AAMD :: Volume #22

#2146: Escape! The blood god clone to move out! star

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The innumerable capillaries fill the air void, is difficult to see the speed that toward by a naked eye to run away to go in all directions. 无数血丝弥漫虚空,以一种肉眼难见的速度朝着四面八方逃窜而去。 The speeds of these capillaries are fast, but is a blink, many blood threads permeating are then void, vanishes instantaneously does not see. 这些血丝的速度非常快,不过是一眨眼,便已经有许多血丝渗入虚空,瞬间消失不见。 Everyone sees this, is startled. 所有人看到这一幕,都是不由的一惊。 What's all this about? 这是怎么回事? Murders blood Demon Venerable to escape unexpectedly?! 难道弑血魔尊竟然要逃跑?! The people stare the big eye, the feeling is somewhat unbelievable. 众人都是瞪大眼睛,感觉有些难以置信。 The good and evil is the high-rank Demon Venerable level exists . Moreover the opposite party has not used Demon Transformation, now unexpectedly direct selection running away, but also wanted the high-rank Demon Venerable level the dignity. 好歹是上位魔尊级存在,而且对方连魔变都未曾动用,如今居然直接选择了逃走,还要不要上位魔尊级的尊严了。 Let alone is these ordinary bright universe Martial Artist, is the ram Yu Hetie wing marquis two immortal levels exists, at this time somewhat is stunned. 别说是那些普通的光明宇宙武者,就是公羊裕和铁翼侯两位不朽级存在,此时都有些愕然。 The solemn high-rank Demon Venerable level exists, instigated unexpectedly? 堂堂上位魔尊级存在,竟然就这么怂了? This is not right! 这不对劲啊! Wang Teng actually also a little compels him to think ignorant murders blood Demon Venerable is not defeated easily, even if star meteor revering this struck to get the absolute winning side, wanted to strike to kill to murder blood Demon Venerable still to decide however is not easy. 王腾其实也有点懵逼他一直觉得弑血魔尊没那么容易被击败,即便星陨尊者这一击占据了绝对的上风,想要击杀弑血魔尊也定然没有那么容易。 Has not thought murdering blood Demon Venerable that time in an instant, was just insufferably arrogant chose travelling unexpectedly. 可没想到才一转眼的功夫,刚刚还不可一世的弑血魔尊居然就选择了跑路。 This was does not want the face completely. 这是完全不要脸面了啊。 The MMP solemn high-rank Demon Venerable level has actually a moral integrity not to have. MMP堂堂上位魔尊级存在竟然一点节操都没有。 Now waits for him to respond, opposite party the blood threads has escaped into void, does not know that escaped the far distance. 如今等他反应过来,对方所化的血丝已经遁入虚空,不知道逃到了多远的距离。 This should be that Blood Luo Chansi body The function, he has now with that murders the blood Demon Venerable same equivalent Blood Luo Chansi body, It is not naturally strange to the wonderful place of this physique. 这应该是那【血罗缠丝体】的作用,如今他拥有与那弑血魔尊同等阶的【血罗缠丝体】,对这种体质的神妙之处自然不陌生。 This physique can make the owner change to myriad capillaries without doubt directly, thus escapes at crucial moments. 这门体质无疑就是可以让拥有者直接化作万千血丝,从而在危急时刻进行逃命。 The method, actually has the wonder of equally good results from different methods with most Dark Species escape techniques, but it strange and as deep as a well. 如此手段,与大多数黑暗种的逃命手法其实有着异曲同工之妙,只不过它更加的诡异与难以捉摸。 During that innumerable as tiny escapes into to be void as the extreme blood threads, the common person is unable to look completely, do not say that intercepted it. 那无数细小到极点的血丝遁入虚空之中,寻常人根本无法全部找出来,更不要说是将其拦截下来了。 At this time the Wang Teng complexion is serious, in the heart is also somewhat helpless. 此时王腾面色严肃,心中也是有些无奈。 The method of high-rank Demon Venerable level seriously is very strange and powerful, his present strength and opposite party disparity are too big, could not make anything. 上位魔尊级的手段当真是十分诡异与强大,他现在的实力与对方差距太大,根本做不了什么。 Un?!” Star meteor revering has not expected this similarly, the pair of golden eye pupil of that mechanical giant blooms suddenly the cold glow, later then sees him to act suddenly. “嗯?!”