AG :: Volume #6

#522: Ye Xunhuan

Finally, after Lu You and the others walked, Lin Muyu, Qin Yin got out of trouble to lose several ways in the edge of Heavenly Book stele forest, the entire Heavenly Book stele forest looked like huge profound common, walked toward direction obviously, but soon after unexpectedly turned back same place, making the person be annoyed. 结果,陆攸等人走后,林沐雨、秦茵天书碑林的边缘兜兜转转迷了几次路,整个天书碑林就像是一个巨大玄阵一般,明明朝着一个方向走,但不久之后竟然就走回了原地,让人懊恼。 Be careful.” “小心。” After the night falls, Qin Yin holds on the Lin Muyu's arm suddenly, sees only the front to transmit the feeling that the surface shocks, one first five meters high walked compared with the Mongolian giant beast slowly, they as if are the edge protectors of Heavenly Book stele forest, this proved the own two people did not have in the true sense enters the Heavenly Book stele forest. 夜幕降临之后,秦茵忽地拉住林沐雨的手臂,只见前方传来地表震撼的感觉,一头五米高的比蒙巨兽缓缓走了过去,它们似乎是天书碑林的边缘守护者,这证明自己两个人还没有真正意义上的进入天书碑林内部。 What's the matter?” Lin Muyu knit the brows saying: We as if could not go out of here, has sauntered to the present from afternoon here.” “到底是怎么回事?”林沐雨皱了皱眉头说道:“我们似乎已经走不出这里了,从下午到现在一直在这里转悠。” Qin Yin looked that wipes the setting sun to vanish to the horizon finally gradually, said: A'Yu Elder Brother do not worry, I can induce to one huge light screen law under our feet, perhaps is the illusion that the sunlight brings, after at nightfall, we tried one time to be OK again.” 秦茵看向天边最后一抹残阳渐渐消失,说:“阿雨哥哥不要着急,我能感应到一个巨大的光幕法阵就在我们的脚底下,或许是阳光带来的幻觉,等到入夜之后我们再尝试一次就可以了。” Un.” “嗯。” Qin Yin specializes in brightly is the principle, naturally be more sensitive than forest Mu Yu to the bright strength, therefore she can see clearly optical system law, but Lin Muyu actually completely does not look up. 秦茵专修光明系法则,对光明力量自然要比林沐雨敏感多了,所以她能洞察光系法阵,但林沐雨却全然不查。 Two people herd the warhorse in the one side, lights a fire to prepare food, the steel pot lost, the way that can only with baking prepares food, is good in Cosmos Bag also some oil salts, soon after strings together on the stars sword the tao low stool meat has sent out Zizi the sound, a fragrance will brim with again shortly afterward in the surroundings, making the person index finger move greatly. 两个人将战马放牧在一旁,生火做饭,钢锅丢了,只能用烧烤的方式做饭,好在乾坤袋里还有一些油盐,不久之后串在星辰剑上梼杌肉就发出了“兹兹”的声音,再过不久一股香味洋溢在周围,让人食指大动起来。 Lin Muyu apportions Qin Yin some meat, two people the water of water bag such have been eating. 林沐雨把肉分给秦茵一些,两个人就着水袋的水就这么吃了起来。 After solving three meat, suddenly above the top of the head transmits Jie Jie the sound, he looks up hurriedly, the eyesight limit place, saw that a shadow in airborne is circling to dance in the air, seems an appearance of falcon. 解决完三块肉之后,忽然头顶上方传来“桀桀”的声音,他急忙抬起头看去,目力极限处,看到一只黑影正在空中盘旋飞舞着,似乎是一只鹰隼的样子。 The knitting the brows head, Lin Muyu said lightly: Perhaps we stared.” 皱了皱眉头,林沐雨淡淡道:“或许我们已经被人盯上了。” Qin Yin has been startled being startled: Perhaps...... Is the wild falcon?” 秦茵怔了怔:“或许……是野生的鹰隼呢?” Not necessarily.” “未必。” Lin Muyu has blown a whistling, immediately the strolling in the snow warhorse heard has caught up from the jungle, stood has hit a loud nose side the master, as if has not grazed the appearance that ate to the full, Lin Muyu caresses the forehead of warhorse lightly, said: Xiao Yin, do we attempt to enter Heavenly Book stele forest one time again?” 