ADM :: Volume #21

#2079: This reunion

...... …… Michael recited the ancient incantation again, suddenly the horizon presented a piece by piece yelling sound. 米迦勒再一次吟唱起了古老的咒语,一时间天边出现了一片片啼叫声。 Can see many azure form emergence one after another, the speed that they fly is fast, shortly will pass over gently and swiftly the plain and mountain range to arrive reflected Holy City. 可以看到许多青色的身影陆陆续续的出现,它们飞行的速度非常快,顷刻间掠过了平原、山峦抵达了倒映圣城 Reflects nearby Holy City quick by these azure feather spirit birds to the camouflage, they seemed like some position to control the feathers of Angel wing numerous falling to have the independent life, their one after another is dancing in the air, somewhat coiled around of the Zhan Kong top of the head, what were more was forms the condition of an security and attack, the double pupil closely is staring at Zhan Kong! 倒映圣城附近很快就被这些青色的羽灵鸟给遮蔽,它们看上去就像是某位主宰天使翅膀纷落的羽毛拥有了自主的生命,它们有些成排成排的飞舞着,有些盘绕在斩空的头顶上,更多的是形成一种警戒和攻击的状态,双眸紧紧的凝视着斩空 The azure flame burns on the body of Michael, he is offering oneself soul sacrifice, only strove for obtaining Heaven strength to grant the more powerful elimination demon defending traditional moral principles. 青色的火焰在米迦勒的身上燃烧起来,他在将自己的灵魂祭献,只求获得上苍赐予得更强大的除魔卫道之力。 The azure feather bird are getting more and more, each has the tail of fluorescent twinkle, they are systematic, are more like the soldier who arrives at from the heaven! 青羽鸟越来越多,它们每一只都拥有荧光闪烁的尾巴,它们井然有序,更像是从天堂中降临的士兵! I did not mind your slowly for my ready you thought most powerful strength, you did not mind that I do go forward to look at her one eyes?” Zhan Kong has arrived to top of very nearly very near place Saint's Mansion. “我不介意你慢慢的为我准备你觉得最强大的力量,你不介意我上前去看她一眼吧?”斩空已经走到了离圣邸之顶很近很近的地方。 Is summoning the heaven to eliminate Michael of demon bird to hear these words actually to stare staring. 正在不停呼唤天堂除魔鸟的米迦勒听到这句话却愣了愣。 This is telling itself probably: You invited casual make a move, but do not disturb me to see the old friend? 这就好像在告诉自己:你请随便出手,但不要打扰我见一见故人? undead Emperor the share was self-confident, making Michael feel meaning of several points of shame! 亡灵帝王的这股子自信,让米迦勒感受到了几分羞辱的意味! Here is Holy City, is not your perishing palace!” Michael numerous saying. “这里是圣城,不是你的亡宫!”米迦勒重重的说道。 The azure heaven eliminates the demon bird to be getting more and more, their not only is only the security in the Zhan Kong, will rely on the strength of special purification to say the in the air those ugly face will eliminate one by one. 青色的天堂除魔鸟越来越多,它们不仅仅是警戒在斩空的附近,更凭借着特殊的净化之力将云空中那些鬼脸给逐一消灭。 Pounds the ugly face quantity of falling to be huge, takes to other Holy City Mage extremely deep fears, making them basically lose the ability of combat, Michael cannot complain about them to be incompetent, the opponent is Emperor Level creature, Ultra-Order Mage also has no distinction before it with the child after all. 砸落下来的鬼脸数量非常庞大,更带给其他圣城法师们极深的恐惧,让他们基本上丧失作战的能力,米迦勒也不能怨他们无能,对手毕竟是帝王级生物,超阶法师在它面前也和孩童没有什么分别。 Now Michael first eliminates those to bring the frightened ugly face, rescues with Holy City Mage that oneself battle together those. 现在米迦勒先清除掉那些带来恐惧的鬼脸,将那些跟自己一起作战的圣城法师们解救出来。 But this process, Zhan Kong treats as completely has not seen, in fact he can make to prevent, such that just like he said that he wants to arrive in front of Qin Yuer. 