AG :: Volume #6

#523: Patrols to hunt for the ghost

Sincere......” “笃笃笃……” In the hoofbeat, a flame appears in the lawn deep place, in an instant, a hand grasps the flame dense long sword knight to appear under the moonlight, he wears a pure black mail-armor and helmet, the cape flies upwards, but the face really does not dare to think highly, under the moonlight shines, that is one type has corrupted for a long time face, the warhorse that even his crotch rides is also half rotten, right, did not say strictly that is not the warhorse, but is the build is similar to the wild animal of warhorse, the whole body has been covered with the flame hair, the roar is powerful. 马蹄声中,一道火光出现在草地深处,转眼之间,一个手握着火光氤氲的长剑的骑士出现在月光下,他身穿一袭纯黑色的甲胄,斗篷飞扬,但脸庞实在是不敢恭维,月光照耀下,那是一种已经腐烂许久的脸庞,甚至就连他胯下所骑乘的战马也是半腐烂的,不对,严格的说,那并不是战马,而是体型类似于战马的野兽,浑身长满了火红色毛发,吼声有力。 This knight directly soared Qin Huan and the others to go under the moonlight, did not speak, the crotch fought the beast to clash like lightning, long sword swept away, cut to fall under two Qin Huan subordinate directly! 这骑士在月光下直奔秦焕等人而去,也不说话,胯下战兽闪电般的冲了过来,长剑横扫而过,直接将两名秦焕部下斩落马下! ...... …… What ghost thing?!” “什么鬼东西?!” After Qin Huan saw attack , the can"t help it, whole body trembled, sword edge pointed to was saying: You...... Are you person is a ghost?” 秦焕看到来袭者之后禁不住的浑身一颤,剑锋直指着说道:“你……你到底是人是鬼?” „......” “嘎……” This death knight has exhaled a muddy breath, did not say a word, but static was staring Qin Huan, Ye Xunhuan and the others, long sword slowly horizontal, the meaning was self-evident, at present this group of people want to overstep one's authority this domain, must massacre him, or was killed by him. 这“死亡骑士”呼出了一口浊息,一言不发,只是静静的瞪着秦焕、叶寻欢等人,长剑缓缓横起,意思不言而喻,眼前这群人想要僭越这个领域,就必须杀掉他,或者被他杀死。 Ye Xunhuan deeps frown: In the Heavenly Book stele forest really has fishy, this type of non- person not ghost thing will have unexpectedly......” 叶寻欢眉头紧锁:“天书碑林里果然有蹊跷,这种不人不鬼的东西居然都会有……” Qin Huan raised the brow, said: He has a person, our over a thousand expert, does what fearing have? Who is willing to take the severed head of this monster first, I inscribe a merit to him!” 秦焕扬起眉头,道:“他只有一个人,我们却有上千名强者,何惧之有?谁愿意先去取了这个怪物的首级,我给他记上一功!” Immediately, rides Warrior of azure long neck hair horse to raise is fighting the hammer to go forth to battle, said: Your Highness, this non- person not ghost thing gave my Wu Chengde, end will urge to go faster returns!” 顿时,身后一名骑乘青鬃马的武者提着战锤出阵,道:“殿下,这个不人不鬼的东西就交给我吴成德了,末将去去就回!” Above Wu Chengde war hammer pasts five to fight the spirit, really Lingnan many talents, this unexpectedly is Heaven Realm Third Layer day peak expert, can practice to step into Saint Realm approximately quickly! 吴成德的战锤之上流转着五道斗灵,果然岭南多才俊,这竟然是一个天境第三重天巅峰强者,大约很快就能修炼踏入圣域了! Suffers to death!” “受死!” Wu Chengde high raising fought hammer to rumble, the flame rose suddenly, this was practice flame is expert of principle, in that roaring flame was containing the strong principle strength, heat was scorching. 吴成德高高的扬起战锤轰了下去,火光暴涨,这是一个修炼火焰系法则的强者,那烈焰中蕴含着浓烈的法则力量,热力灼人。 