AG :: Volume #6

#509: Heavenly Book stele forest

Night, in the gentian camp Commander garden, Lin Muyu is hand-held the stars treasured sword, rise is looking at everywhere stars, to absorb and tempered the star strength, strong King fight the flame also rapidly to revolve in the body surface, washes after the forest the rain the tempered star strength is getting stronger and stronger and is getting more and more vigorous, the King fights the flame the intensity also to have the change of huge, the impact in sea of qi is even more powerful, turbulent Battle Qi as if broke through a immobilization in sea of qi to be ordinary suddenly, linked up the whole body meridians rapidly, an incomparably happy feeling spread over the whole body! 夜晚,龙胆营统领庭院内,林沐雨手扶着星辰宝剑,抬头望着漫天的星辰,吸纳淬炼着星力,一道道浓烈的王者斗焰也在体表飞速旋转着,随着林沐雨所淬炼的星力越来越强、越来越雄浑之后,王者斗焰的强度也在发生着巨大的改变,气海之中的冲击愈发强烈,猛然之间,汹涌的斗气仿佛冲破了气海中的一层钳制一般,迅速贯通全身经脉,一种无比舒畅的感觉传遍全身! Also breakthrough! 突破了! Lin Muyu the secret joy, cultivates the progress of Heavenly Book quarter article along with oneself, cultivating of mood to be also getting higher and higher, finally breakthrough entered the Saint mark boundary accomplishment boundary, the King fought the flame the intensity greatly to promote a rank! 林沐雨暗暗的欣喜,随着自己修炼天书刻文的进度,心境的修为也越来越高,终于突破进入圣迹境大成的境界了,王者斗焰的强度大大提升了一个等级! Did not have to be with enough time happy that a deep chill in the air crashes suddenly from the horizon stars, the innumerable star light emerge in the body all, moreover is different falls from the Sacred Mountains of China day with burning of star lotus armor is fierce, this star strength has been full of the chill in the air, in an instant changes into myriad stars unceasing crash in Lin Muyu's consciousness! 还没来得及高兴完,忽地一股深深寒意从天际星辰坠落下来,无数星光尽数涌入身躯之中,而且不同于五岳天降和星莲化铠的灼烈,这股星力充满了寒意,转眼之间化为万千星辰不断的坠落在林沐雨的意海之中! Bang bang bang......” “嘭嘭嘭……” Lin Muyu's Spiritual Sense changes into the entity soaring in consciousness, actually can only look helplessly the innumerable ice-cold penetrating cold stars crash into consciousness, creates the dreadful rough sea waves, that spray surged in airborne coagulated suddenly, changed into the icicle all, the good fearful chill in the air, turned into a piece of glacier Lin Muyu's consciousness in the short two minutes unexpectedly! 林沐雨的灵觉化为实体飞翔在意海中,却只能眼睁睁的看着无数冰冷彻寒的星辰坠入意海之中,激起滔天巨浪,那浪花激荡在空中的时候忽然就凝固了,尽数化为冰柱,好可怕的寒意,居然在短短的两分钟内就把林沐雨的意海变成了一片冰川了! In a flash, the Lin Muyu's consciousness as if soon frozen will also be lived generally, the whole person fell into one type nearly in the hopeless situation of death. 一瞬间,林沐雨的意识也仿佛即将被冰封住了一般,整个人陷入了一种近乎于死亡的绝境之中。 What's the matter?!” “怎么回事?!” He is dumbfounded, transports the King to fight the flame to melt the glacier hurriedly, immediately vigorous flame ascends from the consciousness deep place, is contending with the chill in the air of horizon stars unceasingly. 他目瞪口呆,急忙运起王者斗焰来融化冰川,顿时一股雄浑的火焰从意海深处升腾起来,与天际星辰的寒意不断抗衡着。 For a long time, when forest Mu Yu will be soon tired soon collapsed, the chill in the air of horizon stars implication finally slowly melted, becomes strength of the profound wonderful Frost was controlled by forest Mu Yu. 许久之后,就在林沐雨即将累得快要虚脱了的时候,天际星辰蕴含的寒意终于缓缓的消融了,成为受林沐雨掌控的一股玄奇冰霜之力。 „......” “啊……” Numerous breathing a sigh of relief, Lin Muyu is separated from consciousness, the whole body full is the cold sweat, looks like walked general that barely escapes from the purgatory. 