星陨尊者同样没有料到这一茬,那机械巨人的一双金色眼眸骤然绽放出寒芒,随后便见他骤然出手。 Bang! 轰! The innumerable spear/gun glow erupt, sweep across the starry sky, submerges these capillaries. 无数枪芒爆发,席卷星空,将那些血丝淹没。 A lot of capillaries vanish under the bombardment of spear/gun glow directly, is unable to resist that terrifying the strength. 大量的血丝在枪芒的轰击下直接消失,无法抵挡那恐怖的力量。 At this moment murders the blood Demon Venerable strength is quite scattered, and runs away wholeheartedly, naturally possibly is not the opponent of star meteor revering. 此刻弑血魔尊的力量极为分散,且一心逃走,自然不可能是星陨尊者的对手。 But star meteor revering sees this, no least bit was happy, in its reveals a dignified meaning, the vision glance is void, erupts the spear/gun glow unceasingly, wanting to intercept all these capillaries. 但星陨尊者看到这一幕,却没有半点高兴,其眼中露出一丝凝重之意,目光扫视虚空,不断爆发出枪芒,欲要将那些血丝尽数拦截下来。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Fierce bellows resound through in void, a lot of capillaries were hit, vanish in void. 一道道剧烈的轰鸣声在虚空中响彻,大量血丝被击中,消失在虚空中。 May have a lot of capillaries to be getting more and more far as before. 可依旧有着大量的血丝越来越远。 This makes the star meteor revering look even more dignified, suddenly in his heart moves, spreads one to drink greatly: Wang Teng!” 这让星陨尊者眼神越发凝重,突然他心中一动,传出一声大喝:“王腾!” Bright ceremonial fire!” “光明圣火!” Wang Teng has prepared to act, hears the sound of star meteor revering, immediately the big hand wields, blazing white flame is sweeps across void, spans the space, pursues to go toward these capillaries. 王腾早已准备出手,听到星陨尊者的声音,当即大手一挥,一股炽烈的白色火焰便是席卷虚空,跨越空间,朝着那些血丝追击而去。 He with murdering blood Demon Venerable does not cope, if can leave behind it naturally is best, even cannot, the bright ceremonial fire still be able to temper the strength of opposite party. 他与弑血魔尊早就不对付,若是能够将其留下自然是最好,就算不能,光明圣火也能够削弱对方的力量。 Therefore he naturally cannot anything not do. 因此他自然不会什么都不做。 Has the space method in the body, the Wang Teng bright ceremonial fire caught up with many capillaries quickly, submerges it directly. 有着空间手段在身,王腾的光明圣火很快就追上了不少血丝,直接将其淹没。 Wang! Teng! 王!腾! Murdering blood Demon Venerable that had not just opened the mouth, actually could not bear exude one to angrily roar at this time, says the Wang Teng name, obviously this bright ceremonial fire truly had a big influence on it. 刚刚一直未曾开口的弑血魔尊,此时却是忍不住发出一声怒吼,直呼王腾的名字,可见这光明圣火确实是对它造成了不小的影响。 Many capillaries were burnt down by the bright ceremonial fire, without a trace of disappearance. 不少血丝被光明圣火焚毁,消失的无影无踪。 Star meteor revering sees this, in the eye the ray flashes, he has not been idling, launches the attack again, destroys the blood threads vigorously. 星陨尊者看到这一幕,眼中光芒一闪,他没有闲着,再次发动攻击,极力摧毁血丝。 ...... …… Lies...... the trough!” “卧……槽!” In Wang Teng and star meteor revering attempts exterminates to murder blood Demon Venerable the blood threads, the blood god above another side blood god altar clone, exploded a swearing directly. 就在王腾和星陨尊者试图剿灭弑血魔尊所化的血丝时,另一边血神祭坛之上的血神分身,直接就是爆了一句粗口。 Murdered blood Demon Venerable to run away unexpectedly? 弑血魔尊居然就这么逃走了? He what to do? 那他怎么办? Just how he must withdraw in the ponder, finally has not acted to murder blood Demon Venerable the speed of light to be defeated with enough time, moreover chose escaping, not with immortal level revering of that mechanical clan hard anti-. 刚刚他就在思考要如何脱身,结果还没来得及行动弑血魔尊就已经光速落败,而且还选择了逃跑,并没有与那机械族的不朽级尊者硬抗到底。 However he changes mind thinks, understood actually immediately. 不过他转念一想,倒是马上就理解了。 