AG :: Volume #6

#507: Vindicates the heart mark

In Ze Tian Palace, brilliantly illuminated, many people, Tang Lan and Su Muyun, Xiang Yu, Feng Ji Xing and the others also. 泽天殿内,灯火通明,不少人都在,唐澜、苏牧云、项彧风继行等人也都在。 Yun Linghou has an audience with!” “云翎侯觐见!” The courtier outside palace shouts loudly, then shouts: Liu Residence Liu Heng, Liu Feng, Liu Ying seek an interview!” 殿外的侍臣大声喊道,接着又喊道:“柳府柳衡、柳枫、柳滢求见!” Lin Muyu walked with long hurried strides, arrives at side Feng Ji Xing to stand firm, the custom of empire is official one row, military commander one row, the Lin Muyu's status and Feng Ji Xing and Xiang Yu they with are the emperors ** is highest, therefore stands between Feng Ji Xing and Xiang Yu. 林沐雨大步流星的走了进去,来到风继行身边站定,帝国的规矩就是文臣一列,武将一列,林沐雨的身份地位与风继行项彧两人同为帝**中最高,所以就站在风继行项彧之间。 Rain Commander came.” “雨统领来了。” Qin Yin stands up, said with a smile: Ji illustrious illicit intercourse righteousness and country, sell are many this Heavenly Book quarter writing Qipei to the person in righteousness and country's, was lucky that rain Commander captures makes the empire exempt to lose these Heavenly Book risks, but, Ji illustrious obtained Gold Yin Coin stolen goods still, me read surely in the gentian regiment capture and investigate Ji to be illustrious, died in battle in the face that many people need to comfort and aid a bereaved family, decided that bestowed Lin Muyu and gentian regiment this Gold Yin Coin surely, to do the capital to urge! Looks at empire everybody such as rain Commander to be ordinary, can take the empire interests as first.” 秦茵站起身,笑着说道:“姬昭私通义和国,出售多本天书刻文器胚给义和国的人,多亏雨统领抓获才让帝国免去损失这些天书的风险,不过,姬昭所得的一千万金茵币的贼赃还在,我念在龙胆军团擒获、查处姬昭有功,又战死多人需要抚恤的情面上,决定将这一千万金茵币赐给林沐雨与龙胆军团,以作资励!望帝国人人都如雨统领一般,能够以帝国利益为先。” The people stare, everybody knows that the empress favors Lin Muyu, but such favors, is too flagrant! 众人都是一愣,大家都知道女帝偏袒林沐雨,但这么偏袒,也太明目张胆啦! Tang Lan hurried cup one fist in the other hand salutes saying: Your Highness three think, this surely Gold Yin Coin is not the small digit . Moreover the state treasury is void at present, various aspects need Gold Yin Coin, to grant completely to the gentian regiment, perhaps will make other army corps Commander heart have to refuse to accept!” 唐澜急忙抱拳施礼道:“殿下三思,这一千万金茵币不是小数字,况且目前国库空虚,各方面都需要金茵币,全部赏赐给龙胆军团,恐怕会让别的兵团统领心有不服啊!” Immediately, Tang Family many Commander one after another cup one fist in the other hand, indicated to refuse to accept! 顿时,唐家不少统领纷纷抱拳,表示不服! But Su Muyun also knitting the brows head, but has not spoken, above deliberation hall he no longer has basically intervened the Qin Yin decision-making, after all has Lin Muyu, Feng Ji Xing these people, even if the intervention does not have what egg to use. 而苏牧云也皱了皱眉头,但没有说话,朝堂之上他已经基本上不再干预秦茵的决策了,毕竟有林沐雨、风继行这些人在,就算是干预也并没有什么卵用。 ...... …… Qin Yin hesitates, said with a smile: Seven sea king Your Highness said is extremely, that...... Grants to gentian regiment 990 ten thousand Gold Yin Coin, extracts 100,000, divided granting to Commander of major regiments, as reward that the people dedicated!” 秦茵沉吟一声,笑道:“七海王殿下所言极是,那么……就赏赐给龙胆军团990万金茵币吧,抽取100000,分了给赏赐给各大军团的统领,作为众人尽忠职守的奖励!” Tang Lan: „......” 