AG :: Volume #6

#515: One court death

After returning to the inn, respective practice. 回到客栈之后,各自修炼。 Lin Muyu sits cross-legged to sit in bedside, protects after the diamond the body center Secret Art revolved seven sidereal revolutions, in the meridians an honest warm current slowly entered the sea of qi, immediately makes his whole body tremble, rapid maneuver of warm current in sea of qi, in an instant condenses into a golden image of Buddha the appearance, is the arhat samsara, finally stepped into the diamond to protect body fourth heavy Heaven Realm! 林沐雨盘膝坐在床边,将金刚护体心诀运转了七周天之后,经脉之中一股敦厚的暖流缓缓进入了气海,顿时让他浑身一颤,暖流在气海之中飞速回旋,转眼之间凝聚成为一尊金色佛像的模样,是罗汉轮回,终于踏入金刚护体第四重天境界了! „......” “哦……” Deep inspiration , the diamond protects the strength of body to condense outside each inch flesh of body surface, greatly strengthened the defense capability, this is also the diamond protects the tyrannical place of body, does not need to operate can revolution little Battle Qi change into voluntarily defends astral air/Qi the protection body, in this case, even if were sneak attacked under hurried can also have the strength of self-preservation. 深深的吸了口气,金刚护体之力凝聚在体表的每一寸肌肤外,大大的增强了防御能力,这也是金刚护体的强横之处,无需运行就能自行运转少许斗气化为防御罡气保护身躯,这样的话,即使在匆忙之下被偷袭也能有自保之力。 After breathing a sigh of relief leisurely, Lin Muyu lies down on behind bedding, in the mind is thinking Qin Huan and the others who ran into a moment ago , many people besides Qin Huan with him, after all were the righteousness and one of the country seven commanders-in-chief, and was Qin resolute the only son, must additionally appoint expert(s) to follow the protection, if a moment ago Lin Muyu got rid, could kill Qin Huan, but and Qin Yin also very to went certainly, possibly is unable to go to the Heavenly Book stele forest to go with the expert of righteousness and country's again competes for Heavenly Book. 悠悠舒了口气之后,林沐雨躺在身后的被褥上,脑海里想着刚才遇到的秦焕等人,除了秦焕之外还有不少人跟着他,毕竟是义和国七帅之一,并且又是秦毅唯一的儿子,不可能不加派高手跟随保护,刚才如果林沐雨出手,或许能杀秦焕,但自己和秦茵一定也好不到哪儿去,可能就无法再去天书碑林去跟义和国的强者们争夺天书了。 Naturally, Lin Muyu did not get rid also to have a more important reason, in Spiritual Pulse Technique presented a sometimes sometimes weak aura, this aura hid very well, sometimes Spiritual Pulse Technique fundamentally on the induction, but the strength of this aura actually very succinct, was passing the holy special characteristics faintly, should be Divine Power, this made the forest wash rain surprise, was Luo Lan comes? 当然,林沐雨不出手还有更重要的一个原因,灵脉术之中出现了一股时强时弱的气息,这股气息藏匿得十分好,有时候灵脉术根本就感应不到,但这股气息的力量却十分的精粹,隐隐透着圣洁特质,应该是神力,这让林沐雨更加的诧异,难道是洛岚来了? If this is really the case, Heavenly Book stele forest line really did not know the good and bad fortune. 如果真的是这样的话,天书碑林这一行就真的不知吉凶了。 But as the saying goes...... Came, must always go, rests well for night, early tomorrow morning, enters Baiyelin! 