ADM :: Volume #21

#2077: If also living

Saint's Mansion Dragon Deer as if felt the threat, started anxiously took a walk in the vault. 圣邸龙鹿似乎感受到了威胁,开始不安的在穹顶上走动了起来。 Carries on the back, Qin Yuer has been able to see clearly the Zhan Kong form, although changes greatly, but she can see feeling that as before oneself are familiar with...... 背上,秦羽儿已经可以看清斩空的身影了,尽管变化巨大,可她依旧能够从中看到自己熟悉的感觉…… Is this face, just revived from the ice mark in her, she saw faces of-and-a-half-and-a-half person of demons vaguely, she believes that she has not misread, she will return to Heavenly Mountain, also the precisely hope has been confirmed! 是这张脸,就在她刚从冰痕中苏醒过来,她依稀的看到了一张半人半魔的脸,她坚信自己没有看错,她会返回到天山之中,也正是希望得到证实! Only pitifully, does not see again in desolate and uninhabited Heavenly Mountain, but in this babel of voices Holy City. 只可惜,再一次见到不是在荒无人烟的天山,而是在这个人声鼎沸的圣城中。 The live person good work deceased person is also good, how Qin Yuer will care. 活人也好活死人也好,秦羽儿又怎么会去在意。 People? 人? From family background to since, the person takes to her indifference. 从出身到至今,人带给她的只有冷漠。 She does not care about present Zhan Kong is anything, she only wants to see one side him again, when this world again vastly also with flooding the cold snow and ice, only has him to stare at the look to have such faint trace warm flame. 她根本不在意现在的斩空是什么,她只希望再见到他一面,这个世界再辽阔也跟充斥着寒冷的冰雪,唯有他凝视着自己时的眼神才是有那么一丝丝温暖的火焰。 The people sometimes are petty and low such, raised the head to see a little bit like the deep place abyss to be luminous, will therefore be rough and crawl toward the shining place again decayed. 人有的时候就是这么的卑微,就像深处万丈深渊之中抬头能够看见得一点点光亮,于是再坎坷、再腐朽都会往发亮的地方爬。 Qin Yuer is so, she only wants toward that look there that has the temperature crawls, other anything does not need. 秦羽儿就是如此,她只想往那个有温度的眼神那里爬去,其他什么都不需要。 Such point expected cannot give, what did oneself make the mistake?? 偏偏这么点奢望也不能够给予,自己到底做错了什么?? The Zhan Kong method is very cruel, he will prevent in his front person gives to kill completely, every so often Zhan Kong reveals a dislike to hate own appearance, that is afraid by Qin Yuer is seen. 斩空的手段很残忍,他将阻挡在他面前的人全部给杀死,很多时候斩空都流露出来一副厌恶痛恨自己的样子,那是害怕被秦羽儿看到。 But Qin Yuer wants closely to hold in the arms him in fact, told him, was really not such that he thought that please do not harm themselves again. 可事实上秦羽儿很想紧紧的搂住他,告诉他,真的不是他想的那样,请不要再伤害自己。 ...... …… After Evil Dragon, Holy City had turned into a darkness city hole. Some time ago big Holy City was also passing the sacred aura, just like execution ground, in waiting for the executed person sent under escort, now all Holy City Mage fall back on the Saint's Mansion, they turned into the prisoner's cage trapped/sleepy beast from the chaser, can only cling to tenaciously that piece to think the safe region. 邪龙过后,圣城已经变成了一个黑暗城窟。不久前偌大的圣城还透着神圣气息,宛如一个刑场在等待着被处决的人押解到里面,现在所有圣城法师都退到了圣邸的附近,他们从狩猎者变成了囚笼困兽,只能够死守着那一片自认为安全的地带。 The darkness vastness made Holy City only have Saint's Mansion this isolated island, Michael azure clothes Sacred Feathers was can also with the strength that undead Emperor slaughtered directly, Sacred Feathers such as the pink clouds illuminate the trim only from time to time at night, making people feel that daybreak immediately must arrive, will be winning evilly, may arrive at the next round, the torrential evil aura tumbled, whitewashed the thick black the backdrop. 