ADM :: Volume #21

#2075: Azure clothes Sacred Feathers, Michael

Looked up one, Zhan Kong continued to proceed to take finally. 抬头看了一眼,斩空最后还是继续往前迈出。 His black copper boots fall on the Holy City main road fully are on the floor tile of azure mark, every time stepped on one step looks like has anything to screen out from the body, and transported in that millions of buddhist sunflower. 他的黑色铜靴落在圣城大道满是青色印痕的地砖上,每踩踏一步就像是有什么东西从身体里被抽走了,并输送到了那千千万万的梵葵中。 The buddhist sunflower is in full bloom is brighter, the fragrance is richer, Death Qi of Zhan Kong whole body is being dissipated in a little bit, armored robe grew many rust to scar. 梵葵盛开的更加鲜艳,香气更加浓郁,斩空周身的死气正在一点点被消散,身上的铠袍长出了更多的锈瘢。 His strength was being weakened.” In the Mage regiment, Archangel Raphael said. “他的力量正在被削弱。”法师方队之中,大天使拉斐尔说道。 Waits again.” In the turret Angel long Michael is actually maintaining that tranquility as before. “再等一等。”塔楼上天使米迦勒却依旧保持着那份平静。 Michael can feel that the Holy City Mage fighting spirit in a little bit dissipate, they are far from beforehand such fearlessly, even can see the fear from their eyes. 米迦勒能够感觉到圣城法师们斗志正在一点点消退,他们远没有之前那样昂然,甚至可以从他们的眼睛里看到恐惧。 Bravely challenging died, this makes remaining Holy City Mage extremely anxious, in addition Gold Dragon turned side socialized, the people of this entire Mage regiment obviously realized God of Death is walking toward them. 勇战者们全部死亡,这让剩下的圣城法师们极度不安,再加上金龙变成了侧面周旋,这整个法师方队的人明显意识到死神在朝着他们走来。 Zhan Kong also proceeding steps, the undead energy in his body in rapid was found time, a short time ago seemed like like the maturity is so gallant, at this moment he showed that years to be old gradually. 斩空还在往前踏步,他身体里的亡灵能源正在迅速的被抽空,前不久还看上去如壮年那样英气逼人,此刻他渐渐的透出了那份岁月苍老。 undead also has the vitality, Zhan Kong is a living corpse, when the aura of his live person was given to win by these buddhist sunflower, natural(ly) that leaves behind is the undead body that old decays dry! 亡灵也有生命力,斩空是一个活死人,当他活人的气息被这些梵葵给夺走,留下的自然是一个苍老枯朽的亡灵躯壳! He is still proceeding. 只是,他还在往前走。 Was separated was very far, Zhan Kong could not even see clearly her face, could not see the emotion in her pupil. 还是相隔了很远,斩空甚至看不清她的脸庞,更看不到她眸子里的情感。 Then this road itself is disappears his path, after Zhan Kong steps into Holy City, has not felt come out unscathed. 这条路本就是泯灭他的道路,斩空踏入圣城之后便没有觉得安然无恙 He knows that cannot untie this huge spread all over to entire Holy City buddhist sunflower Forbidden Magic, since cannot untie, forwards simply with stride, it wants to eliminate anything in body, whatever it takes away! 他知道这个庞大遍布到整个圣城的梵葵禁咒是解不开的,既然解不开,索性大步向前,它想剥夺自己身体里的什么,就任由它拿走! pitch-black color armored robe starts to deteriorate seriously, evil aura was also being suppressed significantly, circled exuded the roaring sound in nearby Gold Dragon, hit by the corner/horn of big dragon directly. 乌黑色铠袍开始严重变质,身上的邪气也被大幅度的压制着,盘旋在附近的金龙发出了咆哮声,直接以巨龙之角撞了上来。 Go away!!!” “滚开!!!” Exclaiming that Zhan Kong gets angry, that both eyes eyeball dark red like devil. 斩空发怒的吼道,那双眼睛深红如魔鬼。 The arm of armored robe raises, immediately the black majestic copper horse appears surely, they dash about wildly in the direction that Gold Dragon hits. 铠袍之臂扬起,顿时千万黑色雄壮的铜马出现,它们朝着金龙撞来的方向狂奔。 