AG :: Volume #6

#517: Sir Saint King please accept the knee of villain

Bastard! Bastard!” “畜生!畜生!” Zhang Laosi natural disposition is maneating, under the poison grasped the head of giant viper, the acme of battle-axe handle stiffly punctured from the eye of giant viper! 张老四生性凶悍,中毒之下一把抱住了巨型蝰蛇的头颅,将战斧把柄的尖端硬生生的从巨型蝰蛇的眼睛里刺了下去! !” “噗!” The blood spatters in all directions, this strikes sufficiently fatally, this giant viper after massacring four protects the institute finally soft but actually. 鲜血迸溅,这一击足以致命,这条巨型蝰蛇在杀掉四个护院之后终于软软的倒了下去。 But Zhang Laosi actually also lay down on the ground, the muscle of thigh started to be defeated and dispersed, the whole body shivered, this snake venom was not the general violence, most two minutes can claim his life. 但张老四却也躺在了地上,腿部的肌肉开始溃散,浑身颤抖,这蛇毒不是一般的猛烈,最多两分钟就能夺走他的生命了。 Day, bad......” “天啊,糟了……” Land you naturally knows that Zhang Laosi is most expert in team, he dies, does this team also seek for the Heavenly Book stele forest? 陆攸自然知道张老四是队伍里的最强者,他一死,这支队伍还怎么去寻找天书碑林? What to do, who understands the technique of disintoxicating?!” Lu You loud say|way. “怎么办,谁懂解毒之术?!”陆攸大声道。 Zhang Laosi whole body shivered approached at point of death, vision blurry saying: Young master...... I am not good, the fourth child cannot accompany you to find Heavenly Book to rally the Lu prestige, Young master, is the subordinate is incompetent, I......” 张老四则浑身颤抖已经接近弥留之际了,目光迷糊的说道:“少爷……我不行了,老四不能陪您去找到天书重振陆家声威了,少爷,是属下无能,我……” At this time, Lu You behind forest Mu Yu has pulled out one bottle of medicament, said: Disperses the medicine in the sores, hurry up, otherwise the deity could not save him.” 这时,陆攸身后的林沐雨掏出了一瓶药剂,道:“把药散在伤处,快点,不然神仙也救不了他了。” Yes!” “是!” Lu You, received this bottle of disintoxicating god water from the forest Mu Yu hand anxiously, falls on Zhang Laosi's leg, in a flash, that snake venom one after another changes into the steam ascension, in an instant disseminated, the disintoxicating god water worthily is 10 levels of medicament! 陆攸焦急不已,从林沐雨手里接过这瓶解毒神水,倾洒在张老四的腿上,一瞬间,那蛇毒纷纷化为蒸汽升腾而起,转眼之间就弥散了,解毒神水不愧是10级药剂! Several minutes later, Zhang Laosi's wound unexpectedly becomes ruddy, the physical strength and True Qi also restored, his unbelievable looked at the thigh, afterward looked at Lin Muyu, said: This...... What medicament is this?” 再过几分钟,张老四的伤口居然变得红润起来,体力与真气也恢复了一些,他难以置信的看了看腿部,随后看了看林沐雨,道:“这……这是什么药剂?” Antidote that our hunter family|home grind.” Lin Muyu superficial say|way. “我们猎人家自己研磨的解毒剂。”林沐雨轻描淡写道。 Zhang Laosi is struggling standing up, immediately knelt on the ground, said: Lin Yan Young Master, the villain does not recognize a superior perforated, many thanks you...... Many thanks your graciousness of life-saving......” 张老四挣扎着站起身,当即跪在了地上,道:“林炎公子,小人有眼不识泰山,多谢您……多谢您的救命之恩……” The forest washes the raindrop to nod: Has been all right, wraps up, we continue to start.” 林沐雨点点头:“没事了,包扎一下,我们继续启程吧。” Yes!” “是!” ...... …… Zhang Laosi has dug out this in 3000 spirit stone of viper, after giving land you, starts to continue. 张老四挖出了这条3000年蝰蛇的灵石,交给陆攸之后,上马继续前行。 