AG :: Volume #6

#520: Slaughter Saint beast

In an instant, as if this at least height five meters giant beast a corpse gnawing half, ate to the full likely the appearance, wiped fully is the mouth of blood, looked up to Qin Yin and the others, although seemed like the wild animal compared with ignorant, but as if the intelligence quotient wanted the distant high same rank Spirit beast, in a pair of deep pupil was glittering deceitfully. 转眼之间,这至少身高五米的巨兽就已经将一具尸体给啃掉了一半,似乎像是吃饱了的样子,抹了抹满是鲜血的嘴巴,抬起头看向了秦茵等人,虽然比蒙看似野兽,但似乎智商要远远的高过于同级别的灵兽,一双深色眸子里闪烁着狡诈。 Roar!” “吼!” It stands up, still retrocedes several steps, is confronting with Lin Muyu, Qin Yin, actually does not attack, but is roaring. 它站起身来,兀自后退数步,与林沐雨、秦茵对峙着,却并不进攻,只是一声声的怒吼着。 It...... What is it making?” Lu You is shocked to ask. “它……它在做什么?”陆攸震惊问道。 Qin Yin said lightly: Approximately...... Is ganging up, here should have other ratio ignorant giant beast.” 秦茵淡淡道:“大约……在呼朋引伴吧,这里应该还有别的比蒙巨兽。” Works as!” “当!” Lin Muyu has fast drawn out the stars sword, said: That fights a battle to force a quick decision, not to the opportunity that he gangs up.” 林沐雨飞快拔出了星辰剑,道:“那就速战速决,不给他呼朋引伴的机会。” Without enough time.” “来不及了。” Qin Yin has referred to the distant place, sees only in the jungle of distant place to have the trees to give to knock down unceasingly, with the faint roar, another also appeared compared with the Mongolian giant beast, and is first 13000 years of ratio ignorant giant beasts, stronger compared with this 10,000 years of ratio ignorant at present has not killed. 秦茵指了指远方,只见远处的丛林里不断有树木给撞倒,伴随着隐隐的吼声,另一头比蒙巨兽也出现了,并且是一头13000年的比蒙巨兽,比眼前这个10000年的比蒙要强了不杀。 ...... …… Ended...... Ended......” “完了……完了……” Is containing the Saint beast pressure compared with Mongolian giant beast roaring, makes Zhang Laosi stand up from failure to discontinue directly, kneels there dejected, the whole body shivers saying: Two ten thousand years of Saint beasts, we died...... Died...... Is these ten thousand years of Saint beasts is guarding the Heavenly Book stele forest, here is really unlucky place, ended, complete......” 比蒙巨兽一声声的怒吼中蕴含着圣兽威压,直接让张老四翻身下马,颓然跪在那里,浑身颤抖道:“两只万年圣兽,我们死定了……死定了……是这些万年圣兽在镇守着天书碑林,这里果然是一个不祥之地,完了,全完了……” In addition Zhang Laosi so, other protecting institutes also mostly lost fighting intent, discontinues dejected, standing that weapons hangs down there, even including rise looked that does not have compared with the courage of Mongolian giant beast. 张老四尚且如此,其余的护院也都大多失去了战意,一个个颓然下马,兵刃低垂的站在那里,甚至连抬头看比蒙巨兽的勇气都没有。 Snort, these weak chickens......” forest Mu Yu laugh in one's heart, bright sound track: Xiao Yin, you cope with this first ten thousand years compared with ignorant, that first 13,000 years leaves me, looked that who is solved first.” “哼,这些弱鸡……”林沐雨不禁暗笑一声,朗声道:“小茵,你来对付这头万年比蒙,那头13000年的留给我,看谁先解决掉。” Good!” Qin Yin consented joyfully. “好!”秦茵欣然应允。 Lin Muyu too has known about the Qin Yin strength, her within the body is flowing the purest Qin bloodlines, the real dragon God Binding Lock might is not inferior compared with own stars God Binding Lock, in addition after the practice cuts the dragon Secret Art, strength tempered even more tyrannicalally, a first ten thousand years of Saint beast already completely could not stand off this empire empress. 