重重的舒了口气,林沐雨从意海中脱离出来,全身满是冷汗,就像是从炼狱中险死还生的走了一遭一般。 But nearly in exhausted of prostration, can actually feel in the sea of qi an ice strength to flow slowly, right, was a star strength of Frost department, the Stars Art fifth type refining up finally! 但近乎于虚脱的疲惫之中,却又能感受到气海中一股冰力正在缓缓流淌着,没错,是一股冰霜系的星力,星辰诀第五式终于炼成了! He opens the five fingers slowly, immediately penetrating cold stars revolving around the palm, ice the air/Qi to be dense, the next moment, Lin Muyu receives the five fingers suddenly, immediately ices the strength to turn toward is surging in all directions, destructive power very astonishing Bi Xuehan of Stars Art fifth type ices! 他缓缓张开五指,顿时一道道彻寒的星辰旋转在掌心周围,冰气氤氲,下一刻,林沐雨将五指猛然一收,顿时冰力悉数向着四面八方涌动着,星辰诀第五式的破坏力十分惊人碧雪寒冰! The surroundings turned into an extremely cold domain, in the ground congeals thick Frost, because the life was the old banyan fig that the book recovered germinates also instantaneously turned into an ice tree, „”, iced the tree to change into broken pieces, sections of breaks, it can be imagined, if were the human close Lin Muyu's words, same will die in side cold domain that in Bi Xuehan iced, moreover dead shape very frigid, changed into the ice sludge to perish! 周围已经变成了一个极寒领域,地面上凝结出厚厚的冰霜,而因为生命系地书而复苏发芽的老榕树也瞬间就变成了一棵冰树,“啪嚓”一声,冰树化为齑粉,一截截的断裂开来,可想而知,如果是人类接近林沐雨的话,一样会死在碧雪寒冰的极寒领域之中,而且死状会非常的惨烈,化为碎冰而亡! An endless feeling of weariness well ups, he could not control that many, returning to the room to go right to sleep, only then rested and sleep can supplement the spirit soul strength and King who lost fought the flame. 一阵无尽的倦意涌上心头,他也管不了那么多了,回到房间里倒头就睡,只有休息与睡眠才能补充损失掉的灵魄力量和王者斗焰。 ...... …… Next day, Ze Tian Palace. 次日,泽天殿 Qin Yin adopted the resolution of Heavenly Book embryo auction finally, the chamber of commerce that Imperial Capital three big obtained the permission has been able in Auction House sold the Heavenly Book existing writing the embryo, three big chambers of commerce in turn were: The Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce, seeks Dragon Shanghui, ten thousand to win the chamber of commerce, this also means that the empire no longer monopolizes a Heavenly Book quarter article the resources, but wants the words that carries a Heavenly Book quarter article to go out of town to have the Heavenly Book pavilion and imperial guard permission command. 秦茵终于通过了天书器胚拍卖的决议,帝都三大获得许可的商会可以在拍卖行里出售天书成文的器胚了,三大商会依次为:紫茵花商会、寻龙商会、万胜商会,这也意味着帝国不再垄断天书刻文的资源,但想要携带天书刻文出城的话就必须要有天书阁和禁军的许可令。 The Heavenly Book pavilion personnel are mixed, obtains the Heavenly Book pavilion's permission not to make difficultly, but wants to obtain the signature permission of imperial guard Commander Feng Ji Xing to make that difficult, even if three big business pledges starts to auction Heavenly Book, but the result is the same, the Heavenly Book embryo can only circulate in Orchid Goose City, the final result will be used by the empire. 天书阁人员丛杂,获得天书阁的许可令不难,但想获得禁军统领风继行的签名许可令那就难了,所以纵然是三大商盟开始拍卖天书,但结果还是一样的,天书器胚只能在兰雁城内流通,最终的结果还是都会被帝国所用。 In the afternoon, the Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce has spread the news, will sell three low grade books, seven spirit books and 11 my books three days later, naturally, these Heavenly Book come from forest Mu Yu, Tang Xiaoxi and Qin Yin, they have not joined the Heavenly Book pavilion, Heavenly Book that carves is only itself, can sell at will. 下午,紫茵花商会就放出了消息,将会在三天后出售三本下品地书、七本灵书、11本人书,当然,这些天书都来自于林沐雨、唐小汐秦茵,他们没有加入天书阁,所刻写出的天书只属于自己,是可以随意出售的。 