黑暗的汪洋让圣城只剩下了圣邸这座孤岛,米迦勒的青衣圣羽是唯一还能够与亡灵帝王正面厮杀的力量,圣羽如彩云时而照亮了整片黑夜,让人感觉黎明马上就要到来,正将胜邪,可到了下一个回合,滔滔邪气翻滚,将天幕重新粉刷上了浓浓的黑色。 On the black backdrop also presents the innumerable painful face, they send out like thunderclap same roaring, in denouncing severely the tread these also living person. 黑色的天幕上还呈现出无数痛苦的脸庞,它们发出如雷声一样的咆哮,在痛斥着地面上这些还活着的人。 Their accumulated grievances lasted several hundred years, over a thousand years, the talents in land lived many years, have in the frightened will of the people that enmity and painful meeting brand mark to each to them, therefore everyone must taste one pitiful experiences of these ghost undead! 它们的积怨长达数百年、上千年,大地上的人才活了多少年,那份仇怨、痛苦会烙印到每一个对它们产生恐惧的人心里,于是每个人都要品尝一遍这些冤魂亡灵的凄惨经历! You may know, taste of death??” Zhan Kong treads toward the Saint's Mansion steps. “你们可知道,死亡的滋味??”斩空圣邸的阶梯上踏去。 Michael is inspiring each Holy City Mage in his generous language, firm fight, but Zhan Kong snorts contemptuously to his words. 米迦勒用他慷慨之语在鼓舞着每一个圣城法师,坚定的战斗下去,但斩空对他的那番话嗤之以鼻。 Died in battle, millennium honors?” “战死,千年荣光?” Living time dozens years, after dying in a hurry, ghosts of the millennium still in recalling of hating the wicked as if they were personal enemies. Knows that what reason this is?” “活着的时间不过匆匆数十年,死后千年之鬼仍旧在嫉恶如仇的追忆。知道这是什么原因吗?” Zhan Kong stepped a big step, that both eyes eyeball has the gaze of extremely powerful deterrence strength those Holy City Mage. 斩空踏上了一个大阶,那双眼睛带有极其强大威慑力的注视着那些圣城法师 Death was the short frightened and instantaneous pain, after dying , regardless of you turned into anything, that let suffering under your gratified small glory and hell compares to be insignificant. Your descendants may present you for the respectable older generation, but you are clear, if gives you again an opportunity, you will certainly not take dying receive in exchange for that pitiful laughable pitiful glory as the price, is living really very wonderfully, after the death , the pain will be long like ten thousand years!!” “死亡不过是短暂恐惧与瞬间痛苦,死后无论你们变成什么,那点让你们欣慰的小小荣耀与地狱下的折磨比起来都是微不足道的。你们的后代或许会将你们奉为可敬的先辈,但你们自己心里清楚如果再给你们一次机会,你们一定不会以死亡为代价来换取那可怜可笑可悲的荣耀,活着真得很美妙,死亡后痛苦将是漫长如万年!!” The Zhan Kong sound spreads to everyone ear, this is undead Emperor is giving world's advice! 斩空的声音传入到每个人耳朵里,这是一位亡灵帝王在给世人的忠告! The joyful time is always short, the painful years will be very long. 快乐的时光总是非常短暂,痛苦的岁月将无比漫长。 Ten thousand years that Zhan Kong said that in fact actually be longer than ten thousand years that he said. 斩空所说的万年,事实上却要比他说的万年还要漫长。 These said that is the person of saint, they simply have not had been to the death state, without experiencing genuine living corpse taste, then Zhan Kong makes these live people realize that pain of deceased person now slightly. 这些自称是圣者的人,他们根本没有到过死亡国度,也没有体验过真正的活死人滋味,那么现在斩空就让这些活人稍微体会一下死人的那种痛苦。 At night, millions of painful ugly faces represent the society millions of sorrows, bitterly, sad, to get angry and hate...... the those painful ugly face to take a seat according to ticket number, choose them to think that experiences the similar person with them, making them just like falling into the dreamland same feels their pain personally. 