林沐雨对秦茵的实力太了解了,她体内流淌着最纯正的秦氏血脉,真龙缚神锁的威力比起自己的星辰缚神锁丝毫不逊色,加上修炼斩龙诀之后力量淬炼得越发强横,一头万年圣兽已然完全敌不过这位帝国女皇了。 The Qin Yin slender both legs separate slightly, step in the lawn, both hands are grasping the sword hilt, under drinks body week and sword blade of God Binding Lock lingering lightly around, first launches an attack, a sword blade vibration, biting a sword recited suddenly, changed into together the sound wave impact direct impact unexpectedly to ten thousand years compared with ignorant, buzz sweeping across, weeds one after another in ground had been twisted the smashing, but compared with Mongolian one Voice miserable howling, spirit strength astral of body surface was mad broke small, it in the Heavenly Book stele forest thinks that also rarely meets the rival, which could bear. Such shame, roared straightly has fired into Qin Yin, actually also center under Qin Yin cherished, God Binding Lock emerged as the times require together! 秦茵修长的双腿微微分开,踩在草地上,双手握着剑柄,一声轻喝之下缚神锁一道道的萦绕在身周与剑刃周围,抢先发难,剑身猛然一次震动,“叮”一声剑吟,竟化为一道音波冲击直冲向万年比蒙,“嗡”的席卷而过,地面上的野草纷纷被绞成粉碎,而比蒙则一声惨嚎,体表的灵力罡气已经破碎了小小的一块,它在天书碑林里想必也是罕逢敌手,哪儿受得了。这样的羞辱,一声怒吼就笔直冲向了秦茵,却也正中秦茵下怀,一道缚神锁破土而出! Bang!” “嘭!” Compared with the Mongolian lower part by golden energy bang, miserable howling was fallen down, a Qin Yin Ling Lie sword comes! 比蒙下体被金色能量轰中,惨嚎一声跌倒在地,秦茵凌冽的一剑迎面而来! Another side, Lin Muyu diving posture, but directly soars another compared with the Mongolian giant beast, the body surface stars circulation, on sword blade appears the stars God Binding Lock rays, the front surface strikes the asterism to peep, first asks the way! 另一边,林沐雨飞身而出直奔另一头比蒙巨兽,体表星辰流转,剑刃上浮现出一道道星辰缚神锁的光芒,迎面就是一击星芒初现,先问问路! Roar roar......” “吼吼……” This first 13000 years is not obviously simpler than the Mongolian giant beast, on swift and fierce pair of claws full is the astral wind, was rumbling to Lin Muyu's long sword in the past, bang a collision, on the sword blade transmitted the serious rebound strength, making forest Mu Yu secretly be startled, 13000 years of Spirit beast was very strong, by strength already completely not under oneself. 这头13000年的比蒙巨兽显然没有那么简单,凌厉的双爪上满是罡风,对着林沐雨的长剑就轰了过去,“嘭”一声碰撞,剑身上传来沉重的反弹力量,让林沐雨不禁暗暗吃惊,13000年的灵兽果然很强,论力量已经完全不在自己之下了。 Imagines forest Mu Yu speed of ignorant must be quicker, „” roars like lightning jumps, pair of claws opens together, strikes an attitude to wash rain tiny humanity tearing into shreds the forest at one fell swoop. 比蒙的速度比林沐雨想象得要快,“嗷嗷”一声怒吼就闪电般跃起,双爪一起张开,作势要一举把林沐雨这个渺小的人类给撕碎。 But Lin Muyu's speed is quicker, strength is also more skillful, left Zhang the palm raises gently, the stars band disperses together slowly, the strength of stars chains lingers in the surroundings, treadons Falling Star Steps to dodge passes, from brushed past compared with the armpit of ignorant, but the thick stars chains strength around the middle has locked in compared with the waist of Mongolian giant beast! 林沐雨的速度更快,力量也更巧,左掌的掌心轻轻扬起,一道星辰绸带缓缓散开,星辰锁链的力量萦绕在周围,脚踏坠星步一闪即逝,从比蒙的腋下擦肩而过,而浓浓的星辰锁链力量则拦腰锁住了比蒙巨兽的腰部! Bang bang bang......” “嘭嘭嘭……” Stars strengths on stars band explode unceasingly, immediately air/Qi compared with body surface astral of Mongolian giant beast unceasingly by the scrap, the hard cerebral cortex also gradually presented the bloodstain, cannot block Lin Muyu the present attack capability completely! 