AG :: Volume #6

#525: The strength puts together God Realm

The flowing light radiant stars combination in the King fights the flame in the howling sound the direct impact on airborne Luo Lan, this strikes on Luo Lan does not dare to look down on, he opens the double palm, Divine Power surges, the bunch of roaring flame keenly blowing, the condensation is an appearance of handle burning sunlight, on the face is having the fierce happy expression unexpectedly: Ten years must be able to step into God Realm by your advancement, tolerates you to survive In the world!?” 一颗颗流光璀璨的星辰混杂在王者斗焰的呼啸声中直冲向空中的洛岚,这一击就连洛岚也不敢小瞧,他张开双掌,神力涌动,一团团烈焰尖啸而出,竟凝聚为一柄火伞的样子,脸上带着狰狞笑意:“以你的进境不出十年必能踏入神境,怎能容你存活于世!?” Rumbling......” “轰轰轰……” Seventh Luminary, Star Shift spatters in all directions unceasingly on the burning sunlight, the flame and star light shoot up to the sky, the world vacillation and livelihood do not have light, shock-waves sweep across to the four directions, eradicates the stocks and trees of ground, under the easily accomplished potential, the Heavenly Book quarter article steles of distant place are also hard to escape by luck, one after another changes into the smashing! 七曜星辰变不断迸溅在火伞上,火光与星光冲天而起,天地动摇、日月无光,一道道冲击波席卷向四方,将地上的草根、树木连根拔起,摧枯拉朽之势下,就连远方的一尊尊天书刻文石碑也难以幸免,纷纷化为粉碎! Under strikes, the Luo Lan imposing manner was slightly weak several points, at this moment, a person has separated the flame, the star light radiant stars sword belt the Seven Luminaries immortal sword Martial Spirit overwhelming power is flying high to divide to fall, speed quickly certainly like lightning! 一击之下,洛岚的气势稍弱了几分,就在这时,一人已经分开火焰,星光璀璨的星辰剑带着七曜仙剑武魂的威猛凌空劈落下来,速度快绝如闪电! Luo Lan rise looks, on face full is the anger: Courts death!” 洛岚抬头一看,不禁脸上满是怒意:“找死!” Turns the palm into the claw, the Luo Lan five fingers just liked iron claw general grasping to the stars sword, „, when covered the sword blade, but a ray released to fall from the sword blade directly, the long jab Luo Lan main body, was the dispersion of light cuts! 化掌为爪,洛岚五根手指犹如铁爪一般的抓向了星辰剑,“当”一声扣住了剑身,但一道光芒直接从剑身之中泄落而出,直击洛岚本体,是分光斩! Under the attack of pure energy body, the Luo Lan body trembles, body surface place light God Realm astral was mad scattered slowly, but the finger covered sword blade even more tightly, in the eye full was the anger said: This handle stars sword is I donates the treasure of god of heaven, how to appear in the hand of your this little animal, brings to me!” 纯能量体的进攻下,洛岚身躯一颤,体表处淡淡的神境罡气缓缓流散了一些,但手指扣住剑刃越发的紧,眼中满是怒意道:“这柄星辰剑是我赠予天界之神的宝物,怎么会出现在你这个小畜生的手里,给我拿来!” The Luo Lan counter- buckle, a strength certainly makes forest Mu Yu have to drop vigorously. 洛岚大力反扣,一股强绝的力量让林沐雨不得不放手。 Brushes!” “刷!” The sword hilt lets go, brings the thick roaring flame, Lin Muyu a face of outstanding ability almost soon to twist, raises the armored hand, is enduring the Seventh Luminary, Star Shift intense backlash feeling, layer on layer struck the Sixth Luminary, Universe Calamity bang to approach the Luo Lan abdomen! 剑柄脱手,却带着浓浓的烈焰,林沐雨一张俊逸的脸庞几乎快要扭曲起来,扬起铁拳,忍受着七曜星辰变强烈的反噬感,重重一击六曜天地劫轰向了洛岚的腹部! The Luo Lan vision is imposing, the left leg lifts gently, trampling that Divine Power surges has approached the Lin Muyu's fist! 