ADM :: Volume #21

#2078: Emperor extinguishes a city

Spreads rumors and misleads the people simply, my big Holy Inquisition Wouk Evans Representative Evans Holy City Noble Family eliminates your demon thoroughly only!” Big Holy Inquisition Wouk Evans gets angry said. “简直妖言惑众,我大圣裁沃克-埃文斯代表埃文斯圣城世家将你这种邪魔彻底净除!”大圣裁沃克埃文斯怒道。 Always some people the anger in the fear, Wouk and Reynolds's condition are similar, once the faith of believing in firmly were vacillated, will show a sense of stigma from the bottom of the heart, this sense of stigma will be transforming the anger instantaneously. 总有人会在恐惧中愤怒,沃克与雷诺兹的状况非常相似,深信不疑的信念一旦被动摇了,就会从心底透出一种耻辱感,这个耻辱感会在瞬间转变成愤怒。 Big Holy Inquisition Wouk is Thunder System Ultra-Order Mage, his Thunder System attainments are quite famous when Holy City, anger, in cloud heaven of pitch-black ugly face has the dark green white lightning unceasing sparkle, and finally intense frequent bombardment in steps that in Zhan Kong was. 圣裁沃克是一名雷系超阶法师,他的雷系造诣在圣城之中颇有名气,愤怒之时,乌黑鬼脸的云天中有苍白色的闪电不断的闪耀,并最终密集频繁的轰击在了斩空所在的阶梯上。 The steps solid rock was rumbled the powder, the thunder and lightning such as the nail of day anger, time and time again to the land, the spark is dazzling. 阶梯坚石被轰成粉末,雷电如天怒之钉,一次一次的扎向大地,火花耀眼无比。 Such as you hope.” “如你所愿。” Zhan Kong put out these words slowly, suddenly that myriad ugly faces presented the overlapping ghost hand in the clouds, these ghost hands built one with the giant face that Wouk appearance approached! 斩空缓缓的吐出了这句话,忽然那万千鬼脸云中出现了层层叠叠的鬼手,这些鬼手堆砌成了一张和沃克长相非常逼近的巨大脸庞! The ghost hand face opened the mouth, big Holy Inquisition Wouk Evans swallowing, whole body Thunder Power Wouk Evans controlled the powerful electric light to give to destroy the those ghost hand, but the ghost hand is equivalent to leather meal on a face, even fell some not to affect the action of whole piece ugly face. 鬼手脸庞张开了嘴,一口就将大圣裁沃克埃文斯给吞了进去,浑身雷力的沃克埃文斯不停的操控着强大的电光将那些鬼手给摧毁,可鬼手就相当于一张脸庞上的皮屑,即便掉落了一些根本不影响整张鬼脸的行动。 Big Holy Inquisition Wouk was swallowed, was eaten by the ugly face, greets his precisely cloud space that countless ugly face, their impatient must transmit this fresh person the pain, him thinks the powerful god Holy Spirit soul suffers with their same petty and low pitiful appearances. 圣裁沃克被吞,被鬼脸吃了进去,迎接他的正是云天上那数之不尽的鬼脸,它们迫不及待的要将痛苦传递到这个鲜活的人身上,将他自以为强大的神圣灵魂折磨成跟它们一样的卑微可怜的样子。 Spreads rumors and misleads the people!!” “妖言惑众!!” Also Holy Inquisition Mage is angry to say. 又有一名圣裁法师大怒道。 Zhan Kong looked continually has not looked at his one eyes, a wisp of black soul flew to this Holy Inquisition Mage. 斩空连看都没有看他一眼,一缕黑魂飞向了这名圣裁法师 The body of this Holy Inquisition Mage presented one such as the snake to circle the same shadow, less than several minutes he covered oneself throat suddenly, fell to the ground to struggle. 这名圣裁法师的身上出现了一个如蛇绕一样的黑影,没过几秒钟他忽然捂住自己的喉咙,倒地挣扎了起来。 Please forgive me, please forgive me, I by the those evil powder operating mental, I do not want to harm that child......” “请原谅我,请原谅我,我被那些邪恶的粉末给操纵了心智,我并不想伤害那个孩子……” In the heart sin was exposed, Holy Inquisition Mage of this heavy features as if crashed into the nightmare, is wriggling the body in the steps. 内心底的罪孽被暴露,这浓眉大眼的圣裁法师仿佛坠入到了噩梦中,在阶梯上蠕动着身体。 God graciousness...... the god graciousness is enormous and powerful.” “神恩……神恩浩荡。” God...... the god graciousness is enormous and powerful.” “神……神恩浩荡。” From is full of the sacred prestige to put out this words at first, does not have how much energy by the present, is more like one type to write the hope of cross in the chest. 