AG :: Volume #6

#521: Looks like is the kitty character

Lu You explained: You looked that on each stele on this hill in most top is carving one spirit character, this also means that the inscribed text implication the strength are most also can only write the best quality goods spirit book, is impossible to write the book, this is the principle between world decides, was really a pity that has been a pity......” 陆攸解释道:“你们看,这座山丘上的每一尊石碑上都在最顶部雕刻着一个‘灵’字,这也意味着碑文蕴含的力量最多也就只能写出极品灵书,绝不可能写出地书,这是天地之间的法则所决定的,真是可惜,太可惜了……” Land you distant looked to the Heavenly Book stele forest deep place: Also can only come here below, perhaps has toward the deep place savage guards Spirit beast or the follower again, the deep place of Heavenly Book stele forest, hides certainly Heavenly Book even is being the carving article of god book......” 陆攸遥遥的看向了天书碑林深处:“在下也就只能走到这里了,再往深处恐怕就有更加凶残的镇守灵兽或者修炼者了,天书碑林的深处,一定还藏着天书甚至是神书的刻文……” In Lin Muyu the heart moves, can"t help it, is secret, if had Heavenly Book and god book to carve the article too to be good, nowadays empire also nobody can write Heavenly Book, can oneself be first? 林沐雨心中一动,禁不住暗暗欣喜,如果真的有天书、神书刻文就太好了,现今的帝国还没有谁能写出天书呢,自己会是第一个吗? Nearby, Zhang Laosi is directing is protecting the institute to transport that heavy stele, on the face full is the happy expression, said: Young master, perhaps we can beg Lin Yan Young Master and Lin Yin miss lead us to enter the Heavenly Book stele forest deep place, this...... We can obtain the Heavenly Book inscribed text of level.” 一旁,张老四正在指挥着护院搬运那沉重的石碑,脸上满是笑意,道:“少爷,或许我们可以央求林炎公子和林茵姑娘带我们进入天书碑林深处,这样……我们就能获得地级的天书碑文了。” Not......” “不……” Lu You shakes the head slowly, said: Heavenly Book is may with the treasure that cannot be asked that we can come here to implicate Young Master and miss many, walks toward the deep place again, we can definitely be implications of two honored people, therefore...... We only arrived here, moved out the Sankuai tablet, immediately started to return to Lu Jun.” 陆攸缓缓摇头,道:“天书乃是可遇不可求的宝物,我们能走到这里已经是拖累了公子和姑娘许多了,再往深处走,我们必然会是二位贵人的拖累,所以……我们就只走到这里了,搬走三块石碑,马上启程返回上鹿郡。” Yes!” “是!” Lin Muyu appreciates looks at landing you, this land you are truly different from these playboys, bright affair and knowledge onset and retreat, such moral behavior actually very commendable. 林沐雨赞赏的看着陆攸,这个陆攸确实跟那些纨绔子弟不一样,明事理、知进退,这样的人品的倒是非常的难能可贵。 At this time, Qin Yin called one in the stele place of distant place: A'Yu Elder Brother, you teach me...... Several characters I did not know.” 这时,秦茵在远处的石碑处叫了一声:“阿雨哥哥,你过来教教我……有几个字我不认识。” Faints......” “晕……” But Lin Muyu walked, does not look at the full text of inscribed text, but looks at several characters that Qin Yin said. 林沐雨无奈走了过去,并不看碑文的全文,只是看秦茵说的几个字。 Her finger according to a bone-script, delicate eyebrows light pressed say|way: Elder Brother you look, this...... This seems like the kitty god article is any character, I do not know......” 