AG :: Volume #6

#516: Giant viper

Heavenly Book stele forest?” 天书碑林?” Qin Yin winks the big eye that the black gem clear has glistened, shakes the head saying: I do not know where that is, I and Elder Brother come to here are to hunt and kill calling turned-up eyes beast ferocious beast, obtains its bone to treat an illness for the dad as medicinal ingredients, has the matter, this Young Master?” 秦茵眨了眨黑宝石般晶莹闪亮的大眼睛,摇头说道:“我不知道那是什么地方,我和哥哥来这里是为了猎杀一种叫‘吊睛兽’的猛兽,取得它的骨头作为药材为阿爹治病的,有事吗,这位公子?” Dumbfoundedness that Lin Muyu looks, during Qin Yin speeches clear as before, in a two stars pupil is passing sincerely, this girl simply is the inborn performing skill faction, leads her to fight the runner to return to Earth by such performing skill to come up, did not need the packing to be lucky, on the film circle of China also had any FBB and LBB anything matter! 林沐雨看的目瞪口呆,秦茵说话间清纯依旧,一双星眸中透着真诚,这丫头简直就是个天生的演技派啊,以这样的演技带她斗转轮回到地球上去,不用包装就能走红了,中国的影坛上还有什么FBB、LBB什么事啊! Aristocrat youth lightly smiled, cup one fist in the other hand said: In Baiyelin the crisis-ridden, words such being the case might as well go hand in hand , can take care , the miss thinks whether?” 贵族青年微微一笑,抱拳道:“白叶林中危机四伏,既然如此的话不如结伴而行吧,也能有个照应,姑娘认为可否?” Qin Yin is narrowing the beautiful eye: But I do not know you.” 秦茵眯着美目:“可是我都不认识你。” The callow rookie has become an old pro.” The aristocrat youth said respectfully: „Below named Lu You, in the rapid white province the son in Lu Junzhou city procurator Luzhuang, this time presents the father Sir's order to gather one group of heroes to arrive at Baiyelin especially to search the secluded from the world treasure trove Heavenly Book stele forest, my behind group of friends, majority are I bring from deer county, there is on a road to become friends with, if two did not mind that accompanies the colleague, how?” “一回生二回熟嘛。”贵族青年恭敬道:“在下名叫陆攸,迅白行省上鹿郡州城太守陆庄的儿子,这次特奉父亲大人的命令聚集一群英雄来到白叶林寻觅与世隔绝的宝地天书碑林,我身后的这群朋友,大部分都是我从上鹿郡带来的,也有路上结交的,如果二位不介意,就结伴同行,如何?” Qin Yin looks with the vision of inquiry to forest Mu Yu. 秦茵用询问的目光看向林沐雨。 Lin Muyu hesitates, said: „The Heavenly Book stele forest that land you young master, you said where is, do you know the concrete position?” 林沐雨则沉吟一声,说:“陆攸少爷,你说的天书碑林是什么地方,你知道具体方位吗?” Position is knows, but is not very definite.” Lu Youdao. “方位是知道一点,但不是很确定。”陆攸道。 At this moment, Lu You behind a tall man raises handle battle-axe to walk to go forward, Ha Ha said with a smile: Eldest son, why said that many to these two hunting households, the follower who our teams cultivate to have composes, even if they want to join, but must have a look at the skill!” 就在这时,陆攸身后一名五大三粗的汉子提着一柄战斧走上前,哈哈笑道:“大少爷,何必跟这两个猎户说那么多,我们这支队伍都是修为有成的修炼者所组成的,纵然他们想加入,还要看看本事呢!” Right?” “是吗?” Lin Muyu smiles: If I want to join this team, what needs to accept to test?” 林沐雨不禁一笑:“如果我想加入这支队伍,需要接受什么考验?” Ate my three broad-ax not dead is then OK.” The guys laugh to say. “吃我三板斧而不死便可以了。”大汉哈哈大笑道。 Lin Muyu the knitting the brows head, said: Good, I meet your three axes, come.” 