从最初充满神圣之威的吐出这句话语,到现在已经没有了多少底气,更像是一种在胸口写着十字架的祈求。 The god graciousness is enormous and powerful, wishing the god to bless itself, passed this fearful darkness, daybreak is quicker the arrival. 神恩浩荡,愿神保佑自己,度过这个可怕的黑暗,黎明快些到来。 Zhan Kong has arrived at the middle of Saint's Mansion steps, each launches the attack Holy City Mage to have the different fates, in the steps, crooked before swaying from side to side the innumerable names, was shouting the god graciousness enormous and powerful Mage, they immersed in the fear either to the death, either lost in own past sin was grave, but truly frank person, true will firm person, not remaining how many. 斩空已经走到了圣邸阶梯的中部,每一个施法发动攻击的圣城法师都有不同的下场,阶梯上,歪歪斜斜的扭动着无数名之前喊着神恩浩荡的魔法师,他们要么沉浸在对死亡的恐惧之中,要么迷失在自己过去的罪孽深重里,而真正光明磊落的人,真正意志坚定的人,并没有剩下多少个。 These person of they stand in the Michael side, is persevering final Saint's Mansion. 这些人他们站在米迦勒的身旁,坚守着最后的圣邸 Michael is supporting by strenuous efforts, the ugly face backdrop with reflecting Holy City has a wisp of azure arched light, precisely this together arched light enables the those ugly face to be insufficient such as the darkness meteor shower such to hit the land. 米迦勒在苦苦的支撑着,鬼脸天幕与倒映圣城之间有一缕青色的穹光,正是一道穹光使得那些鬼脸不至于如黑暗流星雨那样撞到大地。 Gold Dragon and buddhist sunflower and Sacred Feathers...... still could not prevent this undead Emperor, forecast of Michael not wrong, this undead Emperor must be more fearful than Hufu, but Michael actually still underestimated this Emperor boundary. 金龙、梵葵、圣羽……仍旧阻挡不住这个亡灵帝王,米迦勒的预测没有错,这个亡灵帝王胡夫还要更可怕,但米迦勒却仍旧低估了这位帝王的境界。 Or in this world few human had challenged Emperor Level creature, the people very long time thinks that in magic beast has Emperor, in human also has powerhouse extremely with them to contend, making these Emperor not dare to invade | The earth of criminal class. 或者说,这个世界上本就没有几个人类去挑战过帝王级生物,人们很长的时间都认为妖魔中有帝王,人类里也有极强者可以与它们抗衡,让这些帝王不敢侵|犯人类之土。 No strength reference, but believes relying on an intuition, so long as processes enough appropriate, Emperor is not invincible...... 没有任何的实力参照,只是凭着一种直觉去认为,只要处理的足够妥当,帝王也不是不可战胜的…… Facts showed that Emperor powerful also above the imagination of people! 事实证明,帝王的强大还远在人们的想象之上! Buddhist sunflower truly in unceasing weakens this Emperor, but weakening of buddhist sunflower requires the time. 梵葵确实是在不断的削弱这个帝王,可梵葵的削弱需要时间。 Like one weak medicament, it bit by bit makes an adult whole body is incapable weakly, therefore theoretically, so long as the opposite party could not find the antidote, adult also by child being defeated...... 就像一种虚弱药剂,它会一点一点的让一个成年人浑身变得虚弱无力,所以理论上来说只要对方找不到解药,成年人也会被孩童给打败…… But actually this adult can definitely before oneself lose the battle efficiency steps on thoroughly the children steps! 但其实这个成年人完全可以在自己彻底失去战斗力前将孩童们踩跨! The buddhist sunflower indeed is a Michael trump card, making Holy City have the capital and Emperor contends, but they did not support probably by that time. 梵葵的确是米迦勒的一张王牌,让圣城有资本与帝王抗衡,可他们好像撑不到那个时候了。 Wū wū ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “呜呜呜~~~~~~” Wū wū ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “呜呜呜~~~~~~” That ugly face falls from cloud heaven finally, they are not the empty spirits, is not one group of foul air, but endures ratio terrifying meteorites, in groups pounding in groups to Holy City that changed beyond all recognition. 那一张张鬼脸终于还是从云天中落下,它们不是虚化幽灵,不是一团浊气,而是堪比一块块恐怖的陨石,成群成群的砸向了本就面目全非的圣城 These cannot escape by luck Saint's Mansion time, the golden thick steps are bumpy, the magnificent sacred main hall collapse, the standing tall and erect Magic lighthouse breaks. 