唐澜:“……” Qin Yin holds the sword hilt of town Sky Sword, lightly smiled was saying: This matter does not need to reconsider, my intent has decided.” 秦茵扶着镇天剑的剑柄,微微一笑道:“此事不必再议了,我意已决。” Yes, Your Highness......” “是,殿下……” Tang Lan was not good to say anything again, although he similarly was honoured as Your Highness with Qin Yin, but these two Your Highness the component was obviously different, after prairie fire original war, Qin Yin promoted the trusted subordinate military officer and civilian official unceasingly, the officials who now six majorities are in power were the person of empress, right to speak day-by-day reduction of Tang Lan, naturally cannot be hard. 唐澜也就不好再说什么了,虽然他跟秦茵同样都被人尊称为殿下,但这两个“殿下”的分量显然不是一样的,野火原一战之后,秦茵不断提拔亲信将领和文职官员,现在六部大部分掌权的官员都是女帝的人,唐澜的话语权也一天天的减少,自然不能再硬来了。 Lin Muyu step by step arrives on Kings command, respectful received 99 gold banknotes from the court lady Shangguan Jing moon/month hand, the gentian camp needs to spend money, therefore this sum of money he will be impolite. 林沐雨一步步来到王阶上,恭敬的从女官上官静月手中接过99张金票,龙胆营需要用钱,所以这笔钱他是决计不会客气的。 ...... …… At this moment, Liu Heng, Liu Feng, Liu Ying three brother and sister entered the main hall. 就在这时,柳衡、柳枫、柳滢三兄妹进入了大殿。 Qin Yin smiles lightly: Does not know that what three brother and sister in Liu Residence do have?” 秦茵淡淡一笑:“不知道柳府的三位兄妹有何事?” Liu Heng cup one fist in the other hand said: Opens reports Your Highness, my Second Brother Liu Feng had written in one this morning the book, the light is the principle, hears the Your Highness practice light is Martial Spirit of principle, therefore this local book matches the practice of Your Highness should better, but, only then can play the maximum might in the hand of Your Highness, the Second Brother then wants to offer this local book to Your Highness.” 柳衡抱拳道:“启禀殿下,我二弟柳枫今日上午写成了一本中品地书,光明系法则,又听闻殿下修炼光明系法则的武魂,所以这本地书配殿下的修炼最好不过,也只有在殿下的手中才能发挥最大的威力,二弟便想将这本地书进献给殿下。” „, Right?” Qin Yin vision gentle saying: Master Liu Feng can write the book young, is really may celebrate encouraging, comes the person, accepts the book!” “哦,是吗?”秦茵目光柔和的说道:“柳枫少爷年纪轻轻就能写出中品地书来,实在是可喜可贺,来人,收下地书吧!” Yes!” “是!” Shangguan Jing moon/month walks to go forward, has taken the brocade box, seems understands that the Qin Yin regard, has not opened the brocade box unexpectedly the meaning, holds the brocade box to give the bodyguard. 上官静月走上前,取过锦盒,似乎是明白秦茵的心意,居然根本就没有打开锦盒的意思,捧着锦盒就要去交给侍卫。 Liu Feng stares, the disappointment of being filled with, hurried say|way: Your Highness, I......” 柳枫一愣,满心的失望,急忙道:“殿下,我……” „Does Master Liu Feng have matter?” Qin Yin static visits him. “柳枫少爷还有事?”秦茵静静的看着他。 Your Highness.” Liu Fengdao: „Doesn't Your Highness have a look at the embryo is what? Feudal officials...... The feudal officials boiled for night, the choice finest embryo, carved in this book......” 殿下。”柳枫道:“难道殿下就不看看器胚是什么吗?臣……臣熬了一夜,挑选最精美的器胚,才刻成了这本中品地书……” Right?” Qin Yin lightly smiled: Static moon/month, opens has a look.” “是吗?”秦茵微微一笑:“静月,打开看看。” Yes!” “是!” Shangguan Jing moon/month opens the brocade box, on face astonished plunders, in the brocade box is an exquisite fine jade flute, above the jade flute is fluctuating unexpectedly the light golden god article trace, should with the place book that the profound diamond dust writes, truly writes very fine intention. 