Arrived so the situation, murdered blood Demon Venerable to have no odds of success, perhaps hits also to build again it. 到了如此地步,弑血魔尊已经没有任何胜算了,再打下去没准还会把它自己搭进去。 With it so, might as well keeps the sufficient strength, if can move out, perhaps can also that side the fight to billows machine void fortress play the role. 与其如此,还不如保留足够的实力,若是能够全身而退,没准还能够对澜机虚空堡垒那边的战斗起到作用。 After all a high-rank Demon Venerable level has the strength is very considerable, where regardless of places, is not allow to neglect. 毕竟一尊上位魔尊级存在战力可是十分可观的,无论放在哪里,都不容忽视。 Walks!” “走!” The blood god clone vision flashes, has almost not hesitated, immediately is controlling the blood god altar, making him change to together the flowing light, ran away to go toward the distant place void. 血神分身目光闪动,几乎没有迟疑,立刻控制着血神祭坛,令其化作一道流光,朝着远处虚空逃遁而去。 Dark Species above blood god altar is one startled, they have not gotten back one's composure from just fight, finally the blood god clone to bring them to travel in an instant. 血神祭坛之上的黑暗种都是不由一惊,它们还未从刚刚的战斗中回过神,结果一转眼血神分身就带着它们跑路了。 However they quick responded. 不过它们很快就反应了过来。 Obviously, this fight, their Dark World...... defeat! 很显然,这次的战斗,它们黑暗世界……败了! Thorough of very defeat! 败的很彻底! Murdered blood Demon Venerable to choose running away continually now, this simply was the disastrous defeat. 连弑血魔尊如今都选择了逃走,这简直就是惨败啊。 Who can think that finally unexpectedly is such result. 谁能想到最终竟然是这样的结果。 They with the cinders ore weapon came, to be full of confidence with being proud, thought that does not need to spend many times, decides however can take this iron weapon fort defense line. 原本它们携烬矿兵器而来,充满了信心与自负,觉得根本不用花费多少功夫,定然能够将这铁械堡防线拿下。 Finally actually completely counter-. 结果却完全反了过来。 They not only have not taken the iron weapon fort defense line, instead fell a disastrous defeat, now wants dingy escaping. 它们不但没有拿下铁械堡防线,反而落了个惨败,如今更是要灰溜溜的逃跑。 Although compares in Dark Species that these fall from the sky, now should feel to rejoice by Dark Species that the blood god altar asylum lives. 虽然相比于那些殒落的黑暗种,如今被血神祭坛庇护而活下来的黑暗种都应该感到庆幸。 However facing the result, Dark Species that all fortunately survives is the heart is so heavy, least bit happy. 但是面对如此结局,所有幸存下来的黑暗种都是心头沉重,半点都高兴不起来。 And...... 而且…… „To walk!” “想走!” Stays behind to me!” “给我留下!” Ram Yu Hetie wing Hou detects immediately the change of blood god altar, went toward the blood god altar attack in abundance. 公羊裕和铁翼侯立刻察觉到了血神祭坛的异动,纷纷朝着血神祭坛攻击而去。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! Two tyrannical Source Power attacks raid to the blood god altar, wanting to intercept it. 两道强横的原力攻击袭向血神祭坛,欲要将其拦截下来。 Ha haha...... this blood wants to walk, you cannot block.” “哈哈哈……本血子想走,你们拦不住。” Big laughter spreads from the blood god altar, the blood god clone to control the blood god altar to change to the flowing light, the speed will draw near pinnacle, will avoid two attacks directly, will not meet the tough head-on with toughness with them. 一阵大笑声从血神祭坛之上传出,血神分身控制着血神祭坛化作流光,速度快到了极致,直接避开两道攻击,并不与他们硬碰硬。 The might that now the blood god altar can play, will not compare the conferring nobility upon immortal level to have weak many, if escapes purely, wants to block it is not but actually easy. 如今血神祭坛所能发挥出的威力,并不会比封侯不朽级存在弱多少,如果单纯逃跑的话,想要将其拦下倒也并没有那么容易。 Let alone blood god clone within the body also has the strength of space the main body reserves, to escape to prepare. 何况血神分身体内还有着本尊预留下来的空间之力,就是为了逃跑做准备的。 Facial color some of ram Yu Hetie wing marquis are unattractive, before cannot do to this blood group Dark Species talent also even, under if now makes the opposite party hide in their eyes runs away, they lose face. 