AAMD :: Volume #19

#1887 Part 2: Star will? Swallows the life source energy! The mortal body rises suddenly! Void will!

Ten heavy strength are the limits of universe level, ten single layer strength then broke through this limit, reached the Territory Lord Level standard. 十重界力是宇宙级的极限,十一重界力便是突破了这个极限,达到了域主级标准。 But even in Territory Lord Level, his such strength, still contends with most Territory Lord Level Martial Artist sufficiently, after all most Martial Artist strengths are impossible to reach the universe level limit, they break through Territory Lord Level even, the strength still at most is eight ninth day of the ninth lunar month heavy strength. 而即便是在域主级当中,他这样的力量,也足以与大部分域主级武者抗衡,毕竟大多数武者的力量都不可能达到宇宙级极限,他们就算突破到域主级,力量也顶多是八重九重界力。 However such strong strength, there is a side effect. 但是这么强的力量,也有副作用。 The mortal body of Wang Teng universe level is unable to support such terrifying strength, will present the collapse, however he is to actually feel now, own mortal body achieving slowly may as if withstand ten heavy strength the limits. 王腾宇宙级的肉身无法支撑这样恐怖的力量,会出现崩溃,然而他现在却是感觉到,自己的肉身似乎正在慢慢的达到可承受十重界力的极限。 Good thing!” “好东西啊!” The eye of Wang Teng shone immediately, has not thought that the life source energy of this place unexpectedly and thunder oleo stock has the wonder of equally good results from different methods, can make his mortal body more powerful. 王腾的眼睛顿时亮了起来,没想到这地方的生命本源能量居然和雷原浆有着异曲同工之妙,可以令他的肉身更为强大。 It seems like does not need to use the thunder oleo stock, his mortal body intensity can welcome to rise suddenly one time, the thunder oleo stock can also save to use to others. 看来都不用使用雷原浆,他的肉身强度就可以迎来一次暴涨,雷原浆也就可以省下来给其他人用了。 Swallows to me!” “给我吞!” Wang Teng immediately accelerated service Swallows day to bite The magical powers, absorb the life source energy of distant place crazily. 王腾立刻加速运转【吞天噬地】神通,疯狂吸收远处的生命本源能量。 Roar! 吼! Thunder Dragon crazy roaring filial piety that first-order thunder tribulation condenses, wants to work loose the Wang Teng that Thunder Dragon's fetter and tear and bite, to/clashes toward Wang Teng. 那头一阶雷劫凝聚的雷龙疯狂咆孝,想要挣脱王腾那条雷龙的束缚与撕咬,朝着王腾冲来。 YY YY Also wants to attack me.” Wang Teng sneers, stands in same place has not moved. “还想攻击我。”王腾冷笑一声,站在原地没动。 That Thunder Dragon can approach to calculate that he loses. 那条雷龙能够靠近过来算他输。 Roar! 吼! Thunder Dragon big mouth that the purple extremely heavenly thunder and blood demon heavenly thunder mixed condensate becomes, cuts by biting that Thunder Dragon unexpectedly thoroughly around the middle, even its most body pouched in the stomach directly. 紫极天雷与血魔天雷混合凝聚而成的雷龙大口一张,竟是将那条雷龙彻底拦腰咬断,连它的大半个身躯都径直吞进了肚中。 That Thunder Dragon was intercepted instantaneously, is unable to approach Wang Teng slightly. 那条雷龙瞬间被拦截了下来,根本无法靠近王腾丝毫。 Dead end! 穷途末路! Even if all around has the strength of gathering thunder to come unceasingly, could not have changed its swallowed destiny. 即便是四周不断有着雷霆之力汇聚而来,也已经改变不了它被吞噬的命运。 Bang! 