AG :: Volume #6

#510: Bei Qi Huan

What, goes to the righteousness and country?” “什么,去义和国?” Qin Yin is startled to sit, in the star pupil is not glad completely: „It is not good, the empire and righteousness and between the country counter- thieves the battle is unceasing, this matter went to the righteousness and country was too dangerous, I did not agree.” 秦茵惊坐而起,星眸之中满是不乐意:“不行,帝国和义和国反贼之间交战不断,这种事情去义和国太危险了,我不同意。” Why......” “为什么啊……” Lin Muyu makes a fist, the Saint King boundary expert imposing manner is threatening, said: Takes my present cultivating as, goes to the righteousness and country few individuals can block me, said again...... Luo Lan for a long time occupies seven palaces not to ask the humans affair, so long as Luo Lan does not get rid personally, nobody can press me, moreover...... If the Heavenly Book stele forest truly exists, we must snatch in the front of righteousness and country's found the Heavenly Book stele forest, otherwise made them occupy completely takes the initiative.” 林沐雨一握拳,圣王强者气势逼人,道:“以我现在的修为,去义和国根本就没有几个人能拦得住我,再说了……洛岚久居七界宫不问世事,只要洛岚不亲自出手,就没有谁能难为得住我,况且……如果天书碑林确实存在的话,我们就必须抢在义和国的前面找到天书碑林,不然就让他们占尽先机了。” Nearby, Feng Ji Xing said: Such that if eternal truth allow Jiantao said...... The empire truly needed some people first one to seek for the Heavenly Book stele forest, but also looked at Your Highness to take the entire situation into account, took a broad view at the empire, nobody was more appropriate than to seek for the Heavenly Book stele forest A'Yu.” 一旁,风继行道:“如果真如许剑韬说的那样……帝国确实需要有人抢先一步去寻找天书碑林了,还望殿下能够顾全大局,放眼帝国,没有谁比阿雨更加合适去寻找天书碑林了。” Commander Feng also agreed that A'Yu does go to the righteousness and border?” Qin Yin panting in indignation is staring Feng Ji Xing. “就连风统领也同意阿雨去义和国境内吗?”秦茵气呼呼的瞪着风继行 Yes, Your Highness.” Feng Ji Xing said: „After Heavenly Book becomes effective, will control the future war pattern, the empire cannot fall after the person step by step, but also looks at Your Highness to be prudent.” “是的,殿下。”风继行道:“天书重新生效之后,将会左右未来的战争格局,帝国步步不能落于人后,还望殿下慎重。” Good.” The Qin Yin corners of the mouth raise, reveal wipe the cunning smiling face: I want the disguise to look for the Heavenly Book stele forest with A'Yu together!” “那好。”秦茵嘴角一扬,露出一抹狡黠的笑容:“那我要乔装跟阿雨一起去找天书碑林!” What?” “什么?” Feng Ji Xing had a scare immediately: Your Highness, this matter also needs to need further consideration, do not impulse...... As Monarch of the country, how can go ahead, what to do if there is an accident to be possible?” 风继行顿时吓了一跳:“殿下,这件事还需要从长计议,你可别冲动啊……身为一国之君,怎能说走就走,万一有个三长两短可怎么办?” „Aren't you support to seek for the Heavenly Book stele forest?” Qin Yin stands up, is supporting the swollen chest, confident saying: Takes my cultivating as to go to the Heavenly Book stele forest definitely not to have any issue with A'Yu Elder Brother together, just like Commander Feng says, I am Monarch of the country must undertake the future of empire, since Heavenly Book is so important, I must personally.” “你不是支持去寻找天书碑林吗?”秦茵站起身,挺着圆鼓鼓的胸脯,信心满满的说道:“以我的修为跟阿雨哥哥一起去天书碑林肯定不会有什么问题,而且正如风统领所言,我是一国之君就必须承担起帝国的未来,既然天书如此重要,我就必须亲自去了。” Feng Ji Xing is silent: That...... That Ze Tian Palace what to do?” 