AG :: Volume #6

#518: Spirit beast attack

Although Bei Qi Huan a wrist|skill cut off, but has put on pale golden clothes armor now, even on the shoulder is wearing unexpectedly also a righteousness and country Ten Thousand-Man Commander symbol, the Bei Qi mansion truly is huge in the righteousness and country influence, unexpectedly easy made two Young Master become Ten Thousand-Man Commander, its military system ** can be inferred. 北齐桓虽然一条手腕被砍断了,但如今已经穿上一身淡金色的衣甲,甚至肩膀上居然还佩戴着一枚义和国万夫长的徽记,北齐府确实在义和国势力庞大,居然轻而易举的就让二公子当上了万夫长,其军制**可见一斑。 Lin Muyu is silent, progressing brings Qin Yin to mix in Zhang Laosi and the others in the crowds, has not disclosed that simultaneously Spiritual Pulse Technique extends slowly, investigates the strength of this group of people, beside Bei Qi Huan, Thousand-Man Commander of several righteousness and country's, the strength is not weak, including three people have Heaven Realm to cultivate are, in addition several hide expert in army, the strength also has Heaven Realm to cultivate is, although in this line of not Saint Realm expert, but discussed the effective strength not weakly. 林沐雨沉默不语,策马带着秦茵混入张老四等人的人群之中,没有声张,同时灵脉术缓缓延伸出去,探查到这伙人的实力,北齐桓之外,还有几个义和国的千夫长,实力不弱,其中有三个人都拥有天境修为,另外还有几个隐藏在军队中的强者,实力也有天境修为,这一行人里虽然没有圣域强者,但论战斗实力还是不弱的。 Is this about 500 people of cavalry weaponry was not only simple. 况且,光是这近500人骑兵的阵仗就已经不简单了。 Really could not completely understand what more and more Bei Qi Huan in thinking, he has wanted to depend upon the army to win all Heavenly Book inscribed texts in the Heavenly Book stele forest? Too weak, sometimes the population cannot decide all. 真是越来越看不透北齐桓在想什么了,难道他想依靠军队在天书碑林里夺走所有天书碑文吗?太幼稚了,有时候人数并不能决定一切。 ...... …… At this time, Bei Qi Huan led one group of soldiers to progress to go forward, in the eye was bringing stubbornly, looked at landing you and other line, sneered saying: „Who you are, dares to excel at the righteousness and country restricted area?” 这时,北齐桓已经带着一群士兵策马上前,眼中带着桀骜,看着陆攸等一行人,冷笑道:“你们是什么人,竟敢擅长义和国禁地?” Lu You progresses to go forward, salutes respectfully: Is on Lu Juncheng defends the child of Luzhuang below, named Lu You, bringing the protecting institute in mansion to be lost direction area Baiyelin, therefore the get lost astrayed the restricted area, but also invited the general intelligent apprehension.” 陆攸策马上前,恭敬行礼:“在下是上鹿郡城守陆庄之子,名叫陆攸,带着府邸里的护院在白叶林一带走失了方向,所以才迷路误入禁地,还请将军明察。” On Lu Jun person?” “上鹿郡的人?” The Bei Qi Huan corners of the mouth raise, said: Son who „a county city defends? Hey, a little meaning, Lu You, you did not understand that identifies direction according to the sunrise? Dares to dodge this Young Master with this lie, I thought that you were tired of living?” 北齐桓嘴角一扬,道:“一个郡城城守的儿子吗?嘿,有点意思,陆攸,你们难道不懂得依照日出辨认方向吗?敢用这种谎话来搪塞本公子,我看你是活腻了吧?” „Below...... Below dull-witted, invited the Young Master bright mirror!” “在下……在下愚钝,请公子明鉴!” Right?” “是吗?” Bei Qi Huan vision ice-cold 11 has swept in land you behind one group of people, looks like in looking at the cargo is ordinary, perhaps Lu You and the others in the Bei Qi Huan's eyes are not considered as that the genuine person, but one batch treat butcher the lamb, the Bei Qi Huan's vision stayed on Lin Muyu, Qin Yin suddenly, the Qin Yin this devastatingly beautiful Bijobara was rare, immediately recognized, lost says with a smile: Young lady, do you also know my Bei Qi Huan? We once the reasons in the post house, were really the fates, we met in this place unexpectedly.” 