AAMD :: Volume #21

#2047: The sickle of demon scale! The method frequency leaves! Gives you

The sickle of Chapter 2047 demon scale! The method frequency leaves! Gives you two to choose, submits to or is killed by me! 第2047章魔鳞之镰!手段频出!给你们两个选择,臣服或者被我打死! Not is only the strength of source principle, what made to scatter Houdusse shocking was the blood god clone to display at this moment, but Fighting technique. 不仅仅是本源法则之力,更令撒乌迪斯震惊的是血神分身此刻施展而出的战技 Demon flame knife skill!!” “魔炎刀法!!” Calls out in alarm spreads from its immediately. 一声惊呼顿时从其口中传出。 The knife skill that this blood group Heaven's Chosen uses unexpectedly is high-rank demon sovereign level Fighting technique of their sheep's head demon clan- demon flame knife skill! 这血族天骄所施展的刀法竟然是它们羊头魔族的上位魔皇级战技-魔炎刀法! Just now when the blood god clone just to use that knife skill, it has not responded. 方才血神分身刚刚施展那刀法之时,它还未曾反应过来。 The blade glow that now contacts this terrifying, it recognizes it finally, this impressively is high-rank demon sovereign level Fighting technique of their sheep's head demon clan. 如今接触到这恐怖的刀芒,它终于将其认出,这赫然就是它们羊头魔族的上位魔皇级战技 Damn!” “该死!” Saa Houdusse to feel immediately at present on this blood group Heaven's Chosen seems to be covering in a veil of mystery, his body has too makes its puzzled place. 撒乌迪斯顿时感觉眼前这血族天骄身上似乎笼罩着一层神秘的面纱,他的身上有着太多令其不解之处。 Why can you demon flame knife skill of my clan?” “你为何会我族的魔炎刀法?” Its vision stares at the blood god clone stubbornly, cannot bear drink to ask. 它的目光死死盯着血神分身,忍不住喝问道。 „Is demon flame knife skill, very difficult to study?” The blood god clone light saying: Your sheep's head demon clan displayed before me repeatedly, if I could not have learned, to be the same with your mediocre generations.” “魔炎刀法,很难学吗?”血神分身平淡的说道:“你们羊头魔族在我面前施展了多次,我如果还学不会,岂不是和你们这些平庸之辈一样。” The blood is blue, demon Locker and other Dark Species: „......” 血蓝博,魔罗克等黑暗种:“……” Quack...... 嘎嘎嘎…… Buzz humming sound...... 嗡嗡嗡…… Before can also have their general idea/careless, now? 之前还能说它们大意了,现在呢? Does this blood group have Poison Attribute Star Source Power unexpectedly?! 这个血族居然还拥有毒系星辰原力?! What a pity has thought without enough time that strange flavor is even more rich, the tiny fluorescence its surrounding, has also evaded not to be possible to evade. 可惜已经来不及多想,那奇异的味道越发浓郁,细小的荧光也已经将其包围,避无可避。 Let alone not only in the middle of this fist seal has the dark source principle, has friendly boundary eight steps the domain and fourth-order level of strength the source of principle of strength. 何况这拳印当中不单单拥有黑暗本源法则,更是拥有融境八阶的力之领域和四阶层次的力之本源法则。 This strikes very terrifyingly! 这一击很恐怖! If falls on the body, feared that is the high-rank demon sovereign level Dark Species powerful body must cut off. 若是落在身上,怕是上位魔皇级黑暗种的强悍身躯都要被斩断。 !!...... 咔嚓!咔嚓!咔嚓…… In commander heart also rouses, this result is they have not thought that but was makes in their hearts pick up a confidence without doubt again. 各位副统帅心中也是大为振奋,这个结果是它们没有想到的,但无疑是令它们心中再次拾起了一丝信心。 It is called the mediocre generation unexpectedly! 它居然被称作平庸之辈! When?!” “什么时候?!” Two commanders are the high-rank demon sovereign level exist obviously, above the position Lievin sovereign list, belittles the army commanders to fight with that now black truly, unexpectedly is this result. 两位统帅明明都是上位魔皇级存在,位列万皇榜之上,如今与那黑蔑军统帅真正交手,竟然是这个结果。 Their this blood, this commander, is really somewhat crazy. 它们这位血子,这位统帅,实在是有些狂啊。 Common Dark Species does not dare to approach slightly. 寻常的黑暗种根本不敢靠近丝毫。 Saa Houdusse actually simply not to think so many, hears the words that the blood god clone, in the mouth sends out to angrily roar immediately. 