林沐雨吹了个口哨,顿时踏雪战马闻声从丛林里赶了过来,站在主人身边打了个响鼻,似乎还没有吃草吃饱的样子,林沐雨轻抚战马的头部,道:“小茵,我们再尝试进入天书碑林一次?” Un!” “嗯!” Also does not know that is many times, two people progress to lead the way along direction of Heavenly Book stele forest deep place, soon after, under the moonlight shines, a mountain valley track appears in the front, immediately Qin Yin somewhat is astonished however, said: One time that we came before, here does not have the mountain valley, this profound will be will really start by the sunlight illumination, night appeared the genuine terrain.” 也不知道是第多少次,两个人沿着天书碑林深处的方向策马前行过去,不多久之后,月光照耀下,一条山谷小道出现在前方,顿时秦茵有些讶然,道:“我们之前来的一次,这里是没有山谷的,这玄阵果然是由阳光照射才会发动,夜晚则显出真正地形了。” Lin Muyu secret sigh with emotion nod, no wonder over ten thousand years of nobody has entered the Heavenly Book stele forest, here Spirit beast is an aspect, humanity mostly will choose very daytime enters the danger zone, but daytime perhaps the words, without the illumination of moonlight, the Heavenly Book stele forest genuine entrance could not find! 林沐雨暗暗感慨的点点头,难怪上万年都没有人进入过天书碑林,这里的灵兽十分强是一个方面,人类大多会选择白天进入危险地带,而白天来的话,没有月光的照射,恐怕根本就连天书碑林真正的入口都找不到! After entering the mountain valley, under moonlight, far and near stele fragmentary emergence in field, flood light Xinghua ray. 进入山谷之后,月光下,远近一座座石碑零星的出现在田野之中,泛着淡淡的星华光芒。 Lin Muyu, Qin Yin looked at the past, discovered that here Heavenly Book inscribed text was carving one in the crown as before spirit character, here stele was only the spirit book. 林沐雨、秦茵一座座的看过去,发现这里的天书碑文依旧在顶部刻写着一个“灵”字,这里的石碑还是只是灵书而已。 Suddenly, in Lin Muyu's Spiritual Pulse Technique, in rear area presented a aura continuously, after quickly grasping the meaning of something, sinking sound track: Xiao Yin, some people came, discontinues, leads a horse to avoid, came many people!” 忽然之间,林沐雨的灵脉术中在后方出现了一缕缕的气息,一个激灵之后,沉声道:“小茵,有人来了,下马,牵着马躲避一下,来了不少人!” „......” “哦……” Qin Yin stands up from failure to discontinue, leads a horse to move toward the soft lawn with Lin Muyu, hides in nearby jungle, good not to have any too strong Spirit beast here, will otherwise expose the hiding place inevitably. 秦茵翻身下马,和林沐雨一起牵着马走向了松软的草地,躲进附近的丛林之中,好在这里没有什么太强的灵兽,否则势必会暴露藏身之处。 Qin Yin same has practiced the taming technique with Lin Muyu, naturally can do not make noise through the conjunction order warhorse, therefore two warhorse obediently grazed, but two masters bent down in the thick patch of grass, unexpectedly the ear heard the cry of cricket, the moonlit night in Heavenly Book stele forest cannot say tranquil serene. 秦茵和林沐雨一样都修炼过驯兽术,自然能够通过契合命令战马不要出声,于是两匹战马乖乖的吃草去了,而两个主人则伏在草丛内,耳边传来蛐蛐的叫声,天书碑林里的月夜竟说不出的宁静安详。 ...... …… On mountain valley track, fragmentary has heard the hoofbeat, a troop person appears in the Heavenly Book stele forest, looked at the past from afar, the youth who wore the golden mail-armor and helmet was being crowded around by the people, hand according to a handle extravagant sword, advocation of Qin resolute righteousness and country son, righteousness and Qin Huan country seven commanders-in-chief, this time Qin Huan, on the face brought some excitements, the vision to fall to all around stele, said with a smile: Heavenly Book stele forest...... Really is the Heavenly Book stele forest, the models for painting of many Heavenly Book quarter articles......” 