AG :: Volume #6

#526: Fu Xi teaches other people

Rustle......” “沙沙……” The shaved ice flakes unceasingly, Luo Lan nearly becomes angry out of shame on the old face of distortion completely, the palm shivers slightly, golden Divine Power rapid maneuvers, he looked down to Lin Muyu, Qin Yin, killing intent in eye very bone-chilling cold. 冰屑不断剥落,洛岚一张近乎于扭曲的苍老脸庞上满是恼羞成怒,手掌微微颤抖,一道道金色神力飞速回旋,他低头看向了林沐雨、秦茵,眼中的杀意十分凛冽。 Oh......” “唉……” Lin Muyu a helpless sigh, the whole body could not mention any strength, but Qin Yin slanting lying down of not far away under a Chinese sweet gum, did not say a word, as if the injury faint passed. 林沐雨无奈的一声叹息,浑身已经提不起什么力气了,而不远处的秦茵则斜斜的躺在一棵枫树下,一言不发,似乎已经受伤昏厥过去了。 Xiao Yin......” 小茵……” Lin Muyu is leaning on long sword, stands up slowly, moved toward Qin Yin lamely, the line of sight is somewhat fuzzy, almost kept him from seeing clearly Qin Yin silhouette. 林沐雨拄着长剑,缓缓站起身来,一瘸一拐的走向了秦茵,视线有些模糊,几乎让他无法看清秦茵身影了。 Luo Lan flies high to visit him, in the heart has one to regret unexpectedly that said: Forest Mu Yu, you is a rare talent, how must with me for the enemy, now I give you an opportunity, so long as you leave the empire, joins seven palaces, belongs to my hanger-on, the main body receives you for the disciple, how?” 洛岚凌空看着他,心中竟生出一丝惋惜,道:“林沐雨,你本是一个不世之材,奈何非要与我为敌,现在我给你一个机会,只要你离开帝国,加入七界宫,归入我的门下,本尊就收你为徒,如何?” Lin Muyu rise looked at his one eyes, thinks funny, laughs, pulls the wound severe pain to be incomparable: Luo Lan, your this type the villain who does not have Wu De, several thousand years cultivates for the boundary halts, depends on you also to match, when my master? Receives your hypocritical false mask, making me look to think disgusting.” 林沐雨抬头看了他一眼,不禁觉得好笑,哈哈大笑起来,扯得伤口剧痛无比:“洛岚,你这种毫无武德的小人,数千年修为境界止步不前,就凭你也配当我的师父?收起你假仁假义的虚伪面具吧,让我看着觉得恶心。” You!” “你!” The golden ray in Luo Lan palm is even more strong, sound also ice-cold: Since you want dead, I read you am in the share of present age outstanding, gives you an entire corpse!” 洛岚掌心里的金色光芒愈发浓烈,声音也冰冷起来:“既然你想死,那我就念你是当世俊杰的份上,给你一个全尸吧!” Buzz!” “嗡!” Luo Lan raised the palm, golden flowing light has shot up to the sky, this struck can want the Lin Muyu's life inevitably! 洛岚扬起了手掌,金色流光冲天而起,这一击势必会要了林沐雨的命! Lin Muyu step by step moved toward Qin Yin, simply has not paid attention, looks at Qin Yin to lie down under the tree tranquil and happy the cheek, bottom of one's heart gives birth to warm feeling unexpectedly, can look at her one eyes before dying, as if also value. 林沐雨一步步的走向了秦茵,根本没有理会,看着秦茵躺在树下恬美的脸蛋,心底竟然生出一丝暖意,在死前能多看她一眼,似乎也值了。 ...... …… Luo Lan does not understand the love, naturally will not show tender affection, an effective palm then must drop from the clouds in an instant. 洛岚不懂得爱情,自然也不会怜香惜玉,威力不凡的一掌转眼便要从天而降。 Stop!” “住手!” When soon a palm will fall, suddenly a dignified sound conveys from the distant place, together the person's shadow just likes the lightning general to sweep past thick patch of grass and bush, shoots to come, coming the face of person from the jungle deep place electricity not to see clearly, has taken directly then control , the Saint Heaven Realm domain strength sweeps across all around rapidly, the five fingers surrounding full are the ice air/Qi, was rumbling to Luo Lan! 