但有道是……来都来了,总还是要去的,好好休息一夜,明天一早出发,进入白叶林! ...... …… Next morning, Lin Muyu, Qin Yin wake up one after another, this sleep rests quite steadfastly, Spiritual Force and physical strength raise very well, was in high spirits the cheek that to look from Qin Yin, brief has had a breakfast, took some dry rations in Cosmos Bag, rode two warhorses to go out of town straightly, directly soars Baiyelin to go. 次日清晨,林沐雨、秦茵相继醒来,这一觉睡得颇为踏实,精神力与体力都养得非常不错,从秦茵神采飞扬的脸蛋就能看出来了,简略的吃了一顿早餐,带上一些干粮在乾坤袋里就出发了,骑乘着两匹战马笔直出城,直奔白叶林而去。 The winter morning very cloudy and cold, thick bad fog fills the air outside the jungle, distant can hear the jungle another side to hear the hoofbeat, as well as mercenary big laughter. 冬天的早上十分阴冷,厚厚的大雾弥漫在丛林外,远远的就能听到丛林的另一侧传来马蹄声,以及佣兵们的大笑声。 Lin Muyu the knitting the brows head , it seems like that the news of Heavenly Book stele forest already had disappeared without a trace, otherwise so many mercenary will not take risks, he turned on the map reel, carefully looked, secretly complained of hardship, said: Xiao Yin, Baiyelin is too big, north-south length more than 300 li (0.5km), a thing length about thousand li(500 km), but we do not know the detailed Heavenly Book stele forest the position, what to do?” 林沐雨皱了皱眉头,看来天书碑林的消息早就已经不胫而走了,否则也不会有那么多的佣兵过来铤而走险,他打开了地图卷轴,仔细看了看,不禁暗暗叫苦,说:“小茵,白叶林实在太大,南北长度300多里,东西长度近一千里,但是我们不知道详细天书碑林的方位,怎么办?” Qin Yin sips red lip: I do not know...... Perhaps, we should wait, with knowing the news person goes hand in hand.” 秦茵抿着红唇:“我也不知道……或许,我们应该等等,与知道消息的人结伴而行。” Goes hand in hand?” “结伴而行?” Lin Muyu is astonished however: You said that we can join these mercenary?” 林沐雨讶然:“你是说,我们要加入那些佣兵吗?” No, the mercenary deceitful multi- ideas, cooperate to be no different from mercenary seek an impossibility, was inferior that we first are familiar with the terrain in the Baiyelin edge, first inquires the Heavenly Book stele forest the news.” “不,佣兵狡诈多计,跟佣兵合作无异于是与虎谋皮,不如我们就在白叶林边缘先熟悉一下地形,先打探一下天书碑林的消息。” Un, is good.” “嗯,也好。” ...... …… In dense fog, two warhorses slowly steps vanguard in forest, front quick did not have the road, the warhorse also can only was trying to find out in the shrubbery. 迷雾之中,两匹战马缓缓在林中踏步前行,前方很快的就没有路了,战马也只能深一脚浅一脚的在灌木丛中摸索着。 Near noontime minute, the sunlight scatters bad fog, but Lin Muyu, Qin Yin also entered a Baiyelin nearly 50 li (0.5km) deep place, meets some mercenary all the way actually, but is not easy with it generation, they avoid desirably. 近午时分,阳光驱散大雾,而林沐雨、秦茵也已经进入了白叶林近50里深处了,一路上倒是遇见一些佣兵,但都不是什么易与之辈,两人都刻意躲开了。 Proceeds again, in the forests presented a main road, how will be very difficult to imagine in this place to have the main road. 再往前,林间出现了一条大道,很难想象在这种地方怎么会有大道。 Sincere......” “笃笃笃……” The hoofbeat is rapid, does not wait for Lin Muyu, Qin Yin to avoid, one line about 20 people of servicemen speed away to come, to wear the clothes armor of righteousness and country's, is the patrol soldier in rapid white province, the person of odd change is one wears the person of Hundred-Man Commander military rank, the hand presses the saber, said loudly: You and other.” 