AG :: Volume #6

#514: father cursed you

To near dusk time, Lin Muyu, Qin Yin left the major road finally, arrived at south in a road small town to make the short supplies and rest, proceeded not to have the road again, a white Baiyelin was waiting for them there. 一直到近黄昏的时候,林沐雨、秦茵终于离开了官道,来到了路南的一座小城内作短暂的补给和休息,再往前就没有路了,一片白茫茫的白叶林在那里等着他们。 White Yecheng, the small town of Hongshan county East border region, is the righteousness and a city of country four big province most East. White Yecheng is not richly and populously, the small city that but 100,000 people do not arrive , the person of this city takes the minerals and hunting and fishing as to live, the Baiyelin north is a continuous mountain range, is called the snow-capped mountain, the mountain massif presents the silver, is a natural silver ore, in the legend in 100,000 people of white Yecheng has 50,000 people are the miner, in addition 30,000 people are the hunting households, other 20,000 people are the fishermen. 白叶城,红山郡东方边陲的一座小城,也是义和国四大行省最为东方的一座城池。白叶城算不上富庶,只是一座100000人不到的小城池,这座城池的人以矿产、渔猎为生,白叶林正北方就是一座连绵山脉,叫做白山,山体呈现银色,是一种天然银矿,传说中白叶城的100000人中有50000人都是矿工,另外还有30000人是猎户,其余的20000人是渔夫。 After entering a city, Lin Muyu, Qin Yin attire is actually unremarkable, moreover this border region small town will not issue a warrant for arrest anyone, therefore is not necessary to care about these empire and righteousness and country's the matter of dispute. 进城之后,林沐雨、秦茵的装束倒是并不引人注意,而且这种边陲小城也不会去通缉谁,所以大可不必在意那些帝国和义和国的纷争的事。 In the city the biggest inn had prepared a banquet by son Bao Xialai of white Yecheng minerals wealthy and powerful family, therefore Lin Muyu, Qin Yin can only go, in other white Yecheng called ten thousand li (0.5km) building in inn, the name of inn as the name suggests, the person who came here person majority is has no fear of great distances to treasure hunt, in fact east Baiyelin was listed as restricted area Baiyelin, in Baiyelin the wild animal ran amuck, Spirit beast was also extremely numerous, majority of spirit stone that the righteousness and country followers needed came from Baiyelin. 城内最大的客栈已经被白叶城矿产大户的儿子包下来办酒席了,所以林沐雨、秦茵只能去住在白叶城另外的一个叫“万里楼”的客栈里,客栈的名字顾名思义,来这里的人大部分都是不远万里来寻宝的人,事实上白叶林东方就是被列为“禁地”的白叶林,白叶林内野兽横行,灵兽也极多,义和国修炼者所需要的大部分灵石都来自于白叶林中。 After staying, making the shop waiter feed the horse, the weather was black, Lin Muyu also needs to supply other thing, a firm tent, the strong gale in cold winter is very crazy, the insufficiently firm tent is unable to be stationed in the open country, in addition needs a pot, as well as seasoning and so on thing, who knows how long in Baiyelin must stop over. In addition must purchase some dry rations, for example the steamed buns of some air seasoning and so on is used to have a full stomach, because is not can live the open fire to prepare food at any time. 住下之后,让店伙计去喂马,天色已黑,林沐雨还需要补给一下别的东西,一顶坚固的帐篷,寒冬之中的烈风十分疯狂,不够坚固的帐篷根本就无法在野外驻扎,另外还需要一口锅,以及一下调料之类的东西,谁知道要在白叶林里逗留多久。此外就是要购买一些干粮,譬如一些风干的馒头之类的用来果腹,因为并不是任何时候都可以生明火做饭的。 ...... …… In the evening, in Baiyelin but actually also lively lively, red lanterns hang up high. 晚上,白叶林里倒也热闹繁华,一盏盏红灯笼高高挂起。 Lin Muyu, Qin Yin walk shoulder to shoulder on the street, enjoys this unusual peace, Qin Yin is pulling the Lin Muyu's wrist|skill gently, on the pretty face full is the smiling face, was hearing the fragrance of street steamed stuffed bun, is infatuated with. 