Quick, in Lin Muyu's Spiritual Sense presented the aura of giant viper once again, this time one came three, this giant viper enough about ten meters, with python without doubt, and has violently poisonously, is not the common follower can deal with. Zhang Laosi and the others also suitable surprise, this sufficiently fatal giant viper in the mouth of this hunting household boy is only very strong, what situation then this hunting household boy was strong to? 很快的,林沐雨的灵觉中再度出现了巨型蝰蛇的气息,这次一下就来了三条,这种巨型蝰蛇足足有近十米长,跟巨蟒无疑,而且身怀剧毒,不是一般的修炼者就能应付的。张老四等人也相当的诧异,这足以致命的巨型蝰蛇在这猎户小子的口中只是“挺强的”,那么这猎户小子到底强到了什么地步? Rustle......” “簌簌……” The front leave of grass vacillates, three giant vipers appear in the field of vision of people together, immediately on Lu You the face appears to despair and pain, said: How can like this...... That many giant vipers, can this not know what to do?” 前方草叶动摇,三条巨型蝰蛇一起出现在众人的视野中,顿时陆攸的脸上浮现出绝望与痛苦,道:“怎么会这样……那么多的巨型蝰蛇,这可如何是好?” Zhang Laosi raises battle-axe hurriedly, said: Brothers, prepare to meet head-on with me, kills off these violently poisonous bastards!” 张老四急忙擎起战斧,道:“兄弟们,准备跟我迎战,把这些剧毒的畜生杀光!” Lin Muyu the knitting the brows head, said: „...... Let me come?” 林沐雨皱了皱眉头,说:“还是……让我来吧?” Zhang Laosi stares: Lin Yan Young Master, you......” 张老四一愣:“林炎公子,你……” Was inferior that makes Lin Yan Young Master try......” land you to nod, spoke this words, although very non- morality and justice, but Zhang Laosi and the others on again definitely is a narrow escape, might as well make forest Mu Yu try, having a look at his skill to be what kind. “不如,就让林炎公子试试吧……”陆攸点了点头,说这种话虽然很不道义,但张老四等人再上肯定是九死一生,不如让林沐雨去试试,看看他的本事到底怎样。 Qin Yin is nipping the silver tooth, a pair of show pupil is staring at the giant viper of distant place, said: „In 4200, in 3720, in 5430, Elder Brother you are careful!” 秦茵咬着银牙,一双秀眸盯着远方的巨型蝰蛇,道:“一条4200年,一条3720年,还有一条5430年,哥哥你要小心啊!” Relax.” “放心吧。” Lin Muyu „, when has drawn out the stars sword, above sword blade the ray is radiant, looks is not every, but Lu You and the others can also haggle over these, compared with crucial moment, the attention of everyone centralized on three sufficiently fatal giant vipers. 林沐雨“当”一声拔出了星辰剑,剑刃之上光芒璀璨,一看就不是凡品,但陆攸等人哪儿还能计较这些,比较生死关头,每个人的注意力都集中在三条足以致命的巨型蝰蛇身上了。 Brushes!” “刷!” Lin Muyu jumped to leave warhorse, the personal appearance such as the wind has fired into the giant viper, these giant vipers cultivated for many years, already had the intelligence, feels at present the great strength of enemy, unexpectedly from Lin Muyu the also several rice remote time opened the fearsome big mouth, the venom in poison fang brushes to spatter in all directions. 林沐雨纵身离开了战马,身形如风的冲向了巨型蝰蛇,这些巨型蝰蛇修炼多年,早就有了灵性,感受到眼前敌人的强大,居然距离林沐雨还有数米之遥的时候就张开可怖的血盆大口,毒牙内的毒汁“刷刷”迸溅了出来。 Buzz!” “嗡!” On Lin Muyu's sword blade reappeared Battle Qi. 林沐雨的剑刃上浮现出了斗气 Zhang Laosi is panic-stricken immediately the peerless say|way: My God, is Battle Qi, he is Heaven Realm expert!” 张老四立刻惊骇绝伦道:“我的天啊,是斗气,他是天境强者!” In the venom of giant viper, Lin Muyu suddenly will lower drinks one, one layer upon layer fights the armor to condense in the body week, brushes opens the venom ejection all. 