AG :: Volume #6

#505: Development demon crystal artillery

Next day, Qin Yin ordered to think the disciplinary punishment the Ji illustrious house arrest 20 years . Moreover, the Heavenly Book pavilion managed affairs Ji Lin to manage ineffectively, punished by reduction in pay for six months, three vice- managed affairs Qin Yong, Ouyang Ping, Liu Yanjun to punish by reduction in pay for three months, and appointed zither Longjun Commander Su Yu to go to the Heavenly Book pavilion to do an inspection one time every seven days, managed Heavenly Book including and other should the related matter. 次日,秦茵下令将姬昭幽禁20年以为惩戒,另外,天书阁掌事姬林督管不力,罚俸六个月,三个副掌事秦雍、欧阳平、柳炎均罚俸三个月,并指派琴龙军统领苏妤每七天前往天书阁巡查一次,督管天书收录等一应相关的事情。 Also because of this small matter, 'to profit from a disaster', making the control strength of Qin Yin this empress Your Highness to Heavenly Book pavilion greatly enhance. 也正是因为这小小的一件事,因祸得福,让秦茵这位女帝殿下天书阁的掌控力大大的提高了。 ...... …… In the afternoon, in the gentian camp barrack, Lin Muyu the embryos will lay aside, afterward takes out the spirit pen, opens Fu Xi Heavenly Book in the one side, starts to study other seven is the god article of principle, when most lets is the life principle Heavenly Book god article that he is interested, but Fu Xi Heavenly Book also records about god article a series of key words that the life recovers, even many unfamiliar bone-scripts are Lin Muyu did not know that must carefully read the research 午后,龙胆营营盘内,林沐雨将一个个器胚放置好,随后取出灵笔,将伏羲天书翻开在一旁,开始研究其余七系法则的神文,其中最让他感兴趣的当属其中的生命法则天书神文,而伏羲天书也记载着关于生命复苏的神文一系列的关键字,甚至不少生疏的甲骨文是林沐雨也不认识的,必须仔细的阅读研究 The life, the ×××××× warm current, sight of green ×××××, melted ×××××, ×××××××× recovers, ××××! 生命,××××××暖流,绿意×××××,融化×××××,××××××××复苏,××××! ...... …… Conceivable, if can write high-grade life principle Heavenly Book, uses in the wound barracks in the age of war, that will omit many Spirit Medicine Department manpower! 可以想象,如果能写出一本高等级的生命法则天书,那么在战争的年代在伤兵营里使用的话,那会省去多少灵药司的人力啊! Therefore, he starts the outline that describes god article to carve characters, little study. 于是,他开始描摹神文刻字的轮廓,一点点的学习起来。 The spirit pen has fulled floaded operation the profound copper powder, little writes the god article on an excellent shield, the profound copper powder seeps in the shield slowly, had the faint trace profound strength, Lin Muyu the hand has grasped the spirit pen, only thought that in consciousness a great pen dropped from the clouds, the golden light rose suddenly, already entered the boundary of Saint pen day photo, however actually after finishing all god articles has not entered any mood, this embryo was also carves to go bad. 灵笔灌满了玄铜粉,一点点的在一枚精良盾牌上写下神文,玄铜粉缓缓沁入盾牌之中,产生了丝丝玄力,林沐雨手握灵笔,只觉得意海中一支巨笔从天而降,金光暴涨,已然进入了圣笔天照的境界,然而却在写完所有的神文之后也没有进入任何的心境,这个器胚也算是刻坏了。 After writing badly 78 shields continuously, arm unconscious somewhat was sore, wrote the god article to consume the strength. 连续写坏了78个盾牌之后,手臂不自觉的有些酸痛起来,书写神文是非常耗费力量的。 