而这个过程,斩空完全当作没有看见,事实上他可以做出阻止,只是正如他说的那样,他只是想走到秦羽儿面前。 This is I gives your second opportunity, if you have not been able to eliminate me, I think that you should lead the remaining disastrous defeated generals to roll to return to true Saint's Mansion, seeks the protections of your ancestor!” Zhan Kong said to Michael. “这是我给你的第二次机会,如果你还不能消灭我,我想你应该带着剩下的惨败败将滚回到真正的圣邸中去,寻求你们祖先的保护!”斩空米迦勒说道。 True Holy City still has more powerful banned Magic, Zhan Kong natural(ly) can feel. 真正的圣城还存在着更强大的禁制魔法,斩空自然可以感觉得到。 Naturally, if Emperor that really must slaughter, can actually without stepping into ban gives entire Holy City to bring the huge destruction, even if this destruction will make the those residents die massively will also cause the turbulence to the Holy City authority. 当然,如果是一个真要杀戮的帝王,却可以在不踏入禁制的情况下就给整个圣城带来巨大的毁灭,这个毁灭哪怕只是让那些居民们大量的死亡也会对圣城的权威造成动荡。 Therefore, his Zhan Kong steps into reflects in Holy City, that actually to a Michael opportunity. 所以,他斩空踏入倒映圣城中,那的却是给米迦勒一次机会了。 The second opportunity is now. 第二次机会便是现在。 Your Michael uses you to think that freely strongest skill, he will not prevent. 米迦勒尽管使用你觉得最强的技能,他不会阻止。 Must make this group of fools understand, Emperor Level is existence that human cannot touch until now! 要让这群蠢人明白,帝王级是人类迄今为止根本不能够去触碰的存在! ...... …… The Michael complexion was blue, his double pupil blooms a swifter and fiercer angry light, back that tall and strong day Divine Soul shadow and his soul are burning together, the continuous charm is gushing out from his burning soul. 米迦勒脸色都青了,他双眸绽放出更加凌厉愤怒的光来,背后那魁梧的天神魂影与他自身的灵魂在一起燃烧,源源不断的魔力正从他的这种焚魂中涌出。 More and more heaven eliminate the demon bird to fly to fall, the azure feather birds circle, has changed to one to be huge can cover in the entire Holy City day whorl. 越来越多的天堂除魔鸟飞落,青色的羽鸟们盘旋起来,已经化作了一个巨大得可以笼罩在整个圣城的天涡。 Zhan Kong has not raised the head, he arrived by Dragon Deer. 斩空没有抬头,他只是走到了龙鹿旁。 Dragon Deer is beating flustered, it is only a mascot, does not have too big battle efficiency, saw that undead Emperor approaches like this, starts carelessly moves. 龙鹿慌张的跳动着,它本身就只是一个吉祥物,没有太大的战斗力,看到亡灵帝王这样靠近,开始胡乱的跑动起来。 Ka!” “咔!” Zhan Kong raised, sweeps the together blood to drink Evil Wind. 斩空手一扬,扫出了一道血饮邪风 This Evil Wind hit on the silver shackles of Dragon Deer grows the horn, this shackles destroying. 邪风打在了龙鹿长角的银色镣铐上,将这镣铐给打碎。 The fragment sprinkles like Crystal by the Qin Yuer long skirt front, is reflecting in the sky the scale light of those azure feather bird, the backdrop now is also the azure, this Michael is fermenting more powerful Forbidden Magic obviously, this Forbidden Magic is the Angel bird summon! 碎片像水晶一样洒落在秦羽儿的长长的裙裾旁,也反射着天空中那些青羽鸟的鳞光,天幕现在也是青色的,这一次米迦勒显然是在酝酿一个更为强大的禁咒,这个禁咒便是天使鸟召唤! When the ancient god must carry off the society the demon, he is impossible to arrive, therefore takes off those small down on the wing, turns into them fills the offensive azure feather bird of paradise like this powerful, Michael is long as Archangel, he holds the post of this Holy City position time was granted such Divine Power, can borrow the feather of deity, can use him to eliminate the feather of demon! 