AAMD :: Volume #22

#2145: Murders blood Demon Venerable, your dead end to! star

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Chapter 2145 murders blood Demon Venerable, your dead end to! Great strength of star meteor revering! Escapes?( Sought subscription) 第2145章弑血魔尊,你的末路到了!星陨尊者的强大!逃?(求订阅) Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The fierce bellow resounds through in void unceasingly, each thunders follows terrifying Source Power to sweep away the four directions inevitably, shakes space cracks. 剧烈的轰鸣声在虚空中不断响彻,每一道轰鸣必然伴随着恐怖的原力横扫四方,震荡出一道道空间裂缝。 Two huge bodies change to the flowing light, crazy collision in void. 两道庞大的身躯化作流光,在虚空中疯狂的碰撞。 They become this piece void, most focus. 他们成为了这片虚空下,最为瞩目的焦点。 Wang Teng opened Pupil of True Sight, Is observing distant place void the fight. 王腾打开了【真视之瞳】,观察着远处虚空中的战斗。 The ray that side Source Power attack erupts is quite dazzling, the common person is unable to see clearly situation. 那边原力攻击所爆发的光芒极为耀眼,寻常人根本无法看清其中的情形。 Even Wang Teng, must open Pupil of True Sight, Can quite clear sees clearly fight situation of both sides. 就算是王腾,也必须打开【真视之瞳】,才能较为清晰的看清双方的战斗情形。 At this time, sees only murders the blood fog of blood Demon Venerable body surface to be torn unceasingly, the extremely rich mist became thin, this made its aura weaken much. 此时,只见弑血魔尊体表的血雾不断被撕裂,原本极为浓郁的雾气变得稀薄了许多,这让它身上的气息减弱了不少。 Moreover, that terrifying spear/gun glow fall above murdering the blood Demon Venerable body, making it be damaged unceasingly. 不仅如此,那一道道恐怖的枪芒更是落在弑血魔尊的身躯之上,让它不断受创。 Although murders blood Demon Venerable always to be able by the powerful race talent rapidly to restore, even the blood of least bit source has not flowed out. 尽管弑血魔尊总能凭借强大的种族天赋快速恢复,甚至连半点本源之血都没有外流。 But is injured is injured after all, is impossible unprevailing. 但受伤毕竟是受伤,不可能毫无影响。 But this type affects the bystander unable to see. 只不过这种影响外人看不到罢了。 Naturally, star meteor revering also has injured, above his huge mechanical body was also rumbled huge wounds. 当然,星陨尊者也并非没有受伤,他那庞大的机械身躯之上亦是被轰出了一个个巨大的伤口。 However what is astounding, that metal body restores in the creeping motion unexpectedly, just like the flesh is ordinary. 不过令人惊奇的是,那金属身躯竟然在蠕动恢复,犹如血肉一般。 Wang Teng has not been the body of surprised, mechanical clan can actually restore, so long as is not the damage is too serious, regardless of being damaged many times, can get back. 王腾倒是没有感到意外,机械族的身躯本就可以恢复,只要不是损伤太严重,无论受损多少次,都可以恢复过来。 At present this mechanical giant, actually can also be counted a mechanical clan body. 眼前这机械巨人,其实也可以算作一种机械族身躯。 Makes Wang Teng be that what is only surprised, the present mechanical body is very huge, is changed to come by the entire washer weapon fort defense line, the special metal that its needs without doubt is very many. 唯一让王腾感到意外的是,眼前的机械身躯十分庞大,是由整座铁械堡防线变化而来,其所需的特殊金属无疑是非常多的。 If the entire washer weapon fort defense line used this special metal, that is really the huge writing skill. 若是整座铁械堡防线都动用了这种特殊金属,那真是天大的手笔。 After all such a mechanical giant body, made the innumerable normal sizes sufficiently the mechanical clan body. 毕竟这样一尊机械巨人身躯,足以制造出无数个正常大小的机械族身躯了。 