AG :: Volume #6

#506: The life is the low grade book

In sight of green abundancy canyon, hawk Flying Butterfly dance, a brilliance. 绿意盎然的峡谷之中,莺飞蝶舞,一片烂漫。 In the canyon hears the stormy hoofbeat, the innumerable human armies converge, square formations are moving slowly, over 100,000 people of war is ready to be set off! 峡谷中传来密集的马蹄声,无数人类军队云集,一个个方阵正在缓缓移动着,一场超过100000人的大战一触即发! Attack!” “进攻!” The former armed forces commanding generals have drawn out long sword, is roaring until the loudness of vault of heaven. 前军主将拔出了长剑,直至苍穹的大声怒吼着。 The oppression of the people sound is fierce, cavalry attacks, the infantry advances, in the canyon was slaughtered in an instant with the blood submerges, the war cries shoot up to the sky, two armies killed one group. 铁蹄声剧烈起来,骑兵突击,步兵推进,峡谷中转眼就被杀戮与鲜血所淹没,杀声冲天而起,两支军队杀成了一团。 When the war is just luxurious, suddenly in the battlefield a person held up long sword high, above the sword blade golden god articles has sent out the rich indigo blue ray that shot up to the sky, is the strength of world high-grade Heavenly Book initiated! the next moment, the innumerable hurricanes form in the air, change into the sharp knife blade that destroys the hardest defenses to strangle to death the cavalry group of enemy, in several hundred meters the miserable howling sound links up into a single stretch, even if the sincere iron armor is unable to resist that sharp storm as before! 就在大战正酣的时候,忽然战阵之中一人高高举起了长剑,剑身之上一道道金色神文发出冲天而起的浓郁靛青色光芒,是上品天书所引发的天地之力!下一刻,无数飓风在空气中形成,化为无坚不摧的利刃绞杀着敌人的骑兵群,数百米内惨嚎声连成一片,纵然是厚重的铁甲依旧无法抵挡那锋利的风暴! One after another, more and more Battle Lord started the Heavenly Book might, a notebook book and Heavenly Book, and even the god book is leading this war, in the canyon already was the rivers of blood. 接二连三的,越来越多的战将发动了天书的威力,一本本地书、天书,乃至神书正在主导着这场战争,峡谷内已然是血流成河了。 Demon crystal artillery, preparation!” “魔晶炮,预备!” Above the mountain range, clumps of bushes and branches moved things out of the way, have revealed under pitch-dark gun tubes, the next moment, bang bang bang the sound is unceasing, purple mushroom clouds erupt in the war, the innumerable pitiful soldiers were ripped the fragment under the might of demon crystal artillery, even the directly hit soldier was fired the flying ash directly, changes into dust that falls to the ground. 山脉之上,一丛丛灌木与树枝被搬开,露出了下方一个个黑洞洞的炮管,下一刻,“嘭嘭嘭”的声音不绝,一朵朵紫色蘑菇云在战争中爆发,无数可怜的士兵在魔晶炮的威力下被撕成了碎片,甚至直接被命中的士兵直接被烧成了飞灰,化为落地的尘埃。 ...... …… „?!” “啊?!” Lin Muyu wakes up suddenly, originally is a dream, but the slaughtering scene in dreamland is quite real...... I have rubbed the temples, was last night has drunk to drink, will otherwise not make such nightmare. 林沐雨猛然醒来,原来是一场梦,但梦境里的杀戮场面却好真实……我揉了揉太阳穴,一直是昨晚喝酒喝多了,不然也不会做出这样的噩梦。 This dreamland is really too real, will really be real looks like will occur general, moreover Lin Muyu's also will be at heart clear, once the demon crystal artillery developed the improvement to complete, then along with the unceasing emergence of emergence as well as high-level Heavenly Book of being bewitched crystal artillery, the Martial arts dominant position truly received very formidable challenge, even if were God Realm expert, faced the frightening might that the demon crystal exploded to protect oneself completely? Not necessarily indeed so. 