就在即将一掌落下的时候,忽然一个威严的声音从远方传来,一道人影犹如闪电一般掠过草丛、灌木,从密林深处电射而来,来人的脸庞都没有看清,直接便已经出掌,圣天境领域力量迅速席卷四周,五指周围满是冰气,对着洛岚就轰了出去! What person?!” “什么人?!” Luo Lan said anything without enough time again, can only plan gives a Lin Muyu's palm to give to at present this heavy features middle-aged person, a fire ice double palm collided in together, immediately the storm swept across together in the surroundings, blew Lin Muyu to fall side Qin Yin, almost soon could not open the eye. 洛岚来不及再说什么,只能把原本打算送给林沐雨的一掌送给了眼前这个浓眉大眼的中年人,一火一冰双掌碰撞在一起的时候,顿时一道风暴在周围席卷开来,吹得林沐雨跌坐在秦茵身边,几乎快要睁不开眼睛来。 Bang!” “嘭!” A strength erupts suddenly, in the palm of middle-aged follower surges the vast ice is the profound strength, rumbles Luo Lan unexpectedly again and again flies to draw back dozens to anchor, the corners of the mouth already overflowed the blood, in the same wound in addition injured. 猛然一次力量爆发,中年修炼者的掌心里激荡出浩瀚冰系玄力,竟将洛岚轰得连连飞退数十步而停住,嘴角已然溢出了鲜血,一样伤上加伤了。 You...... Who are you?” “你……你到底是什么人?” The strength of Luo Lan returning breath within the body fast, the vision fell on came the human. 洛岚飞快的回息体内的力量,目光落在了来人身上。 A middle-aged person face has an imposing appearance, said with a smile lightly: Ice holds Wu Tong, guarded this gonorrhea Ye Lin already nearly ten thousand years, what's wrong...... Since why your this old boy steps into God Realm not to fly upwards, actually abuses power in the world of human beings?” 中年人一脸的器宇轩昂,淡淡笑道:“冰掌吴桐,镇守这片白叶林已经近万年了,怎么……你这老小子既然踏入神境为何不飞升,却在人界作威作福?” „Does ice hold Wu Tong?” “冰掌吴桐?” Luo Lan coldly said: Who does ice hold Wu Tong is?” 洛岚冷冷道:“冰掌吴桐又是谁?” On Wu Tong face full is proudly, the both arms thoughts laugh saying: „Before Divine Emperor Fu Xi flies upwards, ordering me and other people to guard the Heavenly Book stele forest in Baiyelin, as long as non- chance but the trespasser, executes summarily, the old boy, you hurries to scram out of Baiyelin, I do not kill you, naturally also some people will kill you, immediately get lost to me!” 吴桐脸上满是傲然,双臂抱怀哈哈大笑道:“神帝伏羲飞升之前,命令我等数人镇守白叶林中的天书碑林,但凡非机缘而侵入者,格杀勿论,老小子,你赶紧滚出白叶林去吧,我不杀你,自然也会有人杀你,立刻给我滚!” His hand is pointing at outside the forest, drinks one lowly: I count to three, you do not roll, on dead end.” 他手指着森林外,低喝一声:“我数到三,你不滚,就死路一条。” How could Luo Lan has received these threats, immediately the complexion is pale, but has no alternative, at present this person understands the ice is the principle, ices the palm to be very fierce, was right a moment ago a palm, the both arms as before a penetrating are still cold, perhaps linked to the strength of second palm did not have, if this Wu Tongzhen wants to kill itself, perhaps also can only be killed. 洛岚何曾受过这些的威胁,顿时脸色铁青,但却无可奈何,眼前这人深谙冰系法则,冰掌无比厉害,刚才对了一掌,双臂至今依旧一片彻寒酥麻,恐怕连对第二掌的力量也没有了,如果这个吴桐真的想杀自己,恐怕自己也只能被杀。 Brushes......” “刷刷……” Ice are the strength lingers around the palm of Wu tung oil tree, he moved has killed the heart. 一道道冰系力量萦绕在吴桐的掌心周围,他已经动了杀心了。 Luo Lan look one cold, Divine Power in within the body as if also slowly was responding, trod the broken void time limit to arrive, whish, Luo Lan behind had a space crack, he floating entered, looks at Lin Muyu from afar, sneered saying: Forest Mu Yu, Qin Yin, we will meet again, your lives are my Luo Lan, remembered!” 