AG :: Volume #6

#524: Also sees Luo Lan

Does not need to be polite with him, on together.” “不用跟他客气,一起上。” Lin Muyu said in a low voice: I attract his attention, consumes his strength with the defense of Seven Luminaries immortal hu, Xiao Yin you looks for the opportunity to kill him, this Heavenly Book embryo sword, I must decide!” 林沐雨低声说道:“我吸引他的注意力,用七曜仙葫的防御消耗他的力量,小茵你寻找机会干掉他,这把中品天书器胚剑,我要定了!” Saying, Lin Muyu jumps from leap to go immediately, flies high to draw out the stars sword, the inferior magical instrument sword leaves the flash world of sheath as if low-spirited not to have up general, several golden God Binding Lock linger around the stars sword, greatly promoted the destructive power, the personal appearance was certainly high time to swoop, made the Sacred Mountains of China day to fall by the potential of withstanding great pressure! 说着,林沐雨纵身从马上飞跃而去,凌空拔出星辰剑,次神器剑出鞘的一瞬间天地仿佛黯然无光一般,十几条金色缚神锁萦绕在星辰剑周围,大大的提升了破坏力,身形达到一定高度的时候飞扑而下,以泰山压顶之势打出了五岳天降! Roar!” “吼!” Patrols to hunt for the ghost as if also to induce to at present fierce of powerful enemy, will roar, in the hand the long sword King fights the flame dance, he almost the strength of whole body centralized above sword blade, coming to square to keep off Lin Muyu this to exert its utmost will strike. 巡猎鬼将似乎也能感应到眼前强敌的厉害,怒吼一声,手中长剑王者斗焰狂舞,他几乎将全身的力量都集中于剑刃之上,来格挡林沐雨这势在必得的一击。 Bang......” “嘭……” The flame spatters in all directions, after all Lin Muyu has only used 70% strengths, the stars sword was rebounded stiffly, the personal appearance retreats backward, but will patrol to hunt for the ghost taking advantage of fighting the impulse of beast, instead before bullying the body, long sword will wield, will be falling the full place to sweep away to Lin Muyu, the sword ecliptic said that divided three swords instantaneously! 火焰迸溅开来,毕竟林沐雨只用了七成力道,星辰剑硬生生被反弹开来,身形向后退去,而巡猎鬼将则借着战兽的冲击力,反而欺身上前,长剑一挥,对着林沐雨落足的地点横扫开来,剑光道道,瞬间劈出了三剑! Good strength Sword Qi!” “好强的剑气!” Lin Muyu naturally knows the Saint King boundary strongly, moreover this will patrol to hunt for the ghost to think that was also one uses the skilled person of sword. 林沐雨自然知道圣王境有多强,而且这巡猎鬼将生前想必也是一个用剑的好手。 Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” Left arm horizontal, Seven Luminaries immortal hu Divine Power surges, swiftly condenses for the image of dragon bloody battle shield, simultaneously the star lotus armor also appears behind the dragon bloody battle shield, „, when ding-dong several golden rays spatter in all directions, has illuminated all around field, patrols to hunt for the ghost to roar one, seeing is unable to break out the defense of match, immediately urges the valley King to fight the flame, the sword ecliptic said that a series of catching up attack crazily. 左臂横起,七曜仙葫神力涌动,迅速凝聚为龙血战盾的形象,同时星莲化铠也出现在龙血战盾后方,“当当当”的几次金色光芒迸溅开来,照亮了四周的田野,巡猎鬼将一声怒吼,见无法劈开对手的防御,马上催谷王者斗焰,剑光道道,一连串的发力狂攻。 The short ten seconds, patrolled to hunt for ghost to divide about 50 swords, but on the dragon bloody battle shield also gradually presented cracks, but Lin Muyu can induce to patrolling to hunt for the ghost the imposing manner and strength at least dropped about 30%, but oneself constantly defended, Martial Spirit strength and Battle Qi only buckle less than 5%, which aspect regardless of were greatly gains! 