就在巨型蝰蛇的毒液将至之时,林沐雨猛然低喝一声,一层层斗铠凝聚在身周,“刷刷刷”的将毒汁尽数弹射开开。 Zhang Laosi complexion was as before pale, dumbfounded: My God...... He is Heavenly King boundary expert, this is how possible!?” 张老四脸色依旧惨白了,目瞪口呆:“我的天……他是天王强者,这怎么可能!?” „!” “咔嚓!” Stars Jianping crosses, fast cuts to fall a head of giant viper, Lin Muyu a body spin, in the left hand the flame King fights the flame turbulently, 4200 giant viper has fired the ashes that directly! 星辰剑平过,将一头巨型蝰蛇的脑袋飞快斩落下来,林沐雨身体一旋,左手内火红色王者斗焰汹涌而出,直接将那条4200年的巨型蝰蛇烧成了灰烬! Zhang Laosi soon the faint passed, has a parched mouth, sound hoarse saying: My god...... That is...... Is that the King fights the flame? He unexpectedly is Saint King boundary expert......” 张老四已经快要昏厥过去了,口干舌燥,声音嘶哑的说道:“我的神啊……那是……那是王者斗焰吗?他居然是圣王强者……” Hissing hissing in sound, that 5430 giant viper opened the big mouth to plunge Lin Muyu, has made the gesture of going all out, was only a pity that the strength too was disparately big, Lin Muyu the body week golden light glittered continuously, when the people have not seen clearly God Binding Lock and Seven Luminaries immortal hu decomposed to fuse the Seven Luminaries immortal sword, the golden great sword lingered around the stars treasured sword, flew high to fall, „”, directly this giant viper dividing into two! “嘶嘶”声中,那条5430年的巨型蝰蛇张开血盆大口扑向了林沐雨,已经作出了拼命的姿态,只可惜,实力悬殊实在太大了,林沐雨身周金光连续闪烁,在众人尚未看清的时候缚神锁七曜仙葫就已经分解融合成了七曜仙剑,金色巨剑萦绕在星辰宝剑周围,凌空落下,“咔嚓”一声,直接就把这头巨型蝰蛇给一分为二了! This...... This......” Zhang Laosi does not stand there really dumbfoundedly: „A person is impossible to be so strong, will be impossible to strike can the second kill one first 5430 Spirit beast, this certainly not really......” “这……这不是真的……”张老四瞠目结舌的站在那里:“一个人不可能那么强,不可能一击就能秒杀了一头5430年的灵兽,这一定不是真的……” ...... …… But all on the pendulum when at present, Lu You, Zhang Laosi and the others were dumbfounded, Qin Yin this hunting household younger sister is not surprised, a face natural claps to say with a smile: Elder Brother is quite fierce!” 但一切就摆在眼前,陆攸、张老四等人目瞪口呆之际,秦茵这个猎户妹妹却一点也不感到意外,一脸理所应当的拍手笑道:“哥哥好厉害!” Lin Muyu lightly smiled, fast seizes spirit stone of three violently poisonous departments to put in Cosmos Bag, this is Spirit beast that single-handedly massacre, does not need to share the spoils of war with others. 林沐雨微微一笑,飞快的攫出三枚剧毒系的灵石放入乾坤袋里,这是自己独力杀掉的灵兽,没有必要与别人分享战利品。 After several minutes, Lu You, Zhang Laosi and the others awake to turn around from astonished finally, walking of Lu You failure in politeness number does not go forward, cup one fist in the other hand said: Villain does not recognize a superior perforated, has seen Sir Saint King......” 几分钟后,陆攸、张老四等人终于从惊愕中醒转过来,陆攸不失礼数的走上前,抱拳道:“小人有眼不识泰山,见过圣王大人……” Zhang Laosi and the others also one after another cup one fist in the other hand, even kneels down: See Sir Saint King!” 张老四等人也纷纷抱拳,甚至下跪下来:“参见圣王大人!” Above continent, expert is Venerable, from this can be inferred. 大陆之上,强者为尊,由此可见一斑。 Lin Muyu the knitting the brows head, does not know completely how to cope at present this aspect, has the straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards to raise, said: Gets up, does not use that politely, Master Lu You.” 