洛岚神色一寒,体内的神力似乎也在缓缓回应着,踏破虚空的时限已经到了,“哗嚓”一声,洛岚身后出现了一道空间裂缝,他飘然而入,远远的看着林沐雨,冷笑道:“林沐雨、秦茵,我们会再见面的,你们的命是我洛岚的,记住了!” Brushes!” “刷!” Luo Lan silhouette and space crack vanished together. 洛岚身影与空间裂缝一起消失掉了。 ...... …… Wu Tong turned around to move toward Lin Muyu, at this time Qin Yin also awoke to transfer, a pair of beautiful eye looks at Wu Tong, said: Yes...... Was this uncle has saved us?” 吴桐转身走向了林沐雨,这时秦茵也已经醒转了过来,一双美目看着吴桐,道:“是……是这位大叔救了我们吗?” Lin Muyu nods: Yes.” 林沐雨点头:“是。” Wu Tong actually does not show respect for somebody's ability, puts out a hand outside a finger of Heavenly Book stele forest, said: You also walk, if a Incense sticks time does not walk, I can hold you turn into the ice sludge, do not believe that I, my grim Wu Tong nickname is not has unearned reputation.” 吴桐却不买账,伸手一指天书碑林外,道:“你们也走,一炷香功夫如果不走的话,我会一掌把你们变成碎冰,别不相信我的话,我冷面吴桐的绰号可不是浪得虚名的。” Lin Muyu falls in the place, simply sits cross-legged to sit there, said: We the severe wound to not having strength walked, if you want to kill us, that begins, but I have not thought that Fu Xi Divine Emperor will leave behind the person who will guard the Heavenly Book stele forest so to be unexpectedly good or bad does not divide.” 林沐雨跌坐在地,干脆盘腿坐在那里,道:“我们已经重伤到没有力气走了,你若是想杀我们,那就动手吧,只是我没有想到,伏羲神帝留下镇守天书碑林的人居然会这么好坏不分。” Wu Tong straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards raise: What is the quality does not divide, the main body is only responsible for guarding the Heavenly Book stele forest, no matter other matters totally, I who no matter you are, walks in any case immediately......” 吴桐剑眉一扬:“什么叫好坏不分,本尊只负责镇守天书碑林,其余的事情一概不管,我不管你是什么人,反正立刻走……” He looks that Lin Muyu and lies down in ground Qin Yin as before, a brow wrinkle, said suddenly: Ok, gives you a double-hour to transport the merit therapy, after recovering some energy, then walks.” 他看着林沐雨和依旧躺在地上的秦茵,忽地眉头一皱,道:“算了,给你们一个时辰运功疗伤,恢复一些体力之后便走吧。” The forest washes the raindrop to nod, pulls out recovery medicine in Cosmos Bag, took orally one bottle to Qin Yin, oneself also scattered some Gold Sore Medicine in the wound of upper body, afterward takes out new hunting household clothes to put on, sits cross-legged in the place, the double palm therapy about ten transporting merit, Fu Xi Divine Power as if together spring breeze flowing in the veins, has dredged clogging with silt in vein, sees only pale golden flowing light to linger around the body, affords a marvelous view. 林沐雨点点头,掏出乾坤袋里的疗伤药,给秦茵口服了一瓶,自己也撒了一些金疮药在上身的伤口上,随后取出一件新的猎户衣服穿上,盘坐在地,双掌合十的运功疗伤起来,伏羲神力仿佛一道春风般的流淌在脉络之间,疏通了脉络中的淤塞,只见一道道淡金色的流光萦绕在身体周围,蔚为奇观。 Wu Tong both arms thoughts, not near looks at Lin Muyu, when saw on Lin Muyu is flowing when Fu Xi Divine Power, can"t help it, is startled slightly, the brow wrinkled the wrinkle, but has not spoken. 吴桐双臂抱怀,不远不近的看着林沐雨,当看到林沐雨身上流淌着的伏羲神力时,禁不住的微微一怔,眉头皱了皱,但并未说话。 ...... …… After several minutes, suddenly in the jungle transmits a keenly blowing, wears the old man of azure robe to appear in the forest, the front is wearing a gold badge, is the people in seven palaces, Heavenly Sovereign cultivates is, does not have the accident to be the Luo Lan disciple. 