AG :: Volume #6

#503: Book

Late at night, the Heavenly Book pavilion backyard, Ouyang Funei is brilliantly illuminated. 深夜,天书阁后院,欧阳府内灯火通明。 In the hall, has Slaughter God Seal embrionic shield by static place table on, Ouyang Ping by palm gently is stroking gently in the shield surface, feels in profound is containing great power. 大厅内,拥有弑神印的器胚盾牌被静静的放在桌案上,欧阳平以手掌轻轻的在盾牌表面上摩挲着,感受着玄阵中蕴含着的强大力量。 „Does father, have the discovery?” Ouyang Dragon asked. “爹,有发现吗?”欧阳龙问道。 Ouyang Ping opens eyes, in a pair of black pupil is passing the chill in the air, said: Slaughter God Seal, although is formidable, but has not understood throughout the mystery of tiny bit about Heavenly Book quarter article for the husband.” 欧阳平睁开眼,一双黑色的眸子里透着寒意,道:“弑神印虽然强大,但为夫始终没有从中参透一星半点关于天书刻文的奥秘。” Ouyang Dragon silent several seconds, said: Perhaps also requires time, should quick be able to perceive through meditation by having great learning of father, writes Heavenly Book, has seized the position of Heavenly Book pavilion managing affairs from the hand of Ji Forest that old ordinary man!” 欧阳龙沉默了几秒钟,道:“或许还需要一点时间吧,以爹的学识渊博应该很快就能有所参悟,写出天书,从姬林那老匹夫的手中夺过天书阁掌事之位!” That is natural, otherwise our surely Gold Yin Coin on white bloom.” Ouyang Bao said. “那是自然,不然我们的这一千万金茵币岂不是就白花了。”欧阳豹说道。 Ouyang Hu actually narrows the eye to stand in the one side, said: Today dinner party time, Lin Muyu unexpectedly has written a best quality goods person book with the shoddy embryo and spirit powder, is really strange, I always thought that on this person has too many secrets, is we do not know. The father, you thought...... Can this Slaughter God Seal embryo shield be the Lin Muyu's work? After all, we investigate both openly and secretly have not looked up the goods when the Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce enters.” 欧阳虎却眯着眼睛站在一旁,道:“今天晚宴的时候,林沐雨居然用拙劣的器胚和灵粉就写出了一本极品人书,真是奇怪,我总觉得这个人身上有太多的秘密,是我们所不知道的。爹,你觉得……这个弑神印器胚盾牌会不会是林沐雨的作品?毕竟,我们明察暗访都没有查到紫茵花商会到底是什么时候进的货。” You said that Lin Muyu is the god prints the master?” “你说林沐雨是神印师?” Ouyang Ping stares, said: Is absolutely impossible, not to mention god prints the master to need the years the disciplining baptism, was only the Slaughter God Seal illustrated handbook on early already being lost millenniums on continent, Wei such engraving aristocratic family had not found the illustrated handbook that Slaughter God Seal and imperial god printed, let alone was infatuated in forest Mu Yu of military authority?” 欧阳平一愣,道:“绝对不可能,姑且不说神印师需要岁月的磨练洗礼,光是弑神印的图鉴就早已经在大陆上失传千年了,就连魏家那样的刻印世家都没有找到弑神印、御神印的图鉴,何况是醉心于兵权的林沐雨?” Ouyang Bao said resentfully: I look am also, Lin Muyu can write the best quality goods person book is bumps into.” 欧阳豹悻悻道:“我看也是,林沐雨能写出极品人书不过是误打误撞罢了。” Ouyang Longxiao: Third Brother as if no favorable impression to this forest Mu Yu! Difficult to be inadequate is because...... Is Tang Xiaoxi that the Third Brother likes, liking Lin Muyu exactly?” 欧阳龙笑了:“三弟似乎对这个林沐雨毫无好感啊!