撒乌迪斯却根本没想这么多,听到血神分身的话语,口中顿时发出怒吼。 The distant place, Lya, blood Rosa and other blood group Dark Species sees this, drinks to make noise greatly. 更远处,尤菲莉亚,血罗莎等血族黑暗种看到这一幕,纷纷大喝出声。 The blood god clone vision flashes, reveals color of the accident/surprise. 血神分身目光一闪,露出一丝意外之色。 At this time, the dark scale cockroach complexion changes, felt that the terrifying of that fist seal, does not dare to meet hardly, has to give up to the offensive that the blood god clone, moves sideways to avoid. 此时,暗鳞蠊面色微变,感觉到了那拳印的恐怖,不敢硬接,只好放弃对血神分身的攻势,闪身避开。 The world of talent, the bystander is unable to understand. 天才的世界,外人无法理解。 The blood god clone not to reply it, in the mouth puts out a character fiercely. 血神分身却并未回答它,口中猛地吐出一个字来。 Bang! 轰! The boundless Source Power complementary waves erupt in two blade glow collision places. 磅礴的原力余波在两道刀芒碰撞处爆发开来。 That is high-rank demon sovereign level Fighting technique! 那可是上位魔皇级战技啊! Even if some people teach, does not know how long wanted to be able it to grasp to be skilled in the rank, result their blood actually said how many looked time on the learned? 就算有人教授,都不知道要多长时间才能够将其掌握到精通级别,结果它们这位血子竟然说看几次就学会了? Moreover looks at its might, obviously grasps the degree is not low, even surpassed was skilled in the rank. 而且看其威力,显然掌握程度不低,甚至是超过了精通级别。 Fist seal works as first, all around demon blood poison vine blockade. 拳印当先,魔血毒藤封锁四周。 It has not thought completely, in so the situation, the opposite party can also counter-attack unexpectedly. 它完全没想到,在如此情况下,对方居然还能够反击。 But now, in their hearts was not restrainable to present thick killing intent finally. 可现在,它们心中终于是不可抑制的出现了浓浓的杀意。 The evil and chaotic dark strength, burning hot the strength of flame sweeps across the starry sky, making this region extremely terrifying. 邪恶而混乱的黑暗之力,炙热的火焰之力席卷星空,让这片区域变得极为恐怖。 The blood god clone sonic boom to drink, the vacated left hand actually pinches fist seal suddenly, a fist rumbles. 血神分身一声爆喝,空出的左手却是骤然捏成拳印,一拳轰出。 Mediocre generation? 平庸之辈? Sheep's head demon clan Dark Species is also grasping the flame and dark two species, the strength absolutely be more terrifying than common Dark Species. 羊头魔族黑暗种同样是掌握着火焰与黑暗两种属性,实力绝对要比寻常的黑暗种更为恐怖。 Subdue!” “镇!” Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! At this time, scattered the microcosm empty shadow of Houdusse and dark scale cockroach starts to collapse, that blade glow cut into crazily, made in two microcosm empty shades all presents together the terrifying slash, spread to open unceasingly. 这时,撒乌迪斯和暗鳞蠊的小世界虚影开始崩溃,那道刀芒疯狂斩入其中,令两座小世界虚影上俱是出现一道恐怖刀痕,不断蔓延而开。 He has experienced so many fights, has displayed such as the hot ultramarine situation the utilization of various Fighting technique, the fight consciousness is common Martial Artist is unable to compare. 他经历过那么多战斗,早已将各种战技的运用发挥到如火纯青的地步,战斗意识更是寻常武者无法比拟的。 Initially, the dark Ka building Clan body that cocoon jie controlled, once erupted to strive the domain and strength source of principle, now he displays these two strengths, will not cause too suspected. 当初,那虓劼所掌控的暗迦楼罗族身躯,曾经爆发出力之领域和力之本源法则,如今他施展这两种力量,不会引起太多怀疑。 Bang! 轰! The next quarter, these Baczicj concentrated fire, fell above dark colored fist seal simultaneously, and almost fell in same, the fierce bellow erupted immediately. 下一刻,那些尾巴齐齐攒射而出,同时落在了暗黑色拳印之上,并且几乎落于同一点,剧烈的轰鸣声顿时爆发而出。 That tail blocks fist seal that the blood god clone unexpectedly forcefully. 那尾巴竟硬生生挡住了血神分身的拳印。 Scattered Houdusse to smell a strange flavor suddenly, looks at that tiny fluorescence, gawked slightly, immediately responded suddenly, on the face revealed a color with amazement. 撒乌迪斯突然闻到了一股奇异的味道,看着那细小荧光,不由的微微一愣,随即猛然反应过来,脸上露出了一丝骇然之色。 