ADM :: Volume #23

#2280: Wind ship regiment

...... …… Re River is broad, the river water can easily some ships of delivery throwing off. 热河宽阔湍急,河水可以轻易的将一些运载的船只给掀翻。 In the past no matter the weather were bad, dozens giant steamboats will keep along Re River toward the surrounding several hundred every large or small municipal transportation, but on Re River a merchant ship looks to disappear today, another was only used to deliver to put on Mage of brown rebel army clothes. 以往不管天气再恶劣,都会有几十首巨大的轮船不停的沿着热河往周围几百座大大小小的城市运输,但今天热河上一艘商船都看不见了,唯有一头又一头用来运载穿着褐色叛军衣裳的魔法师 Re River another looks like a beach, the continuous brown revolted Military Mage to rush to the Luo City green and glossy boundary. 热河另一头就像是一个海滩,源源不断的褐色叛军法师冲上了般罗城的绿油油地界。 Arrived the land on, Mage then started to show special prowess, the Wind Mage regiment even joined up to compose one to be able the wind ship of rapid travel in the ground! 到了陆地上,法师们便开始各显神通,风系法师军团甚至联合起来组成了一艘可以在地面上飞速行驶的风舰! extremely fast of several thousand Mage in this white wind ship march, even if does not have any skill of displacement, so long as follows in the range that the white wind ship covers, can catch all -terrain vehicle that in the wilderness dashes. 几千名魔法师在这白色的风舰中极速行军,哪怕没有任何位移的技能,只要跟随在白色风舰覆盖的范围,都可以赶得上旷野中中飞奔的越野车。 The white wind ship are getting more and more, appears one after another, these people all bridged over the Re River boundary, original(ly) set up in Re River nearby defense line simply have not played any impediment effect. 白色风舰越来越多,一艘接着一艘出现,这些人全部跨过了热河界限,原本设立在热河附近的防线根本没有起到任何的阻挡效果。 The defense line is a tropical rain forest of big cover, when necessary, they can the rapid growth under the operation of Plant System Mage turn into a tropical rain forest the mountain range. 防线是一大片茂密的热带雨林,必要的时候,它们可以在植物系法师的操纵下飞速生长变成一座热带雨林的山峦。 However those original(ly) guards the Re River defense line Mage put on already ready suddenly well the brown revolting military uniform, suddenly including selects the resistance force to become the brown flood finally, formed a huge imposing manner to rush to the Luo City suburb. 然而那些原本守卫热河防线的魔法师忽然间穿上了早已经准备好了的褐色叛军衣,一时间连最后那么点抵抗力量都成为了褐色洪水,形成了更庞大的气势奔向了般罗城郊外。 Outside Luo City has many swamp, this was under the Luo City city. 罗城外有不少沼泽,这算是般罗城城下了。 Can see that first boards Re River that white wind ship happen to arrive, swamp another spreads the resounding warning immediately. 可以看到最先登上热河的那一艘白色风舰正好抵达,沼泽的另一头立刻传出了高亢的警告声。 Please note, your armies have not received permission of Luo City, once enters the swamp area, is attacked by the federation immediately!” “请注意,你们的军队并没有受到般罗城的允许,一旦进入沼泽地区,将立刻遭到联邦的攻击!” This warning is reading out repeatedly, seems Luo City really to have powerful armed forces. 这警告声反反复复的宣读着,好似般罗城真得有非常强大的武装力量。 The white wind ship completely disregarded the warning, they moveed to the swamp region directly, and does not wait for your Luo City first to launch the attack, they first launched the attack! 白色风舰完全无视了警告,他们直接驶向了沼泽地带,并且根本不等你般罗城先发动攻击,他们先发动了攻击! Like usually releases Magic, links up your star path and star atlas!” The rebel army regimental commander of first wind ship said. “像平常释放魔法那样,将你们的星轨星图衔接起来!”