AG :: Volume #6

#502: Unexpectedly failed!

Qin Yin stands up, dark blue formal clothes flood the clear ray, the night wind is getting bigger and bigger, the court lady has put on an empress cape for her, sees only her one to grasp the golden liquor nobility, according to above the town Sky Sword sword hilt that the waist is hanging, vision such as water looks at the Your Highness whole body of ministers, the sound is not loud, but especially powerful saying: „After righteousness and country are chaotic, the empire reconstructs, but the powerful enemy observes the situation, the south righteousness and country instead very momentarily possibly cross Mountain Range of Qin to intrude on, in the demon clan 23 cities in Eastern exceedingly high canyon does not know that also many armor demon armies, the Mu Yulin defending the border armed forces after winter frost city whole army has been annihilated, the army of northern desert move about refugee are also ready to make trouble, outside western boundary wilderness, does not know that also many alien race armies were coveting the abundant fertile national territory of Qin Empire. Qin Yin inherits the first position of emperor, only wish to rally the Qin base industry, series landscape, therefore, wishing everyone present to work with concerted efforts, is strong my empire prestige, the Heavenly Book pavilion, is a temple, or various Great Emperor ** the group, from now henceforth can not have any civil strife difference, otherwise punishes mercilessly!” 秦茵站起身,一袭深蓝色礼服泛着粼粼光芒,夜风越来越大,女官已经为她披上了一件女帝斗篷,只见她一手握着金色酒爵,一手按在腰间悬挂的镇天剑剑柄之上,目光如水的看着殿下群臣,声音不大,但格外有力的说道:“义和国之乱后,帝国重建,但强敌环视,南方义和国反贼随时都可能越过秦岭进犯,东方通天峡内的魔族23城内不知道还有多少甲魔军队,闵禹林的戍边军在冬霜城全军覆灭之后,北漠游牧流民的军队亦蠢蠢欲动,西境荒漠以外,又不知道还有多少异族军队在觊觎着大秦的丰沃国土。秦茵承继先帝之位,唯愿能够重振大秦基业,一统江山,所以,愿在座的每一人都能同心协力,壮我帝国声威,无论是天书阁,还是圣殿,又或者各大帝**团,从今以后不得有任何内乱分歧,否则严惩不贷!” Saying, she is supine the tall snow white nape of the neck, tosses down one glass of liquor, afterward „, when draws out town Sky Sword, Ling Liejian light under candlelight bitterly disappointing, Qin Yin such was placed town Sky Sword above the table, increased for several points to constrain imperceptibly dignifiedly with this banquet. 说着,她仰起颀长雪白的脖颈,将一杯酒一饮而尽,随后“当”的一声拔出镇天剑,那凌冽剑光在烛火下让人心寒,秦茵就这么将镇天剑摆在了桌案之上,给这场宴会无形中增加了几分压抑与威严。 Lin Muyu looks to Qin Yin, nod that cannot help but appreciates, as if Qin Yin grew, more and more likely was a genuine empress. 林沐雨看向秦茵,不由得赞赏的点点头,似乎不知不觉之间秦茵已经成长了许多,越来越像是一位真正的女帝了。 ...... …… At this moment, Ji Forest distant is holding up the wine glass to Lin Muyu, said with a smile: Rain Commander perception excellent, the writing best quality goods person book that unexpectedly can get it done in one action, does not know that rain Commander may be willing to include into the Heavenly Book pavilion this blade, your name input scholar, enjoys the dual treatments that Your Highness gives.” 