But their bloodlines are impure, most people talent will not be high, this limited their growth upper limit. 但它们血脉不纯粹,大多数人天赋都不会太高,这限制了它们的成长上限。 Arrived their ranks, common method already, no matter used, basically is the strength of source principle to bang. 到了他们这种级别,寻常的手段已经不管用了,基本都是本源法则之力的对轰。 You use the poison!” “你用毒!” Dark Species always pays great attention to pure of bloodlines, blood group Dark Species much worse, therefore they little present other attribute talents extremely. 黑暗种向来注重血脉的纯粹,血族黑暗种尤甚,所以它们极少出现其他属性天赋。 The dark scale cockroach vision closely stares at that blood fog, the pupil is shrinking suddenly. 暗鳞蠊目光紧紧盯着那血雾,瞳孔骤然一缩。 Saa Houdusse: „???” 撒乌迪斯:“???” Before the dark scale cockroach had not paid attention to this blood fog, because the opposite party is blood group Dark Species, the attack followed the blood fog to be normal. 之前暗鳞蠊并未注意这血雾,因为对方是血族黑暗种,攻击伴随血雾再正常不过。 Bang! 嘭! The blade glow cuts together from the blade photofragment, fell on loudly the body that scattered Houdusse, making it such as be struck by lightning, the whole person pounded to fly ruthlessly. 一道刀芒从刀光碎片当中斩出,轰然落在了撒乌迪斯的身上,令它如遭雷击,整个人狠狠砸飞了出去。 both sides stagnate on the spot. 双方凝滞在原地。 Snort, does this want to block me?” Dark scale cockroach cold snort/hum, the dark sickle in hand falls thoroughly. “哼,这样就想挡住我?”暗鳞蠊冷哼一声,手中的黑暗镰刀彻底落下。 A blood spouted, scatters Houdusse chest place to present a scar of deep obvious bone impressively, a lot of dark-red blood from sprayed. 一口鲜血喷出,撒乌迪斯胸口处赫然出现了一道深可见骨的伤痕,大量暗红色的血液从其中喷洒而出。 The dark scale cockroach looks to the blood god clone, coldly smiles. 暗鳞蠊望向血神分身,冷冷一笑。 The blood god clone coldly smiles, in the back blood fog has dozens dark-red vines to condense, takes away as many things as possible toward the dark scale cockroach. 血神分身冷冷一笑,背后血雾中有着数十条暗红色藤蔓凝聚而出,朝着暗鳞蠊席卷而去。 In their eyes, the blood god clone almost with them in the same place, simply has not left, how can the strength have the so huge promotion? 在他们眼里,血神分身几乎都和他们在一起,根本没有离开过,实力如何能有这般巨大的提升? This radically non- martial arts. 这根本不武道啊。 In the dark scale cockroach mouth sends out a pain to roar, the whole person flew upside down. 暗鳞蠊口中发出一声痛吼,整个人倒飞了出去。 Demon moth scale powder! 魔蛾鳞粉! Saa Houdusse complexion is ugly, immediately transfers own Source Power, wants to resist this tiny fluorescence, finally actually discovered that own Source Power had the condition of stagnation unexpectedly, before is unable to look like again, like that smooth. 撒乌迪斯面色难看无比,立刻调动自身的原力,想要抵挡这细小荧光,结果却发现自身的原力竟然出现了凝滞的状况,无法再像之前那般顺畅。 In the mouth that shouts from the dark scale cockroach spreads, it grasps to fight the soldier, goes toward front suddenly/violently to rush. 一声嘶吼从暗鳞蠊的口中传出,它手持战兵,朝着前方暴冲而去。 Although has, but too few are too really few, presents the multi-attribute talents the situations less than Human Race Martial Artist. 虽然不是没有,但真的太少太少,比人族武者出现多属性天赋的情况还要少。 This is what strength......” “这是什么力量……” On the dark scale cockroach face completely indifferent with killing intent, eyeground deep place proudly, to this struck to fill obviously self-confidently. 暗鳞蠊脸上满是冷漠与杀意,眼底深处更有一丝傲然,显然对这一击充满了自信。 Originally they want to suppress belittle the army black, belittles the army to command a lesson to this black newly, has not planned to kill it. 本来它们只是想要镇压黑蔑军,给这黑蔑军新统帅一个教训,并没有打算杀了它。 Isn't the domain and strength source of principle strength? 不就是力之领域和力之本源法则吗? Common Martial Artist is unable to comprehend, can't he comprehend? 寻常武者无法领悟,难道他就不能领悟了? He had found the excuse to himself. 他已经给自己找好了借口。 Kills!” “杀!” No one has seen. 没有人见过。 