AG :: Volume #6

#519: Compared with the Mongolian giant beast

How?” “怎么了?” Bei Qi Huan in sleep is startled suddenly, after drilling the tent, looks all around to ask. 睡梦中的北齐桓猛然惊起,钻出帐篷后环顾四周问道。 Flame monkey!” “火焰猴!” Thousand-Man Commander raises the steel knife, on the blade is circling in flight True Qi Frost, said: „In 5000 above Spirit beast, two Young Master are careful, hides do not come out in the tent!” 一名千夫长提着钢刀,刀刃上飞旋着真气冰霜,道:“都是5000年以上的灵兽,二公子小心,躲在帐篷里不要出来!” trifling flame monkey has what to fear!” 区区火焰猴有何惧!” Bei Qi Huan raises the saber to stand up from failure to start, said loudly: With the bow and arrow, kills all flame monkeys to me!” 北齐桓提着佩剑就翻身上了马,大声道:“用弓箭,给我射杀掉所有火焰猴!” Yes! Protects two Young Master!” “是!保护好二公子!” One crowd of righteousness and country soldier one after another holds up the shield horizontally in the Bei Qi Huan front, the archer pulls open the long bow, the direction of fire distant place that brushes sharply clashes the flame monkey group of coming, but surface layer the skin of flame monkey appears flame astral air/Qi together, „, when ding-dong comes to the ejection the majority of arrow arrow unexpectedly, the next moment, front several sharp claws of flame monkeys already raised, bang bang bang tearing the shield, the opens mouth has nipped on the nape of the neck of rear soldier, pitiful yell sound instantaneously continually a piece. 一群义和国士兵纷纷举起盾牌横在北齐桓前方,弓箭手拉开长弓,刷刷刷的射向远方急冲而来的火焰猴群,但火焰猴的皮肤表层浮现着一道火红色罡气,“当当当”的竟将大部分箭矢给弹射开来,下一刻,前方的几个火焰猴的利爪已然扬起,“嘭嘭嘭”的撕裂了盾牌,张口就咬在后方士兵的脖颈上,惨叫声瞬间连成了一片。 Bastard......” “畜生……” Several cultivate for the profound Thousand-Man Commander air/Qi results in the whole body to shiver, raises steel sword to chop randomly, approximately also only then these had Heaven Realm cultivated for Thousand-Man Commander to be able to resist the flame monkey. 几名修为高深的千夫长气得浑身颤抖,提着钢剑乱砍,大约也只有这些拥有天境修为的千夫长才能抵挡得住火焰猴了。 Chirp...... Chirp......” “唧唧……唧唧……” Around the mountain valley almost everywhere is the monkey groups of flame monkey, at least over 100, even if in the serviceman who Bei Qi Huan leads has to cultivate for profoundness cannot resist, in an instant 500 people had been killed by the flame monkey more than half, the Bei Qi Huan's complexion also even more is suddenly pale. 山谷四周几乎到处都是火焰猴的猴群,至少超过100只,就算是北齐桓所率领的军人之中有修为高深者也抵挡不住,转眼之间500人就已经被火焰猴杀死了过半,一时间北齐桓的脸色也愈发的苍白起来。 Protects two Young Master!” “保护二公子!” Heaven Realm expert horizontal a sword chops to draw back a flame monkey, the Martial Spirit hot snake on sword blade flees unceasingly, but about two flame monkeys simultaneously the converging attack, full was the sharp claws of roaring flame directly pricked this Heaven Realm expert abdomen, was almost grabs his intestines to pull, the dead shape was horrible to look. 一名天境强者横起一剑劈退一只火焰猴,剑刃上的武魂火蛇不断窜动,但两只火焰猴左右同时夹击,满是烈焰的利爪直接就刺入了这名天境强者的腹部,几乎是抓着他的肠子扯了出来,死状惨不忍睹。 General Lu!” Surrounding one group of soldiers look, courage entirely crack dumbfoundedly. “卢将军!”