轰! In the meantime, a bellow spreads, distant place that group of life source energies explode unexpectedly loudly, changes to the innumerable say/way life branch, runs away to go toward the distant place. 就在此时,一阵轰鸣声传出,远处那团生命本源能量竟是轰然爆开,化作无数道生命分支,朝着远处逃遁而去。 „To run?” The Wang Teng eye narrows the eyes. “想跑?”王腾眼睛一眯。 The will of this star is not but actually silly, oneself cannot be victorious, changes to the innumerable branches to escape directly, regarding this special life body, so long as can preserve a life source, perhaps saves the life. 这星球的意志倒也不傻,自己打不过,直接化作无数分支逃命,对于这种特殊的生命体来说,只要能够保住一丝生命本源,恐怕都算是保住性命了。 The Wang Teng under foot treads, is erupting one to thunder same place, changes to together the flowing light, however pursued courageous. 王腾脚下一踏,在原地爆发出一阵轰鸣,化作一道流光,勐然追了上去。 The vortex of top of the head is revolving crazily, swallows the life source energy that these are running away to go to unceasingly. 头顶的漩涡在疯狂运转,吞噬着那些不断逃遁而去的生命本源能量。 After the dispersion, these life source energies are unable to prevent Swallows day to bite The terrifying of magical powers attracts the strength of pulling, without running far, was drawn in the vortex. 在分散之后,那些生命本源能量更是无法阻挡【吞天噬地】神通的恐怖吸扯之力,没跑出多远,就被吸进了漩涡之中。 And, that vortex range in the infinite extension, is gradually including the entire underground space, massive life source energy directly was absorbed, is unable to run away. 并且,那漩涡范围正在无限扩张,逐渐囊括整个地下空间,大量的生命本源能量直接被吸收,无法逃走。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Suddenly, the entire underground space strenuous vibration, the innumerable crushed stones pound to fall under. 突然间,整个地下空间剧烈震动起来,无数碎石砸落而下。 Wang Teng looks up, immediately sees the innumerable say/way cracks to spread toward all around, as if entire land split generally. 王腾不由抬头看去,顿时看见无数道裂缝正朝着四周蔓延,仿佛整个大地都裂开了一般。 Lying trough! Cannot play, this is must bury alive me.” “卧槽!玩不起啊,这是要将我活埋。” He could not bear explode a swearing, immediately could not attend to thinks, immediately goes toward top of the head suddenly/violently to rush. 他忍不住爆了句粗口,随即也顾不上多想,立刻朝着头顶暴冲而去。 Most life source energies were also absorbed in any case, other has permeated in the land, temporarily does not have is so easy to swallow the absorption, remains uselessly, hurries, otherwise really must be buried alive. 反正大多数生命本源能量也被吸收了,其他的都已经渗入大地之中,暂时也没有那么容易吞噬吸收,留下来没什么用,赶紧走,不然真要被活埋了。 The will of this star was compelled obviously anxiously, if planned that perishes together with him, to owe sends greatly. 这颗星球的意志显然被逼急了,万一打算跟他同归于尽,岂不是亏大发。 Here after all is in the body of opposite party, who knows that will have what accident/surprise. 这里毕竟是对方的身体内,谁知道会发生什么意外。 Rests...... 休休休…… The canine of greatly black demon corner/horn python sweeps across again, changes to the drill bit to drill crazily toward the top of the head. 大黑魔角蟒的尖牙再次席卷而出,化作钻头朝着头顶疯狂钻去。 Wang Teng this was regards the spirit to read the strength weapon use it. 王腾这是把它当成精神念力兵器使用了。 Before did not facilitate forging in darkness, otherwise he first forged certainly a spirit while convenient to read the strength weapon the canine of this greatly black demon corner/horn python. 