山谷小道上,零零碎碎的传来了马蹄声,一大群人出现在天书碑林中,远远看过去,一个身披金色甲胄的青年被众人所簇拥着,手按一柄阔剑,正是义和国之主秦毅的儿子、义和国七帅之一的秦焕,此时的秦焕,脸上带着些许的兴奋,目光落向四周的一座座石碑,笑着说道:“天书碑林……真的是天书碑林,好多天书刻文的范本啊……” Nearby, wears middle-aged Saint Realm expert lightly smiled of purple long gown, said: Your Highness, this time we finally were trip has not been made in vain, but as far as I know here was also only the Heavenly Book stele forest surrounding, here carved stone was, is the person book and spirit book that Fu Xi Divine Emperor some disciples stayed behind, was not considered as the most precious object, again toward thorough, we then can see the book and Heavenly Book approximately even are the models for painting of god book.” 一旁,身穿紫色长袍的中年圣域强者微微一笑,道:“殿下,这次我们总算是不虚此行了,不过据我所知这里还只是天书碑林的外围,这里的石刻都是伏羲神帝的一些弟子所留下的,全是人书和灵书,并不算是至宝,再往深入,我们大约便能看到地书、天书甚至是神书的范本了。” Un.” “嗯。” Qin Huan excited nod: Commander Ye, you called the following person tightly with, do not meet compared with the Mongolian giant beast again, perhaps otherwise meeting casualty many people, we could not have withstood more buckles.” 秦焕兴奋的点点头:“叶统领,你叫后面的人跟紧点,别再遇到比蒙巨兽了,否则恐怕还会死伤不少人,我们已经承受不起更多的折损了。” Yes!” “是!” This was called makes Commander Ye middle-aged person cup one fist in the other hand: Yes, the subordinate acts accordingly immediately!” 这被唤作叶统领的中年人一抱拳:“是,属下马上照办!” His keenly blowing, airborne was responding to the songs and calls of falcon gently immediately, that falcon was, the falcon that looks at the airborne maneuver that this Commander Ye raised, he lowered the head saying: Your Highness, the god hunts to tell me, before had two people to enter the Heavenly Book stele forest, the hunting household dressed up, which now does not know, what to do?” 他一声轻轻尖啸,顿时空中回应着鹰隼的鸣叫声,果然,那鹰隼是这个叶统领所豢养的,看着空中回旋的鹰隼,他低头道:“殿下,神猎告诉我,之前有两个人进入天书碑林了,猎户打扮,现在不知道去哪儿了,怎么办?” Two hunting households?” “两个猎户?” Qin Huan knit the brows, said: Hunting household can enter Baiyelin not dead unexpectedly, was this life too also big?” 秦焕皱了皱眉,道:“猎户居然能进入白叶林不死,这命也太大了吧?” Commander Ye said with a smile lightly: „The principle of nature just likes steel and iron is ordinary, perhaps was the strengths of these two hunting households was extremely mean, the giant viper and cultivated many years of Spirit beast unable to have a liking for them compared with Mongolian giant beast type, sometimes, the Spirit beast thoughts were also very arrogant, was no one is willing to swallow.” 叶统领淡淡笑道:“自然界的法则犹如钢铁一般,或许是这两个猎户的力量太过于低微了,以至于巨型蝰蛇、比蒙巨兽这种修炼多年的灵兽根本就看不上他们,有时候,灵兽的心思也是十分高傲的,并不是什么人都愿意吞食掉。” Originally is this, that did not use multibarreled.” Qin Huanwo has grasped the sword hilt of saber, said with a smile: We continue to go forward, if sees these two hunting households, a sword solves, the Heavenly Book stele forest is the buried treasure of righteousness and country's, cannot make anybody covet besides us.” “原来是这样,那就不用多管了。”