风继行沉默不语:“那……那泽天殿怎么办?” Qin Yin pulls one side the Tang Xiaoxi small hand, said with a smile: Made Xiaoxi replace me to manage the politics to be good for half a month!” 秦茵挽起一旁唐小汐的小手,笑道:“就让小汐代替我理政半个月好了!” Tang Xiaoxi hum called the sound: I also want to go is good......” 唐小汐呜呜的叫了声:“我也想去的好不好……” Feng Ji Xing big feeling headache: You...... Were your fellow senses of responsibility a little good, say the gate to go out informed and experienced, I...... I also want to go......” 风继行大感头痛:“你们……你们这些家伙有一点责任感好不好,说出门历练就出门了,我……我也想去啊……” That Brother Feng went together.” Lin Muyu said with a smile. “那风大哥一起去好了。”林沐雨笑道。 Feng Ji Xing for it illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy: Oh...... First before emperor just before leaving, made my Feng Ji Xing look after good Your Highness, to respect the Qin landscape, now the landscape divides into two, Feng Ji Xing had to lose to the first emperor, now must see that Your Highness take risked......” 风继行为之气结:“唉……先帝临行之前让我风继行照顾好殿下、顾全好大秦江山,如今江山一分为二,风继行已经有负于先帝了,如今还要眼看着殿下去冒险……” Saying, Feng Ji Xing was patting the Lin Muyu's shoulder, said: „The Your Highness security gave you in any case all the way, as for Princess Xi, you complied with the Your Highness imperial mandate, kept the Ze Tian Palace principle politics and control aspect!” 说着,风继行一拍林沐雨的肩膀,道:“反正一路上殿下的安全就交给你了,至于汐郡主,你就遵从殿下的圣谕吧,留在泽天殿理政、掌控局面!” This...... This......” Tang Xiaoxi blinked, actually does not know that said anything rejected. “这……这……”唐小汐眨了眨眼睛,却不知道说什么来拒绝了。 Qin Yin holds her hand, said with a smile: I and A'Yu Elder Brother, if found the Heavenly Book stele forest, certainly will trace to develop to bring the inscribed text, Xiaoxi you feel relieved.” 秦茵牵住她的手,笑道:“我和阿雨哥哥如果真的找到天书碑林,一定会把碑文描拓下来带回来的,小汐你放心吧。” Good, has reached an agreement the matter, do not renege on a promise, I want all flame principle Heavenly Book.” “那好吧,说好了的事情,不要反悔,我要所有的火焰法则天书。” Good!” “好!” ...... …… The idea has decided that Qin Yin has then given the Tang Xiaoxi preservation the town country imperial jade seal, this is one is inlaying the imperial jade seal of gold edge, is very precious, Tang Xiaoxi cautiously is holding, afterward looks at Qin Yin and Lin Muyu already the disguise for the appearance of trade route, then has to recognize, the grievance said: Xiao Yin, since my this time cannot go to the righteousness and country, you must help me play the scenery that can play completely completely......” 主意已定,秦茵便把镇国玉玺交给了唐小汐保存,这是一枚嵌着金质边缘的玉玺,十分珍贵,唐小汐小心翼翼的捧着,随后看着秦茵、林沐雨已经乔装为商旅的样子,便只好认了,委屈兮兮的说:“小茵,既然我这次去不了义和国,你一定要帮我把能玩的山水全部玩尽哦……” Qin Yin does not know whether to laugh or cry: We are not enjoy the beauties of nature, is seeks for the Heavenly Book stele forest!” 秦茵哭笑不得:“我们不是去游山玩水,是去寻找天书碑林啊!” Un, I know......” “嗯,我知道的……” Lin Muyu looks at Tang Xiaoxi, feels somewhat loves dearly, said: When we destroy completely the righteousness and country, a that moment of series landscape, which Xiaoxi you want to go to play are OK. Good, I and Xiao Yin, Xiaoxi you do not forget the practice immediately, hopes I come back your Martial Spirit has evolved is four Fire Fox!” 林沐雨看着唐小汐,感觉有些心疼,就说:“等到我们灭掉义和国,一统江山的那一刻,小汐你就想去哪儿玩都可以了。