But such one, several other big chambers of commerce somewhat could not sit still. 但这么一来,其余的几大商会就有些坐不住了。 ...... …… Late at night, the palace, one group of bodyguards raise the steel knife to be built on outside the hall in the clouds, but in the hall the candlelight drags, a cauldron is boiling out meat soup, wild herbs that the one side is putting putting into the pot. 深夜,云中王府,一群侍卫提着钢刀立于大厅之外,而厅内烛火摇曳,一口大锅正熬煮着肉汤,一旁则放着一篮篮下锅的野菜。 The Su herd cloud and Su Yu sit facing each other, the one side is another two people, one is boss Liu Xin of ten thousand victory chambers of commerce, another is his daughter Liu Rou, is 18 young girls, wears a purple clothes long skirt, too beautiful to behold. 苏牧云、苏妤相对而坐,一旁则是另外两个人,一个是万胜商会的老板刘歆,另一个是他的女儿刘柔,一个年方18的少女,身穿一袭紫衣长裙,美不胜收。 „......” “咳咳……” Liu Xin complexion is somewhat ugly, said: Rare Your Highness also had leisurely and carefree mood to eat the hot pot here, Jin Xiaotang soon ten thousand won the chamber of commerce snatching in the Orchid Goose City source of income us light, several months, they opened the iron hardware shop, the rice shop, the silk shop wait / etc., unceasing to absorb these strength weak business pledges joined, the entire Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce to has compared favorably with the initial Imperial Capital firm huge sufficiently, now they also announce three days later sold the Heavenly Book embryo, perhaps the economic lifeline of entire empire must be controlled again shortly afterward by Jin Xiaotang and Lin Muyu.” 刘歆的脸色有些难看,道:“难得殿下还有闲情逸致在这里吃火锅,金小棠已经快要把我们万胜商会在兰雁城的财路给抢光了,几个月来,他们开了铁器铺、米铺、丝绸铺等等,不断吸纳那些实力较弱的商盟加入,整个紫茵花商会已经庞大到足以媲美当初的帝都商行了,如今他们又宣布三天后出售天书器胚,恐怕再过不久整个帝国的经济命脉就要被金小棠、林沐雨所掌控住了。” Mr. Liu, should not be anxious.” The Su herd clouds lightly smiled: First ate to the full said again that as for Jin Xiaotang and Imperial Capital chamber of commerce, made them do first, has not related.” “刘老板,你别急。”苏牧云微微一笑:“先吃饱了再说,至于金小棠帝都商会,就让他们先搞吧,没有关系的。” How can say that does not have the relations......” standing up of Liu Xin can"t help it,, the complexion to become flushed saying: Ten thousand won the business of chamber of commerce to be getting more and more bad, this month profit only then last month about 80%, this way, perhaps...... Perhaps we were really finished.” “怎么能说没有关系……”刘歆禁不住的站起身,脸色涨红道:“万胜商会的生意越来越差了,这个月的利润只有上个月的八成左右,再这样下去,恐怕……恐怕我们就真的完蛋了。” Cannot.” “不会的。” Su herd Yun Anfu said: „After three day, the large stock of goods will transport in the clouds from the province, including at least eight low grade books, about 30 spirit books, hundred do about my books, rely on these also insufficiently to make ten thousand win the chamber of commerce to stand up from failure?” 苏牧云安抚道:“三日后,将会有一批货从云中行省运过来,其中有至少八本下品地书,近30本灵书,近百本人书,难道凭借这些还不够让万胜商会翻身吗?” Liu Xin was shocked instantaneously: What's wrong...... How possible, beside Orchid Goose City how also so many Heavenly Book embryo?” 刘歆瞬间愣住了:“怎……怎么可能,兰雁城之外怎么会还有那么多的天书器胚?” Liu Rou is also surprised the different way: Yes......” 刘柔也诧异道:“是啊……” Su Yu said with a smile in one side slightly: Is very simple, the father starts to collect to carve the Heavenly Book talented person in the province one month ago in the clouds, and sent for establishing scholar pavilion in the evening rain city ‚’, gathered the square talented person, now in the scholar pavilion had over 300 scholars, wrote that many Heavenly Book embryos naturally also to be nothing unusual.” 