AG :: Volume #6

#508: Sleepless

Bailing city, righteousness and country national capital. 百岭城,义和国国都。 After a heavy snow, the entire Bailing city as if has wrapped up a white cotton-padded jacket, in the morning, in the city ten thousand smokes from kitchen chimneys ascend slowly, major merchant one after another open the door the business, prosperous. Behind the Bailing city, the iron gate of steel and iron back wall opens greatly, innumerable trade route continuous communications, since the empire prairie fire original war defeats the demon clan Qian Feng regiment, the righteousness and country also took advantage of opportunity to take back Lingnan all cities, restored the trade. 一场大雪之后,整个百岭城都仿佛裹上了一层白色棉衣,清晨,城内万道炊烟缓缓升腾而起,各大商户纷纷开门营业,繁盛至极。百岭城后方,钢铁护墙的铁门大开,无数商旅络绎不绝来往,自从帝国野火原一战击败魔族浅风军团之后,义和国也顺势收回了岭南所有城池,恢复了通商贸易。 In the town southern palace, one group of maidservant lotus steps Shanshan, are lighting incense burners, although is in the winter, but they are wearing the white clothing fine gauze as before, the graceful carriage reveals completely at the same time with nothing left, freezes the lip to tremble. 镇南王府内,一群侍女莲步姗姗,正点燃一个个香炉,虽然是冬季,但她们依旧身穿着素裹轻纱,曼妙体态毕露无遗的同时,也一个个冻得嘴唇发抖。 Qin resolute wore is embroidering mostly the fur lined robe of series emblem seal, launched a paper reel carefully to look at the above dossier writing, the one side, three officials waited with three military commanders in the one side. 秦毅身披绣着大都统徽印的皮袍,展开一纸卷轴仔细看着上面的卷宗文字,一旁,三名文臣与三名武将等候在一旁。 „Did thing, buy?” Qin resolute rise asked. “东西,买回来了没有?”秦毅抬头问道。 The Ji Yao whole body trembles, cup one fist in the other hand said: Mostly the series forgives, subordinate management is disadvantageous, although the thing has bought, however our people actually after Orchid Goose City by emperor ** chases down, whole army has been annihilated, all gold banknote and Heavenly Book embryo lost.” 姬耀浑身一颤,抱拳道:“大都统恕罪,属下办事不利,虽然东西买到了,但是我们的人却在出了兰雁城之后被帝**追杀,全军覆灭,所有的金票和天书器胚都遗失了。” Lost?” “遗失了?” Qin resolute knit the brows, said: Is which army discovers?” 秦毅皱了皱眉,说:“是哪支军队发现的?” Lin Muyu's gentian regiment.” 林沐雨的龙胆军团。” Snort, is he!” In Qin Yiyan was emerging thick killing intent, said: Forest Mu Yu does not eliminate, finally will become the trusted friend big trouble of my righteousness and country's, oh...... Since were discovered that perhaps empire's control to Heavenly Book embryo strict, we want to obtain a number of embryos again are the difficult matter......” “哼,又是他!”秦毅眼中涌现着浓浓杀意,道:“林沐雨不除,终会成为我义和国的心腹大患,唉……既然被发现,恐怕帝国对天书器胚的控制会更加的严格,我们想再获得一批器胚已经是难上加难的事情了啊……” Long Qianlin cup one fist in the other hand said: Mostly series, it is said three days ago Qin Yin ordered, the Heavenly Book embryos of empire all books in circulation must go to the Heavenly Book pavilion registration, issues the certificate to each embryo, and has established the induction crystal in Orchid Goose City all city gates, once some people will carry the appliance of embrionic energy to go out of town are discovered that they as if must regard as important to Heavenly Book compared with us!” 龙千林抱拳道:“大都统,据说三天前秦茵已经下令,帝国所有成书的天书器胚都必须去天书阁注册登记,给每一个器胚发放证书,并且在兰雁城所有城门都设置了感应水晶,一旦有人携带器胚能量的器具出城就会被发现,他们似乎比我们要更对天书看重!” Qin resolute nods: Marshal Ji Yao.” 