难不成是因为……三弟喜欢的唐小汐,恰好喜欢着林沐雨?” I......” Ouyang Bao am red in the face instantaneously, said: Big brother, do not tease me!” “我……”欧阳豹瞬间面红耳赤,道:“大哥,你不要取笑我!” Ouyang Ping lightly said: Leopard, struggles for a while length eventually is only a boorish fellow, you must remember, sinks the heart, carving writing to come who if you can write the Heavenly Book grade, you can take place in order the day gentleman in Heavenly Book pavilion, when the time comes the father can also go to seven sea king Tang Lan there to discuss marriage for you, Tang Xiaoxi is Princess, the marital important matter must listen to the elder eventually, gets married Tang Xiaoxi as day gentleman, this is this matter of doing, if you like Tang Xiaoxi, goes diligently, but is not the envious hatred.” 欧阳平则淡淡道:“豹儿,争一时长短终究只是莽夫,你要记住,把心沉下来,如果你能写出天书品级的刻文来,你就能入列天书阁的天士,到时候父亲也就能去七海王唐澜那里为你提亲,唐小汐郡主,婚姻大事终究要听长辈的,以天士的身份迎娶唐小汐,这才是该做的事,如果你真的喜欢唐小汐的话,就去努力,而不是嫉恨。” Ouyang Bao cup one fist in the other hand said: Yes, the father, Panther Er knows how to do.” 欧阳豹抱拳道:“是,父亲,豹儿知道怎么做了。” Ouyang Ping has not spoken again, but covers the palm on the shield, the mood seeps in this formidable Slaughter God Seal. 欧阳平没有再说话,只是将手掌覆盖在盾牌上,心境重新沁入这个强大的弑神印之中。 ...... …… The mid-night, in the severe winter snowed, this is the first snow of Orchid Goose City the winter of this year, the gigantic snowflake falls from the sky faded and fallen. 午夜时分,深冬里下起了雪,这是兰雁城今年冬天的第一场雪,硕大的雪花从天空飘零落下。 „......” “吱呀……” The front door of Ze Tian Palace rear palace shoves open, inside wisp of warm feeling, but outside is piece of woods is cold, Lin Muyu the lacing the cape is a belt, in the palm a steam, said with a smile: Snowed......” 泽天殿后殿的大门推开,里面一缕暖意,而外面却是一片森寒,林沐雨束紧了斗篷系带,在手掌里呵了口热气,笑道:“下雪了啊……” The Qin Yin both arms overlapping front protection against the cold, appears the figure is more exquisite, saying with a smile: Has snowed, outside is quite cold, or A'Yu Elder Brother do not return to the camp tonight, rests in Ze Tian Palace, by my room has the vacant room, already prepared for you and Xiaoxi.” 秦茵双臂交叉胸前御寒,却更显得身段玲珑诱人,笑吟吟的说道:“真的下雪了,外面好冷,要不阿雨哥哥今晚别回营了,就在泽天殿里睡吧,我的房间旁边就有空房,早就为你和小汐准备好了。” Does not use.” “不用啦。” Lin Muyu has brushed off being snowing on shoulder, said: Tonight the weather is not good, I worried that Yingpan Li will have the matter to need me, you and Xiaoxi rest earlier, I must be busy at a meeting again.” 林沐雨掸了掸肩膀上的落雪,道:“今晚天气不好,我担心营盘里会有事需要我,你和小汐早点睡吧,我还得再忙一会。” „......” Qin Yin somewhat disappointed nod, desolate in beautiful pupil makes the person love dearly. “哦……”秦茵有些失望的点点头,美丽眸子里的落寞让人心疼。 Lin Muyu smiled, has turned around to support her, cherished one's relatives a kiss on the Qin Yin profile, said: Xiao Yin now is a Emperor, wants to be strong, I cannot keep side you, that is because I want to end the chaos caused by war earlier, after destroying completely the demon clan and righteousness and country, you give me to seal a king casually, I can marry you!” 林沐雨不禁一笑,转过身来拥住了她,在秦茵的侧脸上亲亲一吻,说道:“小茵现在是帝君,要坚强起来,我不能一直留在你身边,那是因为我想早点结束战乱,等到灭掉魔族和义和国之后,你给我随便封个王,我就能娶你了啊!” Right?” The Qin Yin elegant face is red, is somewhat excited, because actually acting with constraint of young girl and charming and too does not dare to reveal, but nods saying: That...... Do you want to walk tonight really?” “是吗?”