上官静月打开锦盒,脸上的惊愕一掠而过,锦盒里居然是一支玲珑精致的玉箫,玉箫之上浮动着淡淡的金色神文痕迹,应该是用玄金粉写出来的地书,确实写得十分精致用心。 Liu Feng cup one fist in the other hand said: Feudal official knows that Your Highness understands the temperament, therefore has chosen a musical instrument as the embryo, jade flute quality of material crisp and tender, very difficult to sustain too strong spirit strength, but this jade flute quality of material excellent, under the chance coincidence can the book in circulation, be really rare, hopes that Your Highness likes.” 柳枫抱拳道:“臣知道殿下深谙音律,所以选择了一种乐器作为器胚,玉箫质地脆嫩,很难承载太强的灵力,而这支玉箫质地上乘,机缘巧合下能成书,实属难得,希望殿下喜欢。” Qin Yin is radiant with smiles: That, many thanks Master Liu Feng.” 秦茵笑容可掬:“那,多谢柳枫少爷了。” Liu Feng bows in salute devotionally, said: So long as can let a Your Highness show joyful face, all effort that the feudal official makes have been worth! In addition, the feudal official has planted a different flower of named violet in the garden in mansion, when spring then can take root to germinate to blossom, at the appointed time, if Your Highness has the heart of viewing the flowers, can arrive at a Liu Residence view.” 柳枫虔诚作揖,说:“只要能让殿下一展欢颜,臣所做的一切努力就都已经值得了!此外,臣在府邸的庭院之中种下了一种名为紫罗兰的异花,等到春天便能生根发芽开花,届时,如果殿下有赏花之心,便可降临柳府一观。” Lin Muyu knitting the brows head, this Liu Feng is really colored Young Master, the skills of various bubble little girls simply are leaving about of non- CD, MLGBD, cannot endure, early knows that made a Wei Chou sword hold he to consider as finished a moment ago! 林沐雨不禁皱了皱眉头,这柳枫果然是个花花公子,各种泡妞的技能简直是无CD的乱放啊,MLGBD,不能忍,早知道刚才就让卫仇一剑捅死他算了! But Liu Feng rather looked down on Qin Yin, she was not the neighbor daughter, but personally experienced Orchid Goose City the chaotic empire princess, after was a narrow escape, mounted the throne, experienced the girl of war of demon clan, she has looked at too many too many attentiveness, has seen too many too many playboys, she knows that whose her heart where, understands, in this world was not who to her good on to with whom in together, whom but was likes, on must diligently with him in together. 但柳枫未免太小瞧秦茵了,她不是邻家女儿,而是亲身经历兰雁城之乱的帝国公主,是九死一生之后登上皇位,亲历魔族之战的女孩,她看过太多太多的殷勤,见过太多太多的纨绔子弟,她知道自己的心在谁哪里,也明白,这世上不是谁对她好就要跟谁在一起,而是自己喜欢谁,就要努力的跟他在一起。 Very obviously, a Qin Yin heart had already given Lin Muyu, to Liu Feng this offensive defensive power simply 10,000 points. 很显然,秦茵一颗芳心早就给了林沐雨,对柳枫这种攻势的防御力简直10000点。 Had Master Lao Liufeng.” “有劳柳枫少爷了。” The Qin Yin smiling face is delightful, graceful saying: In the Ze Tian Palace garden the flowers are extremely numerous, I do not need to leave Ze Tian Palace to see the entire spring arrival, therefore not exhausted Master Liu Feng.” 秦茵笑容甜美,落落大方的说道:“泽天殿的庭院里花朵极多,我不需要出泽天殿就能看到整个春天的到来,所以不劳烦柳枫少爷了。” Liu Feng stares, but is not as before willingly, then also said: Your Highness...... Liu Feng can meet a cruel death for Your Highness, if...... If Liu Feng can surmount to write Heavenly Book, Your Highness is willing to grant the opportunity that Liu Feng one time eats a meal alone?” 