她的手指按在一个甲骨文上,秀眉轻蹙道:“哥哥你看,这个……这个长得像是猫咪一样的神文是什么字啊,我不认识……” What was seems like the kitty......” forest Mu Yu smiles, walks to go forward to take a look at one, said: This is cauldron character, the Fragmented Cauldron cauldron character.” “什么叫长得像是猫咪啊……”林沐雨不禁一笑,走上前瞅了一眼,道:“这是个‘鼎’字,碎鼎界的鼎字。” „, This?” “哦哦,这个呢?” Good, you look to be much longer likely are the ox head...... Does not look like, but is this type of god article is an ancient glyph, this was in any case good......” “牛,你看长得多像是牛头啊……啊呸,不是长得像,而是这种神文是一种古老的象形文字,反正这就是牛了……” „, Xiao Yin knows.” “哦,小茵知道啦。” Was saying, suddenly the Qin Yin anchorage, the whole person as if received some summon to be common, on the stele the spooky orange ray has seeped in her forehead together, that is Divine Power enters the effect of spiritual platform, in an instant this stele also broke, wants to come Qin Yin also to learn a god of journeys article, but Lin Muyu really did not determine that the place of what profound strange this had, means that has learned this god of journeys article, then the probability of book in circulation greatly did promote? 正说着,忽然秦茵定住了,整个人仿佛受到了某种召唤一般,石碑上幽幽一道橙色光芒沁入了她的额头之中,那是神力进入灵台的效果,转眼之间这个石碑也破碎掉了,想来秦茵也学会了一道神文,但林沐雨实在不确定这有什么玄奇之处,是不是意味着学会了这道神文,那么成书的几率就大大提升了? If so, that must be many in the Heavenly Book stele forest actually studies some. 如果是这样的话,那倒是要多在天书碑林里学习一些。 Just, Lin Muyu already clear feeling, after breaking the stele ban, own spirit soul strength will also lose much, therefore learns the Heavenly Book inscribed text not to be simple, the impossible infinite study, the spirit soul full situation left class 10 spirit book almost to dry up, if were the book and Heavenly Book, perhaps lost the spirit soul spirit strength. 只不过,林沐雨已经清晰的感受到了,当打破石碑禁制之后,自己的灵魄力量也会损耗掉不少,所以学习天书碑文没有那么简单,不可能无限的学习,灵魄饱满的情况下学个10本灵书就差不多枯竭了,假若是地书、天书的话,恐怕就更加损耗灵魄灵力了。 Really, after completing this god of journeys article, Qin Yin has revealed a weary condition, draws back several steps continually, by in the Lin Muyu's bosom, is holding the forehead, said with a smile: I...... How was my this?” 果然,学完这道神文之后,秦茵露出了一丝疲态,连退数步,靠在林沐雨的怀里,扶着额头,笑道:“我……我这是怎么了?” She has not practiced Spiritual Pulse Technique, the spirit soul intensity naturally by far cannot compare with forest Mu Yu. 她没有修炼灵脉术,灵魄强度自然也远远不能跟林沐雨相比了。 All right, rests one to be good.” Lin Muyu supple sound track. “没事,休息一会就好。”林沐雨柔声道。 At this time, not far away land you have directed to protect the institute to pull up the third Heavenly Book inscribed text, he must carry off three inscribed texts, moreover he does not dare to trace to develop, for fear that had any inaccurate place, but stele many on hill made decent in thousands of year years, writing complete had half, he can find three is also not easy. 这时,不远处的陆攸已经指挥护院拔起第三根天书碑文了,他要带走三个碑文,而且他不敢描拓,生怕有什么不准确的地方,而山丘上的石碑许多都已经在千万年的岁月中风化了,文字完全的只有一半,他能找到三块也算是不容易。 ...... …… To toward noon time, finally three steles tied up to carry on the back in the quite strong warhorse, the people got down the hill, land you have naturally prepared to make farewell speech with forest Mu Yu. 