秦茵俏脸通红,有些兴奋,却又因为少女的矜持与娇羞而不太敢表露出来,只是点点头说:“那……那你今晚真的要走啊?” Un.” “嗯。” Good......” Qin Yin has turned around, takes out an umbrella to give him from the rear palace, said: Snow has gotten bigger and bigger, on your road careful.” “那好吧……”秦茵转过身,从后殿里取出一把伞交给他,说:“雪越下越大了,你路上小心点。” Un, relax, I walk!” “嗯,放心吧,那我走啦!” Un.” “嗯。” Holds the deployment, disappearance of Lin Muyu white robe in the snow curtain, looks to disappear until his silhouette completely, Qin Yin then turns around to enter in the Ze Tian Palace room, told: In the evening 20 people of night patrols.” 撑开伞,林沐雨一袭白袍的消失在雪幕之中,直到他的身影完全看不见了,秦茵这才转身进入泽天殿的房间内,吩咐道:“晚上20人夜巡。” Yes!” Qin Yan said outside cup one fist in the other hand: Subordinate understood!” “是!”秦岩在外面抱拳道:“属下明白了!” ...... …… Sand rustle......” “沙沙沙……” The cold wind heads on, stepping on Lin Muyu's boots foot footprint in the snow, arrives at outside Ze Tian Palace the time, discovers in the lounge Wei Chou and Bai Yindai Cavalry of 50 gentian camps to wait. 寒风扑面而来,林沐雨的靴子一脚一个脚印的踩在积雪之中,来到泽天殿外的时候,发现休息厅内卫仇、白隐带着50名龙胆营的铁骑正在等候。 Commander, do you come out?” Wind and frost of Wei Chou face, said with a smile: I also think that you will rest in Ze Tian Palace tonight, I and Bai Yin first went back.” 统领,您出来啦?”卫仇一脸的风霜,笑着说道:“我还以为您今天晚上会在泽天殿里休息呢,那我和白隐就先回去了。” „......” “……” Lin Muyu stared his one eyes, actually had nothing to say in reply, said: Walks, returns to the barrack.” 林沐雨瞪了他一眼,竟然无言以对,道:“走吧,回营盘。” Yes!” “是!” People one after another starts, in an instant left the Ze Tian Palace square to passing above Tian Street, when the night, on the avenue nobody, only had the cavalry hoofbeat to sway in the wind and snow. 众人纷纷上马,转眼之间出了泽天殿广场去往通天街之上,时值深夜,大街上已经没有什么人了,唯有骑兵的马蹄声在风雪中飘摇着。 Lin Muyu grasps the reins of strolling in the snow, the body the King is fighting the flame to linger on Monday, at this moment, in the distant place dark night, several wear the person of black robe to pass through in the snowy night slowly. 林沐雨握着踏雪的缰绳,身周一道道王者斗焰萦绕着,就在这时,远处黑夜中,几个身穿黑袍的人在雪夜中缓缓走过。 Both sides brushed past, soon after Lin Muyu suddenly returns to turn around to look that the back of this group of people vanishes in passing Tian Street, but in Spiritual Pulse Technique can actually feel a quite familiar aura faintly, his knitting the brows head. 双方擦肩而过,不久之后林沐雨忽然回转身看着这群人的背影消失在通天街上,而灵脉术中却能隐隐感受到一股较为熟悉的气息,他不禁皱了皱眉头。 Commander, how?” Wei Chou asked. 统领,怎么了?”卫仇问道。 You did not think that these people are somewhat strange?” Lin Muyu said. “你不觉得这些人有些奇怪吗?”林沐雨道。 „?” Wei Chou is narrowing the eye, said: „A Commander such saying but actually also let end think that some are not right, these person of attires were very magnificent and expensive fine, but in has not ridden the horses unexpectedly or takes the carriage, moreover went on a trip in a hurry, in Li did not gather.” “哦?”