AG :: Volume #6

#504: Off-the-books deal

The cold wind is blowing the flare, exudes flap flap the sound, the small woods had been sphered to throughly by the imperial guard. 寒风吹着火把,发出猎猎的响声,小树林已经被禁军给彻底围住了。 Periphery Feng Ji Xing looks at place a corpse of gentian camp soldier, deeps frown, the anger results on the face the blue vein to break out, said: „Is person who Zhang Wei, performs duties tonight who?” 风继行看着周围一地的龙胆营士兵的尸体,眉头紧锁,怒得脸上青筋突起,道:“章炜,今晚执勤的人是谁?” Zhang Wei cup one fist in the other hand said: Imperial guard fourth regiment 7 th battalion of Hundred-Man Commander, Liu Daren, Sir...... He received 3000 gold banknotes, therefore opened the side gate secretly, put these people to leave the city.” 章炜抱拳道:“禁军第四军团第7营的百夫长,刘大仁,大人……他收受了3000金票,所以私自开了侧门,放这些人离开了城池。” Liu Daren has cut, its all imperial guards of managing punish by reduction in pay completely for three months.” “刘大仁斩了,其督管的所有禁军全部罚俸三个月。” Yes!” “是!” ...... …… Nearby, Wei Chou and Bai Yinpeng on the tray suspends each article embryo, long sword, sword, shield, bracer, the iron boots was having, Lin Muyu examined an injury of next several injured gentian regiment soldiers, stands up said to nearby Chu Yao: Elder Sister Chu Yao, these soldiers depended on you, must save them, try not to make them lack the arm to break the leg, otherwise they abandoned.” 一旁,卫仇、白隐捧着的托盘上摆着一件件器胚,长剑、战刀、盾牌、腕甲、铁靴等都有,林沐雨查看了一下几个受伤的龙胆军团士兵的伤势,站起身来对一旁的楚瑶说道:“楚瑶姐,这些士兵就靠你了,一定要把他们救回来,尽量不要让他们缺胳膊断腿,不然他们就废了。” Un.” “嗯。” On a Chu Yao Zhang Qingli's face is bringing a weariness, she has treated seven to be burnt to the severely wounded soldier continuously, some Lin Muyu quite loving dearly has shaken her hand, said: Was laborious you......” 楚瑶一张清丽的脸庞上带着一丝疲倦,她已经连续治疗了七名被烧到重伤的士兵了,林沐雨颇有些心疼的握了握她的手,说:“辛苦你了……” All right.” Chu Yao lightly smiled: I am Spirit Medicine Department Great Deacon, this is my job, A'Yu you handled the matter that oneself should handle, one will come to see me again.” “没事的。”楚瑶微微一笑:“我是灵药司大执事,这原本就是我的份内之事,阿雨你去处理自己该处理的事情吧,一会再来看我。” Un.” “嗯。” Lin Muyu turns around to Feng Ji Xing there, but Feng Ji Xing looks at each article the embryo, hesitates does not speak. 林沐雨转身去往风继行那里,而风继行则看着一件件的器胚,沉吟不语。 How?” Feng Ji Xing asked. “怎么样了?”风继行问道。 Lin Muyu the straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards tighten said: Gentian camp died 17 people, the severely wounded 21 people, in the book let our buckle that many people, simply was hateful!” 林沐雨剑眉紧锁道:“龙胆营死了17人,重伤21人,一本中品地书让我们折损了那么多人,简直是可恨!” The Feng Ji Xing racket his shoulder, said: A'Yu you are calm first, quell the anger, this matter must from the beginning look up.” 风继行拍拍他的肩膀,道:“阿雨你先冷静,平息一下愤怒,这件事必须从头查起。” Has anything to be good to look up.” “有什么好查的。” Lin Muyu said: In these manpower is taking the embryo is weapons, shield that Orchid Goose City produces, moreover they called us the empire falcons and dogs, can look is the person in righteousness and country's, but how many under this entire day can write the person of book also to have? In the heads of household of several aristocratic families perhaps besides the Heavenly Book pavilion, did not have.” 林沐雨道:“这些人手里拿着的器胚都是兰雁城出产的兵刃、盾牌等,而且他们叫我们帝国鹰犬,可以看得出来都是义和国的人,而这全天下能写出中品地书的人又有几个呢?