At this moment, thump in knock, outside Bai Yin said: Sir Commander, Sir Qin Zi Ling of gentian regiment weapon division sent, asking the Sir to go to a halfway up the mountainside, said that was the research of demon crystal artillery has the progress.” 就在这时,“咚咚”的敲门声中,外面的白隐说道:“统领大人,龙胆军团兵器司的秦子陵大人派人来了,请大人去一趟半山,说是魔晶炮的研究有进展了。” Good!” “好!” Lin Muyu one excited, immediately discards the shield in hand, puts on clothes armor to lead Bai Yin, Wei Chou and others light cavalry about hundred gentian regiments to go out of town, directly soars the halfway up the mountainside to go. 林沐雨一兴奋,立刻将手里的盾牌扔掉,穿上衣甲带着白隐、卫仇等近百龙胆军团的轻骑兵出城,直奔半山而去。 The halfway up the mountainside, is distanced Orchid Goose City about ten li (0.5km) remote, because the demon crystal artillery is the project of secret research, cannot be known, and might huge, therefore Qin Zi Ling will develop the place to shift under the halfway up the mountainside. 半山,相距兰雁城大约十里之遥,由于魔晶炮是秘密研究的项目,不能被人知晓,并且威力巨大,所以秦子陵将研制场所转移到了半山下。 When Lin Muyu and the others rushed, distant saw one group of gentian camp soldiers are going on patrol, nearby the experimental place declared martial law, the average person cannot approach, naturally, Lin Muyu this gentian regiment Commander naturally pushed directly into. 当林沐雨等人赶到的时候,远远的就看到了一群龙胆营士兵在巡逻,试验场所附近都被戒严了,一般人根本就接近不了,当然,林沐雨这位龙胆军团统领自然是长驱直入了。 Under the mountain, the subtilis stepped on looks awful, the surrounding snow has not melted, actually saw Qin Zi Ling sweats profusely adjusts a pitch-dark heavy artillery with a technical official of mass work department, when sees the heavy artillery, Lin Muyu was scared, gun tube enough ten meters, the artillery place is bigger likely is, compared favorably with 34 armored vehicles, can this everybody use really? 山下,枯草地被踩踏得不成样子,周围的积雪尚未消融,却看到秦子陵挥汗如雨的与一群工部的技术官员将一门黑漆漆的重炮调整好,当看到重炮的时候,林沐雨不禁被吓傻了,炮管足足有十米长,炮座更是大得像是,比得上34辆装甲车了,这大家伙真能用吗? Sir Commander came!” An official reminded. 统领大人来了!”一名官员提醒道。 Qin Zi Ling returns to turn around hurriedly, good military salute, said: Demon crystal artillery initially had the result!” 秦子陵急忙回转身,行了个军礼,道:“魔晶炮已经初有成效了!” „?” “哦?” Lin Muyu asked: What progress made?” 林沐雨笑问:“取得什么样的进展了?” Sir looks apparent.” “大人一看便知。” Qin Zi Ling takes up a small red flag, is pointing to the halfway up the mountainside mountain range of distant place, said: Aiming, dead ahead, packing shell!” 秦子陵拿起一支小红旗,直指着远方的半山山脉,道:“瞄准,正前方,填充炮弹!” Yes!” “是!” Several gentian Battalion Shibing held a pitch-dark sphere to fill the barrel it, therefore filled in the circle massive object that Black powder has made, afterward „, when has closed the barrel, Lin Muyu somewhat was speechless, the principle of this double-bang did is also crude...... However, looked that forging of this great artillery also has certainly spent many times, can achieve these to be commendable in this technical not developed time, perhaps this entire continent can also make such weapon on Qin Zi Ling such person. 几名龙胆营士兵抱着一个黑漆漆的圆球将其填充进了炮膛,所以又填入了一个乌榉粉制成的圆块状物体,随后“当”一声关上了炮膛,林沐雨不禁有些无语,这二踢脚的原理做得也太简陋了……不过,看这个巨炮的铸造一定也花费了不少功夫,在这个科技不发达的时代能做到这些已经非常难能可贵了,这整个大陆恐怕也就秦子陵这样的人才能制成这样的兵器。 