苏妤在一旁微微笑道:“很简单,父亲在一个月前就开始在云中行省内搜罗刻写天书的人才,并且派人在暮雨城成立了‘文士阁’,招揽四方人才,如今文士阁里已经拥有超过300名文士,写出那么多的天书器胚自然也就不足为奇了。” Ha Ha......” “哈哈……” Su herd Yun Qing strokes white beard, said: Mr. Liu, what objection do you currently have?” 苏牧云轻捋白须,道:“刘老板,你现在还有什么异议吗?” Does not have...... Did not have......” Liu Xin to nod again and again: Your Highness is really farsighted, the subordinate admires utmost!” “没……没有了……”刘歆连连点头:“殿下果然深谋远虑,属下佩服之至!” Eats meal, ate to the full had the strength to work.” “吃饭吧,吃饱了才有力气做事。” Yes!” “是!” Was right, can that new warhorse that iron blade edge military supplies want, when send?” “对了,铁刃军需要的那匹新战马,什么时候能送来?” „The northern desert is away from Orchid Goose City to be too far, probably also takes one month to be able, 5000 good colts, will be north the desert great warhorse, Your Highness certainly will not be disappointed.” “北漠距离兰雁城太远,大约还要一个月就能到,5000匹良驹,都是北漠一等一的战马,殿下一定不会失望的。” Good, I your merit!” “好,我记你一功!” Many thanks Your Highness!” “多谢殿下!” ...... …… Three days later, the Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce is similar to the anticipation same is fully occupied, the business is good somewhat scary, because this is first time sells a Heavenly Book quarter article in Imperial Capital, therefore various respected families have almost sent , the significance of Heavenly Book quarter article is the deterrent, some good to fight the ruthless playboys bravely, if the hand grasps the book embryo, perhaps other people also dreaded to him for three points, Auction House also held the poor root in this human nature therefore to be able the business to be irritable. 三天后,紫茵花商会如同意料中的一样人满为患,生意好得有些吓人,由于这是第一次在帝都出售天书刻文,所以各大家族几乎都已经派人来了,天书刻文的意义在于威慑,一些好勇斗狠的纨绔子弟若是手握地书器胚,恐怕旁人也就对他畏惧三分了,拍卖行也正是抓住了这人性中的劣根所以才能生意火爆。 Finally, the rates of three Heavenly Book embryos separately in 230 W, 270 W and 180 W, the price of spirit book majority in 20 W about, the person the book are cheaper, 5 W high and low can buy, but this let the forest washed the rain in a big way gain one as before. 最终,三本天书器胚的成交价分别在230W、270W和180W,灵书的价格则大部分都在20W左右,人书更加便宜一些,5W上下就能买走了,但这依旧让林沐雨大大的赚了一笔。 The auction of first Heavenly Book embryo also makes the person in Heavenly Book pavilion get sick with envy, the treatment that a place gentleman level scholar receives is monthly salary 3000 Gold Yin Coin, but a local book can sell about 200 W unexpectedly, must know that a place gentleman is the output is low, but can always write a local book in six months, a rate of local book on enough splendor riches and honor life. 第一次天书器胚的拍卖也让天书阁里的人看红了眼,一个地士级文士所受的待遇不过是月俸3000金茵币而已,而一本地书居然能卖到200W左右,要知道,一个地士就算是产量低,但半年内总是能写出一本地书的,一本地书的成交价就足够自己荣华富贵一生了。 However, as before these people swarm wants to enter the Heavenly Book pavilion, the talented person who after all enters the Heavenly Book pavilion may confer nobility upon to bestow the nobility, otherwise is only a merchant, the opportunity of forever not having brought honor to ancestors. 然而,那些人依旧蜂拥的想进入天书阁,毕竟进入天书阁的人才有可能封侯赐爵,否则的话只是一个商人,永远没有光宗耀祖的机会。 ...... …… Next day in the afternoon, one row of troops enter Orchid Goose City, allow Jiantao from five Gucheng led thousand to ride to return to Imperial Capital, since having become Governor Cangnan Province, allow Jiantao the majority of time stayed in five Gucheng. 次日午后,一列人马进入兰雁城,是来自五谷城的许剑韬率领千骑回到帝都了,自从当上了苍南行省总督之后,许剑韬大部分的时间都留在了五谷城。 