北齐桓目光冰冷的在陆攸身后的一群人身上11扫过,就像是在看货物一般,或许陆攸等人在北齐桓的眼中不算是真正的人,只是一批待宰羔羊罢了,忽地,北齐桓的目光停留在了林沐雨、秦茵身上,秦茵这种倾国倾城的美女原本就少见,马上就认出来了,不禁失笑道:“小姐,你还认识我北齐桓吗?我们在驿馆里曾经有一面之缘,真是缘分啊,我们居然在这种地方相遇了。” Qin Yin looked at his one eyes lightly, in the eye not minces matter the loathing, said: I do not know you.” 秦茵淡淡的看了他一眼,眼中毫不掩饰厌恶,道:“我不认识你。” Didn't know?” “不认识?” Bei Qi Huan is incorrigibly wicked, says with a smile: Has not related, is together naturally knew.” 北齐桓贼心不死,笑道:“没关系,相处多了自然就认识了。” At this time, cultivated for extremely deep middle-aged Thousand-Man Commander walks to go forward, said in a low voice: Two Young Master, we do not stop over here were too long, Ji Shuai, Dragon Shuai the person should arrive in Baiyelin, we need to find the Heavenly Book stele forest before them, I also heard that mostly the series also sent for the Heavenly Book stele forest, we cannot fall after the person, as for that hunting household young girl...... In my opinion, two Young Master must endure patiently slightly, does not want, because has been merry and harmed the important matter for a while.” 这时,一名修为极深的中年千夫长走上前,低声道:“二公子,我们还是不要在这里逗留太久了,姬帅、龙帅的人应该都已经抵达白叶林了,我们需要在他们之前找到天书碑林,我还听说大都统也派人来天书碑林了,我们决不能落于人后,至于那猎户少女……依我之见,二公子应当稍微忍耐一下,不要因为一时快活而误了大事。” Yes.” “是啊。” Bei Qi Huan nods, said: But, this group of people must follow us together.” 北齐桓点点头,道:“不过,这群人还是要跟我们一起走的。” Thousand-Man Commander stares: „Are the meanings of two Young Master?” 千夫长一愣:“二公子的意思是?” Bei Qi Huan said with a smile slightly: Land you, your group less than 50, were too few, once meets strong Spirit beast is very perhaps difficult to protect oneself, I look to be inferior that we about soldier one, you go to the Heavenly Book stele forest with us together, is good to take care, how?” 北齐桓微微笑道:“陆攸,你们一行人人数不足50,太少了,一旦遇到强一些的灵兽恐怕就很难自保,我看不如咱们合兵一处吧,你跟着我们一起去天书碑林,也好有个照应,如何?” Leeway that land you simply has not chosen, has cup one fist in the other hand saying: Power listens to two Young Master to dispatch......” 陆攸根本没有选择的余地,只得抱拳道:“权听二公子调遣……” Bei Qi Huan nods smiles: Good, you lead your person to walk, in the front leads the way, I lead my person to bring up the rear.” 北齐桓点头一笑:“好,出发吧,你带你的人走在前方开路,我带我的人殿后。” Is......” “是……” Lu You swallows, Bei Qi Huan clearly worked as the cannon fodder by oneself one line, Spirit beast of Baiyelin deep place is getting stronger and stronger, perhaps their 50 people radically insufficiently kill, but Lin Yan this Saint King boundary cultivates for expert did not say a word unexpectedly, the assurance that it seems like cannot win, the opposite party had 500 people after all, many expert. 