Prepares to ignite!” Qin Zi Ling lifts the arm. “准备点火!”秦子陵抬起手臂。 Yes!” “是!” A soldier has taken up the flare. 一名士兵拿起了火把。 Ignition, puts!” “点火,放!” When the lead wire on flare close barrel, immediately crash-bang ignited, Lin Muyu one thump, under foot unconscious backlash one step, as if for fear that this great artillery can explode the chest cavity to be common. 当火把接近炮膛上的引线时,顿时“哗啦”一声引燃了,林沐雨不禁一咯噔,脚下不自觉的后退一步,似乎生怕这门巨炮会爆膛一般。 Qin Zi Ling watches, said: Does not need to be worried that explodes the matter of chest cavity, although has occurred twice, but is because was overheated, now cannot.” 秦子陵看在眼里,道:“不用担心,爆膛的事情虽然发生过两次,但都是因为过热了,现在不会了。” At this time, bang, the Black powder ball in barrel exploded, having the formidable propelling force to install the demon crystal shell of storage crystal delivering! 这时,“嘭”的一声,炮膛内的乌榉粉球爆炸开来,带着强大的推动力将安装着储存水晶的魔晶炮弹给送了出去! Buzz!” “嗡!” The demon crystal wraps completely in the iron ball, flew directly to the distant place, the Purple Lightning electricity strength in faintly visible stored energy crystal was bursting out the energy, but was obviously insufficient from the energy intensity of detonation demon crystal artillery. 魔晶全部包裹在铁球之中,直接飞向了远方,隐隐可见储能水晶中的紫色雷电力量正在迸发着能量,但显然距离引爆魔晶炮的能量强度还不够。 „”, The demon crystal shell fell at the foot of the hill quarry stone, has tumbled out several meters far, but a sound did not have. “蓬”的一声,魔晶炮弹跌在了山脚下的乱石之间,滚出了十几米远,但却一点动静都没有。 What's the matter, is dud?” Lin Muyu asked. “怎么回事,是哑炮吗?”林沐雨问。 Qin Zi Ling shakes the head: No, waits again.” 秦子陵摇头:“不,再等等。” Crossed for nearly ten seconds, the demon crystal shell surrounding energy jumps unceasingly, finally bang explodes, erupts mushroom cloud of soaring to the heavens directly, the bone-chilling cold energy impact affects the surrounding about hundred meters, the quarry stone and vegetation easily accomplished destruction, the impact air wave that has comes all, blows Lin Muyu, Wei Chou, Bai Yin and other military officer cloaks to fly upwards. 足足过了近十秒钟,魔晶炮弹周围的能量不断跳跃,终于“轰”的一声爆炸开来,直接爆发出一股冲天的蘑菇云,凛冽的能量冲击波及周围的近百米,将乱石、草木尽数摧枯拉朽的破坏掉,产生的冲击气浪迎面而来,吹得林沐雨、卫仇、白隐等将领披风飞扬。 Good...... Good strength destructive power......” Wei Chou is dumbfounded. “好……好强的破坏力……”卫仇目瞪口呆。 Bai Yin also dumbfoundedly stands there, muttered: Such strong weapon...... We...... Our also Military Soldier makes anything, there are these weapons to be able series continent......” 白隐也瞠目结舌的站在那里,喃喃道:“这么强的兵器……我们……我们还修武做什么,有这些兵器就已经可以一统大陆了……” Qin Zi Ling gratified smiles: Exploded......” 秦子陵欣慰的一笑:“爆炸了……” No, but also is insufficient.” Lin Muyu shakes the head: „The time of percussion was too long, falls to the ground that for a long time to explode, perhaps cultivated to the high person can the rapid traverse shunt the burst radius slightly, the might truly sufficed...... Moreover, on this demon crystal artillery has not designed the calibration, accurate of shell is equal to zero, the lethality is minimal......” “不,还不够。”