洛岚目光凛然,左脚轻轻一抬,神力涌动的踹向了林沐雨的拳头! Bang!” “嘭!” The energy explosion flies high to surge, Sixth Luminary, Universe Calamity such was kicked to disperse, but Lin Muyu shakes the right hand to be numb, after all the strength is disparate, God Realm expert can it be that Saint King level expert can meet the tough head-on with toughness. But at this moment, the Lin Muyu's right palm receives suddenly, the flame is dense, tows the stars sword in Luo Lan hand to spin fast anxiously! 能量爆炸凌空激荡开来,六曜天地劫就这么被踢散了,而林沐雨则震得右手酥麻,毕竟实力悬殊,神境强者岂是一个圣王强者能硬碰硬的。但就在这时,林沐雨的右掌猛然一收,火焰氤氲,牵引着洛岚手中的星辰剑快速急旋起来! Whish!” “哗嚓!” Luo Lan cannot grip the stars sword unexpectedly, in Lin Muyu's separates under the spatial control, the stars sword circles in flight in the midair, returned to the body is a Dragon Flame spiral broken thorn to the head of Luo Lan. 洛岚竟握不住星辰剑,在林沐雨的隔空驾驭下,星辰剑飞旋在半空中,返身便是一次龙炎螺旋破刺向了洛岚的头颅。 such insignificant ability!” 雕虫小技!” Luo Lan laughs, the opens mouth then together air/Qi blew fiercely, whish one phonochemical is the bone-chilling cold storm, directly blowing the rebound flew the stars sword, simultaneously spun the body left fist bang to approach Lin Muyu! 洛岚哈哈大笑起来,张口便是一道气劲吹了出去,“哗”一声化为凛冽风暴,直接将星辰剑给吹得反弹飞了出去,同时旋身左拳轰向了林沐雨! Luo Lan speed was too quick, Lin Muyu handles against under only to be able the right arm to congeal the Julong bloody battle shield to resist! 洛岚速度太快了,林沐雨措不及防下只能右臂凝聚龙血战盾来抵御! Bang!” “嘭!” The entire right arm as if must be broken generally, the throat one sweet is a blood puts out, Lin Muyu drops directly from the mouth. Meanwhile, Qin Yin silhouette appeared behind the body of Luo Lan, town Sky Sword just liked like lightning the pen straight thrust to the cerebellum of Luo Lan! 整条右臂都仿佛要被震碎了一般,喉头一甜便是一口鲜血吐出,林沐雨直接从口中跌落下来。与此同时,秦茵身影出现在了洛岚的身后方,镇天剑犹如闪电般笔直刺向洛岚的后脑! Works as!” “当!” The flame spatters in all directions, in the firm friendship whining noise, the Luo Lan whole body trembles, God Realm astral of cerebellum place was mad puncturing thoroughly by town Sky Sword little, even the sword pricked in the skin surface layer sharp, already bleeding. 火光迸溅,金石交鸣声中,洛岚浑身一颤,后脑处的神境罡气被镇天剑给刺透了少许,甚至剑尖刺入皮肤表层之中,已然出血了。 Before Luo Lan tries to turn around angrily, the Qin Yin attractive cheek upper hood the cold frost, the left palm is opening gently, the God Binding Lock ray is dense, numerous is being a palm lays out to the sword hilt, bang, cut dragon fourth heavy day of gold/metal Dragon Flame to be delivered by her palm, used town Sky Sword as the medium, the flame rises suddenly, has swallowed the body of Luo Lan instantaneously. 就在洛岚愤怒试图转身之前,秦茵漂亮的脸蛋上罩着寒霜,左掌轻轻张开,缚神锁光芒氤氲,重重的对着剑柄就是一掌拍出,“嘭”的一下,斩龙第四重天的金龙炎被她一掌送了出去,以镇天剑为媒介,火光暴涨,瞬间吞噬了洛岚的身体。 Lin Muyu numerous falling fall on the place at this time, looks at the airborne soaring to the heavens roaring flame, muttered: Xiao Yin......” 林沐雨此时重重的摔落在地,看着空中的冲天烈焰,喃喃道:“小茵……” ...... …… Although gold/metal Dragon Flame strikes seems like successful, but the Luo Lan aura has not weakened many, in the flame, Zhang Juzhang brought the roaring flame to pat, directly soared the Qin Yin front. 