AG :: Volume #6

#511: My family Young Master

In the evening, east the rapid white province in the small town of boundary stops over, to conceal the status of two people, Lin Muyu and Qin Yin has bought attire of one set of hunting household for oneself respectively, appearance that dresses up the hunting household brother and sister. 傍晚,在迅白行省东境的一个小镇内逗留,为了掩饰两个人的身份,林沐雨为自己和秦茵各自买了一套猎户的装束,装扮成猎户兄妹的样子。 When Qin Yin down soft armor changed into beast leather skirt armor, the chignon that the plate sends also changes into an animal bones hairpin fixed time, the whole person added several points of neighbor daughter's affinity, Lin Muyu looked to stay for a long time. 秦茵的绒毛软甲换成了兽皮裙甲,盘发的发髻也换成一根兽骨簪子固定的时候,整个人平添了几分邻家女儿的亲和力,以至于林沐雨足足的看呆了许久。 Looked to suffice?” “看够了没?” Qin Yin throws smiles, asks: What do I currently have not to be different?” 秦茵扑哧一笑,问道:“我现在有什么不一样吗?” „Different.” “太不一样了。” Lin Muyu smiles, said: Xiao Yin, we a bit faster hurry along, the distance here inside and outside ten has an inn, passes the night there.” 林沐雨莞尔一笑,说:“小茵,我们快点赶路吧,距离这里十里外有一个客栈,就在那里过夜吧。” Un!” “嗯!” They turned over to start, left this whistle stop small town, and after two people, carried the long bow and arrow pot, which aspect regardless of looked is pair of hunting household brother and sister. 两人翻身上马,离开了这个短暂停留的小镇,并且两人身后都背着长弓和箭壶,无论从哪个方面看都是一对猎户兄妹了。 ...... …… After the sunset, nearby the major road is really not long situated an inn, communication guest travel many people are settling down here, some drink to eat meal, here stay overnight. 日落之后没有多久,官道一旁果然坐落着一个客栈,来往客旅不少人在这里驻足,有的只是喝酒吃饭,有的则是在这里留宿。 Has given the waiter the warhorse, afterward has booked two rooms, in the inn great hall a bustling liveliness, recited the tour young girl bullet hit zheng, was singing the ancient nursery rhymes, heard one crowd of mercenary and wealthy family Young Master is deluded, Lin Muyu the vision swept, the discovery saw that gang with amazement unexpectedly, Bei Qi Huan and his one group of bodyguards, pressed together, occupied the less than half great hall. 将战马交给了伙计,随后定了两个房间,客栈大堂内一片熙熙攘攘的热闹,一名吟游少女正弹着古筝,唱着古老的童谣,听得一群佣兵与富家公子们如痴如醉,林沐雨目光一扫,骇然发现居然又看见那一伙人了,北齐桓和他的一群侍卫都在,挤在一起,占据了小半个大堂。 Customer, your here walks, that side also has a spatial table.” The waiters greeted attentively. “客官,您这边走,那边还有一张空桌。”伙计殷勤的招呼道。 Thanked.” “谢谢了。” Qin Yin wanted two very simple suppers, together has eaten with forest Mu Yu. 秦茵要了两份非常简单的晚餐,就跟林沐雨一起吃了起来。 ...... …… In a while, youngster that the corner of great hall, a playboy dresses up suddenly stands, on face red, obviously drank somewhat has been drunk, crooked walked to go forward, is holding in the tower great hall, said with a smile to the young girl of playing an instrument and singing: Young girl, looks at good that you sang, might as well go to this Young Master room to sing one for me again, I gave you Gold Yin Coin, how?” 没过多久,忽地大堂的一角,一个纨绔打扮的年轻人站立起来,脸上通红,显然喝得有些醉了,歪歪扭扭的走上前,扶着大堂中间的楼台,冲着弹唱的少女笑道:“小妞,看你唱的不错,不如去本公子的房间再为我唱上一曲,我给你一个金茵币,如何?” The playing an instrument and singing young girl stares, said: Young Master, I...... Cannot......” 弹唱少女一愣,道:“公子,我……不可以的……” What did you say?” “你说什么?” An expensive Young Master face is red, in hand is pinching Gold Yin Coin, said: This young master enjoys your this face to you face, being concerned about face, by your this lowly status, has given you opportunity to serve this young master is your ancestor does good deeds, tells you, your this status and look, Gold Yin Coin enough has rested you, let alone makes you offer one!” 