个主任老师这才意识到使用魔法,可他们那些灵种都没有的中阶法术根本伤不了这种全身海洋冰铠的海洋战士,隔靴搔痒! The ice axe sea cow beast obviously smelled a lot of crowd aura, it holds up the ice axe in hand to jump to divide to the Magic student who those has not evacuated with enough time, can see that in its swing process the strong Frost air current is mixing! 冰斧海牛兽明显是嗅到了大量的人群气息,它举起手中的冰斧跳劈向那些没来得及撤离的魔法学生,可以看到它挥舞过程中强劲的冰霜气流在搅动! Ten thousand wooden through!!!” “万木穿心!!!” The Mù Nujiao anger said, her departed the innumerable hardwoods behind, they flew to the ice axe sea cow beast, penetrated its hard incomparable pure-heart armor ruthlessly...... 牧奴娇怒道,她的身后飞出了无数坚木,它们飞向了冰斧海牛兽,狠狠的击穿了它那坚硬无比的冰心铠甲…… The wood like the pinery, actually the crosswise growth, front entirely is sharp spinous, such nailed fast that ice axe sea cow beast, even so, ice axe ox beast is still also trying to commit murder, it lifts in the ice axe to midair to cut off that cut to Principal model/pattern. 木如松林,却横向的生长,前端统统是尖刺状,就那样钉住了那冰斧海牛兽,即便如此,冰斧还牛兽还在试图行凶,它将那举到半空中的冰斧砍落下来,砍向了范校长。 [Water Splash Heavenly Wall] Barrier of Principal model/pattern is direct, the axe ice air/Qi rescud that moment of her surface gate, a vine silk had tied down Principal model/pattern, one entrains toward side her, thrilling saves a life from the axe! 范校长的水花天幕结界直接破碎,斧冰气再刮过她面门的那一刻,一条藤丝缠住了范校长,将她往旁边一拽,惊险至极的从斧下捡回一命! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “呜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~” The clear(ly) of delayed security then resounded, crosses the light of several seconds of security then to rush to the clouds, arrived in most peak time sprinkled slowly to the entire Magic Capital City land- that was the shocking black! 迟来的警戒之明这才响起,过了几秒警戒之光这才冲上云霄,抵达最顶端的时候徐徐洒向了整个魔都大地-那是触目惊心的黑色! Orange Alert, Red Alert and purple security...... 橙色警戒血色警戒、紫色警戒…… What this time appearing is the black security!!! 这一次惊现的是黑色警戒!!! Black......” Mù Nujiao raised the head, sees this black security, the holding breath one breath actually felt that the throat was seized by anything stubbornly was the same, the oxygen is unable to arrive at own head! “黑色……”牧奴娇抬起头,看到这黑色警戒,倒吸一口气却感觉喉咙被什么东西死死的掐住了一样,氧气无法到达自己的头部! Black security!!!! 黑色警戒!!!! Unprecedented black security!!!! 前所未有的黑色警戒!!!! All previews defer to the plan of purple security to carry out, all strategies also obey the disaster rank that historically presents to train, but arrives on this day time, disaster brutally and went far beyond people's estimate huge. 所有的预演都按照紫色警戒的方案去执行,所有的策略也都遵照历史上出现的灾难级别进行演练,可这一天到来的时候,灾难的无情与庞大远远超过了人们的估计。 Isn't the black, exterminates??? 黑色,不就是灭绝吗??? Sounding of black security, is not the early warning of war disaster, but indicated directly- Shanghai losses! 黑色警戒的拉响,已经不是战争灾难的预警,而直接表明-上海了! From the beginning has no chance? 从一开始就没有希望吗? The dike that those builds, the people's refuge shelter of those construction, those the large army who dispatches from national major military department, the Base City plan, some time ago Clam Sea Dragon King Ant Mother by kill[ed] exciting...... is not meaningful from the beginning!! 那些筑造起来的堤坝,那些修建的全民避难所,那些从全国各大军部调遣来的重兵,基地市计划,还有不久前蜃海龙王蚁母斩杀的大快人心……从一开始就没有任何意义吗!! Black...... 黑色…… Why must sound the black security, even if the deceit purple, people also to survive and arrive the Sea-Monster life-and-death fight, this black is telling entire Shanghai Mage, does not need to resist, escapes, can live next several is several! 为什么要拉响黑色警戒,哪怕是欺骗的紫色,人们也会为了生存与到来的海妖殊死搏斗,这黑色是在告诉整个上海魔法师,不必抵抗了,逃吧,能活下几个是几个! But Base City is Base City, where can escape?? 基地市就是基地市,能逃到哪里?? Without the stay place, without the grain, without the water source, without the room of heating, escaping was the skeleton is vast to where!! 没有了栖息地,没有了粮食,没有了水源,没有了取暖之屋,逃到哪里都是尸骨遍野!! Moo!!! Moo!!!!! Moo!!!!!!!!” “哞!!!哞!!!!!哞!!!!!!!!” At a Mù Nujiao absent-minded such meeting, the day hole is bigger, more than ten ice axe sea cow beast demon air/Qi torrential treads from the waterfall class/flow, the surrounding building must sway by the rapid sea water impact, they stand in the most turbulent waterfall class/flow are actually entirely still, cruel and ugly, strong and terrifying!! 就在牧奴娇失神的这么一会,天孔更大,十几头冰斧海牛兽魔气滔滔的从瀑流中踏出,周围的建筑物被湍急的海水冲击得摇摇晃晃,它们站在最汹涌的瀑布流中却纹丝不动,残暴、丑陋、强壮、恐怖!! Mù Nujiao then looked at one, discovered that the student community had left the campus, had one to rejoice reluctantly. 牧奴娇回头望了一眼,发现学生群体已经离开了校区,勉勉强强有了一丝庆幸。 May after this rejoices, is the sadness of being filled with. 可在这一丝庆幸之后,又是满心的悲伤。 Originally evades with does not evade is a result. 原来避与不避都是一个结果。 All Sea-Monster first goals are Mage, particularly cultivation base high Mage. 所有的海妖第一目标都是魔法师,尤其是修为高的魔法师 This flock of ice axe sea cow beasts swept one that nail tight companion, quick vision neat locking Mù Nujiao! 这群冰斧海牛兽扫了一眼那个被钉死的“同伴”,很快目光齐刷刷的锁定了牧奴娇 It seems like this region can their ice axe sea cow beast poses some threats be this woman!! 看来这片区域能够对它们冰斧海牛兽造成一些威胁的就是这个女人了!! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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