ADM :: Volume #23

#2281: Has the human-controlled rain

...... …… Moist and icy cold, stench...... 潮湿、冰凉、腥臭…… Also is this smell. 又是这种气味。 Mo Fan stood on the sports field vault, a lightning rod straight peak to low cloud Mu. 莫凡站在了比赛场穹顶上面,一根避雷针直耸向低矮的云幕。 Looks from this altitude, the Luo City western place was given to swallow by anything probably was the same, obviously is a city, seems like the battlefield is more fearful. 从这个高度望去,般罗城的西处好像被什么给吞噬了一样,明明是一座城市,却看上去比战场还要可怕。 In the end, has not prevented. 到头来,还是没有阻止得了。 This thinks that Black Church will use the crazy offense spring water, raises a magic beast city again, Andes mountain federation these beautiful cities changing into wild animal slaughter house. 本以为黑教廷会利用狂戾泉水,再掀起一场妖魔袭城,将安第斯山联邦这几座美丽的城市给化为野兽屠宰场。 Who knows time this they draw support is not magic beast. 谁知道这一次他们借助的根本就不是妖魔 Crazy offense spring water, crazy offense spring water...... 狂戾泉水,狂戾泉水…… Why they always thought that Black Church can only tilt magic beast? 为什么他们总觉得黑教廷只能够掀动妖魔呢? Mo Fan has long known, the person compared with magic beast more fearful existence, the Black Church crazy offense spring water has been able to make magic beast go crazy, can't be maddening?? 莫凡早就知道,人一直都是比妖魔更可怕的存在,黑教廷的狂戾泉水可以让妖魔发狂,难道就不能够让人发狂吗?? This new federation, has long existed the huge hidden danger. 这个新联邦,早就存在着巨大隐患。 Under the threat of Sea-Monster, the new federation discarded too many people, several million people and more than ten million people have the enormous hate to the new federation. 海妖的威胁下,新联邦舍弃了太多人,以至于数百万人、上千万人都对新联邦有极大的怨恨。 At this time, rain of crazy offense arrived. 这个时候,一场狂戾之雨降临。 All radical eruptions!! 一切彻底爆发!! „The guard, has been guarding, what Mountain Sentry, what Andes mountain magic beast empire, what Beastman tribe......” “一直防范,一直都在防范,什么山岗,什么安第斯妖魔帝国,什么山人部落……” Most needs to guard, wears attractive clothes, we person who thinks of every means to protect.” “最需要提防的,就穿着一身光鲜的衣裳,我们费尽心思要保护的人。” Mo Fan remembered ninth Mountain Sentry. 莫凡想起了第九山岗 Sees Blue Bat time, by the Blue Bat table is placing a Beastman corpse. 看到蓝蝙蝠的时候,蓝蝙蝠桌子旁边就摆放着一具山人的尸体。 The body structure of Beastman and person very similar, for this reason many Research Division Group Mage buy at a high price the perfect Beastman corpse, is used to do the research. 山人与人的身体构造非常的相似,为此还有很多研司会法师高价收购完好无损的山人尸体,用来做研究。 Blue Bat graduation mission raises the Beastman tribe, making Beastman level off Mysterious Howth Sacred School. 蓝蝙蝠的毕业任务是掀起山人部落,让山人夷平奥霍斯圣学府 Then, is the plan of destruction Mysterious Howth Sacred School, a Sa Long drill ground?? 那么,覆灭奥霍斯圣学府的计划,何尝不是撒朗的一个演练场?? Sa Long is a very rigorous person, to plan absolutely safe, she always likes first making an exercise, by this ensure goes this huge plan to stabilize carries out. 撒朗是一个很严谨的人,为了计划万无一失,她总是喜欢先做一个演习,以此来保证接下去这个庞大计划稳定执行。 Mysterious Howth Sacred School is a practice arena, what a pity was destroyed. 奥霍斯圣学府就是练习场,可惜被破坏了。 But this does not represent her not to conduct her next plan. 可这不代表她不会进行她的下一个计划。 Ancient Capital undead in Ancient Capital. 古都亡灵就在古都 But now federation destruction, in federation! 而如今联邦的毁灭者,就在联邦里! Needed is heavy rain, arouses those fundamentally the manic will of person wants to rebel against. 需要的就是一场大雨,唤起那些骨子里就想要反叛的人的狂躁意志。 