秦毅点点头:“姬耀元帅。” Feudal official.” Ji Yao cup one fist in the other hand sinking sound track. “臣在。”姬耀抱拳沉声道。 You dispatch the Orchid Goose City person...... Do four big aristocratic families have response? Since the embryo is unable to carry over Orchid Goose City, that also can only lead the live person to go out of town the righteousness and country works.” “你派往兰雁城的人……四大世家是否都有回应?既然器胚无法带出兰雁城,那也只能带着活人出城来义和国效力了。” Has.” The muscle on Ji Yao face shivers slightly, said: Zhongwang Residence, Qin Yong was loyal and devoted to the empire, categorically has rejected the invitation of righteousness and country's, Ji Residence was seven sea king Tang Lan influences, Ji Lin was honored as the Heavenly Book pavilion manages affairs, the drinking to the dregs favor, is not willing to come to the righteousness and country decidedly, as for Liu Residence, our people just entered the mansion, came out by their two Young Master Liu Fenggan, was really irritating, is Ouyang mansion that might be able to draw, Ouyang corrupt benefitted, but in the Heavenly Book pavilion actually under other three big aristocratic families, therefore continuously intention hate.” “有。”姬耀脸上的肌肉微微颤抖,道:“忠王府,秦雍一家对帝国忠心耿耿,断然拒绝了义和国的邀请,姬府是七海王唐澜的势力,姬林又被尊为天书阁掌事,享尽恩宠,断然也不愿意来义和国,至于柳府,我们的人刚刚进入府邸,就被他们的二公子柳枫赶出来了,实在恼人,唯一有可能拉得动的便是欧阳府了,欧阳一家贪慕名利,但在天书阁却又在其余三大世家之下,所以一直心怀怨恨。” Qin Yimi pair of Eagle Eye, was saying lightly: Then on allow by the high office and high pay, probes Ouyang family|home.” 秦毅眯着一双鹰眼,淡淡道:“那就许以高官厚禄,试探一下欧阳家。” Mostly the series can give the feudal official...... Is what bait?” “大都统能给臣的……是什么样的诱饵?” So long as Ouyang Bao is willing whole family to come to righteousness and country, then grants the status of his duke, seals ten thousand households, the generation inherits, in addition, gives five surely Gold Yin Coin settling down fees again.” “只要欧阳豹愿意举家来义和国,便赐予他公爵的身份,封万户,世代承继,此外,再予以五千万金茵币的安家资费。” Day......” Ji Yao stunned opening mouth close to, said: 50 million, were too whether many?” “天啊……”姬耀愕然的张了张嘴巴,道:“50000000,是否太多了?” Many?” Qin resolute said lightly: „The Heavenly Book aristocratic family of righteousness and country's, only then a Bei Qi mansion, the talented person were too few, if Ouyang Shijia can come to Lingnan...... Snort, I will ask please Saint Realm expert of seven palaces to protect them the antiquity god article that goes to the Heavenly Book stele forest to seek to be lost, can certainly write Heavenly Book by the Heavenly Book intelligence of Ouyang family|home at one fell swoop even is the god book, when the time comes...... What worried that the empire doesn't submit to us?” “多吗?”秦毅淡淡道:“义和国的天书世家只有一个北齐府,人才太少了,如果欧阳世家能来岭南……哼,我会求请七界宫的圣域强者保护他们去天书碑林里寻找失传的上古神文,以欧阳家的天书资质一定能一举写出天书甚至是神书,到时候……何愁帝国不臣服于我们?” Mostly the series says the Heavenly Book stele forest?” Long Qianlin has been startled being startled, said: „The Heavenly Book stele forest is in Baiyelin in remote mountain, it is said in Baiyelin ferocious beast runs amuck, is being guarded by the ominous beasts of dozens head ten thousand years of lives, in addition, it is said in the Heavenly Book stele forest also has some recluse to hide there cultivates, the ominous beast or the recluse, are very perhaps formidabe . Moreover the Heavenly Book stele forest is only the several thousand years ago fables, has really does not know, no person has seen, in Baiyelin the bad risk, was already listed as the restricted area by the empire.” “大都统是说天书碑林吗?”