一直到临近中午的时候,终于三枚石碑被捆缚在比较强健的战马背上,众人下了山丘,陆攸自然也准备跟林沐雨作别了。 Lin Yan Young Master, do you want to continue to go to the Heavenly Book stele forest deep place?” 林炎公子,你们要继续前往天书碑林深处吗?” Un, what I want to take a look at Heavenly Book and god book am.” “嗯,我想看看天书、神书是什么样的。” That...... Below good luck!” Lu You in cup one fist in the other hand, said immediately respectfully: Is lucky Young Master and attendance of Lin Yin miss all the way, otherwise Lu You already died of Spirit beast and evil person's hand.” “那……在下祝您好运了!”陆攸在马上一抱拳,恭敬道:“一路上多亏公子与林茵姑娘的照顾,不然陆攸早就死于灵兽和恶人之手了。” Is impolite, Lu Jian does not put down lends a hand in emergency.” Lin Muyu lightly smiled. “不客气,路见不平拔刀相助嘛。”林沐雨微微一笑 However at this moment, the distant place has heard hoofbeat, but also some people were shouting loudly: They there, a bit faster kill, holds them, do not make land you that despicable villain run!” 然而就在这时,远方传来了马蹄声,还有人在大声喊着:“他们在那里,快点杀过去,抓住他们,不要让陆攸那个卑鄙小人跑了!” Is the Bei Qi Huan's voice! 北齐桓的声音! Really is haunted by the ghost......” Qin Yin delicate eyebrows light pressed say|way. “真是阴魂不散啊……”秦茵秀眉轻蹙道。 Yes.” “是啊。” Lin Muyu pulling long sword slowly, said: Since entered the Heavenly Book stele forest, that did not need politely, Master Lu You, I must solve the final extra worries for you.” 林沐雨缓缓的拔出长剑,道:“既然已经进入天书碑林,那也没有必要客气了,陆攸少爷,我要为你解决掉最后的后顾之忧。” Lu You stares: Lin Yan Young Master, you......” 陆攸一愣:“林炎公子,你……” Lin Muyu lightly smiled, in the eye full is killing intent, some people want to court death, does not help non- morality and justice, Buddha not his I from! 林沐雨微微一笑,眼中满是杀意,有些人就是想找死,不成全不道义,佛不度他我自度! ...... …… In the hoofbeat, Bei Qi Huan brought dozens cavalry to come, on the people as if had the injury, it seems like met any Spirit beast in the background, on the Bei Qi Huan's face full was the ray of distortion, put out a hand a finger to get angry: Land you, your this despicable villain, dropped out this Young Master to run, the little animal, this Young Master makes you not want to live today is going out of Baiyelin!” 马蹄声中,北齐桓带着数十名骑兵来了,众人身上似乎都有伤势,看来在来路上又遇到什么灵兽了,北齐桓的脸上满是扭曲的光芒,伸手一指怒道:“陆攸,你这个卑鄙小人,抛下本公子自己跑了,小畜生,今天本公子让你别想活着走出白叶林!” Saying, the Bei Qi Huan's vision was falling on the stele on land you side horseback suddenly, the whole body trembled, said: Good...... Originally you had found the Heavenly Book inscribed text!” 说着,北齐桓的目光忽然落在陆攸身旁马背上的石碑上,浑身一颤,道:“好啊……原来你们已经找到天书碑文了!” Lu You is a good-hearted person, does not want to offend Bei Qi Huan as before, cup one fist in the other hand said: Two Young Master, the subordinate natural disposition is timid, therefore walks one first step...... Longs for two Young Master do not blame, meaning of Lu You not slight disrespecting!” 陆攸是个老好人,依旧不想得罪北齐桓,抱拳道:“二公子,属下生性胆小,所以先走一步……万望二公子不要怪罪,陆攸没有丝毫的不敬之意啊!” Fart!” “放屁!” In the Bei Qi Huan's eyes full is greedy: Comes the person, gives on me, reduces Lu You the head, wins their steles, moreover......” 