古老的神要带走人世间的邪魔时,他不可能亲临,于是摘下自己翅膀上的那些小小的绒毛,将它们化成这样强大而充满攻击性的青羽天堂鸟,米迦勒作为大天使长,他担任这个圣城职位的时候便被赐予了这样的神力,可以借用天神之羽,更可以使用他除魔之羽! The heaven of whole city except the demon bird, their wings blocks the sky, felt that Holy City was float in their azure feather seas, special azure Sacred Light even shone the land over a hundred kilometers away. 满城的天堂除魔鸟,它们的羽翼遮天蔽日,感觉圣城都是悬浮在了它们青色的羽海之中,特殊的青色圣光甚至照耀到了上百公里外的大地。 Qin Yuer first raised the head, looked at an end common azure feather bird, later revealed several points of bitterness and astringency. 秦羽儿先是抬起头,看了一眼末日一般的青羽鸟,随后露出了几分苦涩。 Her eye returned this to put 她的眼睛重新回到了这穿着黑色铠袍亡灵身上…… Is he, initially oneself just revived from the ice mark, sees is this back. 是他,当初自己刚从冰痕中苏醒过来,看到得就是这个背影。 Can meet obviously, why can choose to leave? 明明可以相见,为什么要选择离开? The suffering misery that two people experience is insufficient, but must like this be mutually awkward. 两人经历的折磨苦难还不够吗,还要相互这样为难。 Living corpses how? 活死人又怎样? Even if a dead body, lies down in this bosom also feeling better that does not have the temperature wanders around, is insufficient to receive many injuries...... 哪怕是一具死躯,躺在这个没有温度的怀里也好过四处流浪,也不至于受到更多的伤害…… You came......” Qin Yuer to say. “你来了……”秦羽儿说道。 Em, I came.” Zhan Kong nods. “恩,我来了。”斩空点了点头。 Why at that time walked?” Qin Yuer asked. “当时为什么走?”秦羽儿问道。 I saw your appearance, when with I saw you initially for the first time same beautiful. I think that you can make a fresh start, the life that on have hoped for......” Zhan Kong said. “我看到了你的容颜,和我当初第一次见你时一样美。我想你可以重新开始,过上自己一直期盼的生活……”斩空说道。 I, although is living, but in this world lets only then you who I yearn, star resolute. Cannot see you, I and an ice sculpture dead shell have anything to distinguish.” Qin Yuer numerous saying. “我虽然活着,可这个世界上让我留恋的只有你,星毅。见不到你,我和一座冰雕死壳又有什么分别。”秦羽儿重重的说道。 This reunion can be earlier, why bother is now. 这场重逢本可以再早一些,何苦是现在。 The time of reunion can be very long, how can also like the present, the azure end in the top of the head, be able to smell to destroy all aura...... 重逢的时间本可以很长,又怎么会是像现在这样,青色的末日就在头顶,能够嗅到毁灭一切的气息…… Such urgent, like this is hurried, like this was regarded as lifting of different kind by the entire world on execution ground, seemed them to handle completely world most malicious matter, is cheering in ten thousand numerous is requested to burn while still alive! 这样紧迫,这样匆忙,这样被全世界当作是异类的举在刑场上,就好像他们两个做尽了世间最恶毒的事情,正在万众欢呼中被要求活活烧死! In desolate and uninhabited Heavenly Mountain, in the deathly stillness ice mark, he hits the ice sludge mark the seal, was waked up by oneself can see him, isn't good? 就在荒无人烟的天山,就在死寂的冰痕里,他打碎冰痕的封印,让自己醒来就能够看到他,不好吗? Such waking up way, will make Qin Yuer feel all pain in the past experiencing suffered is a nightmare, oneself in the nightmare twittering, the beloved person shook to wake himself in the pillow, oneself closely will be hugging, told itself to pass, those was the dreamland. 那样的醒来方式,会让秦羽儿感觉过去经历的一切苦痛折磨都不过是一场噩梦,自己在噩梦中呢喃,心爱的人在枕边摇醒自己,将自己紧紧的拥抱着,告诉自己一切都过去了,那些不过是梦境。 Why independently decides can walk?? 为什么自作主张的要走?? Even if this campaign is inevitable, Michael must eliminate him, what Qin Yuer hopes is can face with Zhan Kong together! 哪怕这场战役不可避免,米迦勒仍旧要将他消灭,秦羽儿期盼的是能够与斩空一起面对!
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