这个梦境实在是太真实,真实得就像是真的会发生一般,而且林沐雨的心里也清楚得很,一旦魔晶炮真的研制改良完成了,那随着魔晶炮的出现以及高级天书的不断涌现,武学的主导地位确实是受到了非常强大的挑战,纵然是神境强者,难道面对魔晶爆炸的恐怖威力就能完全自保吗?未必尽然。 Set out, has washed, the morning matter was very simple , to continue to study Heavenly Book. 起身,洗漱了一番,上午的事情很简单,继续研究天书 Has taken a handle thin sword, the spirit pen writes above rapidly, Lin Muyu's Spiritual Sense slowly seeps in the embryo, relaxed the entire body, therefore entered in the boundary of Saint pen day photo naturally, but this use is the profound aluminum dusting powder material, silver characters appear on the sword blade slowly 取过一柄细剑,灵笔在上面飞速书写着,林沐雨的灵觉缓缓的沁入器胚之中,放松了整个身体,于是自然而然的进入了圣笔天照的境界之中,而他这次使用的又是玄银粉材料,一道道银色字符在剑身上缓缓浮现 The flame, the fierce flame from endless purgatory, Skyfire drops from the clouds, fires all darkness, waves the endless destruction, the roaring flame is swallowing the day! 火焰,来自无尽炼狱的烈炎,天火从天而降,灼烧掉所有黑暗,舞动着无尽的毁灭,烈焰吞天! In an instant, when Lin Muyu finished the last God's Language symbol, suddenly in mind buzz floats down appears the roaring flame that everywhere dances in the air, places, what feels is boundless scalding hot with the destruction, the flame principle is eight **, then destroys, a destructive strongest principle, the pain of this burning skin feels very clearly! 转眼之间,当林沐雨写完最后一个神文字符的时候,忽然脑海里“嗡”的一下浮现出漫天飞舞的烈焰,身处其中,感受到的是无边的灼热与毁灭,火焰法则是八**则中毁灭、破坏性最强的一个法则,这种灼肤之痛感受得十分真切! The mood, appeared! 心境,已经出现了! Brushes!” “刷!” A ray shoots up to the sky, is together the orange ray, spirit book! Moreover judges according to the color intensity, should be in Pin Lingshu! 一道光芒冲天而起,是一道橙色的光芒,灵书!而且按照颜色强度来判断,应该是一本中品灵书! Lin Muyu is wild with joy, finally again book in circulation! 林沐雨欣喜若狂,终于自己再一次成书了! At this time, held long sword in his hands no longer is general long sword, but was a handle had Pin Lingshu the embryo, Pin Lingshu, the life can start 7 times, after starting each time, took about 7 days to restore the spirit strength, might strong in Renshu, but must in the place book, generally speaking be weakly good. 此时,捧在他手里的长剑已经不再是一般的长剑了,而是一柄拥有中品灵书的器胚,中品灵书,一生能够发动7次,每次发动后需要7天左右恢复灵力,威力强于人书,但要弱于地书,总体来说已经非常不错了。 Meanwhile, in that moment of book in circulation, Lin Muyu felt Battle Qi in within the body to be lost much, what although Heavenly Book inspiring was the strength of world, but must take the strength of carve as to direct, therefore carved Heavenly Book was not only the mental ability lives, was the physical strength lives! 同时,就在成书的那一刻,林沐雨就感受到体内的斗气被损耗了不少,虽然天书引动的是天地之力,但必须以刻写者的力量为引,所以刻写天书不但是脑力活,同时也是体力活! Lin Muyu sits cross-legged to sit, Fu Xi Divine Power past in the body week slowly, he is operating the Heavenly Book heart law, is transforming fine in within the body spirit strength. 林沐雨盘膝而坐,一道道伏羲神力在身周缓缓流转,他正在运行着天书心法,来改造着体内灵力的精纯度。 What calcines Dragon-forged Bone Tome tempered is the bloodlines and Battle Qi, now Lin Muyu has stepped into the Saint King boundary, and is Saint mark boundary small accomplishment, in cultivating for on is reaching the pinnacle in peer, according to the heart law practice of Fu Xi Heavenly Book, writes is not the King who Heavenly Book uses fights the flame, but is the spiritual energy in within the body, this spiritual energy is exuberant and pure, then the probability of strength of inspiring world will be also higher, this is the Fu Xi Heavenly Book true deep meaning, just the opposite, in the Heavenly Book god article, Fu Xi Heavenly Book has only given the basic key words principle, as for the concrete god article, kept silent actually. 