秦焕握了握佩剑的剑柄,笑道:“我们继续前进,如果看到这两个猎户的话,就一剑解决掉,天书碑林是义和国的宝藏,除了我们之外不能让任何人觊觎。” Yes!” “是!” Commander Ye cup one fist in the other hand nods, in the vision is passing a wisp of chill in the air, said: It is said...... Seven palace also some people came the Heavenly Book stele forest, even some people noticed that the immortal Venerable the trail that Luo Lan descended the mountain, if were seven palaces robs the Heavenly Book stele forest with the righteousness and country, how we can?” 叶统领抱拳点头,目光中透着一缕寒意,道:“据说……七界宫也有人来天书碑林了,甚至有人看到仙尊洛岚下山的踪迹,如果是七界宫跟义和国抢夺天书碑林的话,我们又应当如何?” Seven palaces?” “七界宫?” In Qin Huanyan gushed out a wisp of ominous intent, said: „The Luo Lan immortal Venerable these years to take our righteousness and 20% of country public revenues, constructs the magnificent marvelous sight seven palaces, but did not consent the father invited the invitation that he became an official, even if the demon clan killed under the city also to send out the disciple to help in the fighting, does not know really Luo Lan was actually thinking anything, now he conceals one's abilities and bides one's time, unexpectedly hit the Heavenly Book stele forest the idea, we have to guard!” 秦焕眼中涌出一缕凶意,道:“洛岚仙尊这些年一直拿着我们义和国国库收入的两成,修建辉煌奇观般的七界宫,但一直不应允父王请他出山的邀请,纵然魔族杀到了城下也只是派出弟子来助战,真不知洛岚到底在想什么,如今他韬光养晦,居然打起天书碑林的主意了,我们不得不防啊!” Yes.” “是。” Commander Ye said: We act a bit faster, snatched claims Heavenly Book and carving article of god book in front of seven palaces then.” 叶统领道:“我们动作快点,抢在七界宫前面夺走天书、神书的刻文便是了。” Un, be careful, here also has certainly guarding, will be getting stronger and stronger.” “嗯,小心,这里一定还有镇守者,而且会越来越强。” Yes!” “是!” ...... …… In the thick patch of grass, the dew condenses slowly on the shoulder, a praying mantis cautiously climbs over from the Qin Yin fragrant shoulder clothes, her lightly smiled, has not injured it, perhaps the praying mantis also felt that on this girl inborn affinity, the appearance that unexpectedly is not afraid, Lin Muyu watches, a little slightly is moved, Qin Yin is one carefree, the jade nature as if made by heaven girl, if not involved in the war of empire and righteousness and in country's, perhaps she will cross joyfully. 草丛中,露水缓缓凝聚在肩膀上,一只螳螂小心翼翼的从秦茵的香肩衣服上爬过,她微微一笑,并未伤害它,或许就连螳螂也感觉到这个女孩身上天生的亲和力,居然丝毫不害怕的样子,林沐雨看在眼里,也是有点小感动,秦茵原本就是一个无忧无虑、玉质天成的女孩,如果不是卷入帝国与义和国的战争之中,恐怕她会过得更加快乐吧。 But at this time, a Qin Yin pair of wonderful eye was staring at Qin Huan of distant place and the others, said: Many people, Qin Huan at least had over a thousand people to enter the Heavenly Book stele forest, many Saint Realm and Heaven Realm expert, our situations were getting more and more passive.” 而此时,秦茵一双妙目盯着远方的秦焕等人,道:“好多人,秦焕至少带了上千人进了天书碑林,其中不乏圣域天境强者,我们的处境越来越被动了。” Lin Muyu asked: Who that is Commander Ye?” 林沐雨问:“那个叶统领是谁?” Information of Qin Yin to the righteousness and country's is obviously clearer, lowers the sound saying: Ye Xunhuan, in expert that in remote mountain cultivates, it is said is a very loose dissolute follower, but the talent different reported that cultivate to very astonishingly, six months ago south the town King Qinyi strove for asking Ye Xunhuan to become an official personally to assist, afterward conferred Ye Xunhuan is the righteousness and Commander of country vault of heaven regiment, orders the New Army that he forms 100,000 people of audiences, now, Ye Xunhuan had treated as an equal with Long Qianlin, Ji Yao, full Ningxia and the others in the status of righteousness and country's.” 