之前在黑暗界不方便锻造,不然他一定先将这大黑魔角蟒的尖牙锻造成一件趁手的精神念力兵器。 Bang! 轰! The land breaks open, Wang Teng from the ground direct impact, arrives at the star surface. 大地破开,王腾从地面直冲而出,来到星球表面。 Roar! 吼! In the sky heard the sound of angry roaring, the dragon and thunder spirit looking at each other thunder tribulation had arrived at the most crucial time. 天空中传来怒吼之声,雷劫之龙与雷灵的对视已经到了最关键的时刻。 As the life source energy of this Lighting Attribute star was disintegrated by Wang Teng, she estimated that could not attend to swallowing thunder spirit. 随着这颗雷系星球的生命本源能量被王腾瓦解,她估计也顾不上吞噬雷灵了。 The dragon of that thunder tribulation must unable to support finally, the balance started to present the incline. 那雷劫之龙终于要支撑不住,天平开始出现了倾斜。 gu ~ chirp!” “咕~叽!” thunder spirit the voice spreads from Thunder Dragon within the body, is resounding and spirited, direct impact horizon. 雷灵的声音从雷龙体内传出,高亢而激昂,直冲天际。 Bang! 轰! The next quarter, Thunder Dragon's body explodes a large cave/hole instantaneously, obviously suffered the heavy losses, raises head to send out a labor pain roar. 下一刻,那雷龙的身躯瞬间爆开一个大洞,显然受到了重创,仰头发出一阵痛吼。 „!” thunder spirit loudly calls out, departs from Thunder Dragon's body, from the sky circles, then the opening mouth, pouched in Thunder Dragon the stomach. “咕叽!”雷灵大叫一声,从雷龙的身躯之中飞出,在空中盘旋一阵,而后张大嘴巴,将雷龙吞进了肚中。 Rumble ~ 咕噜~ Swallows such big Thunder Dragon, thunder spirit the body inflates immediately, looks at Wang Teng to be fearful and apprehensive, for fear that it explodes. 吞下这么大一头雷龙,雷灵的身躯顿时膨胀起来,看得王腾心惊肉跳,生怕它爆开。 It seems like successful.” Ices to say. “看来是成功了。”冰蒂丝道。 Does not know where the will of that star did run up to?” Wang Teng smiles, no longer pays attention to thunder spirit, looks down to below star. “不知道那星球的意志跑到哪里去了?”王腾笑了笑,不再关注雷灵,低头看向下方的星球。 „Can you absorb it thoroughly?” Ices to say. “你这是要将它彻底吸收?”冰蒂丝道。 Otherwise, such good thing, how could lets off.” Wang Teng said. “不然呢,这么好的东西,岂能放过。”王腾道。 The life source energy that he just absorbs, is pasting in his body, slowly made his mortal body have the transformation. 他方才吸收的生命本源能量,正在他的身体之内流转,慢慢的让他的肉身发生了蜕变。 So long as its thorough absorption, should then be able to be the body intensity that ten heavy strength need, when the time comes he can use ten heavy strength at will, does not need to be worried that the mortal body will collapse. 只要将其彻底吸收,应该便可以达到十重界力所需的身体强度,到时候他就可以随意使用十重界力,不用担心肉身会崩溃了。 He sits cross-legged to sit down in the midair immediately, the spirit read the strength to sweep across all, took away as many things as possible toward below star. 他立刻在半空中盘膝坐下,精神念力尽数席卷而出,朝着下方的星球席卷而去。 The Wang Teng spirit read the strength as if to change to a giant and invisible net, will put in order the Lighting Attribute star to cover. 王腾的精神念力仿佛化作一张巨大而无形的网,将整颗雷系星球笼罩了起来。 Thinks that dispersed me to take you not to have the means.” “以为分散我就拿你没办法了。” In his heart sneers, read the strength sensation entire star by the powerful spirit, really found the strength of that life continuously. 