就在这时,姬林遥遥的对着林沐雨举起酒杯,笑道:“雨统领悟性绝佳,居然能一蹴而就的写成极品人书,不知道雨统领可愿意将这把刀收录入天书阁之中,同时也将你的姓名录入文士之列,享受殿下所给予的双重待遇。” Lin Muyu naturally is not willing to live under subjugation, after all the present status could not allow him to start from zero, then smiled saying: I have from Ministry of War every month receive the soldier's rations and pay, therefore does not need to include the Heavenly Book pavilion again, thanks good intention that Ji Forest manages affairs, many thanks!” 林沐雨自然不愿意寄人篱下,毕竟如今的地位已经容不得他从零开始了,便笑了笑说道:“我每个月都有从兵部领取军饷,所以就不必再列入天书阁了,谢谢姬林掌事的好意,多谢了!” Ji Lingong cups one hand in the other across the chest, on the face has not had a disgruntledness. 姬林拱拱手,脸上未有一丝不悦。 But the people know that Ji Lin is known as in the empire the Heavenly Book first person, is in the most hopeful earliest possible time writes the Heavenly Book level embryo the person, summoned after the empress moved into Orchid Goose City, Ji Residence is relies on to favor to be arrogant, even Feng Ji Xing and Xiang Yu these empire Commander did not pay attention, now is rejected by forest Mu Yu in the presence of everyone, it can be imagined Ji Forest bottom of one's heart had anger how. 但众人都知道,姬林号称帝国境内天书第一人,也是最有希望第一时间内写出天书级器胚的人,应女帝召唤入驻兰雁城之后,姬府更是恃宠而骄,甚至就连风继行项彧这些帝国统领也不放在眼里,如今当众被林沐雨拒绝,可想而知姬林心底是有多么的愤怒。 But the person fearfully here, in Ji Forest surface as before the unflustered, happy anger does not show fearfully, looks like this matter has not occurred completely generally. 但人可怕就可怕在这里,姬林表面上依旧从容不迫,喜怒不形于色,就像是这件事完全没有发生过一般。 Lin Muyu holds writes the person book the sickle, arrives at the seat front of Liu Residence people straightly, sees only Liu Ying animated already stood, a happy expression of face: respectful seasonable rain Commander, you had written the best quality goods person book at one fell swoop, is really a talent of Heavenly Book quarter article!” 林沐雨捧着写好人书的弯刀,笔直的来到柳府众人的坐席前方,只见柳滢已经俏生生的站起来了,一脸的笑意:“恭喜雨统领,您一举写成了极品人书,着实是一位天书刻文的天才呢!” Many thanks three young ladies embryo.” Lin Muyu lightly smiled: Now, was the time returns three young ladies the embryo.” “多谢三小姐的器胚。”林沐雨微微一笑:“现在,是时候把器胚归还三小姐了。” Liu Ying stares, said: Originally this and is unworthy any money the sickle, but rain Commander has carved the carving article of best quality goods person book above, this no longer was a handle ordinary sickle, Liu Yingshou can not such precious returning a courtesy.” 柳滢一愣,道:“原本这把弯刀并不值什么钱,但雨统领已经在上面刻写出了极品人书的刻文,这就不再是一柄普通的弯刀了,柳滢受不得这样珍贵的回礼。” Lin Muyu smiled: Carved badly me to compensate your, carved to consider the thank-you gift, three young ladies do not need to be polite, otherwise I took away this blade, heart inside will think that had a deficit your.” 林沐雨不禁笑了:“原本刻坏了我该赔你一把,刻好了就当是谢礼,三小姐不必客气,不然我拿走了这把刀,心里面会觉得亏欠你的。” Liu Ying pair of bright eyes straight looks at this Qin empire youngest most and promising regiment level Commander, more looked that more thinks to like, but the young girl acts with constraint charmingly with makes her need tranquilly, cheek red saying: Since is this, Liu Ying many thanks rain Commander has presented that this I will collect the sickle well.” 