林沐雨皱了皱眉头,说:“那好,我接你三斧头,来吧。” Lu You hurried say|way: Young Master do not impulse, this Zhang Laosi's axe may be fierce, if there is an accident not to be good.” 陆攸急忙道:“公子不要冲动,这张老四的斧头可厉害得很,万一有个闪失就不好了。” It seems like this land you benevolent generous person, Lin Muyu commended actually secretly, but held up the stars sword, turned over to discontinue, even/including Qiao long sword in the front, said with a smile horizontally: Zhang Laosi, come, making me have a look at your three axes strongly.” 看来这个陆攸倒是一个仁慈宽厚之人,林沐雨暗暗赞许,不过还是擎出了星辰剑,翻身下马,连鞘将长剑横在面前,笑道:“张老四,来吧,让我看看你的三斧头有多强。” Hey!” “嘿!” In Zhang Laosi's eyes to sweep past killing intent, said with a smile: This is you courts death, if had cleft in two by my axe, your this pretty younger sister may turn over to me.” 张老四的眼中掠过一丝杀意,笑着说道:“这可是你自己找死,要是被我一斧头劈成两半了,你这漂亮妹妹可就归我了。” Qin Yin can"t help it, has smiled, graceful standing washes by the rain in the forest, said with a smile: You, if can defeat him, I give you to become the concubine. If you play the undefeated he, later meets my to call my great-aunt, what kind of?” 秦茵禁不住笑了,风姿绰约的站在林沐雨旁边,笑道:“你要是真能打败他,我就给你当小妾。你要是打不败他,以后见我面就要叫我姑奶奶,怎么样?” Good!” “好!” On Zhang Laosi's face completely is the ominous color, battle-axe raises, Frost True Qi dense around axe, the body has covered layer upon layer Energy Armor, this unexpectedly is Earth Realm Third Layer day Battle Saint level expert, really cannot look! 张老四的脸上尽是凶色,战斧一扬,一道道冰霜真气氤氲在斧头周围,身上更是镀上了一层层气铠,这居然是一个地境第三重天的战圣强者,真是看不出来! Lin Muyu the imposing manner sinks, in the sea of qi appears the image of diamond arhat, the diamond protects the body fourth heavy day of strength, raises long sword single-handed, resists Zhang Laosi with the scabbard directly strikes. 林沐雨气势一沉,气海之中浮现出金刚罗汉的形象,正是金刚护体第四重天的力量,单手扬起长剑,直接以剑鞘来抵挡张老四的一击。 Bang!” “嘭!” Under strikes, the Frost air wave sweeps across, several were attacked again and again before the follower retrocedes, but Lin Muyu lifts complete no damage long sword to stand there unexpectedly unmovingly. 一击之下,冰霜气浪席卷开来,几个靠前的修炼者被冲击得连连后退,而林沐雨居然纹丝不动的举着完好无损长剑站在那里。 Sand rustle......” “沙沙沙……” Zhang Laosi was shaken on the contrary has drawn back, draws back several steps in the snowy area continually, on the face full is the doubt, is the boy clearly useless including True Qi, why on that sword blade transmits that honest counter- tension unexpectedly? 张老四反倒是被震退了,在雪地上连退数步,脸上满是狐疑,那小子分明连真气都没有用,为什么那剑身上居然传来那么敦厚的反弹力? How is this possible?” “这怎么可能?” Zhang Laosi over the face doubts, rally, under calls out mentions stronger True Qi, before the foot pedal snowy area rushes, the anger exclaims: Looked that father's spiral cuts, dies to me!” 张老四满面疑惑,重振旗鼓,一声暴喝之下提起更强的真气,脚踏雪地冲上前,怒吼道:“看老子的螺旋斩,给我死!” battle-axe anxious spin several Zhou Pi has approached the Lin Muyu's scabbard. 战斧急旋数周劈向了林沐雨的剑鞘。 