林沐雨摇摇头:“碰炸的时间太长了,落地那么久才爆炸开来,恐怕修为略微高一些的人就能快速移动躲开爆炸半径了,威力确实是够了……而且,这座魔晶炮上根本就没有设计校准,炮弹的精准性等于零,杀伤力微乎其微啊……” Qin Zi Ling somewhat is awkward, cup one fist in the other hand said: Sir, the subordinate has made contribution, these Zi Ling that the Sir said some think, but this was too difficult, even if the Sir has given us the blueprint, we must study many days and nights to improve one time, the percussion time can reduce through the purity of stored energy crystal, calibration...... Zi Ling also needs to continue to study the trajectory of demon crystal artillery to improve again.” 秦子陵不禁有些尴尬,抱拳道:“大人,属下真的已经尽力了,大人所说的这些子陵都有想到,不过这太难了,纵然大人给了我们图纸,我们也要研究很多个日日夜夜才能改进一次,碰炸时间可以通过储能水晶的纯度来缩短,校准嘛……子陵还需要继续再研究一下魔晶炮的弹道才能改进。” Un.” “嗯。” Lin Muyu pats the shoulder of Qin Zi Ling, said with a smile: Project about demon crystal artillery completely relied upon Zi Ling, so long as you improved to be able in the war to use the demon crystal artillery, you were the first hero in Qin empire, must be more outstanding than the merit that I and Brother Feng such Commander performed, and...... I pledged you, so long as you improved to deal with the following war the demon crystal artillery sufficiently, I advised Her Highness Yin, asking her to confer you for the feudal lord, even conferred rank and title for the king is not the difficult matter, after all you were the Qin bloodlines.” 林沐雨拍拍秦子陵的肩膀,笑道:“关于魔晶炮的项目就全部仰仗子陵了,只要你把魔晶炮改良到可以战争之中使用,你就是大秦帝国的第一功臣,比我和风大哥这样的统领所立下的功劳还要更加卓著,而且……我承诺你,只要你把魔晶炮改良到足以应付接下来的战争,我就去进言茵殿下,请她册封你为诸侯,甚至册封为王也不是难事,毕竟你是秦氏血脉。” A Qin Zi Ling face is pleasantly surprised: Real, Sir?” 秦子陵一脸惊喜:“真的吗,大人?” When have I deceived you?” Lin Muyu laughs: But, the research of demon crystal artillery must carry on secretly, especially the blueprint wait / etc., cannot make the bystander know that knew?” “我什么时候骗过你?”林沐雨哈哈大笑:“不过,魔晶炮的研究必须要秘密进行,特别是图纸等等,不能让外人知道,知道了吗?” Yes, the development of demon crystal artillery secretly has been conducted, relax.” Qin Zi Ling laughs, said: This afternoon time, scouting of gentian regiment hunted for some hares in the halfway up the mountainside, I assigned the person to cook the soup caldron, since the Sir came, that together did have a dinner?” “是,魔晶炮的研制一直都是秘密进行的,放心吧。”秦子陵哈哈一笑,说:“今天下午的时候,龙胆军团的斥候在半山上猎到了一些野兔,我命人炖了汤锅,既然大人来了,那就一起吃个晚饭吧?” Good.” “好。” ...... …… Therefore, in the evening stayed in the research base of demon crystal artillery to eat meal, when the night fell, Qin Zi Ling ordered to live in the entire fort with thick Bu Longzhao, afterward boiled the rabbit meat pot in the camp, Lin Muyu, Wei Chou, Bai Yin and other group of people have encircled one table, drank to eat the meat to be a cinch. 于是,晚上就留在魔晶炮的研究基地里吃饭了,当夜幕降临的时候,秦子陵下令用一张厚布笼罩住了整个炮台,随后就在营地里煮了兔肉锅,林沐雨、卫仇、白隐等一群人围成一桌,喝酒吃肉不在话下。 Eats to half full time, Qin Zi Ling cup one fist in the other hand, said: Sir Commander, the research expense of demon crystal artillery has soon used up, we cast the iron hardware that the demon crystal artillery uses are hardest Millennium Darksteel, when the common iron hardware is unable the to sustain shell to leave the chest cavity the high temperature, failure are also quite many, therefore spends very huge.” 