After entering a city, allow Jiantao has not gone to Ze Tian Palace first, but arrives at gentian camp barrack having an audience with Lin Muyu first, after all Lin Muyu this Yun Linghou is the Cangnan Province master. 进城之后,许剑韬没有先去泽天殿,而是先来到龙胆营营盘觐见林沐雨,毕竟林沐雨这个云翎侯才是苍南行省的主人。 In the main hall, allow Jiantao brings three Thousand-Man Commander to come travel-worn, cup one fist in the other hand said: Commander, allow Jiantao came!” 大殿内,许剑韬带着三名千夫长风尘仆仆而来,抱拳道:“统领,许剑韬来了!” General dispense with ceremony, what gift did this time give the gentian camp to bring?” “将军免礼,这次来给龙胆营带来了什么礼物?” Gift does not have, but the bill has one actually.” “礼物没有,但是账单倒是有一张。” „? Any bill.” “哦?什么账单。” allow Jiantao lightly smiled, presents a parchment, said: Cangnan Province within the boundaries mineral resource is very rich, under we prospect vigorously, recently had discovered three profound gold ores, seven profound silver ore and four profound copper mines, the profound iron ore had also discovered several, empress Your Highness has approved us by the name mining ores of five Gucheng, this is the detailed list of this month, we have refined the enough 300 jin (0.5 kg) low grade profound diamond dust, a about 1000 jin (0.5 kg) profound aluminum dusting powder, the profound copper powder and profound powdered iron are countless.” 许剑韬微微一笑,将一张羊皮纸呈递上去,道:“苍南行省境内矿产资源十分丰富,我们大力勘察之下,新近发现了三个玄金矿、七个玄银矿、四个玄铜矿,玄铁矿也发现了十几个,女帝殿下已经恩准我们以五谷城的名义开采矿石,这是本月的清单,我们提炼了足足300斤下品玄金粉,近1000斤玄银粉,玄铜粉、玄铁粉不计其数。” Lin Muyu joyfully: I and Xiao Yin have the secret treaty, these minerals 30% submit the household unit, other remains completely, you deliver to Jin Xiaotang there sell secretly, enriches our funds.” 林沐雨欣喜不已:“我和小茵有密约,这些矿产其中的三成递交户部,其余的全部自己留下来,你秘密送到金小棠那里出售吧,充实我们的资金。” Yes, the subordinate understood.” “是,属下明白了。” Saying, allow Jiantao narrows the eye suddenly, said: Right the Sir, patrolling city cavalry of gentian camp in five Gucheng caught a wave gentleman of wandering about destitute rivers and lakes recently.” 说着,许剑韬忽地一眯眼睛,说:“对了大人,龙胆营驻五谷城的巡城骑兵最近抓到了一个流落江湖的浪士。” Wave gentleman?” Lin Muyu is stunned: Some multi- waves?” “浪士?”林沐雨愕然:“有多浪?” „It is not the wave, but he takes to us a very important news.” “并不是很浪,但他带给我们一个非常重要的消息。” What news?” “什么消息?” „The Heavenly Book stele forest exists , a piece in the hills of rapid white province evening Yangcheng West is called in the jungle of Baiyelin, that wave gentleman once roamed about in Baiyelin, has seen these steles, afterward almost by formidable Spirit beast eating, feigned death later that Spirit beast not to eat the corpse to run away. It is said in the Heavenly Book stele forest records some antiquity god articles, is scholars long-awaited sacred place, but in the Heavenly Book stele forest the wild animal runs amuck, crisis-ridden, therefore the without the strength to truss a chicken scholar is unable to enter.” 天书碑林是真实存在的,就在迅白行省夕阳城正西方的群山之中一片叫做白叶林的丛林里,那浪士曾经流浪到了白叶林里,见过那些石碑,随后差点就被一头强大的灵兽给吃了,装死之后那灵兽不吃尸体才逃了出来。据说天书碑林里记载着一些上古神文,是文士们梦寐以求的圣地,但天书碑林里野兽横行,危机四伏,所以手无缚鸡之力的文士根本就无法进入。” Saying, allow Jiantao takes a deep breath, said: It is said that the people in righteousness and country's also entered the Heavenly Book stele forest in the secret reserve.” 说着,许剑韬深吸一口气,说:“据说,义和国的人也在秘密准备进入天书碑林了。” I knew......” “我知道了……” Lin Muyu hesitates, bottom of one's heart haggles over secretly, seemed the time goes to the righteousness and country again walks one. 林沐雨沉吟一声,心底暗暗计较,似乎是时候再去义和国走一趟了。 !! !!
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