周围的一群士兵看得目瞪口呆、肝胆俱裂 We could not block!” “我们挡不住了!” Loudly raises Thousand-Man Commander of lance to shout to clear the way: Protects two Young Master to remove, the person who lets land you comes to block the attack of flame monkey, this flock of flame monkeys simply are one group of lunatics!” 一名提着长矛的千夫长大喝道:“保护二公子撤出去,让陆攸的人进来挡住火焰猴的进攻,这群火焰猴简直就是一群疯子!” Yes!” “是!” The soldiers crowd around Bei Qi Huan to withdraw, but the soldier who brings up the rear unceasingly miserably is howling in the roaring flame is killed, the flame monkey quantity are getting more and more, has surpassed Bei Qi Huan and the others by far the imagination. 士兵们簇拥着北齐桓后撤,而殿后的士兵则在烈焰中不断惨嚎着被杀死,火焰猴数量越来越多,远远的超过了北齐桓等人的想象。 Mother......” “娘的……” A Bei Qi Huan originally was also the pretty face already very twisted, roared lowly: You want to kill me, that do not blame me not being impolite, the father must make your bastards taste the taste of strength of world!” 北齐桓一张原本还算是俊秀的脸庞已然十分扭曲了,低吼一声:“你们想杀我,那就别怪我不客气了,老子要让你们这些畜生尝一尝天地之力的滋味!” Saying, Bei Qi Huan has been raising the saber in hand suddenly, on the sword blade golden symbol cultures for earth yellow -- The color ray shoots up to the sky, moreover this time color is quite rich, is a book embrionic sword! In the sky the scarlet vortex echoes together, the strength of world was already inspired, the the next moment anger thunder falls unceasingly, the purple ray illuminates the dark night just likes the daytime! 说着,北齐桓猛然扬起了手中的佩剑,剑身上一道道金色符文化为土黄--色光芒冲天而起,而且这次的颜色颇为浓郁,是一把中品地书的器胚剑!天空中一道血色漩涡呼应起来,天地之力已然被引动了,下一刻怒雷不断落下,紫色光芒把黑夜照亮得犹如白昼! Bang bang bang......” “嘭嘭嘭……” In this book is the thunder is the principle, angry thunder bombardments in the monkey group of flame monkey, a pitiful yell sound piece, but combines the righteousness in monkey group same unable to escape by luck with the country soldiers, has not sent out including the cry is changed into pile of hard cokes, the thunder and lightning wreaked havoc for nearly 10 seconds to cease fully, already a casualty piece. 这本中品地书是雷系法则,一道道怒雷轰击在火焰猴的猴群之中,惨叫声一片,但混杂在猴群中的义和国士兵一样无法幸免,一个个连叫声都没有发出就被化为一堆焦炭了,雷电整整肆虐了近10秒钟才停息,已然死伤一片。 The flame is ample, the flame monkey has not died cruelly certainly, actually flushed. 火光绰绰,火焰猴并没有死绝,却更加暴戾的冲了过来。 ...... …… Outside the mountain valley, Lin Muyu rise looks that airborne lightning ray is intermittent, said: Bei Qi Huan used Heavenly Book, was really a black sheep of the family...... Master Lu You, we hurries!” 山谷外,林沐雨抬头看着空中的雷光阵阵,道:“北齐桓又动用天书了,真是个败家子……陆攸少爷,我们赶紧走吧!” Walks?” Lu You stares, said: Goes...... Goes?” “走?”陆攸一愣,道:“去……去哪儿?” Looks for the Heavenly Book stele forest!” “去找天书碑林啊!” Lin Muyu smiles lightly: „The Bei Qi Huan's army was affirmed the casualty to be serious by the flame monkey sneak attack, but the flame monkey may not kill off his person, once Bei Qi Huan leads the remaining people to clash definitely to vent anger in you, when the time comes you want to walk cannot leave.” 林沐雨淡淡一笑:“北齐桓的军队被火焰猴偷袭肯定死伤惨重,但火焰猴又不一定能杀光他的人,一旦北齐桓带着剩下的人冲出来肯定会迁怒于你,到时候你想走也走不掉了。” Good, immediately starts, tidies up to leave here!” Lu You loud say|way. “好,立刻启程出发,收拾一下离开这里!”