龙骨残卷淬炼的是血脉与斗气,如今林沐雨已经踏入了圣王境,并且是圣迹境小成,在修为上已经算是同辈中的登峰造极,按照伏羲天书的心法修炼,书写天书用的不是王者斗焰,而是体内的灵气,这一股灵气越是旺盛、精纯,那么引动天地之力的几率也会越高,这就是伏羲天书的真正奥义,恰恰相反,在天书神文上,伏羲天书只给出了基本的关键字法则,至于具体的神文,倒是只字不提。 When forest Mu Yu cultivates the Heavenly Book heart law, that wisp of Fu Xi Divine Power in within the body actually likely is received the attraction to be ordinary, lingers around the heart law spiritual energy, just likes is escorting to be the same, Lin Muyu cannot help but stares, is it possible that...... Fu Xi Divine Power and Heavenly Book heart law inherits, therefore...... Words that spoke, when carves Heavenly Book what uses is Fu Xi Divine Power, how can that effect? 就在林沐雨修炼天书心法的时候,体内的那一缕伏羲神力却像是受到了吸引一般,萦绕在心法灵气周围,犹如在保驾护航一样,林沐雨不由得一愣,莫非……伏羲神力天书心法一脉相承,所以……这么说的话,如果刻写天书时使用的是伏羲神力,那效果又会如何呢? Thinks of here, he could not sit still again! 一想到这里,他再也坐不住了! Arrives at the table rapidly, takes out handle fine steel long sword, in the mind Heavenly Book rune/symbol writing of rapid to sweep past one line of life principles, in the fingers is dense golden Fu Xi Divine Power, the heart is walking at will, fast has written down rune/symbol writing 飞速来到桌案边,取出一柄精钢长剑,脑海中飞速掠过一行生命法则的天书符文,手指间氤氲着一道道金色伏羲神力,心随意走,飞快的写下了一道符文 The life, warm current from vault of heaven heaven, sight of green rebirth myriad things, melted the world of ice and snow, the endless strength brings the recovery of life, saves the sick and wounded! 生命,来自苍穹天界的暖流,绿意重生万物,融化了冰天雪地,无尽力量带来生命的复苏,救死扶伤! ...... …… The Saint pen day appeared according to the boundary! 圣笔天照境界出现了! The mood same appeared, during Lin Muyu's Spiritual Sense places oneself in the brocade is lively, in the world full is the life strength, the adult plants of shiny smooths are growing healthy and strong, the airborne bird dances in the air, the endless life strength is spreading in the world rapidly, caught sight of green the wilderness and desert layer upon layer. 心境一样出现了,林沐雨的灵觉置身于似锦繁华之中,天地之间满是生命力量,一株株莹润的植株正在茁壮成长着,空中鸟儿飞舞,无尽的生命力量在天地之间飞速蔓延着,将荒漠、戈壁染上了一层层的绿意。 Today the second time book in circulation! 今天第二次的成书了! Brushes!” “刷!” Together earth yellow - 0- color rays shoot up to the sky from steel sword, shot thoroughly the roof of main hall directly, the direct impact highest heaven went, does not know that others can see . Moreover, according to the ray intensity, the luster was quite gloomy, should be a low grade book, this has sufficed, the book, many Heavenly Book carve exhausted the boundary that the life has not pursued! 一道土黄-0-色的光芒从钢剑上冲天而起,直接射透了大殿的屋顶,直冲九霄而去,也不知道别人能不能看到,而且,按照光芒强度来看,色泽比较暗淡,应该是一本下品地书,这已经够了,地书啊,许多天书刻写者穷尽一生都没有追求到的境界! Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” The god article on steel sword flood the light ray, is slowly dense, Lin Muyu bottom of one's heart is excited, this is a local book, was not good, could not bear, how must have a look at this life to be the place book might of principle! 钢剑上的神文泛着淡淡的光芒,缓缓氤氲,林沐雨心底兴奋不已,这可是一本地书啊,不行,忍不住了,必须看看这个生命系法则的地书威力如何! He fast went out of room gate, the outside cold wind is cold, when severe winter. 他飞快的走出了房间门,外面寒风冽冽,正值深冬。 In the garden the myriad things wither, the flowers and plants in basin had already lost plant, a not far away old banyan fig also fell out or off entirely the leaf, the deadwood has been dragging in the wind slowly. 