秦茵对义和国的情报显然更加清楚,压低声音道:“叶寻欢,一个在深山中修炼的强者,据说是一个十分风流浪荡的修炼者,但天赋异禀,修为十分惊人,半年前镇南王秦毅亲自去求请叶寻欢出山相助,后来册封叶寻欢为义和国苍穹军团的统领,命令他组建一支100000人之众的新军,如今,叶寻欢在义和国的地位已经和龙千林姬耀、满宁等人平起平坐了。” Originally he is Ye Xunhuan......” “原来他就是叶寻欢……” Lin Muyu knitting the brows head, this Ye Xunhuan strength is very strong, the fluctuation in Spiritual Pulse Technique is very intense, moreover as if he is very self-confident, does not restrain own saint aura, even the pressure lingers in the body week. 林沐雨皱了皱眉头,这个叶寻欢的力量很强,在灵脉术中的波动无比强烈,而且似乎他十分自信,丝毫不收敛自身的圣者气息,甚至威压就萦绕在身周无时不在。 We detour, is far away from this group of people, first enters the Heavenly Book stele forest the deep place.” Qin Yin blinked to say. “我们绕行吧,远离这群人,抢先进入天书碑林的深处。”秦茵眨了眨眼睛说道。 „It is not anxious.” “不急。” Lin Muyu lifts hand to hold in the arms her fragrant shoulder suddenly, said: We wait again.” 林沐雨忽地抬手搂住她的香肩,说:“我们再等一下。” Immediately, in the Qin Yin noses full is Lin Muyu man aura, can"t help it, heart Lu Zhuang, small cheek red looks to forest Mu Yu, asked: And other...... What do we want to make now?” 顿时,秦茵鼻间满是林沐雨身上的男子气息,禁不住心头鹿撞,小脸蛋通红的看向林沐雨,问道:“等一下……那我们现在要做点什么?” The appearance of her Xiafei double cheek is too beautiful, Lin Muyu looked that cannot bear the heart ancient banner shaking, has one type the feeling that in bottom of one's heart unexpectedly leads the girlfriend to play outside. 她霞飞双颊的样子实在太美,林沐雨只是看一眼就忍不住心旌摇荡,竟然在心底生出一种带着女友在外游玩的感觉。 Yes, arrived at the Fragmented Cauldron more than four years, step by step Lin Muyu to survive barely survived has arrived at today, the thought also received Fragmented Cauldron the influence of hierarchical system to think that Qin Yin was the empress of keeping aloof, cannot overstep one's authority, but in this moment, Lin Muyu discovered that if actually the issue were simpler, Qin Yin was only own girlfriend, perhaps two people with ease will be more comfortable. 是啊,来到碎鼎界四年多了,林沐雨为了生存步步维艰的走到了今天,思维也受到了碎鼎界的等级制度的影响而觉得秦茵是高高在上的女帝,不能僭越,可就在这一刻,林沐雨才发现,其实如果问题都简单一些,秦茵只是自己的女友,或许两个人都会轻松自在许多。 Looks that a Qin Yin pair is full of the hope the beautiful pupil, his lightly smiled, lowers the head gently a kiss on the red lip of Qin Yin, touches leaves, said in a soft voice: Anything is undoable, because of a stele forest deep place very strong aura fast close, Qin Huan this group of people want to obtain Heavenly Book not to be absolutely easy, we wait to look and that's the end.” 看着秦茵一双充满希冀的美丽眸子,他微微一笑,低头在秦茵的红唇上轻轻一吻,一触即离,轻声道:“什么都不能做,因为碑林深处一股很强的气息正快速接近,秦焕这群人想得到天书绝对没有那么容易,我们等着看就是了。” „?” “哦?” The Qin Yin cheek blushes, lifts the arm to embrace the Lin Muyu's nape of the neck, a kiss on his cheeks, peaceful bending down looks at all of distant place in the thick patch of grass gently afterward. 秦茵脸蛋羞红,抬起手臂揽住林沐雨的脖颈,在他的脸颊上轻轻一吻,随后安静的伏在草丛中看着远方的一切。 !! !!
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