龙千林怔了怔,道:“天书碑林处于深山之中的白叶林内,据说白叶林内猛兽横行,由数十头上万年寿命的凶兽镇守着,除此之外,据说天书碑林里还有一些‘隐者’藏在那里修炼,不论是凶兽还是隐者,恐怕都很难对付,况且天书碑林只是数万年前的传说,真的有没有都不知道,也从来没有人见过,白叶林里凶险,早就被帝国列为禁地了。” Qin Yidao: These I know, but the day imperial gate reopens, the Heavenly Book stele forest again present world is also the imperative matter, uses the strength that all we can use to seek for the Heavenly Book stele forest, this matter gave you to manage, Marshal Ji Yao!” 秦毅道:“这些我都知道,但天御之门重开,天书碑林重新现世也是势在必行之事,动用一切我们能动用的力量寻找到天书碑林,这件事就交给你来办了,姬耀元帅!” The Ji Yao whole body trembles, cup one fist in the other hand said: Subordinate did not certainly lose mostly series to look, found the Heavenly Book stele forest, traced to develop all inscribed texts, brought back to the righteousness and country!” 姬耀浑身一颤,抱拳道:“属下一定不负大都统所望,找到天书碑林,描拓下所有的碑文,带回义和国来!” Good, immediately convenes the manpower to manage . Moreover, do not disclose this matter, cannot empire to know.” “好,马上召集人手去办吧,另外,不要声张这件事,更不能让帝国的人知道。” Yes!” “是!” Ji Yao cup one fist in the other hand, Nono draws back. 姬耀抱拳,诺诺而退。 Qin resolute went to Long Qianlin the vision, said: Dragon is graceful, demon clan recent trend how?” 秦毅将目光投向了龙千林,道:“龙帅,魔族最近的动向如何了?” Long Qianlin said: Qian Feng and thunder to two big regiments both returned to Lingbei, the Qian Feng regiment to be dormant in the winter frost city, the thunder guards east Cangnan Province to the regiment the boundary, faces one another with the army of empire steel and iron back wall distantly, in a short time should not have the war, the scout who we send out inquires some news, the Qian Feng regiment is accelerating the supplies armor demon the quantity, every day can see that a number of armor demon armies come out from the exceedingly high canyon, but our people do not dare to enter the exceedingly high canyon, as long as enters the exceedingly high canyon humanity, died.” 龙千林道:“浅风、雷冲两大军团都已经回到了岭北,浅风军团蛰伏在冬霜城内,雷冲军团镇守苍南行省东境,与帝国钢铁护墙的军队遥遥相望,短时间内应该不会有大战,我们派出的探子打探到一些消息,浅风军团正在加速补给甲魔的数量,每天都能看到一批甲魔军队从通天峡中出来,但我们的人不敢进入通天峡,但凡进入通天峡的人类,都死了。” This...... Does not know that demon clan is up to mischief!” Qin resolute gently the palm according to the table, said: We must early make the plan, was right, how did your arrow box study?” “这样啊……不知道魔族在搞什么鬼!”秦毅轻轻的将手掌按在桌案上,道:“我们应当早作打算,对了,你的箭箱研究得怎么样了?” We disassemble the arrow box that the empire has used, after careful research, the people of weapon division have developed the new arrow box, moreover performs to improve the later firing distance to be bigger, the lethality is stronger, at present the weapon division forging, is believing fully , before the next war starts, we at least can have 1000 arrow boxes, please mostly the series feel relieved.” “我们拆开了帝国所用的箭箱,仔细研究之后,兵器司的人已经研制出了新的箭箱,而且加以改良之后射程更大,杀伤力更强,目前兵器司正在全力铸造,相信等到下一次战争发动之前,我们至少能拥有1000架箭箱,请大都统放心。” Un, the wire rope series horse must step up to drill.” “嗯,还有,铁索连环马也要加紧操练。” But, our