卫仇眯着眼睛,说:“统领这么一说倒也让末将觉得有些不对了,这些人衣着十分华贵精致,但居然在没有骑乘马匹或者是乘坐马车,而且行色匆匆,于理不合。” Lin Muyu said: Moreover, their bodies are permeated with the light aura...... The aura of strength of world!” 林沐雨道:“而且,他们身上洋溢着淡淡的气息……天地之力的气息!” „The strength of world?” Wei Chou stares: „Is the meaning of Sir Commander?” “天地之力?”卫仇一愣:“统领大人的意思是?” These people have the Heavenly Book embryo!” “这些人身上有天书器胚!” What!?” Wei Chou in great surprise: Empress didn't Your Highness already issue an imperial order? All Heavenly Book embryos must include in the Heavenly Book pavilion, forbids personal to carry?” “什么!?”卫仇大惊:“女帝殿下不是早就下诏了吗?所有的天书器胚都必须收录天书阁中,禁止私人携带吗?” Yes......” forest washes the rain deeply to inspire, said: We with coming up, cannot be too near, do not let them discover.” “是啊……”林沐雨深深吸了口气,道:“我们跟上去,不能太近,别让他们发现了。” Yes!” “是!” ...... …… In the snowy night, in Orchid Goose City the cold wind howls unceasingly, has covered the sound of horse's hoof, when Lin Muyu, Wei Chou and the others distant with this that line of arrive at the Orchid Goose City north gate, actually sees the distant place flare ray to drag, these people are chatting anything in the military officer who and defends a city, soon after, the garrison commander ordered to open the door, has emitted these people. 雪夜中,兰雁城内寒风呼啸不绝,也掩盖了马蹄的声音,当林沐雨、卫仇等人远远的跟着这那一行人来到兰雁城北门的时候,却见远处火把光芒摇曳,这几个人正在与守城的军官聊着什么,不多久后,那守将下令打开小门,放出了这些人。 On!” “上!” Lin Muyu progressing leads Wei Chou and the others to overrun, immediately the garrison commander had a scare with one group of imperial guard guards, when Lin Muyu lifts the cape reveals the Commander military rank symbol, garrison commander immediately surface such as dead ash pit: Originally is...... Is Sir Commander, does not know that what matter has?” 林沐雨策马带着卫仇等人冲了过去,顿时守将与一群禁军守卫都吓了一跳,当林沐雨掀开斗篷露出统领军衔徽记的时候,守将顿时面如死灰道:“原来是……是统领大人,不知道有什么事?” Makes way!” “让开!” Lin Muyu vision ice-cold shouting to clear the way: We must go out of town!” 林沐雨目光冰冷的喝道:“我们要出城!” But Sir, we......” “可是大人,我们……” Working as, the stars sword comes out of the sheath, the King fights the flame to linger around sword blade, Lin Muyu coldly said: Either allows to pass through, either dies.” “当”一声,星辰剑出鞘,王者斗焰萦绕在剑刃周围,林沐雨冷冷道:“要么让路,要么死。” Yes, opens the door!” “是,开门!” The door opens once again, Lin Mu the rain belt 50 gentian camps elite are all going out, but that 78 people have not walked on the main road, but directly entered in main road nearby jungle, Lin Muyu pursued following the strength fluctuation that Spiritual Pulse Technique transmitted directly, quick has discovered the trails of these people. 小门再度开启,林沐雨带着50名龙胆营精锐悉数出门,但那78个人并未走在大道上,而是直接进入了大道一旁的丛林之中,林沐雨循着灵脉术传来的力量波动直接追了过去,很快的就发现了这些人的踪迹。 On, seizes them!” Wei Chou shouted to clear the way loudly: Must live!” “上,擒住他们!”卫仇大声喝道:“要活的!” ...... …… Several people in snowy area have also discovered the pursuing troops, fast turns around, one of them gets angry exclaims: Mother, is this flock of empire falcons and dogs, butchers them to me! Scoundrels!” 雪地里的几人也发现了追兵,飞快转身,其中一人怒吼道:“娘的,又是这群帝国鹰犬,给我宰掉他们!混账!” Their one after another draws out the sword. 他们纷纷拔出剑来。 