Wang Teng guessed secretly, even the mechanical clan, the special metal perhaps will not be like this many. 王腾暗自猜测,就算是机械族,这样的特殊金属恐怕也不会太多。 Murdered blood Demon Venerable to be suppressed completely.” “弑血魔尊完全被压制了。” Wang Teng observes the war of distant place, in the heart was talking to oneself. 王腾观察着远处的大战,心中自语。 The strength of star meteor revering without doubt is very powerful, now had this huge mechanical body, can the strength complete display. 星陨尊者的实力无疑是非常强大的,如今有了这具庞大的机械身躯,更是能够将自身实力完完全全的发挥出来。 Murdered blood Demon Venerable to fall into immediately leeward. 弑血魔尊顿时陷入了下风之中。 Ram Yu, iron wing marquis and the others also saw this, in the heart was encouraged. 公羊裕,铁翼侯等人亦是看到了这一幕,心中振奋。 So long as defeats this high-rank Demon Venerable level to exist, Dark Species will not have the threat again. 只要打败这头上位魔尊级存在,黑暗种将再无威胁。 During these surplus Dark Species are falls into is terrified, they have not thought that will murder blood Demon Venerable to be suppressed unexpectedly, will not seem like that huge mechanical giant opponent. 那些剩余的黑暗种则是陷入惶恐不安之中,它们没有想到弑血魔尊竟然会被压制,似乎不是那尊庞大的机械巨人对手。 It seems like must be ready that travels beforehand.” Above the blood god altar, the blood god clone vision flashes, the heart central disk considers as finished. “看来要事先做好跑路的准备了。”血神祭坛之上,血神分身目光微闪,心中盘算了起来。 This fought here, has basically achieved the main body with the result that he estimated that although the process was slightly tortuous, even had many accidents/surprises, but should not have anything to change finally again. 这场大战到了这里,基本已经达到了本尊与他预想的结果,虽然过程略显曲折,甚至出现了不少意外,但结果应该不会再有什么变化了。 But murders blood Demon Venerable , if defeated, he will become will naturally be the target of public criticism, when the time comes wants to escape again, it is estimated that was late. 而弑血魔尊若是落败,他自然就会成为众矢之的,到时候再想逃跑,估计就迟了。 Roar!” “吼!” As the fight is conducted, murdering in the blood Demon Venerable heart is getting more and more aggrieved, is getting more and more angry, in the mouth erupts together deafening angry roaring. 随着战斗进行,弑血魔尊心中越来越憋屈,越来越愤怒,口中不由爆发出一道震耳欲聋的怒吼。 Buzz! 嗡! Star meteor revering is actually not used to it, immediately seized the opportunity, a mechanical big hand changes to the energy artillery shape suddenly, the endless energy gathering, the eruption, changes to together the energy light beam bombardment loudly. 星陨尊者却不惯着它,当即抓住了机会,一只机械大手骤然化作能量炮形态,无尽能量汇聚,轰然爆发,化作一道能量光柱轰击而出。 Bang! 轰! Murders the blood Demon Venerable pupil to shrink, immediately dodges to open toward the one side. 弑血魔尊瞳孔一缩,当即朝着一旁闪避而开。 But late one step. 但还是迟了一步。 That golden energy light beam bombardment in left Fuchu who murders blood Demon Venerable, rumbled forcefully a large cave/hole its body, the blood spurted void. 那道金色的能量光柱轰击在了弑血魔尊的左腹处,将它的身躯硬生生轰出了一个大洞,鲜血飞洒虚空。 Murdered the blood Demon Venerable body to be rumbled to fly upside down, flew horizontally hundreds of thousands li (0.5 km) far, stopped. 弑血魔尊的身躯更是被轰得倒飞了出去,足足横飞十几万里之远,才堪堪停下。 Roar! 吼! The angry roar from murdering the blood Demon Venerable mouth spreads. 愤怒的吼声从弑血魔尊口中传出。 From commencing of action now, it is injured for the first time such heaviness, half body must be rumbled broken, if had not just avoided promptly, perhaps its entire body must be rumbled two halves. 