除了天书阁里几个世家的家主之外,恐怕也就没有了。” Wei Chou cup one fist in the other hand said: Commander Feng, these aristocratic families, the book sell the spirit book of powerful force to the righteousness and country counter- thief, this clearly is the action of betraying country, but also asked Commander Feng to investigate thoroughly the Heavenly Book pavilion!” 卫仇抱拳道:“风统领,这些世家把威力强大的灵书、地书出售给义和国反贼,这分明是卖国之举,还请风统领能够彻查天书阁!” „The Heavenly Book pavilion......” Feng Ji Xing grips tightly the armored hand, sighed a sound track lightly: I will investigate thoroughly, but cannot act with undue haste, the matter of Heavenly Book pavilion was really too sensitive, once waged a war, perhaps will lose many talented people, this was also the matter that Your Highness is not willing to see.” 天书阁……”风继行紧握铁拳,轻叹一声道:“我会彻查,但不能操之过急,天书阁的事情实在是太敏感了,一旦大动干戈,恐怕就会损失许多人才,这也是殿下不愿意看到的事情。” „Did my person die in vain?” Lin Muyu said in a low voice: Words that Brother Feng, you do not look up, I look up.” “难道我的人就白死了?”林沐雨低声道:“风大哥,你不查的话,我去查。” A'Yu...... Do not impulse!” 阿雨……你别冲动啊!” I am not impulsive, but had the traitor, cannot appease.” Lin Muyu clenches jaws saying: I, no matter four big aristocratic family which sell Heavenly Book secretly to the righteousness and country, so long as makes me look up, surely gives them a color to have a look.” “我不是冲动,而是出了国贼,就不能姑息。”林沐雨咬牙切齿道:“我不管四大世家哪一家私自卖天书给义和国,只要让我查出来,就一定给他们一点颜色看看。” Feng Ji Xing asked: What to do do you plan?” 风继行问道:“那你打算怎么办?” Lin Muyu ordered directly: Wei Chou, returns to the barrack immediately, assembles first regiment 10,000 iron cavalry, has encircled the Heavenly Book pavilion while the night to me, prepares the arrow box and bow crossbow, if they want to contend by Heavenly Book, kills directly!” 林沐雨直接下令:“卫仇,立刻回营盘,调集第一军团10000铁骑兵,趁夜给我围了天书阁,准备好箭箱和弓弩,如果他们想靠天书抗衡的话,直接射杀!” Wei Chou stands up from failure to start: Subordinate this manages!” 卫仇翻身上马:“属下这就去办!” Looks that Wei Chou is above mundane thoughts silhouette that goes, Feng Ji Xing face dying embers, said: A'Yu, the Heavenly Book pavilion is guarded by 5000 imperial guards, do you want to begin to the imperial guard?” 看着卫仇绝尘而去的身影,风继行一脸死灰,道:“阿雨,天书阁由5000名禁军镇守,难道你要对禁军动手吗?” You remove 5000 imperial guards and that's the end, I wanted the night Heavenly Book pavilion, Brother Feng you to go together with me, believes that the several big aristocratic families of Heavenly Book pavilion should not dare to act unreasonably.” “那你撤掉5000禁军就是了,我要夜查天书阁,风大哥你跟我一起去好了,相信天书阁的几大世家应该也不敢乱来。” Good!” Feng Ji Xing nods, asked: „Do we need to go to Your Highness there to invite the aim?” “好!”风继行点点头,又问:“我们需要去殿下那里请旨吗?” Does not use, Xiao Yin has rested, making her rest to be good to think, sudden, we prerequisite said again.” “不用,小茵睡了,让她睡个好觉,事发突然,我们先决再说。” Good, walks!” “好,走吧!” ...... …… Late at night, the hoofbeat on the Imperial Capital main road, the heavy snow gets bigger and bigger excitedly, silhouette of innumerable gentian regiment soldier appears around the Heavenly Book pavilion, the flare links up into a single stretch, gentian camp soldier one after another pulls open the long bow by far, aims in the Heavenly Book pavilion, so long as will have the movement to initiate a slaughter slightly. 