Lin Muyu jumps to discontinue, treads the worry spin the cold wind to go, the Saint King boundary expert domain pressure arrives instantaneously, makes the two Men in Black in front line knee down directly one after another, lost the strength of revolt, but rear several people by the Saint Realm pressure the crush, their body surface flood a light earth yellow color ray, had not actually been resisted forcing of Saint Realm pressure. 林沐雨纵身下马,踏着急旋的寒风而去,圣王强者的领域威压瞬间降临,直接让最前方的两个黑衣人相继跪倒在地,失去了反抗之力,但后方的几个人却没有被圣域威压所碾压,他们的体表泛着一股淡淡的土黄颜色的光芒,抵御了圣域威压的逼迫。 On them has the book! 他们身上有地书! Everybody was careful!” Lin Muyu gives a loud shout, the stars sword had already wielded, chops to one person of front line. “大家小心!”林沐雨大喝一声,星辰剑已然挥了出去,直劈向最前方的一人。 Under the stars sword ray, that person of complexion is pale, drew out a handle to wear a sword from the waist, above the knife the light golden god article shot up to the sky, the anger shouted to clear the way: Since cannot get away, that kills one is, come flame!” 星辰剑光芒下,那人脸色铁青,从腰间拔出了一柄佩刀,刀身之上淡淡金色的神文冲天而起,怒喝道:“既然走不了,那就多杀一个是一个,来啊火焰!” In the sky a ray releases to fall on his wearing a sword suddenly, the strength of world was inspired, and looks at the ray intensity, this is flame is the book of principle! 天空之中猛然一道光芒泄落在他的佩刀上,天地之力被引动了,并且看光芒强度,这是一本火焰系法则的中品地书! Bang!” “轰!” The roaring flame drops from the clouds, has swept across periphery a about hundred meters range instantaneously, Lin Muyu bears the brunt, opens the bottle gourd wall guard who the hand offers a sacrifice to several rice radii, but behind one group of gentian camp soldiers have actually exuded miserably howling, majority was affected by the strength of place book. 烈焰从天而降,瞬间席卷了周围近百米的范围,林沐雨首当其冲,张开手祭出数米半径的葫芦壁护身,但身后的一群龙胆营士兵却发出了一声声惨嚎,大部分都被地书的力量所波及了。 Scoundrel!” “混账!” Lin Muyu the short of breath, the personal appearance plunders, a head flew. 林沐雨气急,身形一掠而过,一颗人头已经飞起。 The dead ahead, another Men in Black has raised a handle extravagant sword, similarly is mobilizing the Heavenly Book strength, and same is the earth yellow color place book, a low grade book! 正前方,另一个黑衣人擎起了一柄阔剑,同样正在发动天书力量,并且一样是土黄颜色的地书,一本下品地书! But was inspired before the strength of world, Lin Muyu treads the Falling Star Steps lightning to kill, the stars sword wields, cuts off the arm of this person directly! 但就在天地之力被引动之前,林沐雨踏着坠星步闪电杀到,星辰剑一挥而过,直接将这个人的手臂斩断! Sword light chaotic dance, several other people before has not started the Heavenly Book might are cut to kill, but in dozens gentian camp soldiers who behind, Lin Muyu brings cultivated for low several is fired the hard coke, but Bai Yin, Wei Chou and others cultivate to high lost in many Battle Qi resistance the impact of book. 剑光乱舞,其余几人均在尚未发动天书威力之前就被斩杀了,而身后,林沐雨带来的几十名龙胆营士兵里修为较低的十几个都已经被烧成了焦炭,而白隐、卫仇等修为较高的则只是损耗了不少斗气抵御中品地书的冲击而已。 ...... …… Uncovers all Heavenly Book embryos.” Lin Muyu said lightly: Notice imperial guard Commander Feng Ji Xing has person to come.” “搜出所有的天书器胚。”林沐雨淡淡道:“通知禁军统领风继行带人过来。” Yes!” “是!” !! !!
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