Broken mud horse!” “碎泥马个屁!” By this time, they naturally could not discover what reason to scatter Houdusse and dark scale cockroach again shirk. 到了此时,它们自然再找不出什么理由为撒乌迪斯和暗鳞蠊推脱。 Was the blood god was too mainly quick, moreover this promotion that clone to promote was completely quiet, arrived at the bright universe from the blood group ancestor, who saw him to cultivate to enhance own strength diligently? 主要是血神分身提升的太快了,而且这种提升完全是悄无声息的,从血族祖地来到光明宇宙,有谁见过他在努力修炼提升自己的实力的? This impressively is Wang Teng blood crow quiet Qilin shield Fighting technique obtained from blood crow old ancestor there, has extremely strong defensive power, attacks to be difficult broken commonly. 这赫然正是王腾从血鸦老祖那里得到的血鸦幽麟盾战技,拥有极强的防御力,寻常攻击难破。 Above the tail that sound that made the person of tooth acid from dark scale cockroach spread, that above Qilin armor shivered fiercely, seemed being compressed by a tyrannical strength, was unbearable. 一阵令人牙酸的声音从暗鳞蠊的尾巴之上传出,那上面的麟甲剧烈颤动起来,仿佛被一股强横的力量压缩着,难以承受。 The endless blade photofragment rewinds to go toward the rear area along with the fearful Source Power complementary waves. 无尽的刀光碎片伴随着可怕的原力余波朝着后方倒卷而去。 Blood is careful!” “血子小心!” Dark Species of this dark scale clan treated as the weapon the tail unexpectedly, meets the tough head-on with toughness with fist seal that the blood god clone. 这暗鳞族的黑暗种竟然将尾巴当做了武器,与血神分身的拳印硬碰硬。 All around Dark Species was all shocked. 四周的黑暗种全都惊呆了。 Qilin armor of that several tail surfaces is glittering the ice-cold gloss, dark rune/symbol writing melts above obviously, making it send out the tyrannical fluctuation. 那数条尾巴表面的麟甲闪烁着冰冷的光泽,一道道黑暗符文显化于其上,令其散发出强横的波动。 Saa Houdusse not to respond, then discovered own blade glow is collapsing, it wants Source Power of revolution within the body to prevent this collapse, but that violently poisonous strength makes it run about to deal with, the efficiency reduced 1% at least. 撒乌迪斯还未反应过来,便发现自己的刀芒正在崩溃,它想要运转体内的原力阻止这种崩溃,但那剧毒之力却让它疲于应付,效率起码降低了百分之一。 This fears intent it, perhaps had not discovered. 这惧意连它自己,恐怕都没有发现。 Bang! 轰隆! Death!” “死吧!” Not is only the blood has this question blue abundantly, other blood group Dark Species are also so, they look at the form that the blood god is doing several things at the same time, in the eye reveal a surprised uncertain color. 不仅仅是血蓝博有此疑问,其他血族黑暗种亦是如此,它们望着血神分身的身影,眼中不禁露出一丝惊疑不定之色。 Scoff! 嗤! Was torn a pitch-dark crack void, appears the crescent moon shape, the terrifying is unusual, the strength of endless space from sweeps away. 虚空被撕裂开了一道黑漆漆的裂缝,呈弯月状,恐怖异常,无尽的空间之力从其中横扫而出。 On Lya has one group of blood fog to flutter immediately, close buzz the whining noise resounds through in void, then these blood fog then besiege Dark Species that comes to flutter toward all around, covers them. 尤菲莉亚身上当即就有着一团血雾飘荡而出,细密的嗡鸣声在虚空中响彻,而后那些血雾便是朝着四周围攻而来的黑暗种飘去,将它们笼罩。 Damn!!” “该死!!” Another side, the dark scale cockroach also acts, its war soldier is a strange paint black sickle, above covered entirely the Qilin armor general structure, sharp thorn barbs, seem like especially fierce. 另一边,暗鳞蠊也是出手,它的战兵乃是一柄奇异的漆黑色镰刀,上面布满了麟甲一般的构造,还有一道道尖刺倒钩,看起来格外的狰狞。 How does he accomplish? 他怎么办到的? Blood group Dark Species are also very actually curious, is it possible that blood really can one study? 血族黑暗种们其实也很好奇,莫非血子真的一学就会? The blood blue abundant remembered blood to display suddenly Blood demon fist With Blood demon sword, That its Fighting technique. 血蓝博突然想起血子曾经施展过【血魔拳】和【血魔战刀】,那正是它的战技 Does not dare to imagine! 不敢想象! But said no matter how, this is the good deed. 但不管怎么说,这是好事。 Lya, blood Rosa and other blood group Dark Species also stares slightly, immediately responded suddenly, look at each other in blank dismay. 