短短十秒钟,巡猎鬼将足足劈出了近50剑,而龙血战盾上也渐渐出现了一道道裂纹,但林沐雨更能感应到巡猎鬼将的气势与力量都至少下降了三成左右,而自己只是一味防御,武魂力量、斗气只折损不到5%,无论从哪个方面都是自己大赚! Fusion!” “融合!” Under shouted, God Binding Lock and Seven Luminaries fused into the big treasured sword to linger around the stars sword mysteriously instantaneously, Lin Muyu in same place spin body swept a sword, will patrol to hunt for the ghost to rumble directly again and again retrocedes, but at this time, the attack of Qin Yin finally also started, gathered full Xingxuan to fight the strength direct bang that the glow the town day sword belt was cutting Dragon Jue fifth type dragon Dragon Fu, in patrolled to hunt for the ghost above the back. 一声断喝下,缚神锁七曜玄乎瞬间融合成为大宝剑萦绕在星辰剑周围,林沐雨原地旋身扫荡出一剑,直接将巡猎鬼将轰得连连后退,而这时,秦茵的进攻终于也开始了,蓄满星璇斗芒的镇天剑带着斩龙诀第五式虬龙缚的力量直接轰在了巡猎鬼将的后背之上。 Hong!” “洪!” Light and spacious Dragon recited in the sound, real dragon God Binding Lock changes into a ray winding of dragon dragon to patrol to hunt for the ghost the body week, Dragon's Tail deep dug in underground, will patrol to hunt for the ghost to imprison in same place, went all out to struggle not to be actually able to struggle. 畅亮的龙吟声中,一条真龙缚神锁化为一头虬龙的光芒缠绕在巡猎鬼将的身周,龙尾深深的扎入地下,将巡猎鬼将囚禁在原地,拼命挣扎却根本就无法挣扎开来。 Good!” “好!” Lin Muyu laughs, puts out a hand to raise, the bottle gourd cane flies upwards, will give to patrol to hunt for the ghost once again to add on an imprisonment, the right hand abandons the stars sword, the flame lingers, the sword blade rapid axle center will revolve, type Dragon Flame spiral broken started to gather the strength, and this will be contains spiral of Seven Luminaries immortal sword might broken, the destructive power is unable to imagine! 林沐雨不禁哈哈大笑,伸手一扬,葫芦藤飞升而起,再度给巡猎鬼将加上一层禁锢,右手抛开星辰剑,火焰萦绕,剑身飞速轴心旋转起来,一式龙炎螺旋破已经开始蓄力,并且这是蕴含着七曜仙剑威力的螺旋破,破坏力根本无法想象! Roar......” “吼……” In patrols to hunt for the ghost last to roar is bringing some panic unexpectedly, , the stars sword flying shuttle, has twisted his chest cavity directly broken, immediately this non- person not ghost Saint King boundary expert was reborn in paradise to turn immediately. 巡猎鬼将最后一声吼叫里居然带着些许的恐慌,“噗”的一声,星辰剑飞梭而过,将他的胸腔直接绞碎,顿时这个不人不鬼的圣王强者当即往生轮回去了。 Lin Muyu joyful unusual seized had patrolled to hunt for the ghost the saber, an profound wonderful vitality emerged in the body, as if started to reply the strength loss in within the body Battle Qi and Martial Spirit imperceptibly rapidly, was really the good treasure! 林沐雨欣喜异常的夺过了巡猎鬼将的佩剑,一股玄奇生命力涌入身体之中,似乎无形中开始迅速回复着体内斗气武魂的力量损耗,果然是好宝贝! Fast sheathes to receive the sword, Lin Muyu said with joy: Was good, completes the task, we a bit faster continue!” 飞快的把剑入鞘收好,林沐雨喜滋滋道:“好了,完成任务,我们快点继续前行吧!” Qin Yin asked: A'Yu likes the Heavenly Book embryo, must look again, the surroundings also will definitely have to patrol to hunt for the ghost, we seized all life principle Heavenly Book embryos were good.” 秦茵笑问:“阿雨那么喜欢天书器胚,要不要再去找找,周围肯定还会有巡猎鬼将,咱们把所有的生命法则天书器胚都夺了好了。” Considers as finished......” “还是算了……” Lin Muyu looks that ground one pile patrols to hunt for the ghost the remnant body, said: They died to finish cannot be peaceful, the soul could not obtain the samsara, had sufficed miserably, we killed one to sin, do not make too many evils, walked!” 