他心中不由冷笑,凭借强大的精神念力感知整颗星球,果然找到了那一缕缕的生命之力。 Swallows!” “吞噬!” Swallows the day to bite the magical powers to revolve crazily, attracts to pull continuously the strength of that life, the least bit does not plan to let off. 吞天噬地神通疯狂运转,将那一缕缕生命之力吸扯出来,半点都不打算放过。 Bang! 轰隆! The land is vibrating, chaps everywhere, on the bleak land, seems more desolated now. 大地在震动,到处都是皲裂,原本就荒凉的土地,如今仿佛更为荒芜。 This type desolated looked like lost the strength of life thoroughly, lacked the vitality. 这种荒芜就像是彻底失去了生命之力,缺少了生机。 As that life source energy was attracted to pull continuously, this star seems losing the vitality, falling into the end is ordinary, the thunder clouds in sky are dissipating unexpectedly, the strength of thunder gradually reduces...... 随着那一缕缕生命本源能量被吸扯出来,这颗星球仿佛正在失去生命力,陷入末日一般,天空中的雷云竟然在消散,雷霆之力逐渐减少…… Really is the fearful talent.” Ices to look at that jet black profound vortex, in the eye is flashing through a dreading meaning. “真是可怕的天赋。”冰蒂丝望着那漆黑深邃的漩涡,眼中不由闪过一丝忌惮之意。 The will of this star has dispersed the life source energy in various places, in the common situation, Martial Artist wants its to refine, requires lots of time. 这颗星球的意志已经将生命本源能量散于各处,寻常情况下,一个武者想要将其炼化,需要大量时间。 Moreover is not any Martial Artist can refine the life source energy, general Martial Artist does not have this ability. 而且不是任何武者都可以炼化生命本源能量,一般的武者根本不具备这种能力。 However in the hand of Wang Teng, this star is the toys seems to be ordinary, whatever he absorbs to refine. 但是在王腾的手中,这颗星球仿佛就是玩物一般,任由他吸收炼化。 ~ “咕叽~” At this time, thunder spirit also suppressed that Thunder Dragon's energy thoroughly, live image a young fatty who ate to support, swayed to fly from the distant place. 这时,雷灵也彻底将那雷龙的能量压制了下去,活像一个吃撑的小胖子,从远处摇摇晃晃的飞过来。 „......” “……” Icing is a little speechless. 冰蒂丝有点无语。 The masters and favor spirit is a welldoing, the table manners very ugly/difficult to look at. 主人和灵宠都是一个德行,吃相非常的难看。 ~ ~ “咕叽~咕叽~” thunder spirit sees Wang Teng this time condition, does not dare to disturb it, two eyeballs rumble rotation, curious spins around him. 雷灵看到王腾此时的状态,也不敢打扰它,两颗眼珠子咕噜噜转动,好奇的绕着他打转。 Suddenly, blustery, that should the thunder clouds of divergence gather to come unexpectedly, strong like black ink, float sky over the Wang Teng top of the head, sends out the terrifying the pressure. 突然,风起云涌,那本该散去的雷云竟然汇聚而来,浓重如墨,悬浮在了王腾的头顶上空,散发出恐怖的威压。 This is......” “这是……” Ices look changes, vision dignified looking to that day in the air thunder clouds, was somewhat inconceivable. 冰蒂丝神色一变,目光凝重的望向那天空中的雷云,有些不可思议。 What did she feel? 她感觉到了什么? In that thunder clouds, she actually felt that a powerful will is arriving. 在那雷云之中,她竟然感觉到一股强大的意志正在降临。 But that will does not come from present this Lighting Attribute star, but came from void......! 而那丝意志并非来自于眼下这颗雷系星球,而是来自于……虚空! This piece void actually has the will! 这片虚空竟然存在意志! ! Wang Teng!” 王腾!” At this moment, icing was not peaceful decided that looked to Wang Teng, however made noise courageous. 这一刻,冰蒂丝不澹定了,看向王腾,勐然出声。 ! 