柳滢一双明眸笔直的看着这位大秦帝国最年轻有为的军团级统领,越看越觉得喜欢,但少女矜持与娇羞却让她必须要平静一点,脸蛋红红的说道:“既然是这样的话,那柳滢多谢雨统领的馈赠了,这把弯刀我会好好收藏的。” Lin Muyu keeps mouth shut, at heart unconscious somewhat helpless, these years in the good luck in empire are not general exuberant, think in Earth...... It is not popular, then has given back to Liu Ying the sickle, afterward is cuping one hand in the other across the chest to salute to Liu Flame, Liu Flame stands up to return salute hurriedly, said: Yun Linghou was polite!” 林沐雨默默无语,心里不自觉的有些无奈,这些年在帝国的桃花运不是一般的旺盛啊,想自己在地球的时候……可没有那么受欢迎,便把弯刀还给了柳滢,随后对着柳炎拱手敬礼,柳炎急忙站起身还礼,道:“云翎侯客气了!” Sir Liu Flame please sit down, does not need to be polite.” “柳炎大人请坐,不必客气。” Yes, your Sir Hou.” “是,君侯大人。” Lin Muyu has turned around, being eased returned to side Tang Xiaoxi to sit down, actually saw that the Tang Xiaoxi vision visits him spookily, wondered saying: On my face long spent?” 林沐雨转过身来,一身轻松的回到了唐小汐身边坐下,却看到唐小汐目光幽幽的看着他,不禁纳闷道:“我脸上长花了?” A Tang Xiaoxi pair of beautiful eye is staring him: Snort, did you say? That Liu Ying...... Has a liking for you?” 唐小汐一双美目瞪着他:“哼,你说呢?那个柳滢……是不是看上你啦?” Does not know that is uncertain......” forest to wash the rain to beat a drum at heart. “不知道,不一定吧……”林沐雨心里直打鼓。 Added that all people can look, that Liu Ying likes you!” “还说呢,所有人都看得出来,那个柳滢喜欢你!” That...... I do not have the means......” forest Mu Yu, but said: This is not I can control.” “那……那我也没有办法啊……”林沐雨无奈道:“这又不是我能控制的。” Tang Xiaoxi visits him as before panting in indignation. 唐小汐依旧气呼呼的看着他。 I really am not intentionally!” Lin Muyu is roaring. “我真不是故意的!”林沐雨哄着。 But Tang Xiaoxi is depressed. 唐小汐还是郁郁不乐。 Xiaoxi, I am wrong!” Lin Muyu continues to roar. 小汐,我错啦!”林沐雨继续哄。 Tang Xiaoxi does not show due respect for the feelings as before. 唐小汐依旧不给面子。 I do not like her in any case.” Lin Muyu said. “反正我又不喜欢她咯。”林沐雨说。 This time, Tang Xiaoxi transferred the anger to be happy, tilts the head asks him: Really?” 这次,唐小汐转怒为喜了,歪着头笑着问他:“真的?” Really!” “真的!” Snort, that is good, otherwise I punish you on behalf of Xiao Yin!” Although Tang Xiaoxi said that but on face actually full is the charming smiling face of gladdening the heart. “哼,那就好,不然我就代表小茵惩罚你!”唐小汐虽然这么说,但脸上却已经满是沁人心脾的迷人笑容了。 Girl's thoughts are really difficult to guess, really woman inner world bottom needle! 女孩子的心思真难猜,果然女人心海底针啊! ...... …… The banquet ended very much late, after finishing, whole body of ministers one after another diverges, but Lin Muyu was remained, the Ze Tian Palace first court lady Shangguan Jing moon/month led him to arrive at the rear palace, actually discovered that Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi, in the rear palace also placed is reappearing the light gloss spirit book, the book block-printed book, these god articles were the carving in the stone, basically this will not be used for a lifetime, after all stone too huge, is not the appropriate embryo, nobody will hold a stele to go with the person to fight, was too ungraceful, but the functions of these block-printed books on were as the model for painting., Studies for the person. 宴会结束得很晚,结束之后,群臣纷纷散去,而林沐雨被留了下来,泽天殿第一女官上官静月带着他来到了后殿,却发现秦茵唐小汐都在,后殿里还摆放着浮现着淡淡光泽的灵书、地书刻本,这些神文都是雕刻在石头上的,基本上这一辈子也不会被人使用,毕竟石头太巨大了,不是合适的器胚,也没有人会抱着一块石碑去跟人战斗,太不雅了,但这些刻本的作用就是作为范本。,供人学习。 