ADM :: Volume #21

#2076: Evil Dragon plunders the day

Michael is very clear, since this undead Emperor will come Holy City, will arrive at the Qin Yuer front surely. 米迦勒很清楚,这个亡灵帝王既然会来圣城,就必定会走到秦羽儿的面前。 So long as he does not leave Holy City, to seal/confer Mofan the sunflower can keep eliminates his undead destiny, on him that nearly invincible armored robe also thorough rotten, reveals soul that his degenerates unable to withstand. 只要他不离开圣城,封魔梵葵就会不停的剥夺他的亡灵气数,他身上那件近乎无敌的铠袍也会彻底腐烂,露出他那堕落不堪的灵魂。 Disappears the soul, this undead Emperor is unable to regain consciousness forever again, darkness plane will also lose fearful Emperor! 将灵魂泯灭,这亡灵帝王将永远都无法再苏醒,黑暗位面也将失去一个可怕的帝王 Frank? 光明磊落? Michael had not thought that the action of today can be joined to this word, he instead must thank that to move into the soul in armored robe Emperor body, the soul of this person is firm and resolute makes his Archangel long Michael admire, without him, this armored robe Emperor will not know perfectly well that is the trap also steps into Holy City, will not bring the heart that is going to slaughter in this Holy City, let alone eliminated him, must cross his several million undead armies to arrive in front of him to be strenuous! 米迦勒从来没觉得今天之举能够配上这个词,他反而要感谢那个入驻在铠袍帝王身体里的灵魂,这个人的灵魂坚毅得让他这位大天使米迦勒都钦佩不已,若没有他,这个铠袍帝王绝不会明知是陷阱还踏入圣城,更不会带着一个赴死的心在这个圣城中厮杀,别说将他消灭了,要翻过他那数百万亡灵大军到达他面前都非常吃力! Therefore Michael believes, this is for a lot of years can eliminate this armored robe Emperor opportunity only, has not vanished in the armored robe Emperor body while that soul memory, must keep in Holy City him forever!! 所以米迦勒坚信,这是千百年来唯一能够消灭这个铠袍帝王的机会,趁着那个灵魂记忆没有在铠袍帝王身体里消失,必须将他永远的留在圣城中!! Azure glow Saint belittles the scepter!” “青芒圣蔑权杖!” Michael stands on city eaves that was seized by the azure buddhist sunflower, his right hand does not know when presented a azure feather glow scepter, this scepter in Michael twittering expansion gradually, from most starts unceasingly, be only about one meter altitude stretched like the turret same altitude. 米迦勒站在了被青色的梵葵占领的城市屋檐上,他的右手不知道什么时候出现了一柄青色羽芒权杖,这个权杖在米迦勒的不断呢喃中渐渐的扩大,从最开始只有一米左右的高度舒展到了如塔楼一样的高度。 What is astounding, this scepter is still expanding, unconsciously it already huge to an law of stick resembles god, proud stand between broad land and jet black curtains of night, Holy City of two mutual complementing appeared several points in the face of this scepter petite! 令人惊骇的是,这个权杖还在扩大,不知不觉它已经庞大到了像一柄神之法杖,傲立在广阔的大地与漆黑的夜幕之间,两座相互映衬的圣城在这权杖面前都显得娇小了几分! Vanishes!” “泯!” Michael put out a strange character, instantly that great god scepter numerous stamping to the space, a round of azure Saint belittle shock-wave fierce sweeping across! 米迦勒吐出了一个古怪的字符,霎时那巨神权杖重重的跺向空间,一轮青色的圣蔑冲击波猛的席卷! Stars six that before position precisely Saint's Mansion Michael stands, as the Saint belittles shock-wave sweeping, discovery that people shock reflected Holy City really to have half of city to receive bringing disaster to of great god scepter! 米迦勒所站的位置正是圣邸前的繁星六道,随着圣蔑冲击波扫荡而过,人们震撼的发现那倒映圣城竟然有半个城都受到了巨神权杖的殃及! Before Zhan Kong, has been approaching in the Qin Yuer direction, except Gold Dragon had to force him to make concessions from the beginning in the future some beside, other Mage are unable to prevent his half step. But this scepter Saint extinguished the strength that the impact curled up actually to fly his raising ruthlessly...... 斩空之前一直在往秦羽儿的方向靠近,除却金龙一开始有迫使他往后退让了一些之外,其他魔法师们根本无法阻挡他半步。