唰! Wang Teng opens the eye courageous, looks to the upper air, in double pupil reveals a dignified meaning. 王腾勐地睁开眼睛,望向高空之中,双眸之内不由的露出一丝凝重之意。 Void will! 虚空意志! ! This piece void was born unexpectedly the will! 这片虚空竟然诞生了意志! ! Bang! 轰隆! The thunder clouds roll, then split slowly, revealed a giant vertical eye, as if has various strengths to past, innumerable rune/symbol writing flashed, the mystical were unusual. 雷云滚动,而后缓缓裂开,露出了一只巨大的竖眼,其中仿佛有着各种力量在流转,无数符文闪动,神异非常。 Her line of sight, fell on the body of Wang Teng. 她的视线,落在了王腾的身上。 Hiss!” Wang Teng feels absolutely terrifiedly, the whole body fine hair explodes, scalp tingles. “嘶!”王腾感觉毛骨悚然,浑身汗毛炸起,头皮发麻。 Always felt like brings the big trouble. 总觉得好像闯大祸了。 This looked like hit others children, finally the Sir came back, but also saw with one's own eyes your evil conduct. 这就像是打了人家的小孩,结果大人回来了,还亲眼看到了你的恶行。 Has flash that Wang Teng wants to explain. 有那么一瞬间,王腾想跟它解释一下。 However when sees that ice-cold and indifferent look, he knows, the explanation was perhaps useless. 不过看到那冰冷而漠然的眼神时,他就知道,解释恐怕是没用了。 Runs!” “跑!” Has not thought with enough time, in the Wang Teng mind has this idea immediately, is put into action, explodes toward void to goes. 没来得及多想,王腾脑海中立刻冒出这个想法,而后付诸行动,朝着虚空之中爆冲而去。 At this time in his mouth is somewhat bitter and astringent, if we had known here was born the will, he is also insufficient to go to that star will. 此时他口中有些苦涩,早知道这里诞生了意志,他也不至于去动那星球意志啊。 Hitting was small, came old. 打了小的,来了老的。 A wisp of prestige that sends out from that void will can, he cannot obviously be victorious. 从那虚空意志散发出的一缕威能来看,他明显打不过啊。 Hurries to travel. 赶紧跑路吧。 How here will have the so terrifying void will!?” Icing is somewhat unbelievable. “这里怎么会存在如此恐怖的虚空意志!?”冰蒂丝有些难以置信。 Even if this god level exists, facing that vast void will, feels shock very at this moment. 就算是她这个神级存在,面对那浩瀚的虚空意志,此刻都感觉十分的震惊。 Where I know.” Wang Teng ill-humored say/way. “我哪里知道。”王腾没好气道。 If he if we had known, not such wave. 他要是早知道,就不这么浪了。 Why felt the aura and that star will of that void will are somewhat similar?” Iced still to ponder, the vision glittered unceasingly. “为什么感觉那虚空意志的气息与那星球意志有些相似?”冰蒂丝仍然在思考,目光不断闪烁。 „Is aura similar?” Wang Teng gawked, the complexion doubt, the careful sensation, discovered probably any astounding thing, in the mind flashes through a white light later courageous, as if understood anything: „It is not right, that is not the star will, is this void wisp of will disperses in this radically.” “气息相似?”王腾愣了一下,脸色狐疑,仔细感知了一番,像是发现了什么令人惊奇的东西,随后脑海中勐地闪过一道白光,似乎明白了什么:“不对,那不是星球意志,根本就是这虚空的一缕意志分散于此而已。” Does not have what star will, is the void will. 不存在什么星球意志,都是虚空意志。 No wonder! 难怪了! Star will where has that easy birth. 星球意志哪有那么容易诞生。 Moreover had a star will, has a void will, some where so many wills, this is not right. 而且出现了一个星球意志,又出现一个虚空意志,哪有那么多意志,这根本就不对劲。 Unexpectedly is so, this place was too rather strange.” Ices some saying with amazement. “竟是如此,这地方未免太诡异了。”冰蒂丝有些骇然的说道。
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