Therefore all have the omen, but they track down here painstakingly, still had not seen through. 所以一切都是有预兆的,只是他们苦心追寻到这里,仍旧没有识破。 Worked to Sa Long. 还是给撒朗得逞了。 Sa Long this agitation is not magic beast, but is a person! 撒朗这一次鼓动的不是妖魔,而是人! Mo Fan.” 莫凡。” Mo Fan.” 莫凡。” Zhao Manyan appeared in Mo Fan behind. 赵满延出现在了莫凡身后。 Mo Fan has not responded. 莫凡没有反应过来。 Mu Bai also crawled, his some are not cruel enough to look at the west of city. 穆白也爬了上来,他有些不忍心去看城市的西面。 Before can jump, those One-eyed magic wolf or undead killing. Now, this/should we eliminate what and needs to be eliminated is what?” Mo Fan said. “以前好歹能够跳下去,将那些独眼魔狼或者亡灵给杀死。现在,该我们去消灭的和需要被消灭的是什么?”莫凡说道。 Blue Bat takes the disciple, does she know the plan of Sa Long? 蓝蝙蝠作为门徒,她知道撒朗的这个计划吗? Said, she does not have to tell Mo Fan directly, the reason the enemy who time lies in this they must face is not magic beast. 还是说,她没有直接告诉莫凡,原因就在于这一次他们要面对的敌人不是妖魔 Is my mistake, I should think that their crazy offense spring water are evolving.” Mu Bai said in a low voice. “是我的错,我应该想到他们的狂戾泉水在进化。”穆白低声说道。 Crazy offense spring water...... 狂戾泉水…… They have thought the crazy offense spring water will only have an effect on magic beast. 他们一直都认为狂戾泉水只会对妖魔起作用。 In the past was also, the crazy offense spring water could not affect mental of person. 以往也是,狂戾泉水影响不了人的心智。 But, this Black Church studied the new crazy offense spring water, they probably with the experiment that Beastman did. 可是,这一次黑教廷研究出了新的狂戾泉水,他们大概是拿山人做的实验。 The Beastman body structure and human are very similar, Beastman will be affected, means that the person will also confuse by the crazy offense spring water mental. 山人身体构造和人类很相似,山人会受到影响,意味着人也会被狂戾泉水迷了心智。 The beforehand several camps compete, every had the accident/surprise, first kills summoned beast, then to the Curse die sooner die sooner, has also made the extreme behavior including sane calm Ritchie finally. 之前的几场阵营比赛,每一场都出现了意外,先是杀召唤兽,再到诅咒折寿,最后连一直理智冷静的里奇也做出了偏激的行为。 Everyone came under the influence, even Mo Fan, Mu Bai and Zhao Manyan do not know that actually they do have are affected. 每个人都受到了影响,甚至莫凡穆白赵满延也不知道他们自己究竟有没有受到影响。 This country gets down in this rain, the riot rises from all directions. 这个国家在这场雨下,暴乱四起。 The brown rebel army is the Yellow Nation faction, they also the intention kidnapped Shan Xia before, from this earns the economical support. 褐色叛军就是黄国派,他们之前还意图绑架珊夏,由此来获得经济上的支持。 This political power original(ly) has gradually been defeated, will be given to replace by the new federation, but this rain made them have the courage of treason. This rain, possibly made them harvest the innumerable cry of discontent repetitive militia forces fast. 这个政权原本已经逐渐落败,将被新联邦给取代,但这场雨让他们拥有了叛国的勇气。这场雨,更可能让他们快速的收获了无数怨声连连的民军。 Like a revolt, the person of revolt only will be getting more and more, is getting stronger and stronger. 就像一场起义,起义的人只会越来越多,越来越壮大。 Therefore Luo City, absolutely is only the battle area's first city, in less than many days time, other brown tide rapid sweeping across nearby cities, will evolve a country war finally thoroughly! 所以般罗城,绝对只是交战区第一座城,用不了多少天的时间,褐色潮水会迅速的席卷附近其他城市,最终彻底演变成一场国战! Mo Fan also believes that Yellow Nation sends with the federal faction is here biggest contradictory and biggest battle, but this federation still has the innumerable every large or small problems in fact. 