Gold Dragon by myriad ghost copper horses to drawing back, golden scale broke to pieces a big piece, even several by the ghost copper horse sharp armor piercing, braving the black aura the wound to overflow dragon Xuelai. 金龙被万千鬼铜马给冲退,身上的金色鳞片又碎了一大片,甚至有好几处都被鬼铜马锋利的盔甲给刺穿了,冒着黑色气息的伤口在溢出龙血来。 The Gold Dragon dragon initial capital can light/only burn essence all darkness, is actually deteriorated by the wound position that Zhan Kong wounds continually, the body of Gold Dragon braved the black air/Qi. 金龙的龙血本是可以光灼精华一切黑暗,偏偏被斩空击伤的伤口位置却在持续恶化,金龙的身上又冒起了黑气。 Roar!!!!” “嗷吼!!!!” Gold Dragon by the innumerable ghost copper horses surrounding, it was opening the mouth, spouted True Dragon Dragon Breath! 金龙被无数鬼铜马给包围着,它张开了嘴,喷出了真龙龙息 Dragon Breath presents big golden color, opened out dark cloud fierce knock down of upper air like the hot sun suddenly in the wide and open land, this golden Dragon Breath that myriad ghost copper horses covering, the ghost copper horse body breaks up seriously. 龙息呈现一大片金色,就像烈日忽然间拨开了高空的乌云猛的打落在广袤无垠的大地上,这金色的龙息将那万千鬼铜马给笼罩进去,鬼铜马身体严重崩解。 After the disintegration, turned into the ashes, Gold Dragon annihilated these ghost copper horses finally, turned head to look actually discovered Zhan Kong had arrived in that Mage regiment! 崩解之后又变成了灰烬,金龙终于消灭掉了这些鬼铜马,扭头一看却发现斩空已经抵达了那法师方队! The Mage regiment collective controls the buddhist sunflower rhizome, buddhist sunflower rhizome whole city is wriggling, formed a rhizome mountain in the Zhan Kong front, the rhizome also the rampart of keeping, even must from reflecting Holy City hangs on Holy City of land, suddenly two cities were given by these azure plants continually in one. 法师方队集体操控着梵葵根茎,梵葵根茎满城蠕动着,在斩空的面前形成了一座根茎大山,根茎还在不停的垒起,甚至要从倒映圣城垂到了大地的圣城上,一时间两座城市被这些青色的植物给连在了一起。 Drinks blood Evil Wind!” “饮血邪风!” Hand to become claw, sweeping ruthlessly approached the front rhizome mountain! 手成爪,狠狠的扫向了前方的根茎大山! Innumerable blood-color Evil Wind scrape off, solely toward the front, plant spread all over Zhan Kong in all directions, these blood-color Evil Wind did not start a large area of cleaning. 无数血色邪风刮去,不单单是朝着前方,植物遍布斩空四面八方,这些血色邪风开始大面积的清扫。 The rhizome cuts off, the azure leaf dances in the air broken, cut a side clean region, a behind denser rhizome crawled, the from beginning to end hindrance in front of Zhan Kong, making him lose in this Forbidden Magic buddhist sunflower. 根茎斩断,青色的叶碎飞舞,才斩开了一方干净的区域,后面更繁密的根茎又爬了进来,始终阻碍在斩空面前,让他迷失在这禁咒梵葵之中。 Gold Dragon can be said as Michael is the undead Emperor ready first Forbidden Magic level summons Magic specially, but this spread all over Holy City trap plant Forbidden Magic, is Michael eliminates demon great formation truly. 金龙可以说是米迦勒特意为亡灵帝王准备的第一个禁咒级召唤魔法,而这遍布圣城的陷阱植物禁咒,便是米迦勒的真正除魔大阵 In the family that you grow, certainly several old people diligent was telling for you some glorious older generation, he granted your superior family environment, is the pride of entire family. You may know, today's campaign, even if were the death will also make you like this by the older generation who the posterity commemorated, drifted along, brought honor to ancestors, I thought in your hearts certainly to have the choice!” The Michael second readout spreads. “在你们成长的家族中,一定会有几个老人孜孜不倦的为你们讲述着某个荣耀先辈,他赐予了你们优越的家族环境,是整个家族的骄傲。你们可知道,今日的战役,哪怕是死亡也会让你们成为这样被子孙后代纪念的先辈,是苟且,还是光宗耀祖,我想你们心中一定有了选择!”米迦勒第二次宣读传出。 The fighting spirit cannot extinguish, even the enemy is powerful, the frightened not energy flow reveal comes out. 