虽然金龙炎一击看似成功,但洛岚的气息并未减弱多少,火焰中,一张巨掌带着烈焰拍了出来,直奔秦茵的胸前。 Bang!” “轰!” In a flash, the Saint dragon shield changes into smashing, God Binding Lock of three guards were broken equally, cultivating of Qin Yin and Luo Lan is bigger for the disparity, the tender body under the prestige of Luo Lan palm just likes kite with broken string falling, airborne sprinkles the next blood, she had been seriously injured. 一瞬间,圣龙盾化为粉碎,三条护身的缚神锁一样被震碎,秦茵洛岚的修为差距更大,在洛岚一掌之威下娇躯犹如断线风筝般的落下,空中洒下一道鲜血,她已经受了重伤了。 Qin Yin, cannot die! 秦茵,绝不能死! Lin Muyu the whole person as if has been bewitched generally, arouses the ample force diving posture to overrun, the under foot Falling Star Steps energy ray twinkle, flew high to grasp Qin Yin, tumbled together in the place, but behind transmitted Luo Lan just liked the sound of purgatory devil: Also good, you died together, lets the Qin Jin daughter and adopted son goes to hell together!” 林沐雨整个人都仿佛着魔了一般,鼓足余力飞身冲了过去,脚下坠星步能量光芒闪烁,凌空抱住了秦茵,一起滚落在地,而身后则传来了洛岚犹如炼狱恶魔的声音:“也好,你们两个死在一起,就让秦靳的女儿和义子一起下地狱吧!” Airborne full is the flame, the Luo Lan double palm is holding together the impact strength of flame mountain range shape, eyeful stubborn with laughing, wields the both arms suddenly, this ruinous impacting energy drops from the clouds instantaneously, covers a about hundred meters range, is unable in such a short time to run away by forest Mu Yu, Qin Yin present condition the birth day! 空中满是火光,洛岚双掌托着一道火焰山脉形态的冲击力量,满眼的桀骜与大笑,猛然挥动双臂,这道毁灭性的冲击能量瞬间从天而降,覆盖近百米的范围,以林沐雨、秦茵如今的状态根本就无法在这么短的时间内逃出生天! However, at this moment, in the Lin Muyu's hand does not know when left a jade pendant, on the jade pendant the golden writing has shot up to the sky, flood the rich green gloss, has been inspiring the strength of world instantaneously, was a best quality goods spirit book embryo of space principle! 然而,就在这时,林沐雨的手中不知何时多出了一枚玉佩,玉佩上金色文字冲天而起,泛着浓郁的青色光泽,瞬间引动了天地之力,是一个空间法则的极品灵书器胚! Buzz!” “嗡!” In a half second, Lin Muyu and bosom Qin Yin vanished, in time that in the ground the Battle Qi air currents of remaining maneuvers, within do not only allow to send, the Luo Lan fierce move has also rumbled! 半秒钟内,林沐雨和怀里的秦茵消失了,地面上只剩下回旋的斗气气流,间不容发的时间内,洛岚的猛招也已经轰了下来! Bang!” “嘭!” The earth shivers fiercely, a piece of green grass changed into the basin, the roaring flame has shot up to the sky, Luo Lan this struck as if to create a purgatory to be ordinary above the earth, very frightening! 大地剧烈颤抖,一片青草地化为了盆地,烈焰冲天而起,洛岚这一击仿佛在大地之上创造出了一个炼狱一般,十分恐怖 Un!?” “嗯!?” Feels forest Mu Yu, Qin Yin aura not to vanish, Luo Lan returns to turn around suddenly, then saw that Lin Muyu, Qin Yin appeared after behind jungle 200 meters away, the space principle embryo of best quality goods spirit book rank also can only be so far in the flash transmission, if changed into Heavenly Book or the god book, could transmit the thousand li(500 km) remote! 