星辰绸带上的一颗颗星辰力量不断爆炸开来,顿时比蒙巨兽的体表罡气不断被炸碎,坚硬的皮层也渐渐出现了血迹,完全挡不住林沐雨如今的攻击能力! To come is also this, the Lin Muyu's strength has achieved the Saint mark boundary accomplishment boundary, in addition the double Martial Spirit in addition holds with Stars Art, Seven Luminaries Mystic Power and other peak Martial Art, his present strength is probably equal to 18000-20000 years of Saint beast level Spirit beast, therefore to at present this first 13000 years naturally can be in an impregnable position compared with ignorant. 想来也是这样,林沐雨的实力已经达到了圣迹境大成的境界,加上双武魂的加持与星辰诀七曜玄力等巅峰武诀,他如今的实力大约相当于18000-20000年的圣兽级灵兽,所以对上眼前这头13000年的比蒙自然能够立于不败之地了。 Roar roar roar......” “吼吼吼……” The whole body full is the severe pain, feels urgently ashamed compared with the Mongolian giant beast, turns around to open the big mouth is one group of roaring flame. 浑身满是剧痛,比蒙巨兽倍感羞耻,转身张开大口就是一团烈焰。 However, its actually not one person, on the contrary is above the top of the head transmits the swift and fierce energy to collide at present, when compared with Mongolian giant beast rise then saw Lin Muyu both hands grasp the sword strikes overwhelming falls! 然而,它的眼前却并无一人,反倒是头顶上方传来凌厉的能量碰撞,当比蒙巨兽抬头的时候便看到了林沐雨双手握剑的一击浩然落下! The Sacred Mountains of China day falls! 五岳天降! Bang!” “嘭!” The stars sword is how sharp, stiffly from cuts into compared with the face of ignorant, „” fang of left it cutting off, the blood has spattered in all directions, incomparable distress. 星辰剑何其锋利,硬生生的从比蒙的脸部切入,“咔嚓”一声将它左边的一颗獠牙给斩断了,鲜血迸溅,无比的狼狈。 Roar roar......” “吼吼……” Is roaring compared with the Mongolian giant beast, but also wants to counter-attack, but lowers the head actually sees Lin Muyu static standing in own belly front, the left fist surroundings are lingering profound wonderful ice soul star strength, in a flash, gave birth to boundless frightening to come compared with Mongolian giant beast bottom of one's heart unexpectedly, this stature tiny humanity unexpectedly so is at present fearful, he from starting to fight continuously with smile on the face, that was the calm smile, in other words, he has not paid attention to oneself this Saint beast! 比蒙巨兽怒吼着,还想要反击,但低头却看到林沐雨静静的站在自己的肚皮前方,左拳周围萦绕着一道道玄奇的冰魄星力,一瞬间,比蒙巨兽心底居然生出了无边的恐怖来,眼前这个身材渺小的人类竟如此可怕,他从开始战斗就一直面带笑容,那是从容的微笑,也就是说,他根本就没有把自己这头圣兽放在眼里! At this time, thinks is actually humiliated of the anger compared with after the Mongolian giant beast, but is frightened, one inexplicable fear, the strength of this humanity destroys itself sufficiently, at this moment it has to believe. 此时,比蒙巨兽想到的却不是被折辱之后的愤怒,而是恐惧,一种莫名的恐惧,这个人类的力量足以毁灭自己,这一刻它不得不信了。 Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” Ices the soul star strength to save in one second, Lin Muyu diving posture, armored hand numerous bang in compared with the abdomen of Mongolian giant beast! The Stars Art fifth type 冰魄星力在一秒钟内积蓄完毕,林沐雨飞身而起,铁拳重重的轰在了比蒙巨兽的腹部!正是星辰诀的第五式 Bi Xuehan ices! 碧雪寒冰! Bang!” “嘭!” Numerous fist bang compared with the abdomen of ignorant, the dense chill in the air toward are surging immediately in all directions, endless Frost the green lawn will turn into the severe winter, but Lin Muyu control to the strength exceeded on the 1st on the 1st, Bi Xuehan iced to freeze the things within surrounding ten meters, has not injured and Qin Yin and Lu of You distant place and the others. 