庭院之中万物枯萎,盆子里的花草早就枯死了,不远处的一棵老榕树也掉光了叶子,枯枝在风中缓缓摇曳着。 Unmanned, Lin Muyu laughs in one's heart, the palm turns gently, the King fights the flame to emerge above sword blade, the regard arrives, immediately started this place book embryo, suddenly the green ray shoots up to the sky, the endless life strength is surging in the surroundings, the next moment, mysterious occurred! 四下里无人,林沐雨不禁暗笑一声,手掌轻轻一翻,王者斗焰涌入剑刃之上,心意一到,顿时就已经发动了这把地书器胚,一时间绿色的光芒冲天而起,无尽的生命力量在周围涌动着,下一刻,神奇的一幕发生了! The dead wood germinates, the growth sound of faint trace can hear unexpectedly, moreover pot the flowers and plants of withering also slowly take root to pull a tooth, among the moment have grown into tender and beautiful flowers of trough trough, but that banyan fig equally is also slim, in the entire garden just likes is spring ordinary, traces of spring abundant, is incompatible with the cold winter of outside. 枯木发芽,丝丝的生长声居然能够听到,而且花盆里的一株株枯萎的花草也缓缓生根拔牙起来,须臾之间就长成了一盆盆的娇艳花朵,而那榕树也一样亭亭如盖起来,整个庭院里犹如春天一般,春意盎然,与外面的寒冬格格不入。 My God......” “我的天啊……” Lin Muyu is dumbfounded, the strength of book is what kind profound strange, unexpectedly lets the myriad things rejuvenation, what if in this garden is placing is wounded soldiers, should their grief on and these flowers and plants equally rapid recover completely? 林沐雨目瞪口呆,地书的力量是何等的玄奇啊,居然让万物回春,如果这庭院里摆放着的是一个个伤兵的话,他们的伤痛应该就跟这些花草一样飞速痊愈吧? Approved! 太赞了! Lowers the head to have a look, god article ray on sword blade slowly gloomy, after book existing writing , the life may be started five times, this has used a time the sword, four times, probably also take ten days to restore the strength of complete world. 低头看看,剑身上的神文缓缓的光芒暗淡了下去,地书成文之后一生可被发动五次,这把剑已经用了一次了,还有四次,大约还要十天才能恢复完整的天地之力。 Lin Muyu likes completely, but at this time, Wei Chou pushed the door to enter, looked at a sight of green in garden, the face was green: My God...... What's all this about?” 林沐雨心里满是欢喜,而这时,卫仇推门而入,一看庭院里的一片绿意,脸都绿了:“我的天……这是怎么回事?” Lin Muyu has raised long sword in hand, said: Life principle.” 林沐雨扬起了手里的长剑,说:“生命法则。” This is...... Book embryo!?” Wei Chou has a big shock: Commander, you...... Can you write the book?” “这是……地书器胚!?”卫仇大惊失色:“统领,您……您能写地书?” Yes, isn't simple?” “是啊,不简单吧?” Wild with joy of Wei Chou face: Far more than is not simple, our entire gentian regiment few individuals can write Heavenly Book, Commander can also write the book unexpectedly, if perhaps that group of people in Heavenly Book pavilion know this, will be irritated! Sir Commander not only Martial arts cultivates for by far above them, the perception of Heavenly Book quarter article also by far above them!” 卫仇一脸的狂喜:“何止是不简单啊,我们整个龙胆军团都没有几个人能写天书的,统领居然还能写出地书来,恐怕天书阁的那群人要是知道这个,都会被气死吧!统领大人不但武学修为远远在他们之上,就连天书刻文的悟性也远远在他们之上呢!” Was right, what matter do you come are?” “对了,你来是什么事?” Her Highness Yin summoned you, said processing about Ji illustrious that surely Gold Yin Coin.” 茵殿下召见您,说是关于姬昭的那一千万金茵币的处理。” „!” Lin Muyu beams into a smile: It seems like Xiao Yin is the plan to me an advantage!” “哦!”林沐雨欣然一笑:“看来小茵是打算给我一点好处呢!” That Commander we hurry!” Beaming with joy of Wei Chou face. “那统领我们赶紧过去吧!”卫仇一脸的眉开眼笑。 Good, walks!” “好,走!” Lin Muyu admits in Cosmos Bag the place book embryo that this just drew a charge conveniently, rides on strolls in the snow, leading Wei Chou and Bai Yin and the others to directly soar Ze Tian Palace to go. 