That but no one has thought of occurred, that non- person not ghost death knight lifted an arm to come to square to keep off Wu Chengde war hammer unexpectedly, only listened to bang one, an entire left arm on such being cut off bend, but at the same time, long sword in his hand sent out like lightning, pricked in Wu Chengde mouth directly, sword blade showed from the cerebellum! 但谁也没有想到的一幕发生了,那不人不鬼的死亡骑士居然抬起一条手臂来格挡吴成德的战锤,只听“嘭”一声,一整条左臂就这么断掉弯折了,但与此同时,他手中的长剑闪电般送出,直接刺入吴成德的口中,剑刃从后脑透出! Day killing......” “天杀的……” Qin Huan looked dumbfoundedly, under his pupil ray shone, Wu Chengde sat on the warhorse shivers, but the match slowly drew out long sword, Wu Chengde has fallen to the ground quickly, did not have the sound. 秦焕看得目瞪口呆,在他的瞳孔光芒辉映下,吴成德坐在战马上颤抖不已,而对手则缓缓的拔出了长剑,吴成德翻然倒地,已经没有声息了。 Moreover, the arm surrounding green spirit strength of this mysterious knight linger, arm unbending that slowly that bend falls, such has cured unexpectedly, this is the powerful recover completely ability!? 而且,这神秘骑士的手臂周围一道道绿色灵力萦绕,那弯折掉的手臂居然缓缓的伸直,就这么自我治愈了,这是何等强悍的痊愈能力!? „It is not wonderful!” “不妙!” Ye Xunhuan knits the brows: Your Highness, you look at that handle sword in his hand, is the Heavenly Book embryo!” 叶寻欢皱眉道:“殿下,您看他手中的那柄剑,是天书器胚!” What?” “什么?” Qin Huan was dumbfounded. 秦焕目瞪口呆。 Right, on sword blade in mysterious knight hand the golden god article is reappearing slowly, moreover what blooming is the slightly rich indigo blue ray, on this handle embryo unexpectedly is Heavenly Book, and is in the life principle Heavenly Book, originally when is such Heavenly Book is this already died to be many corpse provides the life strength, making him guarding in Heavenly Book stele forest! 没错,神秘骑士手中的剑刃上金色神文缓缓浮现着,而且绽放着的是略显浓郁的靛青色光芒,这柄器胚上的居然是中品天书,并且是生命法则中品天书,原来就是这么一本天书为这个早就死去多时的尸体提供生命力量,让他成为天书碑林内的一个镇守者! In legend real...... In the legend......” Ye Xunhuan muttered. “传说中是真的……传说中是真的……”叶寻欢喃喃道。 What legend?” Qin Huan knit the brows to say. “什么传说?”秦焕皱眉道。 Ye Xunhuan said respectfully: End ten years ago has travelled for pleasure in Baiyelin, listening to some recluses saying that when the Baiyelin deep place had died to be many expert, they at least had the Saint Realm strength, after dying, whipped on by the Deity, became non- person not ghost tour hunting , the common people call patrol to hunt for the ghost, that was a stranger not near ominous thing, it seems like our present people will then be patrol to hunt for the ghost one.” 叶寻欢恭敬道:“末将十年前就在白叶林里游历过,听一些隐士说过,白叶林深处有一些死去多时的强者,他们至少拥有圣域实力,死后被神人所驱策,成为不人不鬼的游猎者,世人称之为‘巡猎鬼将’,那是一种生人勿近的凶物,看来我们眼前的此人便是巡猎鬼将之一了。” One?” Qin Huan was stunned: You said that such monster incessantly?” “之一?”秦焕愕然:“你是说,这样的怪物不止一只?” Perhaps is this.” “恐怕是这样。” Ye Xunhuan look one cold, said: Your Highness, sending out the iron armor armed forces to charge, will patrol to hunt for the ghost to be the same to humanity, after the strength will exhaust, on the shape with the disabled person, consumed after the impulse of iron armor armed forces he carried Heavenly Book some spirit strength, the subordinate will get rid to chop its head, but also asked Your Highness to authorize to set out the iron armor armed forces.” 