马蹄声飞速接近,不等林沐雨、秦茵回避,一行近20人的军人疾驰而来,身穿义和国的衣甲,是迅白行省的巡逻兵,零头的人是一个佩戴百夫长军衔的人,手按佩剑,大声道:“你们等一下。” Lin Muyu stops the warhorse, returns to turn around saying: Has the matter, General?” 林沐雨勒停战马,回转身道:“有事吗,将军?” The Hundred-Man Commander vision has swept sweeping in forest Mu Yu, Qin Yin body, said: Is it possible that were your eyes blind? Does not know that again toward the east side is the righteousness and country restricted area Baiyelin?” 百夫长的目光在林沐雨、秦茵身上扫了扫,道:“你们的眼睛莫非瞎了吗?不知道再往东边就是义和国禁地白叶林?” Knows.” “知道。” Qin Yin progresses to go forward, said respectfully: Girl and Elder Brother to seek some precious animal bones does medicinal ingredients to treat an illness for the father, but also looks at the Sir to pass permits, we are really compel to have no other choice.” 秦茵策马上前,恭敬道:“小女子和哥哥为了猎取一些珍贵的兽骨做药材为父亲治病,还望大人能够通允一下,我们实在是逼不得已。” Right?” “是吗?” Hundred-Man Commander is much longer, the frivolous vision has swept sweeping in the Qin Yin abundant appropriate figure, smiles: Your this doll is actually sensible, but in Baiyelin ferocious beast runs amuck, crossed this stretch of grove to have several thousand years cultivated for Spirit beast, brought death by your skills in the past, in my opinion, you might as well and first returned to the camp with me?” 百夫长长得獐头鼠目,轻浮的目光在秦茵丰盈得当的身段上扫了扫,嘿嘿一笑:“你这女娃儿倒是非常懂事,不过白叶林里猛兽横行,过了这片林子就有数千年修为的灵兽,以你们的身手过去也是送死,依我看,你们不如先且跟我回营吧?” Qin Yin stares, said: Sir, the father is seriously ill, we rush to time to treat and cure him, really cannot delay, but also asked the Sir to put our horse, the girl thanked the Sir.” 秦茵一愣,道:“大人,父亲病重,我们赶时间救治他,实在是拖延不起,还请大人放我们一马,小女子谢谢大人了。” Lin Muyu sneers, has pulled out one bag of Gold Yin Coin from the bosom, 30-40, lost directly, said: Like this was OK?” 林沐雨则冷笑一声,从怀里掏出了一袋金茵币,足足有三四十枚,直接丢了过去,道:“这样可以了吗?” Hundred-Man Commander caught the purse skilled, opened took a look at one, immediately on the face full was joyful, Ha Ha said with a smile: This young master is really natural enough, but......” 百夫长熟练的接住了钱袋,打开瞅了一眼,顿时脸上满是欣喜,哈哈笑道:“这位少爷真是够大方,不过……” His eye of band of light thick greedy, was saying: You must enter the Baiyelin deep place, I suspected that you are the spies in empire, comes the person, brings back to the camp these two people, female delivers to my tent directly.” 他的目光带着浓浓的贪婪,道:“不过你们非要进入白叶林深处,我怀疑你们是帝国的细作,来人,把这两个人带回营地,女的直接送到我的帐内。” Yes, Sir!” “是,大人!” One crowd of righteousness and country soldiers progress to go forward. 一群义和国士兵策马上前。 Lin Muyu naturally also knew cannot friendly, „, when a stars sword came out of the sheath, arrived directly in the Hundred-Man Commander front, making the time that he responded not have, visits him fully is vision in a panic, Lin Muyu said with a smile lightly: I also want to keep your this dog's life, what a pity you lasciviously are greedy for money, your this dying pities insufficient, I can only enforce justice on behalf of Heaven.” 林沐雨自然也知道不能善了了,“当”一声星辰剑出鞘,直接抵在了百夫长的胸前,让他连反应的时间都没有,看着他满是仓皇的目光,林沐雨淡淡笑道:“原本我还想留你这条狗命,可惜你那么好色贪财,你这种死不足惜,我只能替天行道了。” Young Hero, bountiful......” 