尤菲莉亚,血罗莎等血族黑暗种亦是微微一愣,随即猛然反应了过来,不禁面面相觑。 High-rank demon sovereign level Fighting technique, little to become rank! 上位魔皇级战技,小成级别! In addition the strength of fourth-order dark source principle. 加上四阶黑暗本源法则之力。 The sound of grating crow crying resounds in the sky suddenly, seems especially towering. 刺耳的乌鸦啼鸣之声骤然在天空之中响起,显得格外突兀。 After all said no matter how, must have scruples the Demon Venerable level to exist, cannot but recklessly is. 毕竟不管怎么说,还是要顾忌一下魔尊级存在,不能肆意而为。 Bang! 轰隆! The blood god clone is actually suddenly looks like toward it, in the eye reveals to mock the meaning. 血神分身却是突然朝着它看来,眼中露出一丝讥诮之意。 Clang! 铛! The next quarter, scatters the blade glow that Houdusse cuts then to shell above blade glow that ruthlessly, in the blood god clone, makes sound of gold/metal Tiejiao the striking. 下一刻,撒乌迪斯斩出的刀芒便是狠狠轰击在了血神分身的刀芒之上,发出金铁交击之音。 Now thinks, this blood as if really has that terrifying perception and talent. 现在想想,这位血子似乎真的拥有那种恐怖的悟性和天赋。 Here, the dark scale cockroach is the complexion is ugly, has not thought that in this case, the opposite party can also be able to block, its unwilling in the sickle the hand drops ruthlessly, the anger exclaimed: Gives me to break to pieces.” 这边,暗鳞蠊却是面色难看,没想到这种情况下,对方还能够挡得住,它不甘的将手中镰刀狠狠落下,怒吼道:“给我碎。” The blood god clone above that blade glow also to present the fissure, as if must collapse. 血神分身那道刀芒之上也是出现了裂痕,似乎就要崩溃开来。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… But the opposite party above ten thousand Huangbang powerhouse, has almost not kept the hand strikes, was so blocked by him unexpectedly with ease, will not blame them unbelievable so. 对方可是万皇榜之上的强者,几乎没有留手的一击,竟然被他如此轻轻松松的挡住了,不怪她们会如此的难以置信。 This simply is the enormous insult, no one dares to say it like this. 这简直就是极大的侮辱,从来没有人敢这样说它。 ~ “啊~” Clang! 铛! At this time, is sound of gold/metal Tiejiao the striking resounds in void together, lets its be shocked. 这时,又是一道金铁交击之音在虚空中响起,让其愣住。 Naturally, if has high rank melts the boundary domain, can play a big increase role. 当然,若是拥有高阶融境领域,也能够起到不小的增幅作用。 Saa Houdusse to see this, the complexion also suddenly changes. 撒乌迪斯看到这一幕,面色也是猛然一变。 What did they see? 它们看到了什么? Two commanders are not that belittle the opponent who the army command unexpectedly black, was suppressed by the opposite party directly, but also received the heavy injury! 两位统帅居然不是那黑蔑军统帅的对手,直接被对方镇压,还都受了不轻的伤势! Cannot believe! 不敢相信! Blade glow of both sides collides unceasingly, erupts the sound of fierce thundering. 双方的刀芒不断碰撞,爆发出剧烈的轰鸣之声。 Bang! 轰! The terrifying strength erupts from black fist seal, eight steps melt the domain and fourth-order strength strength of source of principle boundary strength erupt all. 恐怖的力量从黑色拳印当中爆发而出,八阶融境力之领域和四阶力之本源法则之力尽数爆发而出。 This special is really the blood group? 这特么真的是血族? Extremely arrogant!” “狂妄!” They looked at each other one, the eyeground deep place emerge thick killing intent. 它们对视了一眼,眼底深处都是涌现出浓浓的杀意。 Therefore the blood god clone each attack to take melted the strength of boundary domain and source principle, played the pinnacle the Fighting technique might. 所以血神分身每一道攻击都带上了融境领域和本源法则之力,将战技的威力发挥到极致。 But Lya and other blood group Dark Species, since can become the blood group talent, naturally is not at will the generation of acting bashful. 但尤菲莉亚等血族黑暗种既然能够成为血族的天才,自然不是随意拿捏之辈。 „The sickle of demon scale!” “魔鳞之镰!” However on the other hand, will he have the Fire Attribute talent? 不过话又说回来,他怎么会拥有火系天赋? This in the blood group without doubt is extremely rare, most blood group Dark Species are grasps the dark talent and blood is the talents, rarely will present the Fire Attribute talent. 