公羊裕和铁翼侯的面色有些不好看,之前未能奈何这血族黑暗种天才也就算了,如今若是让对方在他们的眼皮子底下逃走,那他们才是丢尽了脸面。 Two conferring nobility upon immortal levels cannot block mid-rank demon sovereign level peak Dark Species, will pass on to become the joke. 两个封侯不朽级拦不住一个中位魔皇级巅峰黑暗种,传出去必会成为笑话。 Stays behind to me.” “给我留下。” Ram Yu loudly shouts, displays the extreme speed directly, caught up with the blood god altar, but the war sword in subsequent hand displays the powerful sword light directly. 公羊裕大喝一声,直接施展极速,追上了血神祭坛,而后手中的战剑直接施展出强大的剑光。 Immortal level Fighting technique- desert Saint sword! 不朽级战技-瀚海圣剑! All around of endless sword light blockade blood god altar, making him have no way out. 无尽的剑光封锁血神祭坛的四周,让其无路可走。 The iron wing marquis has not been idling, controls that spirit to read the strength weapon gold/metal Yiliu cone of light, similarly surrounded all around of blood god altar. 铁翼侯也没有闲着,操控着那精神念力兵器金翼流光锥,同样是将血神祭坛的四周包围了起来。 Two conferring nobility upon immortal levels use the strongest method simultaneously, cannot be underestimated absolutely. 两位封侯不朽级同时施展自身最强的手段,绝对是不容小觑的。 Dark Species above blood god altar is the complexion big change, in the heart with amazement. 血神祭坛之上的黑暗种皆是面色大变,心中骇然至极。 Besieging and pursuing of two conferring nobility upon immortal levels block off, their blood group blood can bring them to leave safely? 两位封侯不朽级的围追堵截,它们这位血族血子能够带着它们安然离开吗? In numerous Dark Species hearts raised a despair, does not have the high hope. 众多黑暗种心中都是升起了一丝绝望,根本不抱多大的希望。 You first arrive in my space.” “你们先到我的空间里去吧。” The blood god clone vision concentrates, immediately naturally does not dare to neglect, the big hand wields, took in Dark Species above blood god altar own space entirely. 血神分身目光微凝,当下自然不敢怠慢,大手一挥,将血神祭坛之上的黑暗种统统收进了自身的空间之中。 They outside, will only affect him to travel. 它们在外面,只会影响他跑路。 Throws down them directly, is unlikely. 直接丢下它们,又不大可能。 These Dark Species to some of his also many uses, can guarantee, is naturally best is guarantees. 这些黑暗种对他还有不少用处,能保下来,自然最好是保下来。 The previous main body helped him absorb that heavenly pillar Yamanoue's space luckily, making him also be able to carry some lives along, facilitated actually. 幸好上次本尊助他吸收了那天柱山之上的空间,让他也能够随身携带一些生灵,倒是方便了许多。 Then, bringing them to travel with him travels, actually did not have much difference. 如此一来,带着它们跑路和他自己一个人跑路,其实并没有多大区别了。 After these Dark Species income spaces, Wang Teng controls the blood god to project immediately, loudly eruption. 将这些黑暗种收入空间之内后,王腾立刻控制血神投影,轰然爆发。 He has not tried to resist the attacks of two conferring nobility upon immortal levels completely, such needs to consume too many strengths, does not favor him then travelling. 他并没有试图完全抵挡两位封侯不朽级的攻击,那样需要耗费太多的力量,不利于他接下来跑路。 Let alone the blood god altar has the protection, can resist their offensive temporarily. 何况血神祭坛本身就具备防护作用,可以暂时抵挡他们的攻势。 But he must do, then in the attacks of two conferring nobility upon immortal levels, breaks open an opening, thus escaped the birth day. 而他所要做,便是在两位封侯不朽级的攻击中,破开一个豁口,从而逃出生天。 Bang! 轰! Above one group of dazzling blood light since the blood god projects erupts, then the projection of this terrifying moved loudly, It sets out from the blood god altar, huge body like gods. 一团耀眼的血光自血神投影之上爆发,而后这尊恐怖的投影轰然动了起来,祂从血神祭坛之上起身,巨大的身躯如同神明。 The blood-color that in his hand condenses fights the sword to erupt a dazzling sword light suddenly. 其手中凝聚的血色战剑骤然爆发出一道耀眼的剑光。 Demon Venerable level Fighting technique- blood shadow swordsmanship! 魔尊战技-血影剑法! The bloodshed domain, melts the boundary nine steps! 