林沐雨看着地上一堆巡猎鬼将的残躯,说:“他们死了却不能安生,灵魂得不到轮回,原本就已经够惨了,我们杀一个已经是造孽,还是不要造太多孽了,走吧!” Un!” “嗯!” ...... …… In the forest land the moonlight releases to fall, all around fragmentary distributes all person books and spirit books to carve the article stele, but Lin Muyu and Qin Yin did not have what interest, the strength of spirit book to going against also such, killed a armor demon somewhat to be perhaps strenuous, the words that must study studied the book and Heavenly Book to be quite good, at least was worth studying. 林地里月光泄落,四周零星的分布着一切人书、灵书刻文石碑,但林沐雨和秦茵都没有什么兴趣了,灵书的力量到顶也就那样,杀一个甲魔或许都有些吃力,要学的话还是学地书、天书比较好,至少值得学一下。 The warhorse skices, that night mostly has no way to sleep. 战马疾行,这一夜大多也是没法睡觉了。 After Heavenly Book stele forest center direction sped away nearly ten li (0.5km), the surrounding scenery had the little changes, in the ground presented bumpy pictures, as if...... By any thing destroying generally, but these are proliferating a trim forest bumpy, has not actually damaged to a stele. 朝着天书碑林中心方向疾驰了近十里地之后,周围的景物发生了少许的变化,地面上出现了一个个坑坑洼洼的景象,似乎……是被什么东西给破坏掉了一般,但这些坑坑洼洼遍布着一整片森林,却没有损坏到一个石碑。 This can only prove a point, some people desirably or destroyed the jungle terrain accidentally, but actually intends does not destroy these steles. 这只能证明一点,有人在刻意或者无意的破坏了丛林地形,但却有意的不去破坏那些石碑。 Proceeds again, in the ground presented huge to be in charge, is in charge enough about ten meters lengths, the bang entered ground about one meter, should be a palm of dropping from the clouds, held the strength to be very astonishing! 再往前一些,地面上出现了一个巨大掌印,掌印足足有近十米长度,轰入地面近一米,应该是从天而降的一掌,掌力十分惊人! This......” “这……” Qin Yin winked the winking show pupil, said: Such strong palm strength, A'Yu can Elder Brother achieve?” 秦茵眨了眨秀眸,说:“如此之强的掌力,阿雨哥哥能做到吗?” Lin Muyu shakes the head: Cannot, my palm law origin from the hot palm of Elder Qu, but self-examines...... Not this palm strength.” 林沐雨摇摇头:“不能,我的掌法源自于屈老的火掌,但自问……没有这份掌力。” Yes.” “是啊。” Qin Yin has felt, actually as if as before can also feel around the palm pit to fill light Frost is being the strength, said: With palm is an ice is principle control,...... Astonishing tyrannical!” 秦茵感受了一下,却仿佛依旧还能感到掌坑周围弥漫着淡淡的冰霜系力量,道:“用掌者是一个冰系法则掌控者,强……惊人的强横!” Lin Muyu frowns: Here is not quite safe, we a bit faster walk, otherwise met words, perhaps was dangerous.” 林沐雨皱着眉头:“这里不太安全,我们快点走吧,不然被遇到的话,恐怕就危险了。” Un.” “嗯。” Two people continue to progress to forward, the front as before is a fertile plain, at this time East already flood white, soon dawn, the final moonlight has sprinkled above the earth, a stele under the moonlight flood the charming gloss, Qin Yin is looking from afar clearly, saying with a smile of can"t help it,: A'Yu Elder Brother, is book! Book!” 两个人继续策马向前,前方依旧还是一片沃野,此时东方已经泛白,快要天亮了,最后的月光洒落在大地之上,远远的,一枚石碑正在月光下泛着迷人的光泽,秦茵看得真切,禁不住的笑道:“阿雨哥哥,是地书!地书啊!” Ha Ha, yes!” “哈哈,是啊!” Lin Muyu is similarly joyful, progresses to dash about wildly, opens out jungle dense leaves, sees only on that luminous stele to carve together the god of journeys article, but crown unusual eye-catching „” character, this is a place book inscribed text! 