Lin Muyu secretly laughs, this silly big murder time is actually not silly, but also knows that promotes the battle-axe impulse with the spiral strength, what a pity he elected the wrong match, drew close to the flash of scabbard in battle-axe, the Lin Muyu's wrist|skill turns ingeniously, the sword blade had a formidable suction to tow to entrain opposite party battle-axe in airborne to spin anxiously for one week! 林沐雨则暗暗发笑,这傻大个杀人的时候倒是不傻,还知道用螺旋力来提升战斧冲击力,可惜他选错对手了,就在战斧贴近剑鞘的一瞬间,林沐雨的手腕巧妙一翻,剑身带着一股强大吸力拖拽着对方的战斧在空中急旋一周! Bang!” “嘭!” Zhang Laosi this axe divided directly on the ground, the soil and snow flies upwards, battle-axe has transmitted the strange suction, making him unable to stop the impulse, planted on the ground, the forehead hit on the shaft, blood crossflow. 张老四这一斧头直接劈在了地上,泥土与积雪飞扬,战斧传来了诡异的吸力,让他根本止不住冲劲,一头也跟着栽在了地上,额头撞击在斧柄上,鲜血横流。 Lin Muyu still grasps long sword to stand in same place, said with a smile: What kind, but also wants third to strike?” 林沐雨兀自握着长剑站在原地,笑道:“怎么样,还要第三击吗?” Zhang Laosi's distressed tumbling stands up, a face doubt looks at Lin Muyu, cannot see this person of depth, then again and again shakes the head saying: Does not compare, does not compare, you must join our team that to join!” 张老四狼狈的连滚带爬站起身来,一脸狐疑的看着林沐雨,根本看不出这人的深浅,便连连摇头道:“不比了,不比了,你要加入我们的队伍那就加入吧!” Hey......” forest Mu Yu laughs in one's heart. “嘿……”林沐雨暗笑。 Lu You likely is obtains most precious object to be ordinary, said: Has not thought that this Young Master has unexpectedly so gives up study, was really good, welcome to join our teams, has not known you and your younger sister's name.” 陆攸则像是获得至宝一般,道:“没有想到这位公子居然身怀如此绝学,真是太好了,欢迎加入我们的队伍,还不知道您和您的妹妹的名字。” Lin Muyu said: I called Lin Yan, my younger sister's to name be Lin Yin.” 林沐雨道:“我叫林炎,我的妹妹叫林茵。” „, Forest Young Master, welcome you to join the team, our to the Baiyelin deep place?” “哦,林公子,欢迎你加入队伍,咱们这就向白叶林深处出发吧?” Good!” “好!” ...... …… Lin Muyu, Qin Yin joining, making this team as if have energy, Lu Yougeng was to forest Mu Yu polite serious, said: Saw a moment ago Lin Yan Young Master gets rid, lifts a heavy weight as if light, was really has achieved cultivating of stage of perfection is, making the person admire.” 林沐雨、秦茵的加入,让这支队伍似乎也有了一点底气,陆攸更是对林沐雨客气的不得了,道:“刚才看到林炎公子出手,举重若轻,真是已经达到了化境的修为,让人佩服。” No, is only such insignificant ability.” “没有,只是雕虫小技而已。” Lin Yan Young Master , if not shut out, after we return to the deer county, recommended you to give the father below, letting you hold the post of duty of the patrolling City Armed forces Wei, how?” Land you looked like wants to win over Lin Muyu. 林炎公子若是不嫌弃,等我们回到上鹿郡之后,在下举荐你给父亲,让你担任一个巡城军都尉之职,如何?”陆攸看来是真的想拉拢林沐雨了。 Lin Muyu shakes the head: No, I am the protecting institute in Li Residence.” 林沐雨摇摇头:“不,我已经是李府的护院了。” Which Li Residence?” “哪个李府?” Li Zhuo Young Master mansion.” “李琢公子的府邸啊。” „?” Lu You one startled, said: Was in the legend defeats Bei Qi Huan's that black clothed Li Residence to protect the institute?” “啊?”陆攸一惊,道:“难道就是传说中击败了北齐桓的那个黑衣李府护院?” Lin Muyu also stares: Unexpectedly passes on that quickly?” 