从战斗开始到现在,它还是第一次受伤如此之重,半个身躯都要被轰碎,如果刚刚没有及时避开,它的整个身躯恐怕都要被轰成两半。 After using this mechanical giant, the energy that immortal level revering of that mechanical clan can use is more boundless and terrifying, this point it has to acknowledge. 动用了这尊机械巨人之后,那机械族的不朽级尊者所能动用的能量更为磅礴与恐怖,这一点它不得不承认。 Therefore, opposite party every strikes cannot belittle. 因此,对方的每一击都不能小觑。 Otherwise causes the fatal damage to it sufficiently. 否则足以对它造成致命的伤害。 Murders blood Demon Venerable to lower the head to look, later the body erupts the intense blood light, the blood fog of its outside the body contracted immediately, toward wound gathering. 弑血魔尊低头望去,随后身上爆发出强烈的血光,其体外的血雾顿时收缩了起来,朝着伤口汇聚。 That giant blood hole starts to heal at the visible speed immediately. 那巨大的血洞立刻开始以肉眼可见的速度愈合。 This astonishing. 这一幕惊人至极。 The so fearful injury, can actually restore in the short several breath time, perhaps also only then Dark Species can achieve. 如此可怕的伤势,竟然能够在短短几个呼吸时间内恢复,恐怕也只有黑暗种能够做到了。 Meanwhile, murders blood Demon Venerable not to idle, it raised the head suddenly, vision gloomy and cold is staring at star meteor revering of distant place. 与此同时,弑血魔尊也没有闲着,它猛然抬起头,目光阴冷的盯着远处的星陨尊者。 Blood sickle cuts!” “血镰斩!” Whooshes resounds. 一声嘶吼响起。 Sees only murders blood Demon Venerable to lift four arms suddenly, has lifted up high the top of the head, the blood light gathering, a huge incomparable blood red sickle blade condenses immediately. 只见弑血魔尊骤然抬起四只手臂,高举过头顶,血光汇聚,一道巨大无比的血红色镰刃当即凝聚而出。 Grasped the blood red sickle in its hand also changes to the blood light, integrated in this giant blood red sickle blade. 原本握于它手中的血红色镰刀亦是化作血光,融入到了这道巨大的血红色镰刃之中。 Strange blood-color, black rune/symbol writing gathers to come, the brand mark above that blood red sickle blade, the interconnection winding, changed to the rune/symbol writing chains, crash-bang makes noise, sends out the extremely tyrannical fluctuation. 一道道奇异的血色,黑色符文汇聚而来,烙印在了那血红色的镰刃之上,相互连接缠绕,化作一道道符文锁链,哗啦作响,散发出极为强横的波动。 In addition, in an immortal strength quiet integration sickle blade, making this sickle blade have a heavy/thick invincible might of difficult word. 除此之外,还有一股不朽之力悄无声息的融入镰刃之中,让这镰刃更是多出了一股难言的厚重神威。 As if...... immortal does not extinguish! 仿佛……不朽不灭! The time, the bloody, dark aura then fills the air from the blood red sickle blade, sweeps across void. 顿时间,血腥,黑暗的气息便是从血红色镰刃之上弥漫而出,席卷虚空。 Even if is away from far away, can make people feel the strength of bloody darkness contains, this blood-color sickle blade condenses together merely, is sends out to let the prestige energy that the person is inconceivable. 哪怕是隔着老远,都能够让人感觉到其中所蕴含的血腥黑暗之力,这一道血色镰刃仅仅只是凝聚而出,便已是散发出了让人难以想象的威能。 Wang Teng saw this, the pupil contracted fiercely. 王腾看到这一幕,瞳孔剧烈的收缩了一下。 This strikes, wanted is too more than former all attacks powerful, if were used to cope with him, he could not block, even if borrowed explodes class/flow big is not good void. 这一击,比之前所有的攻击都要强大太多,如果用来对付他,他根本挡不住,就算是借用虚空爆流大阵都不行。 It seems like murdered the blood Demon Venerable also compelled use full power. 看来弑血魔尊也是被逼的动用全力了。 