好了,我和小茵马上出发,小汐你别忘了修炼,希望我回来的时候你的武魂已经进化为四尾火狐了!” Un, I will try hard, you are all the way careful!” “嗯,我会努力的,你们一路上要小心啊!” Knew.” “知道了。” ...... …… Passes in Tian Street, Qin Yin down animal skin soft armor, outside throws over the arctic fox cloak, the hair plate is getting up, is being alternated by a jadeite ornamental hairpin at will, the whole person looks like does not lose gracefully prettily, this is a appearance of Orchid Goose City wealthy family young lady, basically the female family members of all merchants will dress such up, but does not have Qin Yin such powder to carve the jade to carve gracefully. 通天街上,秦茵一袭绒毛兽皮软甲,外面披着白狐披风,头发盘起,由一根翠玉钗随意的穿插着,整个人看起来优雅而不失俏丽,这是一副兰雁城富家小姐的打扮,基本上所有商人的女眷都会这么打扮,只不过都没有秦茵这样的粉雕玉琢、落落大方而已。 Lin Muyu is one looks after the house to protect the attire of institute, puts on a chain armor, outside wraps the working slightly cheap beast fur lined robe, the front is also leaving a family symbol, is riding the strolling in the snow warhorse, is acting as the personal bodyguard of Qin Yin. 林沐雨则是一身看家护院的装束,穿着一件锁子甲,外面套着做工略显粗劣的兽皮袍,胸前还别着一个家族徽记,骑乘着踏雪战马,充当着秦茵的贴身护卫。 Two people mix in a caravan, but this caravan is the team of Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce, goes to the righteousness and country evening Yangcheng of Lingnan purchases the fresh furs, the empire and righteousness and country, although battles, but the business passed through, but relatively speaking inspects quite strictly. 两个人混在一个商队之中,而这商队就是紫茵花商会的队伍,去岭南的义和国夕阳城采购新鲜的皮货,帝国与义和国虽然交战,但商贸已经通行,只不过相对而言检查比较严格而已。 Obviously, the person of this caravan does not know that who Lin Muyu and Qin Yin are, only knows that is two people who Jin Xiaotang fills, was responsible for bringing to evening Yangcheng to be OK. 显然,这支商队的人也不知道林沐雨和秦茵是谁,只知道是金小棠塞进来的两个人,负责带到夕阳城就可以了。 After the motorcade left Orchid Goose City, the sky has hiked up snowflakes, snowed once more. 当车队出了兰雁城之后,天空飘起了一朵朵雪花,又再次降雪了。 The cold wind flap flap, Lin Muyu has drawn the collar, feels urgently the chill in the air, nearby several other protected the institute to freeze trembled, but Lin Muyu was the Saint King boundary cultivated for the resistance ability of expert to chill in the air is not the average person can compare, but felt the chill in the air, will not actually fear coldly, but turned around to have a look at Qin Yin, actually discovered that she closely grabbed the warhorse reins, the small cheek froze red, the snowflake fell on the long eyelash stays above unexpectedly. 寒风猎猎,林沐雨拉了拉衣领,倍感寒意,一旁的其余几个护院都已经冻得瑟瑟发抖了,而林沐雨身为圣王境修为的强者对寒意的抵御能力也不是一般人能比的,只是感到寒意,却不会畏寒,但转身看看秦茵,却发现她紧紧抓着战马缰绳,小脸蛋冻得通红,雪花落在长长的睫毛上居然停留在了上面。 Xiao Yin, or you to carriage in?” Lin Muyu cares to say. 小茵,要不你到马车里去吧?”林沐雨关心道。 Qin Yin shook the head, shouted a steam, said with a smile: I am all right, said again...... In the carriage is the female family members of caravan, I am not familiar with and stranger am together, A'Yu Elder Brother do not catch up with me to go to the vehicle.” 秦茵摇摇头,呼了口热气,笑道:“我没事啦,再说了……马车里是商队的女眷,我不习惯与陌生人相处,阿雨哥哥你别赶我去车上。” Good.” “那好吧。” Lin Muyu said: What you practice is optical system principle, moreover is female's body, is well below me to the cold resistance strength, or...... Comes my arms?” 