公子一脸通红,手里捏着一枚金茵币,道:“本少爷赏你这个脸是给你面子,别给脸不要脸了,以你这种卑贱身份,给你机会伺候本少爷是你的祖上积德,告诉你,就你这种身份和相貌,一个金茵币足够睡了你了,何况只是让你献上一曲!” The playing an instrument and singing young girl frightens the face whiten: Young Master, the girl only earns living...... Also invited the Young Master dead weight.” 弹唱少女吓得脸色苍白:“公子,小女子只卖艺……还请公子自重。” Nearby old man also again and again begs for mercy saying: Young Master, has put the daughter, she is young......” 一旁的老汉也连连求饶道:“公子,放了小女吧,她还小……” Go away!” “滚开!” Expensive Young Master suddenly in the hand is grasping long sword horizontal, bang pounds again and again the old man with the scabbard retrocedes, above long sword is dense the light cyan ray, has the strength of circulation world slowly, unexpectedly is a person book embryo, looks like should be the appearance of low grade person book, becoming angry out of shame of his face, said: East province area the boundary who does not know that my Li Zhuo prestige, the young master my 22 years old has written Pin Renshu, the setting sun marquises have sent the appointment letter to me, your this girl dares not to give this young master face unexpectedly, courts death simply!” 公子猛然将手里握着的长剑横起,“嘭”一声用剑鞘把老汉砸得连连后退,长剑之上氤氲着淡青色的光芒,缓缓有天地之力流转,居然是一个人书器胚,看起来应该是下品人书的样子,他一脸的恼羞成怒,道:“行省东境一带谁不知道我李琢的威名,小爷我22岁就写出了中品人书,就连夕阳侯都给我发了聘书,你这小妮子居然敢不给本少爷面子,简直找死!” Li Zhuo guard one after another creates a disturbance: Ha, Young master, wants us to help you deliver to the room the small girl of this not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth?” 身后,一个李琢的护卫纷纷起哄:“哈哈哈,少爷,要不要我们帮你把这个不知天高地厚的小丫头送到房间去?” Stop!” “住手!” Lin Muyu has not spoken time, a not far away person has stood, is Bei Qi mansion two Young Master Bei Qi Huan, on his face is having the anger, pounds the table, said: Has not thought that in the countries also has this grade of villain unexpectedly, under the broad daylight sexually harasses the respectable family female, Li Zhuo, you must be concerned about face you!” 林沐雨还没说话的时候,不远处一人站了起来,正是北齐府二公子北齐桓,他的脸上带着怒意,拍案而起,道:“没有想到乡野之间居然还有这等小人,光天化日之下调戏良家女子,李琢,你要脸不要脸了你!” Who are you?” “你是谁?” Li Zhuo was startled, looks to Bei Qi Huan and the others, on the face full was shames angry: What thing you are, dares to teach the young master?” 李琢一怔,看向了北齐桓等人,脸上满是羞恼:“你算是什么东西,敢来教训小爷?” Bei Qi Huan sneers, raises a handle thin sword to walk to go forward slowly, said: What you said a moment ago, I have not listened clearly, has setting sun Hou Manning that old fogy sent the appointment letter to you personally?” 北齐桓冷笑一声,提着一柄细剑缓缓走上前,道:“你刚才说什么,我没有听清楚,夕阳侯满宁那老家伙亲自给你发了聘书?” Yes, what kind of?” “是,怎么样?” Ha...... Old fogy dotard, how will really send the invitation book to your this idiot, my righteousness and country really nobody, making your this villains hold sway!” “哈哈哈……那老家伙果然老糊涂了,怎么会给你这种蠢货发聘请书,难道我义和国真的无人了吗,让你这等小人得志!” You put P!” “你放P!” Li Zhuo flies into a rage, in the hand above long sword the ray circulation, said: This Young Master who no matter today you are, dares to meddle my matter, makes you taste the Heavenly Book taste!” 李琢勃然大怒,手中长剑之上光芒流转,道:“本公子今天不管你是谁,敢插手我的事,就让你尝尝天书的滋味!” Right?” Bei Qi Huan face wind light Yun Dan, said: That grazed a horse!” “是吗?”北齐桓一脸的风轻云淡,道:“那就放马过来好了!” Scoundrel!” “混账!” Li Zhuo face started to twist slightly, the wrist|skill turns gently, the heart moves at will, Heavenly Book was started immediately, good wind system low grade spirit book, Wind Blade to be spinning around sword blade anxiously, the bang has approached Bei Qi Huan suddenly. 李琢的脸庞已经微微开始扭曲,手腕轻轻一翻,心随意动,天书立刻就被发动了,好一个风系下品灵书,一道道风刃剑刃周围急旋着,猛然轰向了北齐桓。 After is the low grade person book, most preliminary Heavenly Book, the might was well below that the spirit book, the book comes frightening, quite in an attack of Earth Realm expert. 