这在血族之中无疑是极为少见的,大多数血族黑暗种都是掌握黑暗天赋和血系天赋,很少会出现火系天赋。 Roar!” In dark scale cockroach heart dignified, exudes one to angrily roar, back several tail simultaneous/uniform Qidong, as if infinite stretch was unexpectedly ordinary, exploded to shoot toward the front. “吼!”暗鳞蠊心中凝重,发出一声怒吼,背后的数条尾巴竟齐齐动了起来,仿佛无限拉伸一般,朝着前方爆射而出。 If not blood god clone enough anomaly, the opposite party this strikes sufficiently his blade glow crushing. 若非血神分身足够变态,对方这一击足以将他的刀芒击碎。 In these blood group Dark Species hearts relaxes quietly. 这些血族黑暗种心中都是悄然松了口气。 Although they have not studied that Demon flame knife skill, But many have also heard its prestige. 它们虽然没有学过那【魔炎刀法】,可也多少听说过其威名。 If, then too evildoer/monstrous talent. 如果是真的,那么就太妖孽了。 When originally does not know, all around that the blood god clone has covered blood fog, this moment that sound of crow crying impressively from spreads. 原来不知何时,血神分身的四周已经笼罩了一层血雾,此刻那乌鸦啼鸣之声赫然正是从其中传出。 This is to the confidence that the blood god clone. 这是对血神分身的信心。 The vision that the blood god clone returns to its body, Poison Attribute Star Source Power in within the body to surge along with the psychic force again quietly. 血神分身的目光再次回到它的身上,体内的毒系星辰原力伴随着精神力悄然涌动而出。 Dark colored fist seal falls, above is glittering rune/symbol writing, sends out the fearful power and influence. 暗黑色拳印落下,上面闪烁着符文,散发出可怕的威势。 This is high-rank demon sovereign level Fighting technique of demon moth clan, the might is quite good. 这是魔蛾族的上位魔皇级战技,威力相当不俗。 In the sky suddenly presents a piece of gorgeous tiny fluorescence. 天空中突然出现一片绚丽的细小荧光。 But now looks like...... 可如今看来…… Kills!” “杀!” Ka ka ka...... 咔咔咔…… It does not believe this blood to block certainly. 它不信这血绝挡得住。 In two Dark Species hearts vibrates, looks to the vision that the blood god clone, even if angry, presented dreading that finally is hard to conceal, does not dare to neglect slightly. 两头黑暗种心中震动不已,望向血神分身的目光,哪怕再愤怒,也终于是出现了一丝难以掩饰的忌惮,再也不敢怠慢丝毫。 However the blood god clone actually slightly fearless, grasps the blood Kun sword to move forward to meet somebody as before. 然而血神分身却丝毫无惧,依旧手持血鲲战刀迎了上去。 The idle fog gao vision glitters suddenly, in the heart vibrates, looked to the form that the blood god clone, in the heart has had one to fear intent. 惰雾藁目光急剧闪烁,心中震动不已,望向血神分身的身影,心中已是生出了一丝惧意。 At this moment they have not entered belittle to kill in black, therefore becomes that three big regiment Dark Species target, the situation is also less optimistic. 此刻他们未曾进入黑蔑杀阵之中,所以成为了那三大军团黑暗种的攻击目标,情况也是不容乐观。 The blood god clone, although grasped the two strength of source principles, and achieved fourth-order, but scatters Houdusse is not weak, it is above ten thousand Huangbang powerhouse, the strength is strong, do not say the complete suppression in boundary. 血神分身虽然掌握了两种本源法则之力,且都达到了四阶,但撒乌迪斯也丝毫不弱,它乃是万皇榜之上的强者,实力强劲无比,更不要说境界上的完全压制。 And in numerous Dark Species clans, sheep's head demon clan Dark Species is also platoon the race on number. 并且在众多黑暗种族当中,羊头魔族黑暗种亦是排的上号的种族。 Suddenly, during they are fall into are speechless. 一时间,它们都是陷入无言之中。 And terrifying Source Power and strength of source principle erupts all, the direction that clone to be at sweeps away to go toward the blood god. 其中恐怖的原力和本源法则之力尽数爆发而出,朝着血神分身所在的方向横扫而去。 The dark scale cockroach complexion changes immediately, in the heart turned the difficult situation, the strength that a mid-rank demon sovereign level peak had was so unexpectedly fearful, simply damn. 暗鳞蠊面色顿时大变,心中翻起了惊涛骇浪,一个中位魔皇级巅峰存在的力量竟然如此可怕,简直见鬼了。 Dark demon fist! 暗魔拳! The void vibration, terrifying fist seal condenses together, covers entirely the profound different trace. 虚空震动,一道恐怖的拳印凝聚而出,布满玄异的纹路。 