林沐雨道:“你修炼的是光系法则,而且又是女子之身,对寒冷的抵御力远远不如我,要不……来我怀里?” Ok?” Qin Yin elegant face one red, thinks heart Lu Zhuang suddenly. “可以吗?”秦茵俏脸一红,忽觉心头鹿撞。 Has anything, these people also will not say.” “有什么,不可以,这些人又不会说了。” Un.” “嗯。” Qin Yin nods, jumps, the star fine jade fights the ray of glow in both feets to dodge to pass, the next moment she sat in the Lin Muyu's bosom, they ride a strolling in the snow warhorse, looks at behind several to protect the institute to be dumbfounded, since hurries along after together, this has the outstandingly beautiful appearance young girl to be silent, no one has thought that her skill unexpectedly so, radically is not a delicate female! 秦茵点点头,纵身而起,星璇斗芒在双足之间光芒一闪而逝,下一刻她就已经坐在了林沐雨的怀里,两人共乘一匹踏雪战马,看得后面的几个护院目瞪口呆,自从一起赶路之后,这个拥有绝色容颜的少女一直沉默不语,谁也没有想到她的身手居然会如此了得,根本就不是一个柔弱女子! When the bosom is supporting Qin Yin, Lin Muyu revolution King fights the flame slowly, the light flame strength dense in the bosom, Qin Yin naturally can probably feel the warm feeling obviously, saying with a smile of can"t help it,: A'Yu Elder Brother does not need to lose Battle Qi to warm up for me, this...... This is one practicing of follower, Xiao Yin boiled frozen.” 而当怀里拥着秦茵的时候,林沐雨缓缓运转王者斗焰,淡淡的炎力氤氲在怀里,秦茵自然能明显得感觉到暖意,禁不住的笑道:“阿雨哥哥不用损耗斗气为我取暖,这……这本来就是修炼者的一种修行,小茵熬得住冻。” Un.” “嗯。” Lin Muyu diverges the King to fight the flame slowly, is feeling the bosom Qin Yin body temperature, two people in the true sense mutual warmed up. 林沐雨缓缓散去王者斗焰,感受着怀里秦茵的体温,两个人真正意义上的相互取暖了。 ...... …… The heavy snow has gotten down for five days, when the sky clears, this drew the motorcade of empty car(riage) finally difficultly to arrive under the city of evening Yangcheng, now entered in the righteousness and border, but the people did not have any restraint but actually, the war was the matter between armies, since Orchid Goose City massacred city, the army of empire and righteousness and country's on rare started to the common people. 大雪足足下了五天,就在天空放晴的时候,这支拉着空车的车队终于艰难的抵达了夕阳城的城下,现在已经进入了义和国境内,但众人倒也没有任何的约束,战争是军队之间的事情,自从兰雁城屠城之后,帝国和义和国的军队就罕有对平民下手。 Lin Muyu protects the appearance of institute, is not afraid to be recognized, although the righteousness and country have almost him and Qin Yin portrait everywhere, but draws not like, therefore few people know radically the empress and Yun Ling Hou Chang anything appearance, the bosses of motorcade spend after finally several Gold Yin Coin have arranged, motorcade smooth since evening Yangcheng. 林沐雨一身护院的打扮,也并不害怕被人认出来,虽然义和国几乎到处都有他和秦茵的画像,但画得并不像,所以根本很少有人知道女帝和云翎侯长什么样子,结果车队的老板花了几个金茵币打点之后,车队顺利进入夕阳城。 Arrives at evening Yangcheng again, Lin Muyu the nature feeling extremely, previous time from here leaves, but has a mortal wound to depart, he forever remembers that Ding Xi's that arrow, has nearly claimed his life, but he also forever remembers Ding the Xi's his trust and maintenance, if not Ding Xi, perhaps Qin Yin and exactly less than now. 再次来到夕阳城,林沐雨自然感慨万分,上一次从这里离开可是带着一身的致命伤离去的,他永远都记得丁奚的那一箭,险些夺走了他的性命,但他也永远都记得丁奚对自己的信任与维护,如果不是丁奚,恐怕秦茵和自己都活不到现在。 