深夜,马蹄声在帝都的大道上激动而起,大雪越下越大,无数龙胆军团士兵的身影出现在天书阁周围,火把连成一片,远远的,龙胆营士兵纷纷将长弓拉开,瞄准天书阁内,只要稍有动作就会引发一场屠杀。 Bang!” “嘭!” The numerous foot trampled the front door of Heavenly Book pavilion, Lin Muyu, Feng Ji Xing entered shoulder to shoulder, the dense and numerous gentian camp soldier swiftly the yard Heavenly Book pavilion surrounding, sword blade came out of the sheath, rows of sword light under shining of flare flood chill in the air. 重重一脚踹开了天书阁的大门,林沐雨、风继行并肩而入,身后密密麻麻的龙胆营士兵迅速将天书阁的大院给包围住了,剑刃出鞘,一排排剑光在火把的照耀下泛着寒意。 What person?!” “什么人?!” In the Heavenly Book pavilion, one group of imperial guard soldiers raised weapons to clash, but actually saw Feng Ji Xing that firm and resolute face. 天书阁内,一群禁军士兵提着兵刃冲了过来,但却看到了风继行那一张坚毅的脸庞。 All imperial guards, all remove.” Feng Ji Xing lifts up high the Commander token to say. “所有禁军,全部撤出去。”风继行高举统领令牌说道。 Yes, Commander!” “是,统领!” 5000 imperial guards all left the Heavenly Book pavilion in an instant, Heavenly Book pavilion managing affairs and the others in one after another was alarmed actually, Ji Linpi the white robe, in Ji Shang and the others under the crowding around, Liu Residence and person one after another of Ouyang Fu, Zhongwang Residence was also appearing in the square, the snow gets down Chia Tai, but the people already did not have the sleepiness, looks at the innumerable gentian regiment soldier at daggers drawn, they know that certainly had the important matter. 5000禁军转眼全部离开了天书阁,倒是天书阁里的掌事等人纷纷都被惊动,姬林披着白袍,在姬熵等人簇拥下走了过来,紧接着,柳府、欧阳府、忠王府的人也纷纷出现在广场之中,雪下得正大,但众人已然毫无睡意,看着剑拔弩张的无数龙胆军团士兵,他们就知道一定发生大事了。 Ji Forest fast walks to go forward, cup one fist in the other hand said respectfully: Yun Linghou, Yun Zhonghou, two Monarch marquises late at night arrive at the Heavenly Book pavilion, does not know that what happened......” 姬林飞快的走上前,抱拳恭敬道:“云翎侯、云忠侯,两位君侯深夜来到天书阁,不知道发生了什么事情了……” Lin Muyu puts out one to wear a sword the embryo from Wei Chou, said: The book on this embryo, stems from the Heavenly Book pavilion?” 林沐雨从卫仇手里拿出一把佩刀器胚,道:“这器胚上的中品地书,是出自天书阁吧?” Ji Lin stares, said: This...... Isn't this six ring samplers? Why...... Why unexpectedly in Yun Linghou the hand?” 姬林一愣,道:“这……这不是六环刀吗?为什么……为什么居然会在云翎侯手里?” This I must ask you.” “这我要问你了。” Lin Muyu said lightly: Empress Your Highness already ordered, Heavenly Book pavilion all books in circulation the embryo must include in the warehouse, awaits dispatching of Ministry of War, but these several have carved the spirit book, the book the embryo appears in one crowd of righteousness and country counter- clever hand, Ji Forest manages affairs, this matter you know that is how a matter?” 林沐雨淡淡道:“女帝殿下早就下令,天书阁所有成书的器胚都必须收录在仓库内,听候兵部的调遣,但这十几个刻写了灵书、地书的器胚却出现在一群义和国反贼的手里,姬林掌事,这件事你知道是怎么一回事吗?” Saying, he holds up six ring samplers slowly, above brilliance is gloomy, after having inspired strength of the world, the book takes about ten days to restore the spirit strength, moreover a local book life can only use five times, this six ring samplers, although the spirit strength is gloomy, but can see the strength of earth yellow color world as before, is the book without doubt, Lin Muyu said in a low voice: In this book was started, has killed my gentian regiment 17 people, whom these 17 human lives should I ask to do accounts?” 