They have been closing the fight that the blood transfusion god clone, although knows that his strength is very strong, but faces above two ten thousand Huangbang powerhouse at this moment simultaneously, how can they not worry? 她们一直在关注血神分身的战斗,尽管都知道他的实力很强,但此刻同时面对两位万皇榜之上的强者,她们又如何能够不担忧? But it has thought without enough time. 可它已经来不及多想。 Command military might!” “统帅威武!” you manage well you.” “伱们还是管好你们自己吧。” This blood group talent is too young, the talent is too high, if makes it continue to grow, they will have the good fruit to eat in the future? 这个血族天才太年轻,天赋太高,如果让它继续成长下去,它们日后还有好果子吃? In Dark World, this matter was too common. 黑暗世界,这种事情太常见了。 The experts contest, 1% then become the fatal flaw sufficiently. 高手过招,百分之一便足以成为致命的破绽。 No! 没有! Only then these mix the blood group, may present the multi-attribute talents. 只有那些混血族,才有可能出现多属性天赋。 After the experience to the strength that the blood god clone, high-rank demon sovereign level Dark Species of this dark scale clan does not dare to belittle him again slightly, fights black ray that above the soldier erupts the terrifying, changes to together the terrifying sickle blade. 见识到血神分身的实力之后,这头暗鳞族的上位魔皇级黑暗种也不敢再小觑他丝毫,战兵之上爆发出恐怖的黑色光芒,化作一道恐怖的镰刃。 The dark scale cockroach evades not to be possible to evade. 暗鳞蠊避无可避。 Was a moment ago that the flash, he has made the precise arrangement. 仅仅是刚才那么一瞬间,他就已经做出了精确的安排。 Blocked!” “挡住了!” Saa Houdusse full contain to kill intent to act, in the hand presents a giant sword, cuts toward the blade glow that the blood god clone. 撒乌迪斯满含杀意出手,手中出现一柄巨大的战刀,朝着血神分身的刀芒斩去。 Scoundrel!” “混账!” The pitiful yell sound also resounds...... 惨叫声随之响起…… Above the blade glow that crash from scattering Houdusse spreads, the clear fissure opens by the visible speed spread. 一道道碎裂声从撒乌迪斯的刀芒之上传出,清晰的裂痕以肉眼可见的速度蔓延而开。 Fist seal falls loudly, breaks open that several such as the gold/metal iron cast the tail ruthlessly, making its surface rune/symbol writing collapse, then above Qilin armor presented fissures. 拳印轰然落下,狠狠砸开了那几条如金铁所铸般的尾巴,令其表面的符文崩溃,而后麟甲之上出现一道道裂痕。 Before is not so seemingly abnormal. 以前貌似没这么变态吧。 The law of the jungle, did not mean saying that this is the principle of Dark World reddest fruit. 弱肉强食,并不是说说而已,这是黑暗世界最为赤果的法则。 The fearful strength sweeps away along with the terrifying Source Power complementary waves. 可怕的力量伴随着恐怖的原力余波横扫而来。 Saa Houdusse immediately leaving suddenly/violently to retreat, actually already without enough time. 撒乌迪斯立刻抽身暴退,却已经来不及了。 „To walk!” “想走!” Your happy too early.” Blood god clone light say/way. “你高兴的太早了。”血神分身淡淡道。 The inconceivable sound resounds, it stares the big eye, some are unable to imagine, when do these toxin enter its within the body? 不可思议的声音响起,它瞪大眼睛,有些无法想象,这些毒素是什么时候进入它体内的? Gives me to break to pieces!” “给我碎!” Blood Rosa and other blood group Dark Species are also unwilling to fall behind, erupts own powerful offensive in abundance, collides with Dark Species of all around. 血罗莎等血族黑暗种也不甘落后,纷纷爆发出自身的强大攻击,与四周的黑暗种碰撞起来。 Suddenly, the morale of two big regiments were under the impact. 一时间,两大军团的士气都是受到了冲击。 The blood god clone to seize the opportunity immediately, in the hand the blood Kun sword depresses ruthlessly. 血神分身当即抓住机会,手中血鲲战刀狠狠压下。 If personally does not see, who can believe that this is real? 如果不是亲眼所见,谁敢相信这是真的? Various toxin that coordinate him to grasp, is born violently poisonous is more fearful, in a short time is unable to untie absolutely, or drives out. 配合他掌握的各种毒素,所诞生的剧毒更为可怕,短时间内绝对无法解开,或是驱除。 Bang! 轰! The dark-red flame swept across, twines above the blade glow, changed to strange rune/symbol writing. 暗红色火焰席卷,缠绕在了刀芒之上,化作一道道奇异的符文。 Titter! 