ADM :: Volume #23

#2282: Traverse battlefield

Speaking of this issue, Zhao Manyan became aware anything suddenly suddenly. 说到这个问题上,赵满延忽然间恍悟了什么。 Right, that damn monk, he can control the rainwater!” Zhao Manyan said. “对了,那个该死的和尚,他能够控制雨水!”赵满延说道。 At that time in eighth Mountain Sentry, Wu Ku can gather own week figure to become three protections the surrounding rainwater. 当时在第八山岗,吴苦能够将周围的雨水聚到自己周身形成三层保护。 Similarly as Water Mage, Zhao Manyan may not have the opposite party that strong control . Moreover the Wu Ku Water Element ability gives people a very strange feeling. 同样作为一名水系法师,赵满延可没有对方那么强大的掌控力,而且吴苦水系能力给人一种非常古怪的感觉。 Black pharmacist manufactures the crazy offense spring water to come, but since Wu Ku teaches as the palm, he has certainly what Sa Long to have a need for his place.” The Mo Fan vision is staring at the Crystal pupil ball. “黑药师制作出狂戾泉水来,而吴苦既然作为掌教,他一定有什么撒朗必须用得着他的地方。”莫凡目光盯着水晶瞳球。 Although the Crystal pupil ball is a picture of unusual reduction, but can still see in the Re River upstream, proliferation water leakage energy that Wu Ku non-stop. 水晶瞳球虽然是一个非常缩小的画面,但依然能够看到在热河的上游,吴苦不停的扩散出水能量来。 He stands there, continually makes cloud Mai the machinery like one, can see that the muddy gas rises one after another into in the air, almost must form the gray mountain peak that can wriggle! 他站在那里,就像一个不断制造云霾的机械,可以看到一团又一团浑浊的气体升入到空中,几乎要形成一座会蠕动的灰色山峰了! Wu Ku controls the rain person??? 难道吴苦就是控雨人??? Suddenly, Mo Fan remembered a matter. 忽然,莫凡又想起了一件事。 When Potala Palace, oneself are taking a walk with the Mu Ningxue bright weather, rain with no reason at all arrives, saw Wu Ku worships on the street! 在布达拉宫脚下的时候,自己正和穆宁雪大晴天散步,无缘无故的一场雨降临,紧接着就看到了吴苦在街道上朝拜! Lhasa rarely rains, if that time is not the coincidence...... 拉萨是很少下雨的,假如那次也不是巧合的话…… Sa Long does not hesitate to come to rescue Wu Ku personally, this indicated that in Wu Ku is the role that her Black Church plans anybody unable to replace. 撒朗不惜亲自现身都要救下吴苦,这表明吴苦是她黑教廷计划里任何人无法取代的角色。 Each disaster, cannot leave the rain! 每一次灾难,都离不开雨! But Wu Ku is arrange/cloth Yuren!! 吴苦就是布雨人!! Originally is this, originally is this. 原来是这样,原来是这样。 Blue Bat uses to gain the last trust of Black Church, the goal is to also eliminate Wu Ku to her vigilance. 蓝蝙蝠用死来获取黑教廷的最后一点信任,目的也是消除吴苦对她的警惕。 This Crystal pupil ball, actually precisely makes Mo Fan and the others in the big plan of clear Sa Long Wu Ku act is a how important status, so long as takes Wu Ku, the Sa Long rain disaster will plan unable to carry out again! 这颗水晶瞳球,正是莫凡等人清楚撒朗的大计划中吴苦究竟扮演得是一个怎样重要的身份,而只要将吴苦拿下,撒朗的雨灾计划将再也无法执行下去! Wu Ku in the Re River upstream, others country matter we can, no matter, but must Wu Ku this fellow executing in any event!” Mo Fan got hold of the fist. 吴苦热河上游,别人国家事情我们可以不管,但无论如何都要将吴苦这家伙给处决了!”莫凡握紧了拳头。 The sacrifice of Blue Bat, was the Bo City ghost, must this Wu Ku taking. 无论是蓝蝙蝠的牺牲,还是博城的亡魂,一定要将这个吴苦给拿下。 On the those list that in the present Tribunal hand grasps, is actually in Black Church the immaterial role, so long as Sa Long still, extradition, the black pharmacist and Wu Ku holds to teach these four people also, execution that the plan of Sa Long can still keep. 