说着,他缓缓举起六环刀,上面光辉暗淡,引动过一次天地之力后,地书需要十天左右才能重新恢复灵力,而且一本地书一生只能使用五次,这把六环刀虽然灵力暗淡,但依旧能看出土黄颜色的天地之力,是地书无疑,林沐雨低声道:“这本中品地书被发动了,足足杀了我龙胆军团17个人,这17条人命我应该找谁算账?” Ji Forest whole body trembles, this knows that the situation stern, hurried cup one fist in the other hand said: Rain Commander, this matter I know nothing, but...... But this book in six ring samplers truly stems from the obsolete hand, I will certainly investigate thoroughly this matter!” 姬林浑身一颤,这才知道事态的严峻,急忙抱拳道:“雨统领,这件事我毫不知情,但……但这把六环刀中品地书确实出自老朽之手,我一定会彻查此事!” Does not use.” “不用了。” Feng Ji Xing walks to go forward, said lightly: We to investigate thoroughly this matter today, come the person, who includes the Heavenly Book embryo the person is? Brings to me.” 风继行走上前,淡淡道:“我们今天来就是为了彻查这件事,来人啊,收录天书器胚的人是谁?给我带上来。” Going forward that in the crowd, a short and stout person tumbles, said: Two Sir Commander, small has nothing to do with this matter, I will be responsible for embrionic including going into storage, other matters I will totally not know......” 人群中,一个矮胖子连滚带爬的上前,道:“两位统领大人,小的真的与此事无关啊,我只是负责将器胚收录入库而已,其余的事情我一概不知啊……” Warehousing detailed list, with.” Lin Muyu said. “入库清单,拿出来。”林沐雨道。 Yes!” “是!” He fast has pulled out an account book. 他飞快的掏出了一个账目本。 Lin Muyu has swept one, for half a month, the Heavenly Book pavilion altogether has included 14 local books, 71 spirit books and 224 my books, quick found this handle flame is the book the embryo in the table of contents of place book, six ring samplers without doubt, detailed that but only goes into storage, does not have a storehouse to be detailed. 林沐雨扫了一眼,半个月来,天书阁一共收录了14本地书,71本灵书和224本人书,在地书的目录里很快就找到了这柄火焰系中品地书的器胚,六环刀无疑,但只有入库的明细,却没有出库明细。 Warehousing will the embryo, why vanish into thin air?” Lin Muyu coldly asked. “入库的器胚,为什么会不翼而飞了?”林沐雨冷冷问道。 The fat people kowtow on the ground again and again: Villain does not know......” 胖子连连在地上磕头:“小人不知……” Doesn't know?” Lin Muyu smiled: Comes the person, towed to chop this fatty, I thought him to know.” “不知?”林沐雨不禁笑了:“来人,把这个胖子拖下去砍了,我看他知不知道。” Yes!” “是!” Two gentian camp soldiers went forward to hold the both arms of fatty, the fatty face was immediately green, when he has seen this type of weaponry, the pants were instantaneously wet, the face whiten kneeling place begged for mercy saying: Rain Commander, small knows...... Small knows...... yesterday evening, the manager Ji illustrious Sir in Ji Residence went to the warehouse, took a number of embryos to walk, small does not dare to inquire about......” 两名龙胆营士兵上前就抓住了胖子的双臂,顿时胖子脸都绿了,他什么时候见过这种阵仗,裤子瞬间就湿了,脸色苍白的跪地求饶道:“雨统领,小的知道……小的知道……就在昨天晚上,姬府的总管姬昭大人去过仓库,拿了一批器胚走了,小的也没有敢多过问……” Ji Zhao?” “姬昭?” Feng Ji Xing look one cold: Where Ji Zhao, get lost!” 风继行神色一寒:“姬昭在哪儿,滚出来!” In the crowd, a person of looking deathly pale walked slowly, the knees kneel, dejected sitting in the snowy area, his hair was gray, wears the magnificent and expensive fur lined robe, smiles to forest Mu Yu, Feng Ji Xing lightly, said: Do not trace, is I does, sells out nine spirit books and three local books, to trade a change is colored.” 