感受到林沐雨、秦茵的气息并未消失,洛岚猛然回转身,便看到林沐雨、秦茵出现在了身后200米外的丛林内,极品灵书级别的空间法则器胚也只能在一瞬间传送那么远了,如果换成天书或者神书,或许能传送千里之遥了! Really is the deceitful disciple!” “真是狡诈之徒!” Luo Lan has the strength of overwhelming superiority, is actually not able to massacre Lin Muyu, Qin Yin, immediately somewhat became angry out of shame, jumped from airborne to fly, in the palm full was the Divine Power air/Qi glow, next one struck, wins! 洛岚拥有绝对优势的力量,却无法杀掉林沐雨、秦茵,顿时有些恼羞成怒了,纵身从空中飞了过去,掌心里满是神力气芒,下一击,志在必得! After use excessively primary fragmentation void shuttle, Luo Lan must return to the breath to use some time once more, therefore also can only the flight in the past, look for the opportunity to massacre Lin Muyu and Qin Yin again. 使用过一次破碎虚空的穿梭之后,洛岚必须回息一段时间才能再次使用,所以也只能飞行过去,寻找机会再杀掉林沐雨和秦茵 However, when Luo Lan flies to two people of top of the heads above, Lin Muyu recovered the little energy, he stirs the remaining prestige, above the both arms is lingering profound wonderful golden True Qi, is not other, contains Fu Xi Divine Power in his mortal body and spirit, moreover is very succinct wisp of Divine Power, even if Luo Lan this Divine Venerate Divine Power is also well below Fu Xi Divine Power to be so succinct! 然而,就在洛岚飞行到二人头顶上方的时候,林沐雨已经恢复了少许的体力,他鼓荡余威,双臂之上萦绕着一道道玄奇的金色真气,不是别的,正是蕴藏于他凡人体魄中的伏羲神力,而且是是十分精粹的一缕神力,就算是洛岚这个神尊神力也远远不及伏羲神力这般精粹! Also wants to fight again?” “还想再战吗?” Luo Lan is narrowing the eye, on the face full is the light happy expression, although Divine Power in Lin Muyu both arms is very pure, but the intensity is actually well below itself, perhaps only needed to strike can make him see clearly each other disparity. 洛岚眯着眼睛,脸上满是淡淡笑意,虽然林沐雨双臂中的神力十分精纯,但强度却远远不及自己,或许只需要一击就能让他看清彼此的差距了。 But forest Mu Yu in ground knows that this disparity is disparate, but he does not have the means that can only wrestle furiously, otherwise can only die with Qin Yin here. 而地面上的林沐雨何尝不知道这种差距悬殊,但他没有办法,只能奋力一搏,否则和秦茵只能死在这里了。 On the arm the golden Battle Qi maneuver is unceasing, on Lin Muyu a face of outstanding ability full is detesting, said: Luo Lan your this son of a bitch, you have killed Lei Hong Grandpa, today the new account old debt calculates together!” 手臂上金色斗气回旋不绝,林沐雨一张俊逸的脸庞上满是忿恨,道:“洛岚你这狗东西,你杀了雷洪爷爷,今天新账旧账一起算!” Son-of-a-bitch!” “浑蛋!” The Luo Lan violent anger, raises both arms, Divine Power is dense, in righteousness and country, but also nobody dares to scold him the Luo Lan immortal Venerable is the son of a bitch, now was washed the rain such to scold by the forest, naturally is not very at heart happy. 洛岚暴怒不已,扬起双臂,神力氤氲,在义和国,还没有人敢骂他洛岚仙尊是狗东西,如今被林沐雨这么一骂,心里自然十分不痛快。 „!” “啪!” Lin Muyu jumps to shoot up to the sky, strength saved is completed, in the both arms is surging Fu Xi Divine Power and Stars Art strength, the whole person just likes the arrow of soaring to the heavens is common, the both arms raise, the Divine Power quick cooling in instantaneous arm transforms into the ice soul star strength, rumbles to the golden hot palm that Luo Lan airborne is dropping! 林沐雨纵身冲天而起,力量已经积蓄完成,双臂之中涌动着伏羲神力星辰诀的力量,整个人犹如冲天之箭一般,双臂扬起,瞬间手臂中的神力急速冷却转变为冰魄星力,对着洛岚空中落下的金色火掌就轰了进去! ......” “噗……” A dull thumping sound, has not imagined the crack sound, in the ground, Qin Yin opens the bright eyes, the whole body shivers, she is worried about Lin Muyu, but helpless, in front of expert of Luo Lan this Divine Venerate strength, what oneself Heavenly Sovereign can make? She is filled with unwillingly, but also can only implore Heaven to bless Lin Muyu silently. 