就现在审判会手中掌握的那些名单,其实都是黑教廷里无关紧要的角色,只要撒朗还在,引渡首、黑药师、吴苦掌教这四人还在,撒朗的计划仍旧可以不停的执行。 Like the rain of this type of crazy offense, has promoted to can affect the mood of person, this attacks magic beast is more fearful. 像这种狂戾之雨,已经升级到可以影响到人的情绪,这远比妖魔来袭更加可怕。 The Sa Long disaster rain can duplicate unceasingly, like crime industry such, goes will have many to have such disaster in the all over the world is very really difficult to expect. 撒朗的灾雨是可以不断复制的,就像一条犯罪产业那样,接下去还会在世界各地发生多少起这样的灾难真得很难预料。 But Wu Ku takes the key man in Sa Long evil industry chain, beats him, the evil industry of Sa Long was pressed thoroughly! 吴苦作为撒朗罪恶产业链中的关键人物,将他击垮,撒朗的这个罪恶产业就彻底被摁死了! Mu Bai has done the experiment, the crazy offense spring water does not dissolve in the water. 穆白做过实验,狂戾泉水是不溶于水的。 How then Sa Long makes the crazy offense spring water dissolve to the rainwater, how also to guarantee the rain cats and dogs? 那么撒朗是怎么让狂戾泉水溶解到雨水里,又是怎么确保大雨倾盆? Must depend upon a Wu Ku such key man! 必须依靠吴苦这样一个关键人物! Blue Bat must tell Mo Fan´s, perhaps also precisely this! 蓝蝙蝠要告诉莫凡的,恐怕也正是这个! He really in the bringing under control heavy rain, you looks.” Zhao Manyan is pointing at the Crystal pupil lane. “他真的在布控大雨,你们看。”赵满延指着水晶瞳球道。 At this time Wu Ku is continuing, above his top of the head happen to have a hole of cloud layer, the hole formed one to be similar to him to the day empty hole air current. 此时吴苦在继续施法,他的头顶上方正好有一个云层的窟窿,窟窿与他之间形成了一个类似于天空井般的气流。 In the air current, in a pollution showed sifting of red spring belt/bring a little bit to the hole eye on, and broke up in the hole position all of a sudden, turned into the water drop of innumerable structure stability, in the flying shoots towards everywhere cloud layer. 气流中,一种浑浊中透出了红色的泉带正一点点的飘入到窟窿眼上,并在窟窿的位置一下子崩解,变成了无数结构稳定的水珠,飞射向漫天的云层里。 Is the spring of crazy offense?” Mo Fan quickly asked. “是狂戾之泉吗?”莫凡急忙问道。 Yes, indeed is he crazy offense spring water shop to the cloud layer. This Wu Ku is very possible is inborn Soul-Seed Water Mage!” Mu Bai said. “是,的确是他将狂戾泉水铺向云层。这个吴苦很可能是一名天生魂种水系法师!”穆白说道。 Inborn Soul-Seed! 天生魂种 After arriving at inborn Soul-Seed, where regardless of this person arrives at possibly to arrive at a disaster. 到达天生魂种之后,这个人无论到达哪里都可能降临一场灾难。 Like Qin Yuer, she is unable to live in the city, the city that because she is at the snow and ice cover surely year to year, the crops are unable to grow, the transportation paralysis...... 就像秦羽儿,她无法在城市中生活,因为她所在的城市必定常年冰雪覆盖,农作物无法生长、交通瘫痪…… This person was called to suffer from disaster, easily was even grasped by them to the weather powerful. 这种人被称之为罹灾者,强大到连天气都被他们轻易掌握。 Qin Yuer can be said as the ice disaster, then this Wu Ku precisely rain disaster! 秦羽儿可以说是冰灾则,那么这个吴苦正是雨灾者! Rain disaster and Sa Long are in cahoots, then had the catastrophes!!! 雨灾者与撒朗狼狈为奸,便有了一场又一场的浩劫!!! Mo Fan became aware thoroughly suddenly. 莫凡彻底恍悟了。 This is the Sa Long method. 这就是撒朗的手段。 Makes the crazy offense spring water by the black pharmacist. 以黑药师来制造狂戾泉水。 Let extradition attract the Black Church member, and places the informer everywhere. 让引渡首来吸纳黑教廷成员,并四处安插眼线。 Waiting for the crazy offense opium poppy is mature, the waiting infiltration personnel take place...... 