人群中,一个脸色惨白的人缓缓走了出来,双膝跪地,颓然的坐在雪地之中,他的头发已经花白,身穿华贵的皮袍,冲着林沐雨、风继行淡淡一笑,道:“别追查了,是我做的,卖掉九本灵书和三本地书,也只是为了换点小钱花花而已。” Lin Muyu smiled: Change? How much money these embryo have you changed?” 林沐雨不禁笑了:“小钱?这些器胚你换了多少钱?” Here......” “都在这里……” Ji Zhao pulls out one pile of gold banknotes to throw from the bosom in the snowy area, is ten ten thousand Gold Yin Coin gold banknotes, this looked at least also surely Gold Yin Coin amount, the righteousness and country were really rich, for these Heavenly Book gave up to spend that much money unexpectedly. 姬昭从怀里掏出一堆金票扔在雪地里,都是十万金茵币一张的金票,这一看至少也有一千万金茵币的数额了,义和国真有钱,为了这些天书居然舍得花那么多钱。 Nearby, Ji Forest look is pale, cups one hand in the other across the chest to salute to forest Mu Yu, Feng Ji Xing, said: Two Commander...... Ji Zhao is the obsolete younger male cousin, for many years has been loyal and devoted to the empire, but also looks at two Sir Commander to leave a loophole, obsolete...... Obsolete only then such a younger male cousin......” 一旁,姬林神色苍白,冲着林沐雨、风继行拱手行礼,道:“两位统领……姬昭是老朽的堂弟,多年来对帝国忠心耿耿,还望两位统领大人能够网开一面,老朽……老朽就只有这么一个堂弟了啊……” Lin Muyu goes forward to help up Ji Lin, said: Manages affairs the Sir, this matter has nothing to do with you, you do not need to ask favor, I and Commander Feng will be conscientious in discharging official duties, gives the empress Your Highness to punish Ji Zhao, but also hopes after you, can manage the Heavenly Book pavilion much, do not make this class matter occur again.” 林沐雨上前扶起姬林,道:“掌事大人,这件事与你无关,你也不必求情了,我和风统领会公事公办,把姬昭交给女帝殿下发落,还希望你以后能够多多督管天书阁,不要让此类的事情再发生了。” Yes...... Many thanks rain Commander......” Ji Forest look is low-spirited. “是……多谢雨统领……”姬林神色黯然。 ...... …… Was bringing Ji Shouwa period gold banknote, turned over the Firebird Division person directly, then handed over by the empress punishes. 带着姬昭和金票,直接移交给火雀司的人,然后交由女帝发落。 The heavy snow gets bigger and bigger, falls rustle has the sound on the cape. 大雪越下越大,落在斗篷上簌簌有声。 Lin Muyu and Feng Ji Xing such lead a horse on the Ze Tian Palace street. 林沐雨和风继行就这么牵着马走在泽天殿的街道上。 A'Yu, did this matter stop?” Feng Ji Xing asked. 阿雨,这件事到此为止了吗?”风继行问道。 Un.” “嗯。” The forest washes the raindrop to nod, starts to speak but hesitates. 林沐雨点点头,欲言又止。 Feng Ji Xing smiled: You should also be able to look......” 风继行笑了:“你应该也能看得出来吧……” Yes.” Lin Muyu said in a low voice: „If no Ji Forest to support, which a trifling Ji illustrious does such big matter, but...... The empire needs Ji Lin such person to wield the Heavenly Book pavilion, we also can only turn a blind eye, this time handles Ji Zhao, is purposely takes certain actions so as to warn others, alerts to Heavenly Book pavilion one.” “是啊。”林沐雨低声道:“如果没有姬林撑腰,区区一个姬昭哪儿干这么大的事情,不过……帝国需要姬林这样的人执掌天书阁,我们也只能睁一只眼闭一只眼了,这次处置姬昭,算是敲山震虎,给天书阁一个警醒吧。” Un.” Feng Ji Xing layer on layer nods. “嗯。”风继行重重点头。 The unconscious several years pass by, Feng Ji Xing almost witnesses Lin Muyu's to grow with own eyes, only met the dumb kid who the brute force is unreasonable from initially that grows to today's this vigorous and resolute gentian regiment Commander, Lin Muyu is transforming into a genuine empire star gradually. 不知不觉几年过去,风继行几乎是亲眼见证着林沐雨的成长,从当初那个只会蛮力耍横的傻小子,成长到今天这个雷厉风行的龙胆军团统领,林沐雨正在渐渐蜕变成为一位真正的帝国名将。 !! !!
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