林沐雨也是一愣:“居然传得那么快?” Lu You nods: Now the entire rapid white province who does not know that this hearsay, a black clothed Li Residence protects Bei Qi Huan who the institute defeated has grasped the low grade book, scared to death depending on the imposing manner has cultivated for extremely high mercenary Captain Liu Zan, has not thought that unexpectedly here has run into you, you...... Young Master you did not say that you is a hunting household?” 陆攸点头:“现在整个迅白行省谁人不知这个传闻,一个黑衣李府护院击败了手持下品地书的北齐桓,光凭气势吓死了修为极高的佣兵团长刘赞,没有想到居然在这里遇到了你,你……公子你不是说你是猎户吗?” „?” Lin Muyu fast said: Right, in family|home poor, works as the hunting household, while looks after the house to protect the institute to others.” “啊?”林沐雨飞快道:“对啊,家里穷,一边当猎户,一边给人家看家护院。” So that's how it is.” Lu You appreciates saying: „The Baishan filial piety for first, the Lin Yan Young Master deep conceal does not reveal, has so gives up study can actually completely be filial to the utmost friendly, is really the model that we study.” “原来如此。”陆攸赞赏道:“百善孝为先,林炎公子深藏不露,身怀如此绝学却能尽善尽孝,实在是吾辈学习的楷模。” Qin Yin repressing laughter that goes all out in side, always feels these two flattering of breaknecking, breaknecking is pulling pale, is too not concerned about face simply. 秦茵在旁拼命的忍着笑,总觉着这两人一个玩命的拍马屁,一个玩命的扯着淡,简直是太不要脸了。 Zhang Laosi is raising battle-axe actually, resentful progressing follows in the rear area, was mumbling to several young male servants said: Is the boor who is opportunistic to win, does not know really the young master thinks highly to do to him, snort|hum, wait a minute, met Spirit beast, I looked but actually the mask of this boy was revealed is any appearance.” 倒是张老四提着战斧,悻悻的策马跟在后方,对着身旁的几个小厮嘟囔说道:“不过是一个取巧获胜的野小子,真不知道少爷对他那么器重干什么,哼,等一会,真的遇到灵兽了,我倒看这小子的假面具被揭穿是什么样子。” Several young male servants should again and again with: Yes, looked that he does not have the real skill also to blow any cow!” 几个小厮连连应和:“是啊,看他没有真本事还吹什么牛!” ...... …… Proceeds to march forward again not far, the snow in ground are getting fewer and fewer, approaches ten kilometers again, all around presented some sparse greens to come unexpectedly, on the tree started to have a leaf, in the shrubbery also presented the plant fruit of twinkle star, approached ten kilometers time again, all around already completely springtime, where had the least bit winter appearance? 再往前行进不远,地面上的积雪越来越少,再走近十公里,四周居然出现了一些稀疏的绿色来,树上开始有个树叶,灌木丛里也出现了星星点点的植物果实,再走近十公里的时候,四周已经完全春意融融,哪儿有半点冬天的样子? Obviously is in the winter, here is bloomy spring, the sight of green abundancy, is really strange.” Lu You the palm according to the waist saber, said gently: Spunks up, careful!” “明明是冬天,这里却春暖花开、绿意盎然,实属怪异。”陆攸轻轻将手掌按在腰间佩剑上,道:“都打起精神来,小心点!” Yes, Young master!” “是,少爷!” Lin Muyu and Qin Yin looks at each other, properly speaking here is not the mountain valley, all around does not have the terrain arch to protect, should not have here strange phenomenon, that only then an explanation can convince, the strength of world! Right, Lin Muyu has used life principle Heavenly Book, can therefore understand the occurrence of this unusual form. 