林沐雨皱了皱眉头,完全不知道怎么应付眼前这个局面,只得剑眉一扬,道:“都起来吧,不用那么客气,陆攸少爷。” Lu You stands up slowly, said: Sir, you...... You are supports the Saint King boundary to cultivate for the person, does not know that you are which in legend......” 陆攸缓缓站起身,道:“大人,您……您是身拥圣王境修为的人,不知道您是传说中的哪位……” What Saint King boundary?” “什么圣王境?” Lin Muyu feigns ignorance, said: Has massacred several giant vipers, do not call my Sir Saint King, I am only a little Li Residence protect the institute.” 林沐雨故作不知,道:“只是杀掉了几头巨型蝰蛇而已,你们别叫我圣王大人,我只是一个小小的李府护院。” Lu You: „......” 陆攸:“……” As if also perceived that forest Mu Yu is not willing to expose the status, land you naturally cannot say anything, but smiled, said: That...... Do we continue to hurry along?” 似乎也觉察到林沐雨不愿意暴露身份,陆攸自然不会多说什么了,只是笑了笑,说:“那……那我们继续赶路吧?” Un, good.” “嗯,好。” Starts, has not walked far, Lin Muyu induced to the distant place transmits the formidable aura energy, if as expected, Heavenly Book stele forest in 50 li (0.5km), therefore Lu You and the others also lost has referred to the function of road, and their cultivating to really not suit in Baiyelin patrol, let alone these mysterious followers, even if came first 5,000-6,000 years of Spirit beast perhaps to kill off this group of people casually. 重新上马,没走多远,林沐雨就已经感应到远方传来强大的气息能量了,不出意外的话,天书碑林就在50里内,所以陆攸等人也就失去了指路的作用了,并且他们的修为实在不适合在白叶林内游弋,别说那些神秘的修炼者了,就算是随便来一头五六千年的灵兽恐怕都能杀光这群人了。 Land you young master, will you carve Heavenly Book?” Lin Muyu asked. “陆攸少爷,你会刻写天书吗?”林沐雨问。 Study, the villain intelligence is dull-witted, had not written.” Land you somewhat awkward saying: Therefore, I collected many troops, volunteers for military service to the father, did not give a thought to his opposition Baiyelin.” “正在学,小人资质愚钝,尚未写成。”陆攸有些尴尬的说道:“所以,我才筹集了许多人马,向父亲请缨,不顾他的反对来了白叶林。” Saying, land you takes a deep breath, was saying: Several hundred years ago, my ancestor once was a marquis \; first, glory, however day after day has actually deteriorated to our generation, if...... If my Lu You if can bring the steles in several Heavenly Book stele forests to go back, can perhaps write the person book and spirit book even is the book, making the family rise.” 说着,陆攸深吸一口气,道:“数百年前,我的祖上曾经位列侯爵,一是荣耀,然而到了我们这一辈却日渐衰败,如果……如果我陆攸要是能带着几块天书碑林里的石碑回去,或许就能写出人书、灵书甚至是地书,令家族重新崛起了。” Lin Muyu said: This time, on continent many expert inquired the news of Heavenly Book stele forest, coming the people in Baiyelin to be not infrequent, the murder such as hemp was the case everywhere, is unable to go on living by your strengths here, I and younger sister, although protected you for a while, actually cannot protect you, therefore, I suggested that Master Lu You earlier returned, so as to avoid fell the fate of body dead foreign land.” 林沐雨道:“这次,大陆上不少强者都打探到了天书碑林的消息,来白叶林的人不在少数,其中杀人如麻者比比皆是,以你们的实力根本就无法在这里活下去,我和妹妹虽然保护你们一时,却不能一直保护你们,所以,我建议陆攸少爷还是早点返回吧,免得落个身死异乡的下场。” He said is relentless, does not care about Lu You, Zhang Laosi and the others the face countenances. 他说得毫不留情,根本不顾及陆攸、张老四等人的颜面。 