Good, should not be anxious.” Qin Yin walks to go forward, is pulling his arm, hints Shangguan Jing moon/month to draw back, afterward said with a smile: Now can teach me and Xiaoxi carves the article? We...... We write do not have the book in circulation now......” “好啦,别紧张。”秦茵走上前,挽着他的手臂,示意上官静月退下,随后笑道:“现在可以教教我和小汐怎么刻文了吧?我们……我们写到现在都没有成书呢……” Good.” Lin Muyu guessed correctly that can be this, immediately sat side Qin Yin, reads the god article on block-printed book stele, read carefully, suddenly felt the pressure of spirit soul to be getting bigger and bigger, in the god article was containing the profound strength, was different from the general writing, combines the block-printed book the god article had the strength of world, read to need to spend many mind. “好吧。”林沐雨就猜到会是这样了,随即坐在了秦茵身边,看着刻本石碑上的神文,仔细研读下去,顿觉灵魄的压力越来越大,果然,神文中蕴含着玄力,与一般的文字不同,组合成刻本的神文更是已经拥有了天地之力,阅读起来是需要花费不少心神的。 But this was known as that in the block-printed book of book records a god of journeys article book, sees thinks irritable, similarly is the god article of Frost principle, eight key words that in Fu Xi Heavenly Book records, in this block-printed book actually only then four characters . Moreover, this block-printed book writes with the profound diamond dust, above also has the shining mark. 但这块号称中品地书的刻本上记载着一道神文地书,怎么看都觉得别扭,同样是冰霜法则的神文,伏羲天书里记载的八个关键字,这个刻本里却只有四个字而已,而且,这刻本是用玄金粉写出来的,上面还有金灿灿的印痕。 Tang Xiaoxi said in side: Do not despise in this block-printed book of book, but more than 5000 years ago day gentleman levels carve writing Shixie to come out, moreover what uses is the high-grade profound diamond dust, was only a pity that the book in circulation is only the book.” 唐小汐在旁说道:“别小看了这块中品地书的刻本,可是5000多年前的一位天士级刻文师写出来的,而且用的是上品玄金粉,只可惜,成书只是中品地书而已。” Lin Muyu hesitates does not speak, the sinking lower part of the body, puts out a hand to touch the god article on stone to carve characters slowly, heart suddenly one bright, perhaps also has other principle? But reason that carving writing Master of this day gentleman level inspired the strength of world with the good material unexpectedly is actually only the book, that also can only explain that was the writing had problems, should be the key words is not proper? 林沐雨沉吟不语,缓缓沉下身来,伸手触摸着石头上的神文刻字,心头忽地一亮,或许还有别的法则吧?但之所以这个天士级的刻文师居然用上好的材料引动了天地之力却只是地书,那也只能说明是文字出了问题,应该是关键字不到位吧? Thinks of here, Lin Muyu took out Fu Xi Heavenly Book from Cosmos Bag immediately, places on Qin Yin table directly, pages of opening to the Heavenly Book part, put out a hand in Frost are light in principle caress, said: Xiaoxi, you record.” 想到这里,林沐雨马上从乾坤袋里取出了伏羲天书,直接摆放在秦茵身边的桌案上,一页页的翻开到天书部分,伸手在冰霜系法则上的轻抚过去,道:“小汐,你记录一下。” „?” “哦?” Tang Xiaoxi walks hurriedly, bends down on the table, accounted orally along with Lin Muyu's writes down Frost is god article ten key words Frost and penetrating is cold, chill in the air, froze, snowflake. 唐小汐急忙走过来,伏在桌案上,随着林沐雨的口述记下来了冰霜系神文的十个关键字冰霜、彻寒、寒意、冰冻、雪花。 Qin Yin opens one pair of wonderful eye, looks at Fu Xi Heavenly Book, asked: A'Yu, can you read on this non- character Heavenly Book?” 