噗嗤! Bang! 轰! Is hesitation of such flash, scatters Houdusse's blade glow unable to support finally, explodes loudly. 仅仅是这么一瞬间的迟疑,撒乌迪斯的刀芒终于支撑不住,轰然爆开。 Saa Houdusse vision is fierce, stares at the blood god clone stubbornly, in the hand the sword depresses similarly unceasingly, clone to fall into with the blood god refuses to compromise. 撒乌迪斯目光狰狞,死死盯着血神分身,手中战刀同样是不断压下,与血神分身陷入僵持。 The accidental/surprised scene appeared. 令人意外的景象出现了。 Although the attack of dark scale cockroach is very powerful, but wants to cut to break the defense of this blood crow quiet Qilin shield, obviously also missed much. 暗鳞蠊的攻击虽然十分强大,但想要斩破这血鸦幽麟盾的防御,显然还差了不少。 Several Dark Species besieged, launches the attack crazily, must strikes to kill Lya and blood Rosa and other blood group Dark Species in this. 几头黑暗种围攻了过来,疯狂发起攻击,要将尤菲莉亚和血罗莎等血族黑暗种击杀于此。 However...... 然而…… Actually before seeing the body that the blood god clone, these blood crows do not know when condensed a giant blood-color shield unexpectedly, above is completely the blood crow design, strange dark-red eye is the dark scale cockroach, felt the evil strange feeling. 却见血神分身的身前,那些血鸦不知何时竟凝聚成了一面巨大的血色盾牌,上面尽是血鸦图案,一双双诡异的暗红色眼睛直盯着暗鳞蠊,充满了邪恶诡异之感。 Reviews belittles the army black, is actually the morale inspires greatly, they control are belittling to kill to meet no resistance black, launch crazy slaughtering. 反观黑蔑军这边,却是士气大振,它们操控着黑蔑杀阵如入无人之境,展开疯狂的杀戮。 The bonus is so. 饶是如此。 Must know that they are two people joint efforts . Moreover the boundary must be much higher compared with the opposite party, should have victory in the hand, finally actually made into this. 要知道它们可是两人合力,而且境界都比对方要高出很多,本该是胜券在握,结果却打成了这样。 Black the dark soldiers who belittle the army are excited, erupts to angrily roar unceasingly, the sound is rock the earth. 黑蔑军的黑暗战士们激动不已,不断爆发出怒吼,响声震天动地。 These belittle the deputy command of regiment black are so, they are very actually limited to the understanding that the blood god clone, after all just shortly after contact, therefore cannot think that completely he will have the Fire Attribute talent. 那些黑蔑军团的副统帅更是如此,它们对血神分身的了解其实很有限,毕竟刚接触不久,所以更是完全想不到他会拥有火系天赋。 This!!!” “这!!!” It arrives at beyond the kilometer instantaneously, the sickle in hand fights the soldier also to cut loudly. 它瞬间来到千米之外,手中的镰刀战兵随之轰然斩出。 Blood crow quiet Qilin shield! 血鸦幽麟盾! They have obviously underestimated to the talent of blood. 它们对血子的天赋明显还是有所低估了啊。 Did the strength of their blood, grow stronger? 她们这位血子的实力,是不是又变强了? Sees only the innumerable blood-color crows to run out from that blood fog suddenly, dense and numerous, surrounds in blood god clone all around, exudes the sound of grating sharp crying, made person scalp tingles. 只见无数血色乌鸦突然从那血雾当中冲出,密密麻麻,环绕在血神分身四周,发出刺耳尖锐的啼鸣之声,令人头皮发麻。 This blood group talent was too fearful. 这个血族天才太可怕了。 The talent of opposite party, making its heart deep place feel that trembled, is not restrainable. 对方的天赋,让它心底深处感觉到了一丝战栗,不可抑制。 Distant place, what that nether world regiment was first Dark Species looked, the vision by the dull purple mist, fell on the body that the blood god clone, seems to become somewhat different. 更远处,那位幽冥军团的为首黑暗种看了过来,目光透过暗紫色雾气,落在血神分身的身上,似乎已经变得有些不一样。 The blood fog tumbles, the blood god clone to grasp the giant dark-red sword, treads to waste time slowly, a blood-color long hair at the in the air dance, oppressive is full, looks is scattering Houdusse and dark scale cockroach said: Gives you two to choose, submits to or...... is killed by me!” 血雾翻滚间,血神分身手持巨大的暗红色战刀,缓缓踏空走来,一头血色长发在空中狂舞,压迫性十足,望着撒乌迪斯和暗鳞蠊道:“给你们两个选择,臣服或是……被我打死!”
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