林沐雨顺手把这个刚刚出炉的地书器胚放进乾坤袋里,骑乘上踏雪,带着卫仇、白隐等人直奔泽天殿而去。 ...... …… In the square outside Ze Tian Palace, actually saw another group of people, impressively is the person in Heavenly Book pavilion Liu Residence, Liu Heng, Liu Feng, Liu Ying three brother and sister, and in Liu Feng the hand is holding a long shape brocade box, inside definitely thinks of any good treasure, Lin Muyu the distant Spiritual Pulse Technique exploration, discovers the thing in brocade box to send out the strength of light world, it seems like should be an end product embryo. 就在泽天殿外的广场上,却看到了另一群人,赫然是天书阁柳府的人,柳衡、柳枫、柳滢三兄妹都在,并且柳枫手里捧着一个长形锦盒,里面肯定装着什么好宝贝,林沐雨远远的灵脉术探索,发现锦盒里的东西散发着淡淡的天地之力,看来应该是一个成品的器胚。 Rain Commander, do you also come Ze Tian Palace?” “雨统领,您也来泽天殿啊?” Liu Ying sees Lin Muyu, on the face is full immediately is the happy smiling face, is a young female student of unrequited loving is likely ordinary, is charming, but cannot bear must greet. 柳滢一看到林沐雨,脸上顿时满是欣悦的笑容,像是一个暗恋的小女生一般,又是娇羞,但忍不住的又要打招呼。 Liu Heng, Liu Feng somewhat are immediately disgruntled, but how Liu Ying is the beloved daughter who the father spoils at a young age, two Elder Brother words she not necessarily is also willing to listen. 柳衡、柳枫顿时有些不悦,但奈何柳滢是父亲自小宠惯的掌上明珠,两位哥哥的话她也未必愿意听。 Lin Muyu nods smiles, said: Your Highness Xuan Zhao. Right, does the person in Liu Residence come Ze Tian Palace?” 林沐雨点头一笑,道:“殿下宣召。对了,柳府的人怎么也来泽天殿啦?” Liu Ying delighted saying with a smile: Second Brother had just written in one in the morning the book, is the place book of bright principle, heard what empress Your Highness practice is Martial Spirit of bright principle, therefore offers in this especially the book.” 柳滢眉飞色舞的笑道:“二哥上午刚刚写成了一本中品地书,是光明法则的地书,又听说女帝殿下修炼的是光明法则的武魂,所以特来献上这本中品地书。” This......” forest washes the rain to smile lightly, said: We go.” “这样啊……”林沐雨淡淡一笑,道:“我们进去吧。” Good.” Liu Ying the thoughts are pure, where will think of that many complex relations. “好。”柳滢心思单纯,哪儿会想到那么多的复杂关系。 ...... …… Liu Feng the inborn rare talent, the talent in Heavenly Book quarter article different reported that may be called the empire . Moreover the person is also long the elegant bearing, already enjoyed Orchid Goose City the favors of these aristocrat young girls, person who may Liu Feng as if be deeply in love with only then empress Qin Yin. 柳枫天生奇才,在天书刻文上的天赋异禀堪称帝国之最,而且人又长得风度翩翩,早就备受兰雁城的那些贵族少女的亲睐了,可偏偏柳枫似乎钟情的人只有女帝秦茵 Although Lin Muyu is self-confident, oneself on the scholarship or Martial arts not necessarily lose to Liu Feng, but others covet their girl, many makes his some uncomfortable. 林沐雨虽然非常自信,自己无论是才学还是武学上都未必输给柳枫,但别人觊觎自己的女孩,多少让他心里有些不舒服。 Wei Chou follows close on forest Mu Yu behind, the hand according to above the sword hilt, he is away from Liu Feng to have five meters remote, such short distance, Wei Chou has in enough self-confident a half second to pierce Liu Feng the throat, snatches before he starts any Heavenly Book! 卫仇紧跟在林沐雨身后,手按在剑柄之上,他距离柳枫只有五米之遥,这么短的距离,卫仇有足够的自信半秒钟内刺穿柳枫的喉咙,抢在他发动任何天书之前! But Lin Muyu reviewed to look at his one eyes, in the vision was having some blames, he saw killing intent that Wei Chou revealed. 但林沐雨回眸看了他一眼,目光中带着些许的责备,他已经看出卫仇露出的一丝杀意了。 Wei Chou is also helpless, cracks into a smile, puts aside from the sword hilt the palm. 卫仇也是无奈,咧嘴一笑,将手掌从剑柄上移开。 !! !!
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