北齐桓的眼中满是贪婪:“来人啊,给我上,砍掉陆攸的头颅,夺走他们的石碑,另外……” He looked to Lin Muyu, the Qin Yin two people, said: I want that woman...... I must live, no one permitted to injure her, I must bring back to the Bailing city her, when my Bei Qi Huan's woman!” 他又看向了林沐雨、秦茵两个人,道:“我要那个女人……我要活的,谁也不准伤了她,我要把她带回百岭城,当我北齐桓的女人!” Qin Yin was mad somewhat laughs: Bei Qi Huan, what thing you are, unexpectedly is like this wild?” 秦茵不禁气得有些发笑了:“北齐桓,你算是个什么东西,居然这样猖狂?” What did you say?” “你说什么?” Bei Qi Huan has not expected this hunting household young girl to say this words obviously, the imposing manner that but at this moment, the Qin Yin body brims with is actually not a hunting household young girl can have, that an imposing manner and impressive and dignified manner of King. 北齐桓显然没有料到这个猎户少女会说出这种话,但这一刻,秦茵身上洋溢出的气势却又不是一个猎户少女所能拥有的,那种一种王者的气势与威仪。 Works as!” “当!” Town Sky Sword came out of the sheath, Qin Yin has decided to begin to solve this degenerate personally. 镇天剑出鞘了,秦茵已经决定亲自动手解决掉这个败类。 Was bad, that is......” “糟了,那是……” Bei Qi Huan's behind Thousand-Man Commander rubbed the eyes hastily, carefully looks at the outline of town Sky Sword, said: „Is this handle sword empire treasure empress saber town Sky Sword of?” 北齐桓身后的一名千夫长连忙揉了揉眼睛,仔细看着镇天剑的轮廓,道:“这柄剑难道是帝国的镇国之宝女帝佩剑镇天剑?” Qin Yin smiles lightly: Calculates that you are insightful, but, you must die!” 秦茵淡淡一笑:“算你有眼光,不过,你们都要死!” During the speeches, Qin Yin has grazed, she can imagine that many innocent young girl Bei Qi Huan this degenerate devastation, she was once continent Ruler, had this authority to judge the Bei Qi Huan's death! 说话间,秦茵已经飞掠而出,她可以想象到有多少无辜少女惨遭北齐桓这种败类蹂躏,她身为曾经的大陆主宰,有这个权力宣判北齐桓的死! You, do not want......” “你,不要……” Bei Qi Huan just raised long sword, has not saved True Qi with enough time, actually does not think that town Sky Sword arrived in the front, sword blade had not entered the body, the golden dragon shape energy passed the heart together! 北齐桓刚刚扬起长剑,还没来得及积蓄真气,却不想镇天剑就抵在了胸前,剑刃尚未入体,一道金色龙形能量就已经直透心脏! ......” “噗……” The Bei Qi Huan's chest was penetrated instantaneously, the lithe somersault that Qin Yin wins victory without firing a shot returns to side Lin Muyu. 北齐桓的胸膛瞬间被穿透,秦茵兵不血刃的轻盈空翻回到林沐雨身边。 Lin Muyu this time not softhearted, in the Heavenly Book stele forest the influence able to move unhindered, Qin Huan the person came, perhaps Luo Lan also came, lets off this group of people only to give itself to cause the unnecessary trouble. 林沐雨这一次没有心慈手软,天书碑林里势力纵横,秦焕的人来了,或许洛岚也来了,放过这群人只会给自己制造不必要的麻烦。 The left hand after behind gently opens quietly, rich ice soul star strength surge, the next moment, Lin Muyu leaps the body, brings Frost to graze in the Bei Qi mansion army crowd like lightning, after several broken lines, the ground left behind Frost, the might that Stars Art fifth type Bi Xuehan iced has filled the air slowly. 左手悄然在身后轻轻张开,一道道浓郁的冰魄星力涌动,下一刻,林沐雨跃身而起,一道闪电般的带着冰霜北齐府的军队人群中飞掠而过,几道折线之后,地上留下了一道道冰霜,星辰诀第五式碧雪寒冰的威力缓缓弥漫开来。 