林沐雨同样欣喜不已,策马狂奔过去,拨开一道道丛林密叶,只见那光亮的石碑上面刻写着一道道神文,而顶部则有一个非常显眼的“地”字,果然,这是一块地书碑文! Who studies?” Lin Muyu asked. “谁来学?”林沐雨问。 Qin Yin said: You are literate many, you come, after having learned, to teach other Xiao Yin study Heavenly Book!” 秦茵说:“你识字多,你来,学会了之后教小茵学别的天书!” , good......” “唔,好……” Lin Muyu sighs with emotion secretly, initially learned the bone-script to enhance compels the standard convenience to pick up the little girl, now does not forget the original intention, unexpectedly can soak this plane highest Ruler humanity empress in the bone-script, in the book has Yan Ruyu, the ancient does not bully! 林沐雨暗暗感慨,当初学习甲骨文就是为了提高逼格方便泡妞,如今不忘初衷,居然能用甲骨文来泡这个位面最高主宰者人类女帝,书中自有颜如玉,古人不欺啊! This is a wind system principle book god article, when Lin Muyu concentrates on to read, instantaneous Spiritual Sense departed consciousness to emerge in the stele, as if in the god culture with stele as one, Spiritual Sense placed oneself in the domain that piece of strong winds wreaked havoc, such as the strong winds of blade edge wreaked havoc, the great lithification above mountain was the smashing, the strong winds sweeps across the earth, was having the ruinous invincible might, astonishing 这是一个风系法则地书神文,当林沐雨全神贯注阅读的时候,瞬间灵觉飞出了意海涌入石碑之中,仿佛与石碑中的神文化为一体般,灵觉置身于一片狂风肆虐的领域之中,一道道如刃的狂风肆虐而过,将高山之上的巨岩化为粉碎,狂风席卷大地,带着毁灭性的神威,惊人之极 The storm, frontier of day territory breeds the biting blast, the to lie undiscovered anger is awakened by the common people, the strong winds are wreaking havoc, the earth is whinning, direction that the life lost leading the way, the false rumor hoodwinked all consciences between world, the god of storm regained consciousness from to lie undiscovered, is having the boundless anger, tore into shreds all, death storm! 风暴,天域之陲孕育着刺骨寒风,沉睡的愤怒被苍生唤醒,狂风在肆虐,大地在哀嚎,生灵失去了前行的方向,虚伪的谎言蒙蔽了天地之间的一切良知,风暴之神从沉睡中苏醒,带着无边的怒意,撕碎一切,死亡风暴! ...... …… When Lin Muyu complete domain storm god grammar, the stele crash-bang a disintegration comes, Divine Power also instantaneously floods into the Lin Muyu's brain territory, in a flash, consciousness fell into the disorder condition, admitted this storm principle that Lin Muyu must concentrate on the god article since own consciousness, became part in mood. 当林沐雨完全领域这一条风暴神文法则的时候,石碑哗啦一声崩碎开来,神力也瞬间涌入林沐雨的脑域之中,一瞬间,意海陷入了紊乱的状态,林沐雨必须全神贯注的来接纳这条风暴法则的神文进入自己的意海,成为心境中的一部分。 His staggers, was supported by Qin Yin, only thought that in the mind has been full of the storm and destruction, book energy such, let the feeling that he soon had to plant unable to control unexpectedly. 他一个趔趄,被秦茵扶住,只觉得脑海中充满了风暴与毁灭,地书的能量如此之强,居然让他快要有种无法掌控的感觉了。 All right, A'Yu Elder Brother?” Qin Yin is worried to ask. “没事吧,阿雨哥哥?”秦茵担心问道。 Does not have...... All right.” “没……没事。” Lin Muyu swung head, Spiritual Pulse Technique blowing Spiritual Sense will, lets itself any accident, at this time he somewhat was also sad, what is sad is the energy of book so is strong, perhaps also can only study the book by the Qin Yin ability, Heavenly Book is her spirit soul intensity is unable to control. 林沐雨摇了摇脑袋,灵脉术堪堪的镇住灵觉,让自己不出任何意外,这时候他也有些难过了,难过的是地书的能量就这么强,恐怕以秦茵的能力也只能学习地书了,天书是她的灵魄强度所无法驾驭的。 Now, can you write this place book?” Qin Yin asked. “现在,你能写出这条地书了吗?”秦茵问道。 