林沐雨则和秦茵相视一眼,按理说这里并不是山谷,四周没有地形拱护,根本不应该出现这里怪异的现象,那就只有一个解释能说得通了,天地之力!没错,林沐雨用过生命法则天书,所以能够理解这种异状的发生。 Heavenly Book stele forest certainly in this piece of jungle! 天书碑林一定就在这片丛林里! And, can let a hundred li (0.5km) jungle life sign, this life was the Heavenly Book might rather is also too shocking! 并且,能让百里丛林一片生命迹象,这本生命系天书的威力也未免太骇人听闻了! , In Lin Muyu's Spiritual Sense presented a tyrannical aura suddenly, immediately the knitting the brows head, said: Xiao Yin is careful, we probably by any thing staring.” 忽地,林沐雨的灵觉中出现了一股强横的气息,马上皱了皱眉头,说道:“小茵小心,我们好像被什么东西给盯上了。” Un.” The Qin Yin clever nod, progressed to approach Lin Muyu some. “嗯。”秦茵乖巧的点头,策马靠近了林沐雨一些。 Lu Youzheng being startled: What thing stared at us?” 陆攸怔了怔:“什么东西盯上我们了?” I do not know that in any case is also very strong.” “我也不知道,反正还算是挺强的。” „......” “……” At this moment, in not far away thick patch of grass broadcasts hissing hissing the sound, the leave of grass under the collision of any thing, distortion, the next moment, swarthy great snake lifted to lift the head in the thick patch of grass slowly crookedly but actually again suddenly an all over the body, the protecting institute of opens mouth Lu Residence has nipped from the warhorse, on the green poison fang the venom spattered in all directions, after that protected the courtyard , the whole body shivered is losing the life. 就在这时,不远处的草丛中传来“嘶嘶”的声音,草叶在什么东西的碰撞下缓缓歪倒、扭曲,再下一刻,忽然一头通体黝黑的巨蛇在草丛里抬起了抬起了头颅,张口将一名陆府的护院从战马上咬了下来,绿色毒牙上毒汁迸溅而出,那护院落地之后就已经浑身颤抖着失去生命了。 Be careful, is the poisonous snake!” Lu You draws out long sword hurriedly. “小心,是毒蛇!”陆攸急忙拔出长剑 Zhang Laosi also raises battle-axe to overrun, loudly shouted to clear the way: Is a giant viper, my God, this weather why poisonous snake has not hibernated, changes the bow and arrow to me, kills it!” 张老四也提着战斧冲了过去,大喝道:“是一头巨型蝰蛇,我的天,这种天气为什么毒蛇还不去冬眠,给我换弓箭,射杀掉它!” Giant viper, snake type Spirit beast, but on the forehead of this giant viper is reappearing at present three gold/metal pigment figure lines, is one first 3000 Spirit beast, threatening after biting to death continuously three have protected the institute, welcomes one crowd of Lu Residence to protect the bow and arrow attack of institute, with whiz whiz the sound, ejection of arrow arrows in the body of giant viper comes, cannot shoot. 巨型蝰蛇,蛇类灵兽,不过眼前这条巨型蝰蛇的脑门上浮现着三道金色纹线,是一头3000年的灵兽,气势汹汹的连续咬死了三名护院之后,迎来了陆府的一群护院的弓箭进攻,伴随着嗖嗖的声音中,一枚枚箭矢在巨型蝰蛇的身躯上弹射开来,根本就射不进去。 Death!” “死!” Zhang Laosi's cultivating for highest, calls out one to jump from the warhorse to leap, an axe bang on the head of giant viper, the scale has split open immediately, the blood has also spurted, but is only the severe wound is not fatal, the giant viper turned head is bites on Zhang Laosi's thigh. 张老四的修为最高,暴喝一声纵身从战马上跃下,一斧头轰在了巨型蝰蛇的头颅上,顿时鳞片迸裂,鲜血也飞洒了出来,但只是重伤却并不致命,巨型蝰蛇扭头就是一口咬在了张老四的大腿上。 „......” “啊……” Kills pig miserable howling sound to spread in the jungle. 杀猪般的惨嚎声在丛林里传出。 !! !!
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