陆攸有苦难言,北齐桓分明是让自己一行人去当炮灰,白叶林深处的灵兽越来越强,自己的50人恐怕根本就不够杀的,而林炎这个圣王境修为的强者居然一言不发,看来也没有必胜的把握,毕竟对方有500人,其中也不乏强者 Lin Muyu progresses to march forward along with people slowly together, on the face full is dignified, his idea is very simple, the words that oneself and Qin Yin get rid of together, can indeed defeat these 500 people of righteousness sums furiously ** team, but must pay the bleeding price, perhaps the severe wound, at this time will not have arrived in the Heavenly Book stele forest injured, that simply does not have the ample force to deal with several Saint Realm level expert that Qin Huan brought, they were the genuine matches, perhaps moreover Luo Lan also came, was only has not made an appearance. 林沐雨缓缓策马随着众人一起行进,脸上满是凝重,他的想法十分简单,自己和秦茵一起出手的话,诚然能奋力击败这500人的义和**队,但也必须付出血的代价,说不定就会重伤,这时候还没抵达天书碑林就受伤了,那根本没有余力去应付秦焕所带的几个圣域强者,他们才是真正的对手,况且洛岚或许也来了,只是没有露面罢了。 Getting rid is inevitable, but must wait for an opportunity, can the no damage wound kills these 500 people. 出手是必然的,但必须等待一个机会,能够毫无损伤的干掉这500人。 At this time he somewhat regretted really previous time let go Bei Qi Huan, the villain who this free time zi must report, should a sword butcher was quite clean! 这时他真有些后悔上次放走北齐桓了,这种暇眦必报的小人,就应该一剑宰了比较干净! ...... …… Therefore, progresses together with forest Mu Yu, the Qin Yin more than 40 people in the front, but the rear area is the Bei Qi Huan and other at daggers drawn of the righteousness sums ** the team, lets forest Mu Yu and the others, if feels uneasy. 于是,连同林沐雨、秦茵在内的40多人策马走在前方,而后方则是北齐桓等剑拔弩张的义和**队,让林沐雨等人如芒刺在背。 The weather is gradually gloomy, after the night falls, the people raising flare , to continue to hurry along in the dim light of night, Bei Qi Huan decided that must seek for a safe pitching camp place to stop the rest. 天色渐渐阴暗下来,夜幕降临之后,众人升起火把,继续在夜色之中赶路,北齐桓决定要寻找一个安全的扎营地点才能停下来休息。 After night, finally presented a piece of stone mountain valley in Baiyelin, around the mountain valley is surrounded and protected by the great crag, the suitable security, was the good camping area. 一直到深夜之后,终于在白叶林内出现了一片石头山谷,山谷四周都被巨岩拱卫着,相当的安全,是上好的宿营地。 Bei Qi Huan Duanbi refers to mountain valley, but discovers has not pointed, then traded another arm, the index finger stretched out points to the distant place, said: Here camped, righteousness and ** the team was stationed in inside, Lu You, leading your person to guard in the entrance of mountain valley, defended the mountain valley the heavy responsibility to give you.” 北齐桓断臂一指山谷,但发现没有手指,便换了另一条手臂,食指伸出直指远方,道:“就在这里宿营好了,义和**队驻扎在里面,陆攸,率领你的人驻守在山谷的入口,守住山谷的重任就交给你了。” Yes, two Young Master.” Lu You respectful say|way. “是,二公子。”陆攸恭敬道。 On the status, Bei Qi Huan is at the height of power Bei Qi mansion second young master, status quite marquis in, but Lu You is only a son of procurator trifling, moreover is the juniors of decline aristocratic family, can not be imagined, Lu You was again unwillingly also can only be at somebody's beck and call, takes orders to handle matters. 论身份地位,北齐桓是如日中天的北齐府的二少爷,地位相当于侯爵,而陆攸只是一个区区太守的儿子,而且是没落世家的子弟,天壤之别可想而知,陆攸就算是再不甘也只能仰人鼻息,听命办事了。 ...... …… People one after another enters the mountain valley, the Bei Qi Huan's person takes out food that the warhorse has carried on the back to start to boil out prepares food, Lu You the person also started to build the brief tent. 众人纷纷进入山谷,北齐桓的人取出了战马背上的食物开始熬煮做饭,陆攸的人也开始搭建起了简略的帐篷。 