wire rope series horses do not have the superiority to the demon clan armor demon regiment, mostly the series......” the Long Qianlin doubt said: Why can also continue to drill this tactical rules?” “可是,我们的铁索连环马对魔族甲魔军团根本毫无优势可言啊,大都统……”龙千林狐疑道:“为何还要继续操练这种战法?” In Qin Yiyan full was none remaining, said: Dragon is graceful, we must early make the plan, after the demon clan perishes, if by the wire rope series horse the heavy cavalry decisive battle of tactical rules and empire, you thinks how?” 秦毅眼中满是精光,道:“龙帅啊,我们应当早作打算,魔族灭亡之后,若是以铁索连环马战法与帝国的重骑兵决战,你觉得如何?” Long Qianlin can"t help it, is somewhat dejected, said: Mostly does the series want to extinguish empire?” 龙千林禁不住有些颓然,道:“大都统还是想灭帝国吗?” Naturally.” “当然。” Qin Yikao on behind throne chair, long breathing a sigh of relief, said: Qin Yin and Lin Muyu, Feng Ji Xing do not die, I do not rest steadfastly, the dragon leads you certainly not to have the feeling excessively sleepless pain.” 秦毅靠在身后的王座座椅上,悠悠的舒了口气,说:“秦茵、林沐雨、风继行不死,我睡不踏实啊,龙帅你一定没有感受过夜不能寐的痛苦。” Long Qianlin: „......” 龙千林:“……” ...... …… In an instant for half a month passes. 转眼半个月过去。 Orchid Goose City, heavy snow first clear, is one year of Upper Sunset Festival, after the people have a good time together, in the Ze Tian Palace rear palace has ignited four warming stoves, during warm feeling is dense, maidservant static standing of court lady and in Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi behind, not looking askance is serving. 兰雁城,大雪初晴,又是一年上夕节,与民同乐之后,泽天殿的后殿之中燃起了四座暖炉,一阵暖意氤氲其间,一个个女官和侍女静静的站立在秦茵唐小汐身后,目不斜视的侍候着。 Brushes!” “刷!” The green ray shoots up to the sky from the dagger embryo in Qin Yin together, according to the ray intensity graduation, is quite gloomy, should be the low grade person book, but Qin Yin was excited to jump soon, is joyous: Book in circulation...... Xiaoxi, my book in circulation!” 一道青色光芒从秦茵手里的匕首器胚上冲天而起,按照光芒强度分级,比较暗淡,应该是下品人书,但秦茵已经激动得快要跳起来了,欢悦道:“成书了……小汐,我成书了!” Yes!” “是啊!” The Tang Xiaoxi also same cheek is much more excited, said: „The Xiao Yin book in circulation, I should also be quick, should be!” 唐小汐也一样脸蛋激动得通红,笑着说:“小茵都成书了,我也应该快了吧,应该是!” Saying, Tang Xiaoxi was wielding spirit pen, fast on a shield flying of dragons and dancing of phoenixes writes a god article, this Duan Shenwen mark was her mechanical memorizing gets down, was really not from infancy to maturity easy regarding not quite Tang Xiaoxi of hobby study, after writing god article, Tang Xiaoxi was startled suddenly, in consciousness emerged flame, although the flame was quite weak, but entered the mood eventually! 说着,唐小汐挥动灵笔,飞快的在一面盾牌上龙飞凤舞的写着一段神文,这段神文的符号都是她死记硬背下来的,对于从小到大就不太爱好学习的唐小汐来说着实不易,就在书写完神文之后,忽地唐小汐怔住了,意海之中涌现出一道道火焰来,虽然火焰比较微弱,但终究还是进入了心境! Brushes!” “刷!” Also is the light cyan ray shoots up to the sky together, this was Ze Tian Palace today the strength of second inspiring world, Tang Xiaoxi also same book in circulation, although as before was a low grade person book, in all Heavenly Book the book of most dish, but has gone bad this Princess happily. 又是一道淡青色光芒冲天而起,这是泽天殿今天第二次引动天地之力了,唐小汐也一样成书了,虽然依旧是一本下品人书,所有天书之中最菜的书,但已经把这位郡主高兴坏了。 Mu Mu, I and Xiao Yin book in circulation!” 