Ram Yu Hetie wing Hou Yi is detected that what, serious incomparable, murdered blood Demon Venerable as if to erupt thoroughly, does not know that star meteor revering can block? 公羊裕和铁翼侯亦是察觉到了什么,面色凝重无比,弑血魔尊似乎要彻底爆发了,不知道星陨尊者能不能挡得住? Star meteor revering did not say a word, the huge mechanical body stood erect in void, just like ice-cold gods, in his hand the long spear/gun referred to the above slantingly. 星陨尊者却是一言不发,庞大的机械身躯屹立于虚空中,宛如一尊冰冷的神明,其手中长枪斜指上方。 Clang! 锵! The sound of clear and melodious metal trembling cry resounds through in void together. 一道清越至极的金属颤鸣之音在虚空中响彻而起。 Has not waited for the people to think, a dazzling dazzling golden ray erupted above the long spear/gun, punctured void, does not know that spread several thousand zhang (3.33 m). 还不等众人多想,一道耀眼刺目的金色光芒在长枪之上爆发,刺破了虚空,不知蔓延几千丈。 Above the long spear/gun, golden rune/symbol writing melt obviously, the interconnection, changes to the chains, twines above the spear/gun glow. 长枪之上,一道道金色符文显化而出,相互连接,化作锁链,缠绕在枪芒之上。 Afterward star meteor revering also used own immortal strength, integrates in the spear/gun glow, making this spear/gun glow send out the incomparable invincible might together. 随后星陨尊者亦是动用了自身的不朽之力,融入枪芒之中,让这一道枪芒散发出无匹的神威。 In the Wang Teng heart moves suddenly, immediately passes message to star meteor revering said: Senior, your attacks whether to integrate the immortal strength of bystander?” 王腾心中突然一动,立刻传音对星陨尊者道:“前辈,你这道攻击可否融入外人的不朽之力?” Un?” Movement of star meteor revering, was stumped by Wang Teng this issue slightly obviously, but he responds immediately, said: Ok.” “嗯?”星陨尊者的动作微微一顿,显然被王腾这个问题问住了,不过他立刻反应过来,道:“可以。” That asked the senior to be ready.” Wang Teng rubbish, said directly. “那就请前辈做好准备。”王腾没有废话,直接说道。 Finishes speaking, an immortal strength surges from his within the body, under the space fluctuation, appears around star meteor revering that spear/gun glow directly, integrates in the spear/gun glow. 话音刚落,一股不朽之力从他体内涌动而出,空间波动之下,直接出现在星陨尊者那道枪芒四周,融入枪芒之内。 Star meteor revering stares slightly, he curious Wang Teng must make anything, suddenly felt that emerging out of thin air immortal strength, in the heart is more astonished. 星陨尊者微微一愣,他正好奇王腾要做什么,突然就感觉到了那股凭空出现的不朽之力,心中更为惊异。 This is Wang Teng...... immortal strength?!” “这是王腾的……不朽之力?!” He responds immediately, this must be the Wang Teng immortal strength, the beforehand fight he had detected that Wang Teng has the immortal strength, but has not actually thought that the Wang Teng immortal strength is so unexpectedly powerful. 他立刻反应过来,这应当就是王腾的不朽之力,之前的战斗他就已经察觉到王腾拥有不朽之力,但却没想到王腾的不朽之力竟然这么强大。 At this time integrates the immortal strength in spear/gun glow, at least was the fourth-order level. 此时融入枪芒之中的不朽之力,起码达到了四阶层次。 Although missed a point compared with the strength of his immortality, but actually also cannot be underestimated. 虽然比他的不朽之力差了一点,但却也不容小觑。 But had integrations of these immortal strength, the spear/gun glow that he condenses then can play a stronger might, the odds of success without doubt will be bigger a point. 而有了这些不朽之力的融入,他所凝聚的这道枪芒便可以发挥出更为强大的威力,胜算无疑会更大一分。 