Following city main road, straight left evening Yangcheng, the following goal was the Eastern jungle of rapid white province, at least must have 35 days of traveling schedules to arrive in nearby Baiyelin. 循着城池大道,笔直的出了夕阳城,接下来的目标就是迅白行省的东方丛林了,至少还要有35天的行程才能抵达白叶林附近。 Outside the city, the communication crowd is continuous, has the merchant, there is mercenary and a farmer and others. 城外,来往人群络绎不绝,有商人,也有佣兵和农夫等。 Lin Muyu progresses to lead the way slowly, said to Qin Yin in a soft voice: Left one group of people, the body has Heavenly Book, is about the appearance of high-grade spirit book, should be the same with our destinations, Baiyelin.” 林沐雨策马缓缓前行,轻声对秦茵道:“左边的一群人,身上有天书,大约是上品灵书的样子,应该跟我们的目的地是一样的,白叶林。” „?” “哦?” Qin Yin has swept one superficially, actually sees only attire of left one group of people very strange, a youth scholar appearance of mediation, about 25 years old high and low, but around him is one crowd of tall mercenary and bodyguards, it seems like it is responsible for protecting his. 秦茵轻描淡写的扫了一眼,却只见左边一群人的装束十分怪异,居中的一个青年一副文士打扮,大约25岁上下,而他周围则是一群五大三粗的佣兵和侍卫,看来都是负责保护他的。 ...... …… Two Young Master.” “二公子。” On a shoulder wears the Thousand-Man Commander symbol mercenary to say respectfully: This time you go on a journey to seek for the Heavenly Book stele forest secretly, the masters have not informed, is some are not quite appropriate?” 一名肩膀上佩戴千夫长徽记的佣兵恭敬道:“这次您偷偷出行去寻找天书碑林,就连老爷都没有告知,是不是有些不太妥当啊?” That two Young Master faces are unruly, sneer saying: General Liu, you have 50 people to protect me, I will pay your enough commission, relax, even if this line has not harvested you also to attain three Thousand Gold Yin Coins commissions, if you helped me find the Heavenly Book stele forest, my in addition will pay you ten ten thousand Gold Yin Coin commissions, therefore, you only needed to hold your matter to be OK.” 那二公子一脸桀骜不驯,冷笑道:“刘将军,你带50人保护我,我会付给你足够的佣金,放心吧,就算此行没有收获你也能拿到三千金茵币的佣金,假如你们帮我找到天书碑林,我会加付给你们十万金茵币的佣金,所以,你们只需要办好自己的事情就可以了。” Yes, the subordinate understood!” “是,属下明白了!” ...... …… Lin Muyu hears clear, fast infers the status of these people, since this two Young Master can know that existence of Heavenly Book stele forest thinks is also a Heavenly Book scholar, moreover is called two Young Master, there is great writer a person of that thinks that is the righteousness and country biggest Heavenly Book aristocratic family Bei Qi mansion two Young Master Bei Qi Huan! 林沐雨听得一清二楚,也飞快推断出这些人的身份,这个二公子既然能够知道天书碑林的存在想必也是一个天书文士,而且被称为二公子,又有那么大手笔的人,想必就是义和国最大的天书世家北齐府的二公子北齐桓! Really, the struggle of this Heavenly Book stele forest will not be simple, the people in righteousness and country's also received the message. 果然,这次天书碑林之争绝不会简单,义和国的人也收到了消息了。 Lin Muyu and Qin Yin look at each other, tacit also progresses, two warhorses speed away to go, knows that their people the fewer the better. 林沐雨和秦茵相视一眼,默契的同时策马,两匹战马疾驰而去,知道他们的人越少越好。 PS: Leaf public micro-signal shiluoye2014, everybody plays the micro letter to increase on the search, tonight 7 o'clock, the group will send a activity, snort|hum, rewards the local tyrant 6 activities, I asked that you did fear! PS:叶子公众微信号shiluoye2014,大家玩微信就搜索添加一下吧,今晚7点钟,将会群发一个活动,哼,奖励土豪6的活动,我就问你怕不怕! !! !!
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