这一次连圣邸都不能够幸免了,金黄色的厚实阶梯坑坑洼洼,辉煌的神圣大殿倒塌,高耸的魔法灯塔断裂。 Resplendent in gold and jade green Saint's Mansion turned into a piece of ghost hole under the gaze of people, although is void of mirror, but some people of Magic attempt know that stretch of battlefield actually has no difference from real Holy City, what if this undead Emperor steps into is in the land this Holy City, then in top of the head that fate that ruins that degenerated into the darkness hole are Holy City. 金碧辉煌的圣邸在人们的注视下变成了一片鬼窿,尽管是镜像的虚空,可有魔法尝试的人都知道,那片战场其实跟真实的圣城没有任何的区别,假如这位亡灵帝王踏入的是大地上这个圣城,那么头顶上那个沦为了黑暗窟窿的废墟就是圣城的下场。 Should not rejoice that Holy City also has besides Michael other six powerful human Archangel, but must rejoice this undead Emperor choice is not real land Holy City, otherwise many live people will be embezzled by Evil Dragon, many live people must offer a sacrifice to give to the falling rain ugly face! 不是该庆幸圣城还有除了米迦勒之外其他六位强大至极的人类大天使,而是要庆幸这位亡灵帝王选择的不是真实的大地圣城,不然多少活人将被邪龙侵吞,多少活人要祭献给陨雨鬼脸! This is one is the millennium tranquil fights, may make people realize profoundly is ignorant and tiny. 这是一场为千年宁静的战斗,可却让人们深刻的体会到无知与渺小。 Let alone the millenniums, in these hundred years had any magic beast Emperor to want with human to slaughter, how many cities then human can also fortunately survive?? 别说千年了,这百年内有任何一位妖魔帝王想要与人类厮杀到底,那么人类还能够幸存多少城市?? In the top of the head, is only one of this world Emperor. 头顶上的,只是这个世界上的帝王之一。 If...... 假如…… If Emperor in this world wants human to vanish from this world, continuously esteemed Magic, really can save others the kind? 假如这个世界上的帝王都想要人类从这个世界上消失,一直被推崇的魔法,真的可以救得了人类吗? In the books the prosperous Magic civilization of eulogy has looked like that Holy City on this moment top of the head, once encounters this world truly to be powerful threat, can like this sores all over the eye. 书本上一直歌颂的昌盛魔法文明就像是此刻头顶上的那座圣城,一旦遭遇到这个世界真正强大至极的威胁,就会这样满目疮痍。 This campaign, has not made the world feel human in this time powerful, makes them realize that oneself is lives in oneself creates forever glorious. 这场战役,没有让世人感受到人类在这个时代有多强大,却让他们意识到自己是活在自己创造的光芒万丈里。 Emperor, then subverts great Holy City sufficiently. 一位帝王,便足以颠覆伟大的圣城 ...... …… Michael can defeat this undead Emperor, right?” 米迦勒可以战胜这个亡灵帝王的,对吗?” Gold Dragon, Gold Dragon, them has not caught up truly, Michael and Gold Dragon collaborate, this undead Emperor will certainly be eliminated!” “还有金龙,金龙也还在,它们还没有真正发力,米迦勒金龙联手,这个亡灵帝王一定会被消灭!” „If unable to eliminate, undead Emperor can go to our city?” “假如无法消灭,亡灵帝王会不会到我们这座城里?” How the people in whole city possibly place oneself beyond consideration, this is not a movie, won and failed, just sighs several. 满城的人又怎么可能置身度外,这又不是一场电影,胜利了和失败了,都只不过是感叹几声。 If were defeated, how they can? 如果失败了,他们会怎样? Such Emperor, must slaughter, the blood can gather in the lake under the Alps mountain! 这样的帝王,要屠戮起来,鲜血可以在阿尔卑斯山山下汇聚成湖! ------ ------ ( Right, our All Duties Mage cartoon has gotten online! The cartoon, the cartoon, the Ye Xinxia picture results in the thief to be beautiful, I like very much, lovable, thinks......, un, in brief likes the All Duties Mage little friends, hurries to organize to brush.) (对啦,我们全职法师的漫画已经上线!漫画嗷,漫画嗷,叶心夏画得贼美,我很喜欢,可爱,想……嗯,嗯,总之喜欢全职法师的小伙伴们,赶紧组团去刷。) Reading way: The QQ reading cartoon plate, searches All Duties Mage 阅读方式:QQ阅读漫画板块,搜索全职法师 : In QQ reading opens the All Duties Mage novel page, the peripheral push can have! 或者:QQ阅读里打开全职法师小说页面,周边推送会有!
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