林沐雨、秦茵并肩走在街道上,享受着这少有的安宁,秦茵轻轻挽着林沐雨的手腕,漂亮脸蛋上满是笑容,闻着街边包子的香味,为之陶醉。 Proceeded again is not the white Yecheng most well-known colored building, one crowd of singing girl appearance must be beautifully attired in the roadside win over the guest, but a procuress of thick juice colorful powder was in the hand is grasping the fan, was calling to the passing guest: Oh feeds this guest, comes to drink the cup hot bar, the cold wind bone-chilling cold, travel fatigued, our miss zither chess calligraphy every kind was skilled in all the way, the figure was slender, art of dancing excellent, came to see quickly, our misses besides technique other also good, the stature plentiful, was with good intention, did not believe the guest you to touch one to know the genuine and fake! Oh feeds, this young handsome fellow, went hunting laboriously, came in quickly merrily one......” 再往前不远就是白叶城最为知名的花楼了,一群歌姬打扮得花枝招展在路边拉拢客人,而一名浓汁艳粉的老鸨更是手里握着扇子,对着过往的客人吆喝着:“哎哟喂这位客人,进来喝杯热酒吧,寒风凛冽,一路上旅行劳顿了,我们这里的姑娘琴棋书法样样精通,身段苗条、舞技绝佳,快来看看吧,我们的姑娘除了技艺之外别的也好,身材丰腴、善解人意啊,不信客人您来摸一把就知道真假了!哎哟喂,这位小帅哥,打猎辛苦了,快进来快活一下……” After the procuress sees Lin Muyu, eye one bright, almost must say that this Young Master was free. 那老鸨看到林沐雨之后,眼睛一亮,差点就要说这位公子免费了。 Qin Yin actually tight grabs Lin Muyu's, a pair of show pupil sweeps to sweep off on these singing girls, full is the alert, as if for fear that these travel fatigue females will have robbed forest Mu Yu generally. 秦茵却紧紧的抓着林沐雨的手,一双秀眸在那些歌姬身上扫来扫去,满是戒备,似乎生怕这些风尘女子会把林沐雨抢走了一般。 Nearby, several raised mercenary of battle-axe and great sword smiling to enter the flowered building, an one-eyed person hey said with a smile: Rare red light district, is drunk Su for night why not, brothers several must enjoy oneself to the full tonight, the madam, called to us your here most attractive misses!” 一旁,几个提着战斧、巨剑的佣兵一脸笑意的进了花楼,其中一个独眼龙嘿嘿笑道:“难得温柔乡,醉宿一夜又何妨,兄弟几个今晚一定要尽兴啊,老鸨子,把你这里最漂亮的姑娘都给我们叫过来!” Good, Sir waits a bit, the misses come immediately.” “好嘞,大爷稍等,姑娘们马上就来。” Lin Muyu the eyes split vision glance flower building, groaning of can"t help it, smiles: Superficial......” 林沐雨眼睛余光一瞥花楼,禁不住的哼哼一笑:“肤浅……” Qin Yin honk small mouth: Snort, added that if this time is not I, but is you and Commander Feng, Zhang Wei, Situ Sen these people came together, can you go in merrily one?” 秦茵则嘟着小嘴:“哼,还说呢,如果这次不是我跟着,而是你和风统领章炜、司徒森这些人一起来,你们是不是就要进去快活一下了?” Where has, am I that person?” Lin Muyu a face have a strong sense of righteousness said: This place I have not gone, Xiao Yin do not regard as these people me!” “哪儿有,我是那种人吗?”林沐雨一脸大义凛然道:“这种地方我可是从来没有进去过的,小茵你别把我看成那些人了!” Snort, right?” “哼,是吗?” Qin Yin is narrowing one pair of wonderful eye, said with a smile: I do not believe my A'Yu Elder Brother such honest and upright work style, you and Commander Feng in Imperial Capital, but has not been short of these places, do not think that I do not know, my informer is very broad.” 秦茵眯着一双妙目,笑道:“我不信我的阿雨哥哥会这么作风正派,你和风统领帝都可是没少去过这些地方,别以为我不知道,我的眼线可是很广的。” „?” “啊?” Lin Muyu has a big shock: I...... I...... I go to this place to drink, Xiao Yin you left have thought that hugged the singing girl to dance this matter, only then Brother Feng will be able to do......” 林沐雨大惊失色:“我……我……我去这种地方只是喝酒而已,小茵你别多想了,搂着歌姬跳舞这种事情只有风大哥才会做得出来……” Right? Ahem, I believe for the time being your this time.” “是吗?