等待狂戾罂粟成熟,等待渗透人员就位…… Wu Ku comes, arranges crazy offense heavy rain, melts the spring water in the destroys day of he makes in rainstorm that extinguishes the place. 吴苦现身,布置一场狂戾大雨,将泉水融于他制造的这场毁天灭地的暴雨中。 This is the Sa Long catastrophe!! 这就是撒朗的浩劫!! Therefore Sa Long is not God of Death, what she uses is a seemingly wise essence extremely simple method. 所以撒朗也根本就不是什么死神,她用的是一种看似高明实质又极其简单的手段。 Similar to the magic performance. 就如同魔术表演。 Without knowing inside story, you are unable to understand how forever the magician achieves, as if they really have some mysterious strength. 在不知道内幕的时候,你永远无法明白魔术师是怎么做到的,仿佛他们真的拥有某种神奇的力量。 May know the detail, will then be suddenly enlighted, even thought that and does not have any greatly. 可知道了细节,便会恍然大悟,甚至觉得那并没有什么了不起的。 Sa Long is not the god, she is only a plotter, extremely indefatigable quite discrete is arranging her plot evil, that is all! 撒朗不是什么神,她只是一个阴谋者,极有耐性又相当谨慎的在布置着她的阴谋罪恶,仅此而已! This revolted us unable to prevent, but we can take Wu Ku, ahead of time stopped this disaster rain!” Mo Fan numerous saying. “这场叛变我们阻止不了,但我们可以拿下吴苦,提前停止这场灾雨!”莫凡重重的说道。 This time, they were not anything do not do. 这一次,他们不在是什么都做不了。 Does not sway in this disaster catastrophe like the wooden boat, is unable to defend oneself...... 更不是在这场灾难浩劫中飘摇如木船,自身难保…… Had the pupil of Blue Bat this important surveillance, they can give Sa Long faction heavy losses ruthlessly. 有了蓝蝙蝠这个重要的监视之瞳,他们可以狠狠的给予撒朗派系一次重创。 Destroys completely the Black Church palm to teach, keeps the disaster rain plan of Sa Long again from implementing! 灭掉黑教廷掌教,更让撒朗的灾雨计划再也无法实施! ...... …… Senior official, above is requests us to evacuate here.” Gong Benxin somewhat awkward saying. “长官,上头是要求我们撤离这里。”宫本辛有些为难的说道。 On anything, I am not your Tribunal.” Mo Fan very direct saying. “什么上头,我又不是你们审判会的。”莫凡很直接的说道。 But, the new federal aspect is chaotic at present, if you used fight Magic here, they will think you are the resisters, in front of such war, individual strength was too insignificant.” Gong Benxin said. “可是,眼下新联邦局面混乱,假如你们在这里使用了战斗魔法,他们会将你们认为是反抗者,在这样的战争面前,个人的力量实在太微不足道了。”宫本辛说道。 The country situation is chaotic, Re River to Luo City, belongs to the battle areas of two political power, in this situation what rule, what law, what convention is no matter uses, is not the allied force, is an enemy. 国家局势混乱不堪,热河到般罗城,都属于两个政权的交战区,这种情况下什么规则,什么法律,什么公约都是不管用的,不是友军,便是敌人。 Mo Fan and the others must arrive at the Re River upstream, Magic battlefield that Traverse this gunsmokes have risen from all directions! 莫凡等人要到热河上游,就得穿梭过这片硝烟四起的魔法战场! That is not on a sports field, nine players resist nine players, but is tens of thousands of Mage is fighting, already with strength irrelevant! 那可不是比赛场上,九名选手对抗九名选手,而是数以万计的魔法师在战斗,已经跟实力无关了! You could die in this stretch of battlefield momentarily.” Gong Benxin said. “你们随时都可能会死在这片战场。”宫本辛说道。 At present the gunsmoke rises from all directions, the self-preservation is most important. 眼下硝烟四起,自保才是最重要的。 China Tribunal is not willing to get sucked by own field personnel group at this struggle, why bother do they make insignificant struggling here?? 中国审判会都不愿意让自己的外勤组深陷于这场斗争,他们又何苦在这里做无意义的挣扎??
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