毕竟是下品人书,最低级的天书,威力远远不如灵书、地书来得那么恐怖,也就相当于一个地境强者的一次进攻而已。 Bei Qi Huan holds up long sword, above the sword blade the rich orange ray shoots up to the sky together, Frost is the best quality goods spirit book! 北齐桓举起长剑,剑身之上一道浓郁的橙色光芒冲天而起,冰霜系极品灵书! Buzz humming sound......” “嗡嗡嗡……” Enormous and powerful wind and snow condense in the Bei Qi Huan's front, the condensation is an ice shield appearance, melts with ease the low grade spirit book attack that Li carves, simultaneously jumps radically, long sword has divided from the day suddenly, bang, Frost sweeps away, Li Zhuo is built on gorgeously same place, the complexion is pale, the next moment, hoar frost climbed up his body. 一道道浩荡风雪凝聚在北齐桓的前方,凝聚为一个冰盾模样,将李琢的下品灵书进攻轻松化解掉,同时纵身激进,长剑猛然从天劈了下来,“嘭”的一声,冰霜横扫而过,那李琢巍然立于原地,脸色铁青,下一刻,一道道白霜爬上了他的身躯。 Snort, collapses at the first blow.” “哼,不堪一击。” Bei Qi Huan long sword sheathes slowly, turns around to walk, but in his, crash-bang, Li Zhuo body disintegration comes, the blood has frozen to ice, the body of whole person changes into one pile of ice sludge, looks at the situation, should be dies thoroughly. 北齐桓缓缓长剑入鞘,转身就走,而在他的身后,“哗啦”一声,李琢的身躯崩碎开来,就连鲜血都已经冻结成冰了,整个人的身躯化为一堆碎冰,看情形,应该是死透了。 ...... …… Killed people...... Killed people......” inn waiter one to be shocked. “杀人了……杀人了……”客栈伙计一下惊呆了。 But after Li Zhuo one group of subordinates see, dumbfounded, is not thinking unexpectedly recovers the gathering place, seizes the gate to go, ran in an instant without a trace. 而李琢的一群属下看到之后,一个个目瞪口呆,竟都不想着找回场子,一个个夺门而去,一转眼跑得无踪无影了。 Bei Qi Huan returns to near the table, sits to say with a smile: Drinks, we continue to eat meal to drink, have not gone bad the interest by a villain!” 北齐桓回到桌边,坐下来笑道:“喝喝,我们继续吃饭喝酒,别被一个小人坏了兴致!” Yes!” “是!” One crowd of mercenary probably are becomes accustomed to general, the scene of this soul-stirring Heavenly Book murder, should they also be see not to blame? 一群佣兵就好像是习以为常一般,这惊心动魄的天书杀人的场面,他们也应该是见惯不怪了吧? ...... …… Soon after, the inn boss called several tall people, after the corpse fragment cleaned up, plays an instrument and sings, Datangli restored a school of extremely busy scene. 不多久后,客栈老板叫来了几个五大三粗的人,将尸体碎片清理掉之后,重新弹唱起来,大堂里又恢复了一派热闹非凡的场面。 Lin Muyu is eating Mai Bing, is eating the eggdrop soup, the knitting the brows head of can"t help it,, said in a low voice: So is unexpectedly simple in the righteousness and country murder, is nobody's concern radically?” 林沐雨吃着麦饼,喝着蛋花汤,禁不住的皱了皱眉头,低声道:“在义和国杀人居然那么简单,根本就无人过问的吗?” The Qin Yin corners of the mouth raise, said in a soft voice: „The regulation of righteousness and state-owned righteousness and country's, but after the day imperial gate opens, they have established another law about Heavenly Book, person who has Heavenly Book preys by the Heavenly Book duel, the slayer does not violate the law, Qin resolute was in this manner encourages the Heavenly Book scholar unceasingly hoisting capacity in righteousness and border.” 秦茵嘴角一扬,轻声道:“义和国有义和国的律法,但天御之门重新开启之后,他们成立了另一条关于天书的法令,持有天书的人相互之间以天书决斗搏杀,杀人者并不犯法,秦毅就是以这种方式来鼓励义和国境内的天书文士不断提升能力的。” Lin Muyu hears bottom of one's heart to send directly coldly, Qin resolute can murder the brother to seize the position, truly should also have to issue this cruel law the boldness. 林沐雨听得心底直发寒,秦毅能弑兄夺位,确实也应该有发布这种残忍法令的魄力。 At this moment, Bei Qi Huan suddenly distant looked at Lin Muyu one eyes, he as if has recognized Lin Muyu, but not too definite appearance, afterward, the Bei Qi Huan's vision fell above the prettiness of Qin Yin, is not willing to put aside. 就在这时,北齐桓忽然遥遥的看了林沐雨一眼,他似乎已经认出了林沐雨,但又不太确定的样子,随后,北齐桓的目光就落在了秦茵的俏丽之上,就再也不愿意移开了。 ...... …… Has not thought...... In the countries also has outstandingly beautiful woman little girl so unexpectedly......” Bei Qi Huan can"t help it, sighed secretly, the wine glass in hand has raised, tosses down. “没有想到……乡野之间居然还有这般天姿国色的妞儿……”北齐禁不住的暗暗叹息了一声,手中的酒杯扬起,一饮而尽。 Nearby mercenary Captain Liu Zan smiles lightly: Looking at the attire should be the children of hunting household family|home, if two Young Master want , is also not impossible, this rushes about in any case all the way tired, the so outstandingly beautiful beautiful women accompany about, is not in vain this line. If two Young Master want, the subordinate handles this matter for you.” 一旁的佣兵团长刘赞淡淡一笑:“看装束应该是猎户家的儿女,二公子如果真的想要,也不是不可能,反正这一路上奔波劳累,有一个如此绝色的美人相伴左右,也算是不枉此行。如果二公子想要,属下为你搞定这件事。” Right?” “是吗?” Bei Qi Huan laughs, pats Liu Zan shoulder gently, said with a smile: If General Liu can deliver to this Young Master bed her tonight, tomorrow morning your in purse 1000 Gold Yin Coin.” 北齐桓哈哈一笑,轻轻一拍刘赞的肩膀,笑道:“如果刘将军今晚能把她送到本公子的床上,明天早上你的钱袋里就会多出1000个金茵币。” Hey, gives the subordinate!” “嘿,交给属下吧!” ...... …… Two people actually do not know that their each few words were heard by Lin Muyu's Spiritual Pulse Technique clear. But at this time Lin Muyu and Qin Yin also ate to the full, immediately goes upstairs to go to the room. 两个人却不知道,他们的每一句话都被林沐雨的灵脉术听得一清二楚。而此时林沐雨和秦茵也已经吃饱了,马上上楼去房间。 How?” “怎么了嘛?” After arriving at the room, Qin Yin visits him surprisedly. 来到房间之后,秦茵惊讶的看着他。 Xiao Yin, blames you!” Lin Muyu said. 小茵,都怪你!”林沐雨道。 How I......” Qin Yin was confused. “我怎么了嘛……”秦茵一头雾水。 Saying that Lin Muyu treats a matter seriously: Blames you that attractively, Bei Qi mansion two Young Master of Datangli had a liking for you, therefore followed line of mercenary to conspire to be disadvantageous to you.” 林沐雨郑重其事的说道:“都怪你长得那么漂亮,大堂里的北齐府二公子已经看上你了,所以跟随行的佣兵密谋要对你不利了。” What?” Qin Yin gets angry slightly, grasps the sword hilt of town Sky Sword, said: My this goes downstairs to their color has a look!” “什么?”秦茵微微嗔怒,一握镇天剑的剑柄,说:“我这就下楼给他们一点颜色看看!” Do not impulse, we cannot expose the status.” “别冲动,我们不能暴露身份。” Lin Muyu hesitates, said: Better means.” 林沐雨沉吟一声,道:“还有更好的办法。” „? What means?” “哦?什么办法?” You come with me and that's the end, exits from the rear window.” “你跟我来就是了,从后窗出去。” Un!” “嗯!” ...... …… Soon after, a black vigor attire, on the face deceives the youth of black turban to appear in front of inn, a foot tramples the front door suddenly, vision yin cold the person who looks at the Bei Qi mansion, breaks shouts to clear the way: Is Young Master Li Zhuo who who kills my family, get lost to me, the father of nearby Linzibian you, has to plant comes!” 不多久后,一身黑色劲装,脸上蒙着黑巾的青年出现在客栈门前,猛然一脚踹开大门,目光阴寒的看着北齐府的人,一声断喝道:“是谁杀我家的公子李琢,给我滚出来,老子就在旁边的林子边的等你,有种就来!” Then, he turned around to go, leaves behind one group of people who Datangli stared dumbfounded. 说完,他就已经转身而去,留下了大堂里瞠目结舌的一群人。 Bei Qi Huan look one severe: Mother, young Li also speaks the last words with our Bei Qi mansion unexpectedly, was this is bored exactly? General Liu, having the person to exit with this Young Master, I must Li to know in my Bei Qi Huan hand more than one Heavenly Book.” 北齐桓神色一厉:“娘的,小小的李家居然还跟我们北齐府叫板,这是活腻味了吗?刘将军,带人跟本公子出去,我要让李家的人知道我北齐桓手里不止一本天书。” Yes, two Young Master!” “是,二公子!” Audiences mercenary one after another takes up weapons, goes out one after another, but the inn boss secretly has scratched the forehead, is good fights outside because of this group of people, if in the inn, this pitiful shop must be opened unavoidably. 一众佣兵纷纷拿起兵刃,鱼贯出门,而客栈老板则暗暗的擦了擦额头,好在这群人是在外面打架,如果是在客栈里,难免自己这个可怜的小店就要被拆了。 !! !!
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