When Lin Muyu stands up from failure starts, dozens people all change into the ice sludge to fall to the ground, the dead shape is frigid. 当林沐雨翻身上马的时候,身后的数十人尽数化为碎冰落地,死状惨烈。 Breathes out......” “嘘……” Lu You holds breath an cold air/Qi, the bottom of one's heart mighty waves ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), this young military officer is Lan wild goose four, wind and rain thunder and lightning of forest Mu Yu? That does dare to challenge Divine Venerate Luo Lan and that to tear into shreds the present age star who Qian Feng dominates the continent fond dream in the prairie fire landscape together? As the saying goes one is by the tens of thousands dry the merit bone, Lin Muyu started too quickly too to be really decisive, on this day, Lu You first time understood anything to be called vigorously and resolutely, the first experience to true murder method. 陆攸不禁倒吸一口冷气,心底波澜万丈,这个年轻将领就是兰雁四杰、风雨雷电之一的林沐雨吗?那个敢挑战神尊洛岚、那个在野火原一道江山撕碎浅风称霸大陆美梦的当世名将?有道是一将功成万骨枯,林沐雨下手实在太快太果断了,这一天,陆攸第一次领略到什么叫做雷厉风行,第一次见识到真正的杀人手段。 Lin Muyu is pulling the reins, said: Xiao Yin, do we continue?” 林沐雨牵着缰绳,道:“小茵,我们继续出发吧?” The Qin Yin nod smiles gently: Un.” 秦茵点头温柔一笑:“嗯。” ...... …… Young Master, please wait for......” 公子,请等一下……” Lu You called one suddenly, when Lin Muyu, Qin Yin review together looks, Lu You stands up from failure to discontinue, the knees kneel on the ground, cup one fist in the other hand cup one hand in the other across the chest, the sound somewhat shivers to say slightly: On Lu Junlu you, having an audience with empress Your Highness, has seen rain Commander! Lu You has been waiting on Lu Jun, when waits for the empire armies to recover Lingnan, and my Lu You swore that lifelong with the Qin empire was not the enemy, if disobeyed the pledge, the person the god united, the world may reflect.” 陆攸忽然叫了一声,等到林沐雨、秦茵一起回眸看的时候,陆攸翻身下马,双膝跪在地上,抱拳拱手,声音略微有些颤抖道:“上鹿郡陆攸,觐见女帝殿下,见过雨统领!陆攸会一直在上鹿郡等着,等着帝国大军光复岭南之时,并且我陆攸立誓,终身不与大秦帝国为敌,若违誓言,人神共戮,天地可鉴。” Qin Yin lightly smiled, lifts the hand saying: Land you young master does not need to stand on ceremony, gets up, hoping you to be able safe going out Baiyelin.” 秦茵微微一笑,抬抬手道:“陆攸少爷不必拘礼,起来吧,希望你们能安全的走出白叶林。” Many thanks Your Highness cared, that...... Did we walk?” “多谢殿下关心,那……我们走了?” Un, goes, is careful.” “嗯,去吧,一路小心。” Yes!” “是!” ...... …… Although the status has exposed, but Lin Muyu and Qin Yin thought that was steadfaster, is similar to Lu You such person will not be definitely few, Emperor ** the team re-enters Lingnan, regains to lose, on this day decidedly will not be long, Lin Muyu knows, all that oneself make at present for that moment, for war of the carefree dripping revenge, killed Luo Lan, to kill Qin resolute, to kill Long Qianlin, revenged for the friend and family member of dying! 身份虽然暴露了,但是林沐雨和秦茵心里却觉得更加踏实了,如同陆攸这样的人肯定不会少,帝**队重新进入岭南,收复失地,这一天也断然不会太久,林沐雨知道,自己眼前所做的一切都是为了那一刻,为了一场畅快淋漓的复仇之战,杀洛岚、杀秦毅、杀龙千林,为死去的朋友与亲人报仇! !! !!
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