陆攸大声道。 Lin Muyu shakes the head: Do not tidy up, started to leave without enough time completely, the tents and all appliances do not want, the life is more important.” 林沐雨摇摇头:“别收拾,来不及了,全部上马离开,帐篷和一切器具都别要了,命更重要。” Yes!” “是!” The hoofbeat echo, one group of people leave this unlucky place rapidly, but Lin Muyu turned head to look at an own tent and steel pot, was a pity at heart secretly, the thing that just bought can only discard. 马蹄声回响,一群人迅速离开这个不祥之地,而林沐雨则回头看了一眼自己的帐篷和钢锅,心里暗暗可惜,刚刚买来的东西又只能扔掉了。 Qin Yin as if saw his thoughts, said with a smile: Good, after being great, we slept outside in the Heavenly Book stele forest, in any case here temperature was not very cold.” 秦茵似乎看出了他的心思,不禁笑道:“好啦,了不起之后我们在天书碑林里就露宿好了,反正这里的气温不是很冷。” Un, walks!” “嗯,走吧!” The group depart in a hurry, disappears in the curtain of night. 一行人匆匆离去,消失在夜幕之中。 After several minutes, in the mountain valley Bei Qi Huan Weishou one group of people flushed, has almost the wound, on the Bei Qi Huan's face full is the fierce color, looks at empty such as camp, can"t help it, roars: Person? People! Lu You, the villain of this being perfidious, do not let this Young Master see you again! No...... After waiting for this Young Master to return to the Bailing city, certainly goes to mostly series there to seek please together the Saint imperial edict, extinguished on you deer county Lu Residence whole families, you are waiting for this Young Master!” 几分钟后,山谷中北齐桓为首的一群人冲了出来,一个个身上几乎都有伤,北齐桓的脸上满是狰狞之色,看着空空如也的营地,禁不住怒吼一声:“人呢?人呢!陆攸,你这个背信弃义的小人,别让本公子再看见你!不……等本公子回百岭城之后,一定去大都统那里求请一道圣诏,灭了你上鹿郡陆府满门,你等着本公子!” Nearby, several whole bodies are injury Thousand-Man Commander look dumbfoundedly, they know that this ferocious two Young Master are only a Adou of not being able to help up, but eventually is a serviceman, must take orders from the conduct. 一旁,几个浑身都是伤势的千夫长看得目瞪口呆,他们知道这个穷凶极恶的二公子只是一个扶不起的阿斗,但终究自己是军人,必须听命行事。 Chirp......” “唧唧……” The cry of flame monkey transmits from the mountain valley, Bei Qi Huan can"t help it, has fought a shiver, said: Walks, goes to the Heavenly Book stele forest, here remains seriously.” 火焰猴的叫声从山谷中传来,北齐禁不住的打了个寒战,道:“走,去天书碑林,这里留不得了。” The bloodstain that two Young Master......” Thousand-Man Commander wiped the face, said: We have at least over a hundred brothers to keep in the mountain valley to bring up the rear, we...... No matter we they?” “二公子……”一名千夫长擦了擦脸上的血迹,道:“我们还有至少上百兄弟留在山谷中殿后,我们……我们不管他们了吗?” Could not control, general situation for heavy, if can find these antiquity Heavenly Book inscribed texts, their sacrifices valuable.” “管不了了,大局为重,如果能找到那些上古天书碑文,他们的牺牲就是有价值的。” Yes!” Thousand-Man Commander starts to speak but hesitates, progresses to dash about wildly dozens meters after Bei Qi Huan, said: Two Young Master started the book a moment ago...... Has killed beside several flame monkeys, has killed our about 50 brothers......” “是!”