Before trading does, Zhang Laosi definitely shamefully and angrily will manifest suddenly, but at this time, Zhang Laosi knew perfectly well before the way, this young hunting household youth unexpectedly is Saint King level expert, naturally cannot say anything, the true expert words are the truth, being worth the weak one studying, since ancient times was this truth. 换做之前,张老四肯定会恼羞成怒的发作,但此时,张老四明知道眼前这个年轻猎户青年居然是一个圣王强者,自然不会多说什么了,真正强者的话都是真理,值得弱者去学习,古来都是这个道理。 But who once thinks, although Lu You cultivate to mediocrely, but in vision firm is actually not able to vacillate, he has grasped the fist, said: Lin Yan Young Master, although Lu You knows the intelligence to be mediocre, but...... How the sons are alive can not strive for success for destiny, if today's land you have flown back without any results timidly, my this life also can only get down like this mediocrely, I am not willingly......” 但谁曾想,陆攸虽然修为平庸,但目光中的坚定却无法动摇,他握了握拳头,道:“林炎公子,虽然陆攸自知资质平庸,但……男儿在世怎能不为命运拼搏一把,如果今天的陆攸怯懦无功而返了,那我这一生也就只能这样平庸下去了,我不甘心啊……” Yes, striving for success of weak one is always despised, so long as strives for success, one day the weak one will turn into expert! 是啊,弱者的拼搏总是被人们轻视,但只要拼搏下去,总有一天弱者会变成强者 Lin Muyu somewhat changes countenance, nods saying: Good...... Since Master Lu You the idea has decided that I was not many say anything, but...... So long as seeks for the Heavenly Book stele forest, after obtaining 1-2 steles, you immediately return to Lu Jun, I do not want to notice that you and your person all die here, we know one after all.” 林沐雨有些动容,点点头道:“那好吧……既然陆攸少爷主意已决,我也不多说什么了,不过……只要寻找到天书碑林,取得一两块石碑之后,你就立刻返回上鹿郡吧,我不想看到你和你的人全都死在这里,毕竟我们认识一场。” Yes!” “是!” Lu You cup one fist in the other hand, said: So long as Lin Yan Young Master can help me to attain a stele, is the regeneration benefactors of Lu.” 陆攸一抱拳,道:“只要林炎公子能助我拿到一块石碑,便是我们陆家的再生恩人。” Walks, let alone these, have been able to find the Heavenly Book stele forest to say again.” “走吧,别说这些了,能找到天书碑林再说。” Un......” “嗯……” ...... …… In the people jungle of cautiously is trying to find out, presented several giant vipers also to be washed the rain by the forest to cut again to kill with ease, because he got rid too quickly, Martial Spirit fused also quickly, took land you, Zhang Laosi and the others cultivating as not to see Lin Muyu's Martial Spirit unexpectedly is anything, the strength disparity was too big! 众人小心翼翼的丛林里摸索着,再次出现了几条巨型蝰蛇也都被林沐雨轻松斩杀了,由于他出手太快,武魂融合得也快,以陆攸、张老四等人的修为居然一直没有看出林沐雨的武魂是什么,实力差距太大! After the people bypass a green lawn, the front heard the hoofbeat, the jungle rear area presented one crowd to wear the iron armor, to wear the righteousness and ** the person of person badge! 就在众人绕过一片葱郁草地之后,前方传来了马蹄声,丛林后方出现了一群身穿铁甲、佩戴义和**人徽章的人! And unexpectedly the acquaintance, is the Bei Qi Huan's person! 并且居然还是熟人,是北齐桓的人! Bad......” “糟了……” Zhang Laosi stares, said: Lin Yan Young Master was that wound the Bei Qi Huan's person, certainly will be recognized.” 张老四一愣,道:“林炎公子就是那伤了北齐桓的人,一定会被认出来的。” Lin Muyu said lightly: No, I had worn a mask on that day, they only know that I am a hunting household, do not disclose.” 林沐雨淡淡道:“不,我那天蒙面了,他们只知道我是一个猎户,你们不要声张。” Yes!” “是!” !! !!
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