而这权杖圣灭冲击卷起的力量却将他狠狠的掀飞了起来…… The scepter shock-wave affects half city, will not actually cause any destruction to the building, including being covered with the buddhist sunflower of city, but is sending out darkness aura Zhan Kong from top to bottom, actually suffered the Saint prestige baptism of terrifying, can see that Shock-wave makes Zhan Kong this darkness body resembles soak in mercury light/only fluid, his body is not saying in crazy Ignite, has scepter brilliance one after another to swing, each way the body of Zhan Kong on will have had one such as to touch to Sun outer flame roasting burns the effect, was subject to the ceremonial fire suffering by the Zhan Kong whole body. 权杖冲击波波及半城,却并不会对建筑物造成任何的破坏,包括长满了城市的梵葵,但浑身上下散发着黑暗气息的斩空,却遭受到了恐怖的圣威洗礼,可以看到冲击波让斩空这个黑暗体像浸泡在一个水银光液里,正在疯狂的灼烧着他的身躯不说,更有一轮又一轮的权杖明辉荡来,每一次途径过斩空的身体就会产生一股如触碰到太阳外焰般的炙烧效果,让斩空全身备受圣火煎熬。 Drawing back flew was very far, the strength that Michael displayed was truly entirely different from other Forbidden Magic Mage, when the scepter azure glow vanished, those Holy City Mage can see clearly the body of this undead Emperor presented the scar that many cannot be healed, was burnt to the point of festering skin such with the common person. 退飞到了很远,米迦勒展现出来的力量确实与其他禁咒法师截然不同,当权杖青芒消失的时候,那些圣城法师们可以清楚的看到这个亡灵帝王的身上出现了许多不可愈合的伤痕,就跟寻常人被灼烂了皮肤那样。 Meanwhile, the prestige of buddhist sunflower appears again, the stem leaf of Zhan Kong injured place those buddhist sunflower starts growth recklessly, they are climbing up along the air, rapid reproduction a nest shape buddhist sunflower demon cage! 与此同时,梵葵之威再一次显现,斩空受伤的地方那些梵葵的茎叶开始肆意的生长,它们沿着空气在攀爬,迅速的繁殖成了一个巢状的梵葵魔笼! In the buddhist sunflower demon cage, buddhist sunflower bloom, inside stamen and pistil seems like a bunch of another bunch of serissa fetida, these belts the stamen and pistil of serissa fetida is far from seems like that gentle friendly, derived the stamen and pistil fierce emission of sufficient energy the together swift and fierce star sword glow! 梵葵魔笼里,一朵朵梵葵绽放开,里面的花蕊看上去像一簇又一簇的满天星,这些带着满天星的花蕊却远没有看上去的那么柔和友善,汲取了足够能量的花蕊猛的放射出一道道凌厉的星剑芒! The entire nest Zhuangmo cage must look like international sports complexes greatly, but those that is in full bloom in all directions seizes star sword severe Mangmi who the life stamen and pistil releases to unable to see the a little bit crevice, 360 degrees, the stamen and pistil star sword conducted brutal exorcize demons to extinguish the monster, must hit the ash Zhan Kong not remaining. 整个巢状魔笼大得像一个国际体育场馆,而四面八方盛开的那些夺命花蕊释放出来的星剑厉芒密得看不见一点点空隙,三百六十度,花蕊星剑进行了一次残酷的降魔灭妖,要将斩空打得连灰都不剩下。 Black Jade Dragon robe!” “黑玉龙袍!” Zhan Kong jumps, the body presents strange about float, on his Black Armored Robe appeared suddenly the mark of Jade Dragon. Jade Dragon black light on clothes robe flashes, flew unexpectedly directly, long assumed posture of the protection to coil around like the snake body in the Zhan Kong surroundings. 斩空跃起,身体呈现诡异的上下悬浮,他的黑色铠袍上忽然间浮现出了玉龙之纹来。衣袍上的玉龙乌光一闪,竟然直接飞了出来,长如蛇般的身躯呈一种守护之姿盘绕在了斩空的周围。 The attack of stamen and pistil star sword no dead angle Zhan Kong, Zhan Kong, in the imperial robe adds under the body, the not only body exhibited a nihility condition, as if before evil aura also compares, is more abundant several points. 花蕊星剑无死角的攻击着斩空,斩空在龙袍加身下,不仅身体呈现了一种虚无状态,似乎身上的邪气还比之前更盛几分。 