第一风舰的叛军团长说道。 Suddenly all Wind Mage used Magic, densely packed the path of white star let the entire regiment just like a activated circuit wafer, the energy gorgeous extremely fast transportation. 一时间所有的风系法师动用起了魔法,密密麻麻的白色星之轨迹让整个军团宛如一个被激活的电路板,能量绚丽极速的输送。 Wind gear!” “风齿轮!” Grinds!!!” “碾过去!!!” This city, is each of us!!” “这座城市,属于我们每一个人!!” The brown rebel army regimental commanders exclaimed high. 褐色叛军团长高吼道。 Is each of us!!” All brown member also followed to shout “属于我们每个人!!”全体褐色成员也跟着呼喊了起来 The wind can pour into to entire wind ship law, suddenly on the flat land really presented the wind energy heavy artillery like that can see that the giant muddy wind rolled sky over swamp. 风之能灌入到整个风舰法阵之中,一时间平地上真的出现了风能重炮那般,可以看到巨大的浑浊风在沼泽上空滚动了起来。 These muddy winds tumble such as huge mechanical gears, dozens such wind gears ground to the city suburb halfway up the mountainside, road and suburb city. 这些浑浊风翻滚如一个个庞大的机械齿轮,几十个这样的风齿轮碾向了城市郊外半山、公路、郊城区。 Immediately the halfway up the mountainside turned into the gully, the road had the big crack, the city is divided several. 顿时半山变成了沟壑,公路出现了大裂缝,城区更被分割成了好几块。 The bone-chilling cold wind is the whips of great gods, is brushing the suburbs recklessly. 凛冽之风就是一根根巨神的鞭子,肆意抽打着城郊。 Trees insertion that breaks remnantly to building , the iron-covered roof whirls around in the air, the automobile crashes into to mire swamp , the tiny incomparable person is putting together completely to flee, the murder wind gear is then relentless has ground from their bodies, changes into the blood plasma splash. 残断的树木插入到楼房中,铁皮屋顶翻卷到空中,汽车坠入到泥潭沼泽里,渺小无比的人在拼尽一切逃离,杀人风齿轮便毫不留情的从他们的身上碾过,化为血浆飞溅。 Clash/To!!” “冲!!” Clash/To!! Belongs our, must take carry back!!” “冲!!属于我们的,一定要拿回来!!” No one can let the slave who we degenerate into them to lead a life of comfort, this group of damn capitalists!!” “谁都不能让我们沦为他们享乐的奴隶,这群该死的资本家!!” The second white wind ship continues to drive, the sword refers to the Luo City city center. 第二艘白色风舰继续驶入,剑指般罗城城中心。 Can see in the forefront of this wind ship, a troop was domesticated heavy armor cavalry Mage. 可以看到在这艘风舰的最前面,还有一大群被驯化了的重甲骑兵法师 What these heavy armor cavalry Mage control is army trains the war beast that they are Andes mountain putting on mountain beast, had this crowd to put on the mountain beast to join to the rebel army ranks, the firm fortress and fort will be demolished. 这些重甲骑兵法师们驾驭的是军队自己培养的战兽,它们是安第斯山的穿山兽,有了这群穿山兽加入到叛军行列当中,再坚固的堡垒、要塞都会被摧垮。 Really, sets up a small town stopper west Luo City, ten minutes have not resisted to degenerate into stretch of ruins thoroughly. 果然,设立在般罗城西面的一个小城塞,就连十分钟都没有抵挡住就彻底沦为了一片废墟。 Luo City Mage were slaughtered instantaneously cleanly, therefore more white wind ship flooded into Luo City, so long as they saw to wear the azure military uniform, resisted with the delusion, will eliminate without hesitation, basic, no matter some there many were innocent. 罗城法师们瞬间被屠杀干净,于是更多的白色风舰涌入到了般罗城内,他们只要见到穿着青色军装,和妄想抵抗的,都会毫不犹豫的消灭,也根本不管那里还有多少无辜。 Banling Chengshan is their bases, but Luo City is their first attacks the goal. 