哼哼,我姑且相信你这一次。” Looks at Lin Muyu the fearful and apprehensive appearance, Qin Yin thinks funny, has anchored suddenly, opens the arm to grasp him, the song near the Lin Muyu's ear said gently: Crying foul, is Xiao Yin such unenlightened person? Although I do not know that the custom of your hometown, but in our Qin Empire empire, a man had three wife four concubines is very normal matter, therefore Xiao Yin felt relieved that you and Xiaoxi went to seven sea provinces together, but...... You must remember, Xiao Yin is narrow-minded, I only tolerated Xiaoxi, other woman I could not accommodate.” 看着林沐雨胆战心惊的样子,秦茵不禁觉得好笑,忽地停住了,张开手臂抱住他,在林沐雨的耳边轻轻细语道:“大笨蛋,小茵是这么不开明的人吗?虽然我不知道你们家乡的规矩,但在我们大秦帝国,一个男人有三妻四妾都是很正常的事情,所以小茵才放心你和小汐一起去七海行省,但是……你要记住,小茵是小心眼,我只能容得了小汐,别的女人我容不下。” Lin Muyu is moved, puts out a hand to surround the Qin Yin slender waist, acclaimed the feel secretly also said: Relax, in my hometown, although has no longer carried out three wife four concubines, but Xiao Yin you are so good, making me feel that had you to have completely, my could not accommodate too many people at heart.” 林沐雨不禁为之感动,伸手环抱住秦茵纤细的腰肢,暗暗赞叹手感的同时说道:“放心吧,在我的家乡虽然已经不再奉行三妻四妾,但小茵你那么好,让我觉得拥有你就拥有了全部,我的心里也容不下太多人了。” Right? That Xiaoxi?” In a Qin Yin pair of show pupil is passing cunningly. “是吗?那小汐呢?”秦茵一双秀眸中透着狡黠。 Xiaoxi......” forest washed the rain vision to glitter: Visits her to display......” 小汐嘛……”林沐雨目光闪烁了:“看她表现吧……” Snort, your this unfaithful big radish, but also dares that the righteousness words!” Qin Yin ridicules, brandishes the powder fist to hit. “哼,你这花心大萝卜,还敢那么义正言辞!”秦茵笑骂,挥舞粉拳要打。 Lin Muyu shunts hurriedly, a man and a woman pursue on the street in white Yecheng, the Qin Yin euphonious laughter as if is also infecting the mood of hurrying along, making people think this border small town unexpectedly also so traces of spring abundant. 林沐雨急忙躲开,一男一女在白叶城的街道上追逐,秦茵银铃般的笑声似乎也感染着赶路者的情绪,让人觉得这座边境小城居然也如此春意盎然起来。 ...... …… Achoo......” “阿嚏……” In Ze Tian Palace, Feng Ji Xing of white robe sits well there, the hand grasps the spirit pen, is developing the Heavenly Book model for painting that Qin Yin is leaving behind in careful tracing, suddenly after a sneeze, his straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards tighten said: „Who was speaking my malicious remarks, mostly was Zhang Wei that bastard, I banned his liquor, unexpectedly behind dared to speak my malicious remarks, under did not have simply on does not have!” 泽天殿内,一袭白袍的风继行端坐在那里,手握灵笔,正在仔细的描拓着秦茵留下的天书范本,忽然一个喷嚏之后,他剑眉紧锁道:“是什么人在说我坏话,多半是章炜那个混蛋,我不过是禁了他的酒而已,居然敢背后说我坏话,简直没上没下!” By the throne, the Tang Xiaoxi volt has fallen asleep on table, front empire imperial jade seal flood light ray. 王座旁,唐小汐伏在桌案上已经睡着了,面前的帝国玉玺泛着淡淡的光芒。 In the sleep, Tang Xiaoxi dreamed of bloomy springly, has tied one only to roast the fragrant roast chicken the dream to that tree on unexpectedly, she cheers, is picking the fruit, while is eating the chicken wing, eats eats, suddenly awoke, rubs the awake song sleepy eyes, the discovery is only a dream, feels urgently said disappointedly: Originally is the dream......” 睡梦中,唐小汐梦见了春暖花开,梦到了那一棵棵树上居然结着一只只烤得喷香的烧鸡,她欢呼雀跃,一边摘着水果,一边吃着鸡翅,吃啊吃啊,忽然就醒了,揉揉惺忪睡眼,发现只是一个梦,不禁倍感失望道:“原来是梦啊……” Feng Ji Xing rise look at him, sees her to be very disappointed, then said with a smile: „Did Princess Xi dream of A'Yu? Unexpectedly is so disappointed, definitely dreams of A'Yu that boy.” 