Should.” “应该可以。” Lin Muyu hesitates: Wrote ten death storms the place books, should have a success......” 林沐雨沉吟一声:“写十本死亡风暴的地书,应该会有一本成功……” Qin Yin smiles: „The probability of book in circulation is not very high......” 秦茵莞尔:“成书的几率不是很高哦……” Naturally, book is not so valuable.” “当然啦,不然地书就不值钱了。” Lin Muyu looks to the distant place, in the field of vision cannot see the second place book stele, then said: Walks Xiao Yin, we look again, found the second place book to carve the article to make you comprehend.” 林沐雨看向远方,视野内看不到第二块地书石碑,便说:“走吧小茵,我们再找找,找到第二块地书刻文就让你来领悟了。” Un!” “嗯!” ...... …… The sun raises slowly, under the dawn, silhouette of a man and a woman produces an inverted image on the lawn. 日头缓缓升起,晨光下,一男一女的身影倒映在草地上。 Periphery Qin Yin focuses on looking at has the stele the time, actually suddenly discovered in the thick patch of grass that not far away transmits zi zi sound, is the electric current is likely ordinary, she lifts the palm immediately, drinks gently tenderly, the star fine jade fights the glow to dance in the air, has separated the leave of grass, immediately purple rays are separating black hole. 秦茵正集中精力看着周围有没有石碑的时候,却忽然发现不远处的草丛之中传来“啪嗞啪嗞”的声音,像是电流一般,她马上抬起手掌,轻轻一声娇喝,星璇斗芒飞舞而出,分开了草叶,顿时之间一道道紫色光芒正在分开一个黑洞。 „Is day, what?” Qin Yin in great surprise. “天啊,是什么?”秦茵大惊。 Lin Muyu is a bottom of one's heart chill in the air, said loudly: Be careful, Luo Lan came!” 林沐雨更是心底一片寒意,大声道:“小心,洛岚来了!” What!?” “什么!?” Sees only the person's shadow to glitter from the space crack together, the Luo Lan personal appearance is quick somewhat scary, brushing already flew high, opens the five fingers densely, Divine Power around the palm, said with a smile slightly: Main body is willing to think that the Heavenly Book stele forest can only obtain several Heavenly Book and god books to enrich the strengths of my seven palaces, has not actually thought that also has the unexpected benefit, the Qin Jin daughter, when you Emperor also sufficed for a long time, death!” 只见一道人影从空间裂缝之中闪烁而过,洛岚的身形快得有些吓人,“刷”一声已然凌空,张开五指,神力氤氲在掌心周围,微微笑道:“本尊愿以为来天书碑林只能得到几本天书、神书来充实我七界宫的实力,却没有想到还有意外收获,秦靳的女儿,你当帝君也够久了,死吧!” Under the domain control of God Realm expert, Qin Yin almost cannot move, in beautiful eye completely helpless looked at Lin Muyu to be the same. 神境强者的领域掌控下,秦茵几乎动弹不得,美目之中满是无奈的看了林沐雨一样。 This look made the forest Mu Yu heart be about to break to pieces, called out, being outspoken mobilized the Seventh Luminary, Star Shift prelude strength, broke through the Luo Lan God Realm domain at one fell swoop, to body, but has held Qin Yin get lost from carrying on the back of warhorse! 这个眼神让林沐雨心都快碎了,一声暴喝,毫无保留的发动了七曜星辰变的前奏力量,一举冲破洛岚神境领域,冲身而过抱着秦茵从战马的背上滚了下去! Bang!” “嘭!” The violent palm falls, the Qin Yin warhorse changes into pile of dust immediately. 猛烈一掌落下,秦茵的战马顿时化为一堆尘埃。 Lin Muyu stands up from failure, jumps to fire into Luo Lan, running away cannot escape, double Martial Spirit fuses instantaneously successfully, the Seven Luminaries immortal sword appears around the body, double palm about in the same place, more than enough strength Seventh Luminary, Star Shift rumbling! 林沐雨翻身而起,纵身冲向洛岚,逃是逃不掉的,双武魂瞬间融合成功,七曜仙剑浮现在身体周围,双掌合在一起,将十成十力量的七曜星辰变给轰了出去! !! !!
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