Lin Muyu chose one to approach the precipice the place to pitch camp, the tent that will buy built, afterward raised pile of bonfires, boiled water with the steel pot, took out the tao low stool meat to cut to throw into from Cosmos Bag the pot again together, the Ueno rapeseed oil salt, gathered round the bonfire with Qin Yin, enjoyed this rare tranquility. 林沐雨选择了一个靠近山岩的地方扎营,将买来的帐篷搭建起来,随后升起一堆篝火,用钢锅煮水,再从乾坤袋内取出一块梼杌肉切了一下扔进锅里,加上野菜油盐等,就和秦茵一起围着篝火,享受这难得的宁静。 Under the flame shines, Qin Yin handsome cheek obviously charming, Lin Muyu could not bear looked at several, said: No matter is bringing Xiao Yin or Xiaoxi comes out, always felt that has the good fortune very much.” 火焰照耀下,秦茵俏美的脸蛋更显娇媚,林沐雨忍不住多看了几眼,笑着说:“不管是带着小茵还是小汐出来,总感觉很有福气。” Why?” Qin Yin asked. “为什么啊?”秦茵笑问。 Beautiful enough to eat, raised eye.” Lin Muyu replied truthfully. “秀色可餐呗,太养眼了。”林沐雨如实回答。 Qin Yin smiles: Here crisis-ridden, you have the thoughts to tease me, snort|hum......” 秦茵不禁莞尔:“这里危机四伏,你还有心思调笑我,哼……” What fears?” “怕什么?” Lin Muyu lets go, has a look at piles of bonfire rays in canyon, said: All completely are grasping, does not have any issue.” 林沐雨一摊手,看看峡谷里的一堆堆篝火光芒,道:“一切尽在掌握,没什么问题的。” My also hope is this.” “我也希望是这样。” Soon , the tao low stool meat was ripe, sends out the delicate fragrance aura, Lin Muyu abundant full one bowl has given Qin Yin, have eaten afterward one bowl of meat, supplemented that the physical strength the spirit strength at the same time tempered tao low stool meat promotes to cultivate is, Tang Xiaoxi taught the purifying the mind incantation heart law to him luckily, was insufficient to come under the dry and hot influence in tao low stool meat again. 不久之后,梼杌肉熟了,发出清香气息,林沐雨盛了满满一碗给了秦茵,随后自己也吃了一碗肉,补充体力的同时淬炼梼杌肉中的灵力来促进修为,也幸好唐小汐把清心咒心法传授给了他,不至于再受到梼杌肉中的燥热影响了。 ...... …… Late at night, the bonfire still in dragging, the warm tent, Lin Muyu is sitting cross-legged to sit, Fu Xi Divine Power continuously is pasting in the body week, he must practice formidable this Divine Power, this is his secret weapon, before stepping into God Realm can utilize Divine Power, this is other follower is unable to hope to attain. 深夜,篝火还在摇曳着,温暖的帐篷内,林沐雨盘膝而坐,一缕缕的伏羲神力在身周流转着,他必须要将这道神力修炼强大,这是他的一个秘密武器,在踏入神境之前就能运用神力,这是别的修炼者所无法企及的。 After Qin Yin cultivates, lay down to rest, the satisfactory cheek pillow on the Lin Muyu's leg, will send out the slight breath, was tranquil and happy gentle likely is a cat is ordinary. 秦茵修炼完之后就躺下休息了,将美美的脸蛋枕在林沐雨的腿上,发出轻微的呼吸,恬美温柔得像是一只小猫一般。 Lin Muyu cannot fall asleep, Spiritual Pulse Technique can induce to not near place does not have a aura continuously to peep at this line, is the enemy non- friend. 林沐雨睡不着,灵脉术能感应到不远不近的地方有一缕缕的气息在窥视着自己这一行人,是敌非友。 ...... …… To late at night time, these aura in Spiritual Pulse Technique approached finally, came! 一直到后半夜的时候,灵脉术中的那些气息终于接近了,来了! Lin Muyu opens the eye suddenly, swung the fragrant shoulder of Qin Yin gently: Xiao Yin.” 林沐雨猛然张开眼睛,轻轻摇了摇秦茵的香肩:“小茵。” Un?” “嗯?” Qin Yin opens the beautiful eye, asked: What's wrong?” 秦茵睁开美目,问:“怎么啦?” Had Spirit beast to attack us.” “有灵兽来袭击我们了。” „?” “啊?” Qin Yin stands up from failure immediately, held the sword hilt of town Sky Sword, standing by. 