风继行抬头看了看他,见她很失望,便笑道:“汐郡主梦见阿雨了?居然这么失望,肯定是梦见阿雨那小子了。” No, dreams of eats......” the Tang Xiaoxi elegant face one red. “没有,梦见吃的了……”唐小汐俏脸一红。 Feng Ji Xing is silent, had nothing to say in reply unexpectedly. 风继行沉默不语,竟无言以对。 ...... …… Boss, how does this pot sell?” Lin Muyu asked. “老板,这口锅怎么卖?”林沐雨问道。 The chubby boss walks to go forward, face starts to reappear the villainous smile: „The Young Master good vision, this pot is the steel pot that the western region skilled worker builds, regardless of will cook a meal many time will not rust, the quality of material will be firm, two Gold Yin Coin, in addition support three Gold Yin Coin.” 胖乎乎的老板走上前,脸上马上浮现出奸笑:“公子好眼光,这口锅是西域巧匠打造的钢锅,无论煮饭多少次都不会生锈,质地刚硬,两个金茵币一口,加上支架的话三个金茵币。” „Is this steel pot?” “这是钢锅?” Lin Muyu said astonished: Ordinary iron saucepan most ten silver coins, your this steel pot sells two Gold Yin Coin unexpectedly, whom you are deceiving!” 林沐雨惊愕道:“普通铁锅最多十个银币,你这口钢锅居然卖两个金茵币,你在骗谁呢!” Young Master has not to know.” 公子有所不知。” Old plank road: This pot heat conduction is quick, makes the labor to be exquisite, this type of steel and iron was used for the forging righteousness and country superior knight sword, hundred do not fold curved, does not believe Young Master to try, if you can the ear knee bend of this pot, I deliver you free, if you do not fold curved, must buy this pot.” 老板道:“这口锅导热快,造工精湛,这种钢铁原本都是用来铸造义和国上等骑士剑的,百折不弯,不信公子试试,如果你能把这口锅的耳朵折弯,我免费送你,如果你折不弯,就必须买下这口锅。” Right?” “是吗?” Lin Muyu bottom of one's heart laughs, is the heaven has group of you not to walk simply, the hell does not have you to rush! 林沐雨不禁心底大笑,简直是天堂有路你不走,地狱无门你闯进来啊! Qin Yin smiles not to speak in side, looked that Lin Muyu installs. 秦茵在旁笑而不语,看林沐雨装。 Brushes!” “刷!” The King who the naked eye is hard to see fights flame to appear in the Lin Muyu's left hand fingers, he covered the ear of steel pot gently, catches up slightly, that ear bent immediately. 肉眼难以看见的王者斗焰出现在林沐雨的左手手指间,他轻轻扣住了钢锅的耳朵,微微一发力,那耳朵顿时弯了。 Day!” The boss is dumbfounded: This...... This is impossible, the generals of military governor mansion do not break off curved, you unexpectedly......” “天啊!”老板目瞪口呆:“这……这不可能,就连督军府的将军都掰不弯,你居然……” Lin Muyu broke off the ear of steel pot rapidly straight, mentioned the steel pot, took a dummy support, said with a smile: Thanks the boss to present, I forever record your good!” 林沐雨迅速又把钢锅的耳朵掰直了,提起钢锅,拿了一副支架,笑道:“谢谢老板馈赠,我会永远都记着你的好!” The boss is unable to speak unexpectedly, thinks so that this rascal took away a steel pot, but also while convenient a dummy support. 老板竟无法说话,就这么看着这个“无赖”拿走了一口钢锅,还顺带一副支架。 He face upwards the deep sigh: „A brat, depends on father's steel pot unexpectedly like this, do not look that your behind young miss is so juicy attractively, father cursed you not to lift for a lifetime......” 他仰天长叹:“个臭小子,居然这样赖走老子的钢锅啊,别看你身后的小姑娘那么水灵漂亮,老子诅咒你一辈子不举啊……” ...... …… On the avenue, Lin Muyu is raising the steel pot with joy, suddenly has fought a shiver, saying: Always felt that some people were cursing me, does not know that was which bastard.” 大街上,林沐雨喜滋滋的提着钢锅,忽然打了个寒战,不由的说道:“总感觉有人在诅咒我,不知道是哪个混蛋。” Qin Yin said: A'Yu, you look at that side, some people are setting up a stall earn living!” 