Star meteor revering deep looked at Wang Teng, no longer thinks, immediately controls this external immortal strength, made in its smooth integration spear/gun glow. 星陨尊者深深的看了一眼王腾,不再多想,立刻控制这股外来的不朽之力,令其顺利的融入枪芒之中。 The immortal strength that if this immortal strength grasps him is more powerful, he wants to integrate in his Fighting technique it truly is not an easy matter. 如果这股不朽之力比他掌握的不朽之力更为强大,他想要将其融入自身的战技中确实不是一件易事。 But the Wang Teng immortal strength is weaker than him, he controls naturally unable to be extremely difficult. 王腾的不朽之力比他弱不少,他控制起来自然不会太过困难。 However is time of breath, star meteor revering had then completed the fusion. 不过是一息的时间,星陨尊者便已是完成了融合。 That golden spear/gun glow sends out the dazzling ray immediately, shining upon the big piece is void. 那道金色枪芒顿时散发出更为耀眼的光芒,映照大片虚空。 All these is a long story, happened in several breath actually. 这一切说来话长,实则不过是发生在几个呼吸之间。 Murders blood Demon Venerable not to detect exceptionally, its blood red sickle blade had condensed thoroughly, spans in void, that sharp sickle blade makes void unable to withstand, cracked directly, had space cracks. 弑血魔尊并未察觉到异常,它的血红色镰刃已然彻底凝聚了出来,横亘在虚空之中,那锋利的镰刃让虚空都无法承受,径直崩裂,出现了一道道空间裂缝。 Death!” “死!” The ice-cold roar murders in the blood Demon Venerable mouth to erupt together suddenly, its four arms wield fiercely, control top of the head that giant blood-color sickle blade to cut under. 一道冰冷的吼声陡然自弑血魔尊口中爆发而出,它那四只手臂猛地一挥,控制着头顶那巨大的血色镰刃一斩而下。 !!...... 咔嚓!咔嚓!咔嚓…… The space spread extremely clear crashing, as if the glass disruption, around the sickle blade has the innumerable cracks immediately. 空间传出了极为清晰的碎裂声,仿佛玻璃碎裂,镰刃四周顿时出现无数裂缝。 Kills!” “杀!” Star meteor revering also refuses to admit being inferior, spreads sonic boom to drink fiercely, the long spear/gun in hand punctures loudly. 星陨尊者亦是不甘示弱,猛地传出一声爆喝,手中的长枪轰然刺出。 The golden spear/gun glow is vertically and horizontally void, welcomed instantaneously to blood-color sickle blade that murdered blood Demon Venerable. 金色的枪芒纵横虚空,瞬间迎向了弑血魔尊的血色镰刃。 Clang! 铛! The sound of deafening metal trembling cry resounds through together void, the collisions of two attacks just like the true almighty troops clash, but is not the Source Power attack. 一道震耳欲聋的金属颤鸣之声响彻虚空,两道攻击的碰撞犹如真正的神兵相击,而并非原力攻击。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! But the next quarter, during two attacks is to all erupt the tyrannical Source Power fluctuation, sweeps across in all directions. 但下一刻,两道攻击之中皆是爆发出强横的原力波动,席卷四面八方。 In the surplus bright universe Martial Artist heart with amazement, definitely is unable to approach slightly, backs up to go toward the rear area in abundance, was for fear that affected. 剩余的光明宇宙武者心中骇然,完全无法靠近丝毫,纷纷朝着后方倒退而去,生怕被波及。 These two attacks were too powerful, common Martial Artist cannot resist. 这两道攻击太强大了,寻常武者根本抵挡不住。 Dies to the main body!” Murders blood Demon Venerable to exude one to angrily roar, within the body strength erupts, continuous floods into that blood-color sickle blade. “给本尊去死!”弑血魔尊发出一声怒吼,体内力量爆发,源源不断的涌入那血色镰刃之内。 Bang! 轰! The terrifying strength erupts from the blood-color sickle blade, making this sickle blade as if change to the peerless almighty troops together , without to prevent. 恐怖的力量从血色镰刃之上爆发,让这一道镰刃仿佛化作绝世神兵,无可阻挡。 