吃到半饱的时候,秦子陵抱拳,道:“统领大人,魔晶炮的研究费用快要用完了,我们熔铸魔晶炮所用的铁器都是最为坚硬的千年玄铁,一般的铁器无法承载炮弹出膛时产生的高温,失败品也比较多,所以耗资十分巨大。” Un, I knew.” “嗯,我知道了。” The forest washes the raindrop to nod, the demon crystal artillery is the secret development, not in household unit project, means that this fund can only Lin Muyu pull out, but, he wants, after all demon crystal artillery end weapons technology cannot fall on Tang Lan and Su Muyun and the others in the hands, cannot fall on the demon the hand of clan and righteousness and in country's, this point must be prudent. 林沐雨点点头,魔晶炮是秘密研制的,并没有在户部立项,也意味着这笔资金只能林沐雨自己来掏了,不过,他愿意,毕竟魔晶炮这种末日武器技术不能落在唐澜、苏牧云等人的手里,更不能落在魔族和义和国的手里,这一点必须慎重。 Opened Cosmos Bag, Lin Muyu took out thick big pile of gold banknotes, each was ten ten thousand Gold Yin Coin gold banknotes, sold surely Gold Yin Coin that Slaughter God Seal obtained, these 100 gold banknote laying aside slowly on table, Lin Muyu cautious and heavy saying: These money...... Only can use in the development of demon crystal artillery, does Zi Ling understand?” 打开乾坤袋,林沐雨从中取出了厚厚的一大堆金票,每一张都是十万金茵币的金票,正是出售弑神印而得到的一千万金茵币,将这些100张金票缓缓的放置在桌案上,林沐雨慎而重之的说道:“这些钱……只能用在魔晶炮的研制上,子陵明白吗?” Un.” “嗯。” Qin Zi Ling layer on layer nods, said: Relax the Sir, Zi Ling Copper Yin Coin will not bump these money, hands over by the secretariat official registration of gentian regiment weapon division directly, each expenses have the itemized record, the Sir completely may feel relieved.” 秦子陵重重点头,道:“放心吧大人,子陵一个铜茵币都不会碰这些钱,直接交由龙胆军团兵器司的书记处官员登记,每一笔开销也都有明细记录,大人尽可放心。” Un, I trust you.” “嗯,我信得过你。” After having handed over surely Gold Yin Coin, Lin Muyu hesitates, the interest of continually drinking did not have, what now headache is how to do more money to come to research and develop the demon crystal artillery, looks at this stance, wants to improve to be able the demon crystal artillery to utilize in the battlefield, did not pound hundred million Gold Yin Coin unable to take, even if were improves successfully, continued to cast more demon crystal artillery, needed a big fund as before, the conservative estimate, wish by the demon crystal artillery technology Ruler entire continent pattern, must spend over 200 million. 交出了一千万金茵币之后,林沐雨沉吟一声,连喝酒的兴趣都没有了,现在头疼的是怎么搞来更多的钱来研发魔晶炮,看这个架势,想要将魔晶炮改良到能够运用在战场上,不砸下去个一亿金茵币是拿不下了,而且即便是改良成功了,继续熔铸更多的魔晶炮,依旧还是需要一大笔资金,保守估计,想要让魔晶炮技术主宰整个大陆格局,必须花费200000000以上。 However, if can series continent, what two hundred million Gold Yin Coin be considered as really? 不过,如果真的能一统大陆的话,两亿金茵币又算得了什么呢? The new month starts, wishing the little friends summer joyful! Asked the monthly ticket, in the hand to have the schoolmate of spare cash to hit to enjoy a monthly ticket building up the god domain ~~ 新的一个月开始啦,祝小伙伴们暑期快乐!求月票,手里有闲钱的同学打赏一点月票给炼神领域吧~~ !! !!
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