少侠,饶……” Hundred-Man Commander has not said that Lin Muyu's sword blade penetrated his chest cavity, the blood crossflow, that serious body falling horse perishes. 百夫长还没说完,林沐雨的剑刃已经穿透了他的胸腔,鲜血横流而出,那沉重的身躯坠马而亡。 This boy has killed the Sir, butchers him to me!” “这小子杀了大人,给我宰掉他!” One crowd of righteousness and country cavalry indignant drawing a sword, thinks that since they have defended the imperial restricted area the surrounding are to keep promises, exploits to the passing follower repeatedly, has not actually thought that will meet Lin Muyu this present age expert. 一群义和国骑兵忿忿的拔剑,想必他们守御禁地的外围一直以来都是说一不二的,对过往修炼者更是屡屡盘剥,却没有想到会遇到林沐雨这个当世强者 Xiao Yin, backlash!” 小茵,后退!” Lin Muyu drinks one lowly, must try the style the might. 林沐雨低喝一声,要试试招式的威力了。 Qin Yin progresses to leave about hundred meters rapidly, is very clever. 秦茵飞速策马离开大约近百米,十分乖巧。 You court death!” “你们找死!” Lin Muyu the arm, the dance of Stars Art fifth heavy day of ice soul star strength around the fist, he is raising the fist suddenly in a flash immediately, instigates the strolling in the snow warhorse, having the woods cold star strength to progress to go through from more than 20 cavalry like lightning! 林沐雨猛然一晃手臂,顿时星辰诀第五重天的冰魄星力在拳头周围狂舞着,他扬起拳头,策动踏雪战马,带着森寒的星力策马从20多名骑兵之中闪电般穿行而过! Brushes!” “刷!” The air and time as if were coagulated generally, Lin Mu the rain belt is strolling in the snow just likes an ice arrow same shuttle, in the ground of warhorse under foot treads Frost traces, the sound of faint trace resounds, ice air/Qi ascension, righteousness and country Cavalry freezing block, the next moment, these ice pieces crash-bang breaks all, a wisp of blood cannot see, were killed in the Stars Art fifth heavy day all Bi Xuehan iced under. 空气与时间都仿佛被凝固了一般,林沐雨带着踏雪犹如一支冰箭一样穿梭而过,战马脚下的地面上踏出一道道冰霜痕迹,身后,丝丝的声音响起,一道道冰气升腾而起,将一个个义和国铁骑冻成了冰块,下一刻,这些冰块“哗啦啦”的尽数破碎开来,一缕鲜血都看不见,已经尽数丧生于星辰诀第五重天的“碧雪寒冰”之下了。 Day......” “天……” Qin Yin has opened the small mouth, looks at this not to have the slaughtering scene of blood, actually shock, this is her first time sees such murder scene, and slayer very intimate forest Mu Yu. 秦茵张大了小嘴,看着这没有鲜血的杀戮场面,却十分的震撼,这是她第一次看到这样的杀人场面,并且杀人者还是自己十分亲近的林沐雨。 Rustle......” “簌簌……” Lin Muyu has wielded fist, clears, the broken corpse of person and horse that fist surrounding ice soul star strength looks at place, the knitting the brows head of can"t help it,, said: This move of might so was big......” 林沐雨挥了挥拳头,将拳头周围的冰魄星力散尽,看着一地的人与马的碎尸,禁不住的皱了皱眉头,说:“这一招的威力原来那么大……” Qin Yin sips the red lip, said: A'Yu Elder Brother......” 秦茵抿了抿红唇,说:“阿雨哥哥……” Lin Muyu rise visits her, said: Xiao Yin also thought that this move was extremely cruel, right?” 林沐雨抬头看着她,说:“小茵也觉得这一招太过于残忍了,是吗?” „......” “……” Qin Yin starts to speak but hesitates, has tacitly approved, but she cannot prevent Lin Muyu, after all she also knows that this was the tumultuous times, was not the murder is killed, absolutely did not have what order and principle. 秦茵欲言又止,算是默认了,但她不能阻止林沐雨,毕竟她也知道这是乱世,不是杀人就是被杀,根本就没有什么秩序和法则可言。 