重重的一拳轰在比蒙的腹部,顿时一带森然寒意向着四面八方波荡开来,无尽的冰霜将葱郁的草地变成了严冬,而林沐雨对力量的掌控一日胜过于一日,碧雪寒冰只是冰冻住了周围十米内的事物,并没有伤及远处的秦茵、陆攸等人。 Has ceased compared with the roar of Mongolian giant beast, the body of huge turned into a huge ice brick slowly. 比蒙巨兽的吼声已经停息了,巨大的身体缓缓的变成了一块巨大冰砖。 Lin Muyu falls to the ground gently, the clothes sleeve floating appearance immortal however leaves the dust extremely, pours to grasp long sword, touches with the sword hilt compared with the thigh of ignorant gently, immediately the ice sculpture of this huge rapidly lax has become ice sludge, this, first 13000 years of Saint beast level Spirit beast unexpectedly by forest Mu Yu by three moves of Stars Art not having slaughtering of strength to hit back! 林沐雨轻轻落地,衣袂飘飘的样子极为仙然出尘,倒握着长剑,以剑柄轻轻一碰比蒙的大腿,顿时这尊巨大的冰雕迅速涣散成了一道道碎冰,就这样,一头13000年的圣兽级灵兽居然被林沐雨以三招星辰诀给毫无还手之力的宰杀了! Looks at Qin Yin again, her slowly has drawn out town Sky Sword from another compared with the throat of ignorant, Daozhen dragon God Binding Lock lingers in the surroundings together, is quite bright, she has solved the match with Lin Muyu unexpectedly. 再看秦茵,她缓缓的从另一头比蒙的喉咙里拔出了镇天剑,一道道真龙缚神锁萦绕在周围,极为灿烂,她居然和林沐雨一起解决了对手。 Suddenly, Lu You, Zhang Laosi and the others have wanted dead, they know compared with the Mongolian Saint beast fiercely, however actually kills cannot think this youth men and women unexpectedly that relaxed solved two first over ten thousand years ratio ignorant! 一时间,陆攸、张老四等人已经想死了,他们都知道比蒙圣兽有多厉害,然而却打死也想不到这一对青年男女居然那么轻松的就解决掉了两头万年以上的比蒙! Lu You looked to the Qin Yin look more turned into the respect, he on generally can confirm that Qin Yin status, she uses an alias is Lin Yin, but Lin Muyu uses an alias is Lin Yan, two people simultaneously have God Binding Lock Martial Spirit, did this also insufficiently explain all? 陆攸看向秦茵的眼神里更多的变成了敬意,他已经大抵上能够确认秦茵的身份了,她化名为林茵,而林沐雨化名为林炎,两个人同时拥有缚神锁武魂,这还不够说明一切吗? ...... …… Lin Muyu seizes two compared with spirit stone of ignorant, has thrown into Cosmos Bag, afterward the straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards raise, said: Guarded the Heavenly Book inscribed text two to be solved compared with ignorant, Lu You, a bit faster led your person to take the inscribed text, late without enough time.” 林沐雨攫出两头比蒙的灵石,扔进了乾坤袋里,随后剑眉一扬,道:“镇守天书碑文的两头比蒙已经被解决掉了,陆攸,快点带你的人去取碑文,晚了就来不及了。” Yes, Young Master!” “是,公子!” Land you awakes to turn around from the shock, plan training ground: Brothers, take the inscribed text along with me!” 陆攸从震惊中醒转过来,策马道:“兄弟们,随我去取碑文!” One crowd protects the institute especially to be also excited, has fired into that small hill along with landing you together. 一群护院也格外兴奋,随着陆攸一起冲向了那座小山丘。 Lin Muyu, Qin Yin smile, the good person achieves the bottom, turned over to start to follow, protected this group of people, don't, when last by any thing massacring. 林沐雨、秦茵相视一笑,好人做到底,翻身上马跟了过去,保护好这群人,别在最后一步的时候又被什么东西给杀掉了。 