Gold/Metal god cracking blank round!” “金神裂空枪!” At this time, in that huge mechanical giant double pupil erupts the dazzling golden ray immediately, later the tranquil sound resounded through together suddenly. 这时,那庞大的机械巨人双眸之中立刻爆发出刺目的金色光芒,随后一道平静的声音骤然响彻而起。 Bang! 轰! That say/way swift and fierce incomparable golden color spear/gun glow blooms suddenly the dazzling ray, then innumerable golden spear/gun glow from splits up, changes to the mighty current, toward murdering blood Demon Venerable that blood red sickle blade bombardment goes. 那道凌厉无比的金色枪芒骤然绽放出刺目的光芒,而后无数的金色枪芒从其中分化而出,化作洪流,朝着弑血魔尊那道血红色的镰刃轰击而去。 At present sudden, it may be said that was astonishing to the extreme. 眼前突然出现的这一幕,可谓是惊人到了极点。 No one has thought that in that giant golden spear/gun glow, can erupt such much spear/gun glow unexpectedly, even formed a mighty current of revolving, erupts extremely tyrannical destructive power. 谁都没有想到那巨大的金色枪芒之中,竟然还能爆发出如此之多的枪芒,甚至形成了一道旋转的洪流,爆发出极为强横的破坏力。 Void was torn directly, the innumerable spaces also appear emptily, was rumbled the screen to be the same unexpectedly. 虚空径直被撕裂,无数空间空洞随之出现,竟是被轰成了筛子一般。 rune/symbol writing above blood-color sickle blade starts to collapse, the above strength was disintegrated. 血色镰刃之上的符文开始崩溃,上面的力量被瓦解。 Ka ka ka...... 咔咔咔…… Afterward is unable to withstand the load the sound spreads, above the blood-color sickle blade presented fissures impressively, toward is spreading to open in all directions. 随后不堪重负般的声响传出,血色镰刃之上赫然出现了一道道的裂痕,正朝着四面八方蔓延而开。 Under this spear/gun, murders the blood Demon Venerable blood-color sickle blade to unable to resist unexpectedly. 这一枪之下,弑血魔尊的血色镰刃竟然要抵挡不住。 All bright universe Martial Artist could not bear get hold of the fist, in the eye revealed the glow of pleasant surprise, the vision closely is staring at that blood-color sickle blade. 所有光明宇宙武者都忍不住握紧了拳头,眼中露出惊喜之芒,目光紧紧盯着那血色镰刃。 What?!!” “什么?!!” Murders the blood Demon Venerable startled anger to happen simultaneously, in the heart is somewhat unbelievable, its full power strikes, cannot block the offensive of opposite party unexpectedly. 弑血魔尊惊怒交加,心中更是有些难以置信,它全力的一击,竟然挡不住对方的攻势。 This time it is at the strength complete explosion the condition, common bright universe immortal level revering cannot resist, it once relied on this strength, has defeated immortal level revering of many bright universe. 要知道,此时的它可是处于力量完全爆发的状态,寻常的光明宇宙不朽级尊者根本抵挡不住,它更是曾经凭借这种力量,击败过不少光明宇宙的不朽级尊者。 However now, this mechanical clan immortal level revering routs its Fighting technique at present unexpectedly, does the strength of opposite party compare it also to want powerful inadequate? 然而现在,眼前这机械族不朽级尊者竟然将它的战技击溃,对方的力量难道比它还要强大不成? Murders blood Demon Venerable, your dead end.” “弑血魔尊,你的末路到了。” Star meteor revering drinks greatly, the huge mechanical body grasps the long spear/gun, toward murdering blood Demon Venerable flushes away loudly. 星陨尊者大喝,庞大的机械身躯手持长枪,朝着弑血魔尊轰然冲去。 Kills!” “杀!” A golden spear/gun glow cuns (2.5 cm) advancement, lets murder the blood Demon Venerable blood-color sickle blade to collapse fast, more and more cracks appear above the sickle blade, then disrupts unceasingly. 