Lin Muyu accepts good advice readily to say actually: Actually I also thought that this murder way was too cruel, later this move can little with little use, Xiao Yin felt relieved that I do not want my both hands to be stained with the full blood.” 倒是林沐雨从善如流道:“其实我也觉得这种杀人方式太残忍了,以后这一招能少用就少用,小茵放心吧,我也不愿意自己的双手沾满鲜血。” Oh.” “嗯嗯。” Qin Yin beams into a smile: We a bit faster leave here, after letting the person saw, we must issue a warrant for arrest.” 秦茵欣然一笑:“那我们快点离开这里吧,让人看到之后,我们恐怕就又要被通缉了。” Good!” “好!” ...... …… They progress to leave the main road rapidly, directly soars the Baiyelin deep place to go, has not gone out is too far, suddenly the back has heard the hoofbeat, had other humanity to come, and looked at the situation to come many people. 两人迅速策马离开大道,直奔白叶林深处而去,没有走出太远,忽然背后传来了马蹄声,有别的人类来了,并且看情形来了不少人。 Pursues our people?” Lin Muyu asked. “是追我们的人吗?”林沐雨问道。 Qin Yin shakes the head: Not like.” 秦茵摇摇头:“不像。” This group of people mostly wear soft armor, wears the heavy armor, is throwing over the winter cape, but has not worn the righteousness and country or is the mercenary symbol, therefore speculated that is not the serviceman, moreover in the group also some people put on to embroider gold pattern the person of brocade robe unexpectedly, the sending hairpin of top of the head is also the jadeite, is only a young girl of section of simple animal bones dresses up entirely different from the Qin Yin this hair decorations, naturally, the Lin Muyu's attire is simpler, disorderly, but short hair of outstanding ability, this is his standard hairstyle, Fragmented Cauldron that many year of customs do not have the long hair as before, Therefore maintains is cutting the custom of short hair, but looks like but actually also charming free and easy, depended on this uninhibited hairstyle to win many Orchid Goose City female bean noodles for him, although this is not useful. 这群人大多身穿软甲,还有一些身穿沉重的盔甲,披着冬天的斗篷,但都没有佩戴义和国或者是佣兵的徽记,所以推测不是军人,而且一行人中居然还有人穿着绣着金质花纹的锦袍的人,头顶的发簪也都是翠玉的,与秦茵这种头发饰物只是一截简朴兽骨的少女打扮截然不同,当然,林沐雨的装束更加简单,一头凌乱而俊逸的短发,这是他的标准发型,来碎鼎界那么多年依旧不习惯留长发,所以保持着剪短发的习惯,不过看起来倒也帅气洒脱,就凭这一头不羁的发型就为他赢得了不少兰雁城的女粉丝,虽然这并没有什么用。 Two please do not bother to see me off!” “二位留步!” Of group front line wears the people sound track of brocade robe. 一行人最前方的一个身穿锦袍的人大声道。 Running could not run away, Lin Muyu, Qin Yin do not want to run, this pedestrian also on more than 50 people of appearances, and which looks like the strongest person to does not go, two Saint Realm expert will also fear them to be inadequate, therefore simultaneously stops the warhorse, waited for that this pedestrian approaches. 跑是跑不掉了,林沐雨、秦茵也没有想跑,这行人也就50多人的样子,并且看起来最强的人也强不到哪儿去,两个圣域强者还会怕他们不成,于是齐齐勒停战马,等待这行人靠近。 After approaching, this wears the brocade robe, the age about 30 -year-old high and low youth cup one fist in the other hand, said: May I ask two, must seek for the Heavenly Book stele forest in Baiyelin?” 靠近之后,这个身穿锦袍,年龄大约30岁上下的青年一抱拳,道:“敢问二位,是要去寻找白叶林中的天书碑林的吗?” !! !!
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