沐沐,我和小茵都成书啦!” Tang Xiaoxi rushed to under a rear palace golden color great column in high spirits, has not spoken again, because she and Qin Yin had discovered Lin Muyu how dedicated, in the hand the spirit pen brushes writes the golden god article on a handle extravagant sword, this stingy fellow gave up with the low grade profound diamond dust finally writes Heavenly Book, was not really easy! 唐小汐兴冲冲的冲到了后殿一根金色巨柱下,却没有再说话,因为她和秦茵都发现了林沐雨何其的专注,手中灵笔刷刷刷的在一柄阔剑上书写着金色神文,这个抠门的家伙终于舍得用下品玄金粉来写天书了,真是不容易! Lin Muyu concentrates on, the straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards tighten wrote the god article, the whole person was entering the boundary of heart non- getting off one's main subject, in consciousness the ray shining four directions of Saint pen day photo, every time started to write appears that dedicated powerful, the God's Language symbols seeped in the extravagant sword rapidly, quick, in soon the instance of book in circulation, suddenly his whole body will inspire, Spiritual Sense entered a chaos space, the hurricane at the surroundings dance, nearly in must tear into shreds clothes armor and body is ordinary, the bone-chilling cold cold wind kept him from opening the eye, strong storm was condensing certainly gradually! 林沐雨全神贯注,剑眉紧锁的写着神文,整个人已经进入了心无旁骛的境界,意海之中圣笔天照的光芒照耀四方,每一次落笔都显得那么专注有力,一个个神文字符飞速沁入阔剑之中,很快的,就在即将成书的瞬间,忽然他浑身一振,灵觉进入了一个混沌空间,飓风在周围狂舞着,近乎于要撕碎衣甲和身躯一般,凛冽的寒风让他无法睁开眼睛,一场绝强风暴正在渐渐凝聚而成! Brushes!” “刷!” Together light earth yellow - color ray shoots up to the sky, once more book in circulation! 一道淡淡的土黄-色光芒冲天而起,再次成书了! „......” “哇……” Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi have opened the small mouth together: Book in circulation, low grade book!” 秦茵唐小汐一起张大了小嘴:“又成书了,下品地书!” Lin Muyu takes a deep breath, awakes to turn around from mood, looks at the light yellow gloss on sword edge, said: Yes, book in circulation, moreover as before is a low grade book...... How my this was.” 林沐雨深吸一口气,从心境中醒转过来,看着剑锋上的淡黄光泽,道:“是啊,又成书了,而且依旧还是一本下品地书……我这是怎么了。” This is Lin Muyu the 5 th low grade book that in half a month writes, no matter his how effort, wisp of Fu Xi Divine Power tempered how pure, the material that even uses continually promoted, with the best quality goods embryo, with profound diamond dust, but writes the low grade book, does not have tiny bit breakthrough as before. 这已经是林沐雨在这半个月里写出的第5本下品地书了,不管他如何的努力,将一缕伏羲神力淬炼得再如何的精纯,甚至就连使用的材料都不断升级了,用极品器胚,用玄金粉,但写出来的依旧还是下品地书,没有一丝一毫的突破 Qin Yin sits in the forest slowly washes side rain, the gentle voice said with a smile: Should be the relations of god article combination, the god article combination that we use was simple, cannot inspire the strength of stronger world, wanted to write high -grade Heavenly Book, must study more complex abstruse god article combination.” 秦茵缓缓坐在林沐雨身边,柔声笑道:“应该是神文组合的关系,我们所用的神文组合都非常简单,引动不了更强的天地之力,想要写出更高品天书,就必须要学习更加复杂深奥的神文组合。” Un, yes......” “嗯,是啊……” Lin Muyu receives long sword slowly, asked: Which goes to study a wiser piece?” 林沐雨缓缓收起长剑,问道:“可是去哪儿学习更高明的段子呢?” I do not know, on continent a majority of Heavenly Book quarter article and god book carved the article to be lost......” “我也不知道,大陆上大部分的天书刻文、神书刻文都已经失传了……” !! !!
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