千夫长欲言又止,策马跟着北齐桓狂奔数十米之后,又道:“二公子刚才发动了中品地书……杀了十几只火焰猴之外,也杀了我们近50名兄弟啊……” Shut up!” “闭嘴!” Becoming angry out of shame of Bei Qi Huan face, said: „Becoming important matter not bothers about trifles, if I do not start the book, perhaps our group of people are very difficult to run away, the brave warrior who these died in battle naturally has the righteousness and country state treasury comforts and aids a bereaved family their family members, this does not need you multibarreled.” 北齐桓一脸的恼羞成怒,道:“成大事者不拘小节,如果我不发动地书,恐怕我们这群人都很难逃出来,那些战死的勇士自然有义和国国库抚恤他们的家属,这个不必你多管。” Yes...... Two Young Master......” on the face of Thousand-Man Commander are passing little helpless. “是……二公子……”千夫长的脸上透着几许无奈。 ...... …… Close to early morning time, the East flood is gradually white, the visibility in Baiyelin also enhanced much, in the disorderly hoofbeat, Lin Muyu, Qin Yin, Lu You and the others dashed about wildly dozens li (0.5km), the surrounding scenery becomes even more is also green, the scene that school of hundred flowers put, meets several flame monkeys along the way actually, but had frightened off by the domain pressure by forest Mu Yu, has exempted the unnecessary trouble. 临近清晨的时候,东方渐渐泛白起来,白叶林里的可见度也提高了不少,凌乱的马蹄声中,林沐雨、秦茵、陆攸等人狂奔出数十里地,周围的景色也变得愈发葱郁起来,一派百花盛放的场面,沿途倒是遇到几个火焰猴,但都被林沐雨以领域威压吓走了,免去了不必要的麻烦。 Proceeds again, is a stretch of rough terrain, distant even can see on these massifs besides the green jungle, fragmentary flood light gloss stele. 再往前,便是一片丘陵地带,远远的甚至就能看到那些山丘上除了葱郁密林外,还有零星的一枚枚泛着淡淡光泽的石碑。 That...... Is that the Heavenly Book stele forest?” Bei Qi Huan excited saying. “那……那是天书碑林吗?”北齐桓一脸兴奋的说道。 Lin Muyu takes a deep breath: Should be, on that several steles has the little day earth deities strength, but...... Here is unsafe, front has a very strong aura, seems is guarding these steles.” 林沐雨深吸一口气:“应该是了,那几根石碑上拥有少许的天地灵力,不过……这里并不安全,前面有一个很强的气息,似乎是在镇守着这些石碑。” What is?” “是什么?” The land you whole body trembles, he knows, since Lin Muyu said is very strong, but definitely was much stronger than the giant viper. 陆攸浑身一颤,他知道,既然林沐雨说很强,但肯定比巨型蝰蛇要强得多了。 I do not know.” Lin Muyu shakes the head. “我不知道。”林沐雨摇摇头。 Lu Youmi has narrowed the eye, said: Comes the person, explores the way, we go to that hill, took the Heavenly Book inscribed text is trip has not been made in vain!” 陆攸眯了眯眼睛,道:“来人,探路,我们去那一座山丘,取了天书碑文就算是不虚此行了!” Yes!” “是!” The people somewhat are excited, after life and death arrives at the side deep place of Baiyelin for is also not these steles, if found the Heavenly Book inscribed text, went back also to confess. 众人都有些兴奋,历经生死来到白叶林的极深处为的还不就是这些石碑,如果找到天书碑文,回去也能有所交代了。 Several protect the institute to raise sword and lance to progress to disperse, step by step is trying to find out forward. Lin Muyu, Qin Yin defending one on the left and other on the right side land you, do not let in this Lu Junshao Young Master die, otherwise this line on a group of people without a leader, sooner or later completely will die in this piece of jungle. 十几名护院提着战刀、长矛策马分散开来,一步步的向前摸索着。林沐雨、秦茵则一左一右的守在陆攸身边,别让这个上鹿郡少公子死了,不然这一行人就群龙无首,迟早会全部死在这片密林之中。 At this moment, suddenly the earth shivered slowly. 就在这时,忽然大地缓缓的颤抖了一下。 Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” Near the ear has also transmitted an energy pulsation continuously, Lin Muyu the can"t help it, wrinkle the straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards, said: Is careful, had thing to come, the front person drew back!” 耳边也传来了一缕缕的能量脉动,林沐雨禁不住的皱起剑眉,道:“都小心点,有东西过来了,前面的人都退回来!” The protecting institute that but front explores the way has not drawn back completely, suddenly „” a wild animal roared to pass from the jungle, actually saw only a giant beast to hit several great trees to clash, this giant beast whole body blood red fur, just liked one group of flame general rolled up and pushed along, swept, but, three protected the institute with enough time not to send out including the pitiful yell turned into two sections! 但前面探路的护院还没有完全退回来的时候,忽然“嗷呜”一声野兽吼叫从丛林里传了出来,却只见一头巨兽撞断几颗巨树就冲了过来,这巨兽浑身血红色皮毛,犹如一团火焰一般的卷动过来,一扫而过之后,三名护院连惨叫都没有来得及发出就变成了两截! My God, what is that?” “我的天,那是什么?” Qin Yin is dumbfounded, drew out town Sky Sword suddenly, above sword blade the Saint beast soul standard circled, simultaneously God Binding Lock Saint strength lingered around sword blade, the star fine jade fought the glow to fly upwards unceasingly, blew her behind animal skin cape flap flap to make noise. 秦茵目瞪口呆,猛然拔出了镇天剑,剑刃之上圣兽魂格盘旋,同时一道道缚神锁圣力萦绕在剑刃周围,星璇斗芒不断飞扬起来,吹得她身后的兽皮斗篷猎猎作响。 Roar roar......” “吼吼……” The giant beast is roaring, opens the big mouth to gnaw on a corpse, the big mouth chews the corpse that was just dying, in the teeth full is the hashed meat, a pair of heartless eye pupil also once for a while lifts to look at the distant place forest Mu Yu, Qin Yin and the others, it in eating person, in its top of the head altogether ten gold threads, are somewhat scary. 巨兽怒吼着,张开血盆大口就啃噬在一具尸体上,大口咀嚼着刚刚死去的尸体,牙齿间满是碎肉,一双无情的眼眸还时不时的抬起来看着远方的林沐雨、秦茵等人,它在吃人,并且,它的头顶上一共十条金线,有些吓人。 Compared with ignorant, compared with the Mongolian giant beast!” “比蒙,是比蒙巨兽!” Zhang Laosi's some face distortions: I have seen this Spirit beast in ten thousand beast standards, this is Spirit beast of legend level, existed in the legend, has not thought that has really......” 张老四的脸庞有些扭曲:“我在万兽典上见过这种灵兽,这是传说级的灵兽,原本存在于传说中,没有想到真的有……” Lu You same facial expression with amazement, shock that but he receives dual, comes more desperate than the appearance of Mongolian giant beast, two, the treasured sword in front Qin Yin hand obviously is not every thing, and this beautiful young girl body week is lingering golden Martial Spirit God Binding Lock is clearly without change in the Martial Spirit standard records, the status of this young girl was already vivid! 陆攸一样神情骇然,但他受到的震撼的双重的,一来比蒙巨兽的出现让人绝望,二来,前方的秦茵手中的宝剑显然不是凡物,并且这美丽少女身周萦绕着的金色武魂分明与武魂典上记载着的缚神锁一般无二,这少女的身份已然呼之欲出了! She is empress Qin Yin! 她是女帝秦茵 Lu Youzhi thinks dizzy, soon cannot accept at present all, if this young girl were Qin Yin, her side the status of that youngster apparently, had such strength except for number one enemy Lin Muyu of righteousness and country's, but who can also? 陆攸只觉得天旋地转,快要接受不了眼前的一切了,如果这少女是秦茵,那她身边的那个年轻人的身份更是昭然,拥有如此实力的除了义和国的头号大敌林沐雨,还会有谁? !! !!
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