叶寻欢神色一凛,道:“殿下,派出铁甲军冲锋吧,巡猎鬼将与人类一样,力量耗尽之后也就形同废人了,利用铁甲军的冲击力消耗掉他所携带的中品天书的部分灵力之后,属下自会出手砍下它的头颅,还请殿下批准出动铁甲军。” Some Qin Huan also square inch chaos, the nod said: If you hope, sends out the iron armor armed forces.” 秦焕也有些方寸大乱,点头道:“如你所愿吧,派出铁甲军。” Yes!” “是!” ...... …… What do they want to make?” The Qin Yin volt in the thick patch of grass, song asked. “他们要做什么?”秦茵伏在草丛中,细语问道。 Lin Muyu hears to be clearer, said: Sends cannon fodder cavalry to consume to patrol to hunt for the ghost the spirit strength, then massacres it.” 林沐雨听得更加真切,道:“派炮灰骑兵去消耗巡猎鬼将的灵力,然后再杀掉它。” Qin Yin knitting the brows head of: Why Ye Xunhuan does not go to battle personally, didn't these cavalry lives assign?” 秦茵皱了皱眉头:“叶寻欢为什么不亲自出战呢,难道那些骑兵的命就不是命了吗?” Lin Muyu laughs in spite of trying not to: In the command eye, the strength of each army and each serviceman looks like the board game piece on checkerboard is the same, or is used to resist, either is used in the attack, so long as has played its role, even if died did not have what relations, I think that Qin Huan and Ye Xunhuan also thought.” 林沐雨不禁失笑:“在统帅的眼中,每一支军队、每一个军人的力量就像是棋盘上的棋子一样,或用于抵挡,或用于进攻,只要发挥了它的作用,就算是死了也没有什么关系,我想秦焕和叶寻欢也都是那么想的。” Qin Yin is silent. 秦茵沉默不语。 Lin Muyu actually thinks that another issue, this Ye Xunhuan resorts to all means that if runs into such match in the battlefield, that was some is too fearful. 林沐雨却想到另一个问题,这个叶寻欢那么不择手段,如果是在战场上遇到这样的对手,那实在是有些太可怕了。 Although Long Qianlin is skilled in the tactical rules, but eventually will be a Jin/benevolent, will not resort to all means that but if will change into Ye Xunhuan, that has regarded as another matter, what Lin Muyu rather confrontation will be Long Qianlin, but is not willing to confront Ye Xunhuan this villain. 龙千林虽然精通战法,但终究是一位仁将,不会不择手段,但如果换成叶寻欢的话,那就另当别论了,林沐雨宁愿对阵的是龙千林,而不愿意对阵叶寻欢这种小人。 ...... …… The distant place, the hoofbeat shocks, about 200 wear the mail-armor and helmet, will brandish weapons to fire into to patrol to hunt for the ghost, will promote the peak impact speed of warhorse rapidly, with horse several hundred jin (0.5 kg) weight impacts, even if were the Saint Realm pressure is unable to resist. 远方,马蹄声震撼起来,近200名身穿甲胄,挥舞着兵刃冲向了巡猎鬼将,迅速将战马的冲击速度提升到巅峰,连人带马数百斤的重量冲击下,就算是圣域威压也无法抵挡得住。 Roar......” “吼……” Patrolled to hunt for the ghost to speak finally, although was only one is similar to the low roar of wild animal, in the roar, the whole body flame color Battle Qi roaring flame rose suddenly, unexpectedly was the King fights the flame! 巡猎鬼将终于说话了,虽然只是一声如同野兽的低吼,吼声中,全身火红色斗气烈焰暴涨起来,居然是王者斗焰! Lying trough......” forest Mu Yu is dumbfounded: This is one has Saint King boundary expert Alsace unexpectedly, I was really the day UZI!” “卧槽……”林沐雨目瞪口呆:“这居然是一个拥有圣王强者的阿尔萨斯,我真是日了UZI了!” „......” “……” Qin Yin stares dumbfounded, can"t help it, narrows a pair of beautiful eye to look at the person of love, Lin Muyu these words almost does not understand what is heard, immediately thought on him too many things need to understand. 秦茵瞠目结舌,禁不住眯着一双美目看着挚爱之人,林沐雨这一席话几乎完全听不明白,顿时觉得他身上太多的东西需要自己去了解。 ...... …… During fights randomly, will patrol to hunt for ghost the flame long sword chaotic dance, will cut to pieces iron armor cavalry, but above own body will also suffer impacts, to chop to divide and puncture suddenly, fights the armor ray to spatter in all directions, in an instant the single layer fought the armor already by breakthrough, the body was flowing garnet blood. 乱战之中,巡猎鬼将的火红色长剑乱舞,将一个个铁甲骑兵切碎,而自己的身躯之上也遭受到一次次的冲击、砍劈、突刺,斗铠光芒迸溅,转眼之间第一重斗铠就已经被突破了,身上流淌着一道道暗红色的血液来。 The short three minutes, about 30 iron armor cavalry became the corpses, the warhorse of without owner is dashing about wildly on the lawn. 短短三分钟,近30名铁甲骑兵已经成为了尸体,无主的战马在草地上狂奔着。 Was the time.” “是时候了。” Ye Xunhuan draws out the saber suddenly, silhouette just likes grazing of ghosts and demons goes, above sword blade flies the same King to fight the flame, when will patrol to hunt for the ghost not to look back with enough time is a sword wields! 叶寻欢猛然拔出佩剑,身影犹如鬼魅的飞掠而去,剑刃之上飞起同样的王者斗焰,就在巡猎鬼将还未来得及回首的时候就是一剑挥出! „!” “咔嚓!” When a death were many head flying, this patrolled to hunt for the ghost to be broken through fought the armor, after the spirit strength lost at least one-third, unexpectedly was struck to kill by Ye Xunhuan. 一颗死亡多时的头颅飞天而起,这个巡猎鬼将被攻破了斗铠,灵力损耗至少1之后,居然就被叶寻欢一击砍杀掉了。 „......” “呜哇……” Fights beast one miserably howling, together with the master falls down together, the flame in pupil is put out gradually, died in light of this. 战兽一声惨嚎,连同主人一起跌倒在地,瞳孔里的火焰渐渐熄灭,就此死去了。 Ye Xunhuan vision ice-cold walks to go forward, picks up to patrol to hunt for the ghost long sword, catches up gently, the King fights the flame to emerge above the sword blade, immediately the indigo blue ray surges together, truly is Heavenly Book, the life strength of flash emerges almost makes the Ye Xunhuan almost whole body happy soon to call, he raised long sword to return to side Qin Huan, said with a smile: „The Heavenly Book embryo, does not know that what Deity is writes.” 叶寻欢目光冰冷的走上前,拾起巡猎鬼将的长剑,轻轻一发力,王者斗焰涌入剑身之上,顿时一道靛青色光芒涌起,确实是中品天书,一瞬间的生命力量涌入几乎让叶寻欢差点浑身舒畅的快要叫出来,他提着长剑返回秦焕身边,笑道:“中品天书器胚,不知道是什么样的神人所书写的。” Saying, him was turning over to the sheath this handle long sword slowly, took away the scabbard again on the snap ring of waist armed forces waistband. 说着,他将这柄长剑缓缓归鞘,再将剑鞘扣在腰间军腰带的环扣上。 Qin Huan knitting the brows head, Ye Xunhuan has not offered the meaning of Heavenly Book obviously, but has decided to possess, this rather made some Qin Huan hearts disgruntled, but cannot state clearly, after all Ye Xunhuan was in this group of people cultivates for most expert, Saint King level expert, can attain the god book model for painting to think him. 秦焕皱了皱眉头,显然叶寻欢没有献上中品天书的意思,而是已经决定占为己有了,这未免让秦焕有些心头不悦,但又不能明说出来,毕竟叶寻欢是自己这群人里修为最强者,圣王强者,能不能拿到神书范本就要看他了。 „, Do we continue?” Qin Huan light say|way. “那么,我们继续前行吧?”秦焕淡淡道。 Yes.” Ye Xunhuan cup one fist in the other hand smiles. “是。”叶寻欢抱拳一笑。 