半岭城山是他们的根据地,而般罗城是他们的第一个攻打目标。 Must fight a battle to force a quick decision, when the new federation has not responded seizes this economical capital, like this their brown rebel army can have own country city. 必须速战速决,在新联邦还没有反应过来的时候夺下这座经济首都,这样他们褐色叛军才能够拥有自己的国家城市。 Why we must live in Andes mountain another head, throws us feeds to those Sea-Monster!” “凭什么我们就要居住在安第斯山另一头,将我们投喂给那些海妖们吗!” Here is our inhabited areas, we hit, is our.” “这里就是我们的居住地,我们打下来,就是我们的。” Slogan unceasing resounds in the regiment, can look at this rebel army is not completely a regular army, a major part is receives the agitation Mage. 口号不断的在军团之中响起,可以看得出来这支叛军并非全部都是正规军,还有一大部分都是受到鼓动的法师 These Mage and their family members, were placed in another head of Andes mountain range, the Sea-Monster season arrived, they only have half of people able to live probably. 这些法师和他们的亲人,被安置在了安第斯山脉的另一头,海妖季节一到,他们大概只有一半的人能够活下来。 those is depending on the sea the small-scale city, disappearance one after another, the government has not released slightly the news, was still concealing. 那些在靠海的小型城市,一座又一座的消失,政府丝毫没有将消息放出来,仍旧在隐瞒。 The goal is to wait for the people of all powerful official and their faction settles to the new federal city in completely, the lives of remaining people, had nothing to do with them, in any case safe city such several. 目的就是要等所有的权贵和他们派别的人全部安顿到新联邦城市中,剩下人的死活,就与他们无关了,反正安全的城市就那么几座。 The mineral lode, the ore city and industrial city, the new federation is squeezing their labor force crazily, almost lets the slave who they turn into this federation, but promised that gives their calm city, cannot obtain safeguard that should have...... 矿脉、矿城、工业城,新联邦在疯狂的压榨着他们这些人的劳动力,几乎让他们变成这个联邦的奴隶,但许诺给他们安顿的城市,却根本就得不到该有的保障…… „Becoming Sea-Monster food in the next sea season either, either in the today's brave fight, our brown regiment political power, will certainly gain the victory!!” “要么在下个海季成为海妖的食物,要么在今天勇敢的战斗,我们褐色军团政权,一定会取得胜利的!!” Certainly will gain the victory!!” “一定会取得胜利的!!” In each white wind ship has about 2000 brown to revolt Military Mage, after the city stopper was easily destroyed, 78 white wind ships banged into the crowded city. 每一艘白色风舰中都有将近两千名褐叛军法师,随着城塞被轻易摧毁之后,七八艘白色风舰撞入到了密集的城区之中。 Over ten thousand Mage, they use almost destroys Magic, whatever Luo City has many tall building high structures, like building block by overthrowing one after another. 上万名魔法师,他们动用的几乎都是毁灭魔法,任凭般罗城有多少高楼高架,都像积木那样被一座一座的推倒。 The terrifying wind gear is the most horrifying weapon of this wind ship, so long as the angle is correct, a wind gear even can grind an even Lou Street say/way for the flat land directly. 恐怖的风齿轮是这风舰的最可怕武器,只要角度正确,一个风齿轮甚至能够将一条平楼街道直接碾为平地。 Brown imperial authority control Luo City, irrelevant person and others, if revolted, executes summarily!!” “褐色皇权接管般罗城,无关人等若是反抗,格杀勿论!!” Brown imperial authority control Luo City, irrelevant person and others, if revolted, executes summarily!!” “褐色皇权接管般罗城,无关人等若是反抗,格杀勿论!!” The rainstorm is flushing the blood repeatedly repeatedly, the blood smudges in the gloomy city. 暴雨一遍又一遍的冲洗着鲜血,血液又一遍又一遍的重新涂抹在灰暗的城市之中。
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