血海领域,融境九阶! The dark domain, melts the boundary nine steps! 黑暗领域,融境九阶! Dark source, eight steps! 黑暗本源,八阶! The source of blood, eight steps! 血之本源,八阶! The strength of source principle domains and two eight step levels that two types melt the boundary nine steps, integrates in this together sword light entirely. 两种融境九阶的领域和两种八阶层次的本源法则之力,统统融入这一道剑光之中。 In an instant, the terrifying sword light shoots up to the sky, goes directly to thousand zhang (3.33 m), during is vertically and horizontally void, making one shock. 刹那间,恐怖的剑光冲天而起,直达千丈大小,纵横虚空之中,令人震撼。 Above is twining the blood-color and black two strange rune/symbol writing, after interconnection, changes to rune/symbol writing chains, lends the powerful incomparable aura. 上面缠绕着血色与黑色两种奇异的符文,相互连接之后,化作符文锁链,更是散发出强大无匹的气息。 The blood god clone the strength actuation blood god by blood god altar to project, the prestige energy that can display, has endured the ratio conferring nobility upon immortal level to exist at this moment. 血神分身以血神祭坛的力量驱动血神投影,所能发挥出的威能,此刻已然堪比封侯不朽级存在。 Opens to me!” “给我开!” Sonic boom drinks from the blood god clone mouth spreads. 一声爆喝从血神分身口中传出。 The sword light falls loudly, the diameter dropped down in front void. 剑光轰然落下,径直落在了前方的虚空之中。 The complexion of ram Yu Hetie wing marquis all in abundance changes, reveals the unbelievable color, can this blood group Dark Species talent erupt the so powerful offensive unexpectedly? 公羊裕和铁翼侯的面色俱是纷纷一变,露出难以置信之色,这个血族黑暗种天才竟然可以爆发出如此强大的攻势? Has not waited for them to think, the blood-color sword light has then fallen. 还不等他们多想,血色剑光便已是落下。 Bang! 轰隆! A loud sound spreads, the blood red sword light and ram abundant desert sword light collided in one, drove back it unexpectedly. 一声巨响传出,血红色剑光与公羊裕的瀚海剑光碰撞在了一起,竟是将其逼退了出去。 Meanwhile, the gold/metal wing class/flow cone of light of iron wing marquis was also rumbled to fly unceasingly, toward shoots to open in all directions. 与此同时,铁翼侯的金翼流光锥亦是不断被轰飞出去,朝着四面八方倒射而开。 The attacks of two conferring nobility upon immortal levels, actually clone to break open by the blood god forcefully. 两位封侯不朽级的攻击,竟然被血神分身硬生生的破开了。 The ram abundant pupil contraction, in the heart raises an ominous premonition. 公羊裕瞳孔收缩,心中升起一丝不祥的预感。 Bang! 轰! In the meantime, that blood-color sword light complete explosion, tore the ram abundant desert sword light unexpectedly directly, broke open an opening their attacks thoroughly. 就在此时,那血色剑光完全爆发,竟是直接撕裂了公羊裕的瀚海剑光,彻底将他们的攻击破开了一道口子。 „It is not good, blocks it quickly.” The ram abundant pupil shrinks, loudly shouted hastily. “不好,快拦住它。”公羊裕瞳孔一缩,连忙大喝道。 Iron wing Hou Like controls that golden flowing light gatherings to come, to change to a giant golden cone, goes toward the blood god altar bombardment. 铁翼侯立刻控制着那一道道金色流光汇聚而来,化作一道巨大的金色锥体,朝着血神祭坛轰击而去。 However the unexpected situation appears. 不过令人意想不到的情况出现。 The blood god who threatened projected disappeared suddenly, what was following was rich black mist. 原本气势汹汹的血神投影突然消失了,随之而来的是一股浓郁至极的黑色雾气。 The fog of idle demon! 惰魔之雾! The fog of misleading! 蛊惑之雾! At this moment, the blood god clone to use these two strengths directly, making the mist fill the air void, submerged all. 这一刻,血神分身直接动用了这两种力量,让雾气弥漫虚空,淹没一切。 gold/metal Yiliu the cone of light lost the goal instantaneously. 那金翼流光锥瞬间失去了目标。 Be careful, this mist is not right!” Ram Yu reminded hastily. “小心,这雾气不对劲!”公羊裕连忙提醒道。 „Does this seem like the method of idle fog clan?” The iron wing marquis vision flashes, later cold snort/hum, said: „To confuse me with this method and others, dream of a fool.” “这似乎是惰雾族的手段?”铁翼侯目光闪动,随后冷哼一声,道:“想用这种手段迷惑我等,痴人说梦。” Bang! 