几分钟后,忽然丛林中传来一声尖啸,一名身穿青袍的老者出现在林中,胸前佩戴着一枚金质徽章,是七界宫的人,圣尊修为,不出意外应该是洛岚的弟子。 Forest Mu Yu! Qin Yin!” “林沐雨!秦茵!” He fast has recognized, and saw that Lin Muyu, Qin Yin were seriously injured to lose the strength, laughed to clash, in the palm wind system principle strength dance, laughed saying: to travel far and wide looking for something, only to find it easily, must come not to be all time-consuming, suffers to death! My Duanmu Fang must be today seven palaces makes a great merit!” 他飞快的认了出来,并且看出林沐雨、秦茵身受重伤已经失去了战力,哈哈大笑着冲了过来,掌心里一道道风系法则力量狂舞,大笑道:“踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫,受死吧!我端木方今天要为七界宫立下一大功了!” But, his palm strength has not urged completely sends, suddenly the ice holds Wu Tong to move sideways then to welcome going forward, treads suddenly, the body flies high to look at the opposite party, in the palm the ice air/Qi surges, the anger exclaimed: In I ice hold in Wu Tong domain you also to dare to kill people!?” 但,他的掌力尚未完全催发出来的时候,忽然冰掌吴桐闪身便迎了上前,忽地踏地,身体凌空看着对方,掌心里冰气涌动,怒吼道:“在我冰掌吴桐的地盘上你也敢杀人!?” Duanmu side rise, the complexion is suddenly instantaneous, under general idea he has not induced to the one side unexpectedly also has such Saint Heaven Realm expert! 端木方猛然抬头,脸色瞬间苍白,大意之下他居然没有感应到一旁还有这么一个圣天境强者了! Wu Tong palm strength drops from the clouds, just likes falls a glacier to be ordinary! 吴桐的掌力从天而降,犹如降下一座冰川一般! Where Duanmu side can resist, the double palm instantaneous disintegration becomes one pile of ice sludge, the body is unable to move, was rumbled directly by the palm of Wu tung oil tree the smashing, simultaneously bang, huge Frost was in charge falls on the ground, with that exactly the same that Lin Muyu, Qin Yin saw before, wants to come is Wu Tong masterpieces, this guarded the Heavenly Book stele forest ancient times expert, unexpectedly frightening in this way, over ten thousand years of practice, even if did not have breakthrough God Realm, perhaps his strength also already not under Divine Venerate Luo Lan this rank. 端木方哪儿能抵挡得住,双掌瞬间崩碎成一堆碎冰,身体更是无法移动,直接被吴桐的一掌轰成了粉碎,同时“嘭”一声,一个巨大冰霜掌印落在了地上,与林沐雨、秦茵之前看见的那个一模一样,想来都是吴桐的杰作,这个镇守天书碑林的远古强者,竟恐怖如斯,上万年的修炼,纵然没有突破神境,恐怕他的实力也已经不下于神尊洛岚这个级别了。 „......” “啪啪……” After falling to the ground, looks at the Duanmu Fang broken corpse, Wu Tong pats the palm gently, said: In I ice hold in Wu Tong domain, only then I can kill people at will, snort|hum!” 落地之后,看着端木方的碎尸,吴桐轻轻一拍手掌,道:“在我冰掌吴桐的地盘上,只有我能随意杀人,哼!” Lin Muyu therapy, while narrowed the eye to look at the tactical situation, bottom of one's heart was mammoth, the good ice to hold Wu Tong, the strength and moral behavior were quite perfect, it seems like that this time in the Heavenly Book stele forest will be insufficient dead in the hand of Luo Lan. 林沐雨一边疗伤,一边眯着眼睛看完了战况,心底波澜壮阔,好一个冰掌吴桐,实力和人品都是比较过硬的,看来这次在天书碑林不至于会死在洛岚的手里了。 ...... …… Continues therapy, Fu Xi Divine Power is the inborn cure is Divine Power, fast is recovering the injured body, but one side, Qin Yin also sits cross-legged to sit there, God Binding Lock changes into the golden Divine Dragon image to linger around her graceful carriage, the real dragon bloodlines, therapy speed as if not compare forest Mu Yuman many. 