Qin Huan continued saying: Commander Ye serves one's country, executes this only to patrol to hunt for the ghost, after I return to the Bailing city, certainly truthfully will report to the father, this time, being promoted promotion of Commander Ye is certain, perhaps, if a father happiness, will confer Commander is the righteousness and one of the country new seven commanders-in-chief!” 秦焕继续道:“叶统领为国效力,格杀这只巡猎鬼将,等我回到百岭城之后一定会向父王如实禀告,这一次,叶统领的加官进爵是一定的了,或许,如果父王一个高兴,会册封统领为义和国新七帅之一呢!” Ye Xunhuan eye one bright, beams with joy saying: Many thanks the Your Highness cultivation, end will pledge certainly to fight to the death to give loyalty to!” 叶寻欢眼睛一亮,眉开眼笑道:“多谢殿下栽培,末将一定誓死效忠!” Well, we walk.” “好好,我们走吧。” Yes!” “是!” ...... …… Thousand people of teams that soon, Qin Huan led left the field of vision, the soldier who these died in battle has not even buried, they finished in a hast, captures the buried treasures of these Heavenly Book stele forest deep places. 不久之后,秦焕所率领的千人队伍离开了视野,那些战死的士兵甚至根本就没有掩埋,他们太急于求成,去夺取那些天书碑林深处的宝藏了。 Lin Muyu stands up, a whistling summoned strolling in the snow, said: Xiao Yin, we from the right grove in the past, the full speed vanguard, must catch up circuitously in the front of Qin Huan these people enter the stele forest deep place.” 林沐雨站起身来,一声口哨召唤来了踏雪,道:“小茵,我们从右边的林子迂回过去,全速前行,要赶在秦焕这些人的前方进入碑林深处。” Un.” “嗯。” Qin Yin same stands up from failure to start, two warhorses go through to go under the moonlight rapidly., 秦茵一样翻身上马,两匹战马在月光下急速穿行而去。、 After bypassing a hill, they via the southeast, speed past on the plain under moonlight, was lucky that the stele forest deep place majority is the fertile plain region, otherwise the warhorse is hard to pass through, was far catches up in Qin Huan and the others the front. 绕过一座山丘之后,两人取道东南,在月光下的平原上疾驰而过,也多亏碑林深处大部分都是沃野地带,不然战马难以通行,根本就谈不上赶在秦焕等人的前方。 Finally has not gone out is too far, suddenly the front faint transmitting flame, this flame was too familiar, is one patrols to hunt for the ghost! 结果还没走出太远,忽然前方隐隐的传来火光,这火光太熟悉了,又是一个巡猎鬼将! We detour!” “我们绕行吧!” In the Qin Yin vision brings to worry that she will experience has patrolled to hunt for the ghost fierce, will not be willing to provoke troublesome this. 秦茵目光中带着担忧,她见识过巡猎鬼将的厉害,不愿去招惹这麻烦。 Lin Muyu actually shakes the head: „, Patrolled to hunt for ghost certainly to induce to our aura without enough time comes, said again...... I also very much want to meet this patrol to hunt for the ghost, has a look fiercely. Our two dozens one, does not suffer a loss, let alone......” 林沐雨却摇摇头:“来不及了,巡猎鬼将一定是感应到我们的气息才过来的,再说了……我也很想会一会这巡猎鬼将,看看到底有多厉害。我们二打一,不吃亏的,何况……” Qin Yin throws smiles: Let alone patrols to hunt for the ghost to have the Heavenly Book embryo sword hand, you settled certainly on this......” 秦茵扑哧一笑:“何况巡猎鬼将手里有中品天书器胚剑,是不是,你一定是看中了这个……” Lin Muyu smiles: Xiao Yin you are so intelligent, how do I later also deceive you?” 林沐雨莞尔:“小茵你那么聪明,我以后还怎么骗你?” ...... …… In an instant, hunted for the ghost to appear with former almost exactly the same patrolling in the fertile plain, distant was opening the stench to Lin Muyu, Qin Yin the mouth, shouting loudly. 转眼之间,一个跟之前几乎一模一样的巡猎鬼将出现在了沃野之中,遥遥的对着林沐雨、秦茵两人张开腥臭的嘴巴,大喊大叫着。 !! !!
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