轰! Finishes speaking, his direct drive gold/metal Yiliu the cone of light is then shelling to go toward the mist. 话音刚落,他便直接驱动着金翼流光锥朝着雾气中轰击而去。 Under the iron wing marquis's control, gold/metal Yiliu the cone of light super revolving, all around mist was rolled up and pushed along, formed a huge vortex. 在铁翼侯的操控下,金翼流光锥高速旋转了起来,四周的雾气被卷动,形成了一个巨大的旋涡。 The thing and misleading fog of idle fog, although is influential to the life, but actually makes the inadequate any influence on the weapon. 惰雾之物和蛊惑之雾虽然对生灵有影响,但是对兵器却是造不成任何影响。 Therefore under the iron wing marquis this strikes, that filled the void mist to be curled a cavity unexpectedly forcefully, letting the person can see clearly inside situation. 因此在铁翼侯这一击之下,那弥漫虚空的雾气竟是被硬生生卷出了一个空洞,让人可以看清里面的情形。 Vanished?!!” “消失了?!!” However the ram Yu Hetie wing marquis is actually startled, because they discover in that mist simply not to have the form that the blood god clone, is not only so, even that giant blood god altar vanishes to disappear. 然而公羊裕和铁翼侯却是大吃一惊,因为他们发现那雾气之中根本没有血神分身的身影,不仅是如此,连那巨大的血神祭坛都消失不见了。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Ran by him?” “被他跑了?” Two people startled and anger, iron wing Hou Geng control gold/metal Yiliu the cone of light to sweep away all around mist unceasingly, tries to ask the hemorrhage god clone. 两人又惊又怒,铁翼侯更是操控着金翼流光锥不断横扫四周的雾气,试图找出血神分身。 But is the futile effort. 但不过是徒劳。 In that mist, as if no form that the blood god clone. 那片雾气之中,似乎早就没有了血神分身的身影。 The ram abundant complexion is ugly, all around vision glance void, anything had not actually discovered as before. 公羊裕面色难看,目光扫视四周虚空,却依旧什么都没有发现。 Another side, under Wang Teng and encircling of star meteor revering, a lot of capillaries were burnt down the elimination, but in two people of hearts actually not slight happy meaning. 另一边,在王腾和星陨尊者的围剿之下,大量的血丝都被焚毁消灭,但两人心中却都没有丝毫的高兴之意。 It is not right! 不对劲! It is not right! 非常不对劲! That murders blood Demon Venerable, although opened the mouth one time, but has not actually opened the mouth finally again, silent, even if were they burns to extinguish a lot of capillaries, has not opened a mouth again. 那弑血魔尊虽然开口了一次,但最终却没有再开口,无声无息,哪怕是他们焚灭了大量的血丝,也始终没有再开过一次口。 So situation, without doubt very unusual. 如此情形,无疑非常的反常。 Therefore Wang Teng and star meteor revering guessed that murdered blood Demon Venerable most likely (80%) to run away, they cannot strike to kill it finally. 所以王腾和星陨尊者都猜测,那弑血魔尊八成是已经逃走了,他们最终并没能将其击杀。 Regarding this result, some Wang Teng early expectations, but in the heart is somewhat helpless. 对于这个结果,王腾早有预料,但心中还是有些无奈。 He shakes the head, no longer thinks, said no matter how, this difficult fight dropped the curtain, but they were a side of victory. 他摇了摇头,不再多想,不管怎么说,这场艰难的战斗算是落下了帷幕,而他们算是胜利的一方。 They...... won! 他们……赢了! Wang Teng looks toward all around, the vision institute, on the faces of all bright universe Martial Artist gradually showed a smile, that is the joy of victory. 王腾朝着四周望去,目光所及,所有光明宇宙武者的脸上都是逐渐露出了一丝笑容,那是胜利的喜悦。 At this time, the flowing light departed from that huge mechanical giant body together, falls on the Wang Teng side. 这时,一道流光从那庞大的机械巨人身躯内飞出,落在了王腾的身旁。 Senior!” Wang Teng called out. “前辈!”王腾叫道。 Wang Teng, a moment ago many thanks you, if not the strength of your immortality, I am unable to defeat that to murder blood Demon Venerable at the overwhelming strength.” Star meteor revering deep looked at his one eyes, said. 王腾,刚才多谢你了,如果不是你的不朽之力,我也无法以压倒性的力量击败那弑血魔尊。”星陨尊者深深的看了他一眼,说道。
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