Above hill traces of spring abundant, and on this small hill fragmentary is scattering steles, in the inscribed text impressively is the dense and numerous god article bone-scripts, on the entire hill about ten such steles, Lin Muyu walks to go forward, the vision stays on the present stele, then word by word read 山丘之上春意盎然,并且这座小山丘上零星的散落着一块块石碑,碑文上赫然都是密密麻麻的神文甲骨文,整个山丘上大约有十根这样的石碑,林沐雨走上前,目光停留在眼前的这块石碑上,便逐字逐字的读了出来 Frost, the evil spirit and devil run amuck in the penetrating cold purgatory, the boundless chill in the air swallows all well-meaning consciences, the soul is whinning, the world was yowling, the eternal life endless samsara will soon break, the entry of purgatory opened, the chill in the air of death froze all of this world, above the earth was dancing in the breeze the ice-cold snowflake bone-chilling cold cold winter! 冰霜,妖物与恶魔横行在彻寒的炼狱之中,无边的寒意吞噬着一切善意的良知,灵魂在哀嚎,天地在恸哭,永生不尽的轮回即将打破,炼狱之门洞开,死亡的寒意冰冻住凡尘的一切,大地之上飘舞着冰冷的雪花凛冽寒冬! ...... …… When he reads off these writing, suddenly Spiritual Sense seemed attracted on the stele general, in an instant these god articles 11 have printed in the mind, „” as if opened some ban, but present stele rapid disintegration came, changed into pile of stone powder, contained the spirit strength in stele also rapidly to disseminate! 就在他读完这些文字的时候,忽然灵觉仿佛被吸引在石碑上一般,转眼之间这些神文11印入了脑海之中,“哐”的一声仿佛打开了某种禁制,而眼前的这枚石碑则迅速崩碎开来,化为了一堆石粉,蕴含在石碑中的灵力也迅速弥散! What's the matter?!” Qin Yin opened the small mouth to ask. “怎么回事?!”秦茵张大了小嘴问道。 I......” forest Mu Yulian draws back several steps, the complexion somewhat is slightly pale, felt that some feelings of weariness, said: I grasped this Heavenly Book quarter article probably...... All writing print in my mind......” “我……”林沐雨连退数步,脸色略有些苍白,感觉到有些倦意,道:“我好像已经掌握了这本天书刻文了……所有的文字都印在我的脑海里……” Unexpectedly is like this mysterious?” “居然这样神奇?” Qin Yin smiles: I must study!” 秦茵不禁一笑:“我也要学!” Un, you go carefully to read a stele and that's the end, after you understand all god articles, should be able to grasp.” “嗯,你去仔细阅读一尊石碑就是了,当你读懂所有的神文之后,应该就能掌握。” Nearby, Lu You hurried say|way: Lin Yan Young Master and Lin Yin miss, you do not go to read the god article, once read only could have a person to grasp, the strength of world revolved, this god of journeys article also only then you wrote to inspire the strength of world.” 一旁,陆攸急忙道:“林炎公子、林茵姑娘,你们别去读神文啊,一旦读了就只能有一个人掌握,天地之力运转,这道神文也就只有你一个人写出才能引动天地之力了。” „?” “啊?” Lin Muyu with amazement: This matter?” 林沐雨骇然:“还有这种事?” Right, in these Heavenly Book inscribed texts has gotten down the ban.” Lu You as if knows many appearances. “没错,这些天书碑文上都是下了禁制的。”陆攸似乎知道许多的样子。 Lin Muyu deeps frown: How do you know?” 林沐雨眉头紧锁:“你是怎么知道的?” Land you are somewhat helpless, said: My ancestor once was nobilities, therefore collected an old book, has recorded the matter about Heavenly Book stele forest fuzzily, this Heavenly Book stele forest was initially Divine Emperor Fu Xi led 100 disciples to carve in Baiyelin, on each stele was held the Divine Power ban by in addition, traced to develop the study to be still permissible, if were reads, Divine Power will give being predestined friends person this god of journeys article only right of use.” 陆攸有些无奈,道:“我的祖上曾经位列王侯,所以收集到了一本古籍,模糊的记载了一些关于天书碑林的事情,这天书碑林是当初神帝伏羲率领100名弟子在白叶林里雕刻而出的,每一尊石碑上都被加持了神力禁制,描拓下来学习尚可,如果是去读的话,神力会将这道神文唯一的使用权赋予有缘人。” Saying, Lu You looks at not far away the stele, said: Was a pity, here stele records is the carving articles of spirit book rank.” 说着,陆攸看着不远处的石碑,道:“可惜,这里的石碑所记载的都是灵书级别的刻文。” Spirit book rank?” “灵书级别?” !! !!
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