柳枫一愣,但依旧不甘心,接着又说:“殿下……柳枫为了殿下可以粉身碎骨,如果……如果柳枫能超越地书写出天书的话,殿下愿意赐予柳枫一次单独用膳的机会吗?” Qin Yin has been startled being startled, as empress, some words she is very difficult to say. 秦茵怔了怔,身为女帝,有些话她是很难说出口的。 Feng Ji Xing could not bear at this time actually, shouts at saying: Liu Feng, sufficed! Your Highness is a Monarch, you is a feudal official, I think that you have forgotten leaving of rulers and ministers? Your Highness is Monarch of the country, above ten thousand people, can it be that can your this playboys pursue? Said one again, father orders to expel Ze Tian Palace to go you immediately!” 倒是这时风继行忍不住了,一声叱呵道:“柳枫,够了!殿下是君,你是臣,我想你已经忘记了君臣之别了吧?殿下是一国之君,万人之上,岂是你这种纨绔子弟所能追求的?再多说一句,老子立刻下令把你逐出泽天殿去!” The Tang Lan knitting the brows head, said: Commander Feng, Liu Residence is the Cangnan Province Heavenly Book prominent family, but also looks under your mouth to be forgiving, let alone the gentle and graceful girl gentleman quite gathers together, Your Highness just when the youthful years, the peerless day face is the world rare, although Liu Feng is an official, but is young, adores the Your Highness appearance also to understand, but also looks at Your Highness to forgive.” 唐澜皱了皱眉头,道:“风统领,柳府是苍南行省天书望族,还望你口下留情,何况窈窕淑女君子好逑,殿下正值青春年华,绝世天颜更是世所罕见,柳枫虽然是臣子,但毕竟年轻,倾慕殿下的容颜也可以理解,还望殿下能体谅。” The Qin Yin nod smiles: Billows Duke took the trouble.” 秦茵点头一笑:“澜公费心了。” Feng Ji Xing smiled: Is only...... Repairing of Your Highness for has stepped into Saint Realm, the appearance will forever be stationed, even if crosses again ten years and 50 years is also the present beautiful appearance, Liu Feng, what you are cultivates is actually, in 50 years you already gradually old, but can also can be joined to as pretty as a flower Your Highness?” 风继行则笑了:“只是……殿下的修为已经踏入圣域,容颜永驻,哪怕是再过十年、50年也是如今的美丽模样,倒是柳枫,你是什么修为,再过五十年你就已经垂垂老矣,还能配得上如花似玉的殿下吗?” Liu Feng stares, grips tightly fist, said: I...... I will also start Military Soldier......” 柳枫一愣,紧握拳头,道:“我……我也会开始修武的……” ...... …… A Qin Yin pair of beautiful eye such as the water looks at the Your Highness whole body of ministers generally, said lightly: Sir, I knows that many people worry about the Xiao Yin wedding, is worried about the empire to lack successors, was worried that a Xiao Yin person will be lonely, is actually not necessary, the person of Xiao Yin loving is my Elder Brother, Yun Linghou, gentian regiment Commander Lin Muyu, if I marry, marries him, this matter world all knows, no matter ten years and hundred years and millenniums, even is ten thousand years, this heart does not change.” 秦茵一双美目如水一般看着殿下群臣,淡淡道:“诸位大人,我知道许多人操心小茵的婚事,担心帝国后继无人,担心小茵一个人会孤单,其实大可不必,小茵钟情之人是我的哥哥,云翎侯、龙胆军团统领林沐雨,我若是嫁,也是嫁他,此事天下皆知,不管是十年、百年、千年,甚至是万年,此心不改。” Liu Feng one was shocked, has not thought that own pursue will facilitate Qin Yin to reveal the heart mark before the feudal officials unexpectedly. 柳枫一下就愣住了,万万没有想到自己的追求居然会促成秦茵在众臣面前吐露心迹。 At this time, Lin Muyu spoke, very excited cup one fist in the other hand said: Your Highness...... Since you have vindicated, I must say two......” 这时,林沐雨说话了,很激动的抱拳道:“殿下……既然你表白了,那我必须说两句……” Feng Ji Xing almost spat blood, stared his one eyes, at this time can you also install to compel? 