秦茵则睁大一双妙目,看着伏羲天书,问道:“阿雨,你能在这无字天书上阅读?” „, Doesn't have the character?” Lin Muyu stares fully is being god article Fu Xi Heavenly Book asks. “啊,没有字吗?”林沐雨瞪着满是神文的伏羲天书问道。 Yes, a character does not have......” Qin Yin to dig the small mouth to say. “是啊,一个字都没有……”秦茵撅起小嘴说道。 Xiaoxi, can you see the writing on Heavenly Book?” 小汐呢,你能看到天书上的文字吗?” Cannot......” Tang Xiaoxi shake the head: „A character does not have......” “不能……”唐小汐摇摇头:“一个字都没有……” Lin Muyu to click one's tongue in wonder, Fu Xi Heavenly Book really profound strange, because have untied the seal, therefore in world also only then can see the writing on Heavenly Book? 林沐雨啧啧称奇,伏羲天书果然玄奇,难道因为自己解开了封印,所以世间也就只有自己一个人能看到天书上的文字? Therefore, afterward Lin Muyu accounts orally the engraving heart law on Fu Xi Heavenly Book recording, is taken down by Tang Xiaoxi, studies thoroughly for two MM, in any case this type of thing also not needing a poor thing but mine own, let alone Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi are also not bystanders, studies thoroughly Heavenly Book regarding cultivating their mood and promotion cultivates for should greatly advantage. 于是,随后林沐雨就把伏羲天书上记载的刻印心法如数口述出来,由唐小汐记下,供两个MM研习,反正这种东西也没有必要敝帚自珍,何况秦茵唐小汐也都不是外人,研习天书对于修炼她们的心境与提升修为应该是大大有益处的。 Crossed for a long time, Tang Xiaoxi has brought a shield, said: Mu Mu, writes a person book again, lets me and Xiaoxi studies?” 过了许久,唐小汐取来了一个盾牌,笑着说:“沐沐,再写一个人书,让我和小汐学习一下?” „?” “啊?” Lin Muyu astonished, afterward receives, received to discover in the Tang Xiaoxi carving pen fills unexpectedly is the low grade profound diamond dust, is really rich, the material that these two girls use is great. 林沐雨惊愕了一下,随后接过来,接过发现唐小汐的刻笔里填充的居然都是下品玄金粉,果然有钱,这两个丫头用的材料都是一等一的。 Therefore, has written one line of characters on the shield as usual 于是,照旧在盾牌上写出了一行字 Frost, penetrating from purgatory is cold, the chill in the air has swallowed all, freezes the temporals, the sky inundates to dance the limitless snowflake, everywhere ice cone! 冰霜,来自炼狱里的彻寒,寒意吞噬了一切,冰冻住世间万物,天空漫舞着无极的雪花,遍地冰锥! ...... …… However, all around silence, the shining profound diamond dust has seeped in the shield, has not actually inspired the strength of any world! 然而,四周一片寂静,金灿灿的玄金粉沁入了盾牌之中,却没有引动任何的天地之力! What's the matter......” the Tang Xiaoxi volt near the shield, said silently: Malfunctioned?” “怎么回事……”唐小汐伏在盾牌边,默默道:“难道失灵了?” Qin Yin also approaches to walk arm in arm in the forest washes by the rain carefully to read the god article on shield, said: Hasn't used?” 秦茵也凑近依偎在林沐雨旁边仔细看着盾牌上的神文,说:“没有用了嘛?” Lin Muyu was somewhat awkward, said: Probably is not the percentage hundred successes......” 林沐雨有些尴尬,说:“好像并不是百分百成功的……” He actually clear very much, this writing has not inspired the Saint pen day photo the boundary, even has not entered Frost is in the mood of principle, perhaps doesn't this have the biggest reason of book in circulation? 他心里却清楚的很,这次书写并没有引动圣笔天照的境界,甚至也没有进入冰霜系法则的心境之中,恐怕这才是没有成书的最大原因吧? Said that carves Heavenly Book this matter should not be the percentage hundred success ratios, otherwise Heavenly Book is not valuable. 说起来刻写天书这种事情原本就不应该是百分百成功率的,不然天书也就不值钱了。 !! !!
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