继续疗伤,伏羲神力是天生的治愈系神力,飞快的复苏着受伤的身躯,而一旁,秦茵也盘膝坐在那里,缚神锁化为金色神龙形象萦绕在她曼妙的体态周围,真龙血脉,疗伤的速度似乎也不比林沐雨慢多少。 Soon, Lin Muyu's injury recover completely most time. 不久之后,林沐雨的伤势痊愈大半的时候。 Suddenly sky over the jungle has heard a frank laughter: Wu Tong, your this without the strength to truss a chicken idiot a bit faster has not rolled, your Zheng Jian Grandpa came!” 忽然丛林上空传来了一声爽朗的笑声:“吴桐,你这手无缚鸡之力的蠢货还不快点滚出来,你的郑坚爷爷来了!” Zheng Jian?” Wu Tong body trembles, straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards tighten said: This disfigured came at this time unexpectedly, the scoundrel, was the scoundrel, father's wishful thinking must fail simply......” “郑坚?”吴桐身躯一颤,剑眉紧锁道:“这个丑八怪居然在这种时候来了,混账,简直是混账,老子的如意算盘要落空了……” Brushes!” “刷!” The middle-aged robust man who on the jungle branch, wears flame soft armor falls to the ground suddenly, the body week lingers the Saint Heaven Realm domain, the corners of the mouth is raising, says with a smile: „The father induced to here a moment ago has the strength to surge, even also brightly appears, was worried that your was butchered has ripped the head will throw the Divine Emperor person, therefore came to have a look at you dead.” 丛林枝头上,一个身穿火红色软甲的中年壮汉猛然落地,身周萦绕着圣天境领域,嘴角一扬,笑道:“刚才老子感应到这里有力量波荡,甚至还有神出现,担心你被人宰了把头颅割掉会丢了神帝的人呢,所以过来看看你死了没有。” Wu Tong strikes one's chest immediately, said: Your Grandpa I hold the strength to be vigorous, how to be killed, you, you run up to here to come to flee from calamity actually, ha, was not peaceful for serveral days, many expert entered the Heavenly Book stele forest, perhaps your domain could not defend quickly.” 吴桐当即一拍胸脯,道:“你爷爷我掌力雄浑,怎么会被人杀死,倒是你,你跑到我这里来是不是在逃难,哈哈哈,这些天不太平了,不少强者进入了天书碑林,恐怕你的地盘很快就守不住了。” Fart!” “放屁!” The Zheng Jian obvious personality explodes is fiercer, said: Father's hot fist was worrying that does not have the place to display, these people come the more better!” 郑坚显然性情更加爆烈一些,道:“老子的火拳正愁没有地方发挥呢,那些人来得越多越好!” Saying, Zheng Jian saw on Wu Tong behind forest Mu Yu, Qin Yin finally, when he saw Lin Muyu the body surface is flowing when golden Fu Xi Divine Power, the can"t help it, whole body trembles, said: He...... Who are they?” 说着,郑坚终于看到了吴桐身后的林沐雨、秦茵身上,当他看到林沐雨体表流淌着的金色伏羲神力时,禁不住的浑身一颤,道:“他……他们是谁?” Being predestined friends person, my guest.” Wu Tong light say|way. “有缘人,我的客人。”吴桐淡淡道。 Puts your ancestor's P!” Zheng Jian fast walks to go forward, before arriving at Lin Muyu the body, lifts the hand to press on the Lin Muyu's shoulder, immediately a vigorous flame strength emerges the body. “放你祖宗的P!”郑坚飞快走上前,来到林沐雨身前,抬手就按在林沐雨的肩膀上,顿时一股雄浑火焰力量涌入身躯。 You...... Do not be dissolute!” Wu Tongdi shouted to clear the way. “你……你别放肆!”吴桐低喝道。 No matter Zheng Jian did not ask, until own strength when the forest washes rain within the body receives Fu Xi Divine Power resistance, suddenly opens the eye, draws back several steps continually, washes rain one knee to kneel to the forest, cup one fist in the other hand said: Hot fist Zheng Jian, see Fu Xi teaches other people!” 郑坚不管不问,直到自己的力量在林沐雨体内受到伏羲神力抵御的时候,忽然睁开眼睛,连退数步,冲着林沐雨单膝跪地,抱拳道:“火拳郑坚,参见伏羲传人!” !! !!
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