秦茵当即翻身而起,一把抓住了镇天剑的剑柄,准备战斗了。 Lin Muyu actually lightly smiled: Does not use anxiously, I find the way to make these attack go round us, army that directly attacks Bei Qi Huan.” 林沐雨却微微一笑:“不用紧张,我想办法让这些来袭者绕开我们,直接去攻击北齐桓的军队。” But, with what means?” “可是,用什么办法呢?” Domain pressure!” “领域威压!” In Lin Muyu the vision is passing self-confidently, said: Spirit beast of these attacks should strength in 5000-10000 years, so long as I disperse the pressure of Saint King boundary, proliferates around our camps, they will naturally detour, person who directly attacks Bei Qi Huan.” 林沐雨目光中透着自信,道:“这些来袭的灵兽应该实力在5000-10000年之间,只要我散开圣王境的威压,遍布在我们的营地周围,它们自然就会绕行,直接去攻击北齐桓的人。” Un.” “嗯。” At this time, Lin Muyu sat straight the body, drank back Zhou full lightly is the King fights the flame, an invisible pressure disseminated, arrived under the Lin Muyu's thought control in the land you camp, immediately these drowsy protecting institutes such as the falling ice hole is unable to move, this pressure was they are unable to resist, is good the pressure strength essence that dispersed because of forest Mu Yu warned that was actually not killing. 这时,林沐雨已经坐直了身躯,一声轻喝之后身周满是王者斗焰,一股无形威压弥散开来,在林沐雨的意念操控下降临在陆攸的营地里,顿时那些昏昏欲睡的护院一个个如坠冰窟无法动弹,这股威压是他们所无法抵挡的,好在林沐雨散开的威压力量实质只是警告,却不是杀伤。 How......” “怎么了……” Sitting that the land you whole body is hard to move there, looks to Zhang Laosi. 陆攸浑身难以动弹的坐在那里,看向身边的张老四。 Zhang Laosi is equally dumbfounded, mutters: Should be Sir Lin Yan...... The Saint Realm pressure, it seems like must have an accident.” 张老四一样目瞪口呆,喃喃道:“应该是林炎大人的……圣域威压,看来要出事了。” „......” Land you do not have no alternative, can only look at the development of situation. “唔……”陆攸无可奈何,只能看着事态的发展。 ...... …… In the dim light of night, in top of the heads flood the gold/metal pigment figure line and body the great monkey are appearing by the flame was lingering when the jungle, their build two were high, gold/metal pigment figure line 5-9 on top of the head, exuded the cruel cry, chirp quarrelling, close mountain valley, suddenly a tyrannical Saint Realm pressure appeared in the front, making them more agitated. 夜色中,一个个头顶上泛着金色纹线、身体被火焰萦绕着的巨猴出现在了丛林内,它们的体型足足有两人高,头顶上的金色纹线5-9条不等,一个个发出暴戾的叫声,唧唧的吵得不行,接近山谷之际,忽然一股强横的圣域威压出现在前方,让它们更加烦躁起来。 Flame monkey, Fire attribute Spirit beast, one of the flame principle natural control. 火焰猴,一种火属性灵兽,火焰法则的自然掌控者之一。 Chirp......” “唧唧……” Flame monkeys fly into a rage, actually does not dare to provoke the Saint Realm pressure that Lin Muyu emits, master who they can feel this strength formidable, but the flame monkey is not willing to give up this attack, flees along the precipice. 一只只火焰猴暴跳如雷,却不敢挑衅林沐雨放出的圣域威压,它们能感受到这股力量的主人有多强大,但火焰猴不愿意放弃这次袭击,一个个沿着山岩窜动上去。 In an instant, on mountain valley all around dike presented flames. 转眼之间,山谷四周的岩壁上出现了一道道火光。 The righteousness and country that soldiers napped open an eye, after looking, quickly grasps the meaning of something to wake, loudly shouted to clear the way: „It is not good, Spirit beast attack!” 一名正在打盹的义和国士兵睁开一只眼,看了看之后,一个激灵醒了过来,大喝道:“不好了,灵兽袭击!” !! !!
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