斗志不能灭,即便敌人再强大,恐惧也不能流露出来。 Not precisely of buddhist sunflower representative is immortal! 梵葵代表的不正是永垂不朽吗! My Michael and you in!” “我米迦勒与你们同在!” Michael jumps from the turret, he flies to the rhizome mountain that grew unceasingly, the body erupts the Saint azure ray, haughty is built on the Holy City peak. 米迦勒从塔楼中跃起,他飞向了不断生长起来的根茎大山上,身上爆发出圣青光芒,狂傲的立于圣城的最高点。 The azure vestment made Michael complete a transformation, in his back, appeared the azure light Angel soul shadow, that overlapping azure Sacred Feathers stretch/leisurely launched, the azure glow feeling of wing can the shining trim land...... 青色圣衣让米迦勒完成了一种蜕变,在他的背后,更浮现出了青光天使魂影,那层层叠叠的青色圣羽舒展开,羽翼的青芒感觉可以照耀整片大地…… Azure clothes Sacred Feathers! 青衣圣羽 Michael wanted make a move finally, this perhaps was one of most powerful several Forbidden Magic Mage the world can see, Archangel long Michael that aura had been separated from the category of human completely, was one resides temporarily completely in human deity Holy Spirit...... 米迦勒终于要出手了,这恐怕是世人所能够看到的最强大的几位禁咒法师之一,大天使米迦勒那气息已经完全脱离了人类的范畴,完全就是一个寄居在人类身上的天神圣灵…… Zhan Kong is gazing at Michael, this is the person who he faces up to only. 斩空注视着米迦勒,这是他唯一去正视的人。 The rank and magic beast of human rank never equates, like Ultra-Order Mage and Sovereign Level creature, one team of Ultra-Order level Mage has the qualifications and Sovereign Level contends...... 人类的级别与妖魔的级别从来就不划等号,就像超阶法师君主级生物,一队超阶法师才有资格与君主级抗衡…… Similarly, Emperor Level is not necessarily able to pay attention to Forbidden Magic Mage of human, Reynolds is Forbidden Magic Mage, but can pose the small threat besides Gold Dragon to Zhan Kong, Reynolds in front of Zhan Kong is small and weak! 同样的,帝王级未必就会把人类的禁咒法师放在眼里,雷诺兹是禁咒法师,但除了金龙能够给斩空造成一点小威胁之外,雷诺兹本人在斩空面前就是弱小! Human Forbidden Magic Mage same has the huge difference. 只是,人类禁咒法师一样是有巨大差别的。 Michael and Raphael, these two Archangel strengths are obviously by far in Reynolds, but Archangel Rafel as if not participate in this fight. 米迦勒拉斐尔,这两位大天使的实力明显远胜于雷诺兹,只不过大天使拉菲尔似乎并不参与这次的战斗。 Holy City altogether seven Archangel, the Michael campaign will be solved by Michael, this world some so many powerful magic beast are also eying covetously to Holy City, if this fight buckle two Archangel, Holy City will be in imminent danger, human will also be in imminent danger. 圣城一共七位大天使,米迦勒的战役将由米迦勒自己来解决,这个世界还有那么多强大至极的妖魔在对圣城虎视眈眈,倘若这次战斗折损两位大天使,圣城将岌岌可危,人类也将岌岌可危。 Needs a lot of years later fights tranquilly, needs to protect the current peace, Archangel Raphael will not use any Magic...... 需要为千百年后的宁静而战,更需要守护住当下的和平,大天使拉斐尔是不会动用任何一个魔法的…… Zhan Kong discovered that Raphael does not have make a move, copes own, only then Archangel Michael, in the eye actually flashes through one to lose probably. 斩空发现拉斐尔没有出手,对付自己的只有大天使米迦勒,眼睛里却好像闪过一丝失落。 Only then your?” Zhan Kong looks at Michael. “只有你一位吗?”斩空看着米迦勒 Insufficient?” Michael said. “不够吗?”米迦勒道。 Your seven same places are insufficient!” Zhan Kong said. “你们七个一起都不够!”斩空说道。 Perhaps beside Holy City, your one fights seven capital, but you cannot untie the Forbidden Magic buddhist sunflower, the quick meeting oil completely lamp dry......” Michael said. “在圣城之外,或许你有一战七的资本,但你解不开禁咒梵葵,很快会油尽灯枯……”米迦勒说道。
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