莫凡也相信,黄国派和联邦派是这里的最大矛盾和最大交战,但事实上这个联邦还存在无数大大小小的问题。 Under the function of this crazy offense spring water, how many riots also does the joint performance change?? 在这狂戾泉水的作用下,又会演变出多少暴乱?? Factory, Magic organization, family, political faction...... 工厂的,魔法组织的,家族的,政治派别的…… We leave, this after all is others country matter, we cannot insert what hand probably.” Zhao Manyan said. “我们还是离开吧,这毕竟是别人国家的事情,我们好像也插不上什么手。”赵满延说道。 Even if no willing, may face such a situation, truly anything did not do. 纵然有不甘心,可面对这样一个情形,确实什么都做不了。 Mo Fan, looks at the Crystal pupil bead.” At this time Mu Bai pointed at the Crystal pupil bead of illumination to say suddenly. 莫凡,看水晶瞳珠。”这个时候穆白忽然指着发光的水晶瞳珠说道。 Mo Fan looks immediately, discovered has been at the dim condition Crystal pupil bead to shine suddenly, carefully looks, discovers in the entire bead to screen unexpectedly is a overlooking scene. 莫凡立刻看去,发现一直处在黯淡状态的水晶瞳珠忽然间发亮了,仔细看去,发现整个珠子里映出得竟然是一幅俯瞰的景象。 Where can see here is?” Zhao Manyan collects to ask. “能看出这里是哪里吗?”赵满延凑过来问道。 A little Re River, approaches Andes mountain that side Re River upstream probably.” Mo Fan said. “有点像是热河,是靠近安第斯山那一边的热河上游。”莫凡说道。 Mo Fan has the impression to Re River, surely Banling mountain city time, then takes the Zhu Meng helicopter to fly from the sky. 莫凡热河有印象,千万半岭山城的时候,便是乘坐着祝蒙的直升飞机从上空飞过。 Re River was grand, endures a ratio sea canal. 热河壮阔无比,堪比一条海运河了。 Why this can Crystal pupil bead that came from the Blue Bat eye appear the Re River scene?? 只是,为什么这颗来自于蓝蝙蝠眼睛的水晶瞳珠会浮现出热河的景象呢?? You looked, there does have a person?” Mu Bai points at a very small point to say. “你们看,那里是不是有个人?”穆白指着一个非常小的点说道。 Is Wu Ku!” Mo Fan eye one bright, recognized the bare head of this fellow. “是吴苦!”莫凡眼睛一亮,认出了这家伙的光秃秃脑袋。 Although does not understand why this Crystal pupil bead will have an effect at this time, but very obviously Wu Ku while using the Crystal ball is monitoring Blue Bat, Blue Bat is also locking him with the similar means! 虽然不明白这个水晶瞳珠为什么会在这个时候才起作用,但很显然吴苦在用水晶球监视着蓝蝙蝠的同时,蓝蝙蝠也用同样的办法在锁定着他! Right, the weather of my thorough investigate Andes mountain range, actually starting from this month to next month Sea-Monster season, this process would hardly have the heavy rain.” Mu Bai remembered anything suddenly, quickly said. “对了,我查过安第斯山脉的天气,其实从这个月开始一直到下个月的海妖季节,这个过程是几乎不会有大雨的。”穆白忽然间想起了什么,急忙说道。 What do you mean?” Zhao Manyan asked. “什么意思?”赵满延问道。 Weather is a uncertain factor, how Sa Long guaranteed oneself carry out certainly has the heavy rain. Moreover I have been very strange, actually the spring of crazy offense how integrates in the rainwater, how they guaranteed after the shop sprinkled the spring of crazy offense, certainly is rainstorm continuously??” Mu Bai said. “天气是一种不确定的因素,撒朗又怎么保证自己执行的时候一定有大雨呢。而且我一直都很奇怪,狂戾之泉究竟是怎么融入到雨水里,他们又是怎么确保铺洒了狂戾之泉后一定是连绵不断的暴雨??”穆白说道。 Your meaning is, has the human-controlled rain??” Mo Fan said. “你的意思是,有人控雨??”莫凡说道。 Right. The weather is the unstabilizing factor, but the plan of Sa Long is always very meticulous. Bo City and Ancient Capital, the rain is the key, if the rain is only the shower, the function of crazy offense spring water falls short greatly.” Mu Bai very affirmative saying. “对。天气是不稳定因素,而撒朗的计划从来都很缜密。无论是博城古都,雨都是关键,万一雨只是阵雨,狂戾泉水的作用就大打折扣。”穆白很肯定的说道。
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