风继行差点吐血,瞪了他一眼,这种时候你还要装逼? Lin Muyu walks going forward several steps, said: Your Highness is Lord of the country, above ten thousand people, the status is honored, if Your Highness is willing with my Lin Muyu in the same place, I certainly not to lose to others, on the one hand, since Liu Feng Young Master writes a local book to give to Your Highness, I just had also written a local book, here gives to Your Highness.” 林沐雨走上前数步,道:“殿下是一国之主,万人之上,身份尊贵,如果殿下愿意跟我林沐雨在一起,我也一定不会输给别人,不论是哪一方面,既然柳枫公子写出一本地书献给殿下,那我也刚刚写出了一本地书,就在这里献给殿下。” Saying, him was taking out steel sword from Cosmos Bag, holds goes forward in the hand respectfully. 说着,他从乾坤袋里取出了钢剑,捧在手里恭敬上前。 Qin Yin throws smiles, in beautiful eye full is the cordiality, grips long sword, immediately a spirit strength in carving the article is surging, the strength urges to distribute, flood light earth yellow color ray! 秦茵扑哧一笑,美目中满是情意,将长剑握住,顿时一股灵力在刻文上涌动着,力量催发下,泛起淡淡的土黄颜色光芒! Book! Really is the book!” Whole body of ministers in great surprise. “地书!真的是地书!”群臣大惊。 Tang Lan and Su Muyun, Xiang Yu and the others frowned, the common people know that Lin Muyu Martial arts cultivates to be unparalleled in the world, but no one has thought that he can write the book unexpectedly, what does this boy have unable? 唐澜、苏牧云、项彧等人都皱起了眉头,世人都知道林沐雨武学修为独步天下,但谁也没有想到他居然能写出地书来,这小子到底还有什么不会? Liu Feng the vision has stayed in Qin Yin on embrionic steel sword, complexion even more pale, the boy also wrote the book to come unexpectedly, although was the low grade book, the life that but was unexpectedly most difficult to write was the book, what background he was, unexpectedly can a Heavenly Book quarter article also get it done in one action? 柳枫的目光一直停留在秦茵手里的器胚钢剑上,脸色越发的苍白,那小子居然也写出地书来了,虽然是下品地书,但居然是最难写的生命系地书,他到底是什么来头,居然就连天书刻文也能一蹴而就? Actually an admiration and joy of Liu Ying face, although knew that Lin Muyu and Qin Yin are lovers, slightly somewhat is at heart disappointed, but saw that moment of book ray she once more fell to the enemy, in her mind, Lin Muyu is in the world the most outstanding man, Martial arts cultivates for the world one certainly, the Heavenly Book quarter article also talent different reported! 倒是柳滢一脸的倾慕与喜悦,虽然得知林沐雨和秦茵是恋人,心里微微有些失望,但看到地书光芒的那一刻她就再次沦陷了,在她的心目中,林沐雨已经是世上最优秀的男人了,武学修为天下一绝,天书刻文也天赋异禀! ...... …… Qin Yin cautiously turns over to sheath sword blade, said with a smile: Thanks A'Yu Elder Brother!” 秦茵小心翼翼的把剑刃归鞘,笑吟吟道:“谢谢阿雨哥哥!” But one side, Shangguan Jing moon/month asked: In that book jade flute what to do?” 而一旁,上官静月问道:“那支中品地书玉箫怎么办?” Includes the Heavenly Book pavilion.” Qin Yin superficial saying. “收录天书阁吧。”秦茵轻描淡写的说道。 Yes!” “是!” ...... …… Royal Court so will be loose, but the people respectively have thought actually. 朝会就这么散了,但众人心里却各有所思。 Lin Muyu can write the book unexpectedly, this has thrown into a thousand jin (0.5 kg) giant stone in Orchid Goose City this deep pool pool of water without doubt, the Heavenly Book conflict originally many, now also confusion even more. 林沐雨居然能写出地书来,这无疑是在兰雁城这一潭池水中丢进了一块千斤巨石,天书界的争端原本就多,如今也愈发的混乱了。 !! !!
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