金色枪芒一寸寸推进,让弑血魔尊的血色镰刃快速崩溃开来,越来越多的裂缝出现在镰刃之上,而后不断碎裂。 A big blood-color sickle blade presented giant openings immediately. 偌大的一道血色镰刃顿时出现了一道道巨大的裂口。 These opening appearances, are then out of control, more and more greatly, and are getting more and more. 这些裂口一出现,便一发不可收拾,越来越大,且越来越多。 Scoundrel!” “混账!” Murders blood Demon Venerable startled and anger, within the body strength erupts unceasingly, floods into the blood-color sickle blade, golden spear/gun glow that tries to prevent that terrifying. 弑血魔尊又惊又怒,体内力量不断爆发,涌入血色镰刃之内,试图阻挡那恐怖的金色枪芒。 What a pity all are unproductive. 可惜一切不过是徒劳而已。 Although the golden spear/gun glow is also collapsing, but obviously got the winning side. 虽然金色枪芒也是在崩溃,但明显占据了上风。 But the blood-color sickle blade declining tendency presently, was unable to prevent the attack of golden spear/gun glow again. 而血色镰刃颓势已现,已然无法再阻挡金色枪芒的攻击。 Bang! 轰! The next quarter, the lining blood-color sickle blade disrupts loudly, erupts the dazzling blood red ray, later endless Source Power complementary waves from rewinds, toward murdering blood Demon Venerable takes away as many things as possible. 下一刻,整道血色镰刃轰然碎裂,爆发出耀眼的血红色光芒,随后无尽的原力余波从其中倒卷而出,朝着弑血魔尊席卷而去。 But that golden spear/gun glow is easily accomplished general, toward murdering the blood Demon Venerable bombardment goes. 而那金色枪芒更是摧枯拉朽一般,朝着弑血魔尊轰击而去。 Damn!” Murders the blood Demon Venerable pupil to contract fiercely. “该死!”弑血魔尊瞳孔剧烈收缩。 Thinks without enough time. 来不及多想。 In within the body erupts the rich darkness and blood immediately is Source Power, formed a defense cover before the body. 其体内顿时爆发出浓郁的黑暗与血系原力,在身前形成了一道防护罩。 Bang! 轰! That blood-color sickle blade explodes the Source Power complementary waves that forms, the golden spear/gun glow of star meteor revering, the arrival, will murder blood Demon Venerable to submerge at this moment all. 不论是那血色镰刃爆开形成的原力余波,还是星陨尊者的金色枪芒,此刻尽数到来,将弑血魔尊淹没。 Roar! 吼! The angry roaring sound gets up, but was covered by the fierce bellow instantaneously. 怒吼声响起,但瞬间就被剧烈的轰鸣声覆盖。 The bright universe people all are excited looking to murdering blood Demon Venerable, could not bear wielded a fist ruthlessly. 光明宇宙众人皆是激动的望向弑血魔尊,忍不住狠狠的挥动了一下拳头。 In the Wang Teng eye also flashes through fine glow, stares center that Source Power is erupting. 王腾眼中亦是闪过一丝精芒,盯着那原力爆发的中心处。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The bellow resounds through unceasingly, the golden spear/gun glow continued for a long time, that Source Power complementary waves also continued for a long time, the dazzling ray erupts in the center, making one not look clearly. 轰鸣声不断响彻,金色枪芒持续了许久,那原力余波也持续了许久,耀眼的光芒在中心处爆发,让人看不真切。 „It is not right!” “不对!” In the meantime, the Wang Teng vision concentrates, as if saw anything. 就在此时,王腾目光一凝,似乎看到了什么。 Has not waited for him to react, the dazzling blood red ray explodes together in the center. 还不等他做出反应,一道刺目的血红色光芒在中心处爆开。 Bang! 轰! In an instant, the innumerable capillaries erupt, the blood-color small snake that just like naked eyes is difficult to see, toward runs away to go in all directions. 刹那间,无数血丝爆发而出,犹如一条条肉眼难见的血色小蛇,朝着四面八方逃窜而去。
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