一声闷响,并没有想象中的爆鸣声,地面上,秦茵睁大明眸,浑身颤抖,她担心林沐雨,但无能为力在,在洛岚这个神尊实力的强者面前,自己一个圣尊又能做什么呢?她满心不甘,但也只能默默的祈求上苍庇佑林沐雨。 ...... …… Faint trace......” “丝丝……” Ice air/Qi from the sky raise, Lin Muyu changed into ices the arrow and Luo Lan together brushed past, the next moment then started to crash, „”, a blood emitted, the clothing one after another on front and shoulder exploded to break to pieces, the wound of whole body twinkle star, looked like very fearsome, withstood Luo Lan struck directly, trades to be the average man to be already split up. 一道道冰气在空中升起,林沐雨化为一道冰箭与洛岚擦肩而过,下一刻便开始坠落,“呜哇”一声,一口鲜血喷吐而出,胸前、肩膀上的衣物纷纷爆碎开来,浑身星星点点的伤口,看起来十分可怖,承受洛岚的正面一击,换做常人早就四分五裂了。 But airborne, the Luo Lan body stands erect in the wind stands one's ground steadfastly, after several seconds, Frost climbed up his beard together, are getting more and more, in an instant the Luo Lan body by Frost covering, changes into together the ice piece, only before dies the person who under Bi Xuehan ices what is different, the Luo Lan body has not ruptured, but presented golden Divine Power continuously on his meridians, is scattering the ice strength slowly. 而空中,洛岚的身躯屹立在风中岿然不动,几秒钟后,一道冰霜爬上了他的胡须,紧接着越来越多,转眼之间洛岚的身躯就被冰霜给笼罩起来,化为一块冰块,唯一与之前死在碧雪寒冰下的人不同的是,洛岚的身躯并未爆裂开来,而是在他的经脉上出现了一缕缕的金色神力,正在缓缓的驱散冰力。 Lin Muyu layer on layer falls falls on the place, actually strives had gained ground, said: Xiao Yin, kills...... Kills him......” 林沐雨重重摔落在地,却勉力的抬起头来了,道:“小茵,杀……杀他……” Qin Yin without demur is holding up town Sky Sword, the snow white longleg sinks slightly, star fine jades fight the glow to be dense in the surroundings, after saving the little strengths, jumps, long sword changed into the waning moon to cut together to airborne Luo Lan. 秦茵二话不说的擎着镇天剑,雪白的长腿微微下沉,一道道星璇斗芒在周围氤氲,积蓄了少许力量之后,纵身而起,长剑化为一道残月斩向了空中的洛岚 However, before sword blade close Luo Lan body that moment, suddenly wave, the sword light was rebounded, seems some ban in protecting Luo Lan, Qin Yin is rebounded by Divine Power, hum falls to fly, in the wound adds the wound. 然而,就在剑刃接近洛岚身躯前的那一刻,忽然“波”的一声,剑光被反弹开来,仿佛是某种禁制在保护着洛岚,秦茵受到神力反弹,呜呜一声跌飞出去,伤上加伤。 Lin Muyu dejected looks, clenches the teeth, the palm flashed in Cosmos Bag, holds up handle flowing light radiant battle-axe, the wrist|skill turned gently, the strength of world had been inspired, soil series principle low grade book rock! 林沐雨颓然的看着,咬紧牙关,手掌在乾坤袋中一晃而过,擎出了一柄流光璀璨的战斧,手腕轻轻一翻,天地之力已经被引动,土系法则下品地书岩石! Rumbling......” “轰轰轰……” In the ground, crags shoot up to the sky suddenly, the might of low grade book is also unexpectedly astonishing now, bang, incisive talus cone numerous tops in the Luo Lan lower part of the body position, he „” has also put out a blood, even if God Realm expert, but withstood Lin Muyu, Qin Yin that many attacks, Luo Lan as if also already to limit. 地面上,一道道突岩冲天而起,下品地书的威力居然也如今惊人,“嘭”一声,一枚尖锐的岩锥重重的顶在了洛岚的下身位置,以至于他“呜哇”一声也吐出了一口鲜血,纵然是一个神境强者,但承受了林沐雨、秦茵的那么多攻击,洛岚似乎也已经到极限了。 !! !!
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