The imperial robe ghost, Traverse of Zhan Kong in that everywhere flying rain same stamen and pistil star sword, departed the buddhist sunflower demon cage directly, he probably by Michael the time repelled provoking anger, picked up the speed unexpectedly fiercely, pressed up to front of Michael. 龙袍幽魂,斩空在那漫天飞雨一样的花蕊星剑中穿梭,更直接飞出了梵葵魔笼,他好像被米迦勒的这次击退给惹怒了,竟然猛的加快了速度,直逼米迦勒面前。 Michael saw Zhan Kong approaches, the back azure clothes Sacred Feathers soul shadow splits greatly, transforms impressively is a great feather deity, that Saint belittled scepter also precisely to grasp a moment ago in its hand. 米迦勒看到了斩空靠近,背后的青衣圣羽魂影大绽,幻化出来的赫然是一个巨羽天神,刚才那柄圣蔑权杖也正是握在它的手中。 Zhan Kong does not show weakness, his imperial robe infinite enlargement, coiled around in that black jade flood dragon turned into a colossus similarly! 斩空毫不示弱,他身上的龙袍无限的放大,盘绕在身旁的那条黑玉蛟龙同样变成了一个庞然大物! Evil Dragon controlling day!” 邪龙驭天!” Three thousand Evil Dragon, the vast curtain of night is Evil Dragon flies, but in the dragon passing scale that the Milky Way, big reflecting Holy City is shocking like this seems especially tiny. 三千邪龙,浩瀚的夜幕就是邪龙飞逝而过的天河,偌大的倒映圣城在这样震撼的龙逝规模中都显得格外渺小。 This Zhan Kong aims at not only is only Archangel long Michael, this entire Holy City reflecting battlefield will be trampled by these three thousand Evil Dragon thoroughly...... 这一次斩空针对得不仅仅是大天使米迦勒,这整个圣城倒映战场都将被这三千邪龙彻底践踏…… Gold Dragon fell on the front of those Mage regiment, it opened wing precisely to come for these Mage to resist Evil Dragon with the meat body that oneself destroyed the hardest defenses to throw the city. 金龙落在了那些法师方队的面前,它张开了翅膀正是用自己无坚不摧的肉躯来为这些法师们抵御邪龙扑城。 Archangel long Michael in this swallowed in front of the evil strength of the world also to reveal the color of shock. 大天使米迦勒在这吞食天地的邪力面前也露出了震惊之色。 Why had been extracted so many undead sources by buddhist sunflower Forbidden Magic obviously, can he display the so powerful strength as before? 为什么明明已经被梵葵禁咒抽取走了那么多的亡灵本源,他依旧可以施展出如此强大的力量来? Oneself still underestimated this undead Emperor, his undead source is similar to an abyss, can the buddhist sunflower capture is also limited? 难道说自己仍旧低估了这位亡灵帝王,他的亡灵本源就如同一个深渊,梵葵所能够夺取得也非常有限? Evil Dragon passed over gently and swiftly, goes to protect Gold Dragon of Mage regiment somewhat unable to withstand, on its dragon scales full was the black bloodstain, the wing had the big wound, what a pity was, even paid certain price, Gold Dragon still had not protected in the good those Mage regiment the person, when Gold Dragon has turned head, discovered that in its wing gap direction, has been lying down dozens Holy City Mage, what was more pitiful, their bodies water slowly, is sending out the odor. 邪龙掠过,前去保护法师方队的金龙已经有些承受不住了,它的龙鳞上满是黑色的血迹,翅膀出现了大大的伤口,可惜的是,即便付出了一定的代价,金龙仍旧没有保护好那些法师方队中人,当金龙扭过头去的时候,发现在它翅膀缺口方向上,已经躺着几十名圣城法师了,更凄惨的是,他们身体正在慢慢的化水,散发着恶臭。 Michael azure clothes Sacred Feathers radiance was gloomier, the Evil Dragon authorities, entire Holy City is the golden light was no longer shining, but degenerated into one to flood the darkness filthy waste city, Gold Dragon and Michael could not suppress on the Zhan Kong domineering evil aura! 米迦勒身上的青衣圣羽光辉暗淡了许多,邪龙当道,整个圣城已经不再是金光灿灿了,而是沦为了一座充斥着黑暗污浊的废城,金龙米迦勒根本就压制不住斩空身上的强势邪气! Trod to return to the Holy City cross main road, Zhan Kong continued toward, Evil Dragon also in wreaking havoc is destroying this Holy City, Michael and Holy City Mage has to retreat to Saint's Mansion nearby. 重新踏回到了圣城十字大道上,斩空继续往前行着,邪龙还在肆虐的摧毁着这座圣城,米迦勒圣城法师们不得不退守到圣邸附近。
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