黑夜,千千万万的痛苦鬼脸就代表着人世间千千万万的哀、苦、悲、怒、恨……那些痛苦鬼脸将会对号入座,选择他们觉得与他们经历相似的人,让他们宛如陷入梦境一样去亲自感受一下他们的痛苦。 In everyone life will have an experience that makes the profound heart, shout oneself hoarse, this experience in everyone 's consciousness will review one under the ugly face cloud...... 每个人生命里都会有一段让痛彻心扉、声嘶力竭的经历,这个经历在鬼脸云下会在每个人的意识里重新回顾一遍…… It is a pity that the mind scabs that this so-called most deeply grieved experience, everyone is not willing to expose after turning into the ghost actually meet accompany near the grave pillow day and night, the person needs the sleep, can forget that some grief passing, the undead sleep then experiences the pitifulness that one did not forget for a very long time again! 很遗憾的是,这所谓的最惨痛的一次经历,所有人都不愿意去揭开的心灵伤疤在变成鬼魂后却会是没日没夜陪伴墓枕边,人需要睡眠,可以忘记一些伤痛的过往,亡灵的睡眠便是重新再经历一遍生前久久不忘的悲惨! And, Year and two years and centuries and two centuries, in 1000 and in 2000...... will not stop on the 1st on the 2nd! 一日、两日,一年、两年、一个世纪、两个世纪,一千年、两千年……不会停止! Therefore chose the glory dead in battle today, that pitiful glory, that brought honor to ancestors, was really worth? 所以在今日选择了荣耀战死,那点可悲的荣耀,那点光宗耀祖,真的值得吗? Zhan Kong continues to tread toward the Saint's Mansion steps, his not only must defeating human strongest Michael ruthlessly in the strength, must his firmly believing idea trampling in the under foot. 斩空继续往圣邸阶梯上踏去,他不仅是要在力量上狠狠的击败人类最强之一的米迦勒,更是要将他的那份坚信不移的理念给践踏在脚下。 Will respect the person who will advocate to sacrifice the life, with your immaterial person. Cares about your person truly, only hopes that you are living well, your death, taking to them is the inexhaustible pain...... 会去尊重会去崇尚献出生命的人,都是与你无关紧要的人。真正在乎你的人,只希望你好好的活着,你的死,带给他们是无穷无尽的痛苦…… Nothing compared with well lives is respecting person! 没有什么比好好的活着更尊重身边的人! If can also choose, Zhan Kong wants to be a coward. 假如还能够选择,斩空想做一个懦夫。 He only wants to make a person who sticks to the commitment, some people are waiting for himself, oneself to keep an appointment, she likes oneself look, uses for a lifetime stares to protect her. 他只想做一个坚守承诺的人,有人在等着自己,自己就去赴约,她喜欢自己的眼神,就用一辈子的凝望去守护她。 Does not look like the present!! 不是像现在!! Does not look like the present!! 不是像现在!! Does not look like turns into this non- person not ghost appearance now!! 不是像现在变成这幅不人不鬼的样子!! The recollection is the pain, meeting is the pain, when the fundamental experience less than four items of docking heart beats, could not realize the temperature in the past mutually snuggling, let alone is the sentiment arrives at fiery touching of deep place!!! 回忆是痛苦,见面是痛苦,根本体会不到当年四目对接时的心脏跳动,更体会不到相互依偎的温度,更别说是情到深处的火热触碰!!! Oneself appear in Holy City, does not treadon the cloud common hero to appear. Oneself are an evil spirit, a ghost, but is entangling the person who are thinking of fondly, but is unwilling the ugly revenge...... 自己出现在圣城,根本不是脚踏云彩一般的英雄出现。自己就是一个厉鬼,一个冤魂,不过是在缠着自己生前眷念的人,不过是在不甘丑陋的复仇…… If living, if living, all are not now this appearance. 如果活着,如果活着,一切都不会是现在这个样子。 This group of fools! 这群蠢人! Did not understand that he has envies these people to live. 根本不懂得他有多么嫉妒这些人活着。 Really suppresses very laboriously, wants him not to kill off the world live person. 真的抑制得很辛苦,要他不杀尽天下活人。
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