秦茵却笑着说:“阿雨,你看那边,有人在摆摊卖艺耶!” Right?” “是吗?” Their pasts fast watched the fun, see only the crowd to gather round 35 people, these 35 people put on soft armor, was carrying with the hand the steel knife, on the shoulder the mercenary symbol, was several winds around insufficient mercenary to earn living here. 两人飞快的过去看热闹,只见人群围着35个人,这35人都穿着软甲,手提着钢刀等,肩膀上佣兵的徽记,是几个盘缠不足的佣兵在这里卖艺。 Buzz humming sound......” “嗡嗡嗡……” And mercenary dances tigerishly the sword lives the prestige, True Qi dense in, Lin Muyu identifies his strength with ease, the Earth Realm Third Layer day, defeats level expert, is really rare, has such expert in this small town unexpectedly. 其中一名佣兵将战刀舞得虎虎生威,真气氤氲其中,林沐雨轻松辨认出他的实力,地境第三重天,战胜级强者,啧啧,真难得,在这种小城里居然有这样的强者 At this moment, a not far away famous artisan grasps handsome elegant Young Master of iron bone-ribbed fan to sneer, said: Flowery boxing, cannot withstand uses greatly.” 就在这时,不远处一名手握铁骨扇的翩翩俏公子冷笑一声,说:“花拳绣腿,不堪大用。” This elegant Young Master surface like jade pendant adorning a hat, is very pretty, but hostility in eye is very rich, own cultivating for must be not low, the body week has the cream air current circulation slowly, this is one has expert of fight of armors, at least cultivating of Heaven Realm 2nd Heavenly Layer is! 这个俏公子面如冠玉,十分俊秀,但眼中的戾气却十分浓郁,自身的修为应当是不低,身周缓缓有乳白色的气流流转,这是一个拥有斗铠的强者,至少天境二重天的修为! Moreover, Lin Muyu can obvious feels by Spiritual Pulse Technique that this elegant Young Master behind wears white clothing cultivating of middle-aged person to be higher, although he is constraining surging of aura, but Lin Muyu can induce to the domain strength that he sends out as before, unexpectedly is expert of Saint Realm rank, who are this group of people? 而且,林沐雨能够明显的以灵脉术感觉到,这个俏公子身后一名身穿素衣的中年人的修为更高,虽然他压抑着气息的波荡,但林沐雨依旧能够感应到他发出的领域力量,竟然是一个圣域级别的强者,这伙人是什么人? At this moment, middle-aged Saint Realm expert said in a low voice: Young Master, we walk, tomorrow must embark to go to Baiyelin, this small cheap trick does not have attractively what, earlier rests.” 就在这时,中年圣域强者低声道:“少主,咱们走吧,明天就要出发去白叶林了,这种小把戏也没有什么好看的,早点歇息吧。” Un.” “嗯。” Young Master has turned around, the corners of the mouth raise, said: „Can father's troops early morning rush tomorrow?” 少主转过身来,嘴角一扬,道:“父王的人马明天清晨能赶到吗?” Can!” “能!” That is good, goes back.” “那就好,回去吧。” Yes!” “是!” ...... …… These people have not discovered Lin Muyu, Qin Yin this to the hunting household brother and sister, because looked like too common, but Lin Muyu, Qin Yin had enough profound heart law to hide the aura. 这几个人根本就没有发现林沐雨、秦茵这对猎户兄妹,因为看起来太不起眼了,而林沐雨、秦茵却拥有足够精深的心法隐藏住气息。 Who is this person? A little looks familiar......” Qin Yin to say. “这人是谁?有点眼熟……”秦茵道。 Lin Muyu the straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards tighten, fist grips tightly, approaches near the Qin Yin ear, lowers the sound saying: Called the person of king in the righteousness and country, only then, town southern King Qinyi, this Young Master if as expected should be south the town king's son, Qin Huan seven commanders-in-chief, how otherwise possibly to set out Saint Realm expert to protect him.” 林沐雨剑眉紧锁,拳头紧握,凑近秦茵耳边,压低声音道:“在义和国称王的人,只有一个,镇南王秦毅,这个少主不出意外的话应该是镇南王之子,七帅之一的秦焕吧,不然怎么可能出动圣域强者保护他。” Qin Huan?” “秦